The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 9, 1902. How to Win. Newberry Observer. How is tha Democratic party to wia in the next campaign? That is the question. It is admitted on all sides that the party has splendid fighting ground, and that what is most Deeded is a broad and aggressive and American policy. The rank and file of the people are fast coming to the conclusion that dead issues are really dead and that if the party is to succeed it must be on a new alignment. Someone expressed it this way recently: "Mr. Bryan cannot expect the Democratic party to stay out in the cold always just for the sake of bis company." Th#* hifalntin. sublimated, sophomoric conception cf '"Democratic principles" has got to give place to the more practical spirit of the age. What Jefferson and Jackson thought and said a hundred years ago has nothing to do with present issues. The issues they contended for have been settled long age?they are dead, and ought to be buried. We must act in the living present. ! We must face the issues before us today and deal directly with them?not ** 1 ^ -3?i ^ av\ irom iiit' biauupuiiit ui iuouauic imposition to the administration or to the Republican party, but according to the rules of common sense and the dictates of the highest patriotism. A policy is not obliged to be wrong simply because the Republican party endorses it; and the Democratic party has suffered by its policy of opposition for opposition's sake. . Take the expansion policy for instance. The great mass of the citizenship of the country Dorth and south endorse the action of the government in freeing I Cuba, in acquiring the Philippines j and in saying the flag of our country shall not go down in the dust to pacify a few, or many, Philippine insurgents, who in a spirit of basest ingratitude are fighting against their deliverers. Democrats in and oat of Congress make a grave mistake in condemning the Philippine policy of the government and thus giving aid and comfort to the government's enemies. It is no kindness to the Fillipinos either to mislead them with tbe idea that the Democratic party may come into power and immediately give them "freedom"?which to them means the right to do as they please without regard to law or the rights of others. If the Democratic party wArfl to win thev would have to con tinue tbs policy of subjugation until j tbe Fillipino insurgents should lay down their arms. Their duty to the great body of islands would require it. The sooner tbe Democrats drop their cry of "imperialism" tbe better for them. Another cry tbey should drop is that of free silver, for the country has shown unmistakably in two cam- j paigns that they do not want free silver. It is a dead issue. A real live issue is tariff reform. And one good live issue in a cam- | paign is worth a dozen dead ones. It | was on that issue that Grover Cleve- j lnr?/1 -wrm ir> 1 Rfi-t flrirl 1.902. Another issue is the control of the trusts. That also is alive issue, and if properly handled would tell effectively in a campaign; but the danger | would be. if not judiciously handled, it might degenerate into a war against i capital of every description. Here , is one of the evils that has come from ! a coalition of ihe Democracy with the Populist and other ''calamity howlers" of the northwest. Varieties of Corn. The Carolina Spartan. Men who fail in makiEg corn are always seeking new seed. They wish something that will muitiplv in field or crib like the widow's oil. There is however a difference in seedDo not send out of your latitude for seed. Do not be deceived by pictures of ears that will sneii out a nan pec*;. If you have a neighbor that raises an abundance of corn for his own use and always has some to sell, it would be safe to get his seed corn. For early field corn the Dent varieties, yellow or white, and the Hickory King are good. They mature about thirty days before the -ordinary field 1 corn. It is always well to try a lot in one of these varieties. Perhaps the best corn for the average farmer is the Baldwin if pure seed can he secured. This fills well at both euds, ! the grain is white and 70 pounds in j the ear will shell GO to G2 pounds. That will often give two ears to the stalk on good land with reaconable distance. There are two or three prolific varieties, making two or three pars to the