The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 09, 1901, Image 3

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Smwm swwp H IJ&r cures Hacking Coughs, Tsjgf W Sore Lungs, Grippe, Pneu- igf monia and Bronchitis in a H . I few days. Why then risk % I Consumption, a slow, suro n death? Get Dr. Bull's I 1 Cough Syrup. Price, 25c. I Don't be imposed upon. I I Refuse the dealer's substitute ; it J I is not as good as Dr. Bull's. I Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism, ja| H Aches and Pains. 15 & 25 cts. ThftlAYinffton Disoatcb WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 9. 1901. tiff'Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and all Xnd^s to ITew Advertisements. , CI rVs Sale. Njt c* to Debtors and Creditors? Samuel B George. Bargain Sale?Leaphart k D.afts New Year's Greeting?Wm. F Furiick. Seeds?T. W. Wood k Sons. You Yncw What Yen Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Masonic. M A REGULAR COMMUNICATION Lexington Lodge, No. 152, /SAA. F. M.. will be held on Saturday, February 2nd, 1901, at 7 o'clock p. m. Members will please c >me prepared to pay their dues. ' By order of the W. M. G. M. Harman, Secretary. ? p Masonic Notice. ik A regular communication of Po^^^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M. will convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday evening, February 2nd,- at 7 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. John C. Swygert, Master. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. TVinslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. ... . . . It is the best ot ail. fiy? gi , indigestion 1 dyspepsia iaa* j biliousness [ \ and the hundred and one simi-; : lar ills caused by impure blood > : or inactive liver, quickly yield : j to the purifying and cleansing j I properties contained in JoftnstSife i jSarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. j It cures permanently by acting : : naturally on all organs of the : : body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- [ i builder, and health-restorer, it[ : has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $i each. : ; "THE MICHIGAN DRUG COMPANYj Detroit, Mich. UUXfl/WT'i^-^* " * i ^ Take Liverettes for Liver Ills. 35c. q ' J. E. KAUFMANN, Lexiugton, S. C. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets J the remedy that cures a cold in one day Stops the Ceush and Woiks cff the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinioe Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Care, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Talk about your Cough Cares as much as you want, but at last there is none to compare with the results of Hilton's Cough Cure. Far sale at the Bazaar. Remember yon always find fruits, plain and fine candies of all kinds, fancy cakes and crackers at the Bazaar. It is not at all pleasant to be eternally dunning delir quent subscribers nor is it profitable either, therefore we are determined to strike the names of ail such from our list Before doing so, however, we will give them another opportunity to settle ? A representative of the Dispatch will attend the Auditor on his rounds and it is hoped and expected that all who are in arrears will met bim when in their neighborhood and pay a portion if not all what they are due. Do not wait for him to hunt you up but find him and pay him what ycu caD. For Sale. A high grade second hand Bicycle in first class condition. A ''Columbia" Grapbophone (new) j including recorder, reproducer, horn j and thirty records. Will be sold j cheap for cash or on easy terms. Rice B. Harman, Lexington, S. C. J Messrs. Granville A. Furtick and Lawrence J. Jumper, of Swansea, have recently obtained a valuable patent covering a cultivator, through nld reliable firm of R S. & A. B. Ltcey, Patent. Solicitors, Washington, D. C. j PENCIL AND SC1SS0BS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Have you kept those New Year resolution!