The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 9. 1902. Index to 2Tew Advertisements. Clothing?M. Frank. Teethina?Dr. Moffett. Sale?Sheriff Caughman. Proclamation?By The Governor. Notice Contractors?County Commissioners. ? Unfiles?The Stevens' Arms and Tools Company. ~ A ? 2DZ*VI2STS SEBVICES. ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN" CHURCH. Eev. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a. m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. APPOINTMENTS OF REV. GEORGE S. BEARDEN. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, Pirst Sunday. St. John, E. Lnthsran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4tn Sunday. Eis address is 1109 Elmwood Avenue. Columbia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond with hid? can address him. Itev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. lexington ctbcuit m. e. chuech south. Rev. W. E. Babee, Pastor. 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiioh 3? pm. 2d Sanday, Horeb Ham. Lexington 3$pm. 3d Sunday, Shiioh 11 am. Hebron 3|pm 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3? pm t Xnndav school service every OJUAIU^Wu. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. 9 i i ? Wanted. * 100,000 feet cf 1^- boards, dry, 90 per cent, free of knotts and blue sap, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inches wide, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 feet long. State price delivered in Columbia, S. C. N. H. Driggers, 24 Columbia, S. C. * A Card. T.> fV>o TCditnr of the Disnatcb: j JiW VUV ? - - - > Appointment Not Filled. On account of sickness in his family, the Rev. Harold Thomas was unable to fill his appointments at the Episcopal chapel in this place last Monday, but will however, administer the Lord's supper in the chapel - *" "? ?. - -LP next Monday aiternoon as o o cioc* p. m., and will preach at 8 p. m The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys aids digestion. V # ^ County Alliance Meeting. f Lexington County Alliance No m 721, will hold its next regular meett ing with Rightwell Alliance, on the f second Friday in April Dext, (it being [ the 11th da}) at 10 o'clock a. m. The subject for discussion is?A \ successful farmer. Speakere?Dr. J. L. Shuler and Hod. D F. Efird. Recess at 12 o'clock for dinner. During the recess addresses will be made to the ladies on the subject i of poultry raising by Drs. J. W. Eargle and J. W. Weseinger. By order of A S. Frick, President. Jas. B. Addy, Secretary. A First Class Flour Mill. The demand upon the capacity of Mr. E J. George's roller mill last season was so great that it was only by hard and incessant work that he was able to meet it. He has doubled I the capacity cf bis plant and is there- j fore better prepared to turn wheat j into flour with more satisfaction and 1 with better results than heretofore, j His patrons can rest assured that they will get better returns from the wheat ; in a superior quality of flour than heretofore. If jou want the best j results take your wheat to Mr. j George's mill. The Newberry Observer states that 4 the Thornwell Orphanage at Clinton, j this State, has received a legacy of j +cr> thousand dollars from Mrs. Lees | of New York. stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are unequal ed as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. <*? Roal Bargains. M. Frank, the clothier and gents1 furnisher of Columbia, calls attention to some real bargains, which he is coring in the clothing line. These goods are of the latest weave?, are well made and cut in the latest fashionable styles and are fully worth double the sum asked for them. Give him a call, see the goods and the prices will do the rest. An Old Friend. The friends of Mercer Brown will be glad to learn that he is doing well at his home in Maryland. It will be remembered that Mr. Brown was at one time a Magistrate at this place. o *. and a member of our bar, later he made a political canvass of the county for Judge of Probate, in which his fiddle and songs were interesting features of his campaign work. He like ourself, however, is growing older and he is not as sprightly as he was in the days that have gone. He now '-has no teeth to eat the hoecake, nor hair on the top of his he id, where the hair ought to grow," but as fly time