The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 4,1901. Dots from Hidvay. To the Editor cf the Dispatch: The health of the community is very good at present. The Midway school is in a flourishing condition now under the popular management of Mr. Brooks Wincard, as principal, and Mrs. Lula Wingard, as assistant. All seems to be delighted with their new teachers. Mr. Jemmie Harman, of Summit, and Mies Epsey Gable were married Thursday, the 21st, at the home of Krtdo'o fotVicp \Tr AT AT (rfthlp. HUU IL/&414C o iawuvt Y M*. ? ? ? | The happy youDg couple makes Summit their future home. Best wishes are extended to them. Mr. Lonnie Hicks spent Sunday with the old folks at home, near Calla. The Midway Sunday school will have an Xmas tree the 25:h, being Christmas day. The farmers are as busy as "bees ? in a tar bucket" now sowing their j small grain. Mr. John Drafts is the proud j father of a baby boy. Mr. Justus Wingard spent Sunday at home and was accompanied by the jolly yoang maD, Mr. Simon Mathias. Mr. Hallman, cf Lewied&le, has completed the work on Mr. D. F Efird's mill. It's up-to-date in every particular. We Midway folks don't i lack for saw mills. The stump puller is now on the j church ground (Pilgrim) and is cer- < tainly doiDg a fiD8 job. The seats I will be built by F. A. Corley in the near future. Mis3 Ida Bouknight, near Balleniine's, has returned home sfter spending several weeks with Mrs. F. A. Heigmann and friends. Come again, Miss Ida, your visit was certainly enjoyed. Mr. Sam'l. Lever is also a happy . father. It's a boy. Much success to the dear old Die patch. Cousin. November 2D, 1901. Health and Beauty. i ? A poor complexion is usually the j result of a torpid liver or irregular action cf the bowels. Unless nalure s j refuse is carried elf it will surely ; oause impure blood, pimples, boils i and other eruptions follow. This is | nature a method of throwing tff the ! poisons which the bowels failed to j remove. De Witt's Little Early j T?ioo?-Q fire irorl^ fdinnrifi fnr remedv- j XMOV. i U ?4V *l * w* ?. ^ j irg thie condition. They stimulate i the liver and promote regular and ; healthy action of the bowels but never csuse griping, cramps cr dis- j tress. Safe pill3. J. E. Kaufmann. A New Clue. Elizabeth City, N C , Nov. 2S ?A new clue has developed in the Nellie Crospey disappearance mystery which j indicates she may have been abducted. New York detectives are now working cn the case. The girl's J father adheres to his belief that the j girl is alive. He thinks that James Wilcox, who last saw his daughter on ! the night of her disappearance, know? ber whereabouts. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth. : Be sure and use that old and well J5_ XT Qrvz-vf v*_ ^ B16Q reiueuy, una. Uiuawn o i ing Syrup for children teething. It j Boothes (he child, softens the gurus, : allays all pain, cures wind colic and . is the best remedy for diarrhoea Twerity-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. Twenty-two Perished. Telluride, Col, Nov. 20.?What is likely to prove the most disastrous j accident that has ever occurred in a metallic mine in Colorado, resulted today from a fire, which burned the ; buildiDgs at the mouth of the bullion j tannel, through which the Smuggler Union mine is worked and under which filled with the mine with * i? Tt : deadly gases ana snioae. xi is im- , possible to give even an approximate of the loss of life, but it is believed it will reach nearly, if not quite 100. Twpnty-two are known to have perished. Th? fire started early this mming j 1 * from a defective Hue in the bund house at the mouth of the tunnel. I I I quickly communicated with the other j buildings. The dense smoke from the burning converter house, which j was saturated with oil began pouring j into the tunnel which with the shafts j cf the mine acted as a chimney. The day shift of 200 men had just j gone on duty and before they could ! be warned of their danger the levels j and the slopes were filled with gas. j As soon as the men became aware cf their danger, efforts were made to reach the surface through various j exits and about half of those in the mine escaped. It will be impossible ! to ascertain the number still in the mine for several hours, on account j of the gas in some of the levels. Seventeen cf the 22 bodies found j were found on the seventh level, j Between 75 and 90 men were work- | ing on the ninth level and this has J not yet been explored. Oa account j of the gas and smoke, these levels ] l+r\ sir% fKflnanQQ r\f f hfi ! WU1U UUl UC CU^CICU wcv/auou v> >uv j daDger of suffocation for 12 hours i after the flames started. A Victory to "be Proud of Is the final and absolute cure of a sore throat, in which the rawness and j tenderness have been spreading I dangerously near those guardians of i life, the lungs. The luxury of a j sound throat and robust lungs is i moat keenly enjoyed by people who, | having suffered all the consequences . of "a little cold, you know," have \ been rescued frum misery and daDger by Allen's Lung Balsam. in vies 4^* WW* WAV* rnrn+jwam^mmm Mrs. S. T. Burch was frightfully burned while mending a cotton quilt j at her home, near the city of Florence, j on the afternoon of November 28th. j A spark from the fite place before which she was sitting ignited the lint, which blazed up instantly, catching fire to her clothing, and although assistance came quickly, it was not until she was fatally burned that the fames were extinguished. With her body burned fearfully she lingered in excruciating agony for 3(i hours before death came to relieve her from ! her suffering. I Lovely "Woman. . 