The Lexington Dispatch G. M. HARMAN. Editor aad. Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. lwi. General News Items. The pensions to the survivors of the Spanish war are now nearly two millions. ' Dr. T?ft Bos , A^thraalece and other reliable medicines are for sale at the Bazaar. lor The interest on the national debt for the last year coi-t each person f>rty-four cents. A prophet in Omaha, Neb , has set December 13'h as the date the world will come to an end. Pyny-Bala&rn Relieves Right A way v and makes a speedy end of coughs and colds. An OraDgeburg County farmer mad#* 130 bushels of oats on one acre this season. ~ ' Sam Farrow, a negro, near Dawkins, murdtrs his wife, father in-law and mctber-in-law. Take Life for the Liver and Kidneys. Bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. m The crops have failed in European Russia and over forty million people are in danger of starvation. A trolley smashup near Atlanta, Ga., resulted in the killing of ore person and injuring nineteen others. A never failing cure f worth. S2TN0TE the following cfferi :ents. ! spool, 2 spools for 5 cents, ents. 100 dozen spool cotton lor ban ents. 00 large honej comb spreads i 50 pairs lace curtains. 21 yard* ;>Bts. the price shall be per pair 500 window shades, the price, I, 13 cents 10 rolls matting, big job, to cl< i, per yd 17c 310 rugs, 40 inches square, out Silk underskirts, each, 98 cent; 302 ladies siik and satin waists 15 cents. none the price is a -j^Lisp ths, 1.1 to 3 *30 siik skirts, made in the lates to $10. 50 skirts in all the leadinc; fabr Men's overalls, doable stitcbed Men's doable decker shirts, th yards to the, Men's fall dress shirts, in mi Clothing and Shoes in this store is stric ry day except Sunday. This sale will m ^.TBS & A . St., Post Offici Cheap Rates to Norfolk, Va. I On account of tbe meeting of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, Norfolk, Va , September 9wh to 13th. 1901. Southern Riilwav will sell round trip tickets to Norfolk, Va, and return at rate of one first class fare for the rouad trip from all stations oa its line. Dates of sale September 7th and Sib, final limit September 15:b, inclusive. Southern R.ilway best line to Norfolk, through sleeping cars, hotel dining cars. For detailed information as to rates, schedulep, etc , call on any agent of the Southern railway. W. H. Tayloe, A G. P. A, Atlanta, Gi. But Would it be Democratic ? Florence Times. TVddy Roosevelt, the intrepid mountain lion hunter i9 comiDg south on a trip. He is to visit cities in j Georgia. Perhaps if Governor Mc; Sweeney would use a little persuaj sion he might get Teddy to bring his unerring rifle over here ana hunt out some of those blind tigers in Charleston and Columbia which the police caonot fiod. We bet a big bet that Teddj'd find them. i If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well ' "tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, j Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. The present outlook is that the cotton mill propetty in this State will reach $25,000,000, which is veiy nearly as much as the railroad property of the State, and in round numbers the total assessment of the property cf the State is only $173,- , 000,000 t South Carolina last year made 20,000,000 pounds of tobacco and an Ennliih firm which handled a total of 30,000,000 pounds say their bast hogshead of tobacco came from South | Carolina. This is encouraging news. Small detachments of Boers still continue to annoy the English in South Africa. Stygn, DeWet and j Bjtha, the three prominent leadeis of the Boers, have