WHY OOUfiHj . Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, "Whooping-Cough and Menslc-Cough "without fail. All mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Price. 25 cents. Refuse the dealer's substitute. COUCH SYRUP Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation. 50 pills 10c. . ' The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16. 1901. Not ices wiU be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and aU.\j^ Indss to ITew Advertisements. Cila'ioo?Geo. S. Drafts. Sale of Land?Geo S Drafts. Withdrawal?W. H. F. Rist and Others. D ssclution of Partnership?Rast "& B*o Dental Notice?Dr. C. T. Dowling. Warned?D. B Busby. E-ua:e Sale?John H Caller. Summons for Relief?Samuel B. George, C C. C. P aDd G S. Wanted: 50,000 feet rough lumber at once. The Lexington Lumber Co. $10.00 Reward Will be paid by the Town Council for evidence sufficient to convict parlies who have been committing depredation in the town during the n?ght time. T. P. 3j>etze, Iotendaut. Yon Know What Yen Are Taking j When you take Grove's Tasteless : Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show iDg that it is simply irou and Quinine in a tasteless form. Nj cure, no pay. 1 Masonic Jt A REGULAR COMMUNICATION ] ^w^of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, , F. M., will be held on J Saturday, February 2nd, 1901, at 7 * o'clock p. in. Members wiil please come prepared to pay their dues. . Rv order of the W. M. G. M. Harm an, Secretary. t Masonic Notice. Sk A regular communication of Po- c ^V^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M. * will convene in MasoDic Hall, Peak, ^ S. C., Saturday evening, February 2nd, at 7 o'clock. Visiting brethren ( cordially invited. c John C. Swvgert, Master. J ? If the Baby is Cutting Teeth c Be sure and use that eld and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winsfow's Sooth- 1 ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes ihe child, softens the gums, alleys all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 1 It is the best of all. 1 For Sale. { A high grade second hand Bicycle in first class condition. j, A ''Columbia" Grapbophone (new) including recorder, reproducer, horn * and thirty records. Will be sold ^ cheap for cash or cn easy terms. - " Rice B. Karmao, Lexington, S. C. ? ? ? e y c indigestion 1 \ j dyspepsia j = \ biliousness i a I and the hundred and one simi-; i : lar ills caused by impure blood j f : or inactive liver, quickly yield : \ to the purifying and cleansing \ 3 : properties contained in \ ? i JoffnstSn's!; .Sarsaparilla s: QUART BOTTLB. : _ ' i : It cures permanently by acting [ i naturally on all organs of the \ ; body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh-1 I i builder, and health-restorer, it j j : has no equal. Put us in Quart | ? Bottles, and sold at $i each. J "THE MICHIGAN DRUG COMPANY," | 4 I Detroit, Mich. | ] Take Livercttes for Lircr Ills. 25c. ^ J. E. KAUFMANN, Lexington, S. C. | I This signature is on every box of the genuine ? Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres n cold in one day \ Notice. j The Board of Commissioners for J Lexington county appointed by the ' management of the Charleston, and 1 West Indian Exposition, is hereby < called to meet in the court house in ' Lexington on Saturday, January l'J, 1 at 10 o'clock a. m. A fnll meetiug is earnestly j^sired as matters of importance is to be considered. J. H. Counts, Chairman. Steps the Cough and Works eft the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Mr. D. F Eiird is a member of the house committees ou Agriculture and Ways and Means a ?d Mr. A Frank Lever of those on Ii,eorpoia'ion and Offices and Officers. i PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. The guano trade has opened. The woods are Tall of all kinds of game. Many people are writhing in the agonies of the grip of LiGtippe. Now for a free ferry or what is better a bridge across the Saluda rivtr. Several communications crowded out this week, but will appear in the next issue. Dr. and Mrs. Kreps, of Langley, are visiting