The Lexington Dispatch G. M. HARMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1901. Dotes and Dashes. Delaware has declined to abolish the whipping post and pillory. T^ott />OT> omu&e qyyccu TIVACIO. iutj be bad at the Bazaar. Greatness is never thrust upon the man who leads an animals life. The appropriation for the Iodians from the Federal Treasury will be near ?10,000,000. Fruit Puddine, something new and delicious for deserts, in rose, vanilla, chocolate, lemon and orange flavors. Price 10 cents per package, at the Bazaar. A national prohibition conference has been called at Buffalo, N. Y, in August next. It is said that England's new king has cancer of the throat and cannot live many years. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are worthless. The original quickly cures piles, sores and all skin diseases. J. E Kaufmann. The lion may be the king of beasts, but the cow bosses the barn-yard just the same. The only way you can convince a girl that kissing is contagious is by showing her. Persons who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Kisers. They are the best little pills ever made. J. E Kaufmann. Wise man of aqcient times were probably no wiser than other men, but they talked less. When looking for game it is useless to visit the bargain counters of humanity. |2 Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Usefrjjff m In time. Sold by druggists. gf Some men never do things by halves. They go out and get a tooth filled and come back full all over. Lots of men who have college diplomas in their pockets don't know where their next meal is to come from. There is always danger in usiDg counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a anntbincr and healinc naive for nnrea o o and all skin diseases. J. E. Kaufmann. Smallpox is said to be in nearly every county iD Mississippi. This pleague is very nearly a national epidemic now. Whether it causes a woman more pleasure to hear herself praised or another woman run down is still a question. If a man could only maae his wife sweet the way he can his pipe, by boiling her in milk, the world would be a lot happier. Millions of people are familiar with DeWitt's Little Early Risers and those who nse them find them to be famous little pills. Never gripe. J. E Kaufmann. After be has been married three years the average man can fool his wife as easily as he used to fool his mother. Probably a woman could never tell whether she dresses most to tickle the men or to make the other women mad. "When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effect use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Frank Klufsky, aged sixty-eight years, of Cleveland, Ohio, moody over money loss, refused to eat and died from starvation. J. E Kaufmann, the druggist, will refund you your money if you are nr>t satisfied after nsincr Chsmhpr lain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness, constipation and headache. Piice, 25 cent3. Samples free. By an enabling act of the Legislature the school children of New Hampshire are to decide by their votes in June next what shall be the State flower. La Grippe Quickly Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe' says F. L. Hewett, a prominent druggist of Winfield, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the cougbiDg like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. Ifc is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. It is reported that a lot of Pennsylvania women lynched a man the other day for beating his wife. Served the brute right, too. Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleasant remedy for all diseases arising from a disordered or torpid liver. They are the modern cure for constipation, biliousness, sick headaches, specks before the eyes, etc. They do not sicken or gripe, mild inaction, thorough in effect. Only one a dose, sugar coated and pleasant to take. Price, 25 cents a box, at the Bazaar. A bill has been introduced in the Kansas legislature providing for the dispensary system like the one in this State except that it eliminates the profit feature. The Arkansas Legislature has decided upon the apple blossom as the State flower. The Arkansas Federation of Woman's Clubs wanted the passion flower chosen. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. J E. Kaufmann. The legal rate of interest in Canada is now five per cent, the reduct*r\m d'v nor MTlf VlftvinCT bpfTl HULt HUUi Oi^ ^/VX WMV* ? ? made by a statute of the Dominion which went into effect January 1. The close of the present session will end the term of Congressman White, the only negro in Congress, and it is generally conceded that it will be a long time before another is elected. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. WTe advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Children like it. J E Kaufmann. Mr. McClellan, of New York, comparing the cost of the soldier in European armies with the cost to the United States says, including the cost of pensions, e!c, each United States soldier involved an expense of $2,828, while a German soldier cost 8227 and a French soldier $232. Buckshoal, N. C., May 16,1898. Gentlemen:?Four years ago I was helpless with a misery in my back. I could not return myself in bed. I was treated by my physician, but he did me no good. I took one bottle of Dr. Baker's Female Regulator and it cured me. I think there is no ** - - - ? i:i :l meaicme on earm use it. Mrs. Emma E. Myers. For sale at the Bazaar. R v. Joel J. Vandiver, a native preacher of Northern India, who died recently after~43 years of hard work, was at the beginning of that period the only Christian in that regioD, where there are now 78,000 Christians and 92,000 children in Sunday schools. For the weakness and prostration following grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation i9 highly endoreed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. J. E Kaufmann. Practial jokers have a way of imitating the boomerang, as Charles I D >t- nf "\rarchull Minh has dififMVPr ed to his discomfort and discomfiture. Mr. Day was sitting in a barber shop getting his hair cot, and when the idea struck him that it would be real funny to touch the barber's hand with a lighted end of a cigarette and see him jump. The baiber was just rubbing some bay rum on Day's head and the cigarette ignited the alcoholic mixture, which blazed up like a torchlight procession. In four seconds there wasn't a hair left on Day's cranium and he has sworn off on practical jjkes. It-cent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely digested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which abso lately digests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestaDts ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief J. E. Cnief Justice Bleckley, of Georgia, though he is 76 yeats old, has entered the University of Georgia a9 a student to learn a little raoreabcut mathema'.ic3. He is puzz!iog the professors no little with his problems. ? If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. "Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. It is the best of all. It is said that the sugar trust has perfected plans to control all Ibe *ugar plantations of H*waii by combining them in a trust. To Cure a Cold in Cno Lay Take Lnxative .I5fomo tannine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it f^ils to cure. E. W. I Grove's signature is on each box. 25 3. j Selma Notes. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The health of cur cummunity is not so good. Mrs. Adell Derrick has been sick more than a month and is still in bed. Mr. Joseph J. Fulmer's youngest child has pneumonia. but we are nleased to say, is ~ A ? ' recovering. Mr. Joe Jacobs had an accident while chopping a few days ago, which leaves him only nine toes. Uncle Alex Daily, one of the oldest residents of this section, is very feeble. We are pleased to say that Mr. S. A. Ellisor, who had intended to move to Columbia, has decided to remain with us. He had loaded his wagons and had bis teams harnessed ready for driving off, when at the last moment, bis love for old Lexington overpowered him and he immediately unpacked, which shows conclusively that in his opinion, and our own, also, that Lexington county is the best county in the State. A short time ago Mr. Charlie Bouknight and bis sister, Miss Carrie, made a pleasant visit to the family of Mr. J. E. Haltiwanger. Their visit lasted longer than they intended to stay on account of a rainy day, but we hope they enjoyed the visit and will repeat it in the near future. Another new dwelling house is in course of construction, Mr. J. Lawson Lever is erecting it near the site of his present home. Messrs. Meyer and Bouknight, of Prosperity, are the carpenters and when finished it will be one of the handsomest residences in our section. Mrs. Sarah Amick and her daughter, Miss Nettie, visited Mrs. Robert Sites, of the SpriDg Hill section, last week. Our school, under the efficient management of Mr. E. U. Shealy, is getting on very nicely. H. Pneumonia Can be Prevented. This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and mav be urevented bv the timelv use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was extensively used during the epidemics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneumonia, whiah showB it to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained a world wide reputation for its cures of colds and grip. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Attention Veterans. There will be a special meeting of the members of Camp Joseph E JohnstoD, No. 1000 U. C. V, held at Hilton, S C, on Saturday, the 2ad day of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The meeting is called for the purpose of transacting some very important business connected with the welfare of your camp. I urge upon each and every member to be present. By order of T. M. Lippard, Com. G. W. Williams, Adjt. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply ron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50 cents. At a Disadvantage. A North Columbus woman has a charming little daughter who is indiscreet. The other day '.11 the midst of a reception the little girl cried on account of the toothache. Her mother tried to console her. ' There, my darliDg don't cry. Your toothache will pass awa}." "How will it go aw a}?1' leplied little E iith, her voice broken with sobs. "I can't take out my teeth like you can, mamma."?Ohio State Journal. fSSty'MothcS I | Few mothers are hcalthv, because | I & their duties are so exacting. The anxiety B j j i I ?f pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, I j and the care of young children, are I severe trials on any woman. But with I j Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every I j mother?every woman in the land?can B j pay the debt of personal health she I owes her loved ones. Do you want IJ robust health with all its privileges and | pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it I to you. wiram strengthens the female organs and Invigorates weakened functions. For every j female ill or weakness it is the best J medicine made. Ask your druggist for I $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, andtake no j substitute under any circumstances. i Mr*. Edwin Crass, Gormer. Mich-i "Vhen I |j commenced using Vint of Cardui I w? hardy able j (o walk across the house. Two