The Lexington Dispatch j y \ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. 1901. ' Not ices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of o cents t per line, to one and all.^\ lades to STevr Advertisements. * Silk Skirt Free?Franklin Chemi cal Company. ^ Tinners' Supplier?Loriek & Low race-* LxiLupauy. " Notice?31. H. Witt. IDZTTXiTE SSBVICES. 1 lexington cibcuit m. e. church south. Rev. J. N. Wright, Pastor. 1' 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 31 pm k 2d Sunday, Horeb 11 am. Lexington 31pm glL 3d Sunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3^ p m g Rl 4thSanday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3? pm pip Lexington: Sunday school service e>ery ilp- Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening ^ at 7 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. presbyterian church Rtv Mr Stewart, Pastor. Preaching every Second Sunday morning , at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock *( lexington b a pi 1st church. Rev. S. J. Riddle, Pastor. 3rd Sunday 11a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. W. A. Harman, Superintendent, sr. Stephen's Lutheran church. Rev. J. G. Graicben, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. ic 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11 a in., Lexington. -r 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. . Sunday school service every Sunday ti morning at 9:30. EPISCOPAL SEBVICES. k Rev. Harrold Thomas, Rector. ^ ' Prefcbing every Sunday at 4 p. m., ex C< cepting Second Sunday and at 8 p. m., on Tuesday following the Second Sunday. APPOISTMESTS OF BEV GEOBGE S. BEABDES*. W Nnzareih, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. ^ St. John. E Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providen-e, E. Lutheran. 4^n Sunday. His address is 11yed by j s an aoDreciative and attentive congre- 1 & t ga'ion. I ? Candies of all description, at the * Bazaar * PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Vayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. The days are getting longer. Top health of our town is e xcepionaliy tine. There is a demand for neat cotages in town. New industries for Lexington are ) iDg worked up. Cotton is at a stand still, the price [uoted beiDg 8?. The political skies will take on a ur id hue next year. Apples, bananas, oranges and ?Y? Ann of I hn arrrtor cuiuur^ ck v tuc x^a^aai Mr James C. Fort is in town and ;ave us a pleasant call. Spring greens and paregoric will oon be in great demand. April showers have so far been lismal and gloomy rains. A nice line of fashionable hats or men and boys, at Meetze & Son. Lexington is steadily progressing long the road of improvement. No one certainly has just cause o complain of the weather. Gt nts' and Ladies' Hats, the fash- 1 mable kinds, at W. P. Root's. i The new plainer of the Lexington 1 lumber Company is now in opera- 1 on. ? 1 ? t\ i ll j # l . i Jfrooaoiy Jttomeo Knew mac 11 ne i id not climb up, Juliet was bound to )me down. J Anything you need in the hardare liDe can be found in stock, at { 7. P. Roofs. ( The average man would be hap- ( ier with a cancer than with a polit- 1 al wife. ^ All our stores are full of pretty oods and our town is overflowing < ith lovely girls. ' White goods in the latest novelties ^ id at reasonable prices, at W. P. ( oofs. Mr. M. H. Witt, of Brookland gives ' mely warning to trespassers upoD is land. ] Mr. Manly George is assisting bis ^ rother, Mr. Samuel B. George, in < le Clerk of Court's office. Just received a big line of Ladies ow Shoes, at Meet ze & Son. Ask 1 > see this stock. ^ All the churches were well attend- j 1 at the morning, afternoon and j rening services last Sunday. 