The Lexington Dispatch . O. M. HARMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON. S C , WEDNESDAY. JULY SI. mi. STATE NEWS. What Our Neighbors Are Saying and Doing Condensed for Busy Readers. The Farmers aud Merchants Bank of Columbia is putting up a baDd some banking house in that city. E'^lfc murder cases have been tried at the prerent term (f court iD Laurens There were no convictions. A bad complexiou generally refoRa from iuac'ive liver and bowels. Ia all such case?, DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers produce gratifying results. J E Kaufmanu. John G Ctpers is virtually od the discharge of his duties as U. S. District Attorney, as be has been looking after the condition of the office. Chester is to have a big political meeting at wnicli many prominent politicians of tbe State have been invited to speak. No Deed for you to bave tbe grippe And otber ilia will Jet yon slip, If you will use L. L and K Whicb cures and keeps disease away. Bottles 26c, 50c and $1 00. John Drisccil, a well-digger, was killed at Gaffoey a few days ago. He was in tbe well and a tub of dirt and rock beiDg sent up fell on bim, the i ope breaking. Three soldiers of the Sullivan's t Island garrison have been sent to * prison in Leaven8worth, Ark., for ] burglarising a vacant house on the ( Island. One for forgery. v The piles that anroy yon so will be quickly and permanently healed if Tou use DeWitt's "Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless counterfeits. J E Kaufmann. The accounts of County Treasurer ( Dickenson of Bamberg has been found short $2,378 68, by A. W. Ih Jones, auditing clerk of the Comp- \ troller General's office. The State Board has decided that Charleston must do without the dispensary profits until she passes a ^ city ordinance making blind tigers 13 unlawful and tries them in the city * comts. . c ; JT Those famous little Early Riser? ^ Bcoropel your liver and bowels to do ^ their duty, thus giving you pure, /^^rioh blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. J. E. Kaufmaun. c O S- Wakeliog and E D. William- ^ son of Detroit, "Michigan, have leased ^ some mining lands about six mile s E from Abbeville and purpose workirg ? the property energetically in search of gold. - t t iaEnSiaiBMWKIMXtl jm B osses where all else fails. ? ca Beet Coogh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use H| C HBi Tr s By an oversight of the last Legis- a lature in passing the Act relating to 1 charter fees, results in a loss to the E "State of several thousand dollars this year. Hasty legislation comes dear, and it is always policy to go blow. I When you want a modern, up-to- ^ date physic, try Chamberlain's Stora- ^ ach and Liver Tablets, Ttey are c easy to take and pleasant in effect. c Price, 25 cents. Samples free at J. ^ E Knufmann's drug store. ^ Citizens of Union are preparing 1 for a monster picnic gathering and * speaking to take place on August 8 j and 9. All of the prominent South Carolina politicians are to be invited, as will also Wm. J. Bryan of Nebras- r : DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should ^ be promptly applied to cuts, burns j and scalds. It soothes and quickly j heals the injured part. There are ^ worthless counterfeits, be sure to get ^ DeWitt's. J. E. Kaufmann. ^ The tobacco season opened last n ~~week in the eastern part (f the State r with splendid sales in the large ware- 8 houses. Prices were exceptionally ii good and the farmers went away h pleased wiih the prices. The season opens with brighter prospects than d ever before. p Mothers who have always so a dreaded the approach of hot weather d when they have a teething babe, I should not foeget that Teethina a counteracts and overcomes the < ffects f of hot weather on children, keeps c them in healthy condition and makes a teething easy. Teethina costs only t 25 cents per box at diuggisU; or a mail 25 cents to C. J. Moffeit, M D, h St. Louis, Mo. On account