The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 18, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, December 18.1901. A Hone "Wedding. To the Eiitor of the Dispatch: The residence of Mr. J. Archie Wolfe, in Lexington county, was the scene on December otb, 1001, of a pretty home wedding, Mr. Herbert Tj. frpioer. of Orangeburg county, O ~ ~ " w and Miss Leola Bell Wolfe, of Lexington county, being the contracting parties. The weather wa3 not ideal, threatening clouds darkening the sky, and appearing in marked contrast to the happy event which had occasioned the assembling on that day of many relatives and friends. To the strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March, rendered by Mrs. W. W. Hawes, the happy couple walked into the b?autifully decorated parlor, where Rev. S W. Henry, assisted by Rev. R. E. Livingstone, pronounced the simple words that made them one for life. The bride was beautifully attired in white organdie, elaborately trimmed with satin ribboD; and carrying a bridal bouquet of white carnations and ferns she presented an appearance of equieite loveliness and beauty. After tbe bride and groom had received the congratulations and good wishes of those who were present, all were invited out to a dinner befitting in every way the splendid occasion. The bri3e is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Archie Wolfe, and is deservedly popular. By her accomplishments, kindly spirit and .Inaoin/Y monnor fifio V>AS Offtthewd piCCIOlXig UiaUWWA WW V wvvr ? about her a circle of friends who wiil felicitate Mr. Geiger on his good fortune. The groom is a son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Geiger, of Orangeburg county, and is one of the county's most energetic and enterprising young farmers. The numerous handsome presents received attest the high esteem in which "these twain" are held. May heaven's blessings attend them. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Care F. J. Cheney & Co, Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truai, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. SENATORS WILL RESIGN, j Gaffney Incident Repeated on thej Floor of the Senate. After the usual preliminary busi Hess in the Senate on Mondy of last week, which included the presentation of ?numerou* petitions, memo rials, bills an 1 joint resolutions, Mr. Gallinger, of New Hampshire, asked for a reprint of the document relat ing to ecclesiastical holdings in the Philippines. He said there was a great public demand for this publication. The reprint was ordered. Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, presented a joint resolution authorizing j the President to open negotiations with civilize nations for the purpose of confining persons of attempting the lives of Chief Magistrates. A resolution appropriating 875,000 for transporting and the installation of a government exhibit at the Charlnoinn ovKiVkition TO)4a nSRKpd. ICObVii CAUiWi^vii ? V.V ? Mr. McLiurin, of South Carolina, made a speech in the Senate defining his position in South Carolina and discussing the campaign in that State, as well as his position regarding Federal patronage in South Carolina and bis relationship with it. He said the campaign against him had been cne of culumny, vituperation and misiepresention. As to the ap ! pointments in the State he sought to have Democrats appointed, and where , this could not be accomplished he tried to have such Republicans se! lected as would give satisfaction to the people. He did not want the I . crime of burning a postmaster re- j peated in his State. Mr. McLaurin said the movement i against him in the Democratic party ( was to keep alive sectionalism. Speak- , i ing of his views on the tariff, he said ( I that Samuel J. Rxndall was a pro- | , ' tectionist; Hancock said the tariff ! j : was a local issue, and David B Hill | : opposed the income tax, but none of j j ; them had been read out of the Dem- s ; ocratic party. < Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, denied t 1 eome of the statements made by j Mr. McLauriD, especially so far as j they indicated th it he (Jones) had j I any ulterior motives in the action he i j ; took regarding Mr McLxurin's con- i ( nection with the Democratic party. I ( *?"