The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 12, 1900, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispatch t Burned April 25th; rebuilt Julj 19. 1894. m (*. M. HABKAN, Editor and Publisher. " rt LEXINGTON, S. C.. ? WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1900. y =====^r--^?rr-^^ tl Dots and Dashes. ? . g A wcman's ambition is to look like an angels without being one. a Turkey is talking about declaring * war on America. Ju6t think of it. * V Lemons, Bananas and Apples, at o the Bazaar. d The rations for the army cow cost fl the United States over $20,000,000 a b year. < The Vermont LDgi3latare has pass- jj ed a bill prohibiting the sale of * cigarettes in that State. J Tho most effective little liver pills J made are DeWitt's Little Early j Risers. They never gripe. J E ? Kaufmann. * y Cracksmen tried to blow open tbe j post( flSce s?fe at Mayesville, S. C, J last week, bat were foiled. There is such a thii g as having each a clear conscience that we waste | time admiring ourselves in it. ( For custards, pies or cake use i desiccated cocoanut, ready prepared , with milk aid sugar. You find it at the Bazaar. : Tbe annual conference of Virginia subscribed $1,381 30 to rebuild tbe * Methodist Church at Galveston, ^ Texas. ^ The proof that a woman is superior to a man is that 6he doesn't look , ?. I uncomfortable wnen ene nas got uvc best clothes on. 4 DeWitt'o Little Early Risers are ( dainty little pills, bnt they never fail y to cleanse the liver remove obs'ruc- ( tions and invigorate the system. J. j E Kaufmann. f The average woman Lves to be dressed and hates to d iest-; the avtr- > age man doesn't mind dressing, ( but hates to be dressed. i Secretary Loug of the Uuited 1 States Navy, has announced himself * in favor of the general extension of ^ woman Buffr&ge. I If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals < take Chamberlain's Stomach and ' Liver Tablets. They correct dis 1 orders of the stomach and regulate ( the liver and bowels. Price, 25 ' g cent9. Samples free, at J E. Kaufmann's drug store. Columbia, S. C, is likely to be j raised to a first class post tffice. For three months this year the business went $3,000 over the same period 6 last year. ^ The 50.000 voles cast in the re- t cent general election in this State cost the Slate of South Carolina in round numbers $21,000, a little over 40 cents apiece. Don't use any cf the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable j to cause ii jary. The original DeWitt's Witch Haz 1 Salve is a cer- ? t tain cure for piles, eczema, cute, ^ scalds, burns, 9ores and skin dis t teasss. J. E. Kaufmann. -j Four bales of cotton were stolen from an A. C. L. car at Sumter, S ^ C., tbe other night. The car was p broken and the b<les rolled out and c ? hauled off in two loads. l A TenQesseean turned up in Cj- j lumbia last we< k demanding of the J Secretary of S:ate $2,000, which t some lawyer had made him believe j was waiting for hiai. j When you Deed a scothiDg and healiDg antiseptic application for any p purpose, use the original DeWitt'u j Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for pile" and skin diseases. It c heals sores without leaving a scar, p Beware of counterfeits. J. E Kauf j mann. ^ If a woman can't get a man to f( kneel to her when he proposes she r always counts on making him do it a later by catching mm at sometmng. i Tbe Southern Railroad has brought the Louisville, Evansville and St d Louis Railroad for $4,030,000 and t wili take control January 1st. ' t< Tfi CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. BT M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use W El In time. Sold by druggists. gf h The government now proposes to j cut a ship canal through North Caro- ^ ltca so as to avoid the rounding of ^ Pono TTuHnroc (tic rnntf ^annornno V/a^/v UHVIVI UCf kU'J UiVCV 6 VUU Q point on the South Atlantic coast. -i Senator C K. Da vis, of Minnesota c whose death was reported recently wa9 the victim of poisoned dye in a Bock, which infected his foot and poisoned his whole sjtem. x Help is needed at once when a e] person's life is in daDger. A neglect- p ed cough or cold may eoon become c serious and should be stopped at h once. One Minute Cough Cure g quickly cures cough3 and colds and a the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, y