1 A crazy negro has been confined i i jail for the past several days. He t lould be transfered to the asylum. A full line of the choicest and t eshest groceries can be found at i 1. P. Roof's. t The prayer meeting at the Metho- c ist church tomorrow evening should s largely attended by our people. Daring this changeable weather, le straw hat is like the "Greasy ^ ig:? now you see it and now you t on't. { The fruit crop is now considered ( ife and the indications are that t lere will be an abundance of all j ndsoffrnit. j A nice line of nobby shoes?in- i uding all the up to-date shapes and j ?es, at W. P. Roof's. ( Fish will dow begin to bite, is the )servation of our Editor as his 3 loughts turn toward the shady 1 mks of the Edisto. ^ The farmers are so busy that the 1 junger ones have no time even to ^ urn kerosene at the expenses of { leir intended father-in-law. ( A new line of fishiDg tackle is now isplayed at the Bazaar, a fine line : Japanese cane fishing poles will be fceived in a few days. The happiest woman in the world ' generally the ods that has to go oout once a month and sob her heart ut at a romantic play with a baby in J f Miss Delis, tbe accomplished and cpular daughter of Rev. J. N fright, has closed her school at 1 rmo and has returned to her home 1 this place. i Mr. J. W. C. Warren and Miss 1 'annie Craps, of Summit, were maried on Sunday, April 14, 1901. The 1 appy couple will make Leesville 1 heir future home. With a protective duty on wool, he sheep industry in the county will robably be developed and will beome an important element in our adustries. There are quite a number of peo>le who will take in the merry makers a Augusta, next week, and incidentv purchase several ' 'schooners" on Broadway. The hot bouse plants are being removed from their winter quarters nd soon the paizzis of many dwell gs will be adorned with these lovely lowers. We are informed that Rev. Mile3 r. Kyzer will ride the rewly establishd free delivery mail route from jewiedale out on Black Creek. The remains of Mrs. halite rort vere brought from their resting place n Birmingham, Ala., where she died evera! years ago and will be interred n the family buring ground in this dace today. Her remains were ; jrought on by Mr. George Bambow, ler nephew, who returned on the nidday trait) MMMB???? ?? To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills The copy for a change in the advertisement of Lever, The Shoe mad, of Columbia, was received too late for this issue. Id the meantime, when you want shoee, go there. Miss Helen Corley charmingly entertained her little friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Corley, in this place last Monday afternoon, it being her birthday. Lilac was the favorite flower which adorned the bosom of fair woman last Sunday. Nearly every one bad a 6pray of this lovely and delicately perfumed flower pinned to her bossom. Of the tweDty-nine prisoners convicted at the recent term of court for Richland county, two of them, negro lads, were sentenced to terms in the State Reformatory in this 3ounty. Harris' Lithia Water corbinated in soda, ginger ale, coca cola, etc Delicious drinks. Served at the Bazaar fountain. What is Lexington doing toward getting up a county exhibit for the Charleston Exposition? Chester, her )ld time rival at the State Fair, has :hrown down the gauntlet. Will Lexington pick it up? There is some talk of the location )f a plant for the manufacture of first jlass brick at this place in the near puture. We have an excellent article )f raw material in abundance and it jnly requires a little energy and oluck to develope it. Rev. Mr. Reid, the evangalist of ihe South Carolina Synod of the Presbyterian church, is announced ,o be ?.t this place about the second Sunday in May, when he will conluct a series of meetings. Mrs. Newton, an organizer for the Roman's Temperance Union, made :wo addresses for the cause of temDrance in this place last week, the 5rst being at the Methodist church ast Thursday evening before a large ludience and the second in tne Jtfapist church on Friday evening. When the polite and acoommodaing E. L. Wingard dona his blue miform, covered all over with big prass buttons, of the free rural mail lelivery of your Uncle Sam's Post Dffice department, he will strut as proudly as a peacock in all its glory >f a full plumage. The local lodge of Masons is preparing to paint the old town red on ,he 30th inst. It will doubtless be in occasion memorable in the history )f the town and will mark an epoch in nasonry fraught with pleasant