I The Lexington Dispatch, j j Wednesday, March 5,1902. ^ Index to New Advertisements. Rheumatism?S. S. S. Shoes?Cohen's Shce Store. Citation?Estate of L. W. Pool. Citation?Estate of Jesse Swygert. ?. . . < -n , i i?lnal Discharge?estate 01 i^auiei I Fry. Final Discharge?Estate of Mrs. Malinda E. See. ????- g SERVICES. rST. STEPHEN'S LUTHEEAN CHURCH. K6V. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. 1st. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a. m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. APPOINTMENTS OP EEV GEORGE 8 BEABDEN Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. 8 St John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. ^ ^ Providence, E. Lutheran, 4th Sunday. f His address is 11U9 Elmwood Avenue, p Columbia, S, C., where parties wishing to Annaennnil tnith him ftan address him. Itev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. c 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. id. b udugton ciectjit h. e. chubch south. c Rev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. 0 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3} pm. 2d Sunday, Eoreb llara. Lexington 3$pm. a 3d Sunday, Shilch 11 am. Hebron 3$ p m ? 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3? pm Lexington: Sanday school service every v Sunciay morning at 10 o'clock. ^ Wanted, ^ y A second-handed Thresher and ? Skied. John W. Sccfiill, Pelion, 8 Lexington county, S. C. 8wl7 * ~ ? * m mm ? seam oz w. jxl. ozai^. Mr. J M. Smith died at the resi- * dehce of his son-in law, Mr. J. M c Hook, in Columbia, on March oth, p after a long illness. Mr. Smith was 9 a public spirited and popular cit zen of that city having at one*" time served the city as Alderman from , Ward 4th, and was a Magistrate for / a number of years. He was a native of this county, haviDg been born in ^ the neighborhood of Leesville and ? was well known here. He will be li buried tomorrow. k You Snow What You Are Taking1 When you take Grove's Tasteless h Chill Tonic because the formula is a plainly printed on every bottle show 1 ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine J in.a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay I 5?c. _ I Town Officers Elected. 1 g The municipal election held jester- ^ day for Intendant and Wardens of the town resulted in the election of ^ A. J. Fox, Intendant; Quincy E. Caughman, T. C Sturkie, J. J. Bick - ley and Simon Smith as Wardens. ^ These officers are all young men with progressive ideas and no doubt will serve the town faithfully during ? their term of office. . ? a The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills, and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is aimnlv irnn and auinine in a tasteless 8 ~?rv i orm. No cure-no pay. Price 50c. ' 8 Dedicatory Sermon. ? The corner stone of Pilgrim E 0 | L. church will be laid Saturday f next and the dedocatory sermon will c be preached by Rev. J. K. Efird on the Sunday following. A number of j Lutheran divines will be present and make addresses suitable for the occa- T sion. The Rev Mr. Graichen being ~ (one of them there will be no preaching at St. Stephen's in this place a Sunday morning. * For Sale at a Bargain. 11 One 24-inch Paper Cutter in good condition and will do good work, will be sold at a sacrifice. For particulars and price, address The Lex- & ington Dispatch, Lexington, S. C. r. New Oil Mill. C ' 8 The Secretary of State has issued ^ a commission to J. P. Matthews, Co"iumbia, J. L. Matthews, J. R. Boukr night, H. F. Hendrix, C. D. Barr j( T P r?f Tjpesville as mr. r ?- ? ? e porator8 of the Leesville Cotton Seed Oil Mill, of Leesville, this eounty. e The capital stock is to be $25,000. p It is said that this mill certainly will t| be built in the near future. t] Salvation Oil the Best Liniment, | Price, 15 cts; large bottle, 25 cts. j C Greatest cure on earth for Bbeuma- j 8l lism, Neuralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache, Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, j , Wounds, Swellings. Burns and Frost- j ? Bites. Salvation Oil kills all pain, i S w HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for Ms family and himself. You may insure health by guarding it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and manifests itself in innumerable ways TAKE ?^ r lift's Pilk i u&8> v i iiiv And save your health. A. Seal Minstrel. Smithdeal & Browne, the managers of the Columbia Opera House, leserve the thanks of the fun loving ?ub!ic for having succeeded in fcookDg "Haverlv's Minstrels," one of the Qost pronounced real minstrel comlinations now before the public, reorge Wilson, the recognized king f minstrelsy, ia with this company nd he i* a whole team within him elf in fun miking. This company rill appear afc the Opera House in hat city next Saturday night and no ioubt a large number of people will ! ;o over to the city from this place to j ee 'George" Masonic Meetings. a A REGULAR COMMUNICATION ^^^of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, %^\A. F. M., will be held on Saturday, March 22ad, 1902, at 7 ?. m. Brethren are - earnestly re- j [uested to attend promptly. By order of the W. M. G. M. Harmon, Secretary. ??Vr A regular communication of ' N, Pomana lodge, No. 151, A \ f.