The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 25, 1901, Image 4

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Hie Lexington Dispatch G. M. HARMAN. Editor and Publisher. ~ LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER iT?. 1901. Genera! News Items. Many a woman studies her glass to the neglect of her heart. TJioro has h#?er? ft fall of snow in AUViV *?ww w*? ? the mountains of New Hampshire. Nothing aggravates a girl so much as her inability to make a maD angry. Dr. Taft Bros, Asthmalene and other reliable medicines are for sale at the Bazaar. Last year there were 4,000 marriages in Indiana, and 3,000 divorce cases. It is reported that oil has been found near Cordova, Ala , at a depth of 1,150 feet. I Know On? Sure Remedy for an obstinate cold. Its name is Pyny-Balsam. A genial man is one who enjoys fnn and comfort at the expense of otber men. The census reports say that there are 31 802 more women than men in New York city. Over 2000 menare on a strike for a higher wage schedule in Coal Creek mines, Tennessee. For a bad taste in the mouth take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by J E. Kaufmann. Never enter a partnersnip witn a man whose wife is president of a woman-suffrage club. There may be four new states ap plying for admission in 1904, to say nothing of colonies. Members of the Georgia Pro'ective Association will hold their cotton for ' 10 cents this year. / Take Life for the Liver and Kidneys. Bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. Love is responsible for a good many frosts in summer and a few hot waves in winter. It is said that the governor of Georgia has received a number of letters threatening his life. The United States spends $10,000,000 a year on its Indian subjects, more than five times as much as Canada expends on a similar number. Don't wait until you become ohronically constipated but take DeWitt's liittle Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. J. E. Kaufmann. Despite mere activity in the mar? ? ' * -r\ i Set tor cotton gooas, says uun a rte view, and placing of government contracts, tbe stap'e shows do great h strength. B W. Purseli, Kintersville, Pa , says he suffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitts Witcb Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. J. E. Kaufmann. Carroll county has the largest number of poatoffices of any county in Georgia, tbe number being 41, and Clarke county bas tbe smallest number, two post-offices. A youDg woman wbo attempted to shoot Niagara rapids in a barrel was killed. The other fools who aided and abetted her in the exploit should be prosecuted. General McArthur says that only a thousand Filipinos are now under arms. The rest are just fighting for the fun of it. That is why the troops do not come home. Secretary Gage will buy bonds to relieve the present stringency in the money market and will afford ca-h for moving crops. He will take $20,000,000 worth of bonds. A never failing cure for cuts, scalds, ulcers wcunds and sores is DeWitt's Witch Haz*l Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin affections. Accept oBly the genuine. J. E. Kaufmann. In place of the E ffel tower, the St. Louis exposition in 1903 will have a globe 700 feet high. Its different stories are to be divided into restaurants, theatres, circuses, etc A Missourian has quit chewing tobacco after forty years of indulgence, but for fear that his example might be of value to somebody he announces that he has been worthless ever since. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard street, Port Huron, Mich., writer: "I have tried many pills and laxatives but BeWitt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe. J. E. Kaufmann. The destruction of property by fire for the first six months of the year shows a falling off a9 compared with the corresponding six months of 1900 amounting to nearly $15,000,000. Of the white males of votiog age in New York state 62,4 per cent, are either of foreign birth or foreign parentage, and the actual foreign-born constitute 38 4 per cent of the whole number. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says: 'T took medicine 20 years for ootV,mo Knf r\rtct KnHIo r\f Onfl Minnto aOVUUiU WUW V/UU WVfcViV VI V/?V VV Cough Cure did me more good than any thing else during that time. Best Cough Cure." J. E. Kaufmann. A coroner's jury in a lynching case in Flcrida made a departure from the conventional verdict when it found that a negro, lynched "for the usual crime," had come to his death from heart failure. Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having fuund that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one preparation which contains the elements necessary to j digest not only some kinds of food j but all kind and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. J. E. Kaufmann. ^ 4. HAVE MUHDI We are cot here for pleasure and c and if honest goods and honest prices t Columbia, meet with your approval, here, the price is low, come and buy f or customers puichasirg SIO.OO 2 cases 36-inch bleach no limit, per yard, 5 ce 5 bales 36-inch best Sea Island, per yard. 4 cei 10 bahs best buckskin chevuits, per yard 5 ce 1 case light colored calico, per yard. 34 cents. 25 rtozan Lisle finish lace hose, per pair, 10 cv A big job lawns, per yard, 3^ cents. 5 pieces 1' \ sheeting 21 yards wide, per yard, 5 pieces 10J peperell sheeting, the best goods, 3 bales drilled jcaus. per yard, 5 cents, 2 lales Et? homespun, per yard, 5cents. 15 pieces table oil cloth, all colors, per yard, 3 500 yards best Itish table linen, in short iongt; yards long, per yard 23 cents 50 dozen handkerchiefs, each, 1 cent, 1.000 papers of pins, per paper, 1 cent. 100 dozen liluieinum thimbles, each. 1 cent. 500 dozen best six cord spool cotton, 2?."0 j Everv dollars' worth of Dry Goods, < regret the call. Come ever 1711 Main Aoril 10. 1H01 The Rev. Jones CalviD, of Youngs towD, Ohio, eighty-nine year3 old, known as "the marrying parson,'' [ broke all records the other day by marrying seventeen couples in twentyfour hours. ^ I am satisfied that Teethina (Teething Fowdere) have saved more chil- 1 dren than all the doctors put together. 1 I have recommended Teethina when J the doctors gave up the child, and it cured at once. - Louis F. Waibel, Ph. G , 1 Druggist, St. Louis, Mo. ( ( An anarchist in New Mexico predicted that the president would be assassinated before Oct. 1, and now that bis prophecy has come true he , has b?en arrested because it is thought that he knew what he was ( talking about. 4 You know you said before election that you were a friend who ' would divide his last dollar with me." "That's right," said Senator Sorghum, blandly: "that's light. But it's going to be a good many years I before I get down to my last dollar." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N ; H.: "I purchased a bct'le of One; Minute Cough Cure when suffering I with a cough doctors told tie was , incurable. One bottle relieved me, , the second and third almost cured. Today I am a well man." J. E. KaufmaDn. ' "Rftforrinor in bis sermon to I he aw- i ful fate of Aramas and Sap.phira, a j colored deacon paid: ' Ob, may we I all take warniir t'um what happened j to Ananias and Saltpeter." After ; meeting he was approached by a J colored brother, who said; uPar- j son, you got one er der names wrong |; in yo' sermont. Ef I makes no mis- 1 takes hit wuz Ananias an' Hellfire." The dicker between the United States aDd Denmark for the purchase ! of the Danish West Indies is si ill on It is understood that the United States is willing to pay ?4,000,000 and that Denmaik is standing out fur i $4,800,000. Josh WesthuTer, of Loogootce, Ind , is a poor man, but he says be would < not be without Chamberlain's Pain j Balm if it cost five dollars a buttle, ] ' 1 ^ l>Air\/v C. Ari>AV.]/i '< t IOr 11 baVfcSU 111UJ 1LVIU V-VtXJJj BWij-jcv. * No external application is equal to j: this liniment for stiff and swollen {J joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, i sprains and rheumatic and muscular i ] pains. It has also cured numerous ( cases of partial paralysis. It is for 1 sale by J. E IvaufmanD. Mo.cquitoes were so ferocious lately 1 that the workmen in the shops of the * SiDger works and some other Eiiza- ( beth, N. J , factories were obliged to ; t stop work The insects made their ^ way through the wire nettings with \ ease and pestered the workmen so they were almost distracted. j j Crops shrink with remarkable facility. Two hundred millers of Texas I report a shrinkage in the wheat crop of that State from 15,000,000 to 5,000,-; 000. In Oklahoma the crop was esti- f mated at 50,000,000 It has now ^ dropped to half that amount. ! j Geo. W. Lane, Pewano, Mich., ^ writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I everused. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold ^ agony. I am completely cured by 3 Hodol Dyspepsia Dure. m recommending it to friends who suffer from r indigestion I always offer to pay for I i it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." J. E. Kaufmann. "3 Americans proceeding from South * America state that the Colombian situation is far worse than reported by T the papers. They say that probably ' twenty-five thousand men have been ^ killed since the beginning of the re- ( bellion. One man claims to have j seen a thousand dead bodies piled in i heaps and consumed by burning. I i Street I'ust ( v v v v v v v v v -v 2RED THE FAK ould not afford to stop hero for our h< hat have nevnr bean named you befur we will thank you for a c*li to our | leely. We offer FREE a large worih. CS?*'NOTE the following cfft siits. ' spool, 2 spools for 5 con uts. !"0 dozen spool cotton for b nts. "00 large honeycomb spreads 5<? pairs luce curtains. 21 yar >Fits. t the price sbail be ptr pa 500 window shades, the j ric< 13 cents 10 rolls matting, big job, to i per 3d 17c. 3' 0 rugs, 40 inches square, o S:lk underskirts, each, 03 cei 302 lodies siik and satiu vai* 5 cents. none the price is a vbi: lis, J! to 3 30 silk skirts, made in the la to $!0 50 shirts in all the leading fa Men's overalls, double stitch Men's double decker shirts, ards to the; Men's full dress shirts, in i "!lnthin.or and Shoes in this store is str y cUy except Sunday. This sale will St., Post Ofiic Black Creek items. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Hot and dry September day?, < *ood and wholesome weather for ricking: cotton and gathering peas. Mr. James F. Hallmsn is still suf!ering with dyspepsia and other ;roubles. We hope for him a speedy recovery. The session of school at Water Ree school House closed Friday night. Prof. Marsh and students entertained the crowd with good entertainment. Mr. S. Iiufus Smith drew his Xpfi/^oTT or?rl fVio TTif.Pfi. Lib Li pUiiU xnuuj , Ricards, Taylors, Gunterp, Marsh and Smiths all assembled to see the tribe caught. After seme fish was caught the good ladies and elder gentlemen took some of the fiony tribe, cleaned and fryed enough for dinner, the good women prepared bread before hand, at 1 o'clock dinner was announced and all drew near the the table, Prof. Marsh ask the blessing and then all came forward to the table and partook of the the bony tribe and were filled in the inner man. After dinner Prof. Marsh mounted the stump and delivered one of his lectures, and everybody was filled with laughter and then back to the pond, and the good luck of the fisherman came out with five eight-pound trout, and a lot of other fish, one hundred pounds in all, then the fish were divided and the g??cl people returned to their respective homes. Uncle Noah went home with an eight-pouDd trout in bis basket. We learn he called in bis friends to r* j ;ice with him. Mr. Tom Smith's eon, John, has been confined to his room with fever, but hope to see John out again soon. Our giucers is preparing their gins for the fleecy staple. Much success to the Lexington Dispatch and its many readers. Ray. September lGlh, 1901. Styles for the Winter. The easiest and simplest way we can suggest for our readers to get a good idea of the styles that will be popular this winter is to buy a copy A The October Delineator, just on ;a!e at every news stand. Tne De-1 ineator for October foreshadows, by neans of its New York, Paris and London connections, those tendencies )f fashion which will certainly pre rail. Ia addition to the fashion features md practical dressmaking advice ;hat has made The Delineator fam)us, the October number is full of ?ood general reading, most taste'ully illustrated under the immediate iirection of the well-known artist, William Martin Johnson. Mr. Johnson's work is known to lovers of the oeautiful, by reason of the Garfield sditicn of Ben Hur, as well as some )ther books of large sale. Mr. Johnson believes in illustrations that llustrate, rather than in pictures ;bat only ornament a page. The vhole October number of The Deineator is full of interest to men as veil as to women. As She Saw It. Mrs. Kleener?What is the matter vith you this evening, John, that rou ain't smoking? Mr Tv loonor Tl-io rlnntnr rbts """ ! nusn't. He says I must stop smokug or die. Mrs. Kleener?Ob, I'm so glad! tou won't be scenting up my curains any more, will you? ? rou Know What You Are Taking iVhen you take Grove's Tasteless Dhill Tonic because the formula is )lainly printed on every bottle showDg that it is simply iron and Quinin* n a tasteless form. No cure, Eopay. 