weeks after I walked j half a mile and fucked strawberries. Vhen my 1 other child was born 1 suffered with labor pains 24 j hour*, and had to raise him on a bottle because I had 1 no milk. After using the ^'ine during pregnancy j this time. I gave birth last month to a baby girl, and j was in labor only two hours, with but little pain. j and I have plenty of milk. For thi* great improve j meat in my health i thank God and H ine of Cardui." j For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. "The Ladies' Advisory EWpartmcnt," The Chat' tyk tanooga Medicine Co., I S1 Chattjnooga. Tenn. y,' -I ! _^a^-growr ?k\^ \X^- VV '^Ca Wrftj Suppl) || enough Pot yyr-jh,.<> /">. ',lS^F n trli r>nrl \'aiii Pvf profits will b( \ i i =i large; withoul Potash youi crop will be "scrubby." Our books, telling about composition of fertilizer: best adapted ior all crops, are free to all farmers. GERMAN' KALI WORKS, 4; Nassau Lt.. Nov.- York. What Each Gets. From a bushel of com the distiller gets four gallons of whiskey, Which retails at ?1G.8C The farmer gets .25 The U S Government gets 4 40 The railroad company gets. 1 00 The manufacturer gets .15 The retailer gets 7.0C The consumer gels Drunk The wife gets Hunger The children get R 'gs Steps the Cough and Works cfT the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, Nt Pay. Price 25 cents. Young Man! Young Woman! YOU CAN GET A FINE EDUCATIO* LEESVILLE COLLEGE, SPECIAL OFFERS FOR PUPILS I N tering lor tbe Spring Session. B.isi ss Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting. Now is the time to entel these Pi actical systems taught. Expenses the lowest. L. B HAYNES, President, February 13, 19ol A REAL FUN. All the Wonders and Pleasures of a Higb-Priced Talkin i' achine. fYhen accompanied by a Recorder this Grapbophonc can be used to make Records. Price with Recorder. $7.50. Reproduces al! the standard Records. Send order end money to our orarest office. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30 NSW YORK, 143-14^ Broadway. CHICAGO, & Wabash Av?. 1 ST. LOUTS, T2o-7?s Olive St. WASHINGTON, 9:5 Pennsylvania Ave. PIULAJDELFHIA, 1031 Chestnut St BALTIMORE, to E. Baittmoro St BUFFALO, jta Main St. SA.Y FRANCISCO Uj Geary St. PARIS, 34 Boulevard dei itahens BERLIN, jt Kronenstrass* _____J Money to Loan ON FARMING LA.\DS. LONG TIME. Easy payment. No commission Borrower pajs actual ccst of perfection Loan. E. K. PALMER, Central National Bank Building. COLUMBIA, S, COL G. T. GRAHAM, Lexington, S. C. July 18 - ly. ALL BIG BOXING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in police gazette The World-famous . . . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS-$1.CC MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX. Publisher, Franklin Square, New York. "beeswax wanted in LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARket price lor clean ani pure Beeswax. Price governed by color and condition. RICE B. KARMAN, At the Bazaar. Lexington, S. C. Desicns rfTm Copyrights &c. Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. a handsomely illustrated weekly. t.nrgest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $:> a year: four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Bto",""?' New York Branch Office. 625 F St., Washington, E1. C. W. A. REtMLm COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING TIIE BEST PICtures that can be bad in this country, and ail who have never had a real tine pic?-is-vnr 4wr? oAmo nf i ij lof^c?f wuic, qliuuju Lixjrt uj ovui\> v* uio iuiv.ji styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Hub. When writing mention the Dispatch, GEOBGE BETOS MAIN ST.. COLUMBIA, S. C., JEWELER "d REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine liuo of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, all for sale at lowest prices. Bepairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prions to +f. When writing mention ih>- Dispatch. ZDZ-VXZTE SERVICES. lexington circuit m. f,. church south. _ Rev. J. N. Wright, Pastor. HIT 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3J pra. U1 J 2<1 Sunday, Horeb llara. Lexington 3*}pm . 