The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 9. 1902. " PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Candidates were much in evidence last Monday. Several cases of measles are reported in town. Sberill (Jaugfctman advertises a mare mule for sale. The County Beard of Registration was in session Monday. Squire U. W. Jefcoat, of Swansee, was in town Monday. Hon. E. L. Asbill, of Leesville, was in town Monday on legal business. The county chain gang is this week working on the Augusta road near i Leesville. Mrs. Jeff Price was buried jester- | day afternoon in tbe Price burying j ground. "We understand that Mr. W. M. " ' ' - -- "ftr??(. Uoriey cas resigneu ats ^agioiiatc al Brookland. / There is only one prisoner in jail and he is white serving a short sentence. Magistrate W. M. Corley, of Brookland, was in town Monday and while here gave us a call. "W- Sr>olorr?rP Ipff", for , JJ. I . JLIiUUUl^U Savannah, Ga., yesterday morning, ( where he will accept a position. | Cotton reached nine cents for the best grade in Columbia yesterday and the same price in Leesville. Mr. Julius Ballentine returned to i Augusta, Ga., Monday where he will : resume his studies in a business col- ] lege. ; Magistrate Drayton E. Clark, of ( Black Creek, was in town Monday 1 and renewed his subscription for an- i other year. 1 Miss Delia, a daughter of the Dev. J. N. Wright, is visiting the family of Mr. G. S. Bradford and other j friends in town. ! Mr. Boozer Crews, while returning ] from the exposition to his heme in Spartanburg, is stopping over on a visit to relatives in town. Do you want a high grade, latest improved bicycle cheap for cash, or on easy instalments to a responsible j party, if so enquire at this office. Mr. E. F. Bradford, of the Sea- j board Air Line railroad, with beadquarters at Savannah, Ga., visited | his parents in this place, Sunday. Mr. Thomas Calk returned to I Augusta, Ga , to resume his studies in a business college. He, like all true Lexingtonians, has the Dispatch I to follow him. I The Lexington contingent, which visited the Charleston Exposition Inst j week, have all returned home de- j lighted with the eights they saw in "the city by the sea.*' The cold wave which has been j sweeping the country since Monday, j has undoubtedly materially injured ! the fruit and damaged the small i grain crops. Alonzo Hunter, an escape convict j from the chain gang, was recaptured j in Aiken county through the vjgi- i lence of P. H. Craps, our efficient j County Supervisor. He has about a j year to serve. The Governor offers a reward of j fifty dollars for the apprehension and j conviction of the party or parties . who waylaid and shot to death Joe ; Johnson in the Dutch Fork on the eighth day of February last. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys strengthens weak kidneys. trv XT K /-lrt Viaonl o JAttgisJl.1 SIC JLX. x?. jxcvk.c uxrniu a i case of obstructing a higbwav Mod- j day. E. F. Strother, E;q, represented one of the paities and Hon. E. L. Asbill the other. The decission ; was against the defendant. An appeal was taken. The A o'clock service in theMetho- < diet church in this place for next Sunday afternoon will be postponed until 7:30 p. m., when the Rev. E. T. J Hodges, the Presiding Elder, will I preach. The public is cordially in- j yited to attend. % ti&si&z.'::. ... ... ii mil urn iwbwbhwbwbmbm? Capt. Biack, book kee per at the penitentiary, was in town Thursday and paid us a pleasant call. He is a clever and whole souled gentleman and numbers his friends by the score. We enjoyed his visit very much. Mr. P. B. Edwards has returned from a successful business trip in the upper counties of the State, in the interest of the South Carolina Marble Works, of Columbia. He called to ?63 us yesterday and renewed his subscription. Candidates and the friends of candidates are reminded that all communications sent to this effiee in the interest of their candidacy are charged for at the rate of one-half cent a word and that to insure insertion the money must accompany the article. Mr. Henry Z. Adams has had his grists and flour mill near Cedar