1.T See Hi Cell fgfim&i E COST SALES II I ST A i ialth. WE ARE HERE FOR Bl~SI> e in the history of the Dry Goods basim GREAT BARGAIN STORE. No k-ng parlor lamp as a premium tj any cus rings: Is. I cords, 4b < and or machine. per spool, lc. Men's Alpine L > let it l e each 48 ctn's : Men's clothing us long, beautifully designed, j them is to ir 4b ctnts. The great pant ?, 10 cents. I Straw bats v.iil slose, 0 cents j Ladies percale nt the} go 21 cents. Embroidery an its. TiiiLk of i .ts, style and qnality second to j Where are the sper. j :0 pieces si;k a tesl styles, fall dress, from 98c. ; 5 \ iect s 42 i^-e j 5,000 jards drc bries, lro:u 41 cents to 83.25, ; A len Wmley ? ed, per pair. 25 cents. Snoes shoes ai the best goods. 39 cents. from the b iiadras. percale and bedford lower than icily up-to-date. We promise you that i make you love your mother iu-law. You WALKE >e Block, Colui Obituaries. Mrs. George D McCartha was ] born March 21, 1858, at Pxiceville, j Lexington county, S. C., and departed this life September G, 1901, at her home in the bosom of her family at Lexington, S C- She was confirmed ; in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, Lexington county, S. C, in j blooming womanhood, of which church she remained a most consist- i ent and faithful member until the 1 c^se of her noble Christian life, i Mrs. McCartha wss the daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Price, of Price- 1 ville, S. C. The mother of a large J and interesting family?five sons, j six daughters (the fifth daughter be- i ing dead) and one living grandchild ! ?her loss will be deeply felt; she is j oreatlv mourned in the narental i home where devoted parents?father I and mother, three brothers and three ' sietera jet survive her; also a large j connection of relatives and friends j share in the grief of the family so j 1 sorely bereaved. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. G Graichen, pastor of St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran church ef Lexington, S. C, at St. Matthew's Evangelical church, Lex iDgton county, S. C, at the close of which her body was laid to rest in the cemetery near the church. Though her last hours were full of 1 pain and wesriness she revealed a i fortitude, patience and resignation perfectly sublime end expressed a firm confidence and jojful hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, whom she so earnestly loved and seived while she i ] dwelt upon the earth, and upon whose bosom she sweetly rests waiting the comiDg of her loved oness to the heavenly world. J. G. G. Alice Blanche Sod, daughter of ' Edward Son and his wife, Jane, was born August 7, 1887, and departed this life September 7, 1901, making f her earthly pilgrimage 14 years and j one month. She was baptized into the fellowship of Pleasant Hill Baptist church iu her early age, and con- ' tinued in that faith until the Master called her to the spirit land. She | said she was goiDg home to live wilh her mother, who had gone on, but a short time before. She leaves her 1 .f-ii a ni iu ,1 . i 1 iaice", "? fclbltlf, ?t UiuiutiB auu wauj frieDds to mourn the I03S of the dear ? child, sister and friend. May the holy spirit comfort them aDd lead * them in that Darrow way that leads i [ to the glory land, where they shall i meet to part no more. J. E. Steele. { s i i Stepped Into Live Coals. i | "When a child I burned my foot ! ' frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, of j \ Jonesville, Va, "which caused horii- j i hie le/? sores for 30 vears, but Buck- ! \ ?n * ' * len's Arnica SaJve wholly cured me ' after everything else failed/' Infalli- t ble for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Soid by J. E rj Kaufmann, 25 2. Trial Without a Jury. 8 t 2 Richmond, Va., Sept. 12?In the j [ Virginia constitutional convention to- | t day the entire time was consumed in j t di&cussion of the Moore amendment to the bill of rights It was finally passed by a vote of 40 to 23 after being amended by Mr. Braxton. The amendment as adopted permits a prisoner in misdemeanor cases to be tried without the intervention 8 of a jury, if he is elect, and in any { criminal case wherein the accused * shall hear and determine the case ft without the intervention of a jury, j e I k To Cure a Cold in One Day ! $ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine k Tablets. All druggists refund the ? money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2oc. iili. S. I * COLUMBIA, toraer :ents ats, in ali colors. 