DcBuU's & COUCH SYRUP % cures Hacking Coughs, W Sore Lungs, Grippe, Pneu- W H xnonia and Bronchitis in a I , few days. Why then risk I I Consumption, a slow, sure B death? Get Dr. Bull's S [ Cough Syrup. Price, 2oc. B I.UOI1 t LH3 imposeu upuii. m Refuse the dealer s substitute ; it Bg is not as good as Dr. Bull's. B Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism, Ha The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. JANUAEY 23. 1901. Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of o cents per line, to one and all.j?} * Xadez to 2Tew Advertisements. Ba-giin Sale?L E. M. Smoak. For Rent?J. B. Hyler. Notice to Debtors and Creditors? * J. E Piice. v . Trespass Notice?W. N. Spires. Books of Subscription?J. E. Hendrix and A. J. Fox. Proclamation?By The G ;vemor. Dental Notice?Dr. F. C. Gil more. Wanted: 50,000 feet rough lumber at once. The Lexington Lumber Co. Yon Snow What Yon Are Taking j When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show- ' ing that it is simply iron and Quinine 1 in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Masonic i JL A REGULAR COMMUNICATION ; ^iDvof Lexington Lodge, No. 152, ' F. M., will be held on Saturday, February 2nd, 1901, at 7 o'clock p. m. Members will please f come prepared to pay their dues. 1 By order of the W. M. - ' G. M. Hakman, Secretary. ^ Masonic Notice. < A regular communication of Po- 1 ^Q^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M ^ will convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday evening, February j 2nd, at 7 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. ( John C. Swygert, Master. * ?> *" * The County Pension Board. ^ The County Pension Board of < Lexington county, will meet at 10 * o'clock, at Lexington, February 4ib, < 1901. All applications must be iu at that time properly filled out and i signed by two (2) witnesses, who are t not pensioners. ? S. M. Hoof, Chairman. * If the Baby is Cutting Teeth I Be sure and use that old and well 1 tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- < ing Syrup for children teething. . It 1 ^ soothes the child, softens the gums, ] allay8 all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, j Twenty-five cents a bottle. ] It is the best of all. } Stockholders Meeting. 1 The stockholders of the Lexing- 6 ton County Fair Association will meet in the court house at Lexing- c ton on February 16tb, at 11 o'clock a. m. A full attendance is desired as 1 much important business is to be * transacted. By order of J. H Counts, Pres. r. . v y '"gi indigestion j ] j dyspepsia v i ; i biliousness j and the hundred and one simi- ' : lar ills caused by impure blood j. ? : or inactive liver, quickly yield : i \ to the purifying and cleansing \ j properties contained in J I tJoftistafc! Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. j It cures permanently by acting : , i naturally on all organs of the : | body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- \ j builder, and health-restorer, it\ S has no equal. Put us in Quart: < i Bottles, and gold at Si each. i ."THE MICHIGAN DRUG COMPANY," i ' Detroit, Mich. ! ! i 9 Tata lirercttes for Lircr Ills. '35c. j 1 J. E. KAUFMANN, Lexington, S. C. } Palmetto Collegiate Institute. lathe collegiate department cf ' the Palmetto Collegiate Institute examinations are held twice a session. The examinations of the first term have jest been completed. An aver age of 90 is required for distinction, j and 95 high distinction. These are ! those who have won distinction: Ninth Grade?C*rl Roof. Eighth Grade?Helen Sawyer, Ella Gregory, Pickens Roof, Luciie Efird, Essie Efird and Meridth duller. Seventh Grade?Belton Buff, Perry j Harman and Willie Long. ewtLefcter, was in town Fxiday. The weather we have lately been having is unsurpassed for mildness and loveliness. Crackers of all kind, put up in 5 and 10 cents packages, just received, at the Bazrar. The Palmetto Classical Institute has 183 echolar?, the largest enrolment in its history. The guano trade has opened and the air is pungent with this strong smelling meal. Just to think, next month some fruit trees will bs in bloom while o:hers will be buddiDg. A valentine party is one of the probable enjoyments for the young folk in the near future. Fine family and plantation suppliss can always be found in stock at T. B Aughtry & Co'e, Columbia. Air. J. Olin Crout, of Lewiedale, is now attending the Palmetto Classical