II III I II ! II II I !!! Bill I ? lllllll 111 Wt The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, April 16, 1902. The G-lory of the Brass Band. Harvey Sutherland thus describee in Ainelee's Magazine the glories and Dossibilities of the village brass band: ' Oh, listen to the band! Oh, ain't it something grand?"' "How it may be iD Europe I cannot pretend to say, but in this coun' try a town without a brass band of its own must be a poor thing, shamefully lacking in local pride and public spirit, a town with no Ugit-up" to it at all. I do not know that there are such. I hope not. "I like to think that everywhere in my country they speak in an tffec tionate way of the musiciaDS as 'tne band boys,' and brag about how much better they can play than the Mt. Victory band. I like to think that all the merchants and storekeepers in town helped out when the band . was organized and the fellows came around soliciting subscriptions for the first payment on the instruments, and that when the other installments fall oTToruKortv hnvs tickets to the UUOV.WJW-J J - ( home talent miDstrel shows got up to raise the money, not only because ?> there will be more fun than a little, ( but also because tbey wish them good luck. And how proud we all are of them when the boys' turn out , for the first time in their new uni- , forms! Talk about Solomon in all his glory, I have seen bandsmen that would make him look like he bad overalls on. And the drum majoi! . If I could be a drum major for a liv- 1 iDg, lock the part and dre38 up like < him and walk in front of the band, .< tossing up my silver knobbed baton i and catchiDg it again the way he does, i T wnnld nnt bother mv head about 1 beiDg President of the United States Not for a mioute. I can just see the i bandstand on Main street, cr perhaps i in the court house yard, where on i Saturday nights the band gave con- < certs by torchlight and playp, "On i Duty March/ and "Helter Skelter Galop," and maybe "No. 23 in the Black Book,1' while the farmers listen well paid for the long drive in from ^ the country 10 or 15 miles. Fair times, political ralliep, firemen's tournaments, ball games, Decoration days, Fourth of July, I can see the boys swagger along in the middle of the street, and bear the drums roll 'Prrrrrr rcmpom!* before the tune strikes up. When they brought home Col. Clayburn's body and led his rideless horse behind the hearse, i it was the baDd playing Webster's | Funeral March with a handkerchief j stuffed betwefn the snares cf the ] tenor drum to muffle its sharp note that made all seem so solemD, and who can forget hoW lonesome sounded the melody of 'taps' on one single cornet just before the grave was filled in? ] "Inseparable from all civic func- J tions, the band has in the country town nearer and more neighborly as- 1 ^ 8X*iations. For example, when'Squire Morgan and his wife celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. Everybody thought the world and all of the old 'squire and aunt Margaret, and so, for a surprise, when it got dark, the band boys slipped quietly into the front yard and began to play 'When You and I Were Young, Maggie." It is sweet old tune, and we all stopped our chatter to listen. As it floated in on the warm June air scented with honeysuckles, something clutched at our throats and made them ache. Bnt now we are aged and gray. Maggie, The trials of life aTe nearly done: Let U3 sing of the days that have gore, Maggie. Waen yon and I were young., "The two old people stood listening. Their lips trembled, aDd the * tcarfl fitnlfl into their eves. Their t>VW? W ~ ~ ? %s hands sought and clasped each other's. When the not >s ceased aEd the old squire when out on the poach to thank the boys his voice broke and he couJd only beckon to them. And then they came trooping in, and th9 whole posse of them, all laughing and wishing maDy happy returns of the day. And how those fellows did make the ice cream and cake variat! You would have thought, they were hollow j to the heels. Regular cut upy, all of them. Such a tim*! "I like to think that in every town in the land tonight somebody is prac ticing on his 'looby' out ia the barn j with a lantern?tuba make* a noise j in the house?and goiDg, 'Ponmp? j poornp?pocmpoompocEopoom,' and ihat out. on the Milville road the tenor horn is slapping his foot en the flpor for the accented beats and tooting on the cff. beats: 'Hoof ta, hcofta, bobf-tatty-ta-tcy and the alto born has his bock on the kitchsn table, propped 8gainst the coffee pot, and j blowing, T a a-t a 8?Ah-ta-ta. and j that the soprano cornet is working at j - - - - . -? n J bis part with his chest raised aDd a , surprised and swelled up lock on bis face. Each of tfcem fiom time to time wipes his mouth piece and then j his puffed lips ard says to himself,! 