of the unusually*iarge v appropriations made this 3ear by tt e ii Legislature, aggregation over a mil- h lion dollars, and the heavy demands noon the treasury made from most e r ? of them, the State will be compelled a to borrow money to meet the run- c ning expenses of the government. o Balaam* from the Northern Wood are in Pyny-Balsam, the certain cure for coughs. t There was an electrical storm in P the vicinity cf Woodruff recently. A horse belonging to Lum Lanford, in C the town of Woodruff, was killed, h A mule and a horse belonging to Mr. v Alexander, near towD, were killed, f Several cows and dogs were killed. B Have your job printing done at tl e c Dispatch office. s * c .+ TE ? ? A 1101186 full of 1 ind Shoes to go fc under the sun. T stock is closed. 3?MZ TO BA' 1117 main April 10, 1901. Mr. John M. Stork of Columbia, lied last Thursday. It will be reaemberfd that Mr. Stork lost an arm >y the premature discharge of a anon, at the time Mr. OliB JBarrof his county was killed duting-ona of be hot campaign meetings of 1890 Jr. Stork has friends in this county fho will regret to hear of his d?ath. It i3 easier to keep well than get : ured. DeWitt's Little Early Risers I aken now and then, will always keep our bowels in perfect order. They lever gripe but promote an easy ' jentle action. J. E. Kaufmann. Adjutant General Floyd haR sent j 0 tbe war department at Washing- j on the annual requisition f )Y military j upplies under the appropriation ! oade by congress fpr tbc military i orces of the several States. As | oon as the uniforms and equipments j .rrive they will be promptly issued ; o tbe several companies of State oilitia until each command has uni- , orrn8, etc, for 50 men. "I wish to truthfully state to you ?odoI Djispepsia Care is without [uestion, the best and only cure for lyspepsia that I have ever come in ontract with and I have used many itbcr preparations. John Beam, iVest Middlesex, Pa. No prepara iou equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as ; t contains all the natural digestaDts. j !t will digest all kiods of food and j an't help but do you good. J. E j iaufmann. It was announced 8fc Charleston j ecently that the government will j mild another fort on Sullivan's Isiud. There are already three large ortifications there in addition to fort Sumter in the harbor and old fort Moultrie on the Island proper. ?he new barracks for the post now j >eing constructed at a cost of $50,- j 00 with the navy yard dry dock and aval station and an enlarged garteon on the island, Charleston will hortly be by long odds the most mportant naval and military depot a the South. You can never cure dyspepsia by lieting. What your body needs is ilenty of good focd properly digestd. Then if Your stomach will rot ligest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will, j t contains all of the natural digest- ' nts hence must digest every class of ood and so prepare it that nature an use it in nourishing the body j nd replacing the wasted tissues, hua giving life, health, strength, mbition, pure blood and good ealihy appetite J. E Kaufmann. The women of Cnarieston are forking with great energy in the aterest of the forthcoming exposition o be held in their city, and the woaan's congress to convene during the ! xpositon will assemble in Charleston j ome of the brainiest women in the ' ouutry. The press congress will be j ne of the most interesting, ami J rornen from all sections of the couu- : ry who are actively engaged in news- : aper work will be present. "I am indebted to One Minute lough Cure for my present good ealth and my life. I was treated in ain by doctors for luDg trouble nllnminn In orinnp T tnik Oflfi ! ? b'Tr- - j Jioute Cough Cure and recovered ! ay health.