-? Th6 local dispensary did a rushing business during the holidays. The chain gang is now working in the neighborhood of Pelion. There is a great and increasing demand for dwelling houses in Lexington. Lexington needs better roads and her people should see that she gets them. The last few days have been ideal ones. The air has been warm and genial. With the possible exception of her ongue, woman can generally hold her owd. Mr. W. J. McCartha is spending several days at home with his parj ents. Lexington Lodge No. 152, A. F. M, offers some valuable town property for sale. Mrs. J. J. Fox went to Sumter last week to visit her brother, Rev. J. J. Myers. A full and new supply of Garden Seed, just received at the Bazaar. The new dwellings of Messrs. Jesse D. Taylor and Jeff Amick are i neariDg completion. When you want fresh groceries, hay, grain and fine food, go to T. B Aughtry & Co, Columbia. Last Thursday the LexiDgton Manufacturing Company commenced *o use coal at their factory as fuel. Mr. W. Y. Raw!, of Batesburg, is a large dealer in lumber and ties and keeps these articles always on hand. We are in receipt of the annual report of the Board of Trustees of the South Carolina College for 1900. The Yorkville Enquirer is authority for the statement that South Cirolina leads the South in gold production. M etze & Son have made a great reduction in the price of their shoes. They have the latest styles and shapes. The editor is on his rounds again ? ^ A ? AM naoAooirior W1LH ICG \^>UULtt^ AUUitUi aoccc^iug and the "Devil" has charge of the Dispatch this week. The place to get your horse well fed is at G. P. Caughman & Bro., 1313 Assembly street, Columbia, S. C. Dr. C. E. Leaphart is making a success of his real estate agency. Persons wanting to buy or sell real estate should consult him. The best blacksmith and wheelwright's material in the city of Columbia, can be found at T. B. Aughtry & Co's. A number of so called gypsies camped for several days near the fair grounds this week. Many rf our people went out to see them Sunday. Men and boys' bats at Meetze & Son. Tbey are selling them very cheap. Call and see their line be fore you buy elsewhere. Senator W. H. Sharpe has been placed on the following senate committee?: Contingent Accounts, Claims and Grievances, Finance, and Federal Relatione. Mr. J. D Riwl, of Batesburg, is in town today. He has disposed of his merchandise business at Batesburg and is now treveling for a wholesale fruit dealer in Columbia. I Mr. W. H. Meetze and family have ! moved to Columbia. They occupy | a house on the corner of Elrawood Avenue and Gates street and will conduct a first class boarding house. Mr. Lee Gunter, of the W. J. Oliver Company, who is now stationed in Birmingham, Ala, haviDg spent Christmas at Batesburg with his father, returned to Alabama last week. There will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners next Monday when it is expected that the old Board will turn over the county to the new Supervisor and Board. By reference to the advertisement it will be seen that the entire stock of general merchandise of W. A Hare & Co., at Summit, will be sold on January 18th, to satisfy sundry executions and attachments. Your attention is called to the advertisement of Leaphart & Drafts, who are offering great bargains to their customers. See their stock before you buy. Their prices are low as the lowest. The Board of Commissioners of State election held a meeting Monday to canvass the returns of the Brookland annexation election atd declared the result t) be 35 against annexation and 9 in favor. The total j vote cast was 44. I Col. D T. Barr will celebrate his golden wedding on the 23rd of this j month. The Colonel i3 one of our most prosperous and progressive i farmers and best citizens. We understand that he is a candidate for t ?L ? T> /.r.,*/inflorr onrl ! a JJireetor 01 iiie ? euucuimi j should he be elected he will make an tffi iifiit aud faithful oue. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills An itinerant preacher came tbrcugb town yesterday and preached a holiness sermon in front of Dr. Leap hart's office. He had a white umbrella with many scriptural quotations painted thereon. He left town the same day goiDg toward Leesville. One of the best places to buy your horses and mules is at G. P. Caughman & Bro., 1313 Assembly street, Columbia, S. C, who have a large number to select from. The prices are right and we want your trade. The newly elected officers Messrs. A J. Fox and James E. Rawl. of Dixie Lodge, No. 52,1. 0. 0. F.,gave the members a pleasant surprise in the shape of a splendid supper last Wednesday night. The former was elected to the office of Noble Grand and the latter Vice Grand. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Jesse Elward Morgan, of this county, to Miss Jennie Leigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrioger. The ceremony will be solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents in Cleveland, N. C, on Wednesday evening, January 23rd, 1901. The Dispatch acknowledges the receipt of an invitation. Mason's select soda crackers, milk biscuit, ginger snaps in nice oe and 10c packages. Square lemon, penny assorted and fine fancy mixed cakes. All at the Bazaar. Mr. A. M. Williamson, of Macon, Ga , was in town yesterday. He is a Lexingtonian, but moved to Georgia some years ago. While in town he paid ue a pleasant visit and had the Dispatch sent to his address for one year. Like all LexingtoDians, who make other counties and States their home, he "has to visit his mother county occasionally just to see how the folks at home are getting aloDg. Officers Elected. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuiDg term at the meeting held on December 26, 1900, of Dixie Lodge, No. 52, I. 0. 0. F.: A. J. Fox, Noble Grand. J. E. Rawl, Vice Grand. At a subsequent meeting the following officers were appointed: C. H. Drafts?R. S. to N. G. J. M. Horner?L. S. to N. G. Rev. W. D. Quick?WardeD. L. W. Redd?Conductor. S. J. Leaphart?R. S. Supporter. M. D. Harman?L. S. Supporter. C A. Geiger?Inside Guardian. Jas E. Steele?Chaplain. J E Kaufmann?R. S. to V. G. J S. Derrick?L. S. to V. G. The County Pension Board. The County Pension Board will meet at Lexington, C. II., Monday, | January 21&t, 1901, at 11 o clock, a. m , for the purpose of organizing and receiving applications for pensions. Widows are rt quired to sign their applications with their owu initials. All applicants for pensions must make out new blanks. All blanks must be suitable to each applicants case. Old blanks will not do. Each applicant must have one I or more witnesses, who are not applicants for pension and who knows the conditions as set fourth in your application. All disabilities arising from disease or otherwise Eir.ce the war will not be considered. PenmVin Viqt-o fr> Another SlUUCIO ?UU uaiv tuv"-? county must have there names transferred to that county. Ail applicants must give their names and initials in full. Be sure you have the blanks to suit your case. Blanks can be had by calling on each township representative, where there is no representative call at the Clerk of Court's office and you will find them. S. M. Rjof, Chairman. * ^ - Dfirinftpo Phonno UUOillCOJ ^HUiiyi-. We have sold out our entire stock of groceries and hardware to J. A. Piatt, who will carry on the same business at the old stand. All accounts due us must be paid to either member, Wm. Piatt, S D. Hook cr W. J. Skull. The cffice of Wm. I Piatt will be in his dry goods store j next door to the grocery store. I I tbaok my friends and customers for j their liberal patronage in the pasS | as I certainly feel very grateful to j them. I will devote most of my I time to the dry goods trade and will i be glad to see any Lexingtonian at ! my place of business. The ladies | especially are invited to call and ex amice my complete stock and I will quote piicea that will please them. 1 I bespeak a liberal share of patron: age for Mr. J. A. Piatt. Respectfully, Wm. Piatt. Chocolate for cakes, powdered | sugar for lceicg cakes, cacdy tiimj miugs for cakes, fine extracts and I essences, all at the Bazaar. Salesday in January. January salesdav is perb 'ps the most im p ir'ant commercial day ol the 3155 which comprises the caland.?r year No mutter how stormy a*id tempestous the weather or how fair or ca'm it may be. the larmers of the county, as a rule, leave tLe cheerfulness ol thc-ir comfortable and pleasant homes to congregate at the Court Hoose for tne purpose of transacting such besiness as they may have in hand and also to complete all necessary arrangements for the succe-stul prosecution of farming op<rations for the coining s ason. This might also be considered as as a ga!a day for mere social considerations are the inducements which impels m >.ny of our (jour try Conssins to spend one day out of the year iu town, and this class swelled the already large crowd into huge proportions and onr streets presented quite .a lively and busy appearance. It is an omen of good to see town and country folks commingling in friendly relation". It draws us closer together an! cements and rivets the bonds ot humanity which should, and was so intended by the Creator ot all things, bind frail humanity in bonds of love. We can better understand the needs and necessities of one another and thus be able to lighten the burden ol ! some poor stuggling brother who is totter ing under a weight of cares and adversities and by doing so mike the world happier and brighter for ourself. Every good deed performed will bring its own reward. We too often ueglector of f a::n s .