the sister of the latter, Mrs. C. M. Efird. Mr. Gus Lorick and wife now * occupy the Mrs. Eva Boozer cottage next to Drafts Hotel. Mr. James Willie Bister is attending school at Pino Ridge and is making rapid progress in his studies. Mr. James B. Addy, of Lattekoo, this county, holds an appointment in the engrossing department of the Legislature. The Methodist congregation at Leesville has decided to build a Inrge brick church, edifice on Main street in that town. Mr. E. A. Roof and his young bride have gone to housekeeping in the house of Mr. W. H. Meetze, just across factory pond. The senate has adopted the house's resolution extending the time for the payment of taxes without the penalty to March 1st. The firm of W. H. F. R*st &Bro., doing business at Swansea, has been dissolved by mutual consent. See cotice elsewhere. Mr. John J. Harman, of Boyiston, was in town Saturday and paid us a pleasant visit. He left his cart 1 wheel on our desk. D. E. Ballentine i3 enlarging his ' ouilding next to the Kaminer Hotel, [t will be occupied by Mr. P. H 1 Horley as a dwelling. Miss Ella Hayes, the charming ' laughter c f Mr John Hayes of Coumbia, is visiting her cousin, Miss ^ Hmmie Griffith, of this piace. Lee Snelgrove is seen driving in 1 lifferent directions over the county ( lelivering furniture of his own make. ! Hall and see his work before buying. Senator B. R. Tillman was yeslerJ?TT nnoni mmml tt olo/>o^ TTnit.pd X O.J UUHUIUiVUgij AVVVV* V State? Senator by the General Astembly of South Cirolina, to suc;eed himself. While Messrs. W. B. Kyzer and T. L. Harman were out hunting near Soyleton post office last week, they rilled a wild turkey at a distance of >0 yards using No. 8 shot. Talk about your Cough Cures as nuch as you want, but at last there s none to compare with the results >f Hilton's Cough Cure. For sale it the Bazaar. Miss Sallie B.odie, of Leesville, ias a pineapple growing which will >roduce fruit this year. MissBrodie * ias several curiosities in the way of 6 ruit and many rare specimens of c lowers. 1 \ I Miss Lucy Stuart, of this place, iow fills her old position in the dress , oakiDg department of J. L Miin- , laugh, Columbia, and will serve her jexiiigton friends with promptness nd satisfaction. The place to buy your fertilizers is it Lorick k Lowr&nce, Cjlumbia. They have a large stock and the best acilities for handling these goods ?nd coos< quently can offer special ? nducements to the purchaser. Farmers should remember that jexington merchants are paying the righest market prices for cotton. There is now no better cotton market n central South Cirolina than Lex- . jgton. j You should not forget that Leaplart & Drafts are selling everything n their clothing line at birgains hat will surprise yon when you see ,he goods they are offering at si ch ow prices. G.ve them a call. We are sorry to mention that little , 2aiilj Geiger, the youDgest daflgh- , ler of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nunna naker, of Swansea, has been very , 11 with typhofd fever at her grand . nothei'e, Mrs. A. W. Geiger, but last . reports say that she is improving. County Trasurer Derrick request , as to notify delinquent taxpayers , Lhat -the tax books will positively j riose at 12 m. sharp on February 1st and after which time the penalty will be added. He is anxious for every ane to pay up and save bini the unpleasant task of addiDg the penalty. Mr. Sidney Nichols, of the Eila neighborhood, is attending a busi ness college in Augusta, Ga, and reports that he is doiDg well and is fully satisfied. Mr. Luther Black of the same neighborhood, is taking a course in telegraphy at a school in Atlanta, Ga. White Leghorns and Black Langshans, pure breed, the best strain and fine birds, will be sold singly/in pairs, trios or any way desired by purchaser, and at prices that will pl?883. Call at the Dispatch office, or address, 8 H. Haruittn, Lexiogtou, S. C. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles "Tl,^ CUr.Wfiool ni lifp" 1 11V 1 IJ ~ T 11VVI VI VUW Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall evei be grateful for the accident thai broughtthem to my notice. I fee as if I had a new lease of life, J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col Tutt's Liver Pills -? The bright aDd interesting tbreeyear-old son of Mr. J. S. Huffman, of Lower Fork, died Monday from an attack of croup and was buried at St. Andrews church on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. God took the beautiful and tender bud to himself and it now blooms in the beautiful city of many mansions. The Supervisor and the two County Commissioners have given their bonds and took charge of the affairs of the county yesterday. J. WT '*> Tilan tro o ?JL UUH3 iU^aiu, n oo wiuvvvu clerk. Mr. Falmer was re-elected keeper of the poor house aud the officers of the chain remain unchanged. They adjourned to meet on the first Monday in February. The Lexington Lumber Company, with Messrs. J. E. Hendrix and A. J. Fox as corporators, ba3 been granted a charter. The capital is fixed at $5,000 aod the company proposes to buy and sell lumber and timber and do a general contracting and building business. The Friday afternoon exercises of the Pineville school, which is under the efficient and progressive tutalage of Prof. S S>Lindler, are very interesting and instruclive. The debate last Friday upon the query: Is the knife more important than the scissors, was discussed affirmatively by the boys and negatively by the girj^s. Mr. John M. Hendrix, who as been book-keeper at D. P. Dayvault & Bros.', for several years, has accepted i position as assistant book-keeper at the Concord National Bank, and assumed bi9 new position Tuesday. Mr. Hendrix is odc of the best and most accurate accountants in the city, and the bank is to be congratulated on securing him.?Concord, (N. C.) Times. Rev. F. S. Hook, who was assigned the pastorate of Fort Motte Circuit it the last meeting of Methodist Conference, has just completed his 3rst round and was well received by she members of his congregation ind those of the other denominations. The first Qiarterly Conference was leld with Mt. Zion church and there vas a full attendance of the dele *ates. Mr. Frank Drafts, son of the late i rhomas J. Drafts, of the Ella sec.ioD, has an orange tree that bore lix oranges last year. They were ,f fine flavor and large. Several adies in Lexington have orange )us!^p, which are now heavy with he golden fruitage. Nearlv everv O O ~ hing that grows on God's beautiful ootstool will grow in Lexington's lirt and bear fruit. Several days ago Rev. James 3all and Messre. Andrew B joodwiD, Joseph Williams, C. S. 3-oodwin and Otto Goodwin all went lunting from Gaston to Toms creek, tnd kiiled four rabbits and two wild :ats. Oue weighing 19 pounds and he other 27 pounds. The boys had ?reat fun in the chase. The cats were run by Hall and Goodwin's logs. Both were killed in thirty ninutes. Andrew Goodwin kilhd 0)th. Otto Goodwin was run over oj one after his gun failed to fire. Mr. L. A. Sease, of this county, is t candidate for the office of trustee )f Clemson college to fill a vacancy jaused by the death of Senator Vlauldin. Mr. Sease is an aluminu3 d! this college and was a membjr of :he first graduating claas. Mr. 3ease is naturally devoted to the prosperity of his alma mater and bis election would mean that one of its stanchest friends would be placed in a position to advance the interest of Clemson, and besides, there is no more fitting recognition of the work of Clemson, than to elect one of its graduates a member of the Board of Tiustees. Married. On Sunday morning January 13ch, 10A1 nt Olrtiraj. Kit f! ,1 T") TV a 0 UiUTW KTJf -? Barr, Notary Public, Mr. Lmnie Clemsons to Miss Alice Shealy. All of Lexington county. On January 13th, 1901., Mr. John Kaminer to Miss Liza Backer, of Sandy Run. On January 13th, 1901, at the home of the officiating minister. Rev. W. D. Quick, Mr. She!ton Harman and Miss Lillie V. Shull. On January 13 h, 1901, by the Rev. A R Taylor, at the home of the bride's mother, MrB. Rebecca r* .tt 11^ niiorloti f! nl .y and Miss JkJ j ilLl VUMHV J j Daisy Day. All of