is fast approaching he can spend the long days fightiDg fiies which persist in tickling his bare cranium, as he did in the dava - Ul JUxt). Pay Day. Last Monday was pay day for the members of the Township Boards of Assessors, the Board of Equalization, Magistrates and their Constables and the other county oSieers, and the Board of County Commissioners were kept quite busy issuing checks. The payment of these claims, together with other sundry accounts, ran the quarterly expenses of the county up to an astonishingly large amount. The Commissioners compromised two damage claims for injury to stock and vehicles, one for $15 and the other for $20. Still the people grumble on account of high taxes yet when they get the chance they reach far down into the public treasury, but who cares for expenses when the county pays the bills. Death of Mr. D. P. Burnett. We regret to learn that Mr. David P. Burnett of Irene, dropped dead yesterday morning. Mr. Burnett bad been a sufferer for some time with dropsy, but his friends had no idea that his end was so near at hand, and when the news of his death began to be circulated thev could scarcely realize that it had come and that his spirit had winged its ever lasting flight to that unknown county beyond the grave. The Many admirable traits of character of this estimable man endeared him to his large circle of friends and acquaintances and made him a prime favorite with them. He served with gallantry and bravery throughout the Civil War, being a member of Company I, Gunter's company, 20th Regiment S. C. Y., and his comrades in arms who knew him intimately, speak in the highest terms of bis worth as a man, a scldier and a citizen. One more of the fast depleting ranks of the "Boys who wore the Grey" has answered to the last roll call, and over his bier we drop a tear of sympathy and respect. True to ITame. T)lontcr>,o PnVioti fill o laaivi o vuyuu t* wonderful liniment for the Nerves and Bones. This celebrated oil cannot be excelled as an internal remedy where a quick and penetrating cure is needed for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, sore throat, stiff Deck or pains in any part of the body or limbs. We also have Planter's Cuban Relief and Nubian Tea for sale. Call at the Bazaar and get a bottle. | Idiamond dyes I \ villMOiw / VjaYE3 J Any one can use Diamond Dyes. They are made for home use and home economy. Julian E. 1 "THE I>R1 L,EXIWGTOA%, November 20. 1001.?ly. DIAL HARD Wholesale and Retail Importer PAINTS, OIL. c We are Head BLAGKSMITHS, AND HOU! POST OFFICE BLOC September 30?1 v. When writing: mention the Dispatch. PROCLAMATION. TTTHEREAS. INFORMATION HAS V\ been received at this Department ! that on the tiyhth day ot February. A. D. 19U2, John Johnson was waylaid and shot j in Dutch Fori of Lexinerton countv bv I party or parties unkuowu; Now, therefore. 1, M. B. McSweeney, Governor of the State of Sonth Carolina, in order that justice may be done, and the l majesty ol the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the appreh.nsion and conviction of the person I or . erfons who ccmmifted said act. I IN TESTIMONY, WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and [L S.] caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Columbia, this Second Day of April, A. D. 1S02. and in the one hundred and twenty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America. M. B McSWEENEY. By the Governor: M. E. COOPER. Secretary of State. Iw22. Notice, Contractors. ON THE 3RD DAY OF MAY NEXT, at 12 o'clock ru , at Lexington, C H,. S C . the undersigned, as the County Board of Commissioners lor Lexington county, S. C., will hold a special meeting in order 1 to consider the bids for building and constructing an iron (or steel) bridge, sixty feet long, together with two piers (o- abut meats) ol rock noon vrhich ro rest the bridge ever Twelve Mile Creek, between the Town oi Lexington and Lexington Depot. Bids may be made for the bridge and rock piers sepirately or jointh; and bids way be filed with the undersigned, Clerk of the Board, any time belore the date of lettng. 3 lms and specifications are now on file in the Supervisor's office. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. P. H. CRAPS. Snoervisor. A. L. HOOK, ISAIAII HALLMAN. County Commissioners. .t. BROOKS W1NGARD, Clerk. April 10. 