! lie Lexington Dispatch u. &. BARMAN. Editor aad Publisher. LEXINGTON. S. G, WEDNESDAY. JULY 31. 1901. In passing the resolutions condemning Senator John L. McLaurin and asking for his resignation on ac count of some of bis votes in the United States Senate, the State Democratic Executive Committee ex eroded its authority. Tbe commit tee in tbe first place was called for a ^specific purpose?that of arranging i for a C-.ngn s-uonal primary for tbe Seventh District, and in tbe second tbe Executive Committee is clothed with no such arbitrary power. 11 only has to see that the rules aod i regulations adopted by the paity in I convention assembled are obeyed L We find nothing in the rules govern ing primary elections or in the polity R of the party requiring an officeholder to pursue a policy dictated by SenaR^tor Tillman or the Executive Com WKr mittee. Such action on the part of the committee is a dangerous precedent, as it endangers the freedom of speech and thought. Their action was unwise and un ? fortunate to say the least of it and if permitted to go unrebuked there is no telling how much authority the committee might assume unto itself in meeting out injustice to men and measures which do cot meet with the approval of some of its members Toe people alone have ths power to c>mdemn the action of a public servant and the place for tbem to do this is at the polls with their votes Tois bas been tbe position of the Dispatch since tbe primary system was adopted and it occupies tbia position today. We regard tbe action of tbe coin mittee but the expression of individual opinions without tbe shaddow of law and of no effect whatever. The premium list of the fifth annasi fair of tbe LexiDgton County Fair^&cciation, bas just been issued by the publishing house of tbe Oliver Gospel Mission,Columbia. Iris neatly gotten up 8Dd printed and contains much valuable information to tbe exhibitor and to the public. Tbe fair will ouen this year on Tues day momiog, October 22ud, and continue for three dajs. Notwithstanding the many draw buck 8 the " ' y.t jr farthers have had to overcome and the disappointments which have overtaken them, the prospects for a sue ceshful fair are very encouraging and if nothing unforeseen happens the management will have Dctbiog to fear in regard to its financial and social success. Everybody should go to work at once with a detormiua tion that will admit of not failure fur the fair. The good housewives should select their choicest fruits, preserve, jams and jellies, their prettiest comforts, quilts and spreads; their sweetest cakes, pies and custards. The farmer should also select the beet products of his farm and the artisan the fruits of his skill. In this way the best results can be obtained and we will have a fair which will reflect credit upon the county as well as upon ourselves. The State Democratic Executive Committee at its meeting last Thursda); which was called for the purpose of arranging for a primary election for the Seventh Congressional District to nominate a candidate to succeed the late Dr. Stokes, passed a resolution by a vote of 21 to 5 condemning the votes of Senator McLiurin and asking for his resigna tion. Some time ago a number of mules in Williamsburg and Colleton counties were taken sick and the symptoms were such aB to lead to the belief I that they were suffering from a disease known as charbon. A veterinary surgeon has just returned from l these couDties where be examined a number of mules and pronounced r the disease to be spasmodic cbolic i due to overwatering*from artesian wells, while the stock were hot. Mr. Andrew Culluro, a prominent merchant, of Ridge Springs, made a narrow eecape from being instantly killed Monday. During a thunderstorm he was struck by lightning, the current rendiDg his clothes and tearing cflf the heel of his eboe. tta ieoq pcrorel? hilt other AAV n wo HV ? V? VJj ?. ? ? ? wise sustained do injuries. It certainly was a miraculous escape. The new battleship, Maine, designed to be bigger, stronger, and faster than her illfated uamesake, the j v- hull and ruins of which now lay in ; the waters of Havana's harbor, was launched July 27, at Cramp's ship- j k yard, N. Y. Miss AodersoD, of Maine, christened it. A special term of the Supreme ^ 11 i i riL? / Uourt Has oeen caiiea