The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 02, 1901, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispatch G. M. HARM AN. Editor and Publisher LEXINGTON. S. C.. "WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1901. H.0NEST ABE lr. S. M. THE RURAL MAIL CARRIER IS A VERY BUSY MAN. He fheork Vp the Widow*. S>n%s>nthir.cs With the Taxpayers. Fervent* Politlrnl Bolts and Gives General Adviee Free Gratis. rrv?n-ri?.ht 1005. hv C. B. Lr'.vis.l When I got along to the Widow Taylor's the other day. 1 found her at the gate, looking pale faced and anxious. There was a newspaper for her, but no letter, and, seeing that she was greatly east down, I said: "Any one siek, widow, and are yon expecting to hear bad yews?" "Say, Abe," she replied after a rain "I*M GOING TO BT'ST gHIS DUKSZD OLD GOVERNMENT." ute, "I'm almost a mind to tell you something, but I'm afraid you'd laugh at me." "Don't you believe It. widow. Is it an official or private communication? Don't forget as the driver of this mail wagon I'm representing the postal service, the administration, the great American nation and the Hag which waves over 80,000,000 freemen." "This hain't got nothing to do with the great American nation," she said as she turned away to sigh. "It's between ine'n you, Abe, that I say I've been shook." "Do you mean somebody has glveu you the marble heart?" "It looks like it. Do you remember the feller who come along here last Jauunrv sM line barbed wire fences? He had blue eyes and red whiskers and tspoke with a smile, and he fell in love with me at first sight. He was around here for a week, and before he went away lie asked trie to be his'u." "And you promised?" said I. "I?I think 1 did. He was to come In a month, and he was to write me three times a week. 1 got two letters from him, but that was all. it's what they call the o!d shake, ain't it?" "Looks like it, widow?looks very much like it. I'm afraid he was only toying with your affections. He was barbed wiring the pastures and your heart at the same time. Have you .written him?" "Almost every day, Abe. I've written him love, and I've.written him threats, but be won't auswer neither. I'm so upset that I don't know what to 'do. I can't work days, ami 1 can't sleep nights. It's an awful thing. Abe, for a man to tell a woman that she's the dearest, sweetest, cutest, lor ingest thing on earth and then walk off as tool as a cow in a cornfield. 1 believe I shall commit suicide." "Widow," said I as I watched the tears streaming dowu her cheeks, "'don't you go and cut up no clothcs^ line to hang yourself on account of any such scouudrel. He might have had blue eyes and red whiskers, but his heart was false. If you had married him, he would have broken your heart in a month. Lord bless mo, but be might bave taken you to Niagara falls on a bridal tour and chucked you over! Just weed him right out of your heart and go to looking sweet and purty again. Why, I know a dozen fellers who are dying to marry you." "You don't say!" she gasped. "Of course I do, and with the hints t ci.nii 'torn nml thprp rnii'll li.irp JL OUlUi U4VJ/ uv* v v.- . w .. ^ to stand at tlie gate with a club to keep the crowd off. Lands alive. Widow Taylor, but you don't tell me you are breaking your heart over one single man, and a barbed wire niau at that, when you can have your pick of 20!" "But I've beeu shook," she said, smiling arid weeping at the same time. "Then got even by shaking three or four men, and don't shed another tear. Bless me, but if uiy wife was a widow she wouldn't stand one show in 50 beside you! Widow, haste thee away and curl thy hair and powder thy chin and get ready to wreck the lives of half o finvan windmill mrcnts before Satur day night!" She called down blessings on my head as I drove off, and I looked to see her.tripping pn the oath with. new_iovs - needs to have any. Wine of Cardui will quickly relieve those I smarting menstrual pains