4,Sbe scorns all advice in the selec , tion of a husband, but takes two i other women along to help her pick j out a hat. The less actual comfort : to be obtained from a thiDg the more j enjoyment a woman gets out of its j possession. At ll> she is a young womaD; at 25, if still unmarried, she j is a girl. She will face the grim ! specter of death without a tremor j and swoons at the sight of a mouse, j She is the dearest thing in all the ; world and the most aggravating. ] She is as she is, and that's all there is j to do about it. The oDly man who ever fully understands a woman is the man who understands that he dcsen'c understand her and has got | sense enough to let it go at that." Ladies Can Wear Shoes i one size ^mailer after using Allen's j Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken ; into the shoes. It makes tight or : new shoes feel easy; gives instant J relief to corns and bunions. It's the ! i greatest comfort discovery of the j age. Cures and prevents swollen , feet, blisters, callous and sore spots, j Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure ; for sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. ! Trial package free by mail. Address Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. X. xu-iy. . ? General Wood Arrives. ? New York, November 20?Gov- j ernor General Wood, of Cuba, with < Mrs. Wood, arrived here today on the , Ward liner, Monterev, from Havana. ! i General Wood is to consult President j Roosevelt on Cuban matters with a view of posting the President in j dealing with the sugar and other questions relating to the island. - i t The War in Columbia. Washington, Nov. 29.?The fol- I lowing cablegram was received by the navy department from Captain ' Peirv, Iowa, today.: Colon, Nov. ' 20.?"Arrangements for surrender j today of Colon and Liberal forces | have been completed."' Cheap Bates to the Exposition. The Southern Railway has inaugurated a system of splendid schedules to Chatleston, which will be effective December 1st, when three daily traius from Augusta and Columbia to Charleston will be operated. This road, with its usual liberality and interest toenccurage and promote Southern enterprise, has made very low rates for the round trip to Charleston on account of the South Carolina iDter-State and West Indian Exposition. There are four clesses of tickets issued as follows: '"A"? Daily from November 30, 1901, to May 31, 1902 inclusive, with final limit JuDe 3, 1902 "B"?Daily from and to same date as above, with final linrt of 10 day? frcm date of tiek't .. .%< m i i *n . j ' j "U ?J>jia on .tuesaay o auu auuibdaj's of each week with a final limit of 7 day?. 44D"?Sold on the same days of each week, with a final limit of 5 days. Tickets for the round trip will be sold from Barr's, at "A" $6 Go: UB" $4 00; 4kC" $,1.40. Batesburg, 44A" $6 15: ''B'1 $4 50: ' C' 83 40. Bookman, ,4A" $G 45; "B" 84 75: '-CM $3 40. Cayce, 44A" 85 85: "B:i 84 30; "0" 83.25. Columbia,4^" 85 85; 4tB" 84 30; i;C' 83 25 Gilbert, "A"' 80 55; <4B" 84 80: 4lO' $3 40. Lsesville, t4Av 8G 30; 4,B" 84 GO: "CT 83.40. LexiDgton, "A" 8G 50; ''B" ?4.75; ''Cv 83 40. Peak, H. Tayloe, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. An Evangelist's Story. UI suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kirkland, evangelist, cf Belle River, III. '*1 have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers from maladies of this kind/' One Minute Ccugh Cure affords immediate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat aDd lung troubles. For croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails and is really a favorite with the children. They like it. J E Ivaufmann. 2To Place for Fools. There came a knock at the heavenly gates, St. Peter grumbled a bit. HK'nA rrl-inf A1-1 mil TCQTll? "What nuu u aav uw juu uuuv* ? ?- | do you suppose?"' said the caller, t;I want to get in, of course." "Are you a married man?" "I am that," was the reply. "Very well,*" said the saint, "come iD, poor maD, you have had your pugatory on earth, pass in.'' Immediately there was another knock. "I want to come in, too,"' j said the voice. "Are you a married man?'" "Well, rather, quoted the petitioner, "I have been married three times.'" And the good saint, wrath in his eyes, pointed a flaming fiDger downward, thundered: "Get ' TUJo 1?