1902. 4w25THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. J. Marshall Shealy, Plaintiff, against James W. Ballentine, Defendant. TTNJDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN 1^. execution issued in above stated case, 1 will sell before the court house door at Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in May, 1002, during the legal hours cl sale, the following property, towit: One Black Colored Mars Mule, named Mary, about fifteen hands high. TERMS OF SALE-Cash T. H. CAUGHMAN, Sher iff for LexiDgton Countv. April 7. 10 J2. 2w22. j P Stevens" i |Obaoi ?w Rifle. I | A new ride. 29-incIi barrel.! nVeirrht -i pound?.;. 0. 13. cans) i I "and S:2 chort lb F. lias an j AUTOMATIC SAFETY and cannot be discharged accidentally. Pries Onfy $Q:SdQ If these l i)!( :] are not carried ia stock by your deaicr, send price and we will send it to you express prepaid. I Send stamp for catalog describing corn-g plet-e line and containing valuable in- ! formation to shooters. The J. Stevens Asms ihd Tool Co. P. 0. Box 3167, CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. April?, 1C02. 4 m. ?an???n???o? DIAMOND DYES MAKE OLD CLOTHES NEW. 0 Vanish ii vanish lis TO MAKE OLD FUBNITUKE NEW. A GOOD BKUSII TO APPLY VANISH, ETC., FOR 1O CENTS. Kaiafinann, DGOIST," A*. C. iWABE CO., s and Dealers in All Kinds of 1. STEEL. MILS, AND GL.A8S. quarters for SE BUILDING MATERIALS K, COLUMBIA, S. C. When writ tig mention the Dispatcb The Best Prescription for Malaria Chille, and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50c. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKL? BY TEE MERCHANTS Bacon Hams, per ? Side?, " " li Shoulders." li Butter, per lb 20 EgTRs, per dor 12.'i Turkeys, per lb 8 a 10 Geese, perpr 33 a 40 Chickens, per bead 10 a 25 Beeswax, per B> 15 a 20 Beef, per ft 10 a 12% Pork, " " 10 a 12% Tallow, per ft 4 a 5 Lar\ per ft 12% Flcur. per C7/t 2-3 a 273 Corn, per bu 05 Peas, " " HO Oats, " " 75 Fodder, per cwt '.hi Sweet Potatoes, per bu so Rice, per lb 4 a 5 cotton market. Lexingtop.?Middling 8 v.. Columbia,?Middling Charleston?Middling 874. Augusta,?Middling sj# NAVAL STOKES. Savannah, yesterday's market Spirits , Turpentine, firm 43 cents. Rosin, steady. NEW HOME AND WHEELER & WILSON Saifiha* Mo IJC n 111^ juiuimiij. THE TWO GEMS. Second-Hand Machines good for jears to come, on easv terms Machine Needles and Parts lor i.ll Leading Machines. ORGANS, ETC. #^rCall on or writ - to T. S3C. BEBZS"Z", 1901 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C February 30. 3m fire i file tam leu COUNTKY RISKS CONSIDERED. Only First Class Companies Represented. See my List of Giants: Assets. .ETNA, FIRE, of Hartford, Conn $13,357,293 CONTINENTAL (Fire), of New York 10,638.271 PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS, Phii., Pa.. 15,541,066 .ETNA LIFE, of Hartford, Conn 56,092,086 GLENN FALLS, of GieDix Fails, New York 3,436,899 Mv companies are popular, stroug and reliable. No one can give yonr business better attention; no one can give vcu better ; protection; no cue can give jou better rates. BEFORE YOU INSURE SEE ALFRED .T. l^OX, General Insurance Agent, LEXINGTON S. C. November 27, 1901?ly. t jt* -rur'-r-r r"nr^"TSTT'C^ i * ^ m^"a BC^'B tr^*m "T. nd n the Court of Probate, to be held at Lex- j ^ * ^ ngton C. H.. S. C.. on the 5th day of ! . ; Vlny, 1302, next, after publication j | I Hell Lh^Cii tlT^C. jereof at 11 o clock m the forenoon, to ; ? .how cause, il any they have, why the said j ~V*~OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 1 * 1 I ' * ?/.?cn?iLi lllftf f will anclv to xdministration suouki nm ne gnuuea. i jl. i , t. . Given under my band, this 20th uay of ' the Hon. George S. Drafts. Judge of Proilarch. Anno Domini. 15)02. " j bate, in and for the Ooumy of Lexington, george S. DRAFTS, j. p. l. C. J State of South Carolina, 011 the 20th day Published on the 2Gth day of March. | of April, lh02, for a final discharge as Ex[0l?2, in the Lexington Dispatch. Gv.*25 ! ecntor ol the Estate of Jesse Wingard, de ceased. Stops the Cough and Works of ? , , s- h- lever. Executor, the Cold. | March 2bth|m'2- 4w23- pdLaxative Bromo-Qumino Tablets ! j ^ :ure a cold in one day. No cnre, no I Ferr* 8 and Cr?9ffiaQ 8 g^anteed pay. Price 25 cents. I garden seed for sale at the Bazaar. I ??????i