informed Lord Kitchener, the commandant of the English forces in South Africa, that they will continue the fight until complete aod absolute independence is secured. , So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an In* I active LIVER. ? I' With a well conducted LIVER |1 one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ( ones earning capacity. ? . . . it can be kept in healthful action :1 by, and only by Titft Pills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. j C II II? III ^ !????1WWMM6WI "I I 1IMI II T ice Hut Col till it 1 if Pi 3 COST SALES I? Itb. WE ARE HERE FOR BUSIN in the hi-itory of the Dry Goods basin* SEAT BARGAIN STORE. No long ftrinr lamn as a Dremium to any cust r ? l Dge: cords, 48 c d or machine, per spool, lc. ; Men's Alpine b: let it be each -*8 ctii's. Men's clothing, i long, beautiinlly designed, j them is to 48 cents. The great pant: 10 cc-nts. | Straw hats will >se, 9 cents Ladies percale . they go 28 cents. Embroidery am i. ! Think of it , style and quality second to Win re are the I er. ! 10 pieces silk a >t st\les, full dress, from 98c. 5 pieces 42 inc! , 5,000 yards dre ics, from 4S cents to S3.25, ! Allen Wrisley ?! , per pair, 25 cents. j Shoes shoes ar e bffit goods, 3tf cents. i irom icc o tdras, peicale and bedford | lowtr than tly up to dale. We promise you that, i ake you love your mother in-law. You vVALKg e Block, Colui ^WMN^RCUm I A really healthy woman has lit- 1 J tie pain or discomfort at the I menstrual period. 2vo woman 1 needs to have any. Wine of S * Cardui will quickly relieve those [ smarting menstrual pains and $ the draffiring- head, back and? ? (side aches caused by falling of 1 ' the womb and irregular menses. I _ WINE"CARMJ!{ has brought permanent relief tol J 1,000,000 women who suffered F every month. It makes the men- B ? strual organs strong and healthy. B 1 It is the provision made by 2\a-l f ture to give women relief from B ^ the terrible aches and pains which E s blight so many homes. Greenwood, La., Oct. 14, 1900. i I have been very sick for soino time. B I was taken with a severe pain in my B ? Iside and could not jret any relief until B i I tried a bottle of Wine of Cardui. Be- B fore I had taken all of it I was relieved. B i I feel it my duty to say that you havo a ? wonderful medicine. B 1 Mrs. M. A. Yount. r t For advice and lit erat ore, address, glvinR^ymp- Rj tonis, "The ladies' Advisory Jlepartment. Tne mini in u in., : MANUFACTURERS OF 11 I.W'SSlUMfaji SURE POP s FEVER&COUGHCUBE FOR KCRSES AND CATTLE. There is no better Remedy for these diseases on the market. g WHITE LINIMENT, ! \ Wonderfnl and Iufallible Remedy lor | Muscular Soreness. Strained Tendons, ja and all kinds of Sprains, Bruises ic and Collar Boil s Price 25c. !. . i1) MAGNETIC OINTMENT, j* THE GREAT SORE HEALER. Sure Pop Mic Corej> rhfc Most Wondiful folic Cure 011 Earth ; Price 50 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., ( P. O. BOX 224 COLUMBIA, S. C. | June 12?llni. IUSEMA\i\S (illis Store, i ! r Established 1376. ! i Sill I,II!! ans!; Ui our Guns are built to order and are fi fully guaranteed. ; ;it i?J * ^ * v.^ ' ne UIC ucrtUij'Jiiiici.'j JUI c>cijiuiu^ m iuc SPORTING GOODS LINE. }all in and inspect onr stock before you buy. jOADED SHELLS, CARTRIDGES, n LEGGINGS, JOADING TOOLS. AMMUNITION, I CUTLERY. ETC. SSSfWe guarantee all cur Repair Work *' t ! ft. F. STIEGLITZ, Propr., 1503 MAIN STREET, !" COLUMBIA, S. C. February 29 - ly. ' p: 1 illl llil h, (j, I" COLUMBIA, 333 in omer :ents. ats, in all colors. IS cents, the price is we don't miss a sal?. To see bay. ^ p.U Tim nrioo twill iic-lrlo Toll 1 r?HO- i.uv J/ ? "?