-.M. will convene in Masonic hall S. C, Saturday, March 22nd, 902, at 6 p. m. Brethren will please >e Prompt in attendance, as the FelCraft degree will be conferred. John C. Swygert, Master. Supreme Court Decisions. The State Supreme Court has just landed down two decisions which ,re of interest to 6ome of our people, ^he first was that in the case of 'ohn Campbell Brice, appellant, vs. I W. G. Cuyce and James Cayce. n this case the judgment of the ower court was affirmed. The econd was that of Elizabeth E. laltiwanger, as administratrix, repondent, vs. the Columbia, Newterry and Laurens railroad company ppellant. Tbis was an action to reover $7,000 damages occasioned by he killing of plaintiff's husband, a eid ct of $1,750 for the plaintiff was ;iven by the lower court. The Su?reme court has set aside this verdict nd granted a new trial. ?? ^^11 A Gospel Truth. Dr. Baker's Great Vegetable Blood nd Liver Cure cures, rheumatism, crofula, syphilis, constipation, indication and blood and liver troubles f every description. Is purely vegtable and- guaranteed. Several of ur citizens have used it with satisactory results. Try it and you will >e convinced. For sale at the Baaar. i?rs. Isaiah Ealtiwanger Dead. Mrs. Farmy Saltiwatiger, relict of saiah Haltiwanger, died at her resilence in Columbia on Friday, Februry 28th, after an illness of two reeks. She first contracted La 1 M M rr< IM AU awa! A*\A/^ nuiuu aiici woiuo uovciuj;cu ato a case of pneumonia, which reisted the treatment of the best aedical skill. She was a Miss Jounts before her marriage and was torn near Little Mountain 59 years go. She waB a resident* of this ilace for a number of years and her Jhristain graces and cheerful dispoition won the love of acquaintances and the esteem of the comiunity. Her husband preceded her 3 the grave about a year ago. She saves ten children?two eons and ight daughters?one of whom is Miss lols, who i9 now with the mercantile Btabli&hment of W. P. Koof, in this lace. The orphaned children have besvmpathy of the community in beir hour of sore affliction. Before baying early Amber aDd >range Cane Seed, and all other Beds and grain wanted for the farm nd garden, call on or write to Lorick : Lowrance, Wholesale and Retail eedsmen, Columbia, S. C. 18 Thev are Good S THEY PEEASE. Julian E. "THE i>: r. w. t Trt.v November '20, 1901.?ly' DIAL II \ It Wholesale and Betail Impo HARDWARE, IB PAINTS, OI] We are B BLACKSMITHS, AND HC POST OFFICE BLC September 30?ly. "When writing mention the Dispatch. High Winds and Deep Thnndei Thursday night witnessed tb severest wind, rain and thundc storm that has visited this place i years. The wind was at times tei rific, reaching a velocity of forty-fb or fifty miles an hour, and the bottoi of the clouds seemed to have droj ped out losing their accumulation c waters and it looked as if the worl was again to be submerged in th deluge of a flood. The thunder wa rumbling, deep toned and angry an the lightning was vivid and sharj but the warriDg elements quiete down and a peaceful calm followe the disturbance. No damage to lil or property has been reported, be many citizens were greatly alarme and walked the floor in fear an prayer during the prevalence of tb storm. Court Adjourned. When we went to press last wee the trial was in progress in the caE of D. T. Here vs. Thos. H. Caugl man, Sheriff. An action for "claim an delivery." The verdict, which wasi favor of the plaintiff, was rendere Thursday morning. Tn thft on an nf Hfinrr A. Meetze vi Jesse K. Dooley, trespass to tr title, the verdict was in favor < plaintiff with $150 00 damages. The case of J. C. Fort vs. Souther Railway Company, after the jur was empanelled, was non suitec This case was brought by Messri Graham snd Nelson, and damages i the sum of $1500 00 were asked. M Fort was a passenger on a Souther train from Pelion in June, last yea and when the train reached Cayci the crew and engine returned t Perry, leaving the passengers s Cavce. Mr. Fort was compelled t walk from there to Colombia, as b alleges, and for these and the othe facte eet out, he asks for above dan ages. Mr. E. M. Thomson was coui 8el for the corporation. The case of E. B. Senterfiet am others vs. Amanda Shealy and others brought by Messrs. B. W. Crouc and Efird & Dreher, eame op Frida and Saturday. Messrs. Graham an Strother represented the defendants This was an action to recover pos session of one hundred acres of lam near Batesburg, but the verdict wa adverse to the recovery. Judg Buchanan ordered the verdict se aside and granted a new trial. Upon the call of the calendar fo the third week, only one case wa announced for trial, and after th the jurors were empanelled for il the others were discharged. The case tried was W. H. Gibbe & Co. vs. J. Marshall bhealy, brpugh by Messre. Thomas & Gibbes c Columbia. Messrs. Mailer & Sturki appeared for tbe defendant. Th case came to an end yesterday aftei noon, when the Jadge called thi jury out of the room and ordered i mistrial. They failed to agree. I is stated that the jury was evenl; divided. But few equity matters were heard so the court was adjourned sine die and thus ended a long term of courl with little business disposed of. Garden Seeds, Field Seeds. Seeds. I lioiTA nplinm I 11(1 VU 11ICIU. K aufmannJ RUGGIST," * DWARE CO., rters and Dealers in All Kinds cf 01, STEEL, MILS, L, AND GLA8S. [ead quarters for iriiisi ninn uiTrnin o JUSt EUILUMb IflMlcniMLO )CK, COLUMBIA, S. C. When writ ne mention the Dispatch Dedication. e The corner ftone of Pilgrim's E L>r church, near Midway will be laid n with appropriate service on Saturday f. { before the second Sunday in March, 'e ! service to commence at 10:30 a. m. n j Recess for dinner at 1 p. m. 3_ On Sunday at 10:30 a. m , an adjf | dress; at 11 a. m. Dedication of the d church, find dedication sermon by e Rev. J. K. Efird, after which the >8 Holy Communion will be admind istered. 