DOUGHBr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Cough Or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough and Measle-Congh. "without fail. Ail mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Price. 25 cents. Refuse the dealer's substitute. Dr.Bulfg wuuun ?TKur Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation. 50 piUs 10c. The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. ?9t0 Notices wiU be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of o cents per line, to one and all.js^ Xndsz to 27ev Advsrtisemsnts. D.y Good??J C Moore. Sheriff's Saks. Proclamation?By The Governor. Lund For Sale?C M. Etird. Remember Your Mother, Your father, your wife, your husband, your sister, your brother, your daughter, your sod, your sweetheart or friecd. They can all be pleased at J. E KaufcoaniTs New Drug Store. Yon Enow What Yon Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Cbill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. if the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. f An 1 elfin C f lllipVA 1VW a j | is always caused by 2 I bad blood. Remove the 2 | cause! Improve your 2 | blood. How? By tak- | , ingf the blood purifier 2 , that has stood the test 2 i for thirty years 2 JofjnstSn's | Sarsaparillaj; ' QUART BOTTLE. i J u 9 It has thousands of j I happy, friends. Quart 1 I Bottles sell every- % i I where at $i. t i 9 "THE MICHIGAN DRUG COMPANY," g ~ Detroit. Mich. 2 ' Livcrettes for Liver Ills, j 1 P The Famous Little Liver Pills. | . 9 6 J. E. KAUFMANN, IexiQRton, S. C. ? ? ? Begin to Think j About what kind of X'mas goods ^ you want. A varied line at J. E. 1 Kaufmann's New Drug Store. ' ; This signature is on every bo.v of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets the remedy that cnres a eohl in one day j Stops the Cough and Works cff the { CrM J Laxative Bromo-Quiniae Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. ] : I Everything New. -vNew store, new goods, new prices. Call and inspect my stcck. J Yours truly, Julian E. Eaufmanr. Card of Thanks. i "We desire to return our grateful and heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly ministered to our son Willie in his last illness, and can assure them that their thoughtful kindness will be cherished by us a3 priceless gems in memory's ?archives. We pray GxTs richest ^pediction to rest and abide witb, em and that when sickness aDd aeatVshall invade their homes they will d willing hands and kind hearts to smooth the pangs of sorrow. J. J. Lown and Wife. | Holiday Bargains. In this issue, J. C. Moore, the big Columbia dry goods merchant, spreads a handsome holiday bill of fare before the readers of the Dispatch. In it he names many rare bargains in goods for Christmas presents. This is a great convenience to buyers as they can take the Dispatch, read over the articles and make tlieir selection of articles wanted without even considering the price as Moore will make that satisfactory and when he foots up the bill you will be aston ished at the low figures at which the articles have been marked. The great number of customers who "TV^laily throng bis place of business itesfc to the fact that his va"f?S?S are *g and satisfaction is given. Persons who go to Columbia to trade Uhis week should call at bis plaee of bifci ness, which is known to Lexingto^^ ians. as ''Hope s Comer," and eximstock of useful PEXCIL A.\D SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Tuesday is Christmas. Several communications unavoidably crowded out this week. Fancy lamp3, an ornament to anybody's parlor, cheap at Meetze & Son The young people are talking of baviDg several dances during the holidays. The Sheriff advertises some valuable real estate to be sold on the 1st Monday in January. Go to T. B. Aughtry & Co , Columbia, and make yourself a present of a nice wagon or buggy. Mr. G. M. Caughman & Sons, a few miles above this place, have shut down their saw mill for the winter. Steel wheel express wagons, just 'the thing to amuse the ch'idren and learn them how to work, at Meetze & Son. Mr. John Derrick, who was elected County Superintendent of Education, at the last election, took charge of the cffice last Monday. To meet the requirements of the publication of legal advertisements the Dispatch will make its weekly appearance during the holidays. The best blacksmith and wheel wright'e material, can be purchased, at T. B. Aughtry & Co, Columbia. The Dispatch wishes its friends and readers a merry Christmas. May old Santa Claus be liberal in distributing his gifts to young and and old. Wanted To Hire?20 or more cross-tie cutters. Apply to J C. Fort, 7pd. Pelion, S C. Mr. Samuel