Grove church, thoroughly overhauled by Mr. S. P. George, one of the most experienced millwrights in the Slate, and he is now prepared to please his patrons, both as to quality and quantity and bespeak for him a liberal share of the public's patronage. He guarantees satisfaction. The St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company has our thanks for a beautiful engraving of Gen. R. E. Lee. Thi3 route offers unexcelled inducements to Confederate Veterans who intend to go to Dallas, Texas, to the re-union. The fare is only one cent a mile for the round trip and operates its own trains from Memphis to Dallas without change. When you visit Columbia to make four purchases of spring and summer dry goods, Dotions and millinery remember that Wm. Piatt handles nothing but standard goods cf the most reliable makes and the purchaser can rest assured that every article is of the best material and full value is given in every sale. An inspection of this stock is respectfully invited. Miss Nola Haltiwanger, who has been clerking tor Mr. w. r. jkooi lor tbe past several years, has accepted a similar position with the Moore Dry Gncds establishment in Columbia and left for her new position Sunday. Miss Noia wa9 quite popular with her friends and acquaintances aDd no doubt she will command a large trade from this county. The advertisement of M. A. Malone was received too late to be changed this week, his old advertisement having been printed on tbe 2nd page Saturday. Iu his new advertisement he makes some extraordinary offers in second hand organs. Watch for his advertisement next week, but in the meantime call on or write to hira for nrices and terms. I Yesterday Treasurer Frank W. Shealy returned to the State Treasurer the sum of $4,72G 87, which is payment in full for the money borrowed from the Sinking Fund Commission under the provisions of the Crosson Act, together with the interest. The Treasurer is of the opinion that he will be able to meet all the expenses of the county this year without the necessity of borrowing any funds. The tempting array of spring and summer goods shown by Fitzmaurice, the well known dry goods merchant of Columbia, wins the admiration of it i _ _ i rni every iaay wno sees it. jl riis is certainly one of the prettiest stocks ever brought to that city and the prices are exceedingly low when the quality of the goods are considered. Give Fitzmaurice a call and he will treat you fair. The Maj-number of The Delineator is the third of the great Spring issues in both fashion and literary features and is the most notable of the season. With the many artistic designs foi garments for iate Spring wear come advance summer fashions frcm the hands of eminent designers, and ir attractiveness these styles have nrobablv never been surpassed This Magazine is the ladies' favorite and has long been recognized the leading fashion Magazine of this country. ? Reduced Rates to Charleston. In addition to the round trip tickets now on sale to Charleston, the Southern Kail way announces the extremely low rate from Lexington and return of $2 13 These tickets will be sold each Tuesday in the month of April and are good to return three days from the date of sale. 0 * 1 i The fact that all women suffer during J the birth-hour leads a great many women to accept a degree of suffering which is 1 altogether 'unnecessary. Sometimes it ! is hours, sometimes days before the j struggle is over. Xo medicine can ab! solutelv eliminate pain from this time i cf travail, but I)r. Pierce's Favorite Pre! scription can and does make the baby's uflvpnt nrrirficnilv nainless. It acts noon i tli2 organs of maternity, giving them i strength and elasticity. It produces ; physical comfort and mental cheerfuli iiess. It is an effective tonic, giving j the mother abundant nutrition for her child. "I believe I owe inv life to I)r. Pierce's rcmej dies. and have long felt it ray duty to acknowledge the benefit I received from Dr. Pierce s j Favorite Prescription and ' Pleasant Pellets.' " says Mrs. Maria O. Havzel. writing front ProokI land. D. C. ''Six years ago. after the birth of i one of my children. I was left in a wcak.runi down condition. My heaiih seemed utterly I gone. Life was a burden. I doctored with three 1 different physicians and got no relief. I began j to get worse, and to add to the complications. I I suffered terribly from constipation. I chanced , to see one 01 your advertisements ana conciuuea I to try the above remedies. I commenced to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ' Pleasant Pellets,'and began to improve right away, and continued improving and gaining in strength. | I cannot express the relief, it was so great. 