Tlie Lexington Dispatch . ii. M. EARMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON. s. c., WEDNESDAY. J L'LY u>. 1001 A Boy's Composition on Water. Water is found everywhere, e?pe cially when it rains, as it did the other dav. when our cellar was half " w ' full. Jane had to wear her father's rubber boots to ge' the onions for dinner. Onions make jour eyes water, and so does horse-radisb, I when ycu eat too much. There are a gcod many kinds of water in the world?rain-water, soda-water, icewater and brine. Water is used for a good many things. Sailors use it to go to sea on. If there wasn't any ocean the ship couldn't float and they would have to stay ashore. Water is a good thing to Are at boys with a squirt and to catch fish in. My father caught a big one the other day, and when he hauled it up it was an eel. Nobody could be saved from drowning if there wasn't any water to pull them out of. Water is firstrate to put fires out with. I love to go to fires aud see the men work at the engines. This is all I can tbiDk about water?except the flood.?Industrial School Gem. The Best Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. "I have been in the drug business for twelve years and have sold most all of the DroDrietarv medic'ne of any ? r - - r ? note. Among the ei tire list I have g never found anything to e quickly and permanently healed : ^ f you use DeWitt's "Witch Hazel ; Salve. Beware of worthless countereits. J. E Kaufmann. a Some of tho caterpillars in Ausralia measure 12 inches in length. ds The earnestness of life is the only 8C passport to the satisfaction of life. ea Mauy a found parent does not go p :o sleep until after tne bawi is over, ^ No need for you to have the grippe And other ills will let you slip, If you will use L. L. and K m Which cures and keeps disease ca away. th Bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. There is now over $300,000 iu the government conscience fund in Wash- m ngton. bj Women are such a puzzle to men gc because they are so much of a puzzle te jo inemselves. A bad complexion generally re- K jults from inactive liver and bowels, qi [n all such cases, DeWitt's Little dj Early Risers produce gratifying re- co jults. J. E. Kaufmann. ot When a man turns the light on ^ lihers he must not expect to stay in I ^1( ,he shade himself. ! it \ Some men spend the last half of It ;heir lives discovering mistakes tbey ca uade in the first half. K Massachusetts uses more postage itamps per capita of population than pr iny other State in the Uoion. th It is easier to keep well than get th jured. DeWitt's Little Early Risers in ,aken now and then, will always keep four bowels in perfect order. They ca lever gripe but promote an easy *gu ?entle action. J. E. Kaufmaun. ?.<] As an evidence of prosperty it la? nay bo noted that the country's ia| jirth rate is rapidly increasing. Tho- drink bill of England was ou nore ihan its clothing bill or its! igbting bill for the last year of the | >ld century. ^ Those famous little Early Risers jompel your liver and bowels to do , heir duty, thus giviug you pure, ich blood to recuperate your body. ^ easy fo take. Never gripe. J. rf G Kaufmann. ou There is a certaiu way a ^irl fixes ec] i lamp when a man is coming to call ue >o her which she calls "just enough j>? 't" i K There are 3828 millionaires in America aDd less than twenty good . )oets. Many millionaires are made iod not born. : ar< "I am indebted to Ooe Minute .. tbi jough Curo for my present good j lealth and my life. I was treated in I J ow am by doctors for lung trouble ollowing la grippe. I toDk One M dinute Cough Cure and lecovered | | y health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madi- j J on, Ga. J. E. Kaufmann. DXSAC -no ino P\TrTT"DP QT ?il\ 11XV/JU kJ. BOWN ON 1 fHTNK ce, clean and up-t what they will 1 is great sale will This is no trap set for you. you come to our sale y BATES & WALk dollars hv setting traps ha it.