B. George, the newly elected Clerk of Court, will enter upon the discharge of his duties nest Monday. It is probable that there will be no more changes until next year. For pretty novelties', both -useful and ornamentai and a full 6upply of Christmas goods and toys of all kind for the little folks, go to the Bazaar. The school at Charter Oik has forty-five enrolled scholars, and the boys and girls are making use of their time and advantages preparing for the duties of life. Capt. L. W.Rsdd,'who recently re- < signed as assistant superintendent of i the L xington Mill, has been elected ( superintendent of this Mill and he ( and his family have moved back to j Lexington. i Talk about vour Couch Cures as I much as you want, but at last there i is none to compare with the results of Hilton's Cough Cure. For sale at the Bazaar. Price, 25c. a bottle, i Mr. Perry Caughman, an energetic young business man of this vicii i y, has gone to St. Louis, where he will ' purofaase horses and mules, which ' ae will ship to Columbia. He ex- < pects to open his sale stable on the 24th inst. I I will take pictures at Batesburg * Tom December the 22od to the 25:h. I [ will give you good work and will ' guarantee them not to fade. ' W. A. M Craps, Photographer. < Students who expect coming to { :he Palmetto Collegiate Institute at 1 in early day would do well to corres- ' pond with the principal, 0 D. Seay, * 1 1 L Lexington, auriDg me nexi weesRev. Harald Thomas, with his * bride, was in town yesterday, and 1 Slled his Episcopal appointment. j While here Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C 3. Bradford. 1 Mr. James H. Martin, a promising young Lexington boy, who has made his home in Leoti, Ark , for the past several years, called to see us last week. James has prospered in his worldly affairs and is giving satisfaction to his employees. The Oldest and Best S. b. b. is a comoinaiiuu kji iwkjui and herbs of great curative powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, th^areneral health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strengthens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impurities. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical correspondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. 5. ?>. has done them, while others are seeking advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skin Diseases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. humanitv through huif ?11 r con,^ltin? de^?6^ partment, and invite ! you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge j [ whatever for this sen-ice. I THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. 1 A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Messrs. Eugene R , and Edward W. Move, two rising Lexington young men of Congaree township, have purchased from the Loan and Exchange Bank, "the Olsen Piacp," consisting of 27C acres on Dry creek, paying therefor 81,000 cash. McC-tll's Magazine, one of the best one fashion monthlies published, for January, 1901, has reached us. This bright little mcnthly, is filled, es usual, with discriptiors of the latest styles and illustrated with handsome fashion plates. The subscrip * - - ~ i _ r a l _ i lion puce is oniy ou cents pet yeai. Mr. D. C. Lever was in town Thursday, paid his taxes and settled bis dues at the Dispatch office and has not yet sold a bale of cotton. This shows he lives at home and boards at the same place. When Lexington has such men as these, we are not surprised that editor Gonzales favors annexation. R. W. Moody, the General State Agent of the Sun Fire Iusurance Company, with office at Columbia, was in town last week in the interest of his company. He is a half Lex iDgtonian, having married the daughter of Mr. John Green, who was at one time Superintendent of the Led Bank factory. We invite the attention of the ladies to the fine chocolate, dessicated cocoaout, fruit cake ingredient?, cak9 trimmings, powdered sugar, high flavored extracts and essences for their Christmas and Wedding cakes. All these goods are of the very best quality and are for sale at the Bazaar. The Rev. George S. Eeirden has been called to the Lexington charge of the Evangelical Lutheran church, comprises the churches of Providence, St. John's, Nazereth and a church in Richland county, and has accepted the same. He will enter upon the work at once and will ???