and a the dragging head, back audi side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses. WIHEoCARDU! has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered I every month. It makes the men-1 strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by XatuTe to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. Gukknwood, La., CM. It, 1X0. I have been very sick for some time. I was taken with a severe pain in my side and could not cet any relief untfi I tried a bottle of Wine of"Cardub Bofore I had taken all of it I was relieved. I feci it mr duty to say that you have a wonderful medicine. ' Jb Foradvlceand literature. addreM. giving sTtnp torn*. "The badlcs'Advisory liepartment.' Trie W Chattanooga Medicine Co., CtsattaDooga, Tenn. I m WW B m w n to the Farmers, the driving wheel o: they fail the machine stops. "V The Pwle's Store,17111 Offers to the farmers of Lexh atfprices that will meet their ne Please note carefullv the following prices on staple merchandise and com with fifty cents. We mean what we say and will stand to the mark. Did cf Lamps, Water Sets, Toilet Sets, Clocks and Watches, to any customer Walker, make some other m Domestics. ' Dl'OSS (lOOtls. 5000 yards 30 inch BleachiDg, 10 cents kind. 5 cents. ~TT ' ^ -i in I am inst from the leading ouoo yards tvooi jeans, zu cents aiuu, speuuu, iu vcm.->. .. . 5000 yards Calico, 61 cents goods, onr price. 3\ cents. I bought vtry heavily o a 50 pairs 10-4 Blankets, $1 00 per pair, special, 50 cents. suades tha. will be worn this 50 '0 yards. Sea Island, 5 cents, we mean business 2i cents j cents per }ard- -jo se? Handkerchief. Pins and Needles, sold everywhere at 5 100 Ladies Brocaded Skirts n. cents, special, each 1 cent w price shall be *0 cents , A big drive in Pocket Books, Combs and Brushes at less We bought ene ca*e o gi. .< than halt price, 5 cents and up. _ come quick and bi 500 large Bed Spreads, sold everywhere for $1, our price, LadiesCioth, 72-inch wide. 50 cents. Broad Clotb, in all the leadin 50 pieces best Oil Cloth, the price shall be 15 cents. Eider Down for Infant's Cioa 50 dozen large Towels, 20 cents kind, special 10 cents. "b good eight day' C oc .s. 500 Bugs, 40-inch square, price each 19 cents. The great Ingersol atch, on , i-?. o? i ?ji 50 pood alarm Clocks, each c CHA' Cltzeii uest cpooi vuituu, per b|;uui, uuit v<.u>?. , 1000 }ards good Mattress Ticking, the price 5 cents. 50 dozen Men's heavy seamlei 10 cents kind, our price. ?0 dozen Suspenders, leaihe: I cents kind, cur price 10 The People's Store, 1711 April 1? 1901. JT . * T'-A.BTTIlbA.'XEED I2ETUEITS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION' HELD IN ~ ? * / V O Lexington County, September 24, JLtfUl. | Con House ol' 7th Total Distiiet RpPrs i> C ^ p nr *" r7 o 2 L ? E PRECINCT. S3 M x F ^ <! ! * ? ? 5 ? ' t?i ^ 2 c 2" < *L < ! ? 2 ? ' ? r^ ?* ! ! ! ' *?s I . LexiDgtoa S3 275 223 133 358 Batesburg 52 130 11 178 ISO Brookland 45 211 87 169 256 Lewiedale ; 9 75 30 54f 84 T .OQCTlll 1 a I 49 ?8 I 42 68 I 110 JUVVCVliiVi. v " ? Red Bank 8 57 9 57 GG Nate's School House 6 23 *27 2 29 Pelion 9 2G 8 27 35 Ballentiue 5 50 44 S 55 Gastoo 21 91 17 95 112 Samaiia 5 31 -c 31 <>(> SpriDg Hill 7 87 -14 49 94 Peak 8 84 01 31 92 Cbapin ; 11 127 90 38 138 Irmo 24 GO 79 12 91 Swansea 1 21 107 30 92 128 Hilton 7 101 83 14 108 Elinunds 4 49 4 49 53 Pine Ridge 00 40 37 3 40 Rishton 3 58 22 39 G1 Boylston Academy.. 1 35 11 25 36 Crout's Store 2 31 5 28 33 Sbumpert 3 28 10 21 31 Laird's Mill 12 79 10 81 91 Hollow Creek 7 51 34! 24 58 Sandy Run 00 76 50 26 <6 Piney Woods 00 40 3S 2 40 T-? i_ if) .17 '17 9*1 fill JDfOOK I id ti | " t-u a -v Folk's School House I 11 ID I 10 11 I 30 Total I HO 2162 111091:390 12593 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE, 7TII DISTlUCTr ~cb r " te " tr1 i-J CD "? ? P < P < a ? d ? ? . ?