< -(VU.V J be given away each. 10 cents, waists, each, 15 cents d lace. The piice is we ne?er mist a sale. 1 take cost sale prices compared to thestV ud wool crepoD, 42-ir.cbes wide, poses, together with necessary outbuildugs and a fine orchard. A good opening or a hotel. Buildings new, costing twice is much as the price asked for it. Price >1200. Ona lnf in fha + nu-r> of "No-dc "RrnnTr and on which is a 5-roomed cottage and lecessary outbuildings. Price, Sl.OoO; or his property will be exchanged for good arming lands. Two good sized lots in the Town of Gas on Price, $25 each. A house and lot in the town of Swansea, rhis is a good location for a store. Price, j >300, One lot iD Swansea, situated in the main jasiness portion of the town, on which is , 20x40 Price $500. A tract consisting of 142 acre3, on which here is a good, new six roomed dwelling. ;-horse farm open- extra good farming and. Situated six miles south of Batesmrg. The house alone is worth more thau he price asked Price, $850 00. Also I. offer the following property in the ubnrbs of Lexington: 1 house and lot in town. Price, 5G00. 1 tract of 12 acres. Price, $100 1 nf fi acres. Price. SI50. 1 tract of 17 acres. Price. $400. 1 tract of 12 acres, on which there is a ood 4 roomed collage. Price, $600. U acres, in the suburbs oi' Lexirgton, routing oq the Augusta road 166 feet. :rice $75. 26 acres of land, four roomed dwelling nd outbuildings in lair condition, 4 miles astcf Lexington. i'rice, $500. 4 acr*s and a small dwelling lying and eing just be\ond Lexington Depot. Price i250. 114 acres, two small b .ilding, lying and eiiig just beyond Lexington Depot. Price 25i?. 4 acres, situated in the same neighbor ooii. Price 5>2o. Noverber 21, 1900-tf. CHiGH ESTER'S ENGLISH" PENNYROYAL PILLS $ i-jifo. Always reliable. Ladles, ask Druggist for ['dK'lIFAtER'M EXULI.SII in Red and ;ic?d metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. 1'ske no other. Refuse dangerous suhstiutlonsaiid imitations. Buy of your Druggist, >r send 4c. in stamps for Particular*. Te*tiitonial* and " Rell?f for E.adic*." in l"'rr, :y return .tlail. IO.OOOTestimonials. Sold by di Druggists. r^'FTTrrrvsTrTj ORPMrn r. nn liOO JZadlnon Square, I'll!LA., FA. Slentlon thin purjer. DEWBERRY COLLEGE Commodious buildings. Pure Water. Three courses lor d-grees, with ekctives. Good library; working laboratory. Efficient preparatory department Board, tui ion and all lees {.er year need ot exceed S100 in Coll'-giate Department; $90 in Preparatory D^parrment: Next session begins October 1st. #=t*~For catalogue. Address GEO. B CROMER. President. Newberry, S. C. July 10. 1801. Let us have your dues for your aper. edward l. asbill Attorney at Law, LEESY1LLE, S. C. Pructuxs !l all the Courts. .business solicited. Sept. 3"?biu DEALER IN mmn hid mm UliUULllILU llitU I llu 9 lUIUIlUj SHOES, CLOTHING, TINWARE, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, CONFECTIONERY and a full stock of General Merchandise. When you are in need of anything in my lire don't buy before calling and see the big bargains I am off-.ring. II. M. WIMURII, LEXINGTON, S. C. May 1? ly, PARKER'S Sgpf HAIR BALSAM Cletstft sjid hc&utifie* the hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth, d JMNever Fails to Ecstoro Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp disuses k hair falling. BEaic5gi? 60c.ftndjl.Wat Dnj^istj rsii i Jg FRl'IT TREES 1 That Grow and Bear Fruit. IT a8 "Write for our 60 page il'Jy lust rate J Catalogue and 40 page pamphlet, "How to ^3 Plant and Cultivate an Orchard," Gives you that information you have so long l' ^ wanted; tells you all about Sy those big red apples, lueious peaehes. and Japan plums with their oriental sweetness, A all of which you have often -?