*' Mr. E. H. Wise, Madi- j on, Ga. J. E KaufmaDii. ?ini mi Him ini mil in im i i n ihim imi i?iiii SATES & mmmmwmm ENTIRE ? IDS, CLOl [ROWN ON 1 THINK lice, clean and up>r what they will 'his great sale wil This is no trap set for y< you come to our sale BATES 8c WAL dollars by setting traps be r-HS cte St., Post Offic Ecstasy. "Ah, Gwendolyn, when I walk by the seashore a feeling swells up in me like I'd eaten too much ice cream and cake!" ?New York Journal. It Would Help a Little. "Here's another letter from that new tenant," said the secretary. "What's he want now?" inquired the proprietor of the Highuppe apartment house. 'Says he's got to have more room in his flat Says it'll help some if you'll let him scrape the paper off the walls." ?Catholic Standard and Times. Old Soldier's Experience. M M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of "Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c. at J. E Kaufmann's drug store. Hon. D. Frank Efird of this county has been elected President of the South Cirolina State Alliance. The other officers ui(: W. N. Felder of York, Vice President and Lecturer; t tt r n.!j t-? 1 ?ml - o t d. w. xirSio, rveiusvnie, otureittfjr uuu Treasurer; J. F. Nesbitt, Lancaster, Delegate to the National Alliance; A. C. Lyles, Carlisle, Member of the Executive Committee to serve three years. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from choleir infantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlmi Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. Ia two days lime the child had fully recoveied. The child is now vigor ous and healthy. I have recommeded this remedy frequently and have never koown it to fail.?Mrs. Curtis Baker, Bookwalter, Ohio. Sold by J. E. Kaufmanu. Decisive. "So." said the young man who was disposed to linger, "we must part forever!" "01), no." answered the fair girt, with a cold look in her eye: "not forever. "We will part now once for all and have it over with."?Washington Star. A Summer Frame of Mind. "George, George! Get up quick! I hear a burglar down stairs." "Well, let hixn alone. Maria, and let me alone. No doubt the poor chap lias just crawled in the window to get a piece of ice or a drink of good cold water."?Detroit Free Press. I.ike nnd Unlike. Browne?Whenever a woman becomes nnrpasoiinble it's attributed to her nerves. Isn't that singular? Towne?Yes. but the unreasonableness of a man is attributed to his nerve, ~iul that's still more singular.?Philadelphia Press. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottleof Grove's Tasteless Chiil Tonic. It is simply ron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50 cents. STOCK OF FHMS ANI THE MARK] OF IT! to-date stock of Di bring. Nothing li 1 open today, and k )u. We will not (juote bait prices. you will find everything bevom .KER have never fooled you or lited with some fine articles under ma :E323'S &BEAT i? Block, Colui THE MULE HAS CHANGED. But It Took the Barhcd Wire Fence to Reform Him. "Speakin of mewls and barned wire fences," said the colonel as he sipped \ at his julep, "I'm jest a-tellin you that ; I tlm mou-l hue .-iiiiiifpii jiliont in :i now- ! ? =- 1 - I erf ill way (lorin these Inst 20 y'ars. He I ain't 110 mo' like lie used to be than day is like night. Yo' don't find him bead down, ears flappiu and half asleep like yo' used to. Jest undergone a complete i change. Change begun jest as soon as we introduced barbed wire fences on j our plantations and been goin on till j yo' find him as he is today. That's i what he was waltiu fur, and that's | what's mad* him over. If we'd had i barbed wire a hundred years ago, the southern mewl would have made us all rich long ago. Twenty y'ars hence ' the thoroughbred horse can't hold a candle to him. Rei'o' the days of barbed wire the mewl had his own way about everything. Yo' might stick bradawls into him, stir him up with a pitchfork, lash him with any sort of whip, and he'd hunch his back, flap his ears and beat yo'r game. Ile'd never found anything he couldn't buck up against, and he never expected to. "When we got the barbed wire ftmccs it was the beginniu of the end. lie ' walked up to 'cm and smelt of 'em and