The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 02, 1901, Image 3

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I _ Tiie Lexington Di spate] WEDNESDAY. OCTODEH 2. 1901. Beg-Not ices ivill be insert? in the Local department a the uniform price of 5 cent j>er line, to one and aU.j^y Indoz to NW Advertisements Citation?Estate T. N Epting. Citation?Estate Andrew MurdocI Warning?W A. Hook and Other! Plantation For Sale?Alice-J. Poi Clearance Sale?M A. Malone. Dry Goods, Ac?Bates & Walke; Fall Opening?J. L. Mimnaug & Company. i = ?' r ? '-/ - - This signature is on every box of the genuin Laxative Bromo=Qiiinine Tablets the remedy that cures u col<l iu one daj School Wanted. A lady teacher qualified and c-] perinced desires a school in tbecoui try. Address, Teacher, No. ISO Plain Street, Columbia, S. C. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and we tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sootl in<r Svtud for children teething. ] soothes the child, softens the gum; allays all pain, cures wind colic an is the best remedy for diarrhce* Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. Ladies Can Wear Shoes one size smaller after usiDg Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder to be shake; into the shoes. Ii makes tight o new shoes frel easj; gives instan relief to corns and bunions. It's th - greatest comfort discovery of th age. Cures and prevents swollei feet, blisters, callous and sore spots Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cur for sweating, hot, achiDg feet. At al druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents Trial package free by mail. Addresi All C T.? v v ^xuerju o- viuiaicnu, JUS -LWVJ , AI. JU. 20-1 j. * ^ AN OLD ADAGE says^*: - ??A light parse Is a heavy curse" I. Sickness makes a light purse. ? The LiVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. Tutt's Pills go to the root of the whole mati ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body* Take No Substitute* ? *m The World's Greatest Fever Medicine Johnson's Tonic does in a daj what slow Quinine cannot do in ter days. Its splendid cures are in strik ing contrast with the feeble cure* made by Quinine. If you are utterly wretched, take s thorough course of Johnson's Tonk and drive out every trace of Malaria! poisoning. The wise insure their lives and the wiser insure their healtfc by using Johnson's Chill and Fevei Tonic. It costs 50 cent3 if it cures not one cent if it does not. 20?12m Wanted. A first grade school teacher tc innnVi Q/?V>/-vnl HicfrH t hi liCaV/U ^ctT UUl ^ DVUWl) JL^<U?4?\ V V 21 miles south of Chapia to open about 2nd Monday in October and run 5 or 5| months. Applicants will file their applications with the un dersigned on or before October 3rd. 1901. State salary wanted. W. J. Billentine, Clerk Board Trustees, Chapin, S. C. Sept. 22, 1901. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, 10 cts Cures Wind-Colic, Dysentery, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Cholera Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion and soothes the baby. . A Card. Wishing to devote my entire time " ? it - -1.-3- -J? ?1 ana attention to tne siuuy oi puar macy I have disposed of my insurance business to Mr. A J. Fox, wh( will take pleasure in writing eithe] fire or life polices in some of tb< strongest companies in the world. I appreciate the patronage giver me by my fellow citizens in the pas! and return to them my sincere thanks / I bespeak for Mr. Fox a continuant of the patronage bestowed upon m< and a large volume^of new business Country as well a's city and towr risks will be consideredRice B. Harman. Dr. Bull's Pills for Liver Ills. One pill a dose. Box, 50 pills, 1( cts. Cure Constipation, Liver Trou bles, Biliousness, Impure Blood, Dye pepsia, Female Complaints, Stomacl and Bowel Disorders Dr. Ball's Fill: never gripe. This is the Largest. The announcement i3 made ii these columns that -J L Mimnaugl &Co, Columbia, have made thei: fall opening of wearing apparel for mei and ladies, dry good-, shoes, hats It is claimed that this is the larges department stores in Columbia am that it is filled to oveillowing wit] the choicest bargaina that read1 cash could purchase iu a congestei market. These goods are fresh fron the looms and embrace all the mos fashionable shades and fabrics which will be worn during the fal and winter months The pcpularit; of this establishment is attested b; the large number of Lexington