stalk. Some farmers sue ceed admirably with these. As to the value of the white and yellow varieties chemists soy there is no apj preciable difference. The general | belief is that the yellow is better as food for stock. The chemists say it is not. If you buy seed corn do not go far from home to get it. If you do, get from that section similar in soil and climate to your own. If one expects a large yield, corn ?' i i # i\. j.T :L must De cultivated irom me urne jo is a few inches high. It will not wait like cotton. Clean and frequent cultivation is required to make it do its best. The uplands of South Carolina can be brought up to 30 bushels of corn and 5 to 10 bushels of peas to the acre. * A Valuable Medicine For Coughs and Colds in Children. "I have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ail who are suffering from coughs colds,*' says Chas. M. Cramer, E?q., a well known watch maker, o? (JolomDo, ueyion. "it Das been some two years since the city dispensary first called my attention to this valuable medicine and I have j repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial. It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. Ic is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of horseness. I have persuaded maDy to try this valueable medicine, and tbey are all as well pleased as myself over the results." For sale by J. E KaufmaDn. What Gen. Early Will.Sey. j Frcm the New York World. Gen. Fiizhugh Lee, who distin- I guished himself in the Confederate j service and is now on the regular j army retired list a9 a brigadier gen- j eral, recently went on a visit to West j Virginia. While there he met an old j comrad in arms whose reception was 6omewbat frigid. "Well what's the matter V said Gen. Lee. "Oh nothing much," was the noncommittal reply. "There is something wrong" persisted the General. "Out with it! What do vou want ?" * After being strenuously urged the j old comrade said: "Well i want to die at least nan j an hour before you do. I want to i be in the otber world when you arrive tbere just to hear what Gen. Jubal i Early says when he sees you in a : blue uniform." Shot In His Left Leg. For al! kinds of sores, burns, bruise?, or otber wounds DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases jield to it at once. Never fails in caefs of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine but j DeWitt's. Beware of counterfeits. ] "I suffered for many years from a j sore caused by a gun shot wound in | my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, Fug- j lish, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all : kinds of remedies to no purpose | until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel I Salve. A few boxes completely cured | me." J. E. Kaufmann. | Can't You Learn to Love J?e? ? "But, oh, sweety can't you learn to I love me .'" "No darling, I never j could study."' >Veepicfr, slit told liim he had no heart: Ah, women, why will ye wrong us men' He had merely compelled her tears to start Hi cause bis liver was "oft"' agaiu. Greenville, Tenn. I have thoroughly convinced rnyj self that Dr. Baker's Blood and Liver Cure is the tinest medicine j made for Indiges.ion and ConetipaI tion. (I have tried them all) and was cured bv the use of this niedicine, after all others had failed. I most cheerfully and unhesitatingly endorse it. Yours truly, fi. X. Baker, Mayor. For sale at the Bazaar. \ ' I bequeath to my children Sero attendant horrors, humiliation and suf strange legacy to leave to posterity; ; place upon the shoulders of the youn; This treacherous disease dwarfs the the growth and development of the child born of blood poison, or scrofula-1 is poorly equipped for life's duties. Scrofula is a disease with numi symptoms; enlarged glands or tumor and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak skin eruptions upon different parts of t presence of tubercular or scrofulous m and stealthy disease entrenches itself : j the bones and tissues, destroys the red white swelling, a pallid, waxy appearai a gradual wasting away of the body, * S. vS. S. combines both purifying i teed entirely veg the digestion ar lost properties to the blood and quicker color to the skin and vigor to the weak Write us about your case and our p help you in every possible way to regai skin diseases free. TKE. SWIFT ITot Much Like