The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, December 4.1901. 02T TO BUFFALO. A Delightful Ride on a Swift Moving Train Through Historic Valleys. To the Editor of the Dispatch: With your kind permission I will continue to relate some of my experiences on our delightful trip "to ^ ? * - ? 4. M 1 .TJuiltiio ana return. > From New York to Buffalo over the Lebigh Valley railroad is a ruofct pleasant journey indeed; full of romance, excitement and exhilaration, especially in lovely October weather. as it was our good fortune to enjoy. At Betblebem, Pa , is located tbe largest steel forge in tbe world, where can be seen, in all stages of construction, guns of all sizes for coast defense and naval service. Much of the armor plate used in naval construction is rolled in these ^ v _ work. As our train pnuea dj two locomotives glided rapidly up the Lehigh valley alcng the Lehigh river on oDe side with lofty mountain peaks pointing their jagged fingers heavenward, on the other we be ? # i held some of the most nesutirui mountain scenery that human eyes has ever feasted upoD, especially so at Mauch Chunk, where the grandeur of mountain scenery has won for that lovely mountain and vinci- j nity. the '-Switzerland of America." Wild and lofty mountain peaks abound here, while the pretty stream i of the Lehigh winds its silvery course down the peaceful valley. Near Maunch Chunk is a burning mine which has been smouldering since 1832, and cannot be extinguished. This subterranean fire is said to be raDidlv sDreading in abandoned t ? ? * ? mines. Vast clouds of smoke by day and sulphurous fires by night are here issuing from the bowels of the earth. Doubtless some people in South Carolioa, especially little folks, will fiod a sigh of relief iu the i knowledge that I hie volcano is away ; up in northern Pennsylvania. Far- ! ther on going southward our swift moving train began to rise gradually, windiog its way tortuorouslv on the mountain side till finally from sky- ! land regions tbo traveller, looking far down beneath him, sees gleaming in ' the suoligbt some miles away the beautiful city of "W>lkes Barre, Pa. Soon the tram begins to descend and we find ourselves passing through this lovely mountain town and we begin to journey up the picturesque Wyoming Valley, famous in Bong and story, with the historic Susquehanna flowing through its midst, from which rise mountains on either side one thousand feet high. Going up this lovely valley, as the train ascends or descends the mountain sides (occasionally rushing through tunnels) the view of the peaceful valley below, in which nestles beautiful mountain towns with their white buildings greeting the eye at every turn, affords I fascinating impressions which the tourist is slow to forget. ^ The Lake Regions cf western ' New York State, affjrds us glimpses from the windows of our swift mov- ' ing fcraio, not unlike that of an earthly ! parad'ss. Large fields of buckwheat, | hundred of acres of grape vineyards and numerous cabbage f irms were seen in northern Pennsylvania and western New York State. On our return home an old mountainer?very clever old gentleman about 65 years old, I suppose? boarded the train up in the Wyomnnminrr Hnttn tn WilkfiS IU^ <1 VVUAIM^ _ Barre to see his married son. The ! train being crowded he took a seat by my side. He told me that he bad been away down South, in old Virginia, in the late war. Among other war experiences he related was that on the 19 h of October, 1861, at Ceda** Creek, Va., how the Confederates routed them early in the morning, taking their breastfast and everything they had. "Why,*1 said hr "those Johnnie Rebs, slipped up on us, came right over our breastworks, landed right into our midst like tigers and played havoc with our boys." I said to him, yes, old man, father, from away down in old South Carolina, was one of your "Johnnie Rebs, and I know several Confederate veterans down there who took part in that notable incident. The Queen City of the Lakes? Buffalo, N. Y,? is a pretty city. Our j boat treated us to a pleasant ride, i j showing us the most interesting por- j I