-Is?:* ~ur eyes and stop our ears to the demands ol social duties, lu the mad rash after the A'.mightv Dollar we are forgetful of our higher and nobler relations in reference to God and man. We are prone to crush and grind, to smother and drown all that impedes our way, totally regadless of the suffering and misery, the piin and sorrow we leave behind as milestones of condemnation that will surely rise in judgement ag iinst us in the day of reckoning when we will be forced to ask ourselves the question, Am I my brother's keeper." Let us turn over a new leaf and upon its unsullied page write the determination to be mora thoughtful and considerate of the feelings of others in our intercourse with our fellow mm and more sociable with our friends aud neighbors in the future than we have ever been in the past. This can be accomplished without doing ourself an injury or without the loss of a copper. And having 'ailhlullv and conscientiously performed our duty according to the stan 1 ards laid down in the laws of nature, the sun shall shine more brightly, the flowers bloom more beautiful and the birds sing more sweetly and we will be th8 happier in the thought that the world is bet'er by reason of our sojourn in it. The legal sales drew quite a crowd in in front of the court house aud at time3 the bidding was lively and spirited and the property changed ownerships at fair prices. The Sheriff made the following sales: George W. Bowers, Assignee, Plaintiff, vs James It. Watts, Rhoda Watts, Jacob F. Witt and Cornelia J. Witt, Defendants. "All that certain tract or parcel of land, containing 150 acre, more or less, composed of two Iracts adjoining each other, situated, lying and being in the county and State aforesaid. on Pond Branch, waters of North Edisto river, bounded by lands ot William P. Witt. Allen Jefcoat and others and county lines between Orangeburg and LexiDgton counties Said lands were conveyed by II H Geiger, S. L. C , to J. R. Watts on tbc Gth day of April, A. D 1874. For more particular description of said lands, reference must be had to said conveyance on record ia the Ckrk of Court's office for Lfxingtou county. Said lands will be sold in two separte tracts. One tract of 70 acres was sold to W. A. Witt for $200. The mill tract, containing 30 acres was purchase by W. A. Witt lor $50. In the case of The Carolina National B ink of Columbia vs J A. Wolfe. All the right, title and interest of J. A. TP/sio* o.-i/t all iVio lands nf which his wife. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, died seized and possessed, consisting of abont twenty-two hundred and twelve (2212) acres, more or less, situate in Sandy Run township, in the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina, on Congaree River and the Old State Road and on the waters of Savanna Hunt aud Sandy Run creeks, and bounded by lands now or formerly of George Kaigler, A. H. Wolfe, Wesley Harsey. Walker, Evans & Cogswell aud John A. Geiger. Also, all that tract of land now owned by the said J. A. Wolfe, situate in Sandy Run township, in the county of Lexington and Stale of South Carolina, containing (350) acres, mere or less aDd bounded by lands now or formerly of Wesley Harsey, Walker, Evans Cogswell, Estate lands of John Geigtr and Estate lands of George Kaigh r. S ild to J S. Mnller. attorney for Carolina National Bauk, lor $1(0. Th2 Judge of Probate made th-> follov ing sa'e: E. T. Rauch, as Ad uiuistr dor r th- rotate of Wesley Younginer. deceased, Plaintiff, again t V. A. Younginer and others, Defendants. Complaint to sell laud in aid of assets. All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate. Ping and being in the county and State aforesaid on the north fi le of High Hill crock and adjoining lands of J sse Swygert. J. H. ililler. Lott Lowman and Henry H.arman. containing seventy acres, more or less. Sold to Miss Custis Wingard Lr SI.250 A'io; all that i iece, parcel or tract of laud, situate, lying atid beiDg in the county and State aforesaid on south side of High Hill ere -k. adj >ining lands of Catharine Jumper. Henry Haiman, V. A. Youngiuer, j:ii-J perhaps others, containing twentyfour acre s, more or less Sold to P. E. Lowman for SOU, The following property belonging to the j Estate ot F. H. Dominick