Peace. j < I : LondoD, April 4?General Kitchener today reports a heavy engagement near Dreikull, western Transvaal, March 31st, in which 1,500 Boers under Gens. Delarey and ! Kemp, were completely routed by a j force of British under Generals Cook] son and Keier. The report reads: 4'Our forces were reccnnoiteriDg toward Hart ( river when they struck gun tracks. , They caught up with the Boers and , carried on a running fight for eight j j miles through the bush. On emerg- ( ? ^ - G-> ? b A I lUg IU LU ilic uprii tuuiiuj iiiu : ^ i British were advanced upon by a L large Bopr reinforcement, who at- j , tack our flanks and forcing them to \ ] hastily entrenched their position. ' The fighting ensued at close quarters j j until the enemy was repulsed on all t sides. I "Delarev, Kemp and other Boer j leaders vainly attempted t.o rally the men who retreated to the northwest ; I and south suffering heavy losses. j Our causualities were also severe. A ; 1 t party of Canadian lifles held their ! * poet until many were put cut of | ] action.'1 < Saved Many a Time. t Don't neglect coughs and colds * even if it is spring. Such cases i often result seriously at this season 1 just because people are careless. A J dose of One MiDute Cough Cure will ^ remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles "I 1 have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. * 0. Dawson, Barr, I1J. "It is the j 1 very best cough medicine on the * market. It has saved me many a 1 severe spell of sickness and I warmly " recommend it." The children's favorite. J. E. Kaufmann. r The Bihle on Cats. i Sunday School Teacher?Now, * children, you have all heard of the j bad little bovs that cut the tails oft' \ , the pretty kitties. Can any of you ! tell me a little verse from the Bible which tells about cuttiDg off cats' j tails ? Little girle in the near (after profound thought) Yetb, ma'am, I can: What Dod hath joined let no man put athunder.?Ex. 1 Wants to Help Others. I < "I had stomach trouble all my life," i ; says Edw. Mebler. proprietor of the i j i Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., i 1 i aun lucu ait atuuo \jx ituivutwi i | went to several doctors and spent j i | csnsiderable money tning to get a i I moment's peace. Finally I read of i i Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure and have been ( taking it to my great satisfaction, i I never found its euual for stomach j . j i trouble and gladly recommend it in 1 hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all j ] stomach troubles. Yeu don't have ! ; j ; to dipt. Kodol D^eneosia Cure di- j j " * * A I | gests what you eat. J. E Kaufmann. j j ! ] The Observer is Right. j ] i The Newberry Observer says that j 1 ' "Senator Tillman seems beDt on bav- | ing a Republican collector of internal j revenue and a Republican postmaster j at Greenville." This is because the Senator has ! i objected to some of McLaurin s ap- j peintment-s. Well, what of it? Ac- j ^ 1 : body and hinders j i eyec ar.d dreadful ! . he body show the . j attcr in the blood. This dangerous securely in the system and attacks corpuscles of the "blood, resulting in ! ice of the skin, loss of strength and I ! . md tonic properties, and is guaran- 1 ; etable, making it the ideal remedy in Fections. It purifies the deteriorated rich and strong and a complete and is soon effected. S. S. S. improves id assimilation of food, restores the ! is the circulation, bringing a healthy I ! and emaciated body. I ' hysicians will cheerfully advise and n your health. Book on blood and SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. . 1 cording to Tillman's view?and he is not alone in that view?he prefers an autspoken Republican, an open | enemy, to one who has espoused j Republican policies and yet calls ; i himself a Democrat ?["Yorkville Yeo- | man.] i Well, the Senator has a right to 1 his preferences; but we confess that we would rather see Mr. Richardson postmaster at Greenville than to see nr> ?/Mitonr>ton Rpnnhlionrr': and so ?