Dy oaiei tiustice Simpson to bear the test case in reference to the constitutionality of the amendment adopted at the last general election authorizing certain cities to increase their bonded indebtedness for certain purposes, The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., is buying op all the cotton seed 0:1 mills in the State. Hon. Thomas F. Brantley, of O angeburg, candidate for Congress, has sent bis refignation to Lieuten ant Governor James H. Tillman, a> State Set ator from that county. In is now proposed to connect Augusta with Edgefield by an elec trie railway. It is probable that the road will be extended to Saluda court bouse. A movement is on foot looking to a re vial of the jcheme to establish Lee county with Bishopville as th? county seat. a uara. To the Voters of Lexington Count}: The sad death of Dr. J. Win Stokes has made vacant his seat in Congress. That place must be filled by an election. It is the hope of all true Lexingtonians that our County, for once in her history, have a Congressman The older men in the County and j the people generally have thought ; my chances of carrying the County's banner to victory were very bright, and have insisted upon my making the race. To make a campaign for Congress is no small undertaking, ? i- -f :??i enner in me wtty 01 pujsiuai auu mental strain, or in the pecuniary expenditure necessary to such campaign. I feel, however, that I thoroughly appreciate the greatness of the undertaking and also the responsibility of the position which I am seeking. For five years, as the private secretary of our dead Congressman, I was thrown in the most intimate touch with ull congressional duties and know what they mean. I do not believe it ia right for a man to bold one position and become a candidate for another without resigning. Every position, if well filled, requires the full attention of the man who holds it. The people are tired of so manv elections, and my candidacy for Congress, makes another election for Representative a probability, became a man cannot hold the two positions of Representative and Congressman at ono and the saiuo time. Another campaign would be expensive, and to avoid that, I this day return to the people of Lexiugtou the commission which they entrusted to me in my electiou last summer. For the large vote given me, I thank the people from the bottom of my heart. This presents an opportunity to go higher, aDd surely noDe could, would or should censure me for aspiring to rise iu life, aDd besides the people of Lexington County are given their first chauce to vote for a Lexington man for Congress. I trust that the people will take their usual interest in this election. Turn out to the campaign meeting?: go to the elections and vote their choice. I have to day resigned .as a member of the General Assembly of S C. to take effect at once. Again thanking you for you past confidence, Very truly, A. F. Lever. July, 29, 1901 . | Only 50 Cents I < to make your baby strong and\ r well. A fifty cent bottle of 2 1 r r 2 3C0XX 5 LUlUISIOIl I will change a sickly baby to I i a plump, romping child. i Only one cent a day, think B of it. Its as nice as cream fl Send for a free sample, and try it. , SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, ; 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. E i 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. Q Attend the Summer School. The Summer School for teachers' will be held at Lexington, Wednesday, August Ttb, to Tuesday, September 3rd, inclusive. Prof. Sidney J. Derrick, of Newberry College, will be the principal and Miss Virginia Brodie will be instructor in drawing. Prof. Derrick's assistant has not yet been selected. The course of instruction will bo a thorough course in Buehler's Grammar, Frye's Geography, London's School Management and Drawing. The CouDty Superintendent of Education will furnish the btoks on the above subjects to those attending : the school at a little less than halfprice. I insist that all those who expect to teach make it a point to attend I this school. All the books taught in : the school will be used in all the schools throughout the county and the State, therefore, if the teachers ! take a complete course in the respective studies, they will be much better prepared to prosecute their