43 cents. . the price is we don't miss a sale. To see buy. s sde The piice will tickie yon. he given away e:uh, 10 cents, waists, eaeb, 15 cents d lace. The price is. we never miss a sale, tl take cost sals prices compared to these? ,fd wool crepon, 42-ir.ches wide, p? r yd 50c. h brocaded brilliamibc per yard 23 cents, ss lmmgs. the 5 certs kind, price. 4 cents t Co pure Dixiecastilesoap. 5 cakes, only ee. jd shoes, in all the leading stiles, bought est manufacturers, and the p-uce shall be i the lowest, if you come to our store you will never irs for business. nMa, 8. 0. BOYD CHEMICAL CO, MANUFACTURERS OF BfJOfttWCPplS. NTTRfi FOr FEVER & COUGH CURE FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. There i.s no better Remedy for these diseases on the market. WHITE LINIMENT, A Wordtrful and Infallible Remedy for Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, and all kinds of Sprains, Braises and Collar Boil s Price 2oc. MAGNETIC OINTMENT. THE GREAT SORE HEALER. Sure Pop Colic Cure Tbe Most Wondeful Colic Cure on Eaith Price 30 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., P. O. BOX 224 COLUMBIA, S. C. June 12?llui. E. Leapbart, RIAL ESTATE BROKER, fire li it iiit til, LEXIrlOTON, S. C. RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE rVEW YORKL1FE rHE STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON EARTH. Persons desiring a policy written in the ibove strong insurance company should notify me and I will call upon rhem at their somes il preferred. FNIBERED L\\n A SPEI'ULTl, I)ARTIES HAYING LAND FOR SALE, or those wanting to purchase are in nvited to correspond with me. Frcperty >Uced with me will be advertised tree of ihirere No commissions charged uiless ;ale is marie. 510 acres of good farming land in C'onraree township, H rr.iies from :"olnmbia ai d 1 mile from L'ixanua, on which there are v. o tenant houses. Price $2,500, onecurth cash; balance on easy payments. One lot in the town of Gaston on v.hich here is a two-story store-Louse 21x70; i^ven rooms attached lor dwelling p;;raoses, together with necessary ontbnildngs and a line orchard. A good opening or a hotel. Buildings new, costing twice is much as the price asked lor it. Price <1200. One lot in the town of New Brookand on which is a 5-roomcd cottage and n-cessary outbuildings. Price, SI.000; or his property will be exchanged for good arming lands. Two good sized lots in the Town of Gason Price, $25 each. A house and lot in the town of Swansea, i bis is a good location Icr a store. Prico, 5300, One lot in Swansea, situated in the main jusiness portion of the town, on which is ; , storehouse 20x40. Price $500. i A tract consisting of 112 acre1, on which here is a good, new six roomed dwelling. !-horse farm open- extra good farming and. Situated six miles south of Bates>nrrr The house is worth more than ^ he price asked Price. $850.00. Also I offer the following property in the oburbs of Lexington: ; 1 house and lot in town. Trice, SCOO. 1 tract of 12 acres. Price, SI DO 1 tract of G acres. Price. S150. ] 1 tract of 17 acres. Price. $400. 1 tract of 12 acres, oa which there is a 1 pod 4 roomed cottage. Price, $600. * U acres, in the suburbs of Lexirgton, j rooting on the Augusta road 1G6 feet, j 'rice $vd. c 20 acres of land, four roomed dwelling j nd outbuildings in lair condition, 4 miles t ast of Lexington. J'rice, $500. i 4 acres and a small dwelling lying and 1 >eing just beyond Lexington Depot. Price [ 2o0. e 11 :j acres, two small building, lying and r ieing just beyond Lexington Depot. Price 1 ;25". ^ 4 acres, situated in the same neighboriood. Price $25. J Noverber 21, 1900-tf. - ?' . '^sar. w .xjgr^r-rasnvrae xamamsa EDWARD L AS8ILL / Attorney at Law, t-EESYILIE, - - - - - S. C | Prr.. t: i-s > , ill the Courts. ]b:daes.s solicited Sept. S' -6:n SHIES1 Will,. SHOES, CLOTHING, TINWARE, CROCKERY. WOO DEN WARE, CONFECTIONERY and a fail stock of General M ere ha nd ise. When yon ore in need of anything in my lir.e don': b::v before c i'iiug a:ul see the big bargains I am off: ring. EW 117 S U'rfl k SB fi\ n. 13, ttlilVrlnv, LEZHTGTOIT, s. c. Mtty 1?ly, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beantihea the hair, promotes a luxuriant growth. BBW^ssl _ PC Novor Fails to Bestore Gray ( Sbw>jLt~ -wWa Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp rii'cases \ hair tailing. &"jQi&Jrf -'tat Pru^.sU i CHICHESTER'S EK6USH mrnmmi pills sr?wk hJL rC ^e-r E-f - , Always rriisble. LnrfCpa. r--'< PrujrsUt for * rsiinimEKJj I !:I uad Ocia metallic boxes. ssnUt.a witli blue ribbon. no oti'or. Rpftt?iO (iaascroas Mubsfi* (niionsantl iniiiitliMRv Buy ofvourUmcsist, >r sots'! Ic. ia stamps for JCav.iotii.ira. To.slinssniaN and "Krlls-r Tor i/i lell'.r, jy return Sali. 10.030 Testimonials. Soiii by all Drcigrsrista. CKicnnsTEs cnnMiCAr, co. ."ICO .