* a : x- | iii i *?' r** * ' <! Dorchester 434 305 129 Berkeley 442 25S 1S4 Richland 58 34 24 Orangeburg l,i>SG 1352 G34 Colleton 529 693 144 Sumter 497 784 287 Lexington 419 2,1G2 1,743 o Total 4,365 5,588 971 2,174 and greater hopes in" her he art" l~Iiau ! wrote ,nt; on il Sunday n lie was just reached the Schimerhorns' and i rus^e(l during the week, was dropping a letter into *the box But offices are mighty scarce, T nele when the old mau came out of the "enrYcorntield with a hoe on his shoulder -^n<* PO are Patriots like me. It s no and said: ' use' -^t>e?no use. Tiie president has "Look a-here, Abe, I'm going to bust | ?one back on a man who was willing this durned old government into a | sbed his last drop/of blood for Amorcocked hat, and I thought 1 might as i ^ca- aRd that man ain t going to overwell tell you right here and now!" : look it. I m going right at it and bust "What's the matter, L'ncle Ileury?" j U nited States of America all to said I. i sq?ash!" "Haven't I snick by this government Please don t.' ^ through thick and thin for the last 20 I *>,ut * will- Yes.;Ahe. I ve got my vearsV" i warpaint on and my/dander up, and by * "Tni sure you have." itIlc ?lvat horn sl,oon r,n "oinS to I)u11 . "Haven't i had the American eagle ; tho tail feathers out of the American painted on niv boss barn and kept the ; an<j kick the constitution hiithet n stars and stripes flying every day in i tiilderoj s kite. the vearY" * begged and entreated him to stay [ "It's true Uncle Henry." his hand and struggled with him for j "And I'm alius the first one to pay j ',a'^ an ^10,u'? ,,,!,1 finally, on my prom- i my taxes and the first one to chip in j drop in and see the government j _ _ . _ , .. .. some evening and see that Bill was j for thp Fourth of Jul v. les. Abe. I ve , . . . . I ?to?i np for Aniorit-a in hailstorms ! C1.*'"glw" V I and thunder showers and when every- I 1 1 I",0 pl V'.'" 01 'u,?t 101 ,uon* '* [ bodv else in the country was down on 1 lin<1 OJ,I*v Icft ll,m 1,;,lf ;l ,nil? 1,01,1,1,1 [ hor: and what's the result? Mv son ! whcn 1 :" ross Si,:ls 1>,cheo as hc } Bill has ,:ot sore eyes and a stiff'knee. | wsw ^yhsg to town, and he st?w<l ! and I thought i'd ^et liim an easv job j 11,0 lo s*'-' for the Slimmer. I wrote to the pros- 1 vo J,1I,,S -v?" :l s?l?are | idont to see if he had a place to lit. j ,nnn' an<1 1 wnnt to -iv,; -v,m 51 wor<1 j and he never even answered my letter. wannns. !<<>'* out foi another job." i What sort of a reward d'vou call that?" 1,,>1' s tl10 IOU : s:,'(1 ' "He's awful busv, vou know," said I. "*"?thin's P'ing to tumble, and you \ , "That's no excuse! He could have SlLtSJtfroia.ijn.ler." j; af n i i a?m f the mercantile I Vho will lend a hel ? r\i i ?i Stat, fell 1 agton and adjoinin eds with a half cr< a l ? *liq cvnoctflftnr> nf ] 8 to our siuic wi.u i ? you get your premium? We ofFsr to oui purch*9iug tea dollars' worth. If you < terchant beat these prices. OrCSvS Goo lis. Wehaveihai markets of the world where the leading Jabrics in all I?-Aeeason We start the price .Ir ., his stock is to buy. ^ Wearethegr lade in the latest st\h-s, the V\* . I? .an ' 5 ceuts, SI.00 and $i 25 each wlU tlckle >'cn* 3ge Suiting, the price was 15 C.LOTII ly at 7.1 cents. on]l 3?~ ?n.ts- , , | Come to see u g shades. 4o cents and up wi? hcn 12.1 cents. 50 d Dril each $1 69. sale here, each 60 cents. I JSII 5 cents. ?s Hose, in greys and blues. Our Shoe Sto 5 cents . bc^t, - v.i..ov 'io MR. S. 0. I L ~ ? - * cents. 1 Shoe Departrae Main St., Col ' "But wlih't 1s~it. Silas?" 1 "They've raised taxes on me?a dollar i J more'n last year." "You don't say!" "But I do and can prove it. Yes, sir, ' while I've been licking everybody who said anything itg'in this government | and have stood ready to make almost ! any sacrifice she's gone and raised my j taxes as a reward. You know me, Abe, ! rmd von know I'm not the man to ! stand it." | ' "But what can you do?" "Start a revolution that will upset ' the old apple cart inside of a month and bring f?