reflections and an increased interest in ihe work of this grand old order, vhich has come down to us in all its pristine glory through the mossy lorridors of centuries. At a municipal election held in Leesville last Monday the following were elected town officers: H. F. Eendrix, Intending D. L. Gunter, J. C Able, W. E Crosson and E. J. Etheredge, Wardens. This is a jtrong combination, being composed if well known and successful business men and the interests of the town should prosper under its adniDistration. We regret to learn that Mr. Ben Bickley, of the High Hill section of the Fork, recently had the misfortune to lose his dwelling and almost its sntire contents by fire. We have not learned the origin of the fire. The neighbors and friends of the unfortunate man have come to his assistance in a substantial manner. Just received a fresh lot of fine ? ** 1 1 t_ Ml h. snirts ana suspenaers, wnicn win De sold at wholesale prices. Shirts will range in prices from 18 cents to 82 and suspenders from 6 cents to 50 cents. You will never again have such bargains offered you. We will show over 100 different 6tyles of suspenders and more than 125 styles of shirts. Be sure to call early and get some of these bargains as they cannot last long. H. L. Oswald. We understand that Mr. James W. Corley has leased his lands about Tarrai's Springs, about one mile below this place, to a party who will open a rock quarry there. It is said that the land abounds in the finest granite and that the supply is -1 L : 1 Iiu. W7 i UiliiUbL lUi'AuaiiMiuie. n o aio uiou i informed that the quarry will be immediately opened and that a spur will be built from the Southern Railway for the quick transportation of ' the rock. The store of Wm. Piatt, Colum- j bia, is <4a thing of beauty" and a ; visit there will be long remembered, j It is filled to overflowing with the j choicest selections of dry goods and j notions, of the lastest and most beau- j tiful weaves and the latest fads in j novelties for ladies' wear. When in j Columbia call at this popular low j price house and see the tempting array of new spring goods Death of Mrs, Daily. The dark wings of the Augel of .Diath again overshadows our town and our ^ommuiiity is called up to mingle their grief and tears with t hrtco nf fV?o o-ripf strioken family of I'UVWV VA VUv ^ ? ?v> ^ Mrs. Ella Daily. This estimable lady eDtered that peaceful rest that remains for the people of God this momiog at about 4 o'clock, after a painful and lingering illness. Mrs. Daily had been a great sufferer fcr years and during the last few years of her pilgrimage had been confined almost entirely to her home. During her long illness she bore her heavy cross with unmurmuring lips and with the fortitude of a Christian martyr looking ever forward with patience and calmness to that time when the Master would say "it is enough; thou has fought a good fight, enter into the joys of thy Lord in whose realm sickness pain and death are never known and joy happiness and peace prevail for ever more. Mrs. Daily leaves one daughter, her husband preceded her to the grave some years ago. She leaves a large family connection, prominent among whom is her brothers, Messrs. J. H. Meetze of our town and A1 Meetze of Colum bia, betides a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The interment will be in St. Stephens cemetery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Rheumatism-Catarrh, are Blood Diseases-Cure Free. It is the deep seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures If doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood purifiers have failed B. B. B. drains cut the specific poison in the blood that causes Rheumatism or Catarrh, makiDg a perfect cure. If you have pains or aches in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, tainted breath, noises in the head, discharges of mucuous, ulceration of the membrance, blood thiD, get easily tired, a treatment with B. B. B. will stop e^ery symptom by making the blood pure and rich. Druggist $1. Trial treatment free by addressing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Attention veterans: All veterans