^.aiti'ion S:;:iar?, PSS3I..1., PA. A2cui!..ii llit? paorr. wiiMMi i WAGEKER, S. C. A THOROUGH Pr? pant'ory School. 1 XJl. IxceHent T< acbt rs Splendid Bniid- , m,'. Bo-?rd and Tuition lUt-.s Icenscr.ab!^. 1 Hcft'lliy Comraaiiitv, only one case of fever j contracted here in five jea'S. We would j appreciate jour patronage. For catalogue i address. W. S. FErFEW, A. B.. President. Or C. L. JONES, Cb B*d Trustees [ Wagoner, is. C. August 2S, 19J1. ~ 8\v47. I Dyspepsia Cure ! Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the ] digestants and digests all kinds of , food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all : the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many > thousands of dyspeptics have been ' cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on tliestom- ] ach, relieving all distress after eating. ] Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. J b 5i b a_ ' IT can i nesp hut do you good ] Prepared only by E. C. DfAVitt & Co., Chica?' '''be Si. bottle contains 'ZV~ titers the 50c. size. ] J. E. KAT7FMANN. ? When writing: mention the Dispatch. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' j is>^t \ Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. . Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June .10th, 190L NORTHBOUND. Igoiiy'uailyj ? liV. Jacksonville (P.~S) 8 ilie 7 45p: ., " Savannah (So. Ry.) lii'/p.l ?:?.&! 1 " Earn well ." j Rodpi 4 18a: a " Blackviilo I 4 1?pi 42tSai Ar. Columbia : 550p| 6 1.5a, tv. Charleston, <So. fiy 1 7 o.a 11 tA/pj summerrute sia iicai; " Brauchville 0 OJr?' 2 0ua " Orangeburg 1 9 23a 2 45a " Kin grille 10 -'-fa 4 05a A r. Columbia .. 11 1.4a. 5 40a Lv. Augusta, (So. Ky.) 25dp 03dp Lv. Graniteviiie ...." li2or>,lJl5p Lv. Aiken 305l>| Lv. Trenton ! 352't>:ll00p " Johnston 4 Olpdl 2bp ? Ar. Columbia ! "> 45p; 2 lUa. Lv. Columbia, f.Iildg St 6 25a' " Winnsboro ! 6 5op; 7 25ni " Chester : 73*p; S 17a' " Lock Hill ' Snip; 8 08aI Ar. Charlotte ; '.?(Dp; 9 5Sa| . .. Ar. Danville 124ta: 1 52;); Ar. Kirhtnond ; tiuoa t?4.ipi Ar. Washington j 7 35a SM/dpj " Baltimore (Ph.RR) [ Oloadlkipj " F'niladelphia ! 11 35a! 2 5'si " New York i 2 03p' 6 23a' Lv. Columbia 11 3oa 7 2ua j> Ar. Spartanburg ! IOp 10 2tti: ' Ashevilie ;! - topi Ar. Knoxville ' 4 0"r.| 7 l'Jp Ar. Cincinnati. j 7.'Dpi 3 loaj p Ar. Louisville i ? 5op' 8 4ua! ^ 0/..I..rrr No.53!No.3.>| boltfjbolnd. !Daily Daily) j, Lv. Louisville 7 4oa . 30p li Lv. Cincinnati i 3 (*5p b Lv. Kuoxville [ 1 .'5a ?25aj a: " Ashevilie ; 7 boa b'-KJ?} " Lpartanburg 10 3.jai61.jpi -y Ar. Columbia 2 lap! 033p| j; Lv. New York .... b??p 12l5ot It " Philadelphia 6 Cap! 3 50aI a] " Baltimore ! S27p 6 22a , Lv. "VVashi'gt'n (So.Ry) ... _93Gy Ij 15a j ?] Lv. Richmond II dtp 12Ulnij a' Lv. Danvillo 4 35a a 48pj.. .. Lv. Charlotte S-Vai 95opi ' Lock Hill 9 10a!I0 4'tpl h " Chester I 9 4 la U J.jpl , " Winnsboro ; 102Sa 1201a Ar. Columbia. (B'dgS: 11135a- 1 05a ....... -l1 Lv. Columbia, i C. D. i Lliliiij 3 52a a; " Johnston 1 4Up| t>0."u " Trenton 153p!6 2Sa &i Ar. Aiken 23"/p 7 3Ua Ar. Graniteville ! 2 2ip C5-a _ Ar. Augustu 30/p 7 45a .... oj Lv. Columbia < So. Rv) ' 3tfJp 1 boai pj " Kinsville j 34f.p, 232a; 44 Orangeburg... I 442pi 345aI v " Brauchville I 525pj 4 25a! ' Summerviile . | 642pi 557ai Ar. Charleston ; 7 30p! 7 UCa! Lv. Columbia (So. By.) 11 4Jti 1 luai P: " BlackviJle ! 1 20p: 2 52a; 2* " Barnwell ] Sip 3 Ola. " Savannah 3l>5p 4 ">Gn j Ar. Jacksonville tP.S.I 1 top '.