tioas. We saw the Miiborn residence j j wtere McKiuley died, and the house j ' I where Roosevelt took the oath as ! j ! President. Two days were spent in J i the Pan American Exposition, but I ' ! have not time to speak of the many | , j exhibits we saw there. We sat one i ^ hour in the Temple of Music and ; ' .... ,* , T I listened to toe nnesi mu?ic x evci ; i_ ' 1 j beard ?a brass band from New York j : j City. There we saw the rostrum on j : which President McKinley was stand- j j ing when assassinated. The Horti- ; i cultural building; containing the finest i , | products I ever saw. Minoisota ' -3 L i seemed to excel in tee appie industry. | When viewing this exhibit, I was ap- j proached by a gentleman, its manager, | who greeted me with a smile, taking me to be a United States Senator 1 from his State, and who seemed j somewhat disappointed when I told him I was 6imply a layman from j away down in the old Palmetto j ' State, and I never expected to be 1 a United States Senator. ' ~ ** * . IL. ,' ( Une day was speni in visiting me j ^ world's greatest cataract?Niagara j ' ; ^ i Falls?twenty-five miles north of ' Buffalo. An hour's ride on a trolley j 1 car aloDg the Niagara river landed us : 1 there, and here we beheld in breath- 1 ' | less gaze the most wonderful and * | awe inspiring scenes in the world. ; * ! People come from all parts of our j ( globe to visit this wondrous spectacle 1 of nature. Just at the falls proper, ' Niagara river is divided by Goat is^ Vv ftWAVkO f K A A | ittUU. ITl. UUU^C cpauo uuc uuiu i can side, affording passage to this island, from which, from its lower f border hanging over the falls, great crowds of visitors go up to a slender ( iron railway just on the brink of the 1 precipice to look down beneath where 1 pours in thundering tones fifteen mil* ( lion cubic feet of water per minute ' nearly two hundred feet below, pro- ( ducing a mist adjacent thereto in ^ which, just below the falls, i9 always ' a rainbow when the sunshines there- I on. For a few hundred yards below * the falls the water is said to be 183 ? rloon or t.ho hanks 100 ffififc i ? r ? high on either side. Here in the per- 1 perpetual misty rainbow region is a * little excursion steamer?the Maid 1 of the Mist?plyiDg on which pas- c seDgers are provided with a water * proof suit for the misty voyage. They ' * can alight and walk behind the water- r fall od the American side if they so * desire. Not far below the falls we c walked across the Niagara on a bridge 192 feet above the water, over into Canada where we eDjoyed a sumptuous dinner seated where we could get a splendid view of the falls t from the Canadian side. ? I find that I am making this arti- i cle too lengthy, so dear readers. I a must leave you now in my imigina- 5 tion while away up in Canada. Per- r Viotio if the ornn/t ?r?ifr>r will fnroive n U??/C, II l.u^ jjwv/v. D me for consuming so much spice, I t may give you a brief accouot of a ^ few inte'esting experiences on our c return home, sometime in the future, c Until then adieu L K. Sturkie. f November 15. 1901. a ; ?] How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ? Cure. t F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., 1 Toledo, Ohio. E We, the undersigned, have known y F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, y and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any oblii gation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. "Welding, Kinnan ! k Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, j Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood | and mucous surfaces of the system. ( Price, 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all j | druggists. Testimonials free. Haifa Family Pills are the best. The Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of the South Carolina i ; Military Academy is to be held at the , Citadel on Tuesday, December 10, at ; noon. At this meeting all matters j I intended for the annual report will j ; | be considered and passed upon. i ! ITsv York Fire. N?w Y irk, Nov 28 ?Half a million dollars is the estimate of the loss by a dre this evening