Institute and boards with Mrs. Nancy CL-rley. Tae Gee Haw of the plowman is beginning to be heard in the land as the farmer plods his weary way over old and new grounds. "Wanted?Several boys and girls to get cheap board in Dice hemes in Lexington and attend Palmet'o Classical Institute. The drop that started Richland ind Lexington was the drop in the orices of groceries, hay and grain, at Ed C. Shull's, in Columbia. The Auditor and those whose luties it is, filled the jury box last week from which to draw the venires 'or the February term of court. It does not take a '"Philadelphia awyei" to see than during the next lecade L-xington will make wonder'ul strides along the road of progress. Anyone wishing an illustrated write up of the business of Lorick fc LowraDce can have their wants jupplied by addressing this firm at Columbia. Have you noticed that the days ire getting perceptibly longer and ;hat now to the lazy workingman it jeemeih a long time between sunrise md sunset. The sale of the personal property belonging to the estate of the late Wm Langford in the neighborhood if Ella, was largely attended and all ;he property brought fairly good prices. P/of. Slice, the efficient teacher at ihe "The Star,"' was called home last Friday on account of the illness of lis mother. It is hoped that she is lot dangerously ill and that she will loon recover. It has been decided by the town souncil to petition the Legislature to xtend the ccrporate limits of the own of Lexington so as to take in he Fair grounds ar?d the mill of the Lexington Manufacturing Company Dispenser McCartha, of this place, vent to Lewiedale Friday and form irly opened the new dbpensary rhieb baa been established there. Che thirsty cit'zen can dow have his hirst slackened at the fountain of 'fu*s X " The election for officers of the 'S ar" Sunday school, in the Ella leltlement, resulted as follows: W. IV.. Kood, Superintendent D. D. imick, Assistant Superintendent and Hiss A!ma Dreher, Secretary. We hope that every teacher in the :ounty, without a siDgle exception, vi!l be iu attendance upon the next neeting of the Teachers' Associate n vhich will be held in the building cf he Palmetto Classical Institute in * T ids place on January zo:n. We are informed that the Riv. jeorge S. Bearden, the pastor, preached a particularly fine sermon :o a large and appreciative congrega;ion at St. John's (Calk R mds) Evangelical Lutheran chuich last Sunday ind that he made mdny friends. The Rev. Mr. Bearden will preach at Providence Evangelical Lutheran church on next Sunday morniog at 11 o'clock, at which time the rite of the Lord's supper will be observed. Piepa'atory services will b9 held at that church on Saturday at 3 p. ru. Dr. John M. Sease is taking a special course in medicine in Baltimore and the sick in and around Little Mountain, Peak and Pine Ridge will have to consult another physician when the services of one L needed until Dr. Sease returns to uis practice. The County Pension Board held a meeting in the court house ou last Monday. Quite a largo number of applicants for pensions appeared before the Board and tiled their application?, which will duly and impartially considered. The Board will hold another meeting on February 4tb, at which meeting all applications must be tiled according to the rules promulgated by the State Pension Board. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect order by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They regulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, biliousness, constipation and kindred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS We learn from a correspondent that a tiger has been scented in the Ella section and some are sper.kiDg of putting the proper authorities on his trail to run him to his hiding place so as to capture him. It is also thought that during the chase a cub that has to be heated up before it can run will be captured. It is currently reported that the plaining mill operated by Craps & Price on the lower eDd of Main street, has been purchased by a joint stock company and the plant will be j removed to the corner of Church j and Maiden streets, where it will be greatly enlarged and improved. The company will have a capital of #5,000. This is an important industry and we want to see it succeed as it will bo the forerunner of other small industries in cur midst. A few nights ago a wild cat raided the premises of Mr. George