< ES 6Z, St., Post Office It makes h girl awfully mad tu j \ownir?tr and realized J\^ LI JJtiovii j w it she has caught it from a man y it she j'ist hates. j ji DeWitt's Witch TTizel Salve should ^ promptly applitd to cuts, burii3 ^ d scalds. It soothes aod quickly ; ^ ah the injured part. There are ^ irtbleBS counterfeits, be sure t> get; c< iWitt's. J. E. Kaufmann. j g When a man hates another man ! e worst, it is for the least reason;: jen a woman loves a man the best) g is when he is the least worthy. J Q It is a peculiar fact the Emperor n China and the Viceroy of India. I ken altogether, govern more than .If the population of the world. n When you want a modern, up-to- r .te physic, try Chamberlain's Stom- I h and Liver Tablets, They are f< sy to take and pleasant in effect, n rice, 2o cents. Samples free at J. it Kaufmann's drug store. I One of the latest inventions is an litation vaccination scar that you d 1 n ?__!*< n paste on your arm ana reus iouj i t e health officer. The ecar costs a j e me. d Eve probably made the snake * igbty mad, only he didn't let od, a r telling him she knew he hid a ^ >od heart, even though he pre- c nded to be such a cynic. a "I wish to truthfully state to yon ' odol Dyspepsia Cure is without lestion, the best and only cure for rspepsia that I have ever come in ntract with and I have used many j ? her preparations. John Beam, j r est Middlesex, Pa. No prepara- j >n equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as j ? contains all the natural digestants. j * will digest all kinds of food and J c n't help but do you good. J. E. f aufmann. i e In China criminal* and political! isoners arc beheaded. Some of j e executioners are so expert that rj ey can arrange and behead a man eighteen seconds. I p Carrie?"The last time Fred n lied he was very tender. He as-i g red rue I was tiret love." Bess? j u ?hat's something, to be sure, butio i st evening be told me I was bis j v test love." , i! During latt May ail infant child of j ^ r neighbor was suffering from chol-i ' i 0 r infantum. The doctors had given 1 t > all hopes of recovery. I took a! y ittle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ! ' b d DiariLmt Remedy to the house,; ^ IliDg them I felt sure it would do I iod if used according to directions j two days time the child had fully j covered. The child is now vigor- ? s and healthy. I have recommed-, D this remedy frequently and have; ^ ver known it to fail.?Mrs. Curtis i ^ iker, Bookwalter, Ohio. Sold by J.! s' Kaufmann. ! 0 j u Three hundred persons in London j ^ rn a living ?and several of them b growing rich?by providing meals : the cats of the metropolis, which ey deliver regularly once, twice, d thrice a day, as may suit the ' L mers of the ferline pets. , J MRES WERE All ELSEFAILS. ET T< ai Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Jg ft] ~ in time. Sold by druggists. J*| _ BEE rOCK OF HE MARK] O F" IT! o-date stock of Di jring. Nothing li open today, andk Wo will not ouote bait prices. ' * ~ I 1 on will find everything beyon< CE1R have never fooled vou or I'd with some lino articles under ma SR'S GrZBZE-A.'X i Block, Coluj What's Your Face Worth? j Sometimes a for'.unc, but never, if ou have a tallow complexion, a lundiced look, moth patches and lotcbes on the skin, all signs of liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New life Pills give Cleur Skin, Rosy iheeks, Rich Complexion. Ouly 2o ents at J. E Kaufmann'e Drug tore. The largest Bible in the world is lid to be one iu the possession of a rerman lady. It is two feet six aches loug an J 20 inches wide, t is over 200 jears old. Here is the record breaking watermelon of the United States. It was aised last season in Colorado, in the tocky Ford region; on the farm of ormer State Senator Eweuk. It is early five feet in length, three feet a circumference, and it weighs 356 rounds. You can never cure dyspepsia by lieting. What your body needs is rlenty of good food properly digestd. Tnen if your stomach will not ligest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will, t contains all of the natural digestnts hence must digest every class of ood and so prepare it that nature an use it in nourishing the body ,nd replacing the wasted tissuee, hus giviDg life, health, strength, --,1 luujucu, pure uiuuu uuu tealthy appetite J. E Kaufmann. Miss Vernia Deacon, a sixteenear-old girl who wanted to get maried at Jtrffereonville, led, wrote eighteen'' on a slip of paper and ?laced it in her shoo and had a riend to go with her to the county lerk and swear that to the best of lis knowledge and belief she wa3 over eighteen." The scheme wo)kd. Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 10, 1900. We have handled Dr. Moffett's ?eethina (Teething Powders) evor ince its first introduction to the tublic and "trade as a proprietary aedicine, and our trade in it has teadily increased from year to year mtil our orders now amount to two r three hundred gross per year, rhich is a very strong evidence of Is merit and the satisfaction it is iviDg to the mothers of the counry, for they say that nothing so ffectually counteracts the effects of be summer's hot sun or overcomes o quickly tho troubles incident to eething. 'he Lamar & Kiukiu Drug Co, Wholesale Druggists. A drapery store in a Connecticut own is said to be run by three men amed England, Ireland and Scotmd. They met for the first time in .merica. Scotland monies England's ister, and Ireland is engaged to anther sister. The son of the first moil is called Ireland J'^n^iand .^coiind. Wanted. ! Trustworthy men and women to ! ' -1 ? 1 I . /-.I d rto f r* K 1 avei arm auvt-iu?e iui uiu cciou- j shed bouse of t-olid financial stand- j )g. Salary $780 a year and ex- ; enses, all payable in cash. No can- i assing required. Give refeiences Dd enclose self-addressed stamped avelope. Address Manager, 355 axton Bldg, Chicago. 51 AA E i XJ XJ 11 i ET. y Goods, Clothing ike it ever before ist until the entire We mean business and when 1 your expectation. Remember tried to win your hard earned rket prices. Wcstand to the mark. SHOE SALE. nbia, S, C. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the j moDey if it fails to cure. E. W. j Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. II.1. WBI), DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, | SHOES, i CLOTHING, TINWARE, ' CROCKERY. WOODEN WARE. ! CONFECTIONERY and a fell stock of General Merchandise. I When you are in need of anything in my j line don't buy before calling and see the I big bargains I am offering. II. 91. WINGARD, LEXINGTON, S. C. | May 1?ly, Pop-Fizz?\ Fb&sn-jSpe I J temperance N|| Roofbeer yjk 'lake it at homo. Sold Hb %BS veryw herein :!ac. pack* ? iw9? ee?, -rhich raako live e. MAGNETIC OINTMENT. THE GREAT SORE HEALER. Shit Fop Folic Fine j The Most Wondelul Colic Cure on Earlh. Price 50 cents. BOYD CHEMICAL CO., j P. O. BOX 221, C )LUMBI S. C. | June 12 ? 