figured that they wouldn't last a week, j but he got left. lie was used to rub- i bin against slivers, but those nails | took hold in a different way. A prod | with a pitchfork jest tickled him, but when he leaned up against a hundred sharp pointed nails he was astonished. : "He was mean and obstinate and sulky and ouery, and he (it that wire , fur five or six y'ars befo' he'd give in. : He left lia'r and blood on every rod of fencin in the south, and in his mean- j ness he'd jest tangle hisself up and be found dead, but he had to come to it at last. Yes, sah, he'd found sometliin he couldn't chaw up nor rub off , nor break down, and when he realized it a change sot in. and lie was a different critter. Can't say nothin ag'in the mewl no mo'. All the meanness has gone out of him, and the day ain't far off when angels and mewls will appear together as emblems of happiness and innocence." M. Quad. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslowrs Sooth-1 ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhcee. Twenty-live cents a bottle. It is the best of all. ' Gentle Reminder. Borem (consulting his watcki?Isn't your clock a little slow, Miss Cutting? Miss Cuttiug (suppressing a yawn)? No, I think not: but there are times : when it does seem so.?Chicago News, j No Objection. Artist?I suppose }*ou have 110 objection to uiy sketching in your field? Farmer?Ob, no; you'll keep the birds ; off the cabbages better'u a ordinary i scarecrow.?Boston Globe. JI Wanted. Tiustworthy men and womoD io : travel and advertise for old estab-M i lished bouse of solid financial stand- < i ing. Silary ?780 a year and ex- ] I penses, ail payab'e in easb. No can-,1 | vassing required. Give references | i and enclose self addressed stamped | i envelope. Address Manager, 355 , Caxton Bldg, Chicago. 51 1 \ - * * I . | I fm I I ST. # y Goods, Clothing ike it ever before ist until the entire v We mean business and when I your expectation. Keineinoer tried to win your hard earned, rket prices. We stand to the mark. SEEIOIE SALE,, nhia, S. C. A Truthful Man. Guest?You advertised (whack) that there were no (slap) mosquitoes here. Do you consider, sir (whack), that statement true? Pi prletor?Yes, sir. I wrote that circular last January.?Life. . Summer Compliment*. Elephant?What an elegant throat you have for a cool drink! Giraffe?Yes, it is grand; but, say, I wish I had a skin with a nice, breezy fit, like yours? Chicago Record-Herald. Sympathetic. She?I sunnose I do look older, but nevertheless I've seen only 20 summers. He?Foor girl! And couldn't the oculist do anything for you? ?Chicago News. Proof of nis Devotion. She?Do you really love me? He?Darling, if I did not, do you suppose I should have spoiled the creases in these trousers??Stray Stories. OPPISR& COCAINE**1'WHISKY g h i H kbits Cord at my Sanatoriuia, In SO uoy*. ITuniirids of rafbrencee. 25 years a Kj^talty. Bookoii Home Treatment Bant FRiS. Address 2. M. WOOLLEY, M. O., Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June SOth. 19DL iNo.34l2To.3S NORTHBOUND. 'Daily (Daily Lv. Jacksonville (P. S) 800a j 745p; *' Savannah (So. Ey ) 1225p|12 30a " Barnwell 356?: 4 Uir.; " Black villo 412pj4 2ba; Ar. Columbia : _550pj 6 Hal Lv. Charleston, (So. By 7UUa|jlOUp " Summe"ville 7 41a l2J0r.t " Branch ville 9 00a} 2 00a " Orangeburg 9 28a; 2 45a " Kingvillo :10 24a; 4 05a Ar. Columbia H lUa; 5 40a Lv. Augusta, (So. By.) 250pi 93op; Lv. Graniteville : 3 23pI015p: Lv. A.ikon 305p: Lv. Trenton 352pll00p " Johnston 40rpll20p| .... Ar. Columbia. j 545p 210a Lv. Columbia, (Bldg Sc 555p] 6 25a " Winnsboro ; 6 50pi 7 25a ? Chester : 73St> H 17a " Kwk Hill 853p! KOSa Ar. Charlotte ?. . .