3d Sunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3? p m 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3$ pm i Lexington: Sunday school service e?ery Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. _ 1 Prayer meeting every Thursday evening l at 7 o'clock. The public is cordially in- ^ * vited to attend these services. presbyterian church. ==;::; Rev Mr. Stewart. Pastor. 1 Preaching every SecoLd Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock lexington bap1ist church. Re v. S. J. Riddle, Pastor. 3rd Sunday 11a. m. and 7 p. m. ]v jj Sunday school every Sunday morning at jv p 10 o'clock. W. A. Harman, Superintendent. jv p st. stephen's lutheran church. lv W rt-v .1 fj firftir?v>en pastor. !' _ Iv P 1st. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. .?rr 2nd Siuday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a in , Lexington. lv H s 4th. Sunday 11 a. in , Lexington. lv K Sunday school service every Sunday lv S< mornii g at 0:30. EPISCOPAL SERVICES. lv H Rev. Harrold Thomas, Rector. Preach ng every Sunday at 4:15 p. m. Bible Class at 3:30 p. m. ar J1 Sunday tchool at 5 p m. a? ij! 1 Hi liRADl MACHINES jfjj IN REACH OF All. llUM uiarvco ^ eating a pleasure and food a benefit. Hilton's Life for ? the Liver and Kidneys " arouses a vigorous appe- L?vtite and enables one to " eat and digest any kind at.c of food witn comfort. Jpj Whole-sale by the MURRAY DRUG CO., Columbia. S. C. gjS For Sale at THE BAZAAR. 760p May 15?ly. J 82up When writing mention the Dispatch. ?59* 9 07a 10 04a PARKER'S 10 39a l|??giS|ii HArR BALSAM Cleanser and bo&u'.ifiei the hair. ~ ~a -& C?S 1'romotcl a luxuriant growth. 1140a Never Faile to Ecstore Gray 1 iOj 53TwSx " JictH Hair to its Youthful Color. * KySSwaV- JKBa Cures scalp disease* it hair tailing. flQc.and jl.UUat Uruggistt PtJ M, 87 ? on th Trs (t ZEZXLTOJSTS KjS 1 Trs mmmiRP. $ I yivu IS VVIIhj ^ H enrot ^ A SYRUP. % cars 1 Unique?unlike any other eongh prepa- FKA: i ra''on. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove t >reues? from the lungs. 25c. THE tfUFRAY TRHG CO., Ge^ COLUMBIA, S C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Ang. 18-ly. nice Pay your dues to the Dispatch. Baz* / HKiiww 1ImiTED "%g^TRAiNS Double Daily Service Treen New York, Tampa, Atlanta, few, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900." SOUTHWARD. ! L>.;ily. | Daily No 31 No. 27 ew York. P. R. R.. 1 00 pm 12 15 am hiladelphia, P R R. | 3 29 pm 7 20 am altimore, PR K... 5 50 pm; 9 34 am rashington, PR R. 7 00 pm !0 55 am ichmond, A L Rj 10 40 pm 2 35 pm etersburc. 44 ; 11 35 pu. j 3 30 pm idgewavJct. 44 ; 2 25 am 0 17 pm eudeison, " j 2 63 am b 40 pm aleigh, 44 4 06 am 7 50 pm juthern Pines,44 ! 5 57 am 9 42 pm No 403 amlet, 44 1 fi 50 am 10 32 pm i No. 31 P olnrabia.f " j 10 35 am 12 55 am ivannah " j 2 57 pm 5 00 am icksonville, " | 7 40 pm 9 10 am am da. " | 6 3U am 5 30 pm i No 40J harlotte, " I 9 31 am Hester, j y 52 am reeDwood, " j 11 42 am ihens, " ! 1 4b pn tlanta,? " j 4 00 pm ugnsta. C it W 15 .] a 10 puii ew York. N Y t & N fb 00 aai 'J 00 pm hiladelphia. " 10 20 ami i 1 16 pm ew York, U L>5> SCo f3 UU pm altimore. 1$ f uo if6 30 pm / asb'ton, ^TttWrsb i 6 30 pm No. 403; No. 11 ortsmoulh, S ALRy 9 20 pm 9 30 am 'eldon, " 12 05 am 12 01 pm No 31 | idgewayJct, " : 2 25 am! 120 pm ienderson, " j 2 53 am 2 13 pm aleigh, ' 4 06 am' 3 51 pm outhem Pines," 5 57 amj 6 12 pm No 403 j amlet, " 6 50 ami 7 30 pm No. 31 No. 27 olnmbia.J ' 10 35 am 12 55 am avannah, " 2 57 pm ; 5 00 am acksonville, " 7 40 pm 9 K) am 'ampa. " 6 30 am' 5 3 pm No. 403 No. 41 Wilmington. " I 3 Co pm 0 irloite, " 9 31 am 10 20 pm neater. " y 52 ami 10 55 pm rreenwood, " 11 42 am 1 07 am thens, " 1 48 pmj 3 43 am Lilanta,? " 4 00 pm 6 05 am .UgUHtrt. 