5. ^he following clergymen are exd pected to be present and deliver d addresses upon appropriate subject*: 'e Revs. J. G. Giaicben, E. L. Ly brand, it S. C. Ballentine, W. H. Roof, and S. d L Neece. ^ The public is invited. ie Both the Newberry papers .state that Col. John F. Hobbs editor of the National Prow-ioner, of New York, will visit that town in April, k Col Hobbs was born on his father's le plantation which lies partly in Lex) ington and partly in Newberry d counties. n d The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. 3. By Geo. S. Drafts, Efq? Probate Judge. y TTTHEREAS, MRS. MARY F. SWY, VV gert made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate tf and effects of Jesse Swygert, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonn ish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Jesse Swygert, dey ceased, that they be and appear, before me, 3. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington C. H.. S. C,. on the 20th day of ?* March, 1902. next, after publication n hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if auy they have, why the said r- Administration should not be granted. E Given under my hand, this 5th day of March, Anno Domini 1902. r, ' G S. DRAFTS, J P. L. C. [L. S ] a Published on the 5th day of March, 1902, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2wl8. jt TEE STATEOF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. ? By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq , Probate Judge. 6 TTTHEREA8. EIZEL POOL MADE Yi suit to me, to grant him Letters cf Administration of the Estate of and effects of L. W. Pool, deceased; j. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said L. W. Pool, deceased, 3 that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexing?, ton C. H.. S. C.t on the 20th day of March, , next, alter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, y if any they have, why the said administra, tion should not be granted. ^ Given under my hand, this 4th day of March Anno Domir.i, 1902. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, J. P. L. C. Published on the 5th day of March, & 1902, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2wi8 3 t Final Discharge. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL r persons interested that we will apply to 8 the Hod. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate iD and for the County of LexiDgton, State e of South Carolina, on the 7th day of April, 1902, for a final discharge as Executors of the Estate of Mrs. Malinda E. s See deceased. . J. FRANK KAISER, ? C. A. GEIGER, + T? 4 ,A AUX'UUIIH. e March 5, 1902. 4w21. e 3 Final Discharge. a "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL ? J3I persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Drafts, Judge ol Proy bate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 4th day of Anril. 1902. for a final discharge as , Execntor of the Estate of Daniel Fry deceased. '' JAMES H. WESSINGEB, Executor. March 5, 1902. 4w20. ? Great Carpet Sale!! ? & . . 1 ^ From now until February loth, we will oiler the following j^ji goods at such prices that it will pay you to come over ^ ^ and inspect before they are all picked over. <>0c. Ilalf Wool .Carpets 4 51 line assortment of v, 47ic. $ colors and patterns) Sej Toe. All Wool Carpets, 1 ? lopes to select from - 58c. for this sale ) W-. -00 40e and 50c Shades j plain colors > 25c. Mi jjjj$ for this sale ) For Lace and Heavy Curtains, Brussells Carpets, Rugs and j& S! Draperies, vou come in and we will astonish \*ou with m oui prices. ?10.00 Cash orders and over shipped m free in the State. ^ ' m is i Mutual Carpet Co., ? ^ 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. S. C. jl September 4. 3m. ! Cohen's Shoe Store, I m 1636 3I.41\ STREET, 1 Ool-o.ro.TDla, S. O., 3 * i i & IS THE PLACE TO GET THE ^ BEST SHOES AT THE LOW- ? EST PRICES. 12 $ EVERY SHOE SOLD WARRAN- / jtjj TED. P COHEN'S SHOE STORE. I Decembe 18?8m. m. 1 ? assss- Simple a Easy Directions in Germa*. a English. DIAMOND DYES OF ALL"]COLORS, t ' ' LOG WOOD AND MADDER. If j on wish pretty eggs for Easter bay yonr Dyes from as as they are all fresh. No left over stock on hand. 9 EKESH ? A MIEN SEED JL JLtt*JLikJii UiUVJ/iiii K7juixjjy t-wiiirttva w \_ittoxo~- ?' ^ * We have the "Old Reliable" Seed grown by D. M. Ferry it Co., th? famous Seedsmen. These Seeds have an established reputation for purity and excellency and can always be depended upon in aDy kind of season, no matter how unfavorable. Also we have Grossman's New Crop Vegetable Seeds You can find any variety you want in Garden and Flowerbeds at THE BAZAAR, LISXITG-IOIT. S.IC.