-Iks to their senses. I'll do j it, Abe?I'll do it if it takes my last j cow?and I warn you to look out for ( another job. I'm a bad man when I'm j trampled on, and they'll find it out i when a wave of blood goes swashing i over this land. I'm on my way to ; town now to buy a new hoc and start I the revolution going." It took me 15 minutes to get him to bold off for two weeks while I wrestled i with the government to have his taxes | reduced, ami as I drove on lie called to i uie: , "Two weeks, Abe. but notauotherday! It's either lower taxes or a wave of blood, and you can tell 'em I'd a leetle i rather have the blood 1" M. Quad. It is Important That those who go on excursions for pleasure or health should make some provision against the attacks of bowel diseases, which not only cause them great iocouvenience, but are sometimes fatal in their lesults. A bottle of Perry Davis' Pain-Killer is, we have found, a most effectual rem- ] edy against such attacks. Avoid substitutes, there is but one PainKiller, Perry Davis\ Price 25c. and 50c. - ?Two sides of a face are never alike. , The eyes are out of line in two cases out of five, and one eye is stronger than the other in seven persons out , of ten. The right ear is, also, as a j rule, higher than the left. J The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrt cea Piemedy. : For tale by J. E Kaufmann. Joseph A. Gildman, a minister of < the United Brelberen church at j Huntington, Ind , was tarred and j < feathered for saying that McKinley i j was a demagogue. j j 1 It is a coincidence that our three 1 assassinated presidents were shot on ; ; Friday?Lincoln, Friday, April 14, M 1SG5: Garfield, Friday, July 2, 1881; ! 1 McKinley, Friday, Sept. G, 1901. | i I C^ES WH^EALL ELS^AILs/1 M Best Cough Syup. Tastes Good. Use ^ in time. Sold by druggists. l*< ; Within a recent week a bank of j embezzler from Duisburg, Germany, i was caught in Chicago, and a mur- i derer from Wyoming, was run down i ? in Kimberley, Sjuth Africa. What ! with land "telegraphs, ocesn cables j . and extradition treaties, the modern j criminal is at a great disadvantage in j playing hidc-and st ek with the mod- j ern sleuth. ; , The cry of 'lynch him' was heard j Friday against a negro in New York j nark, but the uolice succeeded in uro- ; i ' # A * tectiDg him. ! A mountain ot)0 feet high in noitvern Japan sarik after an earthquake, i ; leaving the top on a level witn the ! surrcuodiDg plain. j j Yen Know What Yon Are Taking j j "When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is i plainly printed on every bottle show- i mg that it is simply iron and Quinine ] in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. ' msiness. When { ping hand? % ? i I i n lii, 5. L g counties ( r\-f OAllmi J U1 VjWUtUJLl. c-uyir-g one dollars' worth of goods r customers a premium, consisting jon't buy goods from Hates & ATS! IIAT>:: i in all the latest styles and shades, the _ I-rice jnst OLC-half. INTS! PAM8!! eatest Pants house that ever was in Colnmi you; the color will suit you and ih? juice 9 IIV O! CLOTHING!! iS. If we can't sell you a suit of clothes ie without them. < i J-/I i* ** CO, oes: shoes:: t ck is complete, the quality and style are the ; JAM1NER, of Lexington, has charge of the r.t ami will take pleasure in serving you. :R, ' umbia, S. O, . mm f!HPHfir\r fin I !iu t v vjiiuiiiifiiu u\jm MANUFACTURERS OF uiis'ssiPiisiife sum: pop FEVER&CQUBHCURE FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ["bore is no better Remedy lor' these diseases on the market. WHITE LINIMENT, V Wonderful and Infallible Remedy for ( Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, and all kinds of Sprains, Bruises and Collar Boil.s 1'iice 25c. MAGNETIC OINTMENT. IKE GREAT SORE HEALER. ts. msiA IK* sllfir I vp t viu viaiv rhe Most Wondeful Colic Core on Earth Price 50 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., P. O. BOX 224, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 