\ wondered where the trees came from that produced them. J EVERYTHING GOOD IN FRUITS. Unusal floe st< ok of SILVER r MAI'LEs.young. thrifty trees v-yV A Ilk 4smootk and Strai. ht,tlu> kind live :i!i-l KP'W otT well. ?'''' routch trees. This is J&*Hthe niost rapid /.'rowing nmI1'" i* n < 1 oil" of tiio most boftu* tifiil shade trees. %r%'Sjy?? Writo for prices and ffivo list of wants. J. Van Lifldley Nursery Co., 811 r" 1 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains ail of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never folic tn fiirn Tt. allnwe vnn tn pnt nil the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good prepared only by E. C. PrWitt & Co., Chieaj?* 'Vhe $1. bottle contains 2Y? tixc tbe 50c. size. J. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. SOUTHERN RAILWAV. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June SOth. 1901. northbound. jgaily'?aify Lv. Jacksonville (P. S) * 8bUal 7 top " Savannah (So. By.) 1225p 12 :>Ja " Barnwell j:{56p413a " Blackville .... j 4 12pj 4 2Sa> Ar. Columbia i 550pi 6 15a} Ev. Charleston, ( So. By : 7 (WallUUp " Summerville I 7 41a!l20,Jot " Branclmlle j 900a| 2(XJa I ' urangeDurg a 23a; - -laa " Kingville 10 24a, 4 03a Ar. Columbia 1110a[ .5 40a Lv. Atrgusta. ISo. Kv.) 250pj OiJOpj Lv. (*ramtevil!e ... I 3 23p; 10 lop! Lv. Aiken 305p| Lv. Trenton 352p;ll!00p " Johnston 407pll20p ? Ar. Columbia J> -lop 2 10a Lv. Columbia, RR) | 9 15a:1135p " Philadelphia. 11 35al 2ooai " New York I 203p! 6 23a' Lv. Columbia 11180a 7 20a Ar. Spartanburg : 3 lOp 10 20a " Asheville j 715pj 200p Ar. Knoxville ! 403aj 7 lOpf Ar. Cincinnati? 1 7 ;ttop| a lOaj Ar. Louisville 1 75irp: 8 4U?t! south bound. | Dai j? Daily | Lv. Louisville | 7 45a; 7 30pl Lv. Cincinnati I 8 30ai 805pl ? Lv. Knoxville I 1 55a ? 25a " Asheville j 7 05ai 300p| " Lpartauburg 1035a (515p| Ar. Columbia 215pi f<30p! Lv. New York',Pa.iLR) 33Up|1215ntl " Philadelphia <>05p' 350a| " Baltimore 827p. 6 22ai Lv. Washi'gt'n (So.Ry) 9 50p' II 15a) Lv. Richmond ill 3 rp l2Ulmi Lv.Danville i 4 35a. 548pi__. Lv. Charlotte i 8 20a 955p! " Rock Hill. 1 0 10u'1040p " Chester 1 9 44a lll5p " Winnsboro 10 2>a 12 01a Ar. Columbia. (BldgSt .Ill 35a; 1 05a Lv. Columbia, 0 28a1 Ar Ailri.ti 1 7 ttffci Ar. Graniteville i 2 21p Goiaj Ar. Augusta .. 1 20tp 7 45n Lv. Columbia (So. liy) \ IJUUp i Uoa' " Kingville 3 -Ifip; 2 :tta " Orangeburg [ 4 4 2p 14 45a " Branehville 525p, 4 25a " Summerville G42p 5 57a Ar. Charleston I 7 30pi 7 00a Lv. Columbia 'So. Kv.) 11 40a 1 luaj " Biaekville ! 120pj 2 52a " Barnwell j 133p; 5 U7*1 " Savannah | 3Q5p| J5'Jnj Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.l ' 7 4;tp' 0 15a1 Sleeping Car Sorvice. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 'di and 34?New York and Florida Fxpress. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawingroom sleeping cars between Port Tampa. Jacksonville, Savannah. Washington and Yew York. ; Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining '< cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. H3 and 150?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room bullet sleeping cars be- j tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull m:m sleeping cars Between Augusta anucnar- < lotte and Charlotte and Riehmoiid. Dining cars serve all meals enrotxte. Pullman sleep- ' ing cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asherille. I FRANKS.GANNON, S. H.HARDWICK, ] Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., (sen. Pas. Agf Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. H. TALOE, P.. W.HCNT, Aa't Gen. Pass. Ag't., Div. Pass. Ag't., _ Atlanta, Ga. _ w Charleston, S. 0. 