<- novf Snnrtflv [JI tlUJU ni J. luuutui/o. J momiDg at 11 o'clock. The Christmas holidays of the Palmetto Collegiate Institute begin next Friday, December 21, and eDd Monday morning, December 31, 1900. All students desiring to enter the Institute directly after Christmas will take notice of the opening lay. The Methodist Sunday School Committee has decided Dot to give i Christmas tree to the scholars this pear, but instead, on next Sunday ;hey will give a special treat with landsome presents to the different jlasses. The choir i3 devoting its 3pecial attention to appropriate music and it is a foregone conclusion :bat the occasion will be an er j >y. 1.1 _ iuie one. Christmas comes but once a year md everybody should make it a point to make everybody else happy. One way to do this is to go to J. D. Taylor's and purchase some of bis pretty goods for Christmas. He has a Dice assortment of first class goods suitable for Christmas presents and an inspection is invited before making your purchases. The Christmas entertainment at the Baptist church will take place on next Monday evening, Christmas eve, consisting of soDgp, dialogues, recitations, declamations, etc The exercises will commence promptly at 7:30 o'clock when it is expected that every one will be present. The public is cordially iuvited. Pete Seymour, the famous vaudeville performer and comedian specialist, will appear in Roof's Hall Friday night December 2S;h. He is hrst class in every respect, and assisted by eight others, who are equally as good. Let everybody come and eDjoy themseiveo. Prices within the reach of all. The barns and stables of Mr. Willis P. Kaminer, who lives on the New Cut road, together with hay, corn and other porvender were destroyed by fire last night about S o'clock. Mr. Kaminer is confident that there was no fire about the lot and not having an enemy, be is at a loss to account for the origin of the fire. The scholars of the St. Stephen ! Evangelical Sunday school are pre j paring a rich treat in the way of a song service and other eDtertainmeDts for their friends, which is to come off next Wednesday night Some very fiDe selections have been mnd?, &n 1 we feel asbured that all ! who attend will be pleased. Fresh Onion Sets. I Red and white onion set?, 10c a l qnart, at J. E. Kaufmunu's New ' Drug Store. Wben little George Henry the on'y son of Mr. aDcl Mrs. T. P Meetze died list night about 11 o'clock b bright ai d promising life was ended. The little fellow had been sick for only a few days but from the first the family physician gave the devoted parents no hope and prepared them for the worse. He was an exceptionall y bright and interesting child and was much beloved by the entire com? h;a nnftmplv flpflth hlS LLi U Li I LJ ai u 1 -J ^ cist a glrom over the place and the sympathies of the people go out to the stricken paren's in this hour of thur sore afthction. The interment will takt place tomorrow at 10 o'clock, i CURES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores, Bone Pains--Trial Treatment Free. First, second or third stages positively cured by taking B B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm) Blood Balm kills or destroys the Syphilitic Poison in the Blood and expels it from the system, making a perfect cure. Have you 6ore throat, pimples, copper colored spots, old festering eating sores, ulcers, swellings, scrofula, itching skin, aches and pains in b >nes or j jints, sore mouth, or falling haii? Then Botanic Blood Balm will heal every sore, stop the aches and make the blood Pure and Rich and give the rich glow of health to ~ ^ ~^ ' J * * _ 1 _ _ ? the skiD. Uv r aut u testimonials n cures. B B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores SI. Trial treatment of B. B. B. free by writing Blood Bilm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Djn't despair of a gure as B B. B. cures when all elee fails. To Rent and For Sale. A two-horse farm to rent and two good mules for sale, apply to J. B. Hyler, Selwood, S. C. 7pd THE GLADSOME Christmas Tide. EVERYBODY IS ENJOYING THE TIME OF GOOD CHEER BUYING PRESENTS AX THE BAZAAR Dear Old Santa Claus. the Patron f Saint of all good little children in p irticular and everybody in general has u arrived in Lexington from his far anay home. Bjing busily engaged in opening his immei S3 budget of toys and Christmas presents for the ycurg and old, 1 e has given strict orl-ioAcinarfrrfi are lo cated to admit no child into his workroom, but to tlnw every one the pretty display of Toys of ill description, consisting in part of such useful, interesting and entertaining articles as Drums. Tin WagMusical Toys, Cap Pistols, Trains, X&l Engines, Ships, Pianos Tea Sets. A jTv B C Blocks, B ills, (]/ Watches, Harmoni, y u cas from 5 cents up f 1/^-XJC_ to 50 cents. Jew- UKSm/> PDrps. Pocketbooks, [{ / Key Chains, JSmall Express Wagons, ^ Doil Carriages, and _ most any kind of ta W [ ] toy you want to J? please the little folks and amu-e the larger ones. Bring the chxi- \CijS/ dren to see this stook when yoa c .11. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls We have one of the prettiest line of Dolls ever brought f to this market. They are things of beauty and a joy forever to every child's heart . We have some very ?^S-* finely dressed dolls and some that are undressed. Don't buy before seeing this line because you will be pleased with dolls as well as the price il' you see them We have them from the finest to t' e cheapest and in all styles and variety. Cliinaware. Iu these goods we are showing the handsomest assortment evtr seen in ibis place. In the Fancy line our hand painted and beautifully decorated China cannot be surpassed in qualify and price Cups and Saucers, Plun and Fancy Vases, Dishes and Mugs of every description, Glassware. Nice Presents. Dressing Cases, Butter Dishes. Card Baskets, Work Boxes. Pickle Dishes. C.ohes Brus'i Holders, Necktie Boxes, Cologne in nice large bottles as we 1 as in sin ill ones, and other nico thing too numerous to mention. Candies From the cheapest to the finest, all fresh, in siick and bulk. Fine French, Bucket Mixture and any k:.nd desired. Fruits of ail kind, such as apples, bananas, leinous oranges, figs, mixed nuts, raisins, dates, crackers, cakes, etc. FIREWORKS. Don't ftil t> lav iu your supply of Firework > at tin Buz tar We have a new arid fresh stock ar.d every one wi;l be sure to shoot We have everything you want from the sma 1 st fi-e cracker to the largest Pain's ba'terie.j. At The Bazaar, LEXINGTON S C. STATS OF SOUTH CAHO-INA, Ci UN'TY OF LEXING 0>\ In the Probate Court. E. T. a* Ad mil stwitor of the Estate ot tYe-riey Y ?n igin-?r. decotsel, P aiatiff a^ain t V. A. Younginer and others, Defendants. Comnlaint to sell land in aid of as-ets. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE C .urt of Probate of Lexington County in the above entitled action, I will sell before the court housa door in Lexiug'on county on the first Mondiv in January next, within the legal hours of sa'e, thj lolloping property to wit: All that piece, pare 1 or tract of 1 ind situate. 1} ing and being in the county and State aforesaid on the north fide ot High Hill creek and adjoining la-ids of J sse Swygert. J. H. Hitler, Lott Lawman and Henry H.irman, containing seventy acres, more or less. AVo: all that piece, parcel or tract of laud, situate, lying and being in th?- connty and State aforesaid on south side of High Hill creek, a^j lining lands of Catharine Jumper, Henry Harman, V A. Youngiatr, an 1 perhaps others, containing twentyfour acres, more or less T?R?S OF SALE-One half of the purchase money to be paid in cash: the balance on a credit of twolve months, the credit portion to be s cured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises: the credit portion to bear interest from the day ot sale at the rate of per cent, per annum. The purchase may pay a:l caah if so <1 fired. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. As an earn* st of good faith the purchaser of the 70-acse tract will be raq lirec'l to deposit $100 with the Judge ' ^ * -? * ? " i ri? iU ot i'lODate wnnin one nour situr lug ?uu tract is b.d off, otherw ss it wjll be immediately resold to the highest bidder without further advertisement: and the purchaser of the 24 acre tract will be required to deposit $50 with the Judge ot Probate within one hour after sa'd tr so the premises will be forthwith lesold to tie highest bidder without fnrther advertisement. GEORGE S DRAFTS, J. P L. C. December 10, lfOO. 4\v8 TAX RETURNS^ isoi. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW in reference to the a-sessment and taxation of property, the Auditor, or his assistant, will be and attend the following named places for the purp is-? of receiving tax returns for the fiscal year 1901, and in order to meet the next appointment the hour will close at 11:30 in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the alhrnoon; taxpayers will, therelore, be prompt in meeting the appointments so as not to cause de-lay. Tax paytrs will pleise come prepar, d to give the name of their township and nuniD.r of school district wherein they reside: Lexington. C. H , from January 1st to the 6tb, 1901. J. J. Wessinger, morning, January 7th. Josh Shealy's, afttrnoon, January 7th. Chapin. all day, Jannary 8th. Cross R-ads. morning, Jannary 9th, Peak afternoon, January 9th. Peak, morning, Jauuary 10th. Spring Hil', afternoon, January 10th. Hilton, morning, Jannary lltb, White Rock, afternoon. January 11th. Mrs Mary Busby's, morning, Jan. 12lb. Ballentire. afternoon Jannary 12th, Irnio, all day, J unary 