12?11m. Dr. (J. E. Leaphart, REAL I8TAT8 BROKER, AND Fire i li inn lift LEXINGTON, S. C. RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE INEW YORIvLIFE rHE STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON EARTH. Persons desiring a policy -written in the ibove strong insurance company should aotify me and I will call upon them at their homes if preferred. riMREI) LAND A SPECIALTV. PARTIES HAYING LAND FOR SALE, or those wanting to purchase are in invited to correspond with me. Property olaced with me will be advertised free of charge. No commissions charged unless ;aie is made. 516 acres of good farming land in Conrarce township, 8 miles from Columbia and I mile from Dixanna, on which there are two tenant houses. Trice $2,500, onefourth cash; balance on easy payments. One lot in the town of Gaston on uhich there is a two-story store-house 24x70; seven rooms attached lor dwelling purposes, together with necessary outbuildings and a tine orchard. A good opening for a hotel. Buildings new, costing twice is ranch as the price asked for it. Price $1200. One lot in the town of New Brookland on which is a 5-roomed cottage and accessary outbuildings. Price, $1,000; or this property will be exchanged lor good farming lands. Two good sized lots in the Tcwn of Gaston Price, $25 each.. A house and lot in the town of Swansea. This is a good location lor a store. Price, 5200, One lot in Swansea, situated in ttae main business portion of the town, on which is i storehouse 20x40. Price $500. A tract consisting of 142 acre', on which there is a good, new six roomed dwelling. 2-horse iarin open- extra good farming land. Situated six miles south of Batesburg. The house alone is worth more than the price asked. Price, $850. oO. Also I offer the following property in the suburbs of Lexington: 1 house and lot in town. Price, $G00. 1 tract o! 12 acres. Price, $100 1 tract of G acres. Price. $150. 1 tract of 17 acres. Price. $100. 1 tract of 12 acres, on which there is a :jood 1 roomed cottage. Price, $600. H acres, in the suburbs of Lexiigton, ! fronting on the Augusta road 1G6 iset. Price $7./. 20 acres of land, four roomed dwelling rnd outbuildings in fair condition, 4 miles 2ast of Lexington. Price, $600. i 4 acrts and a small dwelling lying and being just beyond Lexington Depot. Price ! 5250. i llij acres, two small building, lying and J being just beyond Lexington Depot. Price 525'>. 4 acres, situated in the same neighborhood. Price $20. N0 verber 21, 1 '.>00 -1 f. OWARO L ASBILL. / Attorney at Law, F.ESYILLE, s. c Fr&ciices ii: nil tlie Court*. I3u:;iiiO;is solicited. Sept. 3''?Gm JD?ALi-.U l-\ ROCEfilES 11 PROVISIONS, HOES, CLOTHING, TINWARE, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, CONFECTIONERY and a full stock of i i iir i l _ lenerai Jierciiuiiuise. .'hen you are in need of anything in my no duu'f. buy before calling and see the ig bargains I am offering. II. 1. WINGARD, LEXINGTON, s. c. May 1?ly, lllfi?^ll?k PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM j5^?gMp^jgS Cleirsei and bcantltiel the hair. 5?B5?jyF^*? IH Promote* a luxuriant growth. ? 5S?S7" ^cM Mover Pails to Ecstore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. JaJgJ fSirrs 3Ca:p disease* & hair lulling. ffJc.andgl.'JUat I)njggiita__jf CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEHMYHGYAL FILLS G? \ \?* p in>>. Always reliable. Ladies, ask Druggist for ['IIICKEVTKK'M KXiUSIl in Ked and Mold metallic boxes, sealed wish blue ribbon, fake no other. Refuse dangerous .ubistllutionitiiad iniitnlion*. Buy of your Druggist, r send *?'. in stamps lor Partieiiiar*. 'IVetiiuocials and "Relief tor f.tidies." in Irtitr, ty return .Hail. ?0.000 Tesl inonihis. Sold by til Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 1200 .Uadiaou 3'?iiLA., PA. JUcnUoii i&is paper. HERHGnML WAGENEK, S. C. 1 THOROUGH Preparatory Fchool. A. Excellent Teachers Splendid Buildup. Bcnrd and Tuition Rates Seasonable. Wealthy Community, oo!y one case of fever :cntracted here in live jears. Wo would appreciate yor.r patronage. For catalogue id dress, W. S. PETERSON, K. B.. President. Or C. L. JONES, Ch B'd Trustees. Wagener. S. C. August 2S, 1901. 