/iJo fr ujunjit, MV> foole.1' Tfl CURES WHERE ALL S^AJLSi g Best Cough Syrup. Tauten Good. Use W Practice makes perfect?and it usually makes the neighbors want to smash the piano. Case of Expiration, Anyway. Some years ag- a battery of artil lery was at big gun practice at Bermuda. One of the gune (a thirty-eight-ton) was found tc have a serious ?aw. The officer ic charge, not cariDg to risk half a dozen valuable lives, inquired: "Sergeant, have you any time ex pired men hert?' "Yes, he," answered the sergeant, "Paddy Jackson has just completed his time.'' "Well, then," replied the thought ful officer, ''Paddy -Jackson will fire the gun.': And Paddy Jackson did fire thf gun, happily with no fatal result.? Edinburgh Scotsman. Saved His Life. "I wish to eay that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure, writes H. C. Chrestenson, of Hayfield, Minn. "For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that ] could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable tc : retain a morsel of ford. Finally 1 ! was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one ol your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its use. ] began to improve from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recom mon/l if fn oil " TVinrocfo mm LUVU VA IV V V u?i. J V W4 *WV/v? i Cures all stomach troubles. J. E Kaufmann, i Another Transport Aground. Washington, Nov. 29.?The wai department received today the fol lowing dispatch from General Chsffet at Manila, dated yesterdaj: "The transport Wright struck an uncharted rock near the entrance of San I Janico and was bodly injured. The ship is resting quietly on port sides within fifteen feet of the water ir hold which rises and falls with the tide. It may be raised with the wrecking vessel, but I fear sufficient power cannot be obtained in these waters. A large part of cargo will be saved in a damaged condition | No lives lost. A Good Cough Medicine. J From the Gazette. Toowoomba. Australia. I find Chamberlain's Cough Rem| edy is an excellent medicine. I have | been suffering from a severe cougb ; for the last two months, and it hae | effected a cure. I have great pleas ore in recommending it.?W. C, t Wockner. This i9 the opinion oi ! one of our oldest and most respected residents, and has been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy and be benefited, as was Mr. Wockner. This remedy is sold by J. E Kaufmann. Coughs and Colds in Children. Recommendation of a Well Known Chfcago Physician. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bronchial afflictions. It is non-narcotic and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. A universal panacea for all mankind. ?Mrs. Mary R. Melendy, M. D, Ph. D, Chicago, 111. This remedy is for sale by J. E. Kaufmann. + ! Gov. Van Sant to Act Now. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 29 ?Gov, Van Sant is not to wait for a special session of the legislature to begin bis war on the railway combine. He will ask for au injunction in the United States Supreme Court againsl * -i -l- C 1L. -V- - -ll, toe voting 01 siocK 01 me ^uaueu Pacific and Gri at Northern roads tc complete the merger. He will seek to employ leading lawyers in New York, Chicago and Minnesota. Of Benefit to You. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "During a long illness I was troubled -.1 ? _J_:?j i _ * witn Dea sores, was wuviaeu iu uj DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and die so with wondeiful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the best salvt on the market.*' Sure cure for pile? sore?, burns. Beware Gf counter feits. J. E. Kaufmann. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. " I ~ W i The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work in His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this , country most dangerous because so deceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it?heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are cften the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack ! the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves j break down and waste away cell by cell, i ( Then the richness of the blood?the albumen ?leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's ' Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new discovery is the true specific for kidney, bladder i and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free | by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- j 1 Root and its wonderful cures. Address j Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham ton, N. Y. and | mention this paper. Gun Store,! 1 m a r a a * aa:a Esta'cnsnea. itfze. : m inn All oar Gun- >:r** ' nilt to order ar.d are , .