i/riDtje and o'her throat and lung troubles. J E KauFmann. i8 Cnicogo dow cootaius a greater w population tbuD all the cities of tbe S Uuited States coDtained iu 1840, aDd New Yolk C ty now has a greater p pulation than all the cities together ^ tad io 1S5U. D J SANGER Sufferers from this horrible malady larly alway9 inherit it?not necessarily on the parents, but may be from some :mote ancestor, for Cancer often runs irough several generations. This deadly oison may lay dormant in the blood for ears, or until you reach middle life, tfien ic first little sore or ulcer makes its apearance ? or a swollen glaud in the reast, or some other part of the body, ives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma? ently all the poisonous virus must be iiminated from the blood?every vestage f it driven out This S. S. S. docs, and i the only medicine that can reach deepgated, obstinate blood troubles like this. Vhen all the poison has been forced out f the system the Cancer heals, and tht isease never returns. Cancer begins often in a small way, as the allowing letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A small pimple came on my jaw about an incb elow the ear on the left side of my face. It gave >e no pain or iuconvenince. and I should have orgotten about it had it ^ lOtbe^untoinflame and ? jy ittle. then scab ever, but 9 rould not heal. This W ontinned for some time, rKjJS rhen my jaw began to vfl welL becoming very dr. ?iafnL The Cancer be- 3f\aBST\ ??&? ;an to eat and spread, 38S fljCy Mme mtfl it was as Urge as a jg? /jT&S lalf dollar, when I heard A 8. S. S. sou determin,>d to give it a fair trial, nd it was leoarkabla ' pf^pPj^ vhat a wonderful effect ~ " t had from the very beginning:; the sore began to leal and after taking a few bottles disappeared entirely. This was two years ago; thei e are still so signs of the Cancer, and my general heatlb xretinocs good.?Mas. R. Sbi&ek, fia Plata, Ma jffe is the greatest of all L'^ ^ KL ^ blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Send WfBP' mggp for our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interesting information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. W? make no charge for medical advice. v ; THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA* The superintendent of the State >enitentiary will report this year a let profit of $25,000. This will not >e turned over to the State but will >e put in permanent improvement. When the stomach is tired out it nust have a rest, but we can't live vithoufc food Kodol Dyep*p9ia Cure digests what jou eat" so that you ?n eat all the good food you want vhile it i9 restoring the digestive >rgan8 to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kind3 of ood. J E Kaufmann. Twenty-five persons were made ick at Chattanooga recently by Irinking water from a well charged vith arsenic It resulted from a reighborhood quarrel. Oae of the amilie9 put in the poison for spite. Now is the time when croup and ung troubles prove rapidly fatal The only harmless remedy that proluces immediate results is One Minjte Cough Cure. It is very pleasant o take and can be relied upon to juickly cure coughs, colds and all ung diseases. It will p-event consumption. J. E. Kaufmann. N-.-arly $800 from five acres of pears is what one farmer in Darlington county, S. C, has nade this year. Strange to say this vas not on cottoD, but it only goes to ?how that there are many things of ralue in this favored Southland be ides cotton. No one can reasonably hope for jood health unless his bowels move >nce each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of the stom ich arise, biliousness, headache dyspepsia and plies soon follow. If ycu vish to avoid these ailments keep rour bowels regular by taking Champrrlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets vhen required. They are so easy to ake and mild aod gentle in tff ct. ?or sale by J. E K?ufmann. Mi.>8 Kate Miller, of Fredricks>urg, Pa., i9 probably the oldest antnrw uoirl'' in thp TTnitpd States. >he recently celebrated her 81st )irthday, and for the last twenty ears has worked in the same estabishment. She never misses a day, urns out a full quota of work, com>eting wiih girls sixty years her unior. Many persons have had the ex lerience of Mr. Ptter Sherman, of forth Stratford, N. H, who saye, ForjearsI