in tn^ county who contemplate making the trip to the Memphis re-union, May 28, 29 and 30, will notify me at once so as suitable arrangements can be made for their accommodation and intertainment. Those intending to go to the re-union May 8, 9 and 10, will notify Maj J. H. CouDts at Irmo, S. C., who will look after their welfare while in Columbia. The fare to Memphis will be about S13.30 for the round trip, with the privilege to stop over at Chattanooga for the unveiling of the South Carolina monument on Chicamauga battlelield. Thi3 will be a delightful trip to the west. Col. M. D. Harman, Com. Lexington Regiment U. C. V. Died in Another State. News comes to us that Mr. James Sanders Guignard, who was once a well known and highly respected citizen of this county, died at his home near Banners Elk, N. C., on Monday morning, April 8th, from an attack of pneumonia, after a two week's illness. He was born on May let, 1831, and had he lived a few days longer be would have been 70 years of age. He leaves a wife, son and daughter, a brother, Mr. J. G Guignard of this county, a sister, Mrs. D. Gambril, cf Columbia, together with a host of other relatives and friends to join him on the mysterious beyond. It will be remembered by many of our readers that he resided for a long time in Congaree township near the town of New Brookland, where he engaged -? ? ? onola ITCt ID XarilJlUg UU au caicuoito ov/aiu. 4o.v was a gallant Confederate soldier and patriotic citizeD. Dots from Peters. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The health of our community is very good. We are glad to note that Mr. J. P. Hendrix is able to go to Lexington again after a long spell of illness. Grain crops are looking very promising around here. If there is no more cold weather we wiil have some fruit this year. The farmers hereabouts are most through planting corn. A great many are planting cotton. A large crowd of people attended services at St. Petc-r's on the first Sunday of this month. Lock out girls, a si: ieen year old boy has bought a new buggy! Just be patient and you will get a ride. Guess Me. April loth, 1001. The Bazaar has a stock of Austin Nichols A* Cj s. famous brands of Jams and Preserves, in glass jars, such &s Red Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Grape, Plum, and Currant, Damson, Plum, Red Currant, Quince, Apricot, Pineapple, Blackberry, Sliced and Grated Pineapple and Old England Sauce. These goods are noted for their purity and delicate flavor and are the best kind on the market. The t-pring term of the State Su preme court was opened yesterday. The cise of Elizabeth Haltiwanger, as administratrix, respondent vs. C lumbie, Newberry and LaureDs railroad company, appellant, on motion j of Mr. Johnstone it was ordered that motions in the above stated cases be heard on Monday next the 22ad inst. The Chicago Typewriter, which ! took Gold Medal at Paris Exposition, j is being sold by Mr. Bradford, in j rear of Postoffice. It, has standard keyboard, 32 keys, 00 characters, visible writing: Perfect and permanent allignment: Quickly adjusted to any width paper. Equal to any $100 00 machine, yet is sold for only $35 00. Call and inspect or send for circulars. Those in need of Tinners', Roofers' and Plumbers' supplies will find a full stock of the best goods in these lines at the well known supply house of Lorick & Lowrance, 1519 Main street, Columbia. This firm is headquarters for these goods and they narrv oloo a larrrA line of the best VM"J ? ?v, - --- makes of heating and cooking stoves, ranges, etc. See their advertisement elsewhere in this issue and go there to make your purchases when needing anything in their line. The papere have been forwarded to the proper authorities at Washington for the re-establi6hment of the mail route from this place to Mir. Davis Gantt'e, between Black creek and the Edisto and it is hoped and expected that they will receive prompt and favorable consideration and the route put in operation in the near future, as this route will be a great convenience to a large number of our people who are now almost without mail facilities, it is expected, and