> 15a' Sleeping Car Scrviea. D Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. ? Nos. 33 and 34?New York atul Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping ears between J Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing- A oom sleeping ears between Port Tampa. Ja -k- c tonville,Savannah, Wasl iugtonand V>w York. fl Pullman sleeping ears k-tw'rn Charlotte and R itiehmond anH Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining c* jars bet ween Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36?U. S. Fast Mail. Through 1 Pullman drawing-room buffet s] -ping ears bo- | ween Jacksonville and New York ami Pull- | ^ nan sleeping cars bctw<> a Augusta and Charotte and Charlotte and Richmond. Dining ars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleepnjr cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, mroute daily between Jacksonville and Cineiniati, via Ashevilie. to PRANK S. GANNON. S. H. HAEDWICK, Third V-P. & Gvn. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agf., Vashingfon, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. H. TAF.OE, P.. W. IICNT, Le t Gen. Pass. Ag't., Div. Pass. Ag't., ^ Atlanta,Ga. r_ .^Ch.ixles'ou, S. Q,^ : D. RUFUS p EatesToi; HEAVY G OF ALL S IF5 ZE3 Clii V3EAL, GRISTS, Vill have a representative in Lexington e gnativ appreciated. Prices tVjrcisl August 21? 3ia. nrnsnaiso R^aAaii rciuuna mmu YELLOW PI MANUFAC' k: z a- X3: ? " FINISHINGS, MOULDING! DOORSjSASH AUGUS' ^ESTIMATES CHEER February 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. |mnwi Double Daily Service Setween New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900. SOUTHWARD. | Daily. f Daily No. -81 No. 27 v New York. P. R. R..: 1 00 pm 12 15 am v Philadelphia, P R R. j 3 29 pui 7 20 am v Baltimore, PR R... j 5 50 pm 9 34 am v Washington, PR It. I 7 00 pujlO 55 am v Richmond, b A L R} 10 40 pm 2 35 pm v Petersburg " 11 35 pm 3 30 pm v Jbtidgeway Jet, " i 2 2-5 am 6 17 pm v Henderson, " i 2 53 am 0 40 pm v Raleigh, " 4 06 am 7 50 pir v Southern Pines," i 5 57 am 9 42 pm \To 408 v Hamlet, " I 6 50 am 10 32 pm i No. 31 v Colcmbia.J " t iC? 3> am 12 55 am tr Savannah " 2 57 pm! 5 00 am tr -Jacksonville, " 7 40 pm 9 10 am ,r Tampa, " j 6 30 am 5 30 pm | No 404 |? tr Charlotte. " 9 31 am v Chester, y 52 am; iv Greenwood, " 11 42 am: v Athens, " ! 1 48 pmj tr Atlanta,? " i 4 00 pm: if Angnsta, C & W C,.' 5 10 proi v New York, N YriiN fi^OO am: 9 00 pm v Philadelphia. 44 10 420 ami '1 *6 pm v New York, UJJS SC'O f3 00 pinj iv Pain more. bt> f Col. if6 30 pm iv Wafth'ton, N&WSb j 6 30 pin v Portsmouth, SAL lit 9 20 pm 9 30 am v Weldon, 44 1*2 05 anj l2 01 pm No. 31 1 v Bidgeway Jet, 44 i 2 25 am1 1 20 pm v Henderson, 44 2 53 am, 2 13 pm ? ti ! 1 HA om 3 A1 nm * AV11Ci?JLl, * vv ? v w-. v Southern Pines," 5 57 am (512 pm No. 403 j y Hamlet, " ! 6 50 am! 7 30 pm ! No. 31 No. 27 v Columbia.! " i 10 35 am 12 55 am it .Savannah, " j 2 57 pm 5 00 am ir Jacksonville, " ! 7 40 pm' 9 10 am tr Tampa, " | G 30 am 5 3 "> pm No. 403 No. 41 v Wilmington. " I 3 (5 pm ir Cb Tioue. " j 9 31 aru lO 20 pm v Chester, " I 9 52 am' :o 55 pm v Greenwood, " ill 42 am 107 am v Athens, " 1 48 pm 3 43 am irA'linta.^ " j 4 00 pm 6 05 am ir Augusta. C 4 ff C 5 10 pm ... tr Maeou. C of Georgia 7 20 pm 11 10 am ir jlos-tgorn'r v, A & W ? 9 2'J pm 11 00 am it Mobue, LAN 3 05 am 4 12 pm ;r N?-v Orleans. LAN 7 40 am 8 30 pm ir Nashville. N C A f-t L G 40 am 6 55 pm >r Memphis, " I 4 00 pmj 8 10 am NOETHWAED. Daily Dully No. 44 No G6 v Tampa, SAL Ry....; 8 00 pmj 8 20 am v Jacksonville, " 8 2J am 7 45 pm v Savannah, " 12 35 pm :159 pm v Columbia.? " j 5 45 pm 5 45 am v Memphis. N C AStL 12 4> pm 8 45 pm v Naiviiie. ' 9 30 am 9 1U am v New Une.ins, LAN 7 45 pm 7 45 pm y Mo!tilt j 12 20 am' < 2 20 am v Moutgonfrv, a& ?v jf u zu am n zw ain v Alaeou. C of Georgia 8 0o am 4 '20 pm v dapuara, C & W O ...j 9 40 ami ~~j NO. 402 ISO. 88 f AManta,\j S A L Ry 1 < 0 pm 9 GO pm r Athens, " 2 50 pa 1 23 pm r Greenwood, " 4 44 pm 2 05 am r Cheater. " '6 28 pm 4 30 am f COarlotte, " | 0 30 pmj 5 00 am 7 Wilmington " J ,12 05 pa No. 44 No. 6tj 7 Hamlet " |9 05 pan 9 20 am Southern Fines," io 0J pm 10 05 am / Raleigh. " 11 40 pm 11 56 am r Henderson, " [12 50 am 1 13 pm : iiiij0ewav Jet " I 1 M am 1 45 pm r 1'ettrsourg, " j 4 15 am; 4 40 pm r Richmond, ' 5 15 am 5 40 pm r sv;...uiogton, PRE 8 4t> am 9 30 pm r Baltimore. P R R.. . 10 08 am 11 35 pm : Kni'adelpbia, PRE 2 30 pm 2 56 am r New York, P R R ... j 3 03 pm 6 13 am No. 402 No. 38 ' Rid'way Jet, S A L Rj 3 00 am 1 40 pm Weldon, " j 4 30 am 3 05 pm r Portsmouth " 7 00 am 5 50 pm r Wash ton. N & W c> 15 7 00 am r is?uiuuore. 15 f> P Co 16 45 am r New York. OOtiSOc tl 30 pm : Pii!ladelphia,NYP&N f5 43 pm 5 iO am r New York " j 8 38 pm 7 43 am ote?