ADVERTISING RATES. |WiT ADVERTISING MEDIUM f ipj ? F^yi 1\HTTV"^ IV T | IfCO A U WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA. I H gi 1 ^ | . /\ E S V| 1 I I t J I # 1 I! /% 1 ky 1 i A T(o?elTrrCenn"l?iort' "" .0 JL JL JL JL*^ 2L-*$ 3L*4 JL TLJll 1 A \/ 1 1 Mk^Jr J1 JL A a. X ?- Ja ? Liberal ?ont?*t.mMewi,btho8e Wish. RATES reasonable. i ? ? S&naf"""for thIM'!iI ind tielv<> q Notices in the looal oolnmu 5 centa per qTmqnRTPnoN u PES annum ? ?ep"sentatiue newspaper. Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Bike a Blanhct. iiobTtSri?o!L0^9dfor.tlh.?teoiot. SUUbUKir AiUJN *1 rILK AJS JN UM j .*rit a word, wlea they exceed 100 worda. q : ?? Marriage notices inserted free JOB PRINTING \ SPECIALTY. xxxl lexikgtox, s. c., wedxesday, December 10, 1900. xo. g G m. harman, Editor and publisher. ! ? ? I >11 I ?lj??m? J| FRlilT TREES That Grow and Bear Frnil. Write for our 60 r>aare ii lusii aicu vrticuvp,u< < (?uv* ?-w ^*itjgy lace pamphlet, "How to ^ Plant and Cultivate an Orv -hard," Gives you that inormation you have so long: T^'JSB .vanted; tells you all about hose big red apples, lueious vfflir peaches, and Japan plums vith theiroriental sweetness, - ill of which you have often vondered where the trees *rom l^at produced f:;im j-IVERYTHINQ GOOD IN FRUITS. Onusal 9ne stock of SILVER iTAPLES.young. thrifty trees t *?ooth and strai ht, the kind live and grow off well, .Vo old, rough trees. This is J&ffcy&r he most rapid growing mapie and one of the mostbeau.iful shade trees. Write for prices and give iS$j^g?Jlist of wants. J. Tan Lindley Nursery Co., IMM-MV- iiaiiBII When writing mention the Dispatch. LOANtMAMSBAl OF SOUTH CAROLINA State, City & County Depository COLUMBIA. S. C. Capital Paid in Fair $150.000 00 Surplus v^T. 35,000.00 Liabiiittes of Stockholders 150,000.00 $335,000.00 SAVINGS CEPAETKB1TT. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum paid on deposits in this department TRUST DEP This Bank under special provision of its charter exercises the office of Executor, Administrator, Trustee or Guardian of Estates. SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. Fire and Burglar prooi safety deposit for rent from $4 00 to $12 00 per year. EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, President, A. C. HASKELL, Vice President J. CALDWELL ROBERTSON, 2d Vice President G. M. BERRY, Cashier. February 12?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. W. A. RECKLING, jUJEZ TIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine pic ~~ ture, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Huh. When writing mention the Dispatch, Lowest Prices Always, but at no Sacrifice of Quality. W e We are splendidly prepared t( Sample Lots at Less than Half Price. WOMEN'S AND BOYS HATS AND CAPS. We have placed on sale for the holidays three immense lots of samples, all of which are superior q latities These are all new. Jast in. Lot No. 1, Ladies, Walking Hats, all shaDes and colors, these goods sold regu larly from 50 to $1.25, your choice 47c. Lot No. 2, 650 Ladies' Walking Hats of very fine quality and are far fe't M my of this lot positively sold for $3.00 and not a single one less than $.,25 They are all samples and only one and two of a kind. If you are looking for the greatest bargain ever offered, here's vour chance. We will make you a present of any one vou find in this lot worth less than $1 25, bargain price, joor cho'ce, 74e. Lot No 3, Boy's and Misses' Caps of very handsome qualitv iu plain colors and beautiful mixtures. They are all samples. Plain colors, beautiful Pla'ds and Scotch mixtures, of all shapes and kinds, positively all 50 and 75c. quality, bargain price. We w : , I Mill Mil III IIII IITrnHTrT*~^ ?M[ 1?q | ij||ri 1TO iP l If a Woman j : o wants to put out a fire she doesn't u ! O heap on oil and wood. She throws IJ | X on water.knowing that water quenches X ft fire. When a woman wants to get n j ? well from diseases