_ fr> ATr ATp- | JLtr. lUlUiSLI lcj;iiGV4 av ?... Laurie, denying there was a conspiracy against him. Mr. Tillman referred to the resignations of the ^ Senators of South Carolina and their ^ I subsequent withdrawals. Mr. Hoar referred to this fact and f said he did not understand how res- j i??n?fcinnfi nould be withdrawn. j t -B t Mr. Tillman paid he would be glad ^ to have the judiciary committee investigate the matter and the Senate ^ declare both seats from Soth Carolina vacant "so that we could wash our dirty linen elsewhere." Mr. Tillman immediately offered to | sign with Mr. McLaurin a resigns- ! c tion and send it to "that man," point- c ing to President Pro Tern. Frye, "and l that would settle it." Mr. Tillman i said he did not want the vote of ' | South Carolina divided and would ! J be willing to go before the people t I with McLaurin on his "new fangled a issues." ( Mr. Hoar again asserted that upon r the statement of the Senators from a South Carolina he did not believe c that either of them were entitled to t seats on the floor. t Mr. Tillman said he was glad to i find his own opinion backed up by ^ the distinguished chairman of the judiciary committee. He did not believe the Governor had anything to do with the matter and could not re- Q I fuse to accept resignations. tie ^ thought the committee on privileges ! and elections shouid inquire into the whole case. c At this point Mr. Lodge, of Mas- ^ 8achusetts, secured recognition and said: "While these resignations are preparing I move the Senate to pro- ^ ; ceed to the consideration of execu- , tive business," and the motion was carried amidst of a laugh at the expense of the South Carolina Senators. "Wise and Otherwise. " V A Good Cough Medicine. j From the Gazette, Toowoomba, Australia. 0 I find Chamberlain's Cough Rem- F edy is an excellent medicine. I have 0 enflPorinir frnm ?. BPVPTfi f*fH10'h ? vovu tuuollu& - r,- , for tbe last two months, and it has effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recommending it.? W. C. Wockner. This is the opinion of c one of our oldest and most respected residents, and has been voluntarily j given in good faith that others may f try the remedy and be benefited, as \ was Mr. Wockuer. This remedy is d sold by J. E Kaufmann. . . t The Truth. 1 ? A hundred things happen every . week that the newspaper man never sees. He does the- best he can, keeps his eyes and ears open, but he is only a human being and neither cmnis- * cent nor omnipresent. You often * wonder why this or that was not ' published; and maybe you say Dews J papers have their favorites. A local e : newspaper does its best to give all t news and will gladly publish any 1 item of general interest. But before i you censure be certain that you have c j done your part. Either eend the t : new3 to the office or invite a reporter i c to come where the news is. I } Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures A Cough or Cold at once. Conquers i Crcup, Whooping Cough and Measles' Co::gh without fail. Best for Bror- j j ! chitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneu- j monia, Consumption and Lung Affec- j c tions. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c. j a I ^ 1 "Hard Times." Lanrens Advertiser. Nobody can explain this periodical 2ry. Now and then thiDgs tighten the purse strings tighten, and money is alleged to be scarce, and yet nobody can explain or tell the reason why. The usual remedy?economy? necessarily enhances the difficulty, and makes matters worse. When k,iT?a and nnhndv lpndfl of UUUiyu T t/u to MV vw^ . :ourse there is paralysis, and business is stagnant. When times get better and easier and confidence is -estored the reason is still hard to and, the solution difficult. This ?eems to be the situation at the South at this juncture with no pariicular reason to be assigned. There s one way however to pirtially reieve conditions. It may not always ne convenient to pay large debts or :o pay