+Daily Except Sunday. Hitting Cars between New York ai d iiiehicnd. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains os 31 and 44. t Central Tir* 6 Eastern Time. For any furthtr inforrratiou arplv to WM. BUTLER, /R . ivisi.-n Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. i n isix-ToasT's L' A SYRUP. I Uniqne?nnlike any other congh prepa- { .lion. The quickest to stop a congh and i remove soreness from the iungs. 2oc. I THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAB. Ang. 18?ly. | LTIWANGER, L BROKER, trg-, s. o. ROCERIES , KINDS. ? Hj H? j- IB S * FLOUR, FEED, very work. All orders <>i?en Lim will be led by addressing me at Batisbnrg. CAPTimiyonn i h*i i umnu uuij NTE LUMBER, I'CREBS OF Q-3=3ZD IE ILING, SIDING, 5, SHINGLES AND LATHS, A N 11 BLINDS, 1'A, GA. FULLY FURNISHED.^ When writing mention the Dispatch pDLUMBIA, NEWBERRY AND ^LAURENS RAILROAD. In Effect November 25th, 1900. v 7 45 am lvAllanta (SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am Iv A'hensar 5 28 pm 11 16 am lv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm 12 23 pm iv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar fClinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am lv <?Glenn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv {'Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm I 16 pm ar fLaurens lv... 1 38 pm ^ fDincer. t(c. &w. c.) ^Harris Springs ' " No. 52 #No72r ; 11 08 a m 9 20 am II 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 amar Irmo . ..arlO 15 am 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .arlO 40 am , 11 40 a m ar.WbiteRock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am ; 12 03 a m ar L. Mountain arl2 25 pm 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pm 12 17 p m 110 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar... Jalapa... ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar... Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 11G p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar ...Parks... .ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens. .ar 5 30 pm *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No753 *No.22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am Jm 1 55 p ra lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 9 00 j 2 05 p m 9 25 ayff91^ I 2 12 p m lv. ..Kinard.. .lv 9 40,'am 2 17 p in lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm ; 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 1 00 pm j 3 25 p m 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 30 pm 3 34 p m 2 00 pm 3 43 p m lv.. .Irmo lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm 05 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 3 25 pm Fiji 1V froiolit cvnt-nf Snr./lop j J ??v<^ut VAWV^/V WUXiUOJ* ; 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1)11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar..... 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or write to W. G. CHILD3. T. M. FHESSOP. President. Traffic Manager. J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON? 1 Sol. Ag^nL Gen, Ft. & Pass Agt.. Columbia, S. C. Wilmington, N. 0 i W A. RECKLING, t ^EtlXST, , COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOV/ MAKING THE BEST Pictures tbat can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should new try some of bis latest ! styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gal? lery. up stairs, next to the Hub. ^ When writing mention the Dispatch, ! flpinas COCAINE' WHISXY ?5 2G Sj E wfgWa Habits Cared at my Senator^ Ss ha, In SO day*. Hundreds , sa of reference*. year?,_n_ specialty. "ook on w?nt -E JtCli. A.i :r?r-a I ?= M? WOOi.L.5:*', M. D?? Atianta, Ca? July 25?ly. ALL SIS BOEING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described fn ^ m POLICE GAZETTE The IVorld-Famous . . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00 -13 WEEKS-$1.00 MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, Franklin Square, New York. IflSENtYVS Gun Store, Established 1876. I m m Gii! All our Guns are built to order and are fully guaranteed. We are headquarters lor everything in the SPORTING GOODS LINE. Call in and inspect our stock before you buy. LOADED SHELLS, CARTRIDGES, LEGGINGS, LOADING TOOLS. AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. ETC. ?^*We guarantee all our Repair Work*"?^ W. F. STIEGL1TZ, Propr., 1508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. February 29?ly. m. MIMI '