pec pie who go there to do their trading Mr. John Stuart in the clotkiDg an< Mr. R F. Corley in the shoe depart ments will be glad to see their friend and to show them some of the great est values they ever purchased fo the same amount of money. i PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and ~ There by a Dispatch Man. ^ A new storehouse is being built on Factoiy Hill. S Some more cottages are in the course of construction on Factory _ hill. j. Miss Mary Graham, has returned from a visit to her aunt in OrangeburS s Staple and fancy groceries, at the j lowest possible prices, at T. 13. Aughtry, A Co., Columbia, r. Prof. J. T. Prince is in town reph resenting the Osborne business college of Augusta, Ga. - Exprrience and obseivation are our best teachers, hence the necessity to visit the next State Fair. Now is the time to get jour son ami 6 daughter ready to attend the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. Meefze & Son have just received a new line of boys pants, to which they invite the public to inspect. Dr. C. E Leaphart is putting up 2 his shiDgle mill near tho depot and will soon be ready for work. Mrs Paul Clark sent to this office last week a Keifer pear which pulled the beam at twenty one ounces. Judge Watts and Ex-Governor Sbeppard worshipped at the Metho^ dist church last Sunday morniDg. d Remember that if you want an ?. easy and fragrant smoke, that the Fazaar is the place to get the best cigars. A new Lutheran parsonage is being erected at White Rock, on the site of s the old one which was lately destroyed j a by fire. j Treat yourself to a new buggy, ( wagon, cart or surry. T. B Aughtry i ^ & Co, Columbia, is the place to t P get it. c Q t i The sunset Sunday was grand and c magnificent. All the colors of the j 1 rambow were harmoniously blended i. by the brush of nature. tj ? Salesman wanted to sell Anti Rust ^ Roof Paint, Compounds and Lubri- ^ cants. Salary or Commbsion. Vulcan Chemical Co, Cleveland, u. Mr. EmaDuel LoDg-, of Pricevilie, c has returned his son, Willie, to the e Palmetto Collegiate Institute. He t boirds with Mr. W. P. Roof. c The new Lutheran church at Mid v i way is nr-aring completion. It will 1 be one of the best aDd most band- v some church edifices in the county. Take Life for the i Liver and Kidneys. I Bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. e Rev. J. A. Cromer, of New Brook, land, has placed his daughter, Hattie, in the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. , She boards with Mr. James E HenI - - u I drix. . Mr. Z A Sturkie, of Witt's Mill, on the line of Orangeburg and Lex- j ington counties, was in town yester day and remembered the Dispatch ? with a renewal. ^ One of the best lines of saddles, t 1 saddle blankets, buggy robes, riding p " bridles, etc , ever shown in this market a 3 can be found at Meetze & Son. The I d prices will sell them. r ! The Rev. Steffey, of Concord, N ^ I C , an eminent Lutheran divine, will . occupy the pulpit of St. Stephens' g 1 Lutheran church in this place, on . Sunday, the 13th inst. ? The graduating class of the Palmetto Collegiate Institute for 19011902 now numbers ten members. This is an exceedingly large number for a school of its size. 0 8 Rev. Mr. Lawson, pastor in charge ? ' of the Lewiedale circuit of the Metho- h 1 dist Episcopal Church, South, was o called to Abbeville last week by the n 1 death of his sister, Mrs. Link. The Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church will meet with the chuich at Leesvdle on Wednesday T before the fourth Sunday in October, which is the lG:h day of the month. ? How to encourage and keep the i] boys on the farm? Take them off of b it occasionally for recreation and sight- 3 . seeing, where such opportunities as v ; the next annual State Fair will afford. We respectfully invite you to in- 1: | spect our line of neckwear, shirts, a ' collars, cuffs, gloves, underwear, etc., v before buyiDg. We carry an up todate lice, guaranteed as to price and quality. Leaphart & Drafts. ^ After twenty-three years as Presi- j dent of Roanoke College, Dr. Dreher has for the first time asked I for leave of absence. The Board of I Trustees have granted him a four j months' vacation and he will spend the greater portion of it in Europe. I We extend our congratulations to * ? - tv .. m .11 , ii Q Editor Jobn Jbell .Lowiii, ior me J splendid and successful race he made ? for the House of Representatives. * Possessing the ability, the earnest1 