io the vicinity of Tenth street and the East river Several firemen were hart, but none seriously T&e blaze started io the plant < f W. E. Uptegrove & Bros , manof?e iiT-prs of boxes, veneers and fine woodwork, and this firm was th^ principal sufferer. Ooe of its buildings was a seven story structure, while those surrounding it were on* 3tory buildings. All of Upiegrove & Bros., mill was destroyed. From this the Standard Oil company'* iepot on Eleventh street, thousands ji gallons of oil were drained into the river to prevent an explosion and resulting conflagration. A Deep Itfystsry. If, is a mystery why women endures Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting md Dizzy Spells when thousands bave proved that Electric Bitters will .]uickly cure such troubles- "I offered for years with kidney trouble,'' writes Mrs. Phebe Cberley, of Peterson. Ia, "and a lame back pained me 30.1 could Dot dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, dthough 73 years old, I now am able .o do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only )0c at J E Kaufmann's New Drug Store. Tezas Oil Fire. Btautnont, Texas, November 28 ? rhe most dangerous'fire since the liscovery of the oil field here, occurred late yesterday, and for a time it ;vas thought the field was doomed to destruction. Piumbers working on pipes built a small fire several hundred feet north east of the Exporter Lmd and Pipe company's mill, on Via r>/-?rth oast: nf th? fnr purpose of making connections. The ire spread in the oii soaked grass ?nd soon got beyond control, threatjniog the great forest of Derricks of -he Hogg-Swayne syndicate. Every ire on the field was extinguished in he boilers and every rig was shut lown aDd the population of the field urned out to fight the fames. Forunately and almost miraculously the nen succeeded in staying the flames vithin twenty feet of the nearest lerrick, and finally extinguished bem. Tot C9.T1 ftAs iTiartit "One night my brother's baby was aken with Croup," writes Mrs J. C. Jnider, of Crittenden. Ky.. "it seemed t would strangle before we could get , doctor, so we gave it Dr. KiDg's ?ew Discovery, which gavs quick elief and permanently cured it. We .Iways keep it in the bouse to proect our children from Croup and Vhooping Cough. It cured me of a hroDic bronchial trouble that no >ther remedy would relieve." Inallible for Coughs. Colds, Throat md Lung troubles 50c antf $100. [Vial bottles free at J. E Kaufmann't. A Gloomy Outlook. The Kershaw Era says. "Very few leem to appreciate fully the extent ,o which crop? are reduced this year. 11 ready there is reported destitution md suffering. Id the spring there vas urgent demand for labor but it vas not obtainable for love or money, tow the hands are seeking employnent and there is no demand for ;hem. A prominent farmer in this jcctioo, in estimating the corn crop, ?ave it to us as his opinion that not snough corn has been made through this section to supply the demand for sixty days. He stated that some farmers made as low an average as three pecks of corn to the acre while Dthers did not do even so well as that'' This is the cry all over the State. She Didn't Wear a Mask, But her beauty was completely I hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sore?, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cureguaranteed. 23c at J. E. Kaufmann's jpl I 11 DR-WER'S j If FEMALE ., j ^ i ,||| A New Discovery fur ihe :;;M I JTCvennon aim v.use t?i ;j|M Female Diseases. jjjjijg I It iso permanent cure for oil ikl Womb. Dlcddcr end Urinary D?s'Jfliil! I coses end female Weaknesses. ?;|ijj J Leucorrhoco orWh'tes.Irregular and Painful A^enstruction. Ac Ladies will find it of special ijjlp volueif toKenwith reguloritydu?|ljj ring Prcgncney or the Change 1 of Life I rrxPAttra mr DR. W. C BAKER. jj tie uknt lemui bed co.. unncnuu ??? ku rnnstteu. j ] GREENEVILLE. 7EV.V, FOE SALE AT THE EAZAAJtC. I IMPHCHASIBAI OF SOUTH CABOLINA State, City&County Depository COLUMBIA, a C, Oapital Paid in Fall $150,000.00 Surplus 60,000.00 Liabilities of Stockholders 150,000.00 $360,000.00 savings department. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum paid on deposits in this department TRUST JDEPAR1JLEJST This Bank under special provision of its charter exercises the office of Executor, Administrator, Trustee or Guardian of E3'ates. SAfCIT utruaii ucrAmmtm. i Fire and Burglar proof safety deposit I or rent from $4 00 to $12 00 per year. EDWIN W. BOBEBTSON. Prosideut, A. C. HASKELL, Vice President J. CALDWELL BOBEBTSON, 2d Vice President G. M. DERBY, Cashier. Fehrnarv 12?ly When writing mention the Dispatch. W. A. RECKLING, AETIST. COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of his lates* styles. Specimens con be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Hnh. When writing mention the Dispatch. TAX NOTICE. The t<*x hooks will b* open at Lexington C. K.. until December 31st. when the hoots win close. TAX LEVY. For State Purposes "? Mills For Ordinary County Purposes 3'^ Mills Special County \'. Mill For School Purposes 3 Mills Total IS 31 ills Poll Tax, 41. For interest on railroad bonds in Fork. Broad IMverand Saluda townships. 1'4 mill. For retiring raliroad bonds. Broad Biver and Saluda Townships, " mills. For retiring Bail road bonds in Fork Township, 4 mills. Fornttoruev fees in Broad and Saluda Townships. l4 mill. Total levy Broad Biver Township. is3* mills Total levy Saluda Township, lsb mills. Total levy Fork Township. lTv mills. Social School Tax Little Mobutain District, 3 mills. Parties owning propety in more than one township so state to the Treasurer. FBAN'K W. SHEALY. Treasurer Lexington County. Notice, Land for Sale. I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE TRACT of land, containing 5'0 acres, with about one hundred acres cf open land not less than GO acres in fine cultivation with plenty of water, good dwelling house, four new tenant houses, outbuildings, barns, etc.. etc. Also tine orchard that has never (ailed bearing fruit since I owDed the place Si'nated ouo and a half miles cast of Gaston. S. (;. Terms wui ne reasonable. Parties wishing to buy will do well to call and see the growing rrops dow on the land. W. FICKLING MACK, Gaston, S. C. September 19. 1901.? tf. Money to Loan. WE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTIate loans promptly on improved real estate in Lexington county at 7 per cent, interest. No com missions. Borrower pays actual expenses of preparation of papers. THOMAS & GIBBES. Attorneys at Law, Columbia, S. C. November 13. Omos. Final Discharge. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons interest-en iu?t x ?.u the Hon. George S. Drafts, Judge of Probate. in and iorthe conuty of Lexington, State of Soatb Carolina, on the 17th day of December, 1901, at 11 o'clock in the torenoon,for a final discharge as Administrator of the Estate of J. H. Koon, deceased. SAMUEL F>. GEORGE. Administrator. November 1G, 1991. 4w5. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. " C?.tral Tim* *f .Ta^kwnvilln and Parannak. Eastera T:m- at Oth?r Points. 8oh??<iiile in EfT?.*ot Jun?? 80th. iWL HORTHBOCVD. tj f. J.-vk.soaville u'. m . . SiT.?. ; 46pj *' Savanaah <$o. Ry > I'J'L'.p ;12 ihij *' Hamwt'U :i.Vip' ? l.fctj Pla'-kvillo 4 1 Jp 4 >ai Ar. Coinmhia . .. . 3t5!"? . .. Lv. OharWion. > >. 11/ < oa tliMp* " Summervillo .tin r.'>;:ir ** Brnnehvtlle 9 0ua, "itui! *' Orangeburg > !> 2 ** Kingville I1) -4a' 4 0.?tt A" Columbia .. II P>a Sson! .August*,;-*). rc>.> -i"wv, l'-fj\> I Lv. OramteviKe ..." 2tz.ip{lJl5p Lv. Aiken SOfsp! . j Lv. Trenton ' H 5'ipj 11 Ostp' " Johnston 4U?pll3oi>; Ar. Columbia j r> 4.r?p 2 luu _ Lv. Coiunihiu. 'Hills; tsi ; a.opj tli&i " Winnsboro t t).Vtp 7 25ti!. " Chester j 7ISvt>; S 17:i| " Kook Hill Siiip, sifonj At. Charlotte i ItOjru; it.Vm! ? Ar. Danville jl2 4*a 1 . Ar. liu-hiuond . j ?><*?* ?>4opi At. Washington j 7 Son; ynupi " Baltimore iPh.RR) I !'lju ll ?>pj. * Philadelphia jllhoa 'i.VSni " New York. I 2'Jtfp 123a' Lv. Columbia ill &>a 7 tAiui Ar. Spartanburg ; 310p l0 20a i " A.sheville 1 7 15pj 2 ?Xti>l Ar. Knoxville 1 4 0.~>a 7 lUPi Ar. Cincinnati j_73up| ts loai Ar. Louisville i 50pi a 40a! SOCTHBOCXD. |SilyjSig) Loniaville | 7 ?oaj 7U)p; I Lv. Cincinnati j ? 