school work, and the benefit received by their pupils will be of untold | good. By a ruling of the Stato Board no i teachers' certificate will be renewed ! by the County Board unless tbey attend a Teachers' Institute. Those wbo expect to attend will please notify me at their very earliest convenience. Board can be had at two dollars per week. Will be glad to assist any one in securing a place to board, if notified. Very respectfully, Jno. S. Derrick, County Supt. Education. \ - Notes from Number. To the Editor of the Dispatch: By 3 cur j ermis&ion I will endeavor to give the public some of the happenings around Numbir through your valuable paper. The health of our community is very good at present. ^ ? I ? n>cll in riiir >m. V^rups Ult! ticu IU uu? mediate section. Ojttou and corn will be much better than once ex put d. A seiies of meetings ccinmenerd at Salem church Sunday, July 28. and will continue for several days. Mr. J. C. Craps is grinding wheal regularly and is making a good turnout. Mes8r9. 0. 13. Addy and S. W Craps are doing a very lively mer can tile business for t he season of the year. They are two of our mosl business men. Profs. E J Sox and R L. Fxitz of Lenoir College, are in our midel drumming for students to enter th< college in September. They have been successful in securing some new ones to enter at that time. Rev Prof. Fri*z preached a very impressive sermon ounaay at usaai Grove church. Barbecues are on docket generally We bad the pleasure of attending the settlement 'cue and reunion c1 Lenoir College at Priceville, Saturday, July 27. It. was a pleasant day for all who attended and I hope thai the good people of Priceville may continue to have their usual 'cues and have the reunion with them. Mr. James R>of and accomplished sister, Miss Ados, are visiting their brother, Iiev. W. H. Roof, and many friends of the community. If this escapes the waste basket I I ?rII ?J 4 wm euueavor iy ?ppv?i a^aiuBuuiuj. Sciibbler. July 30, 1901. Rheumatism-Catarrh, Are Blood Diseases-Cure Free. It is the deep seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B B B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures If doctors, sprays, liniments, medi. cated air, blood purifiers have failed B B. B. drains out the specific poison in the blood that causes Rhfumatism or Citarrb, making a pet feet cure. If you have pains or aches iu bones, joints or back, Swolleu glands, tainted breath, noises iu the head, discharges of inucuous, ulceration of tho membranes, blood thin, get easily tired, a treatment with B. B. B. will stop every symptom by making the blood pure and rich. Druggists ?1. Trial treatment, free by addressing Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice give n. Both to Make Concessions. New York, July 27 ?The basis of settlement of the steel strike is a compromise, concessions beiDg made by both 6ides. The terms, it i9 understood, will be about as follows 1. The mills recognized as non union on July 1, will be continued as such, save, possibly, where the Am. 1gamated association ha3 effected a strong organization. 2. The amalgamated association will recede from its demands that the steel company sign the scale for all mills 3 The steel company will pay the scale in all mills, union or non union. 4 All mills shall be opened to all ?m. ? ? l j_ men wito or wuuout union carus. The association shall not attempt 1g force men into the union or to oblige the steel company to employ only union men. 5. The steel company will permit the organization of men when they manifest a desire to join the Amalgamated or other associations. Thor Items. To the Editor of the Dispatch: As it has been sometime since you have heard from this part of the vineyard, I will tell you that we had a hard fi^ht with the grass this year. Crops ate looking very well at present, though we are dry but hope for rain soon. Cotton has come out wonderfully but I can't tell what the outcome will be. The health of our country is gen erally good, with the exception oi some small ailments, which are common to nil Sore eyes are raging ir some patts. Well, you would be amused al Jerome Fox, as he wears the broadesl smile as he tells you it's a girl. Mr. Editor, I have been looking foi you down to sample the fine bream trout and j ick for which this sectior