1 Seven months later my little daughter was born without much trouble. I feel that I would never have been able to endure my confinement only for the help due solely to Dr. Pierce's medicines. She was a fine, healthy child, and the only one I have ever been able "to nurse." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. A ITew Steel Bridge. I We are glad to announce that the ] ramshackle which fpans the | Factory pond near the terminus of | Depct street is to be removed &Dd an ! iron, cr steel, bridge is to be erected. ! We understand mat an agreement ; has been reached by the Board of : County Commissioners and the fac; tory officials, whereby the county is to put up the bridge and build the stone abutments and the factory j company is to do the filling in at , each end of the bridge and build a ! good road way. By reference to the ; advertisement of the County Commissioners it will be seen that bids | are invited to build or construct an , iron or steel bridge sixty feet long i and two stone peirs. We are glad to notice that the preliminary steps j towards the erection of this bridge | have been taken bo early as it shows ! that the officers are in earnest about ! this matter and intend to lose no time in completing the work. I Call and be Phased. Mimnaugh is still continuing to j astonish the consuming public by the : addition of maDy new novelties in i dry goods, notions, millinery, cloth; ing, shoes and hats. He is one of the most experienced buyers in the i South, and is ever on the look out ] for values in the trade centres of the I country, and with ready money at his command he is enabled to get the cream of the offering's. This ex j plaiDS why he sells goods at such j low figures. He can supply the wants of every one, and thus save : them the trouble, and time and ex' pense of running all over town lookj ing for the different articles desired. | When in Columbia call at bis im, meuse department stores and gne | him the opportunity of supplying | your wants at prices that will please * ? | Salesd&y in April. last Monday was salesdav in April, but I notwithstanding this there were not so ' many people in town. The farmers are ! actually too busy planting their crops to spare the time to come to town. The i County Commissioners *ere in session and ! made the county officers happy by paying 1 ' their quarterly salaries. The (berk of the i | Court made the following salevs: W. Pope Jefcoat. a ' i * ^ VS. I Margaret I. Jefcoat. t-1- ? ? ~c r yrt!"iusurc ui jjlui igagc. 1 | All that certain tract of land situate in > | T exington county, on the vest side ot Big j Pond branch, containing fiitv acres, more . 1 or less. Riid bounded on the north by lands of Jacob J. Mack; on the south by land of 5 j Mary Hut to: on the east bv land of C. B. 3 ' Laird, and on the west by laud of Wm. J. i ' Keenan Sold to J. A. Caughman for $110. ) i The Mrs. Malinda See property on Depot . 1 street vas purchased by J. Frank Kaisei > for S3t)l>. ) The property advertised in the ease ol 5 Badbaiii vs. Huffmnn, withd awn toi sa isluctorv reasons. TUomc Brooklyn ftlrl*. . Flossie -Psychology! I'm disappoint( ed with it?every hit of me. Hypatia?Of course it has not yet | solved all our difficulties, but ? i Flossie?But what's the use of it? ; Here am I with two men wanting to marry me. and I want to marry one of them, and which it is goodness only knows. And the hook doesn't help in the least.?Brooklyn Life. ! j ^ i I PIPII // i Jamai 1/ X \ i Largest Stock of ! C I Oregon 1115 I Febrnarv 14 _\v Masonic Meetings. a A REGULAR COMMUNICATION 1 ^l^of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, /V\A. F. M., will be held on | Saturday, April 19tb, 1902, at 7 j p. m. Brethren are earnestly rej quested to attend promptly. By order of the W. M. G. M. Harm in, Secretary. A regular communication of ' 7Sr\ Pom aria lodge, No. 151, A. F. j M., will convene in Masonic hall Peak, S. C, Saturday, April 19tb, 1902, at 7 p. in. Brethren will please be prompt in attendance as the Master Masons' degree will be conferred. Fraternity invited. John C. Swygert, Master. THE 3 SPIRITTINE REMEDIES. Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical Profession. No Quack or Patent Medicine, but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. Wholesale and Retail by G. M. HAEMAN. Lexington, S. C. Final Discharge. "V^OlICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL !>' persons interested that I will apply to the Hon George S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, S ate of South Carolina, on the 1st day cl May, 1002, for a liual discharge, as Administrator of the Estate of D. Thomas Gable, deceased. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, as C. C P. and G. S., Administrator. April 1, 19C2. 4w2i. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. Samuel E Bowman, Execator of the Will of Isaiah Logman, deceased Plaintiff. ! against William J. Bowman, Jos. D. Lowman. P. G. Lowmaa. I. J. Lawman, M D. Bick ley. Mary M. Long. Hattie Shealy, Saral j C. Bouknight. I. M. Bouknight. Jame! Franklin Lowman, Ella L Lowman anc ! George Miller Lowman, ueienaanis. i Summons for Belief. (Complaint Served.' j To the Defendants above named: ! "VTOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED ANT { JL required to answer the complaint it ! this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy o your answer to the said complaint on th? i subscribers at their office at Lexington. S, ; j C., within twenty days after the service ! I hereof, exclusive of the day of such ser ; j vice: and. ii you fail to answer the ccm f ! plaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintif j in this action will apply to the court fo: , j the relief demanded in the complaint. EFIRD & DREHER. Plaintiff's Attorneys. ' Dated April 2nd. A D. 1902. - - J To George Miller Lowman: ' | You will please take notice that th< ! original summons and complaint iu th< 3 - 'M* in tli/ i above statea acuuu me uu? ui-? ?... i office of the Clerk ot the Court for Lexing< i ton county. S. C. You will lurther take notice that unless you have some suitable person appointed as your Guardian ac: Litem to represent you in siid suit witbir twenty days Ironi the service hereof upor ! yon, exclusive ot the da,v ot service, the undersigned will thereafter move Saniue B. George, E.s<]., Clerk of this Court, tr , appoint some suitable person as such Guar I diaa ad Litem for you. EFIRD A* DEEHEIi, Pla?nt:ll"s Attorneys. I April 2, 1902. Gw26. I I \ 5 \ v ] \ I X \! \ 5 / \ H | ' \j / ^jjpQOjffl Buggies and Wagons in the State. , )ur Prices this Lowest ^=Rhea Mule Co., 'LAIX STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. STftl/M I Ml) H I M?P.S kJ JL vr ' JLikJ nxixr TONERS' AND ROOFERS' SUPPLSES, Dlimnc WM86HT IRON PIPE, i |S lilll|ldp FITTINGS, VALVES,ETC, I SEND US YOUR ORDERS. LEE A. LOEICK & BIO.. 151 J) MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. March 1!? ?ly. : i ARE YOli SlCll^ t|| SUFFERING, 8! AND NEED n I i MEr^icxasTE? !! If so, you will find in the Drug ' 2 y j.v ?i and Medicine Department at i i j cines for all Complaints, i\$/A ; W\ & I Diseases, Etc., which will j i <$l fll ly?mu x> ' give relief and cure you. ^ : I EDWARD L. ASBILL, 111 ^| LEESVILLE, ^ - - - - S. G.. ' I ?$ PTTS J _ _ ? i Practices in all the Conrts, :j| Tempting |, r 11 Groceries, $ all big boxing events i ^ ^^ Are Best Illustrated and Described in I * for a Sluggish Appetite at tempt- $ POLICE GAZETTE ! . . . Patron of Sports, > L 'twHI make you | $1.00 -13 WEEKS-$1.00 J > /f - a/ September 26. >0 0( ^ Th's signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablet. tbe remedy that cures n cold In one aay J