The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 27, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday. November 27, 1901. PIML INI) SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. The weather continues fair. Overcoats are now fashionable. A great deal of krout has been put to pickle. New goods at reduced prices at, Leaphart & Drafts. Christmas tide with its usual pleasures, will soon be here. ? * i :?: ? Tbe mercnams are oegmuiug get in their Christmas wares. A nice line of winter dress goods has been received at, Meetze & Son. After January 1st, 1902, Mr. 0. 3. Addy will have charge.of the post cfice at Number. Before you buy any fancy articles for Christmas, see what the Bazaar has in stock. 1 * ? T\^ - A?.UAV? onlonrlov* -liODCiay js jlyeueuiuct oaitouaj. There are several tracts of laud advertised to be sold by the Clerk of Court. v Mr. John M. Stuart, of Columbia, and a Mies Coogler. of Irmo, will be married at the home of the latter in Irmo today. A bargain can be had in a high grade bicycle, in first class condition, by spying at this office. The davs are approaching their winter solstice, when the days will he at their shortest and the nights their longest. Mr. John E. Hood, formerly of Irene, a prominent pedagog, was in town last week and gave us a pleasant call. Serviceable shoes, whose wearing qualities are unexcelled, at ilee'ze Son. "Blind Tom." the wonderful mu sical genius, gave one of his musical concerts in Roof's Opera House last Saturday evening. The many friends of Sir. John H. Meetze will be pleased to learn that be still continues to improve and :hat the crisis has passed. New bargains every day at, E. A. Roof's 5 and 10 Cent Store, in Eallentine's building,' next door to the Parlor Restaurant. A tribe of gypsies were encamped near the fair grounds last week. They left for other parts Monday, after swapping several horses. v TT J 1 U ? ? /J Mr. JLSaian iias jjmcuaocu the Long cottage on Corley street near St Stephen's cemetery and will occupy it after the holidays. It is announced that the Rev. J. G. Graichen will fill his appointments at St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran church next Sunday. First class blacksmiths and wheelwrights use none but first class materials. T. B Aughtry & Co, Columbia, keep none but first class materials. The schedule of the trains arriving and departing to and from this place have been changed. We have not as yet been informed as to the time. Rev. W. D. Quick will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at the usual hour, this being 31s regular appointment at this place. Come and inspect our line of clothing before buyiDg. We guarantee to give you better bargains than you can get elsewhere. Leaphart & Drafts. Iiev. Dr. Wilkin9, pastor of the Batesburg Baptist church, preached at the Baptist church in this place last evening to a highly delighted congregation. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving T>ay. Keep the dav in grateful remembrance of the bounteous gifts bestowed upon you by a benificent Heavenly Father. When you need anything in the hardware line call on or write T. 13. Aughtry k Co., Columbia, who have the best line at the most reasonable prices. Besides the real estate advertised for sale in the Dispatch on Monday, by Clerk Saml. B. George, be will also sell the Levi Hartley place, !)5 acres, near Batesburg. Terms onehalf cash, balance on a credit of one year with interest from day of sale. ."WHIZ I! WALK A MILE" Is a laconic definition of a toboggan ride. : It's quick work going down the slide, i hut it's a long climb back to the starting : point. It is very much that way with health; it is quickly lost and slowly nngnmB^regained. When the first symptoms [ ?' health ap- i .J Pear> proper care j may prevent the M| 3^"* descent to utter j1 /' weakness and debil complication of dis"-orders k nown as general debility has ' *t5 crig'-n ,n a dis- i eased condition of j It^curc^ thro^h^ thc^ ! hoi in the " Discovery,*' neither opiuin, ; cocaine nor other narcotic. ** T ?