peculiar to her sex. J? X she should not add fuel to the fire J] ft already burning her life away. She (] 0 should not take worthless drugs and ij > $ potions composed of harmful narcot- S! O ics and opiates. They do not check (| ! IJ the disease?they do not cure it?they S simply add fuel to the fire. ^ \ O Bradfield's Female S Regulator should be f 1 iCt wo^-er.. |j jm They will simply X be wasting tirri^ disease and cures jj : '' ?? the cause. It does not drug: J1 the pain, it eradicates it. V - Ha It stops falling of the womb, J leucorrhea, inflammation i i$^BSSj& and periodical suffering, ir- X V-WBk regular, scanty or painful X menstruation; and by doing j'| K?fS hundred and one aches and ! D|H pains which drain health X Vonninacc onH fv 1/J ; - |B UHSJ. UCBUb J, uC. combs. Each. NAIL FILES, LETTER OPENERS, i EXTRA PAPER CUTTERS, ir A'pr'T? LETIER SEALS, LAKGL SlZL SCISSORS, * i Y0UR CHOICE INFANT'S BRUSHES, 50c. INFANT'S COMBS, | E a C 3l. ant your trade an JU % b\ Wl "WMj 1GSO MA. IN STB j^J Solicits a SI The Klondike's output of gold for 1900 was estimated at $20,000,000. No young man ever climbed the ladder of success with a whisky flask in his pocket. DeWitt's Little Early Kieers are ( dainty little pills, but they never faib to cleanse the liver remove obstruc- j tions and invigorate the system. J. E Kaufmann. T morrow is the time when the fooj i8 going to be wise and the lazy man industrious. Help from without is often enfeebling in its effects, but help from within invariable invigorates. If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct dis orders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 "onfo Somnloo frpp ftt ,T E. Ksuf VCUVO* VV| ? v menn's drug store. Ad industrial insurance company has been organized in Columbia, S. C., with a capital stock of $100,000. William Blount, of Appleton, S. C, was killed by the accidental dis- i charge of his gun while hunting. ! U Best Cough 8yrup. Tastes Good. Use Fgj Eleven fine deer were killed by sportsmen on Hilton Head Island, S. C., fifteen miles from Beaufort. "Good Roads," and the sale of the ! Penitentiary farms will be live questions before the coming Legislature. When you need a soothiDg and healiDg antiseptic application for aDy purpose, use the original DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It j heals sores without leaving a scar. I Beware of counterfeits. J. E. Kauf- ; mann. The Government will shortly erect a new light house supply station on Castle Pinknev, in Charleston har- ! bor. i MOST ASTO i. 1 ^ A + LJ X ^3. c io\v before the enormous rushes set i and a colossal outspreading of seaso LUMBIA'S < BARGAIN COUNTER OFFERINGS. Hero'* some samples andjob lots at less than half the regal ir price Choosy now before they are picked over. Combs of the very best quality, an enormous lot of samples, direct Irom manufacturer. Pompadour Comb,Side Combs. Large Shell Hair Pins, and Tacking Combs of every quality, color end shape. These goods have been divided into four lots. Lot No. 1, worth 15c., your choice 5c. Lot No 2, worth 25c , \our choice 10c. Lot No. 3. worth 50c , 3 on r ehoice 15c. Lot No. 4, worth 75c , your choice 22c. DRESS GOODS AT CUT PRICES. We are offering the greatest value* in al! our Fancy and Black Dress Good*. Every pieoe is a Special Bargain. We offer one lot of Double vidth, Fancy Dress Goods, worth 15c. a yard jor onlv <* 1- ! <-. Black Double Width Dress Goods, from 121?. n D COME AND SEE OUR GREAT BARGAINS. d mean to have it i ST FOLLOW W i T GLOBE DRY t 3=3L IvdIOliTCKITC !EET, iare of Your Valued 1 A Thousand Tongues Could cot express (he rapture of < ADnie E SpriDger, of 1125 Howard street, Philadelphia, Pa., when she j fouDd that Dr. King's New Discov' - ^ ,1 ?; erv ior ivousumpuuii u?u wmpicicij j cured her of a hacking cough that ] for many years had made life a bur- ; den. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says 1 of this Iloyal Cure?"it soon romov- t 1 ed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can ( scarcely remember doing before. I 1 feel like sounding its praises through- ( out the Universe." So will every | I one who tries Dr. King's New Dis- * covery for any trouble of the Throat. Chest or Lungs. Price 50c. anu Si 00. Trial bottles free at J. E. k Kaufmann's Drug Store; every bot- * tie guaranteed. c The census bureau announced that ^ the population of the State of Illinois was 4,821,550, as against 3.82G,351 in 18'JU. * ( Don t use any of the counterfeits c of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. 7 Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve is a cer- F tain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, barns, sores and skin dis 6 eass?. J. E. Kaufmann. c 1 c There is great scarcity of water t about Ljnchburg, Sumter county, S. ? C. Wells and streams have fre- j t quently dried up. A fine lot of Guinea Pigs for sale cheap by the pair. Inquire at the Dispatch office. An attempt was made to assassi- j nate Senator D. S. Henderson, of , Aiken, S C, at "White Pond. He j was not hurt, however. Now is the time when croup and f lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. 1 The only harmless remedy that pro- c duces immediate results is One Min- t ute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant i to take and cau be relied upon to 1 quickly cure coughs, colds and all s lung diseases. It will prevent con- ' ? supiplion. J. E. Kaufmann. r NISHING VALUE! tract ioi iii. Come while it is easiest to pure! nahle merchandise at prices much lo GREATEST BLACK EBONY WOOD NOVELTIES. STERLING TRIMMED. A large fresh new lot. especially military Brnshrs will be placed on sale Mot day for the hoiidajs Mi-itary Brashes, Hat Brusles. "carved ' and sraight," Clothes Brashes. Wnisk Brooms (in cases). Your choice, 50c x IS inches .... 48c 20 x *23 incae? - - - SI 23 24 x SO inches 1 26 iil orders carefully tilled. if prices are any in THE CROW .olesale . iOODS GOMPA >jfcT, JE.? ?atronage. Polite and . A piece of property on Whitehall, street, Atlanta. Ga., was sold a few lays ago at public outcry for $2,571.12 per front foot. ? Eight hundred boys from all parts , )f the United States met in Wash- J ngton on December 1st to form the ' National Anti-Cigarette League. When tbe-stomach is tirc-d out it i nust have a res', but we can't live < without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1 'digests what you eat" eo that you j ;an eat all the good food you want t rvhile it is restoring the digestive j >rgans to health. It is the only pre- i aaration that digests all hinds of j bed. J. E. Kiufmann. i i The people of Darlington County, 1 5. C., have formed a good roads asso- j ion and are doing voluntary work in t :onnection with the county officers. Lemonp, Bananas and Apples, at he Bazaar. j A number of pension sharks, who \ rave been defrauding negroes around s ."JharlestoD, S. C, h *ve been prose- ( luted and will be tried in the Federal District Court. Help is needed at once when a j rerson's life is in danger. A neglectd cough or cold may soon become c erious and should be stopped at >nce. One Minute Cough Cure [uickly cures coughs afcd colds and j he worst cases of croup, bronchitis, j jrippe and other throat and lung j roubles. J. E. Kaufmann. s * i How To Cure Croup. ( ( Mr. It Gray, who lives near v ^menia, Duchess county, N. Y , says: ' Chamberlain'e Cough Remedy is | he beet medicine I have ever used. 1 [t. is a tine children's remedy for 1 jroup and never fails to cure." When ? riven as soon as the child becomes ? loarse, or even after the croupy ? :ough has developed, it will prevent ,he attack. This should be borne in j nind and a bottle of the Cough ( itemedy kept at hand ready for in- , itant use as soon as these symptoms j ippear. For sale by J. E. Kauf- j nann. j . S IN EVERY DE LI^ JL JL X tase?while the giant stocks are her wer than elsewhere. We bulletin ' POPULAR J Big Things for Little Money. Best Hook and Eyes, a cird of 2 dozen DDly 2c?. Best Machine oil, only rP/-. !