- | would the people of Greenville by a i 7ery large majority. Mr. Richardson is not a Republican, outspoken or Diherwise. As for Mr. Koester, we 5o not knew his politics further than jppears in the public press; but would rather see him confirmed than I run the risk or Deas or some other cegro, or white man, of the old Republican regime. [Newberry Observer. ( rood for Rheumatism. Last fall I wa9 taken with a very j i severe attack of muscular rheumatism which caused me great pain and j i innoyance. After trying several j j prescriptions and rheumatic cures, I i j iecided to use Chamberlain's Pain j Balm, which I had seen advertised in j :he South Jerseyman. After two j ipplications of this Remedy I was I auch better, and after usin<* ODe j ' ? i i Dottle, was completely cured.?Sallie j I Harris, Salem, N. J. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. * Cure for Colic. 3arnwell People. Mr. Gu9 Williamson of Great Bypress Las a cure for colic in ani nals that should be well and widely j . snown. It is simple spirits of tur- j j pentine, used in thiswaj: He pours I ] jnmo in nno Vionrl lifts flip hoVfifi Or ! 1 iiule'a upper lip and rubs the tur- | Dentine on the upper front gums. ; Then he rubs both flanks with the i .urpentine. In a short while the ; mimal is well and ready for work. ; [t requires a gill of turpentine for ! ?ach case Within a few months he j nas cured four cases on Mr. H. B. j Wave's place. All were saved and j ready for work again a quarter of an j ; nour after treated. ?? ? Better Than Pills. The question has been asked, 'Tn ! what way are Chamberlain's Stomach j fc Liver Tablets superior to pills?" j Our answer is: They are easier and j more pleasant to take, more mild ana i gentle in effect and more reliable as j they can always be depended upon. Then they cleanse and invigorate the { stomach and leave the bowels in a Datural condition, while pills are j more harsh in effect and their use is : often followed by constipation. For ; sale bv J. E. Kaufm&nn. Against Navy Yard Ships, j Washington, April 2.?Sentiment ; revealed by the members of the . House naval committee at the meet- ; ing today seems against the proposi- : ; tion of building battleships at the navy yards. A large delegation of 1 lauor rtfpie?cul?tjrco itcic jjicotui urging the adoption of the measure. ? ? Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidnevs i overcomes eonstipa - lion. j" LEIiyfflB Sft DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TC CHECK. W. P. HOOF, Cashier. JD1P.ECTORS: illen Jones. W. P. Roof, C. M. E5rd R. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and nterest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf iiTiIim rHE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. L'MTF.D STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Savings 2*epartment. Paid up Capital ... $200,0(X Snrplus Rrotits . - TO.tNV Liability of Stockholders - 20J.0t\ $470.00( Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable May 1st ana Novem U <-v ? 1 \\T A i \ T . A P 1Z P?noi/^nr?f UUi iflt ?? . XX. VJ-Ji! I%1\, x l' omvyw v V^iiie Jones, VieePrtsident and Cashier, December 4?lv. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C PRACTICES IN THE STATE ANI FedeiM Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Lexingtor County. October 18?ly. Dr. $/. E. Leaphart, nn i i nfimimr nnnrnn HEAL m il MUM, firs ol lis liiss fisil, LEXINGTON, S, C. RESIDENT AGENT FUR THE NEW YORKL1FE THE STRONGEST INSURANCE COM PANY ON EARTH. Penons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company should notify me and I will call upon them at their bomes if preferred. 12f;0 acres of well timbered land, si'nate in Black Creek township, abont five milts trom a railroad station. Thtre is a pood >- ?/-* rtta v\ rt .V At? Ar\ V* /\ * . I C> / A sO "f if VVaiCl pu VV Ci. UU IUL' Cfc\ JL ?, <-> V/V. ? cheap at this price. Titles good. QAA ACRES 0? GOOD FARWING t)UU land, '() a?re? o e\ situated ibout half way h-tweei Swansea n '? Gisl n aid coalerieiit to ra roa <. Raili'-K' an t1? p ace are 111 lair com.tGn . Title' ao d/terns ?asy. Pice S?; 0 00. DR. C E LEAPHART. Real ?s ate and In tnaoce Ag'ii*. raPliilli H Af R "* B A L S A M Cleanses and bcautiliea the ka!r. - Bffl 21 over Failo to Eestoro Gray Hair to its Ycvthful Color. ABSkJ Cures 6calp diseases Cc hair lahiag. jJSy fOc,aiid?l.i u w jvu. 12 48 p ru ar. ..Gary ar 3 15 pn 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pn 1 02 p m ar..Goldville. .ar 3 55 per 1 10 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pn 1 27 p m ar . ..Parks. . .ar 5 20 pn 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pn *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No." 53 *NoT2l 1 35 p m Iv. .Laurens. .lv 7 30 an 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 an 155pm lv. ..Clinton.. .lv *J 00 an 2 05 p m 0 25 an 2 12 p m lv...Kinard.. .lv 9 40 an 2 17 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 an 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 an 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 an 2 52 p m 11 20 an 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 30 an 3 06 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pn o iia /li i AO ,^tv .3 ZU p LLI IV. . .OUttpm. ..IV i w pu. 