-? -11 ? - ? ho,! ctmiaih ViH ' "i wa> an iim uwnu, hum ? sharp darting pains all through me: head and j back ache every day." writes Mrs. Frank Caswell, of Salamanca, X. Y. "I was also troubled i with a distressed feeling in the stomach and pain ; j in front of the hip bones. I had a severe cough \ and it nearly killed me to draw a long breath, . I was so sore through my lungs. "I wrote to Dr. Pierce, telling my symptoms j ; as near as I could. He sent me a very kind letter, advising me to try his medicines, which I did. and l>ef<>re I had taken them a week I 1 was decidedlv better. I took two bottles of the I j ' Golden Medical Discovert-' and two of the Ka- I vorite Prescription.' and am sure T never felt j better in my life than when I quit taking them." j Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a cure j i for biliousness. j Our people certainly must believe I in fruit culture, as there were reore ! sentatives of two nurseries bere j , recently with large consignments of J trees. By special invitation Hon. J. Wm. Thurmond went to Irmo last Satur- ] day to consult with tax payers of the three townships with a view of test- i i iDg the validity of the railroad tax 1 ; in the courts. i ! Miss Ellen Hendrix is teaching a J flourishing school at Charter Oak. j ! Miss Eilen is one of Lexington's ; i most accomplished teachers and is i deservedly popular with the children and natrons wherever she has taught. \ * See the new advertisement of W. F. Furtick, Columbia. He means , what he says in it and you can buy staple goods at your own figures. \ They must go at any price. The devil remarked the other day to the religious editor that if any woman was ever foolish enough to j really explain her reasons for things i j to a man she would lose her power . , over him. j A full line of shoes for men, - wo- j men and children, in the latest fash! ionable shapes and toes, are kept by j M. R. Hartley & Co, at the Lexington Depot. These shoes, with proper i care, will outwear any other make. The Lexington Lumber Company made a new departure Monday night, j which is an evidence that the com- j pany is in a properous condition. J j It kept its force working until late in ! the night, so as to keep up with its : orders. See the new advertisement of i Julian E. Kaufmann, "The Druggist," in this issue. He offers an ex- ! ' cellent bill of fare for purchasers of Christmas presents. Read it and j call and inspect his stock. j Hon. A. Frank Lever informs us that the additional Free Rural De! livery service from Cope and Lees- j ; ville will be ordered estabiisnea, . : effpcUve February 1st, 1902, the 4 ? earliest possible data on which this j ' service can be inaugurated. Call to see H. L. Oswald when ! i you are in town purchasing dry ; goods, shoes, etc., for winter. He ! will sell them to you right. Good > goods at bottom prices is his motto. Don't fail to see him. Mrs. J. A Krentzlin, of Washing1 ton, D. C, Mrs. Chas. B. Harman, of Augusta, Ga., and Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, ' of Columbia, S. C, who have been at the bedside of their father, Mr. John H. Meetze, have returned to their respective hemes. Ladies wanted to do writing in J their homc-s. Salary $20 per month. ! Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ora Lee Thomasson, ' . *-"1 T?rir?tr Hill. S. C. i i Tbe best and cheapest line of ; clothing, can be found at M. R. Hartley & Go's., at Lexington Depot. ' Style, fit and price guaranteed. If i you wish to purchase anything in this line call and see this stock be- \ j j fore buying. i . 1 i tJBkk ' j i | I To select your nice Fancy i Articles for Christinas. The j Bazaar has just, received i and placed upon the shelves j ? 1??ncA t\ x \ rl lunwlcViniol \' ?lO_ ! it luigc aiiuiittiiviruiutn 410 r sorted line of Fancy China, Consisting of everything suitable for a present from a 5 cent Mug to the Finest China that is made in 'Germany. This is beyond dispute the finest and pret- I . tiest line of these goods ' ever seen in Lexington. ! The latest stylesand shapes j in I Glassware is now open for your in- | spection. In this line are ! many articles that are of every day use in the house- 1 hold. These goods are in j handsomely painted de ! signs as well as in plain ; ware. j ] Do not. I buy anything in the <ilass t or Chinaware line before 1 you see this carefully selected stock because every- j thing is marked at the : | lowest possible figures. Dolls, i , I ~ We have a ' large stock of j ill- ' Dolls which we j wltS have s e 1 e c t c d j with extra care. The little ones i /f / "X will be pleased with them. In 1 % I If til JO Olvii\ <*IV njj many of the fin- j M[/ est French dolls j as well as. the cheaper grades, j All sizes. Toys. Toys. Toys. V \(W We have anything in this line you want, and will, therefore, not attempt to enumerate. We invite you to eall. inspect this line and make your selection. Fruits, \iits. Etc. ! j * We are headquarters for those goods, as well as for plain and fancy candies. When you want goods in these lines call at. The Bazaar.; Mr. A. T. Frazee, who resided in I this place at one limp, was in town i Thursday and gave us a pleasant \ call. He was returning: to his home ; at Erookland from Red Bank, where ! he had been to convey the corpse of , a child which had been accidentally . burned to death. Abe was looking j ~ I fat and hearty and was as lively as { ever. WANTED?