'Dad blame it! Why can't I get that thing right?' "I like to think of that regular practice night (Tuesday, I tbiDkit is) in the up stairs of Rook and Ladder No. 1. Each fellow carries bis in ' i _ 11 j ? : T I strumens to trie Dan aoue up in a uag, and before practice begins they all bleat away, each playing over his own part regardless cf what the others ! are doing. By-aDd-by comes the | sharp rattle of the leader's baton, and in the silence the chairs scrape and squeal as they are hitched into a semi-circle on the bare floor. 'Now, we got a new piece,' said the leader; i 'but now I guess we had better start in on No. 16. Now, boys, quit your FooliDg. Attention now,' One, two, three, four, one, two, three, tat-ta rattat tea! and away they gc." Better Than Pills. The question has been asked, "In what way are Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets superior to pills?" Our answer is: They are easier and mo^ pleasant to take, more mild and zentle in effect and more reliable as they can always be depended upon Then they cleanse and invigorate the 3tomach end leave the bowels in a oatural condition, while pills are cnore harsh in effect and their use is jften followed by constipation. For =ale by J. E. Kaufmann. A Puzzle that Pussies. Take the number of i cur living ; brothers. Double this rmount. A J J 4- ? 4- V* v r\ rs /1UU LU it IUICD. Multiply the result'by fivs. Add to it the cumber of Kvirg sisters. Multiply the result by 10. Add cumber of deaths of brothers md sisters. Substract 150 from the result. The right hand figure win be number of deaths: the middle figure will be number of living sisters, and the left figure will show the number of living brothers. Try this in your own case. The greatest man is he who troubles himself the least about the verdict that may be passed upon him by posterity, but who finds in doing good honest work to the best of his ability, ander existing conditions, "'its own j pxeeeding great reward " ImniERHOOsI 8 The greatest ambition of Amcr- E g ican men and women is to have jf | homes blessed with children. The g 1? v-?iuaix iiimcieu "v\ JLXI ieiliaiC CilS- 0 ease is constantly menaced with g becoming a childless wjfe. No a medicine can restore dead or- jl gaiis, but Wine of Cardui docs gjj regulate derangements that pre- y vent conception; does prevent 9 miscarriage; does restore weak pf functions and shattered nerves and docs bring babies to homes $ barren and desolate for years. B Wine of Cardui gives women the gg ! health and strength to bear heal- H thy children. You can get a B dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui B from your dealer. ^ JS ! 143 Market fetrect, Memphis, Tenm, April 11, 2901. B I In February, 1901,1 took one bottle of Sj Wine of C'rdri and ono package of H Thcdford's Mack-Draught, i had been gj married fifteen years end had Jiever 3j given birt.a io a ehild un* il I took \V3 ie gj Kg oi v urui. . ') > i amnotncroi a line H B babysirl v/Iiieh w i born Unreh 3', 1901. vs | The baby weigjis ft>u:te u pounds and i jS be v.'iiiiout .Vine ' .f ( ar'ini in my bo.)srt 0 Q For advice no DeWitt's Little Early Risers uie tee most eati.-factory pills I ever took. Never grippe or cause nausea." J. E. Kaufmatm. ' J^^otesL| Call to Democrats. Batesburg, April Otb, 1902. To the Cemocrats of Lexington Co.: In accordance with the order of , the State Executive Committee, I , hereby call the Democratic clubs of Lexington county to assemble on i Saturday, April 2Gtb, for the purpose of reorganizing and electing delegates to the county convention to be held on May 5th in accordance with article , 2 of th9 constitution of the Democratic party of South Carolina. The } county conventions when so assem- | f bled will elect delegates to the State convention, and each county will be entitled to double its representation . in the legislature in that convention and to elect a county chairman and a member of the State Democratic executive committee. , Respectfully, H. A. Spann. Chairman Executive Committee. The State democratic executive committee has instructed the county chairmen t) issue a call for a meetI icg of the respective townships and , ward clubs to be held on the fourth | Saturday in April. When convened, these clubs shall each have a distinct , title, "The Democratic clubhand shall elect a president, one or more vice-presidents, a recording and a corresponding secretary, and shall have the following working committees of not less than three members each: a I committee on registration, an executive committee and such other com! mittees as may be deemed expedient. Each club shall elect a member of , the county executive committee, under the control of which the clubs shall be held together and operate. . The county executive committee shall elect its own officers, except the chairman whr> shall he elected bv the con- I , vention. These officers need cot necessarily be members of the committee. The clubs shall elect delegates to the county convention?one delegate for each twenty ^ve mem, bers and one delegate for a majority fraction thereof. The county convention, when assembled, shall be called to order by J the chairman of the executive committee, and the county convention shall proceed to nominate and elect from among its members a president, one or more vice-presidents, a secre- j tary and a treasurer, and shall be j held on the first Monday in May. [ The county convention shall elect delegates to the State convention, ! I <=> I each county being entitled to double I | the number of delegates as it has members of the general assembly. The State convention has been called r to meet on the third Wednesday in May in the city of Columbia at 12 m. Each county convention mu6t, at the meeting on the first Monday in May, elect a member of the State Democratic executive committee. 