he has been requested to do so, that Congressman Stokes will give t: i. ^ i Tins maner uis earnest auu iuuicuiat.e attention. A Magazine for the Home. The May issue of The Delineator, in addition to showing eight styles for the month devoted to ladies, girls, babies, men and boys, contains much else that will be of interest to women of education and taste. Among the interesting articles we can name Seasonable Dress Fabrics, the making of Wash Gowns for Summer Wear, the Hats of the Season, photographs of the Ioaugural Ball Dresses, Commencement-Day dresses, the Etiquette of Weddings, ChafiDg Dish Receipts (illustrated). Among the general literary articles is the history of ''Dicksons' Unromantic Love," a biography of Ellen M. Gifford, and a review of the newest books. The above mentioned articles do not by any means exhaust the offering which The Delineator makes to the modern woman. An elegant line of perfumery, toilet i powders, sweet soaps, tooth, shaving and hair brushes at the Bazaar. Call and see them. EDWARD L. ASBILL, Attorney at Law, LEESVILLE, S. C. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 30?6m Dr. E. Leaphart, AGENT FOR THE t? m Lile torn Co., LEXINGTON, S. C. ersons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company should notify nieand I will call upon ihem at their homes if preferred. TIMBERED LAND A SPECIALTY. PARTIES HAVING LAND FOR SALE, nr those wanting to purchase are in invited to correspond with me. Property placed with me will be advertised free of charge. No commissions charged unless sale is made. 500 acres of Land?75 acres of which are swamp lands on Black Creek?the balance suitable for farming and grazing purposes. Located 4 miles trom railroad. Price $.50 cash. 51G acres of good farming land in Congaree township, 8 miles from Colnmbia and 1 mile from Dixanna, on which there are two tenant houses. Price $2,500, onefourth cash; balance on easy payments. I A house and lot in the town of Swansea, j This is a good location for a store. Price, I $300, One lot in the town of Gaston on which I there is a two-story store-house 24x70; | seven rooms attached for dwelling purposes, together with necessary outbuildings and a fine orchard. A good opening for a hotel. Buildings new, costing twice as much as the price asked for it. Pric e $1200. - ' r XT -n One lot in tne town 01 jsew uruuAland on which is a 5-roomed cottage and necessary outbuildings. Price, $1,U00; or | this property will be exchanged lor good farming lands. Two good sized lots in the Town of Gas ton Price, 625 each. ! One lot in Swansea, situated in the main business portion of the town on which is a storehouse 20x40. Trice $500. A tract consisting of 142 acre', on which there is a good, new six roomed dwelling. 2-horse farm open? extra good farming land. Situated six miles south of Patesburg. The house alone is worth more than ! the price asked Price. 6850 00. I 1 house and lo* in town. Price, $600. Also I offer the following property in the J suburbs of Lexington: 1 tract of 12 acres. Price, 6100 1 tract of 6 acres. Price. 6150. : 1 tract of 17 acres. Price. $400. 1 tract of 12 acres, on which there is a , good 4 roomed cottage. Price, 6600. 1} acres in the suburbs of Lexirgton, fronting on the Augusta road 166 feet. ; Price 660. 26 acres of land, four roomed dwelling j and outbuildings in lair condition, 4 miles j east of Lexington. Price, 5500. 4 acres and a small dwelling lying and j being just be^nd Lexington Depot. Price j $250. 11] acres, two small building, lying and beiLg just bevond Lexington Depot. Price $25j. 4 acns. situated in the same neighborhood. Price $'25. FOR RENT?A. one horse larm in the suburbs of the Town of Lexington. Laud ) in prime farming condition. I Nnverber 21. 1900 -tf. Persistent nml reckless exaggerat word- are in PRICE SPEAKS I I A duet between Price and Qualit "Built for Service" Buggies aiv up our marvelous business, just as good as it looks. 1 two hearts tlia February 14.?ly. WE ME NOW An ^ HATS AN : f jSHffiPffi at Rock Bo s\\\\\\\\ Xo man is properly Ifonest Good We will give you more fo] get in Columl Leaplmrl KAUFMANH'S j_-e2s;irig: *S"SS?