Irene, Lexington county. The County Pension Board. Th? County Pension Bo^rd will meet at Lexington. C H, Monday, January 21-t, 1901, at 11 o'clock, a. in., for the purpose of organizing , and receiving applications for pen. sions. Widows are required to sign their applications with their own > initials. All applicants for pensions - must make out new blanks. All " blanks must be suitable to each applicants case. Old blanks will not l do. Each applicant mu9t have one j or more witnesses, who are not ap plicants for pension and who knows the conditions as set fourth in your application. All disabilities arising I from disease or otherwise since the war will not be considered. Pensioners who have moved to another county must have there names transferred to that county. All applicants must give their names and initials in full. Be sure you have the blanks to suit your case. Blanks can be had by calling on each township representative, where there is no representative call at the Clerk of Court's office and you will find them. S. M. Roof, Chairman. Cures Blood and Skin Troubles. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blood pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly? Does your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Erup tions? Aching bones or back? Eczema? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Eheumatism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify, your blood, heal every sore and give a_.clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep seated cases like ulcers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga Describe trouble?free medical advice given. Over 3000 voluntary testimonials of cures by B. B B. The United States Naval Board, J \ # who was charged with the selection of a site for the location of a naval station on the South Atlantic Coast, has made public its report in which it recam mends the removal of the a station which is now located at Poit Royal, to Coarleston. Ladies Read This Dr. Baker's Female Regular is a <*' now discovery for the prevention and c cure of female diseases. It is un- i; doubtediy one of the finest medicines (( for all it claims in relieving and cur- \ ing suffering women, is a permanent cure for all womb, bladder and urinary deseases and female Veakness, etc. For sale at the Bazaar. Large bottles $1.25. ,i 31 Chairman Williams has made the E statement that the financial condition Jl of the dispensary now warrants the payment of $100,000 into the school r fund and a resolution has been adopted by the Board ordering the payment of this sum for this purpose. Mr. Williams also stated J that the dispensary would b i able to a pay into the school fund $50,000 ad- ^ ditional within the next thirty days. u h Home and Farm. * By special arrangements we offer a tbe Home and Farm, the leading g farm and home paper, published in b Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for t] $1.25. These of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. Last Friday Governor McSweeney received a communicition from Governor Chandler, of Georgia, in reference to the prevalence on the sea islands in this State. The Mayor of Savannah urges the Governor to confer with Surgeon General Wyman, of the Marine hospital service, who will at once take charge of the situation and take prompt and effective measures to stamp out the disease. TAX NOTICE. I WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING J mentioned places for the purpose of re- fi . eiving taxes for the fiscal jear 1900, viz: B dance of tbe time at Lexington C. H., j, nntii P?bruarv 1st. 1901. when the books ? will cloie. TAX LEVY For State Purpose 5 mills. For Ordinary County 3$ mills For Special County \ mil. For School 3 mills Total. 12 mills Poll Tux SI 00 Broad River Township -C.N. 1 and L. R. R . for interest on R R. , bonds, 2A mills; for retiring bonds, 2 mills; paying attorneys' fees. \ mill. Total f r Broad River 16$ t Fork Township?C., N. and L ' R. R.. for interest on R. R. bonds, ' 2 mills; for letiriug bonds, 2 mills. Total lor Fork Township 16 J Saluda Township?C-, N. and L, 1 R R. bonds, for interest on R.. R. < bonds, 2A mills; for retiring R R. 2 mills, paying attorneys' lees, \ mill. Total levy for Saluda 1C$ 1 J. S. DERRICK, : Treasurer Lexington County. 