The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday. December 25. 1901. kV/Sm asd scissors. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Tbe popping of crackers is beard j in the laDd. ? -a 1-1-1 The weather has considerably moderated. J Idle talk has a peculiar way of j keeping at work. The air is full of marriages and .rumors of marriages. Fresh Bakers Bread will be fouDd | constantly at the B8zsar. After Christmas the price of eggs will probably take a tumble. Saturday was by several degrees the coldest day of the season. The large cottonware house at Batesburg is nearing completion. Miss Ellen Hendrix has closed her school at Charter Oak for the holi v days. ^ "-Mr. Tom Meetze, of Salisbury, N. C., is visiting the family of Maj. H. I A. Meetze. Everybody with their sisters and their cousins and their aunts are hav- i | iDg a good time. Mrs. Frank W. Sbealy will spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and ; Mrs. George Shirey. ?* " ? i -i #. Mr. Uaarles J'. onyaer ana wiie, are spending the holidays with the parents of the later. Some authorities say that the small j grain crop has been killed by the ! cold and some say Dot. Mr. Assistant Attorney General Gunter is spending the holidays with his father in Batesburg. Mr. Willie E. Harman, of Augusta, Ga., is at home spending the holi days with his home folk. Prof. P. T. Broclie; of Clemson College, and family are in town spending | the holidays with relatives. The tax levy for Lexington county for next year will probably remain the same as that for this year. Parties desiring the Home and Farm sent with the Dispatch must %end 25 cents, cash in advance. Postmaster Leaphart has rec^ved instructions from the powers that be ?4 ??X iL ? C* ? M n MAlt HAfTTIAA lO maic tutJ ouuuaj man oci Mr. John W. Earharat bas been j elected President of the Excelsior ' i Fire Company of Newberry, S. C. Pay your taxes, for the Treasurer is not of the long suffering kind nor j does his patience endureth forever, j Miss Macy Monts is spending the i holidays with Miee Craft, daughter j of Mr. J. Elmore Craft, near Gaston. Clerk of Court Samuel B. George paid a flying visit to Peak Friday aad reports business there thriving. * The man who doesn't* mind the ^ i weather so "the wind doesn't blow" j .4 j probably never experienced a cold : wave. Mr. D. Peyton Hartley accidently shot Killian Rawl in the leg at Batesburg last Friday. The wound is not 1 serious. On account of the large Christmas V>ncinoae t.hfi railroad and exoress ' men have been worked early and late j to handle it. Next year the Dispatch will be sent i only to prompt paying subscribers. We prefer to work for a less number j and get our money. Rev. W. E. Barr preached his first sermon in the Methodist church here last Sunday before an appreciative congregation. Dr. A. B. Drafts and wife, of Hen- ' dersonville, N. C, are visiting Mr. j and Mrs. George S. Drafts, the parents of the former. Find out the name and number of your School District before you come to make your tax returns. This will save time and trouble. "The oldest inhabitants'' solemnly affirm that they have never heard of so many marriages as are now occur- j ing throughout the State. The seven-weeks-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sox died last Satur- | day. The interment was at Emanuel ehurch in the Sand Hills. Scott Gable, a negro, was shot in the leg by Dave Jones another negro at a negro frolic last Saturday night. He is not seriously wounded. Rev. W. E Barr will preach iu the Methodist church here next Sunday morning at 11 o'elock. Everybody is invited to attend this service Taxpayers should remember that the time f >r paying taxps without, the penalty closes on the 31st ins?., and i after that date com-8 the judgment, j I Monday was dawned, dreary and. cloudy and there were several show- , ers during the day which greatly interferred with Christmas shopping. Users of raunon crackers