The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 27.1901. Stats Nevs. 1 David Aiken died at bis home in Greenwood recently. * , A $6,000 fire occured in St. Mat- 1 tbewe recently. Tbe insurance was ? $3,700. ^ A it...! T rima r\f Roonfnrt' his i UCi L 'j uogo \jj. vvuu.v. . . ? band and arm lacerated by a gin. i The Wofford football team defeat- 1 ed the South Carolina college team. i Rev. W. R. Potter, late of Mississippi, has become pastor of the Bap- < tist church at Gaffney. i Smallpox bas again broken out in ' several sections of the State. Because Eve's legacy to her daughters is an excuse for aDy old thing. J Of the eight circuit Judgeships j six are to be filled this winter by the t General Assembly. The Railroad Commissioners have j decided to compel the railroads to ( erect a Union depot at Greenwood. A Charleston firm is soon to open f a wholesale establishment in Colam- \ bia making three of that kind in that ] - city. e I Re7. C. E. Todd of Dae West has 1 | accepted the agency of the 20th cen- 1 I tury fond of the A.R P, church and Q canvasser for Erskine college. ( Representative Yates, of Georgia, J has introduced a bill to prevent any J one from voting whose breath smells 1 of whiskey. A smelling committee i? V. ^T-r. in n?(iop irif-Vl Mr YafpR as f AO UU TW 1U V/1UV4 n*wfc. ? ? ? ? chairman. 1 The barn of E W. Hunt of Green- 1 wood county was recently burned, ? together with two mules, a horse, gin and condenser and a lot of farm pro- c duce. The loss was $1,500, with no ^ ? insurance. ' The Twin City Power company \ will establish an electric plant at % King Jaw shoals on the Savannah with 30,000 horse power. They expect to furnish power to Augusta, Elberton, Greenwood and other > towns. j | - { Jumped on a Ten Penny 2Tail. s I The little daughter of Mr. J. N. j Powell jumped on an inverted rake made of ten penny nails, and thrust one nail entirely through her foot and a second one half way through. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was ^ promptly applied and five minutes later the pain had disappeared and \ no more suffering was experienced. * In three days the child was wearing her shoe as usual and with absolutel ly no discomfort. Mr. Powell is a well known merchant of Forkland, Ya. Pain Balm ie an antiseptic and ? heals such injuries without matura- < tion and in one-third the time re- ? quired by the usual treatment. For ] sale by J. E Kaufmann. < f Poverty may sidetrack a man: but < it never blows him up. i f . An average sheep weighing 150 1 pounds gives 91 pounds of mutton. ' I Tbe man with the most property ] is the one with the greatest will power. I Know One Sure Remedy for an *bgtinate cold. Ita name is Pyay-Balsam. An earthquake in Sevier county i Utah the 13th caused damage of near } I ly ?100,000. < r* The Southern railway has renew- < ed lease of the Cincinnati Southern 1 for sixty-five jears. < H. T. Mclntyre, St. Paut, Minn., { who has been troubled with a dis- 1 ordered stomach, says, "ubamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do 1 me more good than anything I have ever taken." For sale by J. E Kaufmann. When a man wants to make a fool of himself he usually gets some wo- * man to help him. ] The average young lady changes , her dearest girl friend about oDce j every three months. ] Small boys struggling with the al- ( phabet are like postage stamps. They i get stuck on letters. [The busy lawyer might be said to be working like a horse when he is ] , j drawmg a conveyance. They are vaccinating people in Boston at the rate of 5,000 a day, and still they are not happy. I Oae in every 50 persons over SO | fears of age is blind. , Building operations throughout ! ;he country are now being pursued )n a greater sale than last year. Hunters killed at least one man a week in the mountain forestsof Maine jnder the misapprehension that they ire shooting at a deer. The wnipping post as a punish- j nent for wife beaters has been recom- j nended by the superintendent of j [he District of Columbia poliece Jorce. The R)thechi!ds have just purcbas?d the greatest copper mines in Mexco for $2,000,000. They now employ 27,000 men in their various eopper i nines. "Last winter an infant chili] of , mine had croup in a violent form," i say9 Elder John W. Rogers, a Christian Evangelist, of Filly, Mo. "I i *ave her a few doses of Chamberain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the ;bild recovered." This remedy not Dnly cores croup, but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear, vill prevent the attack. It contains 10 opium or other harmful substance md may be given as confidently to a :>aby as to an adult. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Bidly eaten by animals, the body >f a two-year-old child of Mr. and Stirs. Louis Kimball, of Brimley, j kfich., was found in the woods where the child had been lost. Postmaster General Smith will ask jongress for an increase for rural deivery from $3,500,000 to $0,000,000 md will advocate the extension of the lervice as far as possible. Lady Halle, once famous on the concert stage, owns one of the most valuable violins in the world. It is a Stradivariue, which formerly belong >d to Ernust, and is worth at least $10,000 ? > Night "Was Her Terror. * 1 would cough all night long,' writes Mrs. Chap. Applegate, of Alexandria, Ind , "and could hardly j ret any sleep. I had consumption j >o bad that if I walked a block I ; vould cough frightfully and spit i >lood, but, when all other medicines, i ailed, thiee $100 bottles of Dr. j king's New Discovery wholly cured 1 ne and I gained 58 pounds.'' It's ibsolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, i 3olde, LaGrippe, Bronchitis and