3Ua' so6pj L '. Knoxville I 155a HiiSa " Asheville 7 05a 3'J0p " ;.part anbury 1085ai 6 15pJ Ar. tlolumbin I 2 )5pl 930pi...... LvT>ew YorkiPa.rt.K) 8<XJp|l2l5ot| ' Philadelphia 6U5p 3150a " Baltimore S'i7p| ti 22a! Lr. Wmhi'gt'n (So. Kyi .... t?5?>p111 13a| Lv. Kim-moiid U3ro'l3ulmj Lv. Danville 4 36a o 4hp .. Lv. Charlo'te s 20ai tf 55p - RockHll 9 10a!1040p M Chester 9 44a 11 lop " tV'innsboro 10 2Sa 12 01a Ar. Columbia. (Bldg St II 35a| 1 05a Lv. Columbia. tL*. D.) l2U0mi 8 50a " Johnston 140pj 6 05a " Trenton !"-? Ar. Aiken 230p, 7 30a Ar. Graniteville 221pj 653a Ar. Augusta 50 >p' 7 j'm;. Lv. Columbia, lty) ! 3 00pi 1 iijaj " Kingville o40p: 2 32a; " Orangeburg 4 42p|l>4oa! * Branehville 52op 4 25a! " Summerville rt42p! 5 57ai Ar. Charleston 73flpl 7 U0e%| Ly. Columbia (So. Kj\) ill 40u 1 l(Jsi| " Blackville 120p( 2 52a " Barnwell lSJpi 3 07aj " Savannah 30f>Pj 4olki Ar. Jacksonvii.'o < P. S. 1 14UP 9 15iv Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passengor service between Florida and New York. Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawingroom sleeping cars bet ween Port Tampa. Jackaonville. Savannah. Washington and Vew York. Pullman sleeping ears between Charlotte and Richmond.' and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining oars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36?U. S. Past Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping ears between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping cars betweon Augusta and Charlotte ana. Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars serve all meals enroufe. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheviile. FRANK S. GANNON, S. H. HARDWICX, Third Y-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. 0. W. H.TALOE. R. W. HUNT, At't Gen. Pass. Ag*!, Div. Pass. Ag't., pniUMBIA, NEWBCRRY AND ^LAURENS RAILRO^O. In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am ivAtlanta(SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am lv Athens ar 5 28 pm 11 10 am Jv Elberfon ar... 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar fClinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am lv jGlenn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv |Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm 1 16 pm ar fLaurens lv... 1 38 pm jDinner. +(c. iw. c.) ^Harris SpriDgs No. 52 *No. 21 11 08 am lv..Columbia, .lv 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 a m ar Irmo . ..arlO 15 am 11 35a m ar.Ballentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m ar.WhiteEock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton... aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am lO AO at* T UTAimfoir* orl 9 ?rim JLLt \JO r% 111 Ckk Xi* iUVUUbUiU UA AM ? </ 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pru 12 17 p m 1 10 pro 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar. ..Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m ar^.Goldville. .sr 3 55 pm 1 10 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar . ..Parks?ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 *No. 22 1 35 p m Iv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton., .lv 9 00 am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 p m lv. ..Kinard.. .lv 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p in iv.. .Jalapa... lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapiu.. .lv 1 00 pm 3 25 p in lv.. .Hilt-n.. .lv 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 30 pm 3 34 n m lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm j r ^ 3 43 p ai lv.. .Irmo.'.. .lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 CO pm 05 p m ar ..Columbia, .ar 3 25 pm Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm Jv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further * ~ ' ? 