8v,*l7. aS a8 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. Itgives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. I t can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. Pf.Witt & Co., Chicago 'Vhe $1. bottle contains 214 tim?s the 50c. size. J. E. KAUFMANN. When writing: mention the Dispatch. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. w Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in EtTect June 30th. 1901. iNo.31lNo.33 northbound. (Daily Daily tv. Jacksonville (P. SI * 8tWa 45p. " Savannah (So. Ry ) 1225p " Barnwell i 3at3pi 4 13aj " Blackville 4l2p| 4 3Sa| Ar. Columbia , ooOp 6 13aj Lv. Charleston, (So. Ry 7 U0n lltWp " Summerville j 7 41u' 1200ut " Branchville 1 9 00a| 2 OUa ' Orangeburg :9 23a: 2 43a " Kingville 10 -'4a 4 03a Ar. Columbia 11 10a .5 40a Lv. Augusta, iSo. Kyi) 25Up 93Up; Lv. Granitevillo | 3?lp 10l5p Lv. Aiken 305p Lv. Trenton 352p|1100p " Johnston 40rpll&tp ? Ar. Columbia ! 5 4opj 2 10a Lv. Columbia, i.Bldg St ;>55pi 0 25a; " Witmsboro j 650pj 7 25a! " Chester i 7 3Spj 817a' " Rock Hill ' 853p| 8 08a| Ar. Charlotte 9 OPPl 9 55a; Ar. Danville 13 4Sn 152p Ar. Richmonrt .. * I 0'JUa _d4Vp. ? Ar. Washington 7 35ai 9Uup[ " Baltimore (Pa.RR) | 9 1oa U35pj " Philadelphia 11 3oa: 2 5<'al "New York i 2 03p: 0 2ba Lv. Columbia ill 30a j 7 20a Ar. tjpartanburg , 310p,10 20a, " A.sheville j 715pi 2 OOp' Ar. Knoxville I 4 05a' 7 lop Ar. Cincinnati j 7 aopl a lea Ar. Louisville I 7 oOp! 8 40a !No.33!No.3o SOUTHBOUND. [DsdJy jDaily Lv. Louisville . j 7 45a[ 7 30pj Lv. Cincinnati ] tStJOa! 8U5p! Lv. Kuoxville { 1 ooaj 8 2oa " Ashcville : 7 05a 3 OOp " Spartanburg 1035a 0 lop Ar. Columbia I 2 15pi 930p Lv. New York'Pa.R.R) | 330p|l2l5ot " Philadelphia 605p 3 5ca " Baltimore S t?7pj 6 22a Lv. Washi'gt'n (So.Ry).. r.. ! 0 50piU_l5a Lv. Richmond ill 3Jp i201m Lv. Danville i 4 3oa, 548pj.. Lv. Charlotte j S 20ai Ooopj '[ Rock Kill I 9 lCa'104Op| uneszer smaiu " Winnsboro 10 23a 12 Ola Ar. Columbia. (Bldg St II 35a I Qua1 Lv. Columbia, (,U. D.) !l30Um 3 50al " Johnston | 1 -lOpi 6 boa " Trenton 152p 6 23a Ar. Aiken j 2 30pi 7 30a Ar. Graniteville 2-lp; 6 5;aj Ar. Augusta j 30Jp 7 45a' Lv. Columbia *So. Hv) J SJUbp; 1 35a " Kingville ; 3 46p; 2 32a " Oranjreb'irg j 4 42p 3 45a! " Branchville r? 2oi>; 4 25al ' Summerville 1 642p 557a Ar. Charleston ; 730pj 7 0?ja! Lv. Columbia iSo. Kv.? 11 4'Ja 1 10ai " Blackvillo 1 20p; 2 52a| " Barnwell 1 133pi 3 07a! " Savannah 305p' 4 50uj Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) 1 7 40p 9 15a1 Sleoping Car Service. Excellent daily j>assenger service between Florida and New \ork. Nos. 3-i and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between ? 1 V* V?..I, D.t 11 ..... i. r,. *VU?USiii ttilU. xwijv. x VU0..1..5 room sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and Vew York. Pullman sleeping oars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 atid M?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room butTet sleeumg ears between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte ana Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, S. H. HARDWIOK, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington. D. C. W. H. TALOE. R. W. HUNT, Aa't Gen. Pass. Ag't., Div. Pass. Ag't., ^ Atlanta, Ga. .^Ch^eston, S. Q.^ D. Rl'FUS HAI IBatsslouL: HEAVY GI OK ALL SPECIA MEAL, GRISTS, 'Will have a representative in Lexiugtou eve: greatly appreciated. Prices furnished August 21?3ra. PERKINS MANUF YELLOW PIjS MANCFACTD S3IIC3-X3: c FLOORING, OEI FINISHINGS, MOULDINGS, I)OORS,SASH . AUGUST ^ESTIMATES CHEEKF February 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. gjafiali [LM,ted Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900. SOUTHWARD. i D?ily. i Daily i No. 31 No. 27 i Iv New York. P. R. R.. 1 00 pm 12 15 am T> V 1? ' Q OQ ?r?, 7 Oft o.r> lv Baltimore, P R K... I 5 50 pm 9 34 am lv Washington, PR R.i 7 00 pa; 10 55 am lv Richmond, S A L Rj 10 40 pm 2 35 pm lv Petersburg. 