^ The Lexington Dispatch. j| Wednesday, April 2, 1902. In&es to XTsw Advertisements. Summons for Relief?Efird & Dreher. T7: 1 T\: U nf D X' msi i/iecuaigc?uaiam w. . Thomas Gable. JDX^IXTJZ SERVICES. 8T. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. 1st. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a. m., Lexington. ^ 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. APPOINTMENTS OF REV. GEORGE S. 3EARDEN. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. St. John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4th Sunday. His address is 1109 Elm wood Avenue, e n \rhpiv> narfies wishinf? to I Wi?iUUK/lCMy Wj W.j ? mw. w ^ 0 correspond ~ith him can address him. Iiev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. lexington cibcuit m. e. chuech south. Eev. W. E. Baeee, Pastor. 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3? pm. 2d Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3?pm. 3d Sunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3J p m ithSanday, Lexington 11am. Horeb 3ipm Lexington: Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The Southern's Schedule. rri-.?> fro,*na nn the Southern Rail XliC u&aiuu V?w ? way will pass this place daily for the points Darned, as follows: No 134, from Augusta to Columbia 5:33 p m. No. 130, 1:15 a. m. No. 123 from Columbia to Augusta 4:00 a. m. No. 133, 12:09 p. m. Through sleepers for Cnarlotte, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and the east. Connections at Trenton for Edgefield, Aiken and other points. ? Candidates, Take Notice. > We have recently received from several candidates for State offices orf.iolAR ftnnnnncine' their candidacy and written for their individual benefit. We want to say in time, so that there will be no hard feelings in the future, that ail such articles are legitimate advertisements and will be so treated at this office. A charge of half a cent a word will be made for all articles written in the individual interest of any candidate, and to insure its publication the cash must accompany the article. Count the number of words, divide by two and send us the money. Those who seek political preferment are influenced by the emoluments attached thereto. They expect, if elected, to make a living out of offices to which they aspire, otherwise they would not seek it, and so we make our meat and bread cut of our advertising ?.nd subscription patronage. Special Notice. Wanted?100,000 feet of 5 4 board?, dry, ninety per cent, clear of knotts and blue sap, 4 wide up, 14 to 20 ft. long. Stale price delivered in Columbia. N. H. Driggers, Columbia, S. C. That Easter Pig. Mr. C. R. Risb, one of Black creek's best farmers, killed hie Easter pig Wednesday of last week, which weighed over 400 pounds. Dr. Blue Mountain Joe passed by and has bad ever since a powerful hankering after puddings and sausage. Everytim6 hereafter he passes that domicile bis mouth will run water to develop power enough to operate the electric cars between Lexington and Columbia. The Bast Prescription for Malaria Chills, and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure-no pay. Price 50c. Ne^ and Pretty Goods. The delight of a woman's heart these delightful spring days is to array herself in lovely garments and to meet this overweening passion of woman, Mimnaugh is showing a beautiful line of new goods, dimities r- and batistes of the newest designs I and at the lowest prices. He can j furnish a lady's whole toilet from the ! pins that holds her hair in place j down to the fashionable Oxfords that ! adorn her dainty feet. In fact his j immense department stores are chocked full of choice bargains in j : dry goods, clothing and shoes and is I offering the best values in these Lj goods for the least money. Bargain j hunters should visit these stores j when in Columbia and secure some ! of the b'g bargains he is offering. 