ness and the inclination, he will make an ideal Representative. The Vice President for the mission societies of the churches of the Lex ) ingtcn association request that each church-send one or more lady members to the association. Important j matters will be attended to and suit, able tracts distributed. Homes for these lady delegates will be furnished. Mr. A. J. Fox has purchased a spankiDg new horse and a bran new i buggy. All he needs now to fill his r J- i :? ?i a 1 I CUp 01 Happiness is u eiiaiuuug ntiC) r > and the fair sex do say that from his v 2 frequent visits abroad the bird has c . j beeu captured and they are on the t | tip toe of curiosity wondering a3 to 1 who the fortunate one can be. I | Judge 0. AY. Buchanan, has an- ( ^ nounced, so it is stated through the ( public piiuts, that at the expiration c ! of his present term, he would not i stand for reelection for Judge of the t j Third Judicial circuit and would re- i 1 1 tire to the shades of private life to | ' j build up for himself a lucrative prac- ' ^ ! tice at the bar a3 a means of support ! \ i in his declining years. I f Steps the Ccngh and Works off the ! s ! Cold. j Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets I ^ r cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No I i I Pay. Price 25 cents. I t SORES AMD ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition ?is sluggish, \Ceak and unable to throw otj the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the system. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleansing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from the system 4 CONSTANT DRAIN effLTIuer'. UPOH THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the discharge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. docs, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. K. Talbert, Lock Box 245, Winona. Miss., says: "Six years ago my leg trom the knee ta the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S , and it made a complete cure. I have been a perfectly well man ever since." ruin the digestion and add to, rather than- relieve your sufferings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. ? Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. , THE SWIFT SP! OIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. The Joint Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran church, 'which was n Fe3sion at Z:on church, near Lorick's ferry, from Fiiday to Sunlay last, was very instructive and nteresting and much work looking -o the advancement of the interests ] )f the church and lasting good for J he cause of the Master was accom- , )lished. The divine services held here Sunday were largely attended. M. A Malone, the leading pisno tnd organ dealer in Columbia, inorms the readers of the Dispatch bat he is in need of more room and sonsequently has made a sweeping eduction in the prices of pianos and irgana. Just think of it, ye lovers tf music, that an S100 organ can $ tow be purchased for ?55 and an 7 i ictave piano for only 8S0. If you vant a good instrument for a little noney, you had better hustle as they pill Dot loDg remain unsold. f The postcffice department has at ast decided to establish a semi- , Feekly mail route from Stall by i fashion, Danville to Clatk's Mill, Fhich is to leave the former place ] very Tuesday and Saturday at 7 a. i a. Proposals for carrying the mail 1 iave been issued by the department, i rhich must ba received by October t 5. The distance is about twelve c ailes. See the postmasters and send l. q your bids. # ( Bates & Walker, proprietors of the J 'eople'a Store, Columbia, are out J ?ith a new advertisement on the ourth page of this issue, in which < hey quote prices on staple goods bat are really astonishers to the j ublic. These goods are always eeded in the household and in the i i .it l.i I reseing room ana ac me aimoBi idicuIou9 figures at which they ' re offered, there is no excuse for eiog poorly clad and shod. Bar- ( ain hunters should inspect this f tock bt fore purchasing. Job Couldn't Have Stood It c If he'd had Itching Piles. They're p erribly annoying; but Bucklen's i .mica Salve will cure the worst case f piles on eaith. It has cured thouands. For Injuries, Pains or Sodily Eruptions it's the best salve : 2 the world. Price 25c a box. Cure uaranteed. Sold by J. E. Kauf- " iann. Court Countinued. The first case Thursday was J. A. tawlp vs. J. R. Gantt, for recovery of eal estate, involving the validity of he Wadsworth poer school grants, a the Edisto section of this county, >roughfc by Messrs. Efird & Dreber. Ir. Strotiier for the defense. The erdict was for plaintiff. - -r ? 