^. j OOCpi 9 55a Ar. Danville ;l2 4saj 132p' Ar. Richmond ! liOOa; tt4upj Ar. Washington I 7 35aj ''uoje " Baltimore (Pa.RR) ! OloallUSp, " Philadelphia 11 35a 2 56ai " New York I 2 03P1 0 23a: Lv. Columbia llSJat 7 20a Ar. Spartanburg 3 lOp 10 20a ....;. " Asheville ' 7 lop; 200p; Ar. Knoxvillc 4 05a; 7 10p Ar. Cincinnati 7 30pl 3 loaI Ar. Louisville 1 7 50pi 8 40a ;No.33iNo.35 SOUTHBOUND. j Daily jDaily T.vr Cnni'SciHA I ~ 45aI 7 300 Lv. Cincinnati a 30a S05p Lv. Knoxville i 1 55a 8 25a " Asheville :7 05a 3 OOp " L partanburg ; 10 35a 6 lop A r. Columbia : 215p ft30p' Lv. New York( | 330p|1215ot " Philadelphia 605p! 3 50a " Baltimore S-"p| 0 22a Lv. Washi gt'n (S0.R3*) I 950p'll 15a Lv. Richmond j 11 3Jp l^Ulm Lv. Danville | 4 3oa 5 48p .. . Lv. Charlo.tte j 8 20at Hoop, " Rock Hill yi0nl04.Jp " Chester 0 44a'11 lop " Winnsboro ; 10 28a!12 01a At. Collimbia. I BIdg St 11 35a, J. Coa1 Lv. Columbia, (U. D.) i 1200m | 3 50a " Johnston 140p 6 05a| " Trenton 152p! 6 28a! Ar. Aiken 230p 7 30a Ar. Graniteville | 221p G58a| Ar. August .. i 3Q;p 7 45aj Lv. Columbia tSo. Ity) j 3U0p 1 35a < " Kingville . 3-HJp 2 32a " Orangeburg 442p'3 45a| " Branchville 525p 4 25u! " Summervilld B42p 5 57aj Ar. Charleston 7 30p: 7 00a I Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) 11 40a 1 10a| " Blaokville 1 20pl 2 52ai " Barn-.veil 1 33p 3 07a " Savannah 305p 4 50a Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) ' 7 4Up 9 15a1 Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New \ork. No.s. 3:$ and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and Isew York. Pullman drawingroom sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and Vew York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 85 and 33?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room miner sleeping cars t>otweon Jacksonville ancl New York and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte and Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON. fc>. H. HARDWICK, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. H. TALOE. R. W.HUNT, As't Gen. Pass. Ag'fc., Div. Pass. Ag't., Atlanta, (4a. ^ ^ Chariest on. S. 0. ill) CHEMICAL CO,, MAN UFA CI USERS OF i.ii'sSiPipiiiR .^i kfop FEVER&QGUGH CURE FDR HORSES AND CATTLE. There is no better Remedy (or these diseases on the maiket. WHITE LINIMENT, A. Wonderful and Infallible Remedy for Muscular Soreness. S:rnincd Tendons, and all kinds of Sprains, Bruises and Collar Boi! s Price 2.">e. MA6NETIG OINTMENT. THE GREAT -SORE HEALER. Sure Pop Colic* Cure The Most Wondrlul <' olic Ct-re on Earth Price GO cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., P. O. BOX 2-24. COLUMBIA, S. C. Jane 12?1 lm. DllSE.ilANN'S ' (.mi Store, Established 1876. HEADQUARTERS GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, AND SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. GILL NETS. SEINE TWINE AND TEOT LINE. ammunition to burn. ALL SIZES AND GRADES OF LOADED SHELLS. We do all Kinds of Repairing. Write for pricts on anything in our line. tif t- /> g r> w. hsiituui^rropr., 1508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. February 29 -lv. OnilS DEALER IN MIS H P1VISI0NS, SHOES, CLOTHING, TINWARE, CROCKERY, WOODENWARE, CONFECTIONERY anil a full stock of General Merchandise. When you are in need of anj thing in ray line don'fc bay before calling and see the big bargains I am offering. H. E WIMARD, LEXINGTON, S. 6. May 1?ly, HILTOKT'S | GOGH CURE, ^ A SYRUP. Unique?nulike any other cough preparation. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO.. COLUMBIA. S. C. For Sale at TEE BAZAAR. Aug. 18?1?. PARKER'S raBfekaPil HAIR BALSAM Cleansei tad beaatificJ the hair. WH Promote! a luxuriant growth. - BH Never Fails to Bestoro Gray Fg.?rar. JM Hair to its Youthful Color. m^v 2y5 Cures acalp diwaies & hair tailing. 