The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, May 7, 1902. Candidates G-alore. The Spartanburg Herald gives the following list of men who will be in the field'for the offices in $he coming primary: The meeting of the Democratic clubs throughout the State has started the political ball moving. From all over the State reports are received indicative of a larger number of candidates for county and State offices than ever before. The vote will be very heavy. The local interest in county officers draw out a larger vote it- _ Whilo fVioro W8Q I'UO OIQIO UU1UD1 Q> II UltU twvav is do national campaign this year national issues will be discussed by the very active list of candidates for the United Skates Senate. The platform adopted by the State convention will in a great measure govern and direct tbe policy of the candidate. Expansion, imperialism, corporate combinations and corporate influences will be discussed by tbe convention if we are to judge by the newspapers. Likewise the status of "Commercial Democrats" will probably come up. Outside of this tbe convention will prob '~?+. ably be a tame affair. The candidates who are advertised as seeking the suffrages of the people for the United States Senate are: D. S. Henderson, Senator from Aiken county; Congressman A. C. Latimer, of Anderson county; J. J. Hemphill, ex Congressman, of Chester county; Congressman William Elliott, Beaufort; ex-Congressman, George Johnstone, of Newberrj; ex-Governor John Gary Evans, of Spartanburg and Senator John L McLaurin, the incumbent. " From the First Congressional district, George S Legare, of Charleston, M P. Howell, of Colleton; Representative Galluchant, of Clarendon and Representative Bacot, of Charle6, ton. From the Second, Attorney General Bellinger, of Barnwell; Solicitor J. Wm. Thurmond, of Edgeljeld and Representative G W Croft, of Aiken. The Third district is full of candidates. Senator George S. Mower, of Newberry; Dr.- C. T Wycbe, a former member of the House from Newberry; Abbeville presents Senator W. M. Graydon, Court Stenographer Wvatt Aiken and ex Senator I. H. McCalla; Anderson has two representatives, George E. Prince and E Marion Rucker; Pickens, Dr. R. F. Smith, and Solicitor Julius E. Boggp. Among those mentioned are Executive Committeeman D. H. Magill of Greenwood, F. H. Dominick of Newberry and D. A. G. Outz of Greenwood. In the Fourth district Congressman Joseph T. Johnson will stand for re-election. It is also stated that Mr. Stanyarne Wilson will make the race. Tbe Fifth is somewhat prolific Congressman Finley has opposing his re flection W. Black Wilson, a member of the Constitutional Convention, ex Congressman T. J. Strait, Adjutant and Inspector General Floyd, of Kershaw; Solicitor J. K. Henry, of Chester. Id the Sixth the incumbent Congressman Scarborough, will b8 opposed by former Congressman James Norton and probably J E. Ellerbe of Marion and T. W. Bouchier of Marlboro. Congressman Lever of the Seventh will have J C. McLaughlin of Orangeburg and probably Senator Marshall of Richland against him. The avowed candidates for Governor are former Solicitor Ansel of Greenville, Lieutenant Governor Tillman of Edgefield, Congressman W. J. Talberfc of Edgefield, Dr. W. H. Timmerman of LexiDgtoD, D. C. Heyward of ColletoD, with no report from Governor McSweeney. For Lieutenant Governor, former Speaker of the House Frank B. Garj; Cole L Blease, former member of the House from Newberry, and probably Senator J. L. Glenn, of Chester. Assistant Secretary of State J. T. Gantfc, Representative J. Thomas Austin of Greenville, Private Secretary E. H. Aull of Newberry, Representative J. H. Brooks Greenwood will contest for the office of Secretary of State. Senator W. H Sharpe of Lf xing toD, N. W. Brooker of Richland and the incumbent, J. P. Derham, will make the race for Comptroller General. . Assistant Attorney General U. X GuDter of Spartanburg and Speaker W. F. Stevenson of Cheraw, are candidates for Attorney General. For Adjutant and Inspector General are Col. J. C- Boyd of Greenville, Capt. J. C Patrick of Anderson and John D. Frost of Richland. For State Treasurer no one has been mentioned as opposing the incumbent, R H. Jennings. The incumbent, John J. McMahan, and Prof. 0. B. Msrtin of Greenville are candidates for Superintendent of Education. It has been impossible to Keep up with the candidates for Railroad Commissioner, but anyway those mentioned are the incumbent, J. C. Wilborn, Senator B. L. Caughman, of Saluds; Representative J. C. Wolling, of Fairfield; Hon. J. G. LTobley, of Fairfield; former Private Secretary W. Boyd Evans, of Richland; Representative H. J. Kinard, of Greenwood; A. C. Jepson, of Florence; Col. Berry, of Darlington. The lisfc is of course incomplete. Our exchanges frequently contain suggestions of candidates, but there is seldom enough seriousness in the suggestions to consider them. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be please to learn tbat there is at least one dreaded disease tbat scieose bas been able to care in all its stages, and tbat is Citarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitational treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and mucons surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work Th9 proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Sold by all druggists Price 75 cent3. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A New Cotton Picker. . A special to the Birmingham News from Jackson, Miss, says: The first regular contract ever made in the world to pick cotton by machinery was closed in Greenville a few days since, aDd the first experiment with the machine will be made on a plantation in Washington county next fall. A Pittsburg man is the inventor of the device and for the past ten years has been conducting experiments in the vicinity of Greenville. He now claima that the device has been moddled on a practical work ing basis and feels confident that he will revolutionize the cotton picking industry in the South. The machine, he admits is valueless except on the Ifivel nnlands. lnw vallfiVR and nrairio grounds, but even if it should prove successful with this limit, its effect on the labor question in the South will be very marked. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Fourteen Years of Suffering. "I have been afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen years," says Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. "I was able to be around but constantly suffered. I tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by J. E. Kauf mann. Aa Editor's Schedule. An Oklahoma editor announces the following cash-in-advance schedule: For telling that a man is a successful citizen when everybody knows that be is lazier than a government mule, $2 75: referring to the deceased as one sincerely mourned by the entire community when he will be missed only at the poker circle, $1.08; referring to a lady as one whom it is a pleasure to meet when every business man hides if he sees her coming, S3 19; sending a tough to heaven, with poetry thrown in, $5. OLD PEG & Do not always receive the sympathy i they deserve. Their ailments are 1 imaginary, or natural and unavoidat life. Disease and infirmity should n< ated with old age. The eye of the gr; may be as bright and the complexior his younger and more vigorous com Good Blood is tho secret o and controls every part of the body, muscles elastic and supple, the bones this life fluid is polluted or poisoned a: ing elements, then there is a rapid d< in premature old age and disease. Ai shows itself in an ulcer, sore, wart growth upon the bod}-, and rheumatic constant, accompanied with poor dige< , S,S-S'bei stimuiates the ailments disappear. S. S. S. is just improve a weak digestion and tone up tan- taint, or the remains of some dis< will search it out and remove every ve Write us fully about your case an you. This will cost you nothing, and and skin diseases. THE SWIFT The South's Opportunity. Augusta Evening Herald. For years and years the idea has been growing in the South that the United States should construct and own the Niceragua canal. Senator MorgaD, of Alabama, has been the conspicuous champion of this idea in the Senate. Along with the agitation of the canal and the trend of recent events has come the question of a great merchant marine, ship subsidies, etc. Expansion of foreign trade and the opening of gateways of the world's commerce through Southern ports is the South's opportunity. In our sister States the political antagonisms of MeLaurin and Tillman bring out this question for disfliiooinr Vmf nnfnrtnnatfilv tbft iflftue KUOOIW, k/MU m-.v. vv- J there is clouded with personalities and factional polities to such an extent that there is little hope of securing an argument and decision on the merits of the case. In the meantime the men of other sections are taking up the question for discussion and in a recent speech Secretary Shaw struck a key-note of militant patriotism that rings stroDgand true. Among other things the Secretary said: "Gentlemen, we must have the t largest merchant fleet ever kissed by ocean breezes, and the carriers of international commerce must be built of American yards by American labor. They are to be manned by American sailors, fired by American coal, or more probably oil, and they are to float the stars aDd stripes. Whether this be accomplished by government aid or through American patriotism and American capital and American energy. I cannot say. Whether this consummation shall be contributed to by statesmen or achieved by financiers is immeterial compared with the great importance of the thing itself. American wealth, plus Hawaii, which are ours, plus the Isthmian canal, which we will surely construct, plus a merchant marine which we will surely build, transfers the sovereignty of the Pacific ocean from the Union Jack to the Stars and Stripes." Surely such a state of affairs? American ships carrying the world's commerce and that through the Nicaragua canal, touching all South Atlantic ports must make indeed for the South's opportunity. How It Is Done. T'ko flrof nkitnf. in life tciffi tliA O. UU U1DU Ui'JN. VV v f> ?VM WM-W American people is to "get ricb;1' the second, bow to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saviDg; the second, (good health) by using Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc , such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costivenese, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc, you seed Dot suffer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will relieve you