11 oftanf r\r lniormatiou can uu. auj write to W. G. CHILDS. T. M. EMERSON, President. Traffic Manager. J. F. LIVINGSTON. H. M. EMERSON, Sol. Agent. f o Geii. Fr & r**s A<rt? Columbia. S. C. W ilmingtou. N. C ^H^YESTI UD BBKjiBiB [iMira Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta. New, Orleans and Points South and West. { IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 19C0. ' SOUTHWARD. j t ./dii i iaiu> !3p ! No. 31 ' No. 27 f? lv New York. P. R. R.. j 1 00 prn 12 15 am. lv Philadelphia, P It K. I 3 20 pin 7 20 an. lv Baltimore, PR K... j 5 50 pin "J 34 am lv Washington, PR R.i 7 00 pti. 10 55 an. lv Richmond, a A L R> 10 40 pni 2 35 pui lv Petersburg. ' '11 35 pn. 3 30 pm lv Kidgewav Jet, " 2 25 am 6 17 pm lv Heiidexsoti, 2 53 am 0 40 pi_ lv Raleigh, 4 0(> am 7 50 pm lv Southern Pines," j 5 57 am: 9 42 pm ' No 403 lv Hamlet, " j ft 50 am' 10 32 pn. No. 31 lv Colombia. J " i 10 35 am 12 55 an. ar Savannah " j 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, " 7 40 pin 9 10 am ar Tampa. " i 6 3U am 5 30 pm. ; No 4UJ . ar Charlotte. " j 9 31 ami lv COester, 9 52 am lv Greenwood, " 11 42 am j lv Athena, " ; 1 48 pm ar Atlanta,? " 4 00 pmj ar Augusta. CAW 0.. | o 10 pm lv New Yurfc. Y f A N ;f? 00 am 0 l>0 pm lv Philadelphia, " 10 20 am 11 26 pm iv New lurk.u hco f<SUU pm iv Baltimore. B ?> f o! pi^ lv wasb'om. N i WSfi 6 80 pin. JNo. 4o3 No. 41 lv Portsmouth, S ALR): 0 20 pm j 9 30 am. lv Weldon, " ,12 05 ami 12 01 pm j . No. 31 ; I lv Ridgeway Jet, " 2 25 am; 1 20 pm J lv TTfanrlnrv/in " 2 53 am! 2 13 DEL * Iv Kaleigh, 44 4 00 hid 3 51 pu. lv Southern Pines," 5 57 am U 12 pu. No 403 i lv Hamlet, i G 50 ami 7 30 pm. i No. HI No. 27 lv Columbia.^ ' 10 05 am 12 55 am ar Savannah, " 2 57 pm 5 00 an. ar Jacksonville, * 7 40 pm 9 10 an. ar Tampa. " 6 30 am' 5 3" pm J*o. 4u3j Xso. 41 lv Wilmineton. " [ 3 G5 pm ar (Jo?r?oUe. " { 0 31 uifljlO 2U piu ^ iv Uuca'.cr, " I 9 52 am 10 66 pm lv Greenwood, " 11 42 am 1 07 arn lv Athens, " ' 1 48 pm 3 43 an. ar Atlanta.^ " __ 1 4 00 pm 6 05 am ar G 6i W G 5 111 pun ar Macoo. O ??l Georyi*' 7 isu puill 1U am ar Moutgom'r , A A W i 'J 2<> pm 11 ou am ar Mobile, LAN 3 05 am 4 12 pm ar New Orleans. L <fc N 7 40 am X 30 pm ar ftasbvulc. N C ?t .*t 6 4U alilj 6 55 pm ar Memphis, ** I 4 00 puti 8 10 am NOETHWAED. f Dail> Dally No. 41 No CO lv Tain pa, SAL Ky..,. 8 00 pin 8 20 am lv Jacksonville, " 8 2.J aui 7 45 pm lv Savannah, " 12 35 pm 11 59 pm Jv Columbia. " 5 45 pin 5 4.*> am iv Mempnis N * <tStL'l2 4o pinj 8 4o pm lv Danville. ' i 9 30 ami 9 10 am iv New UrieaUb, D & N 7 4o pin 7 45 pm lv Mobile " 12 20 am i2 20 am Iv Montgora'rv, A & W PI 0 20 a in 11 20 am lv Maeou. (J ol Ireoraia1 8 0O aui: 4 20 pm 1? autfiiMM, C & w O . . j y 40 ami rvo. 4U2: No. 38 i? k tionfn .\ s A I, B\' 1 iiO Dm I 9 00 pm ar Athens, " 2 50 pm tl 23 pm ar Greenwood, " *4 44 P**1; 2 05 am At Chester. 44 (3 2? pm; 4 30 am iv unarlotie. b 30 pnj| 5 00 am |v WlluilQKtoti * ! ;I2 05 p n Ao. 44 No. Ob lv Hamlet 44 i 9 05 pm 9 20 am lv SotiUiern Pinea,4' lo OJ pin,10 uo am lv Raleigh. " 11 40 pm; 11 56 am ar Henderson. 44 12 50 am 1 13 pm ? jv ftultfeWAV Jet 1 JtO am| I 45 pni lv Petersburg, " 4 15 am 4 40 pm lv Richmond, * 5 15 am [5 40 pm ^ ar Washington. P R Ri 8 45 am| 9 1*0 poV*!@gK?l ar Baltimore. P R K.... 10 08 amll 35 psAi ar Philadelphia. PR B t2 30 pm 2 56 ami ar New York. P R R .. 3 03 pm 6 13/am No. 402; No. /38 iv Rid'way Jet,S A L Rj 3 00 am 140 pm lv Weldon. 44 4 30 am 3 05 pm ar Portsmouth 4 4 7 Qo am: 5 50 pm ur Wk.), ion. N <t NV > b 7 W am ar Kwltiuiorw. toft F Lk> 45 am ar New York. ObhMif _ ti 30 pm ar Phiha1elptna,NYP&N't5 43 pm 5 iO am ?r New York " j 8 38 pro 7 43 am Note?fDaily Except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York and Richmond. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos. 31 and 44. t Central Til 6 Eastern Time. For any lurthir information auply to WM. BUTLER. JR . Division Passenger Agent, Savannah. Ga. fiziLTOisr's nilRH CURE. 11 ' A SYRUP. Unique?unlike any other cough preparation. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA. S C. For Sale at THE BAZAAii. Aug. 18?ly. iiniKir^ AND ?NbMtd BOILERS. Tasks, Stacks, Stand Pipes and Sheet-Irom Work; Sbaftlnr. Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, Hangers, eto. Mill Castlnrs. ' WCast every day; work 200 bands. LOMBARD IRON WORKS * SUPRLT CO AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. January 27? J