should be careful bow they handle them. Danger Jurks beneath the red wrapper, as many have found out to their sorrow. The train from Columbia due here a little of 12 m , did not reach here until about 8 o'clock Monday evening. Thi9 is rapid transit with a i veDgence. County Superintendent John S*. Derrick will not be in his office Sat- : urday but wilt be there on the fol- j lowing Monday. Parties interested will please make a note of this. Owing to disagreement between the County Board of Control of j Richland county, and Mr. J?. U. , Bailey, the latter has been removed as secretary of the Board. There was no preaching in 'St. : Stephen's Lutheran church last Sun- j day evenng on account of the cold weather and the heater, which is be- j ing put in, not being completed. The body of Mr. J. L Crabtree, i who was recently found dead near j ; the residence of Dr. J L Sbuler, in V> rv U/v/>yt nUiMnAAl f f~\ rk r*i ! LUC i' Ul Hf ua? uccu puippcu iu xcuu- , essee, his old home, for interment. Dj you want plows, stocks boee, ! rakes and other agricultural imple- ; mentef then go to T. B. Augbtry & Co's., Columbia, where you can get the best for th^least money. We acknowlege the receipt of the j Piano Music Magazine, containing 64 pages of 21 choice pieces of j piano music. It is issued by J. W. ' Pepper, Philadelphia, Pa , at 10 ceDfcs i per number. Congressman Lever was in town Sunday and Monday arid looked hale ; aDd hearty. He left Monday after- ] noon for Leesville and other points .prior to going home to spend the holidays. kS Beat Cough SjTup.^Tastes GooO* Use gjj Attend the exercises of St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school in the church edifice next Sunday evening. Be prompt in attendance, so as not to disturb the children. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Seay will spend Christmas with the father of the later in Columbia. They will take in the /-?i 1?l? xn vjDanesiuu XLU^UCHIUU uciwo IDIUUing to resume tbeir duties at the Palmetto Institute. Mr. John M. Stuart was married to Miss Cummins F. Ccogler, daughter of John Coogler, at the residence of the bride, near Irmo, on Wednesday, December, 18th, 1901, by the Rev.^S. C. Ballentine. Intendaut Jackson Counts'of Peak Friday sentenced a white tramp to the county chain gang for 30 days for insulting a white lady. He applied for something to eat and on being refused cursed the lady. Buy yourself a buggy, wagon, road cart or other vehicle for a New Year present. The best place to buy is at T. B. Aughtry & Co., Co 1UU1U1B) WUCIO IUD ucot UIUUVB VMU w purchsed for the least money. A Representative of the Dispatch will attend the Auditor on his round, and those subscribers who are iD arrears are expected to njake some kind of a settlement that, is if they expect to receive the Dispatch another year. The Dispatch force is under obligations to Mr. John M. Stuart and his charming young bride for kind remembrances in the way of huge ctiiucs UL uaiic. jiaj xib^^iucoo ouu prosperity attend them along life's i journey. Invitations have been received in i the city announcing the coming wedding of Miss Ida Roof, daughter of Mr. Jesse Roof, to Mr. Ollie Smith of T.oTinotrm nnnnfcv. whioh will take place Christmas day at noon, at the home of Miss Roof ia Lexington? Columbia State. Reveals itself in many ways. Sometimes the impurities in the blood mark and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, boils or other eruptions. Sometimes the result of bad blood is rheumatism or a debilitated condition which is popularly described as MsyilSiBrca out? han">* a^e f 10 ara> my sen m corrupt the blocd, clog ll the liver and cloud the ! skin are removed by the 9 use of Doctor Pierce's a Golden Medical Discov ery. It does more than r eliminate the poisons ; it I increases the activity ^ of the blood-making 5 glands so that there is j an increased supply of pure, bodv-building blood. It brightens the eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives | new, physical energy. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. "I thank God for the good your medicines have done me." writes-Mr. James MJ Sizemore. of Mitchell. Lawrence Co.. lad.. Box 501. "I was not well for two years. My throat was always sore, head acbedl and back*ached nearly all the time. My weight was 155 pounds. 1 was taken sick with typhoid fever, and when the fever left me I had such a pain in my left side I could not breathe without pain. I thought I must die. My wife went to the drug store and procured a" bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and a vial of his ' Pleasant Pellets." I discontinued the use of ray doctor's medicine and began with the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and ' Pellets.' I at opce began to feel better: the pain soon left my side and I could breathe with ease. In a week or so I felt so good I could not stay in the room. I began to walk alx>ut the streets": I felt better each morning. After a mouth's use of the medU cine I was well. That was.over a year ago. Now I weigh 1S4 pounds and feel better than ever in my life." Dr. Pierce's Pieasant Pellets cure con stipation. The tract cf land advertised by | Dr. C E Leapbart, real estate ageDt, j is a very desirable piece of property. 1 It lies on Red Bank creek, is well Witered and there is plenty of watfr j on it. It is situated within one miTe j of Saxe-Gotha mills and is within i easy reach of the Court House and j railroad. i Mr. FraDk Loriek, of the Fork, aod Miss CoDnie Kibler, were married at the residence of the bride's parents in Pomaria, on December t 21st, 1901. The wedding was a j brilliant affair and the happy couple i Y?CIO I.UO lOUipiOUbB Ul LUC naiui congratulations of numerous friends. Tbey will make Lexington county their future home. Death of Mr. E. W. McLenaa. Mr. E. W. McLenna, a prominent citizen of Johnston, Edgefield county, died last week after a protracted and painful illness. Mr. McLenna was well and favorably known in this county. After the war he settled in the Cloud's creek section of what is now Saluda county and began getting out the famous Cloud's Creek Mill Rock He founded the Johnston Monitor, which first appeared as the Batesburg Monitor, under the editor- | ship and management of Mr. McLenna, which he subsequently moved to Johnston and remained at the helmn until failing health forced him to retire. Mr. McLenna was a useful citizen and of high mora) character and his death is a lo?s to Johrston and the surrounding country. An Ingenious Plan. Washington, December 23:?Spencer Eddy, U. S charge at Constantinople, has adopted a new and ingenious plan for securing the release of Miss Stone. Details cf the project are withheld lest publicity cause it3 failure. Dickinson, our consul general at Constantinople, who has been working hard in Miss Stone's behalf, has again complained bitterly to the State department of the evil effect o? the free newspaper publications in the case. Philippines American Territory Washington, December 23.?The Secretary of the Navy ha9 approved an opinion of the Judge Advocate General that the Philippine islands are United States territory so far as the statute of limitations applies to naval offenses. ARE YOU SICK, SUFFERING. J AND NEED If so, you will find in the Drug and Medicine Department at the Bazaar, Standard Medicines for all Complaints, DiftPasftR. Etc.. which will give relief and cure you. AT THE BAZAAR, STILL \ Largest Stock of ] OL Grego ir ~v C J *-" 1115 PL FAhrnarr 14?lv NECKWEAR. We wish to state to the ladies that when selecting Xrnas gifts for men ' i that we carry the handsomest and choicest line of the most stylish ties . in town. These goods make appropriate holiday presents and will. be ; greatly appreciated by your men folk. An up to date line of HVFRCOATS. ?: I Hamilton-Cariiart's < Yours for Trade, LEAPHART i LEXINGTC September 11. Baptist Meeting. The union meeting of the Upper , Division of the Lexington Baptist ! Association will meet at Steadman's on Saturday, the 28th iost. 10 a. m. Enrollment of Delegates. 