0 & W Cj 5 lo pm Iacon, C of Georniai 7 20 pm 11 10 am lontgom'r*. A 1 10 pm 9 00 pm Lthens, " I 2 50 po. i ;1 23 pm ireenwood, " ! 4 44 pm | 2 05 am /hester. " ; 6 28 pm; 4 30 am Ibarlotte, ' j fi 30 pm; 5 00 am ihlmingtou ' ! 112 05 p ii No. 44 No. 66 [amlet " j 9 05 pm! 9 20 am outheru Pines," i 10 00 pm 10 05 am taleigh. " 111 40 pm 11 56 am lenderson. " 12 50 am 113 pm lidgewavJct " 1 20 am; 145pm 'etersburg, " {4 15 aim 4 40 pm Richmond, " 5 15 am 5 40 pm Vashington, P B R 8 45 am 9 30 pm taltimore. P B B.... 10 08 am 11 35 pm 'hiladelphia, P B B 2 30 pm 2 56 am few York, P B B ... j 3 03 pm 6 13 am No. 402 No. 35 lid'way Jct.S A L B) 3 00 am 140 pm feldon, " 4 30 am 3 05 pm 'ortsmouth " 7 00 am 5 50 pm Vash'ton. N a m Prosperity 12 10 n n dewberry 12 2o p m Ninety-Six j 20 p m jrreenwood. 740am loopm Sodgcs 800 a m 2 15 p m jhbevllle 840 am 2 45 p m lelton 8 56 a m 8 10 p m Lnderson 9 30 am 3 85 p m SrreenTine 10 10 am 4 15 p m Ltlanta. I 8 55 p m 9 00 p m STATIONS. k Jreenville 630 pm 10 16 a m ^iedmont 6 00 pm 10 40 am VilUamst-on 6 22 p m 10 55 a m iT?4afr>Ti 4 45 p m 10 45 a m lelton 6 45 p m 11 15 a m. )onna!da 7 15 p m 11 40 a m ibberille 6 10 p m 11 20 a m lodges..!. 1 86 p m 11 55 a m Jreenwood 800pm 12 20pm Ninety-Six 12 55 p m Jewberry 200 p m *ro8perity 2 14 p m lolumbia 3 30 p m Cingville. 4 58 p m Irangeburg 6 29 pm Iranchrille 6 17 p m lummerville.. 7 32 p m n i? fit'* ? ? LUUiOBlUJl I I on p m ^ STATIONS. I 7 OCa Lt.. . Charleston?Ar 8 l7p 11 00a : 7 41a " .. Summerville.- " 7 82p 1018a 8 55a " ..-Branch ville.... " 6 02p 8 62a 6 23a "..-Orangeburg... " 5 26p 8 22a 1015a " Kinjjville " 4 38p 7 30a 1140a "....Columbia " 3 30p 8 30p 1230p " ......Alston Lv 230p 8 50a i 12Sp "...? .Santuo " 1 23p 7 46p 2 OOp " Union " 1 05p 7 30p 222p " Joneavilla .... M 12 25p 6 53p 2 37p " Pacolet " 12 14p 6 $2p 8 lOp Ar.. Spartanburg.. .Lv 11 45a 6 15p 8 40p Lv.. Spartanburg.. Ar 11 28a 6 OOp 7 QQpAr Aaheville Lv 8 20a 3 05p "P," p. m. ''A." a. m. lman palace sleeping oara on Trains 35 and and 88, on A. ana C. division. Dining cars eae trains serve alljneals enroute^ ^ ana leave opananuurg, a.. a v^. uivisiuu, ibound, 6:48 a. m., 3:8? p.m., 6:18 p.m., :ibule Limited); southbound 12:26 a. m., ?. m., 11:34 a. m., (Vestibule J limited.) tins leave Greenville, A. and C. division, ibound, 5:50 a. m., 2:84 p. m. and 5:22 p. m., lbuled Limited): soutabound, 1:25 a. m., ?. m., 12:30 p. m. (Vestibuled Limited), kins 6 ana 10 carry elegant Pullman Lug cars between Columbia and Aaheville ite daily between Jacksonville andCincin tins 13 and 14 carry superb Pullman parlor between Charleston and Asheville. S'K 8. GANNON, J. M. CULP, rd V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., ilngton, D. C. Washington,!). C. . TURK, 8. H. HARD WICK, i. Pass. Ag'l As't Gen. Pass. Ag't. 'ashington, D. 0. Atlanta, Ga. ^member that you can always find candies, cakes and fruits, at the lar. Harman' LEXIXG Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fresl anc Confectioneries, Fruits, Cakes, Cri Tojvs, XMain mid [drugs am Embracing all the Standard 1 Toilet Articles, Tooth, Fingci and Face Powders. Toilet ; Dressing and Shaving < of Fancy Article. (' fsCHOOLBOOKS'M Wc desire to call the attentii complete line of Smoker: Cigars and S: of the l>est and most pojuilarhi put up in hags and tin box to suit the pocket nrm/B&ift i rtnlvINo mflli YELLOW P MANUF HIC-H FLOORING, C FINISHINGS, MOULDIN DOORS, rS -V JS I AUGl ?"ESTIMATES CIIEE February 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. j%r^L tM BUi Fomo pub tF ?j Into huflnr a jo RO'K llll.I." Itutziri Rut? tS*T ' n.J ?.j.. I A WAV FKOM THE Ml In jour town, writudiru - j ROCK HILL BUG ROCK HILL Bl For Sale by W. I3. ROOF, GREGORY-RHEA MULE C( Columbia, S. C., Ma v 11?Iv. When writing mention the Dispatch. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Sarann: Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect Jan. 27th. 1931. jNo.34 SoMSc northbound. Daily Daily ex Lv. Jacksonville (P. S)......; 8 3.ja 7 -l5p 1-': " Savannah (So. Ey ) 12 55p,l2a>a| 4; " Barnwell 4 2>p, 4 04n " Blaekviile | 4 39p 4 28a 81 Ar. Columbia | (1ISP 0 10a! 9Lv. Charleston, (So. &7 7 ixu i 1O/nj 5' " Summerville 7 41a,1200n?j 8( " Branca ville - w <; " Orangeburg | 2 4oa 7; " Kingvllle JIOlCo 4 2aa bAr. Columbia ;il QtJaj 5.V>b 91 Lv. Augusta, (Bo. By. j~... kiwp {oiop >: Lv. Granitoville { 3 Kipllo lap Lv. Aiken i B!Ar>; . .. j 71 Lv. Trenton j 4' fjnll (Xrp ... " Johnston . 4i.p,llS/p'... Ar. Columbia, (U. D.i 5a5p 2 i n ... Lv. Columbia, (Bldg St 0 2 (5 2va ''4 " Winnsboro "lap; 72'ul)S " Chester I SOlpj b !3? 112 " Bock Hill j b Sip *. 43a 114 Ar. Charlotte _..! ' 2 p '< 45a 23 Ar. Danville [ 1 2 .*>!? 1 -ap > 1 Ar. Richmond . . . j ?> o.?it f? uap .. Ar. Washington 7 35a! b nop 10 1 " Baltimore (Pa.KB) j 0 laa'll JT?p 11 i " Philadelphia 11 &a( 2 a*a lf 44 New York I 2 03pi 0 22a 4 I Lv. Columbia ' ill 4p( 7 4.>a .. . Ar. Louisville . 4up 7 5oa j&i? dS| S Ltv. u< uiavin? 1 i *oa ? .... t?v. Cincinnati ... . S30a 8<>;p lv. Knoxviiio .77777777 i 20a' " Asheviile .. ! 8 i.Oai 3 05p " Spartanburg !11 45a! 6 lap .... Ar. Columbia 1 ?2)pI 1'3upl Cv. >'ew York(Pa.Ic.K) | 8 Ar. Columbia, iBldgSt Ill 25a 1 laa 7 0 Lv. Columbia, (U. D.) i 11 50a 4 3lla " Johnston !81p 6 32a!.... " Trenton 143p 6 45a1 Ar. Aiken 2 2op; 7 30a 0 4. Ar. Graniteville 2 13p 7 18a . . Ar. Augusta .. | 2oOp 80l>a 10 3 Lv. Columbia (So. KyJ 400p i ;Aa: 7 0' " Kingville 4 43p 2 32a; 7 5. " Oransrebur< 533p 3 45a 8 4 " Branchvilio ! 615pj 4 25a S? 2( " Summerville I 7 51p 5 57a iO:* Ar. Charleston j 815p 7 (*? 11 1; Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) iTljUa Fi.'a 7~U-; ' Blackville i 110p 2 57a: 8 3 " Barn'-voll 1 24p 3 12a' M Savannah 305p 5 90a 10 2? Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.i ' 7 40p 9 25a 2 2. Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service bet wee Florida and New York. Nos. 31 and 32?New York and Florida Lin Ited. Daily except Sunday, composed cxep sively of Pullman finest Drawing Room Sloe ing. Compartment and Obseivatory Cars 1 tween New York, Columbia and St. August in Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta an Aiken and New York, runs from Augusta t Columbia via Blackville. Parlor cars b tween Charleston and Columbia. Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida E press. Drawing-room sleeping cars betwe. Augusta and New York. Pullman draw in room sleeping cars between P< rt Tampa. .lac: lonville, Savannah Washington and Yew Yorl Pullman sleeving cars between Charlotte an Richmond. Dining cars 1 jet ween Chariot t and Savannah. Nos. 33 and 3d?U. S. Fast Mail. Throug Pullman drawing-room buft'et sleeping .-ar- 1* tween Jacksonville and New York and Pal man sleeping ears between Augusta and Chat lotte. Dining cars servo all meals enroutc Pullman sleeping ears between Jacksonvil; and Columbia, enroute dailv between Jacksrilie and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, S. H. H ARDWIOK, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas Art., Washington, L>. C. Washington, D. C W. H. TALOE, It. W. Hi "NT, Aa't Gen. Pass. Ag't., _ Djv. Pass. Ag't.. Atlanta, Ga. ' Charleston, S. C. s iazaar, TON, S. C , i and Varied Assortment of the Finest 1 Purest 4 clcers, Fancy Cliina, Notions, D MEDICINES, \ :>roj?ictory Preparations, Perfumery, Nail and Hair P> rushes, Tooth iii?l Laundry Soaps, Hair Tonic, 'ases, and a Complete Line ome and See this Stock, ID" scHodrsflppEiEsIf # )ii of the users of tobacco to our s' (loods, consisting in part of tnoking Tobacco, ands, Cigarette and Smoking Tobacco es of various designs, at prices books and taste oi all. UFACTUR1NG COT, INE LUMBER, ACTCBERS OF a-:E2 :D :E EILING. SIDING, IGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, I AND DLINDK, iSTA, GA. JITFULLY FURNISHED.