11 in. BEESWAX WANTED ! IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES J WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR1 ket price for clean au.l pure Beeswax, ['rice governed by color and condition. t> t nx? u hat? maw UlVXi Ut uaiviiiij.^1, A* the Bazaar. Lexington, S. C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM BfiyryafefrgClcarura cud beatititica the hair. I'rotnotei c luxuriant growth, never Fails to Bcstore Gray VBLm?^:-=-*aiH Hair to its Youthful Color. , Curcn ara'p d:?ra?ei .V hair lulling. ' yv. and 11 uj at Druggists __ _| # i Established 1376. HEADQUA.ii'i tK> FPU ? auras, FISHING TACKLE, AND SP3RT8MG GOODS OF ALL KINDS. GILL NETS. SEINE TWINE AND TROT LINE. ?MSVmTI0X TO BTJE2T. ALL SIZES AND GRADES OF LOADED SHELLS. We 10 all Kinds of Repairing. Write for pricts on anything in oor -ine W. F. STIEGLITZ, Propr.. 1508 MAIN STREET, COLU31151 A, S. C. Jb ebrunry zu-jy. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and ?avaanah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect Jan. 27th. 190L |Xo.34 No.ofljI7o.wl BOitTHBOC. D. paily Daily ox Sj Lv. Jacksonville (P. S) ! 8 3oa| 7 45pil2 2u? " Savannah (So. Ky ) 12oopjl2 80a| 4 30? " Earn we 11 j 4 26p! 4 04a; " Blackville j 4 09p; 4 28a 81?n Ar. Columbia 6 lop. 6 lua 946? Lv. Charleston, (So. liy I 7 (Da lliKJp 6 20f " Bummcrville 7 41a(120oot 6 00? " Branchville 1 S Sc-jj 2 0ila 780? " Orangeburg 9 2i?m 2 46a i 7 63? " Kingville jlO liaj 4 26a 8 47? Ar. Oolunibia jil OOaj 5 55a| 935? Lv. Augusta, i So. uT.'i".. 3OOPj 'jfop! 6 30? Lv. Granitevilie i S3Spllv)15pj Lv. Aiken I KlSnl 715p Lv. Trenton j 4^T> llOOp " Joiui9ton I 4i.pui.ajp Ar. Columbia, (U. D.> j o5p 2 lfn|...... Lv. Columbia, (Bldg St j 820p il'Aa! 948p " SVinitsbcro j 7l0p 7 22a 10 S?3 Chester 8ull' 813a1124p " Pock Hill S33P 43a 1143? Ar. Charlotte [ tigJpj 945a :2$S Ar. Danville ' 1 - --la; 1 iftip 3 1:3 At. Richmond j '* ^'4 '' ~'v Ar. Washington | 7 iiia s5Up;!U lea " Baltimore (Pa.RR) 9 15a 113.">i>;ll 21-a " Philadelphia Ill3.1a 25t3a! 1 Sfc " New York I 203p 6 23ai 4 luJ Lv. Columbia 1140a. 3 20a Ar. Spartanburg 310n.ll 2na| " Asheville 7 lop: 2 43p| Ar. Knoxvllle ' "low' 1 It.'? Ar. Cinmnne ii 7 e*jp' 7 45a Ar. Louisville ~ ^ 7 5'-'3 |NO.83!No.85|NO.SJ ouTHBOi. >d. ; Daily j Daily ex Su Lv. Louisville ! " 45?| ' 4.">uj Lv. Clncinaatt aj.ioa: S O^p.? . Knoxvilie 1 b'fjnj " Asheville. ' 300aj 305p| " Spartanburg Ill 45a fl lap Ar. Columbia 1 320?! 930p! . Lv. New York', Pa.K.K) '.7| 88o?;l^licr|LV.? CCO.tJi 350a 3h'J " Baltimore I S27p: ft 22a! 5 2"?jj Lv. W;uiht'gr'r? (So.Ry) j P 5Jp 11 l.'a tiv. Richmond i&dn;; Lv. Danville _43 s8p li 5.1a Lv. Charlotte j <310a i?55p! 4~?la " Bock Hill POua I0PSp 5 00a " Chester 98ba;lll0p ,V27a 14 V'innsboro j 10 lba 12 OUa 6 COa Ar. Columbia, (BldgSt 1'26a: lltw. 7 QCa Lv. Columbia, (U. D.) 1! 50a,1 4 3oh " Johnston 1 illpj 6 &'3i " Trenton 1 4?pi tlixa Ar. Aiken 2 2bp 7 3ba; 9 4bt Ar. Granitevi!!e 2 13p| 7 18a| Ar. Augusta 2 50p; 8 (X)a 10 20a Lv. Columbia (So. liy) I 4 OOpj 1 05a 7 OSa " Kingville ? 4:7p| 2 32u 7 55a " Orangeburg 5^Pj 3 45a 8 41a " Brant-hvlllo ftl-"p 4 25a 9 2i)a " Summerviile | 7Sip; 557aji0 83a Ar. Charleston | 815p| 7 00a 11 15a Lv. Columbia (So. By.) II :xta 1 15aj 7 00a " Blackville. 110p 2 57a 8 ESa " Barnwell 124p 312ft! " Savannah 305p( 5 :X*ai 10 20a Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) .. 7 4Dpl 9 25ai 2 2bp Sleeping Car Serv-c9. Excellent daily j>assenger se.*v re between Florida and New \ork. Nos. HI and 32?New York and Florida Limited. Daily except Sunday, composed e.xclulively of Pullman fiDesr Draw ing'Koom Sleeping, Compartment and Obseivatorv Cars letween New York, Columbia and St. Augustine. Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Aiken and New York, runs from Augusta to Columbia via Blackville. Parlor cars between Charleston and Oolumbia. Nos. 83 and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and Isew York. Pullman drawingroom alf-auin? cara between Port Tampa. .Tacic loaville. Savannah. Washington and Vew York. Pullman sleet ing cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dtning oars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. iib and 36?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New Yora and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville snd Columbia, enrouto daily between Jacksonfills and Cincinnati, via Asnevilie. FRANK S. GANNON, S. H. HARDWJCK, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. 0. W. H. TAL02, R. W. HL'NT, As'i Gen. Pass. Ag't., Div. Pass. Ag't., Atlanta, G*. Chariest on, d. 0. M FRUIT TREES 1 That Grow and Bear Fruit. &T ''"w Write for our r>o page il%. -i .. $ lustrated Catalogue and 40 page pamphlet, "How to ^2 Plant and Cultivate an Orchard." Givesyou that information you have so long E',> Ijp wanted: tells you all about those big red apples. lucious peaches, and Japan plums with their oriental sweetness, all of which you have often _AV wondered where the trees frame from that proaucea i i MI ,h"m/ 3 ?V?BYTHiN8 GOOD IN IK F3UITS. -V Unusal fine stock of SILVER MAPLES.youptr. thrifty tree? ft ^ smooth kind that live and jjrow oil well, /-!% -) No old. rou^'lj trees. This is wk-K5^.nthe most rapid rowing ma'j pie and one of the lit est beaui&^ofQrtKtiful shade trees. ,! Trifte /or- "rices? a ^'V0 J. Van Lindlcy Nursery Co.. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. I tfrives instant, relief and never fails to euro. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Jly its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress alter eating. Dictingunnecessnry. JMcasant to take. If can't help but do yon good Prepared only !>y E.C. T)k\Vjtt?S; Co., Chieajr' $1. bottle contains:.'!* tin- stheioc. size. J. E. KAUXMANX. When writing mention the Dispatch. ALL BIG BOXING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE GAZETTE The World-A'a mo us . . 3 . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS-$i.C0 MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, Franklin Square, New York. Jj|^ BLCTify ^'1 ^ ,:-'i;u'<'^: illustrated catalogue. V us the money a:iJ we KKAN'Kl.IN ( HKMICAL COMPANY, I>ept. April 17?13w3j. PERKINS MANll YELLOW PI MANUFAC ma-is: Fl ROSING. RE B la WBHiia wva FINISHINGS, MOULDING! DOORS, HASH AUGUS ^ESTIMATES CHEER February 1?ly. \Vh??n writing mention the Dispatch. CAPACITY, 10,000 J I O.0 Iiar BUG Foms d^nterf p'tsh th? u' tho profitj art larx#. Don't i Into burin; a shoddy job in rock hill" kunrin tr* But?'* they stand up, look ' away from the shop? tnd. gold by fir?t-elnM dsn 1 n your Wo, writs direct. ROCK HILL BUGGY ROCK HILL BUI For JSale by w. p. roof, GREGORY-RHEA MULE CO., Columbia; S. C., May 11?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. MM ll^iTED Double Daily Service Eetween New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900. ~ cnTTtirrrtr itjn WVUiilVV JT.MU, j Daily. ; Daiiy No. 31 No. 27 lv New York. P. R. R.. i 1 00 pre 12 15 am Iv Philadelphia, PKR.: 3 29 pm 7 20 am lv Haiti more, P R K ... 5 50 pm 9 31 am !v Washington, PR K. 7 00 pm 10 55 am lv Richmond, S A L Rj 10 40 pm 2 35 pm lv Petersburg. " 11 35 pu 3 30 pm lv Kidcewav Jet. " 2 25 am 6 17 pm lv Hendeison, ' 2 53 am; 0 40 pm lv Raleigh, " 4 00 aa. 7 50 pa lv Southern Pines," i 5 57 au y 42 pm No 4u3 lv Hamlet, " fi 50 am'10 32 pm j No. 31 j lv Columbia.