was then sold. All that tract of land situate in the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina, containing thirty-nine and onehalf (.3H) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Sidnev Stondemire or Stoudemire Estate G F Fnlner, A. L. Summer, H. B C .irk and p.rhaps others, and known as the Eptiag lauds Sold to C. N Chapman for $390. - * Removal Sale. Mr. TV. F. Fartick, who by the way, is a L^xicgtonian by birth and roitinr- bnu ropt, with such marvel cus success in bis one year's business career in Columbia, that he has oeen compelled to seek larger and more commodious quarters. About February 20th, he will move into his new stores, next door to his present one, which have been built expressly for him. Iq the buildiDg there are three floors. The basement will be used for the house furnishing goods which will contain one of the best asserted stocks ever seen in that city. The middle floor will be used exclusively for the retail department and the third floor as the wholesale department. In the meantime to facilitate moviDg he is offering his of o rrVQfif GQPrifipA. J LUUiCUtJC eiuvrt at a See bis advertisement in this issue and consult \our interest by making your purchase there. Home and Farm. By special arrangements we offci the Home and Farm, the leading farm and home pape?-5 published in Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for $1 25. Those of our subscribers who desiie to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. i WaaH'o ftoodc! ^ I IIVVU 0 uiujuo B arc grown and selected with special B reference to their adaptability to [J the soil and climate of the South. I jl On. our seed farms, and in our trial 3 grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds that it is possi- ( hie to grow. l>y our experiments S we are enabled to save our custom- ( :fl ers much expense and loss from a planting varieties not adapted to ra our Southern soil and climate. 1 Wood's Seed Book for 1901 5 is fully up to date, and tells all rj about the best Seeds for the g South. It surpasses all other pube lications of its kind in helpful and / SS useful information for hardeners, H Truckers and Farmers. i|t Mailed free. Write for it. I T. V/. WOOD &, SONS, ; | Seed Growers & Merchants, 6 RICHMOND, VA. , j^^^RGES^^E^KOUSEINTHl^Oimi. n O... ^ January u? ^uiu THE &TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By Goo. S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge. TTTHEREAS J. E. SOX MADE SUIT VV to me to grant him Letters ot Administration of the Estate of and efl.cts of Jacob Sox, deceased; These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all and sr.gular the kindred and creditors of the said Jacob Sox. deceased, that they be and appear before me m tie Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington C. H., on the 18th of Jnuuar-. next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the.caid administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 31st day of December. Anno Domiii, 19J0 G. S. DRAFTS, J. P. L. C. [L.S.] Published on the 2nd day of January , 1901, in the Lexing on Dispatch. 2%9. For Sale. 1-SEVEN HORSEPOWER PORTABLE i Engine and a complete well boring out * lit. For farther particulars, apply to or address, A J FOX, Dec. 5-tf, Lexington, S C. a For Sale. AS A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY \ Lexington Lodge No. 152 A. F. II., we offer for sale two lots on Church Street, opposite St. Stephen's church lot, each facing on said street SO feet and having a depth of 208 feet. Also three lots facing on Corley Street, size 89x110 feet. For further particulars apply to J. E. KaWL, Chairman, J. J. TAYLOR, G. M. HARMAN. January 2nd, 1901. 0K)!lIEU| COCAINE* WHISKY <> I (J If! Habits Cured at mySanator ianii jn 80 day*. Hnndr?da of references. 25 years a specialty. Cook on Home Treatment sent FKEE. Address 3. M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. 0 TAX RETURNS. v 10O1. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW in reference to the a-sessruent and taxation ot property, the Auditor, or hi3 assistant. will be and rt'end the following named plac-s for the purpose of receiving tax returns lor the fi-cal year 1901, and in order to meet the next appointment the hour will close at 11:30 in the morning aud - A A Sm o 4f / rn onn fa v rvo tnrij HI t UWWa lOl VI.V a. nwuwu, will, tberelore, be prompt in meeting the = appointments so as not to cause delay. ? Tax paytrs will please come prepand to ' give the name ol their township and number of school district wherein they reside: Lexington. C. H , from January 1st to the 6th, 1901. Peak, morning. January 10th. Spring Hill, afternoon, January lOiii. Hilton, morning. January litb, White Pock, afternoon. January 11th. Mrs. Mary Busby's, morning. Jan 12th. Ballentine. afternoon January 12tn, Irmo, all day, J unary 14th. K. T. Hook, morn ng Janua y 1 th. Saxe Gotha. mo ni^g. Jammy 16.h. Barrs.. afternoon January lGth. G. F. Kei.