at once. Go to Kaufmann's Drugstore and get a sample bottle free. Regular size, 75 cts. Get Green's Special Almanac. Warm Times Ahead. Washington, May 1.?There will be lively times in the senate before the pending debate on the Philip pine question is ended. The deter >PLEj^k md attention which egarded as purely )le at their time of \|||_ J^ alwa\-s be ay haired grandsire^^^^^^^^^^ i as fair as any panions. ' f healthy old age, for it regulates strengthens the nerves, makes the strong and the flesh firm; but when nd loses its nutritive, health sustainieline of the vital powers, resulting ly derangement of the blood quickly , tumor or some other troublesome ! and neuralgic pains become almost ;tion and cold extremities, nsr -purely vegetable, is the safest and | fier for old people. It does not shock em like the strong mineral remedies, l thoroughly cleanses the blood and debilitated organs, when all bodily such a tonic as old people need to the Stomach. If there is any herediease contracted in early life, S. S. S. stige of it from the system, d let our physicians advise and help I we will mail free our book on blood SPECIFIC CAM FA MY, Atlanta, Ga. ruination of the Democratic senators to attack the conduct of the army in the Philippines has aroused the Republicans, who intend to retaliate by a series of speeches. Both sides now have speeches in course of preparation, containg pertinent declarations. It is evident that the debate will be long and bitter, and the bill can hardly be disposed of before the first of June. The prospect of an early adjournment is not fluttering. TTTTii+a "VTA* TitptiaA VAIIATC V? *** W BTtWM m MtMlVM M VatiW TV Great consternation was felt by the friends of M A H^garty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changpd color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured.'' A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by J. E. KaufmanD, Druggist. Deserve De-election. The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Evening Post, writing under date of April 29tb,. has the oArt t-Vl/% ^Vi TtAim/Vflof I lUllUWlU^ tu OOJ Ui tuo uuicu juuu^cn members of the South Carolina delegation: "Representatives Scarborough, Johnson aDd Lever, are usually among the first of the members of the South Carolina delegation to arrive at the Capitol each day. They usually arrive at the Capitol about half an hour before the session conoenee, and can be found in their committee rooms, or at their desks looking after the interests of their constituents. All three of these members are expecting renominatioDs, and their record ought to be in their favor." Whooping Cough. A woman who has had exnerience I with this disease, tells how to prevent any daDgerous consequences from it. She says: Our three chil dren took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough R?medy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops?Jessie Pinkey Hall, Springville. Ala This Remedy is for sale by J E Kaufmann. The Reason Why. Mrs. Dorcas?Why shouldn't a woman go into politics? Dorcas?How in the world is Bhe going to nail a campaign lie. Dangerous If Neglected. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesome sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve preveDts such consequences Even where delay haa aggravated the injury D^Witt's Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. "I had a running sore on my leg thirty years," says H. C. Hartly, YaDkeetowD, Ind. "After using remedies, I tried DeWitt'a "Witch Hazel Salve. A few Ur>xes healed the sore." Cures all . u diseases. Piles yield to it at oDce. Beware of counterfeits. J. E. Kaufmaon. Why Ho Didn't Care. "Daddy, the cows are in the corn!" "Let 'em eat; I've jmed the Beef TruBt " Like a Drowned Man. "Five \ears ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia took such hold of rue that I could scarcely go," writes Geo. S. Marsh, well-known attorney of Nocona, Tex. "I took quantities of pep3in and other medicines but no'hing helped me. As a drowning man grab3 at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after a few bottles am bound and well " Ivodol is the only preparation which exactly repro duces the natural digestive juices and const quently fs the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. J E KaufmaDn. lEUKUl BI. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. ROOF, Cashier, DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird R. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. Keptember 21?tf (Hi HOI IK, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. rVTTPn CTiTPV STATE flTV A \'T1 fMTAITV L.u i ijU oiiiijuu. uiiixii) mi i nnu tuiiui DEPOSITORY. Saving's Department. Paid up Capital - - - $200,000 Surplus Profits . - . 70,00* Liability of Stockholders - 200 000 $470,000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cert' ner annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A. CLARK, President. Wiiie-Tones, Vice President and Cashier. Oeeomber 4?ly. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - . - S. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens ol Lexingtor County. -1 Octcbor 18--ly. HASR^BALSAM fjCleanses and beantifiea the bait. m Promotes a luxuriant growth. .JOS Never Falls to Ecstore Oray Hair to its Youthful Color. Wyyfi ?- ?