1 * I JUST . ONE WORD that word is TuLtt'sss* it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Virtigo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others indicate inaction of the I P'FP win You Need. Ms Pills TaLp Substitute. Watching the Dog Wood Bloom. News has been received at this office that since the appearance of the martins, Uocle Jake has been anxiously watching the dog wood trees on his place to see when they begin to bloom. So often has he visited tbem that he has made a path to each and every one of them, and has ever since been whetting his appetite in anticipation of satisfying it with the fat bream, mollies, trout and jack of the Edisto. This Editor has been getting his tackle in fishing condition and the first no|9s of the blue bird and the thrush will be sweet music to his soul for then he can dine sumptuously every day with not even the thought of a delinquent subscriber to mar his full measure of happiness which he always experi-. i * ences on ms annual camp nsn. You Snow What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Mrs. Ezra Snelgrove Dead. Mrs. Ezra Snelgrove died at her home just above town Monday in the 81st year of her age. She had been in feeble health for sometime and her death, therefore was not unex pected. She lived in retirement for ? f* i j * i i a numoer 01 years, out tncse wno knew her best loved her most and she had the reputation of being a good gentle woman. She was a daughter of Mr. Jacob Reeder, who in his day and generation was a prominent and influential citizen of the county. The interment was in the cemetery of Horeb Methodist church. The Rev. W. D. Qaick preached the sermon to a large and sorrowing congregation. Easter. Easter Sunday dawned beautiful and bright and nature wore her garb of brilliant hues as if keeping with the memory of the day when the Lorld robbed the grave of its victory and death of sting and by his coming forth brought life and immortality to light. The churches were well filled with appreciative congregations who listened attentively to fine sermons. The services at St. Stephens' Evangelical Lutheran church were unusually impressive. The church was tastefully and appropriately decorated with cut flowers and hot house plants and on either side of the preacher were a vase of beautiful Easter lillies, hyacinths and narcissus which forcibly reminded one of the sacredDess and purity of the day which is so hallowed and revered by the Christian church. These emblems of a rejuvenated life were the thoughtfulness of gentle woman. The Rev. ,T. G. Graichen nrenehed a line sermon from 1st Cor. XY:20. "But now is Christ risen from the dead and became the first fruits of them that slept." Appropriate services were also held in the Methodist church by Rev. W. D Quick and his discourse was entirely in keeping with the occasion. Fresh Shad Nest Saturday. On account of the severe weather on the coast last week, I was disappointed in not receiving my shipment of shad advertised to arrive last Saturday. I have another order in for a large shipment of fine Winyah Bay shad?the most delicious fish that swims?which will be here Saturday if the weather permits and will receive orders for same in advance. John. A. "Williams. The Fish Dealer. | DIAMOND DYES \ ^JTS E?SY TO DTE MW 7 \ OIRMON2? / Vpyes nHHniDHBBBBDBHIEn Any one can use Diamond Dyes. They are made for home use and home economy. ^ Julian E. E "THE J>RT< hs:x/.voTo.\\ November 20, liHH.? l_v. miini Dm lllilli 11/111/J Wholesale and Retail Importers a PAINTS, OIL JWe are Headqn BLACKSMITHS, AND HOUSE POST OFFICE BLOCK September 30?1 v. When writing mention the Dispatch. Among those who left for Charles- S ton Monday were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Efird and family, Mrs. George S Drafts and grand daughter, May ci Boozer, and Mrs. H. M. Efird. P* LEXINGTON MARKET, OOBRECTED WEEELT BY THE MERCHANTS J Bacon Hams. per ft 12 r. " Site. - - n fD? Snoulders. " li 0f Butter, per ft 20 Ecsrs, per doz 12'2 ee Turseys, per lb ... s a 10 Geese, perpr ...... 35 a to Chickens. per head 10 a 25 Beeswax, per ft 15 a 20 Beef, per ft 10 al2'< Pork, " " iO a 12U Tallow, per ft 4 a 5 Lard, per ft 12U Flour, per cwt 225 a 275 Corn, per bu 05 Peas, " " 110 Oats, " " 75 Fnddar nor <>.wt !R) __ Sweet Potatoes, per bu *0 Rice, per lb 4 a G COTTON MARKET. C( Lexington,?Middling s;*. Columbia.?Middling SX. Al Charleston?Middling 8?