60c, and $l.'A?at I)rugghU__ < I 1 $ MIT TRIES ' |||> *L' Unusal fine stock of SILVER % ^ , MAPLES.young, thrifty trees CfiA, --smooth andstrai NORTHWARD. | I Daily j Daily No. 41 No G6 Iv Tampa, SAL Ry.... 8 00 poi 8 '20 am lv Jacksonville, " 8 20 atu 7 45 pm lv Savannah, " 12 33 pm il 50 pm lv Columbia.? " 5 45 pm 5 45 am lv Memphis 27 O & StL 12 43 pm 8 45 pm ; lv Nasville. ' ; 9 30 am: 9 10 am ! lv New Orleans, L & N 7 45 pm1 7 45 pm Iv Mobile " 12 20 am <2 20 am iv Montgoiu'rv, UWP G 20 am 11 20 am ; lv Macou. C ox Georgia I 8 00 am! l *20 pm j lv Augusta, C N, S. C , d Varied Assoitment of the Finest urest iiers, .. zf* as mey China, Notions, MEDICINES, . uetory Preparations, Perfumery, ail and Hair Brushes, Tooth r Laundry Soaps, Hair Tonic, es, and a Complete Line } and See this Stock, "mOLSUPPLiESit 4 ~ ui uiu iiscifs ui Luuateu iu uur ioods, consisting in part of ^ oking Tobacco, Is. Cigarette and Smoking Tobacco, of various designs, at prices ks and taste of all. FACTURINGCO., STE LUMBEK, URERS OF \ a BABBA A >& 31""'^^. ILINU, SIDING, " i, SHINGLES AND LATHS, AND BLINDS, rA, OA. nUXLY FURNISHED.^ When writing mention the Dispatch oSw In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am ivAtlanta(SAL)ar 8 CO pm 10 11 am Iv Athens ar 5 28 pm 11 16 am lv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm-lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar "[Clinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am lv ?Glenn Springe 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv ^Waterloo ar.. 2 08 pm 1 16 pm ar fLaurenelv... 1 38 pm fDinner. J(c. & w. c.) }Harris SpriDgs nSaM *NoT2r ,-vC 11 08 am 1 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am if nrr t -va if i? zi am ar... .?rmo . ..ariu 10 am 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 am ar.WhiteRock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 4^a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am 12 03 aN m ar L. Mountain ar12 25 pm 12 07 a .Slighs.. ar!2 35~psr~/ 12 17 p m ar.I* 110 pm 12 30 p m ar. 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar. ..Gary... .ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar ...Parks... .ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm *Daily freight except Sunday. BETUBNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 *No. 22 , 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks., .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv...Clinton., .lv 9 00 am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 p m 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p m lv. ...Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 aflT" 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 1 00 pm 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 SO pm 3 34 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 43 p in lv... Irmo.... lv 2 45 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm j 05 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 3 25 pm Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c J) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or write to W. G, CHILDS, T. M. EMERSON, President. Traffic Manner. J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON? Sol. Agent. Gen, Ft. & Pass Agt? Columbia, S. C. Wilmington, N. C W. A. RECKLING, AETIST, If COLUMBIA, S. C. ?| IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PICtares that can be bad in this country, . and all who have never had a real fine pic- 1 tare, shoald now try some of his latest styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Hnb. When writing mention the Dispatch. i FI, UFE AND SCCJiL? Insurance. Only First Class < ompanies Represented, See mv List of Giants: Assets /ETNA FIRE, oi Hartford, Conn $13,357,293 CONTINENTAL (FIRE), of New York 10,638,271 PHILADELPHIA UNDER- A WRITERS, Phila., Pa.. 15.511,066 8 >ETNA LIFE, of Hartford, 1 Conn 47,584,967 I FIDELITY AND CASUALTY, 8 of New York 3,482,862 1! ily Companies, are Popular, Strong and M Reliable. No one can give your bus*- Sj ness better attention; no one can IS give von better protection; no one can give yon better rates. a ^BEFORE INSURING SEE-fe^ J Rice 15. Harman,^fl General Insurance Ac en t, L ^nB| LEXINGTON Milch tow tOttgBHraHH r pHE COUNTY comm X will sell a good Milch <9H09HHhES9|h9 auction before the court first Mondav in August ner&^ra^BjQHH^H county comalhhhbhssbh July 12th, 1001.