1 tf H. A. rtawiB VS. iliorgaiiua uibiuij, Dvolving same question with same ttorneys, was the next case, and the erdict was also for plaintiff. On Friday came up the case of J. ielly Gantt vs. Southern Railway )o., brought by Mr. J. A. Muller, ction for damages by fire. The ury awarded $130 for the damages. In two cases of Leila E. Knotts vs. Tred. Huffman, and H. Kaleteki vs. 5. A. Lorick, consent verdicts for daintiffs were rendered. The next case was that of Dr. D. J. Crosson vs. Hampton Hartley and lartley Bros, a proceeding for claim md delivery of personal property tlessrs. Efird & Dreher represented he plaintiff and Messrs. Sharpe and Jtrother the defense. The verdict ras in favor of the plaintiff. The last jury case tried was enitled Sarah B. Mitcheli and J. A. J. ilitchell vs. H. Frank Hendrix, for lamages, brought by Messrs. Gralam and Nelson, and the defense was epresented by Messrs. Efird & Dreher, J. C. Sheppard and E L. Ubill. This case was begun Friday .nd the verdict was rendered Monlay about G p. m., which was in avor'of the defense. The third week's jurors were not jeeded, as the court "broke down" fter this trial. The equity business vas disposed of yesterday and the :ourt adjourned sine die Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures A Cough or Cold at once. Conquers >cup, "Whooping Cough and Measles' 3ough without fail. Best for Bron:hitis. Hoarseness, Grippe, Tneunonia, Consumption and Lung Affecions. Quick, sure results. Trice, 25c. Dots from Savilia. To the Editor of the Dispatch: As there is do other one writing rocQ Savilla, I will send some news o the good old Dispatch. The health of the community is :ery good with the exception of the llaess of Mr. N. W. Hyler. He was , ,aken very sick a few nights ago. j We hope that he will soon be restored to his usual health. Mr Luther Blsck went to Columbia last week on business. Mr. J. A Ballpntino attended the Conference at Z on and reported a nice time. Mr. W. B Sbealy, of this section, was married a few days ago. Wo j hope that he will enjoy married life as well as before. Messrs. W. l)odd ITarman and L E. Black attended the holiness meeting at Lersville Satuiday and Sunday. Miss Cora Ballenfine is* teaching two of her little cousins music We hope that they will be successful in learning. Mr. J. J Bong is cutting lumner light along now. Mr. Eddie Ilolley was in onr midst not long since. We trust that he will come to see us again. Mr. Blue Jav, yen have written to our good old Dispatch once moo and we would be glad to hear from you soon again and tell us something j more about the turkey fight. Ii would like to get in a turkey fight \ . myself. r The County Fair will soon be here < and let us all go and see who wins j 1 the prize. Rev. Y. V. A. Riser visited the |< family of Mr. D C. Harmaa recently. A large crowd attended the sing < ing at the Star Academj* yesterday, d Best wishes to the Dispatch. September 30, 1901. H. j! . The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's j Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply ron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50 cents. Warning. VTOTICE IS H?REI>Y GIVEN TIIAT xi all persons arc positively forbidden to < prowl, hunt or trespass in any manner < upon lands of the undersigned. The law ' null be rigorously enforced against any and < 11 trespassers. I < W. A HOOK. ! f>t.atf hook. 5 T WAITS. October 2, 1901. 4wi>0 Plantation for Sale. I i I OFFER FOR SALE MY PL ANT A- I tion situated in Bull Swamp township, ' lear the Cross Roads, adjoining lands of fosepli Feeder, containing one hundred' icres in good farming* condition. Excellent vater on the premises. ALICE J. POU, Oak Villa, S. C. i October 2 1SU1. 2w:8. DEE STATE OF SOUTE CAROLINA.! COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Geo S. Drafts, E-quire, Probate Judge. ! 11THEREAS, SARAH LAVINIA STOU-: V y demire made suit to me, to grant her , betters ol Administration v.iih will an [ lexed, ot the Estate ol and effects of An-! IrewMurdock; \y These, are therefore, to cite and admon- | sh all and singular the kindred and credi- ! ors of the said Andrew Murdoch, de-1 :eased. that they be aud appear, before j ne, in the Cou't of Probate, to be he'd at j exiugton C. II , S. C., on the 17th day of; )ctober, IUjI, alter publication hereof! ^ 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show j ause. if any they have, why the said Ad- 1 oinistration should not be granted. 