is famous. Where is uncle Jake and the boys all got to? X expect thej have enlisted in the army of the horny banded sons of toil to figbl General Green. The folks hereabouts are going tc ' plow and work all summer this year. In regard to the Congressional | race, tell Mr. Lever to jump ia the field. I think he is the man for the place. I know that he is and the other bojs should stay out of the way. Well, I guess I will close by paying ! Hurrah ior Lever! H. D. S. | You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show! ing that it is simply iron and Quinine j in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Asthinaleiie Brings Insta Cure in SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE WRITE YOUR NAME A [chained 1? ? ?pr r\ i sj ryw ie.ro i; | mml, years j 1 '^; ? / I'^v/ v v# s ??? *v>* \ \ l^A V) \ 1 ^w?7 / b 1 ??J g effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of A modio asthma, for the ptst 1:2 years. Havir others, I ehnnced to see your sitrn upon yoi once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My November. I very soon noticed a radical itr r thmndisappeared and she is entirely free fr ly recommend the mediciue to all who are al f " Yours r< ) Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co . ' Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma f but they have all failed. I ran across your found relief at once. I have since purchase I have a family of four children, and for six 1 best of health and atn doing business every of as you see fit. HOmC JtUUrtrjJSS ? ? hiuukiuu sucw. ! TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTE Do Dot delay. Write at once, addrct CO, 79 East 13( July24-fim. Letter from Arkansas. To the Editor of the Dispatch: A terrible drought is jfrevailiDg here at this wiiting, and has been for over six weeks continuously. Wo haven't experienced such a ruinous drought since 1896. The oldest settlers hero say that they huve Dever known tbo beat to bo so great before. Old upland corn is entirely ruined. Creek bottoms are not so badly injured. A half crop of corn is the best that we can expect, Srti^iirrfl'g being favorable from now onward. Cotton will be cut off to some extent though there is plenty of tiuie yet for the cotton crop in Arkansas. Gardens are completely burnt up, pastures are suffeiing terribly, water is becoming very scarce. Some of the large mills on the railroad are cloaiDg down, owing to a scarcity of watrr. I I s 8 I 1 ? mZ: KT ' I & I I I iure Free lit Reliel' and Permanei All Cases. ; ON RECEIPT OF POSTA NO ADDRESS PLAINLY, There is nothing iik? AsthTalene. It brii istant relief, even in the worst eases. It eu hen all else fni's. The Hev. C, F. WELLS, of Villa nidge, ] *ys "Your trial bottl* of Asthmalenc reeei' j good condition. I cannot tell vou how thai il I feel for the good I derived from it. I a slave, chained with putrid sore throat ?' sthma for ten years. I despaired of ever >g cured. I saw your advertisement for are of this dreadful and tormenting disesi sthma. and thought you hadovei spoken yo Ives, but resolved to give it a trial. To stnnichmsnt tliA trial acted like it charm. S( to full size bottle." Bsv. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnni Israel. New York, Jan. 3,190 >rs. Taft Bros'. Medicine CoGentlemen: Your Aslhmnlene is an exeell emedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and imposition alleviates all troubles which cr iuewith Asthma. Its success is astonish nd wonderful, After having it carefully ar zed, we can state that Asthmalene contains pium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly vours. KEY. UK. MORRIS WECHSLE1 Avon Spsisos, N. Y.. Feb. l, 190 >p. Taft Bros. Medicine Co., Gentlemen: I write this testimonial fron ense of duty, having tested the wondei stliraa. My wife has been afflicted with sc ig exhausted my own skill as well as mi ii r windows on 130th streot New York, I wife commenced Diking it about the first iprovement. After using one bottle her "m all symptoms I feel that I can consists Rieted wi'h this distressing disease. ?speet fully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. ] Feb. 5, 19C or 22 years. I have tried numerous remed advertisement and started with a trial bottl d your full size bottle, and I am ever grate years was unable