44 11 35 pm 3 30 pm j lv Ridge way Jet, " 2 25 am 6 17 pm \ lv Henderson, * 2 53 am 6 40 pm lv Raleigh, " 4 06 am 7 50 pm j iv Southern Pines,44 ! 5 57 am 9 42 pm I No 403 j lv Hamlet, 44 : 6 50 am 10 32 pm ! ; No. 3f Iv Columbia, { 44 10 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah 44 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar -Jacksonville, " 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tampa, 44 i 6 3U ami 5 30 pm i _____ No 4U3 i ~~ ar Charlotte, " 9 31 am | lv Chester, " j 9 52 am j lv Greenwood, 44 111 42 am lv Athens, " ' 1 4S pm . ! ar Atlanta,? 44 4 00 pm i ar Augusta, C & W C .1 5 10 pm: | lv New i'orx, m Y t & N tb 00 am 9 00 pm lv Philadelphia. 44 10 20 am; ll V6 pm ?v New i'ork, O Cri SCO f3 00 pin: ! lv Baltimore. B t> P Co If6 30 pm ! lv Wash'ton, N & W Sis I 6 30 pm | "I No. 403 No. lv Portsmouth, S ALR} 9 20 pm 9 30 am iv Wcldon, 44 1 2 05 am! 12 01 pm No. 31 I ? T-,- 1 -r ? .. O OS: on.: 1 on rim iv magewavdc!., u -* **' f? lv Henderson, 44 2 53 am 2 13 pm lv Kaieigh, 44 4 00 am 3 51 pm lv Southern Pines,44 5 57 am G 12 pm No. 403 lv Hamlet, 44 i 0 50 am 7 30 pm j No. 31 j No. 27 lv Columbia, | ,4 j 10 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah, 44 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, *4 j 7 40 pm 0 10 am ar Tampa, 44 ! 6 30 am 5 30 pm Mo. 403 >o. Tl iv Wilmington, 44 31*5 pm ftr~~Cb~irIotte. 0 31 arnjlO 20 pm iv Chester, 44 0 52 am iu 55 pm lv Greenwood, 44 11 42 ami 1 07 am lv Athens, 44 1 48 pm 3 43 am ar Atlanta,^ 4J J 4 00 pm 6 05 am ar Augusta. 0 & W C 5 10 pm> ar Macon, C of Georgia 7 20 pm 11 lOjim ar^Montgom'rvTA &WT 0 20 pm 11 00 am ar Mobile, L & N 3 05 am 4 12 pm ar New Orleans^ L A N J 40 am 8 30 pm ar Nashville, ft C & i?t G 4U am G 55 pm ar Memphis, 44 | 4 Uu pml 8 10 am TvTM?TTTTX7 A T?.T) + 11 mamVmm | Daily I Daily No. 44 No 66 lv Tampa, SAL Ry..,. 8 00 pm 8 20 am lv Jacksonville, " i 8 2J am 7 45 pm lv Savannah, " ,12 35 pm 11 oO pin lv Columbia ? J 5 45 pm 5 45 am lv Memphis N C AStL 12 45 pn. 8 45 pm lv NaHVille. 7 I 0 30 am 0 10 am lv New Orleans, L & N 7 45 pm f 45 pm lv Mobile " 12 20 am -2 20 am lv Montgom.'rv, A & W P 0 20 am'11 20 ami lv Macon, C ol Georgia 8 0u am 4 20 pm lv Augusta, CAWO...I 0 40 ami.,....... No~402 No. 38 lv Atlanta,^ SAL Ry 1 00 pm 9 00 pm ar Athens, " 2 50 pm il 23 pm ar Greenwood, " 4 44 pm 2 05 am ar Chester. " 6 28 pm 4 30_ani lv Charlotte, " 6 30 pm 5 00 aim lv Wiimmgtou " j 12 05 p n No. 44 No. 66 lv-Hamlet 9 05 pm 9 20 am lv Southern Pines," 10 00 pm 10 05 am lv Raleigh. " H 40 pm 11 56 am ar Henderson, " 12 50 am; 1 13 pm lv Kidgewav 'Jet " 1 140 ami 1 45 pm lv Petersburg, *' 4 15 am 4 40 pm i_ t>. ...5 ? i S IS ?TT, 5 4-D nm IV Il!L'iiUiUUU, vr AV ^ t ar Washington, P R R8 45 arc 9 30 pm ar Baltimore. P R R.... 10 08 am 11 35 pin ar Philadelphia, P R E 12 30 pm 2 56 am ar New York, P R R ... 3 03 pm 6 13 am No. 402 No. 38 lv Rid'way Jct,S A L R\ 3 00 am 1 40 pm Iv Weldon, " 4 30 am 3 05 pm ar Portsmouth " 7 00 am 5 50 pra ar Wash ton. N <fc W 8 b 7 00 am j ar baltimore. B ij 1J Co| f6 45 am ar New York. 0 DSSCo _ tl 30 pm | ar Philadelphia,NYPAN +5 43 pm 5 10 am | ar New York. " j 8 38 pm 7 43 am j Note?f Daily Except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York and Richmond. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos. 31 and 14. | Central Til ^ Eastern Time. For any lurthir information apply to WM. BUTLER, JR , Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. ^ HILTON'S ! HUGH CURE, ^ A SYRUP. Unique?unlike any other cough prepa- j ration. The quickest to stop a cough and j to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA. S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18?ly. JTIWANGER, Broker, * eg", S. C. IOCERIES a IvIISDS. LTIES : FLOUR. FEED, ry week. All orders given bim will be , [ byaddressiug me at Batesburg. ACTURING CO., 1 IE LUMBER, RERS OF 3-IE3 .A. ZD ZE3 LING, SIDING, SHINGLES AND LATHS, AN D BLINDS, A, GrA. ^ ULLY FURNISHED. When writing mention the Dispatch pOLUNIBIA, NEWBERRY AND ^LAURENS RAILROAD. In Effect November 25tli, 1900. ' 7 45 am lvAtlanta(SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am Iv A'hensar 5 28 pm 11 10 am lv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm 1 9 93 nm Iv A hhovi'lii or 9 11t w?n * f AAWV V?<*V U4 V XV jini "V 1*2 48 pui lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 1 35 pm ar f Clinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am lv ?Gletm Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv {'Waterloo ar.. 2 C6 pm I 16 pm ar fLaurens lv... 1 38 pm fDinDer. J(c. & w. c.) ^Harris Springs No. 52 *No7lr II 08 a m 1 v..Columbia, .lv 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 am ar Irmo ...arlO 15 am 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m &r.WbifceRock.arlO 58 am ^ 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am 12 03 a ma: L. Mountain ar12 25 pm 12 07 a m ar.. .Sligfcs.. arl2 35 pm 12 17 p m 1 10 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pill 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar... Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 116 p m ar.. 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar . . Parks... .ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm * Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 *No. 22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 n m lv _ Parke lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 9 00 8m ? 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 p m lv. 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv Gary .. .lv 9 50 amr^ 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m Iv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 100 pm 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 30 pm 3 34 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 43 p m lv... Irmo.... lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm 05 p m 3 25 pm Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or write to W. G, CHIIJDS, T. M. &IERSON, rn'MUfni. 1 riirnc jiunaKer. J. F. LIVINGSTON. II. M. EMERSON. Sol. Agent. Gen, Ft. & Pass Agt., Columbia, S. C. Wilmington. N. 0 OPgllM COCAIHE""WHISKY r sUifi gj?s,<srt of references. 25 yearn a spocialtT. Book cix Home Treatment sent FREE. Address E. rvi. WOOLLEY, M. D? Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. IHSEHAYVS Gun Store, Established 1876. (ill! lii CM! All our Guns are built to order and are fully guaranteed. Wre are headquarters for everything in the SPORTING GOODS LINE. Call in and inspect our stock before you buy. LOADED SHELLS, CARTRIDGES. BEGGINGS, \ LOADING TOOLS. AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. ETC. | guarantee all our Repair Work"#-^. W. F. STIEGLITZ, Propr., . < 1508 MAIN STREET, | COLUMBIA, S. C. I February 29 ? iy. " To Rent. J WILL RENT 1IY CONGAREE PLANtation (with the exception ot the Barn tract and the Brick) ard) next y?ar lor I twenty (20) bales of cotton weighing 500 J pounds each. Apply to Capt. J. N. Long at Cayce's. or to me at the Carolina National Bank, Columbia, S. C. WILIE JONES. 4w47. Discharge. ? tl' TTi.-T>rr>V /^TWV TO ATT. S ir^ixr^u l VJJI I un a.\S nuu persons interested that we will apply to the Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 12th day of October, l'JGl, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a final discharge as Executors ot the Estate of M. A. Shull, deceased. j J. P. SHULL. * M. W. SHULL. V?AA11 t A?0 iuACLU IUIO. Soptf-mber 18, 1901. 4wl8. Parties desiring tbe Home and < Farm sent with the Dispatch must ^ send 25 cent0, cash in advance.