1 Given under my < hand, thin 2nd day of : Ictober, Anno Domini 1901. .1 G S. DRAFTS. J. P. L. C. [L S.] j Published on the 2nd day ot October, ] 901, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w lS. 'ARLOK RESTAURANT/ 133G MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, - S. 0.,'j HE ONLY UP-TO-DATE EATING . House of its kind in tho City of Co- 1 umbia. It is well kept?clean linen, ^ rompt and polite serviceandgetit<inickly. iuiet and order always prevail. You get rrhat you order and pay only for what you :et. Within easy reach of desirable sleep- : ng apartments. OPEN ALL TSXOIIT. jf B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1 February 20. ; J. L. MiMNA j *The Larges j Stores in th ! Every item i par el for La tlemen. I When you v nf p.lothes Stuart. Mr. R. F. ( glad to see; Department you reliable i low prices. LEXINGTON is well repr( eral good ch Goods Store will have tl portunity ( best value f Make our si quarters wl Kosj Hvl I'ti 11 v. COLUMB October 2. Wanted. Trustworthy men and, women to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standing. Salary ?780 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. Xj canvassing required. Give references and enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Add ess Mauager, 355 Caxtou Building, Chicago 51 5 I mm gjumb&i I oak IIpn'nnel /FWK x ' " y % ALT, YOUR WANTS HERE UNDER <? X ONE ROOF AND AT PRICES 0! X WHICH ARE A GENUINE & g SAYING. 8 X _ $ xTil'ACin 1?OIIu?1AD X ginraa rciunt?,| I . GET THEM HERE. | I Hats and Caps,! | GET THEM HERE. ! 1 FLOUR ID GROCERIES, | P GET THEM HERE. jf I H. L. OSWALD, | LEXINGTON. S. C. | X September 2G. X X x^ v v. TAX NOTICE. I WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING mentioned places for the purpose of receiving taxes for th-* fiscal year ltK'l, viz: Lexington Court House from tlie 13th of October to the 3rd of November, Josh Shealy's, Monday afternoon, Nov. 4. Chapin, Tuesday, November"), Cross It roads, Wednesday morning, Nov 0 Peak, Wednesday afternoon. November >? Peak, Thursday morning, November 7. Spring Hiil, Thursday afternoon, Nov. 7. Hilton, Fridav morning.November h. White Hock. Friday afternoon, Nov. s. Irmo, Saturday. November'A Edmunds. Monday morning. November II, Gaston, Monday afternoon, November 11. Cross Roads, Tuesday morning, Nov. 12. J. J. Mack's. Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 12. Swansea. Wednesday, November 13. Red Store, Thursday, November 14. Archie Wolfe's, Friday morning, Nov 13 W. N. Martin's, Friday afternoon, Nov. 13. Brookland, Saturday, November li>. Pelion, Monday morning, November 18. Luther Gantt's, Monday afternoon, Nov 18. Jacob Williams, Tuesday morning, Nov 1't. W?*'s_ Ti!i?-?iI:lv afternoon. No ember l'J. Batesburg. Wednesday, November 20. Leesvilie, Thursday,November 21. Summit, Friday morning, November 22. L wiedale. Friday afternoon. Nov. 42. Barre's, Saturday morning, November 2:}. lied Bank, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 23. G. F. Keisler's, Monday afternoon. Nov. 2.V Crap's Mill, Tuesday morning. Nov. 28 Grout's Store, Tuesday afternoon, Nov 24. J'nul Black's, Wednesday morn , Nov. 27. The balance of the time at Lexington C. L, until December 31st, when the books will dose. The hours for closing the tax book will be l o'clock for the morning appointments and I o'clock for those in ihe afternoons. * TAX LEVY. 5Y>r State Purposes 5 Mills ?or Ordinary County Purposes Hi Mills Special County bj Mill ?or School Purposes 3 Mills Total 12 Mills Poll Tax, $1. For interest on railroad bonds in Fork, 3road Itiverand Saluda townships, l'_. mill. For retiring raliroad bonds, Broad Kiver md Saluda Townships, 5 mills. For retiring Kail road bonds in Fork Pownship, 4 mills. For attorney f?-es in Broad and Saluda rownships,mill. Total levy Broad Kiver Township, is'b mills Total levy Saluda Township, ls'j mills. Total levy Fork Township. 17'? mills. Special School Tax Little Mobntaiu I'isrict, 3 mills. Parties owning propety in more than one ownshin so state to the Treasurer. FKANK W. SI1 EALY. Trenstirer Lexington County. - f rang, IKH ft CO. ( t Department j is State, of wearing ap,dies and Genrant a good suit see Mr. John ;orley will be 7011 in our Shoe b and will sell ! shoes at very ssented by sev3rks in our Dry 3 and here you le greatest op}f getting the , or your money. :ore your head ^ 1 len m Uoium Dia augli & (o IA, S. C. i ii mnmmmamm^acmmMttmmmmaamm ?? i fStSi i It pi We have openec ?3 repository .with 10 ?