1 _ < Afacrm'a and**, crackers. milk biscuit, ginger snaps in nice 5c and 10c packages. Square lemon, penny assorted and tine fancy mixed cakes. All at. the Bazaar. Sweet Violet, the best known 5 cents cigar on the market, and other i brands of fine cigars, together with ' the famous Klondike, which honestly cfiii-uips nil 2 for nifikle cigars on the ' market, at Bazaar. TEE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON In the Probate Court. Samnel B Gtorge C erk of C mrt, as Administrator of the Direlict Estate ot J. H Koon, deceased, plaintiff against Job N. Koon and Mrs Victoria Miller, defendants. Summons for Relief?Complaint Not Served. To the Defendant Job N. Koon: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMM >ND AND required to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Judge of Probate for said county aud State, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office. Court House Square. Lexiug ton, S. C.. within twenty days a'ttr the service hereof, exclusive of th ? day of such service, and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. To Job N. Eoon: Please take notice that the cot plaint in this ac ion was dnly tiled in the office of the Judge of Probate on the 10th day ol January. A. D. 1901. IZLAR & STURKIE, Plaintiffs Attorneys. 6wl5. All Are Hereby Warned Not to trade for two notes i signed D. B. Busby and made payable to A. A. Harsey, each dated Novemb ;r 17. 1900 and each for $150, the first payable January 1st, 1902, the second January 1, 1903. D. B BUSBY. Januar; (t2, 1901.- 3wl2. Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds that it is possible to grow. By our experiments we are enabled to save our customers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. 11 surpasses all other publications of its kind in. helpful and nuoftil infArmafinn fnv rHArtArC 9 Truckers and Farmers. || Mailed free. Write for it. I T. W. WOOD & SONS, , 1 Seed Growers & Merchants, ! I RICHMOND, VA. | LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. rannary 9-2mo For Sale. I-SEVEN HORbE POWEE PORTABLE Engine and a complete vrell boring out it. For farther particulars, apply to or iddress, A J FOX, Dec. 5 -tf, Lexington, S C. For Sale. ASA COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY ex. Lexington Lodge No. 152 A. F. M , we >ffer for sale two lots on Church Street, ippositeSt Stephen's church lot, eachfacng on said street ?0 feet and having a lepth of 268 feet. Also three lots facing >n Corley Street, size 89x140 feet. For urther particulars apply to C J. E. BAWL, Chairman, . J J. TAYLOR, ) G. M. HAEMAN. * January 2nd. 1901. DPRIIM COCAIWE^WHISKY HUlVfl HabiU Oared at mySanator ium, ! 80 day*. Hundred* of raferencea. 25 yearn a specialty. Book on Home Treatment sent FREE. Address B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D? Atlanta, Ca. uly 25?ly. rAX returns! 10O1. I"N ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW L in reference to the a-sessment and taxtion of property, the Auditor, or his asistant, will be and attend the following amed places for the purpose of receiving ^ ix returns for the fiscal jear 1901, and in rder to meet the next appointment the our will close at 11:30 in the morning and 14 o'clock in the afternoon; taxpayers rill, therelore, be prompt in meeting the ppointmegits so as not to cause delay. Tax payt-rs will pleise come prepand to ive the name of their township and nnm>tr of school district wherein they reside: Lexington. C. H , from January 1st to he 6th. 1901. j Ban8. afternoon. January 16th. J G. F. Keisler's, morning. J inuary 17th. Crap's Store, afternoon, January 17th. 1 Croat's Sto e, morning. January 18th. I Paul B'ack's, afternoon, January 18'h. J St John's Church, Calk Road, J?.n. 19th. Cross Roads, mer ing Jan.iary 21st. J J. Mack's afternoon, January 21st. j Pelion morning January 22d ^ D. F. Sfcumpert's, afternoon, Jan. 22nd. Saterfield Gantt's. morning, Jan. 23rd W. Westmoreland's, afternoon. Jan, 23d B itesburg, all day, January 24th. Leesville, all day, January 2oth. i Summit, morning January 26th Lewiedale. afternoon. January 2G?h, Edmund, morning, January 28th. Gaston, afternoon. January 28th. Swansea, all day. January 29th Red Store, all day, January 3Jth. Archie Wolfs, morning, January 31st. J. W. Martiu's, afternoon, January 31s*. S. P. Shumpert. morning, February 1st Brook and, all day, February 2nd. Lexii gton from the 4th to the 20:h. Section 270 of the law in reference to the ssessmeut of taxes, (Revised Statutes,) eads as follows: All property shall be valued for taxation ,t its true value in money, which in all j :ases not specially provided for by law, hall be held to be as follows, to wit: For ^ >ereonal property the csual selling price in the U'Ual terms of similar property at m .dministrator's or executor's sales, at the face were the return is made; and for real iroperty, the nsual selling price on the isual terms of similar property at sales for i..;? n?Soi- of oorirf af thp mitlVlUU ItUUCl V4UV* V* vw?. ? >lace whf re the retura is to made. If : here is no usual selling price, then at vbat is honestly believed could be obtainsd for the same at a fur sale under the conlitions abc^ve mentioned. It shall be the duty of each owner of ands, and of any new structures thereon vhich shall not have been appraised for axation, to list tli9 same for taxation with ,he County Auditor of the Couuty in which hey mav be situat-a. on or before the 20th lay of February next, aftt r the same shall aecome subject to taxation. 4 Section 6 That from and after the pissage of this act, there shall bo assessed apon all taxable polls in this State ? tax of )ne dollar on each poll, the proceeds of svbich tax shall be applied solely to ednca-, : iional purposes. Every male citizen between the ages ol twenty-one and sixty j years, except those incapable of earning a ' 3upport, from being maimed or from oiher causes, and except those who are made ex 3mpt by law, shall be deemed taxable polls. All returns for taxition must be filed t with the Auditor not later than February < 20th, 1901, as after that date the law re- 1 quires an addition of 50 per cent, to the 1 last year's return 1 Township Bo?rd of Assessors will mee'. * at some convenient pi ice in their respect- 1 ive township on Wednesday, March 6. 1901. ' Oountv Board of Fo ia'iz ition, will meet 1 at the Auditor's c'ftico on Tuesdiy March ] 2 th, 11)01, at 10 o'clock a in. G A. DERRICK, Auditor Lexington County. December 5, 1900. Open Buggies, Genuine Lei Top Buggies, Genuine Leut Can opij Top Sue reps, Genu, Can opt) Top Surreys, Genu; Extension Top Surreys, Co We luivc struck sonic rare hargai eager thro OUR OOiPET at the low prices we are offering. February 14.?ly. u We are now going and have bargai: e: you will Hnd them in Men's, Bo coats, Shoes, and Gent's Fu Wro will close the stock on hand order to make room fo DoiTI Miss This Oppo ?f commencing the New Century Ve have entirely too many good: at * Yours for Trade. KAUFMAN'S FERTI3 Ve represent: The Virgina-Carolina Chemical Co., Wilcox & (jihl).s Co., Ashepoo Co., Armour Co., Lanre Contracts. Favorable Arrant ind Fine Facilitn Lnd will save you money, (let Vices. We have special form o suit different crops. ggaaHffl The largest awl most complete li tlie State, in packages or bulk. LORIOK & I COLUMJ Jan. I.? lv. DliS. D. L. Ei 4flpE' 1515 MA: COIiUMI3IA, PHONE 23(). )ISS0LLTI0\ OF PARTXEBSUIP [T IS MUTUALLY AGREED TIIA' the narnershirt heretofore existing bo ween W. H. F. Rist and \V. B. Ka<-t, un ler the firm name ot W. H. F. Rast t1 tiro , is hereby dissolved, and W. II. I Hast will conduct in his own name an 2 s own respon.-ib htv, the general me: .handising business, and W, I?. Hawill conduct in his own name and r? "ponsibihty the Milling and Harness Mar ntactnring tm.