W. Reeder, near Reeders Store in the j sand hill section of the county, and appropriated to his own use, against the peace and dignity of the State, a big fat hen, which was quietly roosting in a nearby tree. Tbis flagrant violation of the law so incensed the bjys that they turned dogs upon his ,cat8hip and after a hard fight of two hours succeeded in capturing him and he now sleeps in the cold, cold ground. School Books. "We have now in stock a full supply of Johnson's Readere, Lee's Histories, Myer's General Histories, Wheeler's Graded Studies in Eng- J lisb, Frye's Geograpbies, Wentworth's Arithmetics and Wentworth's New School Algebra, which we will sell outright or exchange for old books now used in the schools. We will soon have in stock a line of all the books, which have been adopted by the State Board of Education for use in the schools for the space of five years, also books of otber kinds, school supplies, such" as pencil and ink tablets, pens, lead and slate pencils, inks of all colors, in fact everything needed in the school room. Our terms are strictly cash on deliv ery. Don't ask for credit as it cannot be given as they are sold at the very lowest prices. The Buzaar. Teachers' Association. The Teachers' Association of this county will meet iu the Institute building at this place on January 2Clh, 1901. The following is the program: 1 Map Drawing?Miss Mary C. Wingard. 2 Teaching Percentage?S. S. Lindler. 3 The Practical use of Language -J V. Smith. 4 Incentives to Study?J. B. Kilgore. 5 Moral Training?Sam J. Derrick. ' J. E Bawl Kyzer. Swansea Doings. To the E litor of the Dispatch: The fiinily of the Rev. F. H PosI ton, the Baptist minister here has I arrived from Dangle?. Ga., and are | safdy boused in their new home in j Swansea. The Methodiet and Baptist Sunday schools have reorganized for another year's work with promising prospects. W. B Rast has been chosen Sul . ; perintendenf; W. H. F. Hist, Assist : ant Superintendent and Feider Huff | man Secretary of the Methodist school, and S. J. Q rattlebauui, Sui perintendent, C H. Corbitt, Assistant Superintendent and Dr. John R Liugford, Secretary of the Baptist school, and each has selected a corps | of competent teachers to assist in ! the good work. i ? On Wednesday night last Mrs. L. V. Giutt passed away very suddenly. S She had been ill for several weeks j but the medical opinion and that of ! her friends thought her condition i much improved. On Wednesday for dinner and at supper Ebe tool: of I both meals with her family and at I midnight the summons came and demanded her appearance in the eternal I home to occupy the mansion prej pared for those who love G.;d and | keep his commandments. She was I from early womanhood a consistant : member of the Baptist faith and she adorned the profession of a Christain i lady. She was of a famiiy of worth : and merit and has given to the county several sons and daughters cf 1 great use to the places where they live both as examples in business and Christian manhood hli! womanhood. vSho leaves a husband and four chilj dreu to mis3 and lament her loss. The youm^t child is about twelve i ye ire old^pKie was buried at Bates 1 burg and her funcial preached by BBWBB?a?aamij??? ! Dr. A. C Wilfcins and sb^ now sleeps with Lor kindred in tbat blissful far: away. ] Mrs. Carrie Xutamaker is still at her mothers home in Cmgaree attending the needs of her little daughter, Emily G?iger, who is still suffering from continued fever. i _ Mrs. L W. R is1, who ha^ been o- a visit to her other children at Cameron, has returned home. Spectator. January 10th, 1001. Rheumatism?Catarrh, are Blood Dis. eases?Cure Free. It is the deep-seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm) cures. If doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood purifiers have failed B. B. B. drains out the specific poison in the blood that causes Rheumatism or Catarrh, making a perfect cure. If yon have pains or aches in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, tainted breath, noises in the head, discharges of mucuous, ulceration of the m.'mbranes, blood thin, get easily tired, a treatment with B. B. B. will stop every symptom by making the blood pure and rich. Druggists $1. Trial treatment free by addressing Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga. Describs trouble, and free medical advice given. White Rock Whittlings. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The health of our community is not very good. A great many are suffering from Lagrippe. Mr. Thaddens Derrick, who ba9 been quite ill with hiccoughs, has about gotten well. Bird and rabbit hunting now takes the day. Several friends from Columbia have been up hunting. The farmers have begun to haul guano. The echool at this place is being taught by Mr. H D. Sease. He has fifty-three scholars on roll. We also have a singiDg class taught by Rev. S C. Ballentine. Mr. Eddie Derrick is preparing himself for Clemsou College. You Know and Guess. January 19, 190U Married. On January 20tb, 190.U at the home of the officiating minib.^r, Rev. W. D. Quick, Mr. Muiry C. Ivyzer J ard Miss Alma Herman, both of Lexington. On January 9th, 1901, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Sidney Slice and Miss Lizzie Ricklev, Rev. N. S. TouDginer, officiating. On January 6, 1901, at the residence of Mr. Jacob Kyzer, Rishton, S. C., Mr. Oily Shumpeit and Miss Mary Kyzer, Rev. W. H. Roof, officiating. On January 20, 1901, Mir. Ed Miller and Miss Emma Koon by the Rev. James E Steele. All of Lexington. Tribute of Respect. Whereas God, in his infinite wisdom, has taken from S*. Stephens Sunday school little George Henry Meetze, a bud of promise, to bloom in his garden above, therefore, be it Resolved, ls% That while we, his teacher, class-mates and fellow scholars, deeply mourn his loss, we will bow in humble submission to him who aoeth all things well, knowing that one more lamb has been s.dded to the fold of heaven. 2nd, That our school has lost one * L 01 118 mosi proiLUSiJJti auu in.iLuui little scholar?, his seat seldom being vacant, and his little lesson3 always prepared; a worthy example for us all to imitate. 3 d, That we tender the bereaved father and mother, in the loss of .their only child, our sincere and heartfelt sympathy, and commend them to him who alone can give the balm to the wounded heart. 4'h, That these resolutions be placed in the minutes of our Snnd iy school, and that a copy be sent to the bereaved parents, and a copy to the Lexington Dispatch for publication. J. E Hondrix. Miss E 0. Lippard, Carl Roof. Committee. Sarah Hallman, daughter of Jacob Taylor and wife, Nancy, departed tbis life December 18. 1900. She had reached the extreme age of about 90 years. Early in life she connected herself with "the Lutheran Church and remained a member of the same until death. Thus another mother of Israel has passed over the river of death and entered into the New Jerusalem. Peace to her ashes and rest to her soul. LeoD Crpgg, infant son of E. II. Addy and wife, Mary, was born July 28, IS'JO, and died January 10, 1901. Aged 1 year. 5 months and 12 days. It was dedicated to God by the rite of holy baptism. * G> to thy rest ray child, Go to thy dreamless bod, Gpntle and uodefiled. With ble.-sings on thy head." W. II. li. Steps the Ccush and Woiks eft the " Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 2.^ cents. wa-W-;?N. - From llie 20th of January to the 1st of March I v;ill sell my Fall and Winter stock oi poods at cost, consisting of Dry Goods Notions, Canned Goods, etc. Homespun, worth 7c. at 6. Homespun, worth G.}c, at o-c. Homespun, worth oc. at Calicos, worth C1,. at 5c. j Calicos, worth 5c. at 41c. j Outinps, worth Gc. at 5c. Outings, worth 10c. at 8c. Outings, worth 8c at 6c. ' "Worsted, v.ortb 25c. at 2^c. Casiniere, worth 25c. at 20c. Casimcre, worth 10c. at 8c. Men's Heavy Underwear. Shirts, worth 50c. now 40c. ^ Drawers to match, worth 50c. at 40c. / Shirts, woitb 30c. at 20c. J Star he, worth 10c. 3 cans for 20c. . worth oc, 7 cans for 25c. ' Octagon so.i.p, 7 bars at 25c. > Arbackle's Coffee, 2 packages for 25c. ' Good Luck Baking Powder, worth 10c. at 8c Good Luck Baking Powder, worth 5c. at 4c -I Best green coffee, worth 12c. at lljc. M n's hats, worth $1.50, at SI.20. ^ Men's hats, worth $1.25, at $1.00, Men and Ladies' shoes 25 and 15c. reduction, and all other goods reduc: d Call and see me and satisfy yourself that I mean what I say and j save money. r Respectfully. L E. M. SMOAK,. LEXINGTON, C. 4wl4. mm? em a rru onTTmt? * a TsnTTM A & COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Iu the Probate Court. Samuel B. George. Clerk of Court, as Aduiinistratoi of the Direlict Estate of J. II. Koon, deceased, plaintiff. against Job N. Koon and Mrs Victoria Miller, defendants. Summons for Belief -Complaint Not Served. To