$20 per month to i ladies for an hour or two writing } each day. Can get the work at j once. Prompt pay. If can write, j send me self-addressed stamped en- j velope and get full particulars. Ad- i dress, Miss Sallie C. Zobel, 1227 ! Taylor street, Columbia, S. C. pd j roc5c5wc5wc5c5c5c5c5cg( S3 ^ 83 We have opened ?2 repository with 100 ?5 on hand. These ; Us goods. ea m listen! Graceful in Outl (ft3t mProj>ortion!!! Everything tli in Huggy Styles. \Ve have t ^ W all the Colors irom tne "J.iin Qc Crimson Red. m W S^^-ID^EISSIOISr ^23 Cw You are invited to call and inspect the nicest Bug, | GREGORY-RHEA MUi ?3 1115 PLAIN STREET, COLUMBI. February 14 -ly. i" ~ II T : sH I'.I CORSET ft \ ? 0 Vl^r V / WILL GiVE OV \ ^ <2$ Pekfkct Fit. v. I ./ SrVLlSH^FliJURE. ^ ^ \ \ No b?'tt<T Corset Oil a J / ''' ^r BK*rwice. i \ ioo'(ia"i(rt>k:e.L)' Ku-ry IvX I \ . 1 nRV^c part of lV) $T?A > LOW BUST I RN.nS p- s m!S RN.N0&7 I are made by experienced employees under suo-.r/ision of experienced ia" - * - I?L- l \Vn KaT.Q # . spectors, and every Corset is tested btlore packing :mu ou.\. jF. 1ST. COE3ETS v>itii Ccrk protected Rust proof Clasps trim 7~> cents to ?-3.00, and v.ill be pleased to have you try them, and will vetand money if not satisfied. McCREEEY BBOTEEttS, MAIN AND BLANDING STREETS, COLUMBIA, - - - IS. C. October ?ly. I A COMPLETE LINE OF ^ Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, /rN ^ Cloves, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, i /*<*( '/O ^ A Suspenders. f-u jl.? ' K I- ' p- " pfl Underwear, JpJ. P -L ^ . 01 /0^x ? _ ?~J n Ls ? A Shoes, 4/ L- f i a <? X1 Ws _ ' \L4o-. 0 <y Hosiery, Etc., ^ At Prices That Can't Be Beaten. The Best Line In Town. ? - ? - ? ? lir-n 1 n a HTP I A lMS^TOh PAN i 5! FAN I a: ram o: * Guaranteed as to fit and finish. Slims, ^ stouts aD(* r^ular sizes at price jou A new supply of f'W^IZJ^ FALL cloth,ng _ Has just been received and is now ... ,'w ymjjBK&Sft*'* ready for your inspection. We '* S'*? ^aV0 SU^8 From ^ cen*8 UP* Hamilton-Carhart's Celebrated Overalls. Yours for Trade. LEAPHART & DRAFTS, LEXINGTON, S. C. September i 1. rocaeacaQ S3 nr. ss S3 our new ?? . vehicles g? i rj VO VI OTTT M I inc!! Correct in CjIJ c Latest (Creation ZX hem painted in 2S gy It epos i terry in 88 LE GO., | 1 M IT'S I ? vis ? j 5U | 9P | A/ I A % c< x> ? The way some people buy? g ? think only of the price and never ? ? consider quality. Here you get * $ a happy combination. ? I ? x> ; <><; x> , & A QUANTITY OF QUALITY. ? X' 4 A LITTLENESS OF PRICE. & 8 v |H. 1. OSWALD,! ? LEXINGTON. S. C. | /X September 26. ^ OC " X> i iinLIati Coin illtl/HUli kjcmji I WILL SELL AT HILTON. S. C., ON December 30. at 10 o'clock a. in., to the highest bidder at pnblic ontcry, the following named Estate and Personal Property : 11 acre of land, containing four buildings, viz: one residence, one blacksmith shop 20x30 feet. One doable story work shop 24x00 feet. One grist mill house, one gin house: also one saw mill, one grist mill, one la:b mill, one 23 horse boiler with 20-horse engine, one 10-horse ; boiler with engine and shop tools : both for iron and wood work. Each lot of i lool.s enumerated will be sold separately. ' This is a splendid opening for a. me! cliauical or other business enterprise. I Come to the sale. J. E. KOON. i November 20, 1901, Notice Trespassers. \ LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOT!- ' I J\. lied not to hunt, lish. haul wood or I trespass in any manner whatever on our j lands, adjoining each other, with separate lands, and that the law will be enlorced against ail trespassers. Signed, J. J. MI LLER. GESERD MULLER, W. H. MULLER, H. L. MULLER, i M. L. BAKER. H. C. GEiGEK. LEVIN IV GEIGEK. November 20. 1001. 4w5pd. ! ARE YOU SICK, SLFFEEE1\4?. AND NEED I lv<ES3DICI2SrE! ? If so, you will find in the Drug ? ? ? ?J IV )l ^ J .I M A PS aao m r\+ 1 anu IVieUIUlllC i uhvih c* l the Bazaar, Standard Medi; cines for all Complaints, Diseases, Etc., which will crivp rplifif and cure vou. I J I AT THE BAZAAR, - J