-iL-ess, ?e asK a tuuuuut pat ouage to t-acb as htr< to'or W. IL. F. KAKT, W. li. FAST. Jannar- 1(5 1D>1. t?. fther Trimmings, Piano Body, 'hr>T Ti'ini in in f!nce. 6 Drafts, i ^ BRICK BLOCK, ? ten. s. C. ' T9TO CI " SI 11 i?rh Grade Ammoniated Goods: Pi si Acids, Kainits, Tankage, Nitrates, Potash and ? Dr i . pCotton Seed Meal. i :eiiients. 7 is ? l or Delivering to any ^ Part of the Country, our 1 ulas 1 stock of Field and Garden Seeds I Write us. jOWRANOE, BIA. S. C. DOZER & SONS rN STREET, I H. C. j' ] Withdrawal. j.S i c P 7T IS MUrUALLY AGREED THAT I s j X W ii- t'. itast severs m.s connection j with tho Swausea Furniture Company of J ^ ! Swansea. S. C. The business wiil contin- J ne in the same name by \V. 15. Rast'and D. 3 . j F. Huffman r | W II F. RAST, 3 . ! W. 15. RAST. "I D.F.HUFFMAN ^ ! January JO 1901. tl (1 j A full and new supply of Garden Seed, just received j at the Bazaar. ( Worth. Our Price. $ 50.00 $ 35.00. r Top. GO 00 42.50. 100.00 85.00. 110.00 00.00. 130.00 115.00 ng the goods on tlio market to the 'hot cakes/' ||j NDERSTRUGK . ' 1 ng as they last. Don't wait and ULE CO., ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, JOLUMBiA, - - - - 8. C. tJliACTlCES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers bis protosjonai serviced tc Lbe citizens ol Lexington fount#6** October 18 ~ly. Albert M. Boozer, ittoruer at Law; COLUMBIA, H. C. Especial attention given to business enrnsted to him by hie fellow citizen* o: ,fcxington county. Office: 16uy Main 8treet, ovor T. B. mghtry & Co. Febrc^ v 28 ? tf. . TJ2 /. M. EFIKD. F. E. Dreheb. EFIRD & DREKER, Ittornevs at Law, LEXINGTON, C. N., S. C. nrriLL practice in all ihe VV Courts. Business solicited. One tember of the firm wiil always-be at office, exmgtcn, S. C. Jane 17?6m. * ."J DWARD L. ASBILL, A rtrr n 4* T ft ttt jdtiuiJioy ai uawy iEESVILLE, - S. C. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 30?6m / [ill IB BANK. EPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. 1?. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: lieu Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird, R Hilton James E. Hendrix. ' 'ig EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and terest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, lyabte April and October. September 21?tf 111 Illl IK, COLUMBIA, S. C. rATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY iid up Capital ... $200,000 irplus Profits . - GO, 000 Saving's Department. ' Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received*, iterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. >r annum. W. A. CLARK, President. Wmix Joxxs, Cashier. * December 4?ly. DR. E. J, ETHEBEDliE, * M SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. Office next do< r below post office. AlwayR onhiud. February 1?. ^ lSIES F. I7XAR. T. C. 8TUBKTE, Orangburg, S. C. Lexington, S. C. Izlar & Sturkie, LTTORNEYS ATB LAW Loxingtoii, S. O. r^RACT'CES IN ALL COURTS OF L this State and of the United States. February 21,1900.?tt. 1 lliMl i YEARS' ^EXPERIENCE Designs Copyrights 4c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confldentuiL Ham *ok on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Saenfific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms. |3 a year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN aCo.3616-1""'' New York . Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C. Kodol ^ u n Dyspepsia uure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids S'ature in strengthening and recontructing the exhausted digestive organs. It isthe latest discovered digest* mt and tonib. No other preparation an approach" it in efiiciency. It intantly relieves and permanently cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Tlatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, lick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand ill other results of imperfect digestion,. 'riceSOc. and ft. Large size contains 2% times mall size. Book all aboutdyspepsiamailedfree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., ChicagoJ. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. Desiccated cocoaout, already prepared for making pies, custarde and mkes, at the Bazaar. *d M ^sSSl