the Defendant Job N. Koon: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMOND AND required to answer the complaiut iu this action, which is filed in the office of the Judge of Probate for said county and State, and to serve a cop? of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, Court House Square. Lexing toD, S. C.. within twenty days a'tc-r the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and-if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded in the complaint. To Job N. Koon: Please take notice that the complaint in " this ac'ion was duly filed in the office of ti e Judge of Pribii.te on the 10th day of January. A. D. 19(11. * IZL\R & STURKIE. ? Plaintiff s Attorneys. 6wl5. I Wood's Seeds I are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seeci farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very be t seeds that it is possible to grow. By our experiments we are enah led to save our customers much txpense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub- c .lications of its kind in helpful and useful information for Gardeners, Truckers and Farmers. 'Mailed tree. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. / i aoccct ecrr unite; iu tuc cnn-ru I iiUUUb III. uvu I III ^ January 9-2mo ftPIIWfl S3CAiHE'M>WHliT~ r ?;jii I^JlVl Hr.bita C>:r?*l at m> Sana* BB PP " w " " B inm, Jr. CO Su; ?. iJKtjor ky; M of references. 25 yeur: :i f.r^aiaitT fvok< ft 9 Home Trcatm; at sunt FRUE. A 'rirt^ jggfy B. M. WOOl.LEV, ft*. P.. A".. July 25?ly. tax beturxs. ' 1S501. IN ACCOKDANCE WITH THE LAW in reference to the a-sessment and taxation of property, the Auditor, or his assistant, wiil be and attend the following named places for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the 1.seal year 1901, and in I order to meet the next appointment the J hour will close at 11:39 in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afttrnoon; taxpayers ;< will, thtreiore, be prompt in meeting the appointments so as not to cause delay. * . Tax payers will p! use come prepai? d to give the name ot id. it inwnsnip auu numD'.r of school district wherein they reside: I Lexington. C. H., from January 1st to * the 6th, 1901. SAtertield Ginti's. morning, Jan. 23rd W. Westmoreland's, afternoon. Jan, 23d B.itesbnrg, ail uav, January" 24th. Leesville, all day, fan nary 25th. Summit, morning January 26lh Lewiedale. afternoon, January 26:h, Edmund, morning. January 28th. (< Gaston, afternoon. January 28th. Swansea, all day, January 29th Red Store, all day, January 39th. Archie Wolf's, morning, January 21st. J. W. Martin's, afternoon, January 31s\ S. P. Shnmpert. morning, February 1st Brookiand, all day February 2nd. Lexirgton lrom the 1th to the 20th. Section 270 of the aw in reference to the assessment of taxes, (Revised Statutes,) reads as follows: Ail property shall he valued for taxation at its true value in money, which in all j] cases net specially p'ovided for by law, shall be held to be as follows, to wit: For m personal property the csual selling price on.the u-nal terras of similar property at ^ administrator's or extcutor's sales, at the p'ace were the return is made: and for real property, the usual selling price on the usual terms of similai property at sales for ' partition under ord? r of court, at the place where the return is to made. If there is no usual sei.ing price, then at what is honestly believed could be obtained for the same at a f or sale under the conditions above :n rationed. It shall be the dnty of each owner of lands, and of any new structures thereon which shall not have beeu appraised for taxation, to list the same for taxation with the County Auditor of the County in which they mav be situated, on or before the20tb f commencing the New Century Ye liave entirely too many goods at c Yours for Trade. Leaphart KAUFMANN'S Z^e^ing-' ' ' IF.TS.TTT Ve represent: The Virgina-Carolina Chemical Co., Wilcox suit different crops. SEE '1 he largest and most complete 11 the State, in packages or bulk. LORICK&I COLUMI Jan. 1.? lv. DBS. D. L. B( ^ifviiyr neuT iKfLfJ""11 1515 MAT JOLUMBJA, PIIONE 230. I1SS0LDTI0S OF PARTMBIP, rT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT L tbf parnershin heretofore existing besveen V.