all Chroat and Lung Troubles. Price >0c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at T. E. Kaufmann's drug store. Thinning Thorn Out. Richmond, Yd., Nov. 20 ?The con- i stitutional convention today by an jverwhelming majority adopted the intendment read by Mr. Barbour j Droviding that the State board of iducation may, in its discretion, con- j jolidate several counties and have 1 districts instead of county school j juperintendants. The remainder of the session was devoted to a discussion of the section relating to the manner of choosing school books, j hut no action was taken. About to be Buried Alive. Decatur, Ala , Nov. 20 ?James I Winn, an Oxford blacksmith, nar- i 1 rowly escaped being buiied alive to i , lay. After the funeral services, the ' ;aeket was opened at the grave, when , the body was seen to move. The J jasket was hurried back to the home Df Winn where he revived and is aow under the treatment. Winn had been pronounced dead by physicians and he lay apparently dead for two ights and a day. Says He Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I ? 3ould hardly walk," writes H. Kibin- ^ 3on, Hillsborough, Ills., "but Buck len's Arnica Salve completely cured | | them." Acts like magic on sprains, j \ bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, [ boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin j diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by J. E. Kaufmann. 2oc. I > Take things as they come?but remember there are lots of things that will pay you to go after. j Biq monet sfsasa fcs , Plan Peats Everything:. No Piisk. Sent Free First Answer will cot this. 31, I'oung. 203 Henry St., Brooklanil, X. Y ?'> II 1*1 E gg VLCHnHW V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ II SI! MM Oftfl! [81 ?5 i!F Ml C?5 UL nL1 ?1 A Fffi "S^TTTS gjgj ssL aal 59 We placed large advance orders i JjW an enormous Fall and Winter Busi CO are sorry to say that so far our c (79 have not been realized. We knov CO the condition of the country and si RTlJI fni' it h io Ipcrif imntp trndp fhi^SPflSO g IMMENSE STOI 55 Q that we cannot 03I EM to ^ s?me rea^ SkjS We carry one 3? t i nrmnm ctmnnri H MtttiMl ftiUUVi anc* have beyond a doubt the gS We have Men's .Suits from ?1.10 uj 22 Children's Pants 10 cents up. Dress (roods from 3 cents per yarc 22 to ?2.00. WkFw Mwi'e TTntc from 1()p r-nrh 'in. Q Iii short we can clothe, shoe ant Q9 hat all classes and sizes of men 279 positively mean business. | WE MUST REE Cost of many lines will not be cons QfS verted into cash. Thanking the and with kind wishes, we are 1 1638 and 1640 Main J eaeamcgmcgcacgi * ATLANTA GRANITE AND Marietta Marble Works. We have the best equipped plant in the South, with up to date pneumatic tools and polishing machines which puts us in a position to do all kinds of TVT-?t?T>1 #> anrf Crnnife Work I MBB at the very lowest prices. Estimates made on all kinds of Cemetery Work, and Building Material. Wholesale and retail. Call on or address, 3. G. MOZLEY & CO., P. W. BAENES, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Kidge Springs, S. C. May 8? ly. South Carolina Marble forks, 1707 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. 8 MARBLE AND GRANITE Dealers Sonth. We use the best grade material in manufacturing Monuments and Headstone* and guarantee our work and fiinish to be the best. When you hear a man complaining that he can buy so much cheaper from some little fellow who is anxious to sell anything, you can put it down that he will get cheap stock, cheap work, and ol course a cheap job. We can compete with any lair dealer . in this country, but we cannot say we will sell as cheap as some as we do not care worK. | (RON S WIRO FENCING, GRAVE LOT COM, ETC.,! for sale. Write to us or see our MR. P. 33. EDWARDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. ?,;n fkof T-nn ara freotorl fftlT\ | 0LIU. WO Villi OOO tuai JK/km maw w?vm?w SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. September 11. 44?tf % ___ 7 jseMseseaeasssa IWG Ilia S yj . * # vi % \\\\\\\\\ 1 KM Ml 113 SO I .TICK'S. 1 lliliVrlj'tiling A) W % ness and we fallal expectations 4* * (RiS r full well -f J| Kw ee 110 chance C? n. We have ' ;ks of stuff ? afford io carry over, and don't yg| over, and, therefore, have decided #5fl :-es to the centre early in the sea- yQ usu a cnaiiLC huu ait* uuii; it* uu\ abb bargains. ffffS of the 22 5 IN THE STATE ? stuff you are looking for. 3 Children's Suits from 49c. up. 5jf5 A tremendous stock of Shoes 1 from 10 cents a nair uj?. Ladies' Trimmed Hats and jJjgj ready to wear hats at all Q9 I nrtnac n\-/.nr\+ li rrli nvicfla bMb and womankind and we most iUOE STOCK!! g sidered. The stuff must he contrade at large for past favors ??3 very sincerely. (79 >t., COLUMBIA, S. C. ?9 aacocacaesmesca 396M9QQ60?dQ PERKINS MANUFACTURING CO., YELLOW PINE LUMBER, MANUFACTURERS OF FLOollNMEW SIDING, FINISHINGS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, 1 > O O R S , S A 8II AND BLINDS, AUGCSTA, GA. ^-ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. February 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch Standard Goods of all descriptions are the only kind kept in stock in our new store, ami those who wish to purchcasethe latest novelties in Fall and Winter Dry Hoods, Notions and Millinery ? w as cheap as i lie same class of goods can he purchasedelsewhere, should inspect this stock before purchasing. Honest values for your money is our guarantee, so if your want to buy goods that will prove to he just as represented, give us a call and you'll not he disappointed. WM. PL ATT, MAIN STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE POST 0PPI0E, OOLUSISiA, S. 0October, 9.?om.