-urantced. , We are beu? >. >??' r? tor everj thing in the j SPOK I'lN'J GOODS LINE. Call in and icx, < -t our stock beiore you buy. LOADED SHELLS. CARTRIDGES. LEGGINGS. LOADING TOOLS. AMMUNITION, | CUTLERY. ETC. ^TWe guarantee all our Repair Work-'S^. j W. F. STIEGLITZ, Propr., I 1508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Febraary 20 -iy. .. PARKERS ? I ! BMRa^a MAI K DMLOMH1 inBClHatti sad honorific* the hai. i UIMHv^-Sli flfl1'roru.Xti ft luxuriant growth. iBBfe Jnotct Fails to Bestow Gray I l&flvPKv Hair to Its Youthful Color. VfNsX\-?-' fhiTM wall) k hftif tsJiog. BMaMrjJg? C-.v,and?l'-JtU Drj?:.-:i Money to Loan ON FARMING LA>DS. LONG TIME. Easy prtyuieut. No corn mis-iion B<>r- j rower pajs actnstl erst ol p*ile<-tin?? Loan. E. K. PALMER. Central National Hank Boilding. ) COLUMBIA, S. COL. G. T. GRAHAM. Leiington, S. C. 1 July 18 - ly. ! I GREATEST FEVER | MEDICINE- ii JlN For all forms of fever take John- }l ' I K8 son's Chill and Fever Tonic It is K { ,'?.5! 100 times better than quinine and j ifej does in a single day what slow qui- 2; ! nine cannot do in 10 day*. It's ?1 iKj splendid cures are in striking cou- aS bSf tram to the feeble cure* made by jEl: For Sale. 1-SEVEN HOUSE POWER PORTABLE j Engine and a complete \ ell boring or.t j fit For further particular", apply to or , address. A. J FOX, Dec. 5?tf. Lexington. S. C. _____ J | EDWARD L. ASBILL Attorney at Law, LEESYILLE, S. C | > Practices m all the Courts. . j Business solicited. ' Sept. 3<"'?6m ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA. ^ S. C j i T)RA.CTIUi?S IN lrtE aiAic, AIM; i JL Federal Courts, and offtrs his profesI | aionai services to the citizens ol Lexingtor County. October 18?ly. ; mm sb bi, ? | DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TC ; CHECK. : W. p. ROOF, Ctt?liior. I DIRECTORS: Allen Jones. W. P. Root. C. M. Efird. i K. Hilton James E. Hmdrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at f> per cent, per annum allowed, j payable April and October. [ September 21? tt "BEESWAX WANTED i I . i IW LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAlike! price lor clean an 1 pnre beeswax. I Price governed by color nod condition ; RICE B. HARtfAN. < A* ihs Bazaar. L-jxiri^ion, S. C. 1 ' i Ml Milt telle, LEXINGTON, S. C. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, 19"i pnpil.s enrolled last session. Kxp?-rieuced Teachers. board $i to $7. Tuition $1 to $2 50. Next session begins September 9, 1901. For catalogue, address (>. D. SEAT, Principal. August 2S. 19ul. tt. nn r i ijfrnmrnnn J UK. Li Ji LlliLKLUliL, m SUliGEON DENTIST, | LEESVILLE, S. C. J Office next door below poet office. ^ Always on hand. February 12. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the dicrestants and digests ail kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can Lake it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It ' prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared onlvby E.C. De\Vitt&Co., Chicago i **lie 41. bottle eon Cuius 2)i tixr ;sthc 50c. size. j J. E. KAUFMANN. J When writing mention the Dispatch. I H.lIWIKilKD I)2AT ER IN GUIS AID PROVISIONS. Just received and is now ready for inspection a f NEW LINE OF SHOES in all the latest styles, shapes and toes. When you go to buy Shoes call and see my stock !>efore purchasing . and I guarantee to fit your feet and will make the price to suit. j.]so a full stock of CROCKERY. WOO DEN WARE. CONFECTIONERY I II. M. WINGARD, 1 LSZINGTOIT, S. C. May a?ly, in mil id, MANUFACTURERS OF IBCHS'SSiPWBtBtfc NUK E POP FEVER&COUGHCURE J FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. mere is no oetter tfemeay lor tnese diseases on the market. WHITE LINIMENT, A Wonderful and Infallible Remedy for Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, and all kinds of Sprains, Brnises and Collar Boil.s Price 25c. MAGNETIC OINTMENT. THE GREAT SORE HEALER. Sure Pop Colic Core The Most Wondeful folic Cure on Earth Price 50 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., P. O. BOX 224. COLUMBIA, S. C. June 12 ? 11m. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ?ma*1?.** ]?jr ' Always reliable. Ladies. a*k Prnssrist for 4 tlI?'l!?TKK'N KXOLIXII in Krd and metallic boxes, sealed with bloc ribbon. 'J'alte uu oilier. KrCutr dnn^rruu* nulintiInlloimnml imitation*. Km of your Kni^i^r, r .- ml It*, in stamp* !or I'artictilar*. Teati luiiiiili awl " Kcllcf for I.ndles." in Irftrr, e, return .flail. lO.OOO Testimonials. Jiold by ail llfdzcisia. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. .iM 51a > > *i n4*.(.>iikoii Homo Treatment senr l-'KI.K. 8. M. WOOLLEV. M. U., At?:.r-s O*. Jaly 25?ly. GEORGE BRUITS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., JEWELER REPAIRER Haw a splendid stock ol Jewelry, Watches, 1 Clocks ami Silverware. A tine line of , Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, ail lor *ale at lowest prices. j 7!&r- Bepairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate pric?? 6ft?t.f. When writing mention the Dispatch.