14'h. R. T. Hook, morn ng. January 1 th. Saxe Gotha, morning, January 1C:.L. Barrs. afternoon. Jannary 16th. G. F. Keislei's, morning. J inaary 17th. Crap's Store, afternoon, January 17th. Croat's Sto-e, morning. January 18th. Paul Black's, e.fternoon. January 18 h. St John's Church. Calk Road, Jan. 19th. Cross Reads, mcr. ing January 21st. J. J Mack's afternoon, January 21st. Pelion. morning January 22d D. F. Sbnmpert's, afternoon, Jan. 22nd. Saterfield Gantt's. morning, Jan. 23rd W. Westmoreland's, afternoon. Jan, 23d Bitesburg, all day, January 21th. Leesville, all day, January 25th. Summit, morning Jannary26th * Lewieda^ afternoou, January 26:h, Edmund, moruing, January 28th, Gaston, afternoon. Jantfary 28th. Swansea, all day, January 29th Red Store, all day, January 30th. Archie Wolf's, looming, January 31st. J. W. Martin's, afternoon, January 31s\ S. P. bhumpert. morning, February 1st Brook'and, all day, February 2nd. Lexi: gton from the 4*h to the 20th. Section 270 of the law in reference to the assessment of taxes, (Revised Statutes,) reads as follows: All property shall be valued for taxation at its true value in money, which in all cases net specially provided for by law, shall be held to be ?s follows, to wit: For personal property the usual selling price on the u>ual terms of similar property at administrator's or executor's sales, at the puce were the return is made; and for real property, the usual sehiug price on the usual terms of similar property at sales for partition under order of court, at the place where the return is to made. If there is no usual seiling price, then at what is honestly believed could be obtained for the same at a fur sale under the con ditions above m ntioned. It shall be the duty of each owner of lands, and of any new structures thereon which shall not have been appraised for taxation, to list the same for taxation with the County Auditor of the County in which they mav be sitnat d. on or before the 20th day of February nest, after the same shall become su? ject to taxation. Section G Tnat lrom and after the pissage of this act. there shall bo assessed upon all taxable polls in this State a tax of one dollar on each poll, the proceeds cf which tax shall be applied solely to educational purposes. E.-ery male citizen between the ages ol twenty-one and sixty years, except those incapable of earning a support, from being mumed or from other causes, and except those who are made ex enpt by law, shall be deemed tixablc polls. All returns for taxition must be filed with the Auditor not later than F?broary 20th, 1901. as after that date the law requires an addition of 50 per cent, to the last year's return Township Bo ird of Assessor* will meet at some convenient phce in their respective township on Wednesday. March6 1901 Liouniy coara 01 j'tj m umuu. win mcci at the Auditor's office on Tuesday March 2 th, 1901, at 10 o'clock a m. G. A. JDEK1UCK, Anditor Lexington County. December 5. 1900 Bargains ? FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN RICH AND POOR. I am confronted b? a condition which permits of no Hesitation. I must dispose of my immense stock of goods, SO THAT on and afrer December 5th, 1900, I offer my entire slock of General Merchr n iise AT COST. The first to come gets the preference. Don't delay. IS. V. flENDBIX, Lcosvillo, S. O. December 5. 4w7. For Sale. 1-SEVEN IJORvE POWER TOKTABLE Engine and a complete vrt-l! boring ont fit. For farther particulars, apply ?o or address, A J FOX, Dec. 5 ~tf, Lexington, S C 0Pi||U COCAINE^WHISKY I lUIVa Habits Cur?vl at my Sanator ium. In 80 'lays. Huntirnis of references. 25 years a specialty. Took on Home Treatment sent KKEE. ArMrsss B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, Ca. July '25?lj*. filial Open Bu ggies, Genuine Lea i To}) Buggies, Genuine Leal!, Can opy 7'op S/nv'eys, Genu it Canopy Top Surreys, Gcnuii Extension Top Surreys} Gen We have struck some rare bargain eager tliron at the low prices we are offering. ( February 14.?ly. We are now located in Kaufmann complete line than ever?the EVERYTHING Ni NEW STORE, NEW (1 We have a 1 MEN'S AND DC OVERCOATS, EATS, S NECKWEAR, Sf etc., of every kind that we are goi prices. Come to see us, name you for your money than you can get n Lrapliart KAUFMANN'S Leszingl jtfgr Every cash purchase of a do now and the 1st day of February, chance of winning a gold filled, watch. The watch is guaranteed. October 3 - tf. FOR HOLD SEND US YOUI Nuts App Citr< IMdPOItfflTHIK TB Y Karomei B: THESE FROS1 Packed 2s. 2 is, i gallon, 1 gallon WHOLESALE AND COLUMBIA, Jan. 1.? lv. 8^ is now offered the purchasing pub supply of ires This stock is fresh and