3 Each county delegation to a State f convention shall have power to fill - any vacancy therein. The State ccn3 vention shall be called to order by the chairman of the State Democratic executive committee. A temporary chairman shall be elected by the con> vention, and when organized shall . , . T f | I elect a president, vice-presiueni irom ; each congressional district, two secretaries and a treasurer. U. X. Gunter, Jr., Sec State Dppj. Ex. Cum. Hilton's Life for I ! the Liver and Kid j ' neys will cure | dyspepsia. I Cohsns 5k Store J ^ ^ ^ 16;^G STREET, ^ ^ Col"U.m."bia,.. S- C-, |> -w8L' !S THE PLACE TO GET THE ^ BEST SHOES AT THE LOW- M EST PRICES. jgjj 4f EVERY SHOE SOLD WARRAN- al As. .;'2v'?yV VS. ZAL /is ' VS W r^K." VS. /Hi. W ? ? ????? i MBTW? nrWWPM ?i " ???????HKgJ?W??WDB?????K???i??W???i* [!harlestonT]qor,^ash andT umberHo MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, MILL WORK AND LUMBER. -?>v "Wefirnaffl 1 CATAT^OG-TTS ( CTTPSiESS A1TD f r A i WW riUiW VAAMWVVi f vow u MMUW w* w ?? > ^ ? ? We Save You Honey. > Seat ] YELLOW PINE Our Goods are the Best.) on Bequest. ( are Our Specialties, Factory Saw Mill and Ponds: Office and Yards: .Ashley River and Cumming's Creek. 21 to 47 Ashley Ave., CHARLESTON, 8. C. April 24?]y. fwammmmmm MBMiiin mm mi ~ SOUTHERN j RAILWAY 1 I THE GREAT HIGHWAY ? , OF TRADE AND TRAVEL. | i I Uniting the Principal Commercial Centers and Health and Pleasure Resorts of the South with the & nr* v r r* /? r rYhT* ro" a I ivukin, tLJtJi ana ujhji. g Higb-Class Vestibule Trains, Through Sleeping-Cars I between New YorK and New Orleans* via Atlanta. I Cincinnati and Florida Points via Atlanta and via I Ashcville. B New York and Florida, eitber via Lynchburg Danville I and Savannah, Or via Richmond, Danville and I Savannah. Superior Dining.Car Service on all Through Trains. B Excellent Service and Low Rates to Charleston ac> 5 count South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian R Exposition. S Winter Tourist Tickets to all Resorts new on sale at B reduced rates. Kg J WILL PAY 1 HE HIGHEST MARI. k?t price ior cl(au :ir t pure Beeswax. Price governed 'ov ^o'.or and condition RICE B, HARMAN, At the Bazaar. Lexm?rton. S. C Jantxary 27? V iFor detailed information, literature, time tables, rates, etc. M apply to nearest ticket-agent, or address S. 51. HARDWICK, W.H.TAYLOE, I General Passenger Agent, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Washington, D. C. 4 Atlanta, Ga. ^ R. W. HUNT, J. C. BEAM, ^ Div. Passenger Agent, District Pass. Agent, Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. B FEBRUARY iO. 1902. -m4t\ J | Parlor Restaurant w&h FRUIT TRFfi^l 11 1330 MAIN streetI Hill illMO COLUMBIA, - S. C., HPHE 0NLY UP-TO-DATE EATING That Grow and Bear Frnit. X Houfce ot its kind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept?clean linen. O Write for our 60 page il- prompt and polite service and getit quickly, jlustrated Catalogue and 10 Quiet and order always prevail. You gz< Inage pamphlet, "How to what yon order and pay only for what you ited -nGivos1Uyoue that in- &[' W^tbin f*8* reach of desirable si<*p [formation you have so loiur mg apumcuio. 19 OPEN ALL NIGHT. _ B. DAVID, Proprietor. ^ all of which you have often February -0. wondered where the trees ___ JT % came from that produced /' || EVERYTHING GOOD IN W. A. BECKLIM WMfj' FRUITS. a -5rn^_ jj' Off1 tTnnsa! (lne stock .If SILVES ^LETISi, j COLUMBIA, S. C. \?, "rsaioou: iiuu?u.i. r^^X" ""rnSSl. "TbSll; TS NOW MAKING THE BEST PICthe most rapid growing ma- JL tares that can be bad in this country, f*nd one of the mo?t beau- and all who have never had a real line pietr'?,(.r^" . ,n i tare, should now trv somj of his latest v/^ \? rito fur prices and give . , .. . , . ^ , _*?; k v-'^y.'list of want*. styien. bpoeiuieiis can be seen ul his (?s 3 lerv. up stairs, next to the Hah. J- Vail Liliiilcy Nursery Co.. When writing mention the Dispatch. m i ^v')"w''/'vd Pomona, N. 0. ----- I ENGINES BOILERS. RSFF^WAY WAKTR1 1 osfisC a uw Tanks. Stacks, Stand Pipes arid Sb?et-Iroa Work; Stalling, Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, nj T A "ROT? OT? ATT OTTAIQ'TTTTPQ Ha-igera, etc. Mill Cnstlnes. i Jrt bJXL&L,L tVCuat erery day; work 200 hands. ... ? LOMBARD IRON WORKS A SUPPLY C? ? rrnr'nm i AUAQATi