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilt-n.. .lv 1 15 pre 3 29 p m lv.AVhite 1 30 pc 3 31 p in lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pn 3 43 p in lv... Irmo.... lv 2 45 pn 3 49 p m lv.Jieapbart. .lv 3 00 pti 05 p m ar ..Columbia, .ar 3 25 pn; Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 an 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 an K 20 nm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 an: For rates, time tables, or further nformation call on any agent, 01 write to IV. G. CHI LPS. T. M. FMEHSON. Prt'siflt'Tif Traffic Manager, r. P. LIVINGSTON. H. M. KMKRSON, Sol. AtT'-nt. Gen. Ft. A Pass Apt., Columbia. S. C. Wilmington, N. C H. I. WINIxARD, * DEALEE ! (idomdp nun Donvmni! i UllUULIULU m\U 1 IIUIIUIUIIU, : Dill GOODS A\D CLOTHIXG, I LEXINGTON, - - - -SC. I carry one of the largest and most comi pLte lines of these good ever brought I to Lexington and propose to rush them oil" at prices cheaper than the cheapest- When in need or anything in my line give me a call and I will treat you right. s I _ I 52. IF. WlNtiARD, ' LEXINGTON, S. C. May 1?ly, , Piinio ciicsit Si ' LEXINGTON, S. C. . VOCAL UNO INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, 195 pnpils enrolled last session. , i Experienced Teachers. Hoard $4 to $7. Tuition Si to $2 50. J Next session begins September 9. 1901. i ir'or catalogue, acioress O. D. SEAY, Principal. August 28, 1901. tt. , DR. E. J, ETIIEREDGE, i SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. j Office next door below post office. Always onhancL ! February 12. ! .n Dyspepsia Cure I i Digests what you eat. i I ; This preparation contains all of the 1 j digestants and digests all kinds of : food. Itgives instant relief and never j fails to cure. It allows you to eat all ! tlie food you want. The most sensitive ! stomachs can take it. By its use niaDy i ; thousands of dyspeptics have * i cured after everything else failed, ft .. | prevents formation of gas on the stom! ach. relieving all distress after eating. | Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. j it can't help hut do you good Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt&Co., Chicago i 41. bottle contains V/- tin: the 50c. size. J. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. MANUFACTURERS OF ; Of.BiS'SStPtRlIfe ' ! NURE POP fever&cqughcure | FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ( There is no better Remedy lor these diseases on the market. :j whiteITniment, j A Wonderful and Infallible Remedy for Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, ' l j and all kinds of Sprains, Bruises 1 j and Collar Boil.s Price 2oc. 1 i ' ' MAGNETIC OINTMENT. < [' THE GREAT SORE HEALER. ^ i'n - n _ ? g ii > i sure rop wine wire The Most Wondelul folic Cure on Earth 1 j Price 50 cents. ; | BOYD CHEMICAL CO., I I P. O. BOX 224, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 12?11m. ' i CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ! II PENNYROYAL PILLS J ; G?? Al-vav* reliable. Ladies. ask Druggist for | 4 UK IIKVrKR * ENULIKII in Red atvl j oId byall PrngmAta. CHICHSSTEH CHEMICAL CO. ..*00 l>!adi*on Square, PHI LA., PA. ^ i Mention this paper. Oppi|| cocaiNc""wm;,ia nWSfl SS!V.%1^""?^55SK of refererx-o*. jv^i, % -o**-i*hv. ('ntn ?n i I Oil! ft Tr*et .leat. went 1 KITB. M. WOOLLEY, M. 3., Atlanta. Ca. ! July 25?ly. i '! ?.WfST? rt-W T5T9.TTWS I ' j MAIN ST.. COLUMBIA, S. C., I JEWELER "d REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of s Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, ail for sale at lowest prices, J2&- Bepairs on Watches first class qnickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices. 50? tf. ! When writing mention the Dispatch, 1