all small debts. But things ;an be kept alive aDd moving by jvery man paying as far as he can. ! merchant having a hundred claims )f a hundred dollars each if he is reseiving daily ten, twenty-five and ifty per cent, of them, can keep up lis bank credit, keep his business tlive, and accommodate his custom >rs with credit. And so with every ine of business. When the cry of lard times comes then let every man vho can, help to relieve the situation ?it is no time to retreat to the cellar vhen the cry of fire fills the air. An Evangelist's Story. *T suffered for years with a bronhial or lung trouble and tried variius remedies but did not obtain lermanent relief until I commenced ising One Minute Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kirkland, evangeist, cf Belle River, 111. "I have no lestitation in recommending it to all ufferers from maladies of this kind." )ne Minute Cough Cure affords imoeaiate relief for coughs, colds and 11 kinds of throat and lung troupes. For croup it is unequalled. Lbsolutely safe. Very pleasant to ake, never fails and is really a favorte with the children. They like it. r. E. Kaufmann. Serjeant Jasper's Flag. An effort is being made oy me >outh Carolina Daughters of the Evolution to have the flag of Servant Jasper, which is now in the [?ower of London, returned to the State. This is not the flag that made tim famous at Fort Moultrie, but ras one given the Second South Carlina by Miss Elliott, which he lost lis life in defending at Savannah, xa., in 1779. -?< > Of Benefit to You. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: During a long illness I was troubled rith bed sores, was advised to try )eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and did o with wondeiful results. I was lerfectly cured. It is the best salve n the market." Sure cure for piles, ores, burns. Beware of countereits. J. E. Kaufmann. Amount of Whisky Seized. 'nlnmhift Rpmrd. Tbe report of Chief Constable Sateman for the Columbia District or the month of November shows 35 gallons of whisky seized, 81 lozen bottles of beer, four stills and ine team. There were two convicions of violation of the dispensary aw, $50 in fines collected and one lent to the chain gang. New Primers. Among the many useful and ineresting school books for beginners low in stock at the Bazaar, is the 'Carnefix Primer: a Duplicate of the rraciicttl OI^UI nuiu auu JL uuu&uv jxercises, in paper covers fully illustrated. Price 5 cents. Also Johnson's Primer, a step higher than the "Carlefix," handsomely illustrated with jolored plates, making it very attractive for children, substantial board ;over3. Price 15 cents. The average woman's sense of lumor is more cr less warped Balsams from the Northern Wood arc in Pyny-Balsam, the certain care for coughs. When pcverty enters the cellar ove crawls out through the skylight. Dr. Taft Bros, Asthmalene and >ther reliable medicines are for sale it the Bazaar. III DR. BAKER'S ! I FEMALE ! 3ijJB __ ^ wnra a n A n 11 REGULATOR. Irlil A New Discovery for the j M Prevention and Cure of iiifl Female Diseases. i|| ===== i It is o permcnent cure for c!l iiiflll Womb. Bicddcr end Urinary Dts .IjijDjjj eoscs end fcmole Weaknesses. ' J'|S Leucorrhoea or Whites. Irregular M ond Poinful Menstruation. Ac Ladies will find it of special i'jljjj =|KB valueif taKenvyith regulcrityduIff rin9 Pregncncy or the Chongc j yFn of Life I j I 4? Price. SI.25. ?eijj ijj TT.trkKZV BY DR W. C BAKER. :ii jj THE LOOKOUT Mill IEB CO., Kinricrcmi ai foix norunm i CREENEVILLE. TENS. FOR SALE AT THE BAZAAR. LOANsEXCHANGE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA State, City &County Depository COLUMBIA. S. C. Capital Paid in Fall $150,000.00 Surplus 60,000.00 Liabilities of Stockholders 150,000.00 $360,000.00 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum paid on deposits in this denartment TRUST DEPAR1MENT. This Bank under special provision of its charter exercises the office of Executor, Administrator, Trustee or Guardian of Estates. SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. Fire and Burglar proof safety deposit .or rent from $4 00 to $12 00 per year. EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Prosident, A. C. HASKELL, Vice President J. CALDWELL ROBERTSON, 2d Vice President G. M. BERRY,Cashier. February 12?