} " 10 35 aa: 12 55 am ar Savannah " 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar -Jacksonville, " 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tamr-a. " j G 30 am 5 30 pm ~j do 4U.i ar Charlotte, " j 9 31 am! fv Chester. " y 52 an j lv Greenwood, " 11 42 ami lv Athens, " 145 pm! ar Atlanta,? " j 4 00pm| ar Augusta, C & W C.. I 6 10 pm j iv New York, fl YfAA f8 Ou am; 9 tO pm !v Philadelphia. " 10 20 am il '.0 pm iv New York.OObSOo 00 pmi lv Baltimore. 11 ?*> P tto !f(j .'10 pm iv v\ash'i.>u, N & w tsb \ 6 00 ptu No. 400; >w. 11 lv Portsmouth, SAL R- 9 20 pin. 9 30 am lv Welaon, " 12 05 am'12 01 pm No. 31 lv RidgewayJct, " 2 25 am 120 pm lv Henderson, " 2 53 am 2 13 pru lv Raleigh, " 4 00 am 3 51 pin lv Southern Pines," 5 57 am{ 0 12 pm No 403 i lv Hamlet, " 1 ti 50 ami 7 30 pm I No. 31 I No. 2i lv Columbia.{ ' 10 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah, " ! 2 57 pm i 5 09 am ar Jacksonville, " j 7 40 pm 9 10 am ar Tampa " { fi 30 am 5 00 pm No. 4i'0| No. 41 iv Wilmington. " | 3 Co pm ar Charlotte. ( 9 01 am!l0 20 pin v Cnester, " j 9 62 am ;o 65 pm lv Greenwood, " 11 42 am 1 07 am lv Athens, " 1 1 48 pm 0 43 am ar Atlanta,$ " 4 00 pn 6 05 am tr Augusta. (J A W C 5 10 pu. ;tr Maeou, (J ot Georgi>. 7 30 pa. 11 10 am ar MoLtgorn'r., A A \V i y 2u pm 11 Do am ur Molme, L & N 3 03 aa 4 12 pm ar Nf.v Origins. L it N 7 40 am b 30 pm ar Nashville. N C A* ft I 0 40 am 6 53 pm ar Memphis, " i 4 00 pm b 10 am kobthwabd"" i'aily Daily No. 41 i No GG lv Tampa, S A L Ry.... 8 00 pm 8 20 am Iv Jacksonville, " 8 20 am 7 45 pm lv Savannah, " 12 35 pm: II 59 pm Iv Columbia.$ " 5 45 pm 5 45 am iv Memphis N u A St L 12 45 pinl b 45 pm lv Nasvilie. ' 9 30 am 9 10 am iv New Orleans, L & N 7 45 pm 7 45 pm lv Mobile " 12 20 am 2 20 am iv Mont(?om'rv,A. it W P 6 20 an; 11 20 am lv Macon, C oi Georgia b 00 au. 4 20 pnj Iv Augusta. C A VV C ... 9 40 am No. 402 No. 3b Iv Atlanta,^ SAL R\ 1 < 0 pm 9 00 pm ar Athens, " 2 50 pa <1 23 pm ar GreenwooO, " 4 44 pm 2 05 am ar Chester. " G 2b pm 4 30 am lv Oharlotie, 0 30 pm 5 00 aui lv Wilmington *' 12 05 p a No. 44 No. GG ?i-i i? O ftK O 9,0 om IV Il'inil&l VW 1/ WU4 Iv Sou thorn Pines," 10 o,j pm lu uo am Iv Raieigh. " 11 10 pm 11 56 am ar Henderson. " 12 50 am 1 13 pm Iv Kidgeway Jet 1 20 am I 45 pm iv Petersburg, ' 4 15 am 4 40 pm Iv Richmond, " 5 15 am 5 40 pm ar Wa-.hiugton. P 11 E 8 45 am 9 90 pm ar Haiti more. P R It.. . 10 08 am 11 35 pm ar l'hi'atlelphia, P It H 2 30 pm 2 56 am ar New York. P It It... 3 03 pm 6 13 am No. 402 No. 38 Iv Rid'way Jct.S A L lt\ 3 00 am 1 40 pm Iv Weldon, " 4 39 am 3 05 pm ar Portsmouth " 7 00 am 5 50 pm ar Wash ton. N & W S I' 7 00 am ar Baltimore. It ft 1' (Ji t<> 45 am ar New York. O DSft (lc tl 30 pm ir Philadelphia,NYPifcN f5 43 pm 5 JO ana ir Mew York " 8 38 pm 7 43 am Note?tDaily Except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York ard Richmond. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos. 31 and 44. I Central Tit*v $ Eastern Time. i if;:i : i!.<. ><' i' > ? ' i:>t' , A i?t? I., C :iuicn, JfUl-irv, ? : : y * CUMAllJ" lii-NNKT YAI.X.1.VN... lOcei.t* .1 -..Acs 10 quarts of delirious IVw.fii t'untunl , every Liiii.iy l.i ksgo c\ ry w-.i!.. >ri:J u, ::! v. c U ..1 :::sil y?u un; do/en fr? o as.' a lx-'-'st. .1 l i'Tlll ST VOI . Aft? r you sell them M-ml u ill b*!nl vt'ii immediately the premium ) <^u A. A. t;uo i'ilbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. FACTORING CO., NE LUMBER, rUREKS OF G-Z3-A.nZ)E ILIN6. SiniNfl. kv nan wi j -vsr as sor u a ? ^ 5, SHINGLES AND LATHS, AND DLIND8, TA, OA. FULLY FURNISHED.,?