\ H.'F. Rast and \V. B. Rast, uner the firm name of Vv\ H. F. Rast & >ro., is herebv dissolved, and W. II. F. last will conduct in his own namo and i s own responsibility, the general mer bandising business, and W. B. Bast rill conduct in bis own name and rei ousibility the Milling and Harness Manifacturing business, We ask a continued lattoaage to each as ber< tofore. W. II. F. EAST, W. lb It AST. January !'?, 1001. tt. gies Are i thev Trimmings, Piano Body, lev Trimmings, Leather Ouarte le Leather Trimmings, le Leather Trimmings, nine Leather Trimmings, is in the past few days and are throwi ig of buyers. They are selling like " TORS ARE THU Will sell goods at above prices as lo] then sav vou wish vou had bought. r-RHEA M 3ol-u.ra.Toia, S. C. I m & Drafts. t through our stock' is for our custom's ( *'s and Children's Clothing, Overfish ing Goods of every kind. * it figures that will surprise vou in r our SPRING STOCK. I 0 r * I I rtiinity I right. . 1 ; on hand, and must reduce stock [ mce. & Drafts, BRICK BLOCK, I ten, s. C. iizersT 8 High Grade Ammoniated Goods: E ' & .8 Acids, Kainits, ; Tankage, Nitrates, I" Potash and . p Cotton Seed Meal. emeiits. is For Delivering to any J Part of the Country, Dur -i ilas J stock of Field and Garden Seeds i Write us. nwp a ivrriF, V V JLVAAdk V 'W ? 5IA. S. C. : " I )OZ?R & SONS M|? M STREET, ' ? 8. C. |P ; 0 f! Withdrawal. i IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT W. II. F. Rast severs his connection ! with the Swansea Furniture Company of I Swansea. S. C. The business will contin- n [ ue in the same name by W. B. Rast and D. j j F. Huffman. t W. H. F. RAST, t; W. B. RAST. V. F. HUFFMAN. January 10, 1901. tf. A full and new supply of I Garden Seed, just received j ' at the Bazaar. c CHEAPER. Worth.Our Price. $ 50.00 S 55.00. / Top, CO 00 42.50. 100.00 85.00. 110.00 90.00. 130.00 115.00 ng the goods on the market to the hot cakes." NDERSTRUCK tig as they last. Don't wait and (JLE CO., * ..3 ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? JOLTJMBIA, - - - - 8. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his profeaional services to the citizens of Lexington Jounty. October 18?ly. llbert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, S. C. Especial attention given to business enrasted to him by his fellow citizens of jexington county. Of2ce: 1609 Main Street, ever T. B. Lughtry eposits received subject to check. ? W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Lllen Jones, W. P. Roof, 0. M. Eflrd, E. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and uteres! at 5 per cent per annum allowed, laya'ole April and October. September 21?tf dim mil sink. COLUMBIA, S.C. TATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY 'aid up Capital ... $200,000 urplus Profits . - - 60,000 Savings Department. Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received* nterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. 3T annum. W. A. CLARK, President, WmiB Jones, Cashier. December i?ly. DR. E. J. ETHEfiEDGE, 1 SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. ' -1 Office next doer below post office. Always onhand. February 1?. AMES F. IZEAB, T. C. STUBS IE, Orangburj?, S. C. Lexington, 8. C. I zlar Stuxkie, ATTORNEYS AX LAW Lexington, S. C. PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS OF this State and of the United States. February 21,19GC.?tt r 50 years* , %mHHM^experience Anyone *cr.-v.r-z a sketch and description may quickly ascertain-our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Commnnications strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four re oaths, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,s"M,ha'- New York Branch Office, 625 F SU Washington, D. C. For Sale. ISA COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY jl Lexington Ledge No. 152 A. F. M., we ffer for sale two lots on Church Street, ppositeSt. Stephen's church lot, each facr,g on said street 80 feet and having a epth of 268 feet. Also three lots facing n Corley Street, size 80x140 feet For UXMll'i IIVUJOiC? vv J. E. RAWL, Chairman, J. J. TAYLOR, G. M. HARMAN. January 2nd, 1901. NOTICE TO DEBTORS CREDITORS. i LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE fx Estate of Elijah Wingard, deceased, just make payment on or before February 1th. 1901. and those having claims against he said Estate most present them, duly atested, to the undersigned on or before the ,bove date. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Administrator. January 8, 1C01. 3wl2. Desiccated cocoanut, already prejared for making pies, custards and ;akes, at the Bazaar.