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. W. A. RECKLING, AI5TIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be had in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of his lates* styles. Specimens can be seen at hiB Gallery. up stairs, next to the Hnh. When writing mention the Dispatch. TAX NOTICE. The tax books will be open at Lexington C. H.. until December 31st. when the books will close. TAX LEVY. For State Purposes 5 Mills For Ordinary County Purposes 3.'4 Mills Special County V> Mill For School Purposes 3 Mills Total 12 Mills Poll Tax, $1. For interest on railroad bonds in Fork. P.rr>n,l Rivornnd Saluda townships. 1;/. mill. For retiring raliroad bonds. Broad River and Saluda Townships. mills. For retiring Kailroud bonds in Fork Township, 4 mills. For attornev fees in Broad and Saluda Townships. !4 mill Total levy Br-ad River Township. 18T{ mills Total levy Sahp'a Township, 18?4 mills. Total levy Fork Township. 17> mills, special School Tax Little Mobntain Bistrior, 3 mills. Parties owning propety in more than one township so state to the Treasurer FRANK W. SHEALY. Treasurer Lexington County. Notice, Land for Sale. I WILL SELL MY, ENTIRE TRACT ol' land, containing 5 0 ucres. with about one hundred aTes of open Utd not less than 60 acres in fine cultivation with plenty of water, good dwe;iing house, four new tenant bonses outbni dings. barns, etc.. elo. Also hue orchard than has never failed bearing fruit since I owned the place Si uat, d one and a half njihs cast of Gastou. S. C Terms will be reasnt.aMo P*rn#?cj wishing to hnv will do well to call ana see tbo growing crops now on the land. W. FICKLING MACK, Ga-don, S. C. September 19. 1901.? tf. HAIRRBALSAM cjJKq Cletxti and boa'Jtiflex the httr. V jwfl Promote* a Inxuriant growth. Jaa Never Fail? to Bostoro Cray 3W5 Hair to ira Youthful Color. Curet scalped:f?a?e? &^hair_UIliEg. ALL BIG- BOXING- EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE GAZETTE The World-Tamous . . . . . Patron of Sports. $i.CC~13 WEEKS-$1.C0 M AILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher. Franklin Square. New York. 2CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. g2 ??i Best Coujth Syrup. Tastes Good. Use W In time. Sold bv druccists. P*V_ ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. -Br " Cantral Time at JarksoriTille an*! Savannah Eastern Tame at Other Points. 8chedulc in EiTeot Juno 30th. 190L lNo.34iNo.D0] KORTH BOUND. jDaljy Daiijj LjV. jacxsonviijo {Jr. rs t sua ' " Savannah iSo. Ry ) ,1225p 12 b-/at " Barnwell j 353p' 4 13a| " Bla?*k.*il!o 4 12;/ 4 Ar. Columbia j o.iQn <'< l'ai Lv. Charleston, oo. Ky j V o*n 11 jjpj " Summerville j 7 4la iAVut j " Branchvilie t 9 toi 2v;a| " Orangeburg i Olftvij 4oai M Kingville M ":4a: 4 0 ':ij : Ar Co I union 1' 1'iai toa j Lv. An.'U?!:i. : ->o. a\ ) 2.>./p> 'a.A'pj Lv. Oratmeviile 32op'li>l'jp Lv. Aiken .iu>p' ; Lv. Trenton 352p:llCOp *' Johnston 4orp;iia.ipj .... Ar. Colunih.a j o4oni 2 h-i1 Lv. Columbia. 'Bldg at ; 0 ~v.; " Winasboro I dodpi 7 2oa> " Chester 73dp 81."ai " Rock Hill S6bp! 5'?M! A.r.ChariotTe [ H0h?j 'Jo";:'.1 \ Ar. Danville . 12 4-mi; L'.y \ Ar. Richmond ; >>'><i '?4t/pi Ar. Washington 7 o-xi! '.?ojp! " Baltimore iPa.RR) 9 l.ialll 36r>| " Philadelphia 11 Aaa! 2 ixiiii " J7^w York I 8 23.1' Lv. Columbia ill l?ai 7 20a| Ar. Spartanburg j 3 Hrpjlt) 2Ch| " Aehevilie j 7 lop 2ixrp' Ar. Knoxville 1 4 0">al 7 lupj Ar. Cincinnati j 7s/p 3 Lai Ar. Louisville I * jup 8 4oa; INo.33p7o.35l !Daily Daily) Lv. Louisville [ 7 4.\i| 7&)p[ Lv. Cincinnati j o ooa ? o5j>i ? Lv. Knoxrilift i 1 o5a N 25ft " Asheville : 7 Uo&j 8U0p " partanbnrg jlO o5ai $ L5p| Ar. Coinmbia i 2l5pl 9dOp; Lv. New VoriciPa.A.k) I dwpilslsti:! " Philadelphia 6C3v| 3 5va " Baltimore 8 27pl 0 22a| Lv. VTashi'Rt'n (So.Ryl OoCp'll 15a) Lv. Kiosraona . i 11 3>pil2Dlin Lv. Danville j 4 Ooa. 5 48p Lv. Chariotre ? ^oa. 955p " Rock Hill ...? 6 10? 