* When writing mention the Dispatch 1! rG-Y I ? of cheap baffler booaoM k'.low jouroelf to bo Tiuid i&jj order to hti & dollar or to. St* A Little li if her in Price. ffi roll. and. there all, KKCP jj$]< making thetn '-.hooper lu the jgjj l?ri onlj. If noae oa u'l H CO., Rock Hill, S.C. I SGY COMPANY. Lexington, 8. C. I MATTHEWS kBGUKNIGHT, Leosville, S. C. When writing mention the DisDatch. jpOLUMBIA, NEWBERRY ANO LAURENS RAILtiOAD. In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am lvAtlanta (SAL)ar 8 00 pm 10 11 am Iv Athensar 5 28 pm 11 16 am lv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm ?/ 1 35 pm ar fCiinton lv... 2 00 pm ; 10 00 am lv ?Glenn Springs 4 00 pm I 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm I 12 01 pm lv Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm ! 12 52 pm lv J Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm 1 16 pm ar f Laurens lv... 1 38 pm t Dinner. +(c & w. c.) ^Harris Springs No. 52 *No.yf 11 08 a m 9 20 am 11 20 a m 9 40 am\ 11 27 am ar Irmo...arl0 15 am 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine ,arl0 40 am 11 40 a m ar.WhiteRock.arlO 58 am ! 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am 11 J.Q o m or Y"?V>onir> or11 4.Q cm | ** JL t' u AAA IM V/UUj^/?U ? ?Ui AA AV M AAA 12 03 a m arL. Mountain ar 12 25 pin 12 07 a mar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pm 12 17 p in 110 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 05 pm 12 48 p m ar... Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar .. .Parks.... ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm *Daily freight except Sunday. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No.53 *No722 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am 1 55 p m lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 9 00 am 2 05 p m 9 25 am 2 12 p m lv. ..Kinard.. .lv 9 40 am 2 17 p m lv Gary .. .lv 9 50 am 2 22 p m lv... Jalapa... lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 60 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 100 pm 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 30 pm 3 34 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 2J)S~pm 3 43 p m lv.. .Irmo lv^/2 45 pm j 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm ! 05 p m 3 25 pm Daily freight except Sunday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1) 11 00 am 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or further information call on any agent, or | write to W. G, CHILDS, T. M. EMERSON, President. Traffic Manager. J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON. Sol. Agent. Gen. Ft. Jc Pass Agt., Columbia, S. C. Wilmington. N. C OMUM COCAINE"1'WHISKY E $? ? W8 Habits Cared at my Sanatorium, In 80 day*. iiumiii,!* cf references. ?5 year* h specialty. Hook on Home Treatment sent FREE. Addreea B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. * ; Money to Loan ON FARMING LANDS. LONG TIME. Easy payment. No commission. Borrower pays actual cost of perfecting Loan. E. K. PALMER, Central National Bank Building. COLUMBIA, S. COL. G. T. GRAHAM, Lexington, S. C. July IS - ly. W. A. RECKLING, ^.IBTIST. COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be bad in this country, and all who have never bad a real line picture, should now try some of his latest .tyles. Specimens can be seen at his Gallery. np stairs, next to the HuK When writing mention the Dispatch. fSSILTO^T'S mmniiRr ^ A SYBUP. Unique?unlike any other cough prepa; ration. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA. S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18?ly.