to work. I am now in day. This testimony you can make such S. KAPHA.EL. 65 East I2*.ith stre< LY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. ifciog DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICI )th St., N. Y. City. An nld neorn tnld me tn dav t : the Lord sent the drought on people here in Arkansas to pui them for the sins. Maybe he ' right, but I don't near believe it, ' much partialism in that for me. A few of our farmers have gone i the Indian Territory to try tl] I hands in the Indian laud busini | I am V6ry well satisfied here if it ! a dry and discouraging time, it ; Dot always bs so, probably. i I am very sorry to learn of Mr. -f-J^PluDkett's death. He was an ; cellent business He always our Batesburg mercBsm^ our family always dealt with him. The annual prayer meeting her our community has been in prog] for the past three weeks, and no i jet?guess it will come all light fore much longer?pray od, breth J. P. Simon j Ramsy, July 27, 1901. ss9m5ss8sfi 8qq69g969cq s IK ?5 tbhtu | I Ml I ll| S S m 8 JL/-El 8 ill lit 1 $1* en 2 G] 3 8 SOur business continues to g in the largest store in Colur g South Carolina, and what's ing now on more room. T a fourteen months against the PA1II?V>Vvia^ ui vuiuinuia o nigiv,naino. S1^ the procession no matter \ success may be. Our recon speaks in louder tones than 3 8 ? 3 Spring and Sum: 3 Shoes, Ht 3 jg are at the head of the list b g COME TO SEE US. ?Wai. I s Z 1638 AND g ColuLrriloia, 4 ATLANTA GRANITE V>1? I Marietta Marble Works. We have the best eq-ipped p'ant in the South. *ith up to d?te pneumatic tools and polishing machines which puts us in a position to do all kinds of i Marble and Granite Work ? res at th-3 very lowest prices. Estimates made on all kinds of d j,I ?- Cemetery Work, and Building Material. ii red Wholesale and retail. Call on or address, t S. G. MOZLEY & CO., P. W. BARNES, cc l,^ Propiietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Ridge Springs, S. C. the May 8 ly. ISC, _ ? _[ DIAL HARDWARE fO.. f Wholesale and Retail Importers and Dealers in Ad Kinds of i HARDWARE, IROil STEEL, MILS, >m"P. PAINTS. Oil, AND GLASS. We are Headquarters for ? BLACKSMITHS, AND HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS < POST OFFICE BLOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. < September 30?lv. t n n When writing mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch. :ful 1COLIIWAflMISS SUPPLY CO., MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF D nmm. \m mvim '1. AAAAJ.VJ.IMWW) MJiAWJUAdM *** ?# W VA * AUMW| ies. 1112 and 1111 TAYLOP- ST, COLOMBIA, S. C., (Hear Bank Columbia.) is, P. >1. MIXSON, Manager. We have with us Messrs. Ed. Gray and -T. D Mills, both of whom are formerly of the jt. Alliance store cf this city. They would be glad to have their friends and former customers call on them and leave their orders. Wj? DEAL ONLY IN HOME MADEHAR NESS. REPAIRING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT, CHEAP AND SECURE. October 3?ly. =iPIANOS and ORGANS 4he OF t SUPERIOR QUALITY. 100 0$ V/SITE FOB SPECIAL STTMt KEE CLEAEENCE SALE : " - peicm- " ESS. / H^THZ tAU^Ct^S/ H^VE S0ME ' ?m B1G BARGAINS i 0 05^'^HA^' 1 to c ff.-r. Write at once for Price List and ? ':mjr M. A. MALONE, aDd COLUMBIA, s. c. "~*rr? May 15-ly. r?ess " THIRSTY PEOPLE CO TO THE I FOR SUPERIOI^COLD jcsrnes cgcgmeocam G069G96?e9Ca C3 69 m i Dnesty, Ambition and 88 lergy, coupled with a ?0 tie Cash and Experi- eg ce cannot fall short of gl ^eat Success. g row. We are today @3 abia and perhaps in & C?5 more, we are figurhis we have done in -*dP??k combined influences :s. B We propose leading ?*? low distasteful our 1 here is enough. It all we could say. few -Our Stock of In|Jh mer Dry Coods, Clothing, lr| its and Millinery g oth for style, quality and lowness of Wfc WILL SAVt Tl U mUfttY. Qg r. Furtick,! Si 1040 MAIN STREET, g? _ m % V N \ S For Sale. A GOOD SIZE FOUR-YEAR OLD \ Ferui Mute. I work anywhtre. or c*.sh. or on time to good parties. Also n ordinary milch row tbnt will call ikr?-??^ bout two weeks. Apply to P. II SEAY, Abel. 8. C. Inly 31. 