10 40p " Cheater S)44ajlllop H Wlansboro 10 26a 12 01a Ar. Columbia. (BldgSt 11 35a 1 05a Lv. Columbia, iU. D.) 13ou:n 8 50a " Johnston 140p <)5a " Trenton 1 52p 6 28a Ar. Aiken 2 30p| 7 30aj Ar. Graniteville 2 21pt 0 58a Ar. Angtista SlO-ip; 7 45ai Lv. Columbia ^oo. ny) 3<AJpi 1 &a; M Kinfrvilie 3 -i<5p| 2 32a: " Oranzeburz 4 42p 3 45aI " Branchvillo 525p 4 25a! ** Summerville 6 42p 557a Ar. Charleston 7 30p 7 <'X)aj Lv. Colombia (.So. By.) !1 4Ua 1 loaj ' Blackville 1:2^p 2 52aI " Barnwell 133p 3 07a: " Savannah 3 05p 4 5Ca Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) 7 40p' 9 15a' Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. No*. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Exrrese. Drawing-room sleeping cars between ugusta and New York. Puilman drawingroom sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville. Savannah. Washington and Vew York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Bichmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining ears between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 3d?U. 8. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buifot sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping oars between Augusta and Char lotte ana Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Puilman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. rRAVTT SHANNON. 8. H. HARD WICK. Third. V-P. & Gen. ilgr., Gen. Pas. Agt Washington, D. C. Washington, O. C. W. H. TALOE, E. W. HCNT, Aa't Gten. Pass. Ag'V, Div. Pass. Ag't., NEWB'KRY AND A4&UREWS RAILfcOAO. Id Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 15 am lvAtlanta (SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am lv Arheoear 5 28 pm 11 16 am lv Elberton ar.,. 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar fClinton lv... 2 00 pra lu 00 am iv j'Gienn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 nm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 Dm 12 52 pm lv J Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm 116 pm ar f Laurens lv... 1 38 pm fDinner. ?(c. <fc w. c.} ^Harris Springe No. 52 *No. 21 11 08 am lv..Columbia, .lv 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 a m ar... .Irmo . ..arlO 15 am 11 35a m ar.Ballentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 am ar.WbiteRock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am 12 03 a m arL. Mountain arl2 25 pm 12 07 a nar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pm 12 17 p m 1 10 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar... Jalapa... ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar... Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar . . .Parks ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm *.Dailj freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 *Nc. 22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton., .lv 9 00 am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 id m lv.. .Kinard... lv 9 40 am J 2 17 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 am j 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am | 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 00 p m lv L.Mountainlv 12 25 pm 3 20 p ru lv. ..Ohapin.. .lv 1 00 pm 3 25 p m lv.. . Hilt-n.. .lv 115 pm 3 29 p m 1 30 pm 3 34 p ru lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 43 p m lv.. .Irmo lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m iv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm 05 p m ar ..Columbia, .ar 3 25 prr D'ilv freioht except ."SiinoaT. 4 15 pm Iv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 2f> pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston Iv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tames. or lurtne< information call on any agent, oW. G. CHTLD^, T. M. FMERPOV. P-.^j lr-pr Trafib* Ma?:ii;er .T. F. LIVINGSTON". H. M. ?> >. Air "ic. Ger.. F'. A ?a?s .Ajrt,. Columbia. S. C. Iv (. ^H^VESflBUlEQ sfpn iiMitta Double Daily Service Between New York. Tampa. Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points S:u? and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1SCC. SOUTHWARD. ! iMllV. j i/itUV No 31 No. 