*. Augusta,?Middling S11-1G g NAVAL STORES. pi Savpnnali. yesterday's market?Spirit? ar Turpentine, firm 4." cents. Rosin, steady. cc NOTE?Produce exchange today ** made an order that in future spirits m will only be quoted in machine casks ^ and the difference in regular made g and irregular casks shall be 1 cent th per gallon. ^ We notice from tbe above quota- pi tionB that the price of spirits took a ^ tumble yesterday from 53 cents per Si gallon to -15 cents, a difference of 8 j^1 cents. M JAMES HARMAN. [2 STT^GKEOaT, LEXINGTON, S. C., H /?/ (Office in rear of the Court House.) *v INFORMS THE FUBLIC THAT EE will be in his cilice every Friday tor the purpose of doing dental work in all its branches. March 11), 1002. ly. EDWARD L. ASBILL, : Attorney at Law, LEESYILLE, S. 0. ' I Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. 8ept 30?5m i Final Discharge. ! I XTOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL ! co iy persons interested that I will apply to i V? the Hon. George S. Drafts. Judge ol Pro- j bate in and for the County of Lexington, i State of South Carolina, on the 4th day of j April. 1902. for a final discharge as 1 Executor of the Estate of Daniel Fry ?* deceased. JAMES H. VvfESSINGER, Executor. J1 March 5, 1902. 4w21. ^ ARE YOU m: SUFFERING. I"" 7 I AND NEED I _ MEZDicxitTE?1 * i if so, you will find in the Drug ! ] srnH IY/1 orli^inA nanarfmonf at I UIIV1 I T B w \A I \S III \S U/ a J II I I v I ( L Ul | the Bazaar, Standard Medi- j cines for all Complaints, ; Diseases, Etc., which will ! (J give relief and cure you. AT THE BAZAAK, j" 1 DIAMOND DYES MAKE OLD CLOTHES HEW. 0 til Ifi IS SB! TO MAKE OLD rURMTUKE NEW. ?????? ?. V GOOI) BRUSH TO APPLY VARNISH, ETC., ^OR XO CENTS. [aufmann, SGIST," s. c. ? ARE md Dealers in All Kinds of , STEEL, IMS, UVD GLASS. arters for : BUILDING MATERIALS , COLUMBIA, S. C. When writ: ng mention the Dispatch tops the Cough, and Works of the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qainine Tablets ire a cold in odo day. No cure, no ly. Price 25 cents. Final Discharge. rrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' TO ALL M persoos interested that we will apply to e Hod. Geo. S. Drafts. Judge of Probate and for the County of Lexington, State South Carolina, on the 7th day of pril, 1902, lor a Dual discharge as ExuWs of the Estate of Mrs. Malinda E. :e deceased. J. FRANK KAISER, C. A. GElGElt. Executors. March 5. 1902. 4w21. 'he State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Conrt of Common Pleas. V. C. Badham vs. J. Haskell Huffman. Foreclosure of Mortgage. -N OBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT . of the ccoTt herein. I will sell to the ghest bidder at public outcry, before the )urt house door in Lexington, S. C., durg the legal hours of sale, on the first onday in April next: Ail the right, title and interest of J. askell Huffman of, in and to all that ece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying id being in Fork Township, Lexington unty and State ot South Carolina, conining four hundred and fifty acres, more less, adjoining lands of Joseph Huffan, Noah Huffman, estate lands of JohD orick and by Broad river, the same beiDg ie real estate of the late J. E. Huffman, id the right, title and interest of J askell Huffman in said premises being e one-fifth of two thirds ihereof. Also, all the right, title and interest of Haskell Huff nan of, in nnd to all that ece, parcel or tract of land lying on road liver, containing five hundred and ty acres, more or less, and known as the nith place, bounded on the west by mick's land, on the south by Derrick's nd and on the east by lands belonging to ra tvllicnr AO* A IIOV'IIK* JUttiOV/A* Also, the Island in Broad river adjoining e Smith pUce, containing twenty-five 5) acrei, more or less, the same being e real estate of the late J. E. Huffman, id the right, title and interest of J. askell Huffman therein, beiog the onetli of two-thirds thereof. To be sold in ree tracts. TERMS?Cash, without re ervo. Parlaser to pay for paoers. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court. G T. Graham. Attorney for Plaintiff'. March 12, 1902. 