1901. Barbecue. r WILL SFRYE THE BEST BABBEL cue of the season, with refreshment", t Gaston. S C . on Saturday, August 17. Candidates for Congress will be present to liscnss the issues o: the day, and a cordial uvitation is extended to the people of U . OA? nfwu O a ll?o11 QO 4VlAOA UC bUIIUUUUiU^ UUUUWAJ *?r> ?o*i no ^uvuv f the county at l>rge, to be present on this >ecasion to hear these addresses. C. S. GOODWIN. July 27, 1901. 3*40. For Sale. L-SEVFN HORSE POWER PORTABLE Engine and a complete vrell boring outit. For further particulars, apply to or iddress, A. J. xOX, Dec. 5 -tf, Lexington, S. 0. . i Barbecue. -*~r-rv WITT RTTRVTiTI A PtPRTZTITTP. w with refreshments, at the residence >f R W. K leek ley on the second Saturday, the ?Otb d*y.) in August next. Public ipeakers will be present to address the srowd. and an erjoyable time is promised ill who attend. R W. K LEO K ley, HENRY BUFF. July 1st, 1901. 6w39. DISPENSARY AT BROOKLAND, Notice is hereby given that by consent of the State Board of Directors*. tfcn "County Board of Control of Lexington Oounty*JS. c.. will locate a Dispensary in the town bf-Prookland, 8. C. R. L KEISLER, Chairman. J W. ADDY, Clerk. X Lexington, 8 C., July 24th, cnwadn i acdii i LSJWf HI1U III HOUILL^ Attorney at Law, LEESYILLE, S. 0. Practices m all the Courts, Business solicited. Sept. SO?6m Dr. 0. E. Leaphart, REAL HATE BROKER, AND fire i i le liiwce Jul LEXINGTON, S. G. BESIDE NT AGENT FOB THE NEW YORK LIFE THE STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON EARTH. Persons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company snouia notify me And I will call upon them at their homes if preferred. timbebedTand a specialty. PARTIES RAVING LAND FOR SALE, or those wanting to purchase are in invited to correspond with me. Property placed with me will be advertised free of charge. No commissions charged unless *ale is made. "516 acres of gbbd~ferntiBg tend in Congaree township, 8 miles from Coicmbia and 1 mile from Dixanna, on which there^aw two tenant houses. Price $2,500, onefourth cash; balance on easy payments. One lot in the town of Gaston on which there :s a two-story storo-house 24x70; seven rooms attached for dwelling parposes, together with necessary outbuildings and a fine orchard. A good opening for a hotel. Buildings new, costing twice as much as the price asked for it. Price $1200. One lot in the town of New Brookland on which is a 5-roomed cottage and necessary outbuildings. Price, $1,000; or this property will be exchanged for good farming lands. Twn onad sized lots in the Town of Gas ton Price, $25 each. A house and lot in the town of Swansea. This is a good location lor a store. Price, $300, One lot in Swansea, situated in the main bnsiness portion of the town, on which is a storehouse 20x40. Price $500. A tract consisting of 142 acres on which there is a good, new six roomed dwelling. 2-horse farm open?extra good farming land. Situated six miles 60Uth of Batecburg. The house alone is worth more than the price asked. Price, $850.00. ^ Also I offer the following property in the suburbs of Lexington: Jn 1 house and lot in town. Price, $600. S8 1 tract of 12 acres. Price, $100. V 1 tract of 6 acres. Price. $160. 1 tract of 17 acres. Price. $400. 1 tract of 12 acres, on which there is a V good 4-roomed cottage. Prica $600. ju 1-2 acres, in the suburbs of Lexington, JK fronting on the Augusta road 166 feet. Price $75. 26 acres of land, four roomed dwelling and outbuildings in fair condition, 4 miles east of Lexington. Price, $500. 4 acres and a small dwelling, lying and being just beyond Lexington Depot. Price $250. 11$ acres, two small building, lying and beiDg just beyond Lexington Depot. Price $25u. 4 acres, situated in the same neighborhood. Price $25. Noverber 21, 1900 - tf. OR P P RIIMMF Vila I a va wiknavHH^ FORMERLY WITH THE AMERICAN Dental Parlor, has located one door sonth of tbat place, No. 1510 Main Street, over Husemann's Gun Store, Columbia, 8^ C., where he will be glad to see his former as well as new patients. s_ Will meet all persons desiring dental work at Drafts Hotel on Tuesday and Wednesday, 13th and 14th_of liugnst next: January 23, 1901?tf. ^ GO TO P fC. D. BARR,| y LEESVILLE,S. C., ? FOR YOUR k xnny ennns. smifx. mm - . ^ApTUIII UVWUUj wiiwhvj nmiv & AND '& ^ Groceries. ?^ Also just received One Car Load of % Cooking- Stoves Wi at prices to suit you Always on hand a fnll 1 e of ^COFFINS. . BARB, 2 MANAGER AND PROPRIETOR. & W LEESVILLE, S. C. *** June 12,1901. 4m.