1 - ^ y I?J LEXINGT< Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fresh ai and I Confectioneries, IPimits, CJaltess, Crac Toys, Plain and F (drugs and Embracing all the Standard Pro Toilet Articles, Tooth, Finger I and Face Powders, Toilet anc Dressing and Shaving Ya> of Fancy Article. Com fsCHOOLBOOKSAND We desire to call the attention complete line of Smokers' < Cigars and Sir of the best and most popularbran put up in bags and tin boxes to suit the pocketho' PERKINS MANU YELLOW PI MANUFAC' HIO-B FLOORING, CE FINISHINGS, MOULDING! DOORS,SA8H AUGUS' ^ESTIMATES CHEER bebruary 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. _^^vestsbuled LmiTED Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900. SOUTHWARD. Daily, j Daily No. 31 No. 27 w. t> t> i nn to IV new 1U1 A. X !? X*. . A \J\J puj 14- X'J tfci-4-i lv Philadelphia, PER.; 3 29 pm 7 20 am lv Baltimore, PR li... j 5 50 pm 9 34 am lv Washington, P It R. 7 00 pa 10 55 am lv Richmond, S A L R\ 10 40 pm 2 35 pm lv Petersburg. 44 11 35 pa: 3 30 pm lv RidgewayJct. 44 2 25 am 6 17 pm lv Henderson, 4* 2 53 an; 6 40 pm lv Raleigh, 44 4 06 am 7 50 pm lv Southern Pines,44 5 57 am 9 42 pm ; No 403 : lv Hamlet, 44 6 50 am 10 32 pm No. 31 lv Columbia,! 44 10 35 am i2 55 am ar Savannah 44 j 2 57 pm| 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, 44 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tampa, 44 ) 6 3(J am! 5 30 pm j No 403 j " ar Charlotte, 44 9 31 am j lv Chester, 44 9 52 am lv Greenwood, 44 :11 42 am lv Athens, 44 j 1 48 pm ar Atlanta, ? ,4 4 OOprn] ar Augusta, C &, W C,.| 6 10 pm; iv New York, N Yf , AiWi 9 20 pm 11 00 am ar Mobile, L & N ! 3 05 am 4 12 pm ar New Orleans. L & N 7 40 am 8 30 pm ar Nashville. N C & t-t L 0 40 am li 55 pm ar Memphis, i~4 00 pm 8 10 am NORTHWARD. j Daily Daily No. 44 No. 66 lv Turnpa, S A L By.... 8 00 pm 8 20 am i t_ _i_ til- 4 4 Q O.I AIV ! 7 IV 'JliCKSODVIlie, o mj aiu < IM lv Savaunah, " 12 35 pin 11 53 pm lv Columbia.? " j 5 45 pm 5 45 am iv Memphis. Is C AtStL 12 45 pm 8 45 pm lv Nasville, " | 3 3U am 9 1(7 am lv IsI-w Orleans, L A .N 7 45 pm 7 45 pm lv Mobiie " 12 20 am! i2 20 am lv Montgoiu'ry, A 1 00 pm 9 00 pm J ar Athens, " j 2 50 pm'tl 23 pm i ar Greenwood, " | 4 44 pm 2 05 am ar Chester. " G 28 pm 4 30 am lv Charlotte. " 6 30 pm 6 01) am lv Wilmington * 12 05 p u ' No. 44 No. 68 | lv Hamlet " 19 05 pm 9 20 am lv Southern Pines," lu OJ pm 10 u5 am lv Raleigh. " 11 40 pm 11 56 am ar Henderson, " 12 50 am 1 13 pm iv itidgeway Jet 1 20 am 1 45 pin lv Petersburg, " 4 15 am 4 40 pm lv Richmond, * 5 15 am 5 40 pm ar Washington. P R R 8 45 am 9 30 pm ar Baltimore. F K IS.... iu 09 am 11 jo pm j ar Philadelphia, P R R >2 30 pm 2 56 am j ar New York PRR... 30ipm 613 am! No. 401 No. 33 j iv Rid'way Jet,S A L R\ 3 00 am 1 40 pm i iv Weldon, " 4 30 am 3 05 pm j ar Portsmouth " 7 00 am 5 50 pm I ar Wash tcu. N P (Jo f0 45 am ! ir N< w York. 0 DSSCo fl 30 pm J ir Pbiladelphia.N YP??N f5 43 pra 5 iO am | ir New York. " S 33 piu 7 43 am Note?t Daily Except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York aod Rich- ; aiond. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains ! Nos. 31 and 44. t Central Tii**. Eastern Time. For any further information aoplv to W1I. BUTLER. JR . Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. ;xn\ s. c., d Varied Assortment of the Finest >urest ltei's, ancy Cliinn, Notions, MEDICINES,] -j pietory Preparations, Perfumery, Sail and Hair Brushes, Tooth I Laundry Soaps, Hair Tonic, $ ;es, and a Complete Line ie and See this Stock, r"SGHOOLSUPPLlES^! # 4 of the users of tobacco to our % Joods, consisting in part of tohing Tobacco, ids, Cigarette and Smoking Tobacco of various designs, at prices oks and taste of all. FACTURING CO., NE LUMBER, rUEERS OF O-IS-A^IDE J ILING, SIDING, ' S, SHINGLES AND LATHS, 4 ANI) ULINDS, TA, GA. FULLY FURNISHED.^ "When writing mention the Dispatch 1 pOLUMBIA, NEWBERRY AND LAURENS RAILROAD. i In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am lvAtlanta(SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am Iv Athensar 5 28 pm 11 16 am Iv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar fClinton lv... 2 00 pm t 10 00 am lv ? Glenn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv J Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm 1 16 pm ar fLaurens Iv... 1 38 pm ; fDioner. J(c. A w. c.) ^Harris SpriDgs " No. 52 ~ *No. 2f I 11 08 a m 9 20 am ' 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 a m ar... .Irmo . ..arlO 15 am i 11 35 a m ar.BallentiDe .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m ar.WhiteRock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am 12 UcJ a m ar Li. Mountain arl^ pin 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 prn 12 17 p m 1 10 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar... Jalapa... ar 3 0,5 pm 12 48 p m ar... Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m ar..Goldvil! 3 55 pm 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar . ..Parks... .ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. NoT 53 *No. 22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton., .lv 9 GO am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 p m lv...Kinard.. .lv 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 CO am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 pm lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 100 pm 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 115 pm 3 90 n in lv WTiif^Pnnlr lv 1 3T1 rim 3 34 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 43 p m lv.. .Irmo... .lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm 05 p m 3 25 pm Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pmar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or wiite to W. G. CHILDS, T. M. EMERSON, President. Traffic Manager. J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON, So!. Agent. Gen, Ft. & Pass Agt., Columbia, S. C. Wilmington, N. C W. A. RECKLING, ^.leTJST, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PICteres that can be bad in this country, and all who have never bad a real fine picture, should now try some of bis latest ' styles. specimens can De seen at ms nailery. np stairs, next to the Hub. When writing mention the Dispatch, A HILTOU'S | OUGH CURE, ^ A SVRUP. | Unique?unlike any other cough prepa- ; ration. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 2oc. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA. S. C. A For Sale at THE BAZAAR. M Aug. 18?ly. ATT TJTrt. T>n*VTVrrL T*TT1?\TWP 1$ UUM MVAi4ivr * Are Best Illustrated and Described in l POLICE GAZETTE ( The World'famous . . . . Patron of Sports. * $1.00-13 WEEKS-$1.00 MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, * Franklin Square, New York. \ OPIUM COCAINE'" WHISKY j 2 lUlVl Habits Cared at mySanator- 1 ium, in 80 day*. Hundreds ; o. references. ?> years a specialty. Boo!t oa m Home Treatment sent FREE. Address J B. M.WOOLUEY, M.D., Atlanta, Ca. 1 July 25?ly.