*1 on hand. These &? goods. S&> m Listen' (iraoeful in () Proportion!!! Kverything ~ in 1>U??V Styles. \Vo liav frj all the Colors from tlic ''Li Crimson Kod. m fij r^ADMISSIOU F3 ?tJ You are invited to call and inspect the nicest Bi the State. I fiREfirtRY-RHEA Ml ell ??? 1115 PLAIN STREET, COLUM1J * ^ Febrnary 11 ly. BARGAINS IN ORGANS! _ Several originally S7.1 Organs, from / if Several originally SI 00 Organs, from l^O Th[ ye,*7 ,H( woon bJ^J JrSf S4-3 to S 5. These are fnlly warranteed ^Z^^fyyQp^iSMy^rL and vi:l last a lite time. BARGAINS IN SQUARE ' i | XTIH $?? PIANOS. ife., _______ l5lTllJ Have three large mj rare 7 octave Piano3 ? &.*" " Ijff j|| will seli Jrorn $v3 to $>>:). tA new supply cf ^ FALL CLOTHINO fff for men, boys and youths. We cat fit everybody?slims, stout3 J i^r) j and regular sizes. ' j \ TJnclei*>voai*, in all sizes, styles ami grades. I ipf |pl in all the latest styles and shapes. w w / I i *,,0,'N Jf ?L J in all the latest tots at any price. \y PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! AfjJGATfljK \ VI U Guaranteed an to fit and finish. Slims, + ' J??! stouts and regular sizes at price you jjB?|lrL 6ENTS FURNISHINGS of every kind. We will not be underGIVE US A CALL. Honest Goods our Motto. Yours for Trade, LEAPHART & DRAFTS, LEXINGTON, S. C. September 11. -S< * | | 1 I -- > j -R ^ 1 ' ^ i Wor o Pain s | * * :p At Less Than Factory Cost. * 15 All Standard Coods Fresh and % :c Cood Condition. ? | House Paints, Varnishes, Stains, | | . Enamels, Floor Paints and Stains, J i Coachland Wagon Paints, Colors t * in Oil. Brushes. Ete., all on which * j we can save you from 25 to 40 j; per cent. * I LORICK & LOWRANCE, | f COLUMBIA, 8. C. ? - % Vn (J j: Jan. 1.? lv. CL 3 I JfidQGSGwa m 69 Iff. S3 * M 9 5 * i our new ?? 0 vehicles f*3 are new gg Cft q ma utlino!! Correct in y5 the Latest Creation am e them painted in fffl illy White" to the 22 ra ea SEEI'-atS g| uggy Repository in few JLE CO., | ;i A) s. c. 22 dwcsQQsa ! ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Conrts. and offers his professional services to th#citizens of Lexington County. October 18?ly. Albert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, W -WT-^MT WW ? A j v/ujulluuld, c. v. Especial attention given to business en{trnsted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. Office: 1609 Main Street, over T. B. ! Aughtry & Co. February 28 ?tf. C. M. Efird. F. E. Dreheb. EFIRD &DREHER, Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. WILL PBACTICE IN ALL THE Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington, S. C. June 17?6m. JAMES F- IZLAR. T. C. STUBKIE, Orangburg, S. C. Lexington, 8. 0. Izlar & Sturkie, ATTORNEYS AX LAW Lexington, S. C. OFFICES - Upstairs, in Kaufinann's Building. Practices in all courts of this State and of the United States. Febrnary 21, 1'JOO.?tf. mm sues II. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Ulea Jones, W. P. Roof, 0. M. Efird, R. Ililton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposit.-; of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. \ September 21?tf jjjSiPj | DR. BAKER'S 1 FEMALE I REGULATOR. A New Discovery for the Prevention and Cure of SSS Female Diseases. It is o permonent cure for all J Jjj| Womb. Bladder and Urinary Dis- I ||l| eoses and Femole Weaknesses. I Leucorrhoea or Whites. Irregular I ill! on<^ ^oin*u' Menstruation. Ac Ladies will find it of special I valueif takenwith regularitydu- I V;|| ring Pregnoncy or the Change I of Life. ? i if 3 ^ ^>rice- Si.25. (jfr PREPARED BY ?" DR W CBAKER. |! IDE LODKOUr U KO CO, jj lumfacnini aid sou nortiiTMi. GREENEVILLE TENS. vujiyii FOS SALE AT THEBAZAAR. ! i *110 ftiilt Hit. LEXINGTON, S. C. vocal aTd Instrumental music, 305 pupils enrolled last session. Experienced Teachers. Board S-i to $7. Tuition $1 to $2 50. j Next session begins September 9. 1901. For catalogue, address O. D. SEAY, Principal. August 23, 1901. tf. i W THE WORLD'S ^ P GREATEST FEVER I For all forms of fever take John* WM ;:^fl son's Chill and Fever Tonic. It is 100 times better than quinine and Hr 8 does in a single day what slow qui- |H fcjj nine cannot do in 10 days. It's feg | splendid cures are in striking con; J trast to the feeble cures made by k| | quinine. g[ Costs 50 Cents If It Cores, Jf