# Cures scalp disposes it hair lolling. iCic.and$1.00at Pru?gjsts__J pOIUMBIA, NEWB~RRY AND ^LAURENS RAILROAD. In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am lvAtlanta(SAL)ir 8 00 pm 10 11 am lv Arhensar 5 28 pm 11 16 am lv Eiberton ar 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar "[Clinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am iv ?Gienn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv [[Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm 1 16 pm ar "[Laurens lv... 1 38 pm "[Dinner. $(c & w. c.) [[Harris Springs NO762 *NO. 21~ 11 08 am lv..Columbia, .lv 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 a m ar Irmo . ..arlO 15 am 11 35a m ar.Bailentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m ar.WhiteKock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 sm 12 03 a m arL. Mountain arl2 '25 pin 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pm 12 17 p m 1 10 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar... Jalapa... ar 3 05 pm 12 48 d m ar. ..Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pre 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar . ..Parks ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pro *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. NoT53 *NoT22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 9 00 am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12pm lv. ..Kinard.. .lv 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 1 00 pm 3 25 pm lv... Hiltf? n... lv 115 pm 3 29 p m 1 30 pm 3 34 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 4.3 rv m lv Trmn .lv 2 45 Dm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm 05 p m 3 25 pm Dniw freight except Sunday 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or write to W. G, CHILDS, T. M. EMERSON, President. Traffic Manager J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON, Sol. Ag"nt. Gen, Ft. & Pass Agt? Columbia, S. 0. Wilmington, N. C Mil Mile Mi, LIZm&TOH, s, c. iocm. iWmlliiE music, 195 pupils enrolled last session. Experienced Teachers. Hoard $4 to $7. Tuition $1 lo $2 50. Next session begins September 9, 1901. For catalogue, address 0. D. SEAY, Principal. August 28, 1901. tt. dr. e, j, ethebed6b, SUKGEON DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. Office next door below post office. Always onband. February 12. Dr. . E. Lea?liart RIAL ESTATE BROKER, AND fire nfl lie line flpl, LEXIHGTCN, S. C. RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE NEW YORK LIFE THE STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON EARTH. Persons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company should notify me and I will call upon them at their homes if preferred. 1200 acres of well timbered land, situate in Black Creek township, about five miles from a railroad station. There is a good water power on the place. Price, $2,500 ? cheap at this price. Titles good. QAA ACRES OF GOOD FARMING Oww land, t0 acre^ o'-eo, situated about half w*y b-twce i Swat sea ann Gast n ard convergent- to ra roa^. Builicgs on t p ace are in fair condition.. Titles ?0,d, terms asy. P ice $7. 0 00. DR. C E. LEAPHART, Real t<s ate and Insurance Agtnt. Dyspepsia Cure 1 Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tha fligestants and digests all kinds of food. Itgives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food vou want. The mostsensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been i cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago ^he $1. bottle contains 2Vi times the 50c. size. J. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. Willi CHEMICAL CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BflfsSilWiies. ?URE POP FEVER&CSUGH CURE FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. There is no better Remedy lor these diseases on the market. WHITE LINIMENT, A Wonderfnl and Infallible Remedy for Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, an i all kinds of Sprains, Brnises ^ and Collar Boil.s Price 25c. MAGNETIC OINTMENT. THE GREAT SORE HEALER. 1 Sure S'op ?!ie Cure The Most Wondt-ful r olic Cnre on Earth Price 50 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., P. 0. BOX 224, COLUMBIA, S. C. Jane 12?11m. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS 1 ?4^ Safe. Always reliable. Ladles, ask Druggist for Ci(IC!lF>TER'S ?\ULISH in Ked and ?o3d metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Talf A nft RaTrira dj?tnr*orAiitA niihuti* tationaaud imitation*. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4c. in stamps for Particular*. Tcstfmonialn and "Belief for Laeie*," in Wier, V by return 31 ail. Itr.OOO Testimonials. fcjold by M all Drugtri9ta. ^ CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2100 Madison Square, PHILA., PA. Mention this paper. OpglSBJ CJCAINF^ WHISKY EVMriIS H?bits Cured at mySanatorium, in 80 day*. Hundreds of references. 25 years a specialty. Book on. Home Treatment sent FREE. Address B. M. WOGLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. GEORGE BRUITS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, 8. C., ^ JEWELER ind REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, all for sale at lowest prices. .Bepairs cn Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderater prices. 50?tf. Vh?n writing mention the Dispatch.