'SI A lv New York. P. R. R.. 1 00 pai 12 15 am ^ lv Philadelphia. PKIi.j 3 29 pm 7 20 am lv Baltimore. PR it... 5 50 j>uj 9 34 am iv Washington, P It R. 7 00 pu )0 55 am lv Richmond, o A Lit-. 10 40 pui 2 35 pm lv Petersburg. " 11 35 pu> 3 30 pu; lv Jet. 2 25 am ?i 17 t>m lv Henderson, * o3 ;tuj 0 40 pm lv Raieigh, 4 iH> am' 7 50 pm lv Southern P:ne?." 5 57 am' 9 42 pm ! !?<> 403 + Jv Hamlet. ' ?. 50 am 10 3*2 rm No. 31 i lvCelnmbia.t 44 ,.(.? 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah 44 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville. 44 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tamna. 44 .6 30 am' 5 3?? pm ;no 401 ; ar Charlotte. 44 9 31 ami lv Chester,. *" tf 014 aui Iv Greenwood, 44 11 42 amj. lv Athens, " 148 pm! ar Atlanta,-} " 4 00 pm j . &r Angnsta. C <fe W C *> 1U prui .. jv Nc* lurK, .? 1 iti. to 00 aui 9 to pm r lv Philadelphia. 44 10 20 am!'1. i6 urn iv ,Nt-?? \?>rK.?? ?'>."> ijU puji it- P..,n..??. hi ?. f .. +J? .-4.1 fml iv ?jiMi'i'-ii. N iV vv f> r? b urn >o. 4u3 ,No. ?1 lv Portsmouth. SAL R> 9 20 pm 9 30 am lv Weldon, 44 '12 05 Hm|12 01 pm , No. 31 | lv Ridfteway Jet, " j 2 25 ami 120 pm lv Henderson, 44 2 53 am 2 13 pm lv Kaieii?h. 44 | 1 06 aui 3 51 pm lv Southern Pines.44 5 57 am d 12 pm No 403 lv Efaroift. 44 i o 50 ami 7 30 pm V Ti I Mn o~ V. VA I V. M lv Columbia. ^ ' 10 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah. 44 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, * 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tarda. 44 6 30 am 5 3'' tin * iS o. 4cl3 iSu. il lv Wilmington. " 3(5 pm ar (Jn ?rioiie. ; y Mi am 10 M u'M iv ouca'.cr, 9 53 am to oo pm lv Greenwood, 44 '1142 am 1 07 am lv Athens, 44 1 48 pm 3 43 am ar A'Unra.^ 44 4 00 pit- 6 05 am ar aua/uatt C J? ^ C o 1" pa ar Ala. on. i i.t Ge'-r*!^ i pa. 11 10 aiu ar Aloi.tgom'r . A ?jc Vv . y 2a pm 11 0o am ar Mobile, L &, N : 3 05 am 4 12 pm ^ ar N? w 0rl?ans. LAX 74') an, H 30 pin \-uh?i I.. I.V ? , to 4n >- [ ; to i./ti ar Me... pin*. i 4 .-iii o iu -?ui NOBTHWABD. " Daily Daily ^ No. 4i No 66 lv Tain pa. S A L By.... 8 UO pin S '20 am lv Jacfcsouviije, " ! 8 20 am 7 46 pin lv Savannah, " [ 12 36 pm .1 59 pin Jv Cnlntnbia.S " 6 46 pm 5 4-i am iv Meiiioni* N ? A fciL l? 4/ pin o 4.> pin iv Na>viu?. " y 30 oin y iO *lu iv New Urieuas. L> A N' 7 4-> pin 7 *5 pin lv Mobile " ,12 20 am i'2 20 ain lv Moiittfora'rv. \1WP 6 20 am 11 2i> am lv Macou. C i?l CrK?r?:la 8 Ow *m 4 20 bOl - y iv AUtiiiMa. O A w C y 40 am, ! No. 4U*2: NO. oO lv Atlanta,^ S A L R>: 1 (0 pm 9 00 pm ar Athens, " 2 50 pu 11 23 pm ar Greenwood, " 4 44 pm 2 05 am ar Chester. " 6 28 pm 4 30 am lv (jxjHrlotie, * o 50 pin 6 00 am iv WntuiuyiOL ' 12 Uo p -t No 44 No. 6b lv Hamlet 44 | 9 05 pm 9 20 am iv &outtieru Pinea,44 10 Oo pm lo u5 am lv Kaleigb. 44 11 40 pm 11 56 am ar Henderson. 44 12 50 am 113 pm jv ttiugewav -let 1 M am I 45 pm lv fetersourg, 44 4 1 5 am 4 40 pm lv Richmond, 44 5 15 am 5 40 pm ar Washington. PRE 8 45 am 9 30 pm ar Baltimore. P K K.... 10 08 am 11 35 pm ir Fhi'adelphia, P R E .2 30 pm 2 56 am ar New York. P R K ... 3 0-4 pm 6 13 am No 40i No 39 lv Rid'way Jct,S ALE} 3 00 am 1 40 pm lv Weldon, 44 4 30 am 3 05 pm ar Portsmouth 44 7 00 qm 5 50 pm ar Whmi iuii N ?fc W > n : 7 uo am ar Baltimore. r> f Ot fb 45 am ar New York. 0 o.>cs?u H 30 pm ar Philrtdelpma,N YP&N to 43 pm 5 <0 am ar New York 44 j 8 38 pm 7 43 am Note?f Daily Except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York and Rich- t mond. and Hamlet and Savannah on a rains Nos. 31 and 44. J Central Tit ?. $ Eastern Time. For any iurthtr information aoplv to WM. BUTLER. JR . Division Passenger Agent. Savannah. Ga. I GOGH CURE, ^ A SYRUP. Unique?unlike any other cough preparation. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., \ COLUMBIA. S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18?ly. ENGINES BOILERS. Tanks, Stacks. Stand Pipes and Sheet-Iron Work; Shafting, Pulleys, Gearing, Bozpc, Hangers, e;o. Mill Castings. RT*Caat erery day; work 200 bands. IOMBABD IRON WORKS * SUPPLY C? AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. +' W * January 27? i