3w20 HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. W. Popo Jefcoat, vs." Margaret I. Jefcoat. Foreclosure of Mortgage. }Y VIRTUE OF THE JUEGEMENT ) of the court herein, I will sell to the ghest bidder, at public outcry before the 1* /I A/\?i T Av'inertrtn W (^ /T.i* uit uuunc uuui xii ucAiu^ivii, u. uuui* g ihe legal hours of sale, ou the lirst onday in April next: All that certain tract of land sitnate in ^xington county, on the west side ot Big )nd branch, containing fifty acres, more less, and bounded on the north by lands Jacob J. Mack; on the south by land of ary Hutto: on the east b) land of C. B. lird, and on the west by land of Wm. J. eenan. TERMS?One-half cash: balance on a edit ol one year, with interest from day sale, secured by bond ol purchaser and ortgage ot premises sold, with leave to iy all cash. Purchaser to oav for papers. SAMUEL B GEORGE, C. C. 0. P. and G. S. T. C. Sturkie, Es FIBER CARPETING. ; SILKALINE DRAPERIES, ^ FIBER CARPET RU3S, j j SATINE DRAPERIES, j ^ FIBER ART SQUARES, | SCRIMS FOR FIRE PLACE, & COCOA MATTINGS. j WINDOW SHADES, ^ NAPIER MATTINGS. j FEATHER PILLOWS. jgE INLAID LINOLCEM. j CORNICE POLES, ^ 2 |kj PRINTED LINOLUEM, j : WIBE END COCOA MATS. Write for samples of anything you need. ? All cash orders of $10.00 and over we ship free of freight in the State We are a first iOK jygg class "Sash Carpet House" and handle no pr; shoddy goods. m m | Mutual Carpet Co. J $ 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. S. C. # September 4. 3m. __?? < y/A |?<->?v urv >_> * lttv >yrv~ w-v - %-> v ? i>,w <-<, v v ss.v-y/A 1 I McCREERY BROTHERS, MAIN AND BRANDING STREETS, ||j fL% a"' r\T t -AT r> r * m *?i /7/i \Nj W/XJl Mi m A HANDSOME SHOWING OF || I New Spring Goods.! Vff) WE SELL EVERYTHING FOR LADIES IN THE LATEST STYLES (ji\ $2 AND BEST MATERIALS ?K )W WE HAVE JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT OF | ||^ LADIES SIIIRT WAISTS IN THE LATEST CUTS. ALSO SPRING ftK STYLES IN LADIES AND MISSSES TAILOR MADE SUITS MK AND JACKETS, HS OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT M V/a is complete with everything new in Lidies' and Children's Headwear. IMcCREERT BROTHERS. ? j|j^ October?ly. j|jj . FRESH GARDEN SEED We have the "Old Reliable" Seed grown by I). M. Ferry Co., the famous Seedsmen. These Seeds have an established reputation > -i for purity and excellency and can always be aepenaeu upuu in any kind of season, no matter how unfavorable. Also we have Grossman's New Crop Vegetable Seeds You can find any variety you want in Garden and Flower Seeds at |THE BAZAAR, Z-EXXIXTO-XOIIiT. S. C. THE STATE OP SOUTH CAEOLINA, ! Notice. COUNTY OF LEXfNGTON. - - - I A LL PEKSONS INDEBTED TO THE I By Geo. S Drafts, Esa , Probate J uclge. I fl i . f o n u j j i ^-Tr-rijT7i?T7^ c?mfpt "d rvnvr-r xi. Estate ot S. C. Hendrx, deceased. TTTHEREAS, SAMUEL B. GEORGE, vvjn mnke pavment to the undersigned on M C. C. C. and G. b , made suit to me, or before the 30th day of April. iy02, and to grant him Letters of Administration ot those h}iv,n? demands against the said Esthe Estate of and effects of A ernelia Hoover; taft* will present the same, dulv attested, to Tneseare, tberetore, to cite and admon- OF HKNDRIX ish all and singular the kindred and credi- y' l hf.NDRTV* tors of the said Vernelia Hoover, de- ' ' Executors ceased flat they he aud appear, before mo, 1 March 19, 1902. 3w22. pd " in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lex- , ington 0. H., S. C.. on the 5th day of j ^ May, 1902. next, after publics "ri Jb i rial Discharge. hert-ol at 11 o clock in the forenoon, to ~ show cause, if auy they have. why the said j "^["OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL ? T ..ill a nrtlr tn Administration should not be granted. persons imereMcu * ?i?. ^ry.j Given under ray hand, this 20th day of the Hon. George S. Drafts, Jnd^e of .ProMarch Anno Domini. 1002. bate, in and for the County of Lexington, GEORGE S. DRAFTS. J. P. L. C. State of South Carolina, on the 20th day Published on the 20th day of March, of April, 1002, for a final discharge as Ei1902, in the Lexington Dispatch. 6w25 ecntor of the Estate of Jesse Wingard, deDr. Thomas Dunn English is j S. H. LEVER. Executor, dead. Ho was the author of "Ben j March 26th, 1902. 4w23. pd. and moo u?idpl T? LnflWll. i JL/Ult CIUU II uu II ? ? V Egg picking was quite popular on Fe"T8 and Crosman's guaranteed our streets Saturday. garden seed for sale at the Bazaar. I