new, bavin hands and was selected with buyer, and. we are, thereto pie of Lexington Big Y; quantity. An inspect vited. Polite at Main Street, near the Pest ( October 3 3ia {lier Trimmings, Piann Body ter Trim wings, Leather Qihu ie Leather Trim minds, ie Leather Trimmings, nine Lea/her Trimmings, s in the past few days and are thro g of buyers. They are selling lik Will sell goods at above prices as then say you wish you had bougli ^ol'u.rin.ToIa., S. < i's New Brick Store with a more best ever shown in Lexington. EW AND FRESH. OODS, NEW BARGAINS. arge stock of lY'S CLOTHING, 1H0E3, TJ1TDEBWEAB, IIRTS, GLOVES, ng to soli. \\ o can't lx? beat on r price and we will give you more my where else. BRiCK BLOCK, :cn, s. C. liar's worth at our store between 1901, entitles the purchaser to a double faced, Elgin movement THE D AYS. I ORDERS FOR 3, CLA-ILTIDXES. >, Rais:ns. Oranges, Lemons, ies, Cocoanuts, Dates, Figs, :n, Currants and Frunes, iflOD IIIVAMTOEAT OCR rand Syrup 1 MORXOGS. and - gallon tins, nice and cheap. Awranra mS ?W 3 &SSBW1? RETAIL GROCERS, s. c. lie to lay in their fall and wintei h and dcsiraMc sd urn s g recently l)Con purchased from tirs groat care hv an experienced iv, prepared to give the peodurs. hot!, in quality and ion of this st= intention giv< n all. )?ce, CCLVIOIA, S?C. TfV.7. / 7j 7);/i> P?.7 n n M I// (II. VI I / 2 ( H/f^# ,5' 50.00 $ 35.00. lev Tup, 0000 42.50. J00.00 S5.00. 110.00 90.00. 130.00 115.00 wing the goods oil the market to the e "hot cakes." JNDERSTRUCK v long as they last. Don't wait and IULE 00., -N ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - SC. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND I JL Federal Courts, and offers his profes! sionai services to the citizens of Lexington County. October 18?ly. Albert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, S. C. Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens oi Lexington county. Office: 1609 Main Street, over T. B Aughtry & Co. February 28 ?tf, C. M. EFIRD. F. E. Dreheb. EFIRD & DREHER, Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. TTriLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE VV Courts. Business solicited. One I member of the firi* will always be at office, | Lexington, S. C. * June 17?6m. EDWARD L. ASBILL Attorney at Law, : LEESVILLE, S. C. I Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 30? 6m 1EXH1 SIB BANK.. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. ROOF, DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Eflrd, R Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, ;ayable April and October. September 21?tf III IIONfll BANK, COLUMBIA, S.C. STATE, CITT AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY P.iiT nnPinital ? S200.000 Surplus Profits . - . 60,000 Savings Department. Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received, nterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. :>er annum. W. A. CLARK, President, Wilie Jones, Cashier. , December 4?ly. DR. E. J. ETHEREDGE, SURGEON DENTIST, LEESYILLE, S. C. Office next door below post office. Always onband. February 1?. james f. izlar. t. c. stcbetu, Oranprbur?. S. C. Lexington, 8. C. Izlar & Sturkie, ATTORNEYS AX LAW Lcxiiifytoxi, S. C. I)RACriC?S IN >LL COURTS OF this State and of the United States. | February 21, 1900.?tf. rr \Tn i 10a 11 capasi? lwiiw TTTE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO POS\ V itively forbid any banting, letting i slock run at large, or trespassing on onr j iands in any u a in< r whatever, as we will I prosecute all trespassers to the full extent I of the law. ! J. W. Palmer, Mrs, Ann Bushardt, H. H Chapman. Mr* Betsey Setzler, Mrs. T aura Lindler. P H. Shealy. , John F. Chapman, W. H. Epting ; H. H Counts, Mrs. Happy C Derrick 1 0. L. Majer, J. A Eargle, i J. E. Wessinger, A B Mayer. J. B. T. Scott. December 12 1900 4w8. Notice to Trespassers. 4 LL HUNTING OR TKENTASsravj j\ in auv manner is strictly forbidden on j the lands belonging to . I V. WESSINGER, MRS. HARRIET S3A.Y, L ZZiE V. WESblNGER. December 5 - 4w7. , Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. I It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovereddigestaut and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It instantly relievesand permanently cures " Uoorthiirn jjyspepsia, Auuiycanuu, wu*ui Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand ail other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. andf!. Large size contains 2*4 times small size. Book alI about dyspepsia mailedfree Frepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., ChicagoJ. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. < . . - i&i&g