-ler's, morning. J inuary 17th. Crap's Store, afternoon. January 17th. Grout's Sto e, morning. Januirv 18th. Paul B ack's, afternoon. January lS'h. St John's Church. Calk Road, Jau. 19th. Cross Roads, mor ing January 21st. J J. Mack's afternoon, January 21st. Pc-lion morning Jauuary 22d D. F. Sbnuipert's, alttrnoon, Jan. 22nd. Saterfield Gintt's. morning, Jan. 23rd W. Westmoreland's, afternoon. Jan, 23d B-tesburg, all day, January 21th. Leesvilie, all day, January 25th. Sum mit, morning J innary 2G*.h Leeieda'e afternoon. Janu ary 26:h, Edmund, morning. January 2Sth. Gaston, afttrnoou. -January *8th. Swansea, all day, January 29th Red Store, all day, January 3Jth. Archie Wolf's, morning, January 31st. - ?? ^ . r. ?? Q1.,? t). yy . ALHrUIi 5. rt I it'i uuwu, '/i'.uuaij %jxd i S. P. h hum pert. morning. February 1st Jirock and, all day. February 2nd. L^xi: gtoti from the i b to the 20th. Section 270 of the law in relereuce to the assessment of taxes, (lievised S'atutes,) reads as follows: All property shall be valued for taxation at its true value in money, which iu all cases in.t specially p'0tided for by law, shall be held to bo as follows, to wit: For personal property the usual selling price ou the u?ual terms cf similar property at administrator's or executor's saies. at the p'ace were the return is made: and for real property, the usual sel iug price ou the usual terms ol similar property at sales for parti'ion under order ol court, at the place where the retur-i is to made. If nciiol>?i<T mice then i.t LUC1C lO lit/ ^?.wn j . .v ___ what is honestly believed could be obtain- ed for lb* same at a f i*r sale under the conditions above m utionci. It shsl: be the dut> of each owner of ~ lands, and of any new structures thereon wLich shall not have been appraised tor I taxation, to list the same for taxation with J the County Auditor of the County in which " they mav be situat d. on cr bet re the 20th I ilay of February next, aft- r the same sh dl become su> ject to taxation. Section G That trom and after the passage of this act, there shall be assessed b upon all taxable polls in this State a tax of one dollar on each poll, the prccseds of which tax shall be applied solely to cdm-a- |! tional purposes. E>try male citizen be- | tween the ages ol twenty-one and sixty years, except those incapable of earning a support, from being maimed or from other I causes, and except those who are made ex by law, shall be d"eme 1 t ixable polls. All returns for laxt'ion must be tiled J with the Auditor not later than February 20th. l'JOl, as after tbat date tho law re quires an addition of 50 per cent. to the last jear's return Township BoirJ of Assessor? will nice' at some convenient plico in their respect ive township on Wednesday, March<3 J9t'l 1 County Board of Fipa'izition, will meet at the Auditor's office on Tuesdty March 2 th. 19J1. at 10 o'clock a ui. Ci A. L>El.KICK, f Ainhtor Lexington County. December 5. l'JLH) ] Pay your duos to the Dispatch. ^ Open Tunnies, Genuine Lea Top Gunnies, Genuine Leu 11 {Ouiopfj Top Si H'reps, Genu it Ounopij Top Surrej/s, Gen nit Extension Tup Surreys, Gen \Xq liavc struck sonic rare bargaii eager throi OUR GOMPETI it the low prices we are offering. 1 Fcbrua rv l b?1 v. We are now going and have bargair ei fou will find them in Men's, Boy coats, Shoes, and dent's Fur A'e will close the stock on hand $ order to make room foi Don't Miss This Oppoi f commencing the New Century Ve have entirely too many goods at o Vfimv fnr Trode. Leapliart KAUFMANN'S X-exingi STOVES AN NONE BE1 AND AT IC11I IB-Ill 1 NO. 118 $3.00, NO, 12! Box Heating Stoves: NO. 18 $3 50, NO. 22 $4 S No. 8 Steel Ranges Wit <11 We H ai ;| CAST RANGES All COQK STOVES from sty | Conic aii'l see us or write us y will receive prompt attc LORICK & LO J . 