-8S"S*"S!C-*-a:iUBIazel | ? | CERATES A * % CONTRA.! ? TfV-4 | ?~iumHiag1, =ttsi^i | tLoriek&Lc ! k 1519 MAIN ST., ^ Jan. 1.? Iv. tV> .V. .y. ,v/t ty, DSS. D. I. Jil iSftfMi j 1515 MAI j COLUMBIA, j 'PHONE 330. ! _ BR. F. 0. 0ILM0RE, I -"rtnucDTV V'TTH Tf7F. \\TF.RTCA> jie/ uaiijiiL,i .. x x ?x x .. .. J; Dental Parlor, Ins located one dooi south of tnat place. No. 10.<) .Main Street, over FJusemann's Gnn Store, Columbia. S C., where be will be glad to see bis lormci as well as new patients. January "23 l-'Ol?tl. For Sale. 1-SEVEN HOUSE POWER IOUTABLI Engine and a complete v.-eli boring ort fit. For further particulars, apply to oi address, A. J FOX, Deo. f>. tf. Eevington, S. C. ion in advertising has so taken the li .adequate to do justice to an oxtraordi .0U0! QUALITY' y must bring down the house. Its i! Carriages, the satisfied smile of tho> ' Huilt for Service'' buggy is strictly \i V good thing for grandfather: just tits t beat as one?in other words, this hi r-RHEA M Col"u.m."bia,, S. C CARRYING up-to-date line, in all the Latest j Stvles, Shapes and Patterns in D SHIRTS, I ' {I i o i i jiTinvr dlllu ILUlHLMi i 'II ttom Prices. '1 V \\\\\\\\\\ 1 I d unless he bought from us. Is is our Motto, r your money than you can bia or elsewhere. & Drafts, BRICK BLOCK, ten., s. C. j I I Tinner's j1 iS ""' I ti f Roofer's JI ?/ SUPPLIES. I // \ \ \ \ \ I" % Ready f n Rooting. | ' MIGHT IRON PIPE, I !| ?ITTIi\GS,I'ALtmETC I j~ * c .>'!? tiling. | ? si. -o v :toes for ? j * ;ing and Hoofing. I -o * j, >wraneeCo., f |c COLUMBIA, S. C i f ] 30ZER & SONS | tots, ffpi N STREET, ?. O. 1 ( I ! I'oad Working', i I ; VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL | r j3i Road Overseers in Ltxmgton eonnty , ; to immediately warn out all hands liable to road duty and pat their section in thorough i-' repair. This is important and should be j attended to at once. j> P. II. CRAFS Supervisor. At ri! 3rd, 1901. 3w24. : 1 j I Om?m cocaihe^ whisky . r 10 jW3 Habits Cured at my Sanator- 1 ? ium, Jn 80 day? HunitrMii of reference? 25 year* a specialty. Hook ?>n Home Treatment eont FREE. Address B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D? Atlanta, Ca. .Tulv 2o- ly. ' i w m sf a w w B 10 out of language, that moro nary article* FALKS LOUDER! the "Buy again" quality of our usoing them, that lias buiit ip-to-date. natty in appearance a mother-in-law; will hold iggy is for you. ULE CO., I a * ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - 8. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE nand Federal Courts, and offers bis profeelionai services to the citizens of Lexington Dounty. October 18?ly. Albert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, columbia, 8. c. Especial attention given to business en* ranted to him by his fellow citizens of jexington couuty. Office: 1609 Main Street, over T. B. Lnghtry Tn Xf LlrJU W VUC.1), TT . JL , ItVUI) V. *** Ohll v*5 R. Hilton James E. Eendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and aterest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, avable April and October. September 21?ti illl IIOI81. COLUMBIA, S. C. TATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY 'aid up Capital ... $200,000 Surplus Profits . - 60,000 Savings Department. Deposits of $5.00 and npwards received. ntere3t allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, er annum. W. A. CLARK, President. Wilie Jones, Cashier. December 4?ly. AMES F. IZEAlt. T. C. 8TUBKIE, Oraujjburtf, 8. C. Lexington, 8. C. Izlar & Sturkie, ITTOKWWYS AT LAW Lexington, S. C. )FFICES - Upstairs, in Kanfmann's Building. PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS OF this State and of the United States. February 21, 1'JiK).?tl. IIISE1IAA\VS tun Store, Established 1876. IEADQUARTERS SUNS, FISHING TACKLE, AND SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. JILL NETS. SEINE TWINE AND trot LINE, AMMUNITION TO EUEN. lLL sizes and grades of loaded SHELLS. Ve do all Kinds of Repairing. Write for prict s on anything in oor line. Af. F. STiFGLITZ. Prnnr.. ? ?7 - wr *i 1508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Febrnnry 'J0-ly.