/>??v. aw An* 1 Ha 1^ v .rtnLiiiit/U laigum wu? >uv. +* .? Duly -1<*. Ladies' all pure linen hemstiched hardkerchiefs, worm 10; , only .*5< . per yard, Men's extra h^avy cotton ihnuel drawers. worth 40c., bargain price only Underwear Bargains. Here's only a few of our many Rare Bargains, we have many more. Come and see Ladies' high neck and long sleeve, lleece lined ribbed undervests, bargain price, 1 fc. ducement. Reme D TO THE E and W01 1700 llffi STI1IT, CORNER RUNDINC. lNY, T IEjIES, C OLUMBIA, S, Prompt Attention. Oct Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: ''I was in a most dreadful condition. My .'kin was almost yel ow, eyes sunkeD, tongue coated, pain continually in hack and sides, ao appetite-gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians jad given me up. Fortunately, a rriend advised trying 'E.ecliic Bit;ers;' and to my great joy and surprise, the tirst bottle made a decided mprovement. I continued their use 'or three weeks, and am now a well nan. I know they saved my life, md robbed the grave of another rictim." No one should fail to try ,hem. Oaly 50 cents,guaranteed, at r. E Kaufmann's Drug Store. President McKinley has declared iiQ nrmrmitinn tn the dnmnakere Bill .... ?- ? ? 1 vhieh seeks to cut down the np e ientation of the Southern States in Congress. Brooklyn, N. Y , is going to have )iggest hotel in the world?a tweny three story shack with 1,G00 noma and apartments to accommoiate 250 families. Among the tens of thousands who lave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe durng the past few years, to our knowl?dge, not a single case has resulted n pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Jo., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, me of the most prominent retail Iruggists in that city, in speaking of his, sayp: "We recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe u many case?, as it not only give3 prompt and complete recovery, but ilso counteracts auy tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia " For sale by J. E Kaufmanu. Nathaniel Wells, a celebrated chemist, died in Washington, D. C., at the ige of ! 07 years. He had been iround the world 24 times. His rules for long life were: "Say your prayer?; keep cbeertui; eat neartny, ind take a bath daily." M. Hm ?KTJTWO?WM.I IB?r???? I ? PARTMENT. H c > 1 i cl a e in all their freshness, beauty an< Only a Few" of our tempting, pt PRICE STC Ladies' extra beavy Merino vests and pants, worth 40c , reduced to Ladies' "AH Wool" Balmoral skirts, beautiful colors. Our $1.00 quality reduced to only iiTe. / * *|fj?\ A h lf\ If * * A \ fh- * ' * *\ It * * * * +\ \* * * A ? \ mber our prices a USY CORN] ; r i i 1. 0? t obor I3tf There is talk of burning n - i jii i Y iiit i VjiD'cn at me smKe at Asniano. Ay. He bes been caught. Gibson is the man who killed bis daughter by iunDing a red hot poker down her threat. George F. Wasbbern, of B )9tcD, issued an appeal to the "reformers of the country" to form a new patty, to be composed of all the elements that supported Bryan in the last campaign. Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleas- j ant remedy for all diseases arising from a disci dered or torpid liver. They are the modern cure for constipation, biliousness, sick headaches, specks before the eyes, etc. They do not sicken or gripe, mild inaction, thorough in effect. Only one a dose, sugar coated and pleasant to take. Price, 25 cents a bos. at the Bazaar. So poor is the spelling of some cf the Chicago schools that a return to the spelling methods cf the country schools of two decades sgc^ is earn estly advocated in that city. Many persons have had the ex j perience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford. N. H, who says, "For years I suffered torturp from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me." It digests what you eat and is a cer- i tain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives ; relief at once even in the worst cases, and can't help but do you good. J. E. Kaufmann. Three citizens, of Beaufort, S C, who left Beaufort, N. C, in a yacht just before the last big gale are thought to have been lost at sea as nothing has been heard of them. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of the stom ach arise, biliousness, headache dyspepsia and piles toon follow. If you wish to avoid those ailments keep your bowels regular by taking Cham k.'ilain't* and Tiivpr Tnhlets when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle iu tffcot. For saie by J. E. Kaufmann. v O o o < 1 completeness. Every department irse-pleasi ng bargains. ^KjEL Esesi'd Breaking Takes in Jackets and Capes. These ate all rare bargains and you can t match a tingle one at these "Low Redoced Prices." Ladies Pinsb Capes, lined with near >ilk, formerly S1.5<), rednced lor the holidays, 93s. LADIES' KERSEY CLOTH AND ROUGH PEBBLE CLOTH GAPES, tor trimmed beautifully braided. Some of the-e are double capes and nicely lined with near silk, tormerly reduced for the holidays only, 1 .<>(>. Ladies' Plush and Kerrey Cioth Capes, fur trimmed and handsouitlv beaded, near silk lining, our regular $2 Capes for the ho'idays only, 1 . 1 i >. Ladies'Extra Fine A 1 Pt re J ilk Plash Capts, Sue silk lining cut extra long and fin?, beautifully trimmed in fur and hand re always the LO ^ BE. How is This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F- J. Cheney for the last 15 years, / i and believe him perfectly honorable \ J in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obliga- ^ tion made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WaldiDg, Kinnan & Marvin, -AVolesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sold by druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ???? Highly Complimented. Or tngebnrs Titues ami Democrat, Dec. 12. Rev. M. W. Hook, who has served the Lower St. Matthews Circuit most acceptably for the past four years, was the recipient last Sunday of a most substantial proof of the love and esteem of the good people of his charge. At the conclusion of the seivice at Jericho, Dr. J. W. Summers, on the part of the congregations, presented Mr. Hook with a b:autiful silver service. Ia his v\oi/1 \l ? TT/"W\lr SJJCCtU xy 1. rs.J wmci o paiu 1U1< uvv> high compliments. The Best Plaster. A piece of fUnnel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any platter. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or cbest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. Que application gives relief. For sale by J. E Kaufmann. The United States Senate has passed a bill to encourage the Interstate and West Indian Exposition which is to be held in 19Q1 at Charleston, S. C. The appropriation made by this bill is $250,000 and all exhibits will be admitted free of charge. ? $60 Per Month and Expenses Can ba made by a capable woman. Pprriianent nosition. ExDerienceun necessary. Write at once for particulars. Clark & Co., 234 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3m8. Our Attractions are our Low Prices, Satisfaction Guaranteed. I ^ v. jy ; is virtually a treasure-trove of somely beaded, formerly $9.00, cut price lor the holidays. 81.98. Ladies' Golf Capes, "All Wool," extra lorg They are stylish, warm and pretty. Wth, beautifully finished, worth $5 00, Lolidav reduced price, Or. ladies' Jackets in Black Melton Cotb, extra fine lining, with new large roll collar, satin trimmed, our $8.50 kind, only Wonderful Offerings. Ladies' "all wool." beantital Tayior Made suits, silk lined Jackets, beautifully made, formerly sold for $8.00, holiday bargain price ^4.98. BASKETS. Fancy Work Baske's. all shapes and sizes, in beautiful assorted patterns, elsewhere 25c , here bargain price, 1 Oc, WEST. , ' v .3