^ When writing mention, the Dispatch 000 JOBS PER ANNUM. H H|^ I [XIZji \* a*!e of rh*ap fcucglef fceea??? on't all"* rour#elf U Imj TaLXID H b in order to mt? a dollar ??r to. are A Mule Htfhcr in frk?# look vrli. and. al-ora all, KKKl* < Ot*?maklnr tbem cheaper In lha fijj ? dealers vol/. If dulc uu aala ftajj IGGY COMPANY. , Jjexington, * ?. C. )., I MATTHEWS & BPUKMGHT, Leesville, S. C. When writing: mention the Dispatch. pOLUMBIA, NEWBERRY AND V-/LAURENS RAILROAD. In Effect November '25th, 1900. 7 45 am lvAtlaiits (SALVir 8 00 cm | 10 11 am lv Athensar 5 28 pm lh- j 11 16 am lv Elberton ar... 4 18 pm : 12 .23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm ? ! 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 'ji'j j 1 35 pm ar tClinton lv... 2 00 pm 5~Ta 10 00 am lv ?Glenn Springs 4 00 pm *7' 11 45 am lv Spartanburg ar 3 10 pm i?i ; 12 01 pm v Greenville ar.. 3 00 pm Ik? 12 52 pm lv ; Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm g j 116 pm ar tLaurenslv... 1 38 pm ! tDioDer. J(c &w. c.) ^Harris Springs t) No. 52 *No. 21 ? 11 08 a m 9 20 am : 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am : 11 27 am ar Irmo ...arlO 15 am i 11 35 a m ar.BallentiDe .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m ar."White Rock.arlO 58 am 11 43 a m ar .. Hilton., .aril 15 am y* ^ 11 40 a m ar. ..Chapin. ..aril 49 am ? | 12 03 a m arL. Mountain arl2 25 pm 'j. J , 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. arl2 35 pm /1 12 17 p m 1 10 pm 11 j 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 37 pm j 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 05 pm i 12 48 p m ar... Gary... .ar 3 15 pm ? | 12 55 p rn ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 7! ! 1 02 p m ar. 3 55 pm "7 1 16 p m ar.. Clinton., .ar 5 00 pm 1 27 p m ar .. Parks. .. ar 5 20 pm ? 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens, .ar 5 30 pm 7 *Daily freight except Sunday. ;; RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 *No. 22 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 7 30 am ?? 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 7 40 am ? 1 55 pm lv. ..Clinton., .lv 9 00 am j! 2 05 p m 9 25 am l9 1 9 n m 1T7 XT-rvAv/l Ci A A ~? ? lAi i y . . .umaiu. . . 1V O 1U ULLl ' | '2 17 p m Iv.. ..Gary .. .lv 0 50 am 3 '2 22 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .lv 10 50 am ;n 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p ra lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 11 36 am v. 3 06 p m lv L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm ;-;j 3 20 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv 1 00 pm j.'! 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton., .lv 1 15 pm :3 | 3 29 p m lv.AVhite 1 30 pm :331pm lv.Ballentine. W 2 00 pm w ! 3 43 p m lv.. .Irmo lv 2 45 pm - J 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 3 00 pm - 4 05 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 3 25 pm n 'Daily freight except Sunday. i 4 15 pm lv Columbia (ac 1)11 00 am ;r | 5 25 pm lv Sumter ar 9 40 am e. 8 30 pm ar Charleston lv.. 7 00 am ? For rates, time tables, or further 1 ? ; iUiUI LLlciUUIi ULl UUy Or X* ' j i write to T | tt\ G, CHIM'S. T. M. FMFRSON. n* IV'-si-F'iir Traffic Manncor. < J. F. LIVINGSTON*. H.M.hMEKSON. 1 i Sel. (it'll. I' Pas? Apt,, 0 Coiniiil'ia. S C. Wilmington. N. C. ; Saw Milis, Light cinl H*avy, an