1 o 19 MAIN ST., ( Jan. '. - lv if now offered the purchasing }ml> supply of fres ]r/ Hoods, Notion "his stock is fresh and new. havin hands and was selected with buyer, and. we are, therefo pie of Lexington I?i<* Y; quantity. An inspect vited. Polite at ?ain Street, near the Post C OctobiT 3 3:u gies Are flier Trimmings, Piano Body ier Trimmings, Leal Iter Quai ne Leather Trimmings, r> /i T /) /-/ J-li /)n 'Pi y min y / > Wt? '/fy Ijil (_( ( /CfS I J / Iffliftllii'Of nine Leather Trimmings, is in the past few days and are thro ig of buyers. They are selling lik< ITORS ARE THI Will sell goods at above prices as then sav you wish vou had bough f-RHEA A! ColTj-rjCLtoia,, S. C 1 c 11 ri I m> & Drafts. through our stock is for our custom's. 's and Children's Clothing, Overnishing Goods of every kind. it figures that will surprise you in our SPRING STOCK. 'tunitv ?/ right. on hand, and must reduce stock nee. & Drafts, BRICK BLOCK, :cn., S. C. D RANGES, | rTER, FEW AS COOD PRICES TO SUIT ALL. ID HI STOVES, | 1 $4.25, NO. 226 $5.00 ii >0, NO. 28 $6 00, NO. 30 $7.00. |j ! I | h Resevoir, Cooking Utensils, I id all complete, for ?22.00. are also offering our entire ne of Tinware, Enamel ware, id House Furnishing Goods jj bargain prices to reduce stock. i j | i sizes from the cheapest te finest at special prices. j j i $8.50 to $50.00. All des and sizes. our wants. Your mail orders ntion and lowest prices. WRANCE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. Il ntni?liiNilif i|iui mini j lie to lay in their fall ami winter li and desirable i and Unerwdear. g recently been purchased from first great care by an experienced re, prepared to give the peodaes. both in quality and ion of this stock is intention given all. & S A 'LA I I, }?>iC3, COLUMBIA, S. C. Cheaper. Worth. Our Pi'ice. $ 50.00 $ 35.00. -tor Top, 00 00 42.50. 100.00 85.00. 110.00 00.00. 130.00 115.00 wing the goods on the market to the 3 ''hot cakes." JNDERSTRUCK long as they last. Don't wait and ! -J IULE CO., -N wm/m ANDREW CRAWFORD COL in0RKEY AT LAW> 8. C. ijKACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Lexington ?" County. October 18?ly. Albert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, | COLUMBIA, N. C. ' Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. Office: 1609 Main Street, over T. B. Aughtry & Co. February 28 ?tfc C. M. Efird. F. E. Dreheb. EFIRD & DREHER, Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTON, C. HM S. C. WILL PKACTICE IN ALL THE Courts. Business solicited. One u member of the firm will always be at offloe, ~ Lexington, S. C. June 17?6m. EDWARD L. ASBILL, Attorney at Law, LEESYILLE, S. C. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 3<?- 8m [flffl SMII8S BH. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. ^ 'jk W. 1?. ROOF, Cashier. A DIRECTORS: jH vlleu Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Eflrd, R. Hilton James E. Hendriz. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and j merest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, ^ jay able April and October. September 21?tf jail mi si. COLUMBIA, 8. C. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY Paid up Capital ... $200,000 Surplus Profits . - 60,000 j Saving's Department. Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received. ; nterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. : p.*r annum. W. A. CLARK, President, WmiE Jones, Cashier. December 4?ly. DR. E. J. ET8EREDGE, 8U11GEON DENTIST, LEESVTLLE, S. C. Office next door below post office. Always or hand. February 1?. ! JAMES F- IZr.AB. T. C. 8TUEKTE, j Or;vngbur?. S. C. Lexinjrton. 8. C. ^ I/lar & Sturkie, | ATTORNEYS AT LAW Loxlngton, S. C. 3 1 PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS OF this State and of the United States. | Febrcary 21, tt. - -r? j 1 lifyiy d I 50 YEARS' . ^H^B^rEXPERIENCE 41 IrHWS is Designs 'fffi' Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive srtcial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year: four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3e,tmt^Hew York Branch Office, 626 P St, Washington, D. C. Kodol n o uyspepsia oure Digests what you eat. -M It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digest: ant and tonic. No other preparation 4 can approach It in efliciency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and Si. Larpe size contains 2H times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedfree Prepared by E. C. OeWITT A CO.. ChicagoJ. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. Desiccated eocoanut, already preI pared for making pies, custards and cakes, at the Bazaar. I i