11 a. m. Introductory Sermon by 1 Rev. Willie Hayes: alternate, Rsv. ; L. Hall. 1 ^ 1 rr? co | I ? LLI. LU 1 fj. ui. i?n/\.uu. 1 to 2 p. m. 1st Querry?The . Scriptual Teaching of Election? ;; Opened by Rev. N. G. Cooner: alternate, Rev. B. J. Reynolds. | 2 to 3 p. m. 2nd Querry?Scrip- . ! tual Church Discipline?Opened by Rev. M. J.' Kyzer; alternate, M. R Gunter. Miscellaneous adjourned. SUNDAY. 10 a. m. Sunday School Address j by Rev. C. B. Avery. 11 a. m. Missionary Sermon by Rev. E. Hall; alternate, Rev. James Hite. Miscellaneous adjournment. J. T. Sawyer, Clerk Union. The Newberry Observer is of the opinion that the rain has probably saved the oats. This is indeed glorious news for the farmers. Buggies and Wa jr Prices the Lowe -Rh Cci I AIX STREET, COLTJMI ? "Km Suspenders, Collars and CufL Umbrellas, Hats, Silk Handkerchiefi Linen Handkerchiefe, Underwear, Dress Shirts Clothing. Men's Suits from $3 00 to S16.0U Youth's Suite from $2 50 to $8 00 Children's Suite from $1 to $5. UNTS! PANTS! PANTS! laranteed as to fit and finish. Slims ute and regular sizes at price yo want. A new supply of UflLlTro 01 OTUEMft WIR I cn ULU I nmu ,s just been received and is noi ready for your inppection. We have suits from 75 cents up. Celebrated Overalls ft DRAFTSj )N, S. C. S. C. Dispensary Lavr. TrVia C>o(q Tiio j-ionoo rx7 TI a w fnr th X Lie U1 UUbV lU^/vuuut. J governmental regulation of liquor i] South Carolina, went into effect ii 1893. At the end of eight years it i possible to tabulate fairly the result obtained, and to compare them wit] what has been achieved in the Probi bition States. In Frank Leslie' Popular Monthly for January, Sens tor Tillman publishes a vigorou article in defence of the law witi which his name is so closely associs ted. As his argument is based o: facts and figures, he shapes th issue squarely, and both the friend and enemies of the law will read hi article with keen interest. Pythian Election. At the annual election of Brool land lodge. No. 76, Knights c Pythias, the following officers wer elected for the ensuing term: M. E Witt, C. C : Julius Hanna, V. C., I W. Moak, P ; W. D. Dent, K. of I and S ; J. C. Kirby, M. of F.: Ge< J. Sox, M. of E ; W. D. Gray, M. c A; C. L Johnson, M. of W., H. I Courtney, I. G : J. P. Smith, 0. G and F. L. Sandel, physician. I LEAD! ffons in the State, *st. Vlulo Oo., ;IA, S. C. c K9^^9.9?^9S>Sc9Si9&.?StSi5tS&* fIT'S j $ ' ^ 8 *> ? The way some people buy? ^ think only of the price and never g consider quality. Here you get ^ ?. ? a happy combination. g u o< x> 8 a A QUANTITY OF QUALITY. 8 ? 8 ? A LITTLENESS OF P8ICE. 8 JH. L OSWALD, I | LEXINGTON. S. C. | 0< September 26. 0< *> ' " LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLY RY THE MERCHANT8, Baeon Hams, per ft 12 Sides. " " 10 Shoulders. " 10 Butter, per ft 20 Eggs, per doz 20 TurKeYf. per lb 8 a lfi Geese, per pr 35 a 40 Chickens. Der head. 10 a 25 Beeswax, per ft i.> a 20 Beef, per ft .. 10 a \2]4 Pork. " " 10 a 1214 Tallow, per ft 4 a 5 Lard, per ft 11 Flour, per cwt .. 200 a 230 Corn, per bu 95 Q Peas. " " 05 q Oats. " " 75 Fodder, per cwt 75 a 80 8 Sweet Potatoes, per bu r>0 g Rice, per lb 4 an ^ COTTON' MARKET. Lexington.?Middling 7"s. I- Columbia.?Middling VA. Charleston?Middling V%. 8 Augusta.?Middling H'J NAVAL STORES. Savannah, yesterday's market Spirits 8 Turpentine, firm 36 cents. Itosin, firm. h ^ Dr. (/. E, Leapliart, .8 ^ ^ ESTATE BROKE , AND : Fire one File luce men, S LEXINGTON, S. C. 6 RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE [. * NEW YORK LIFE I ??? ^^ N/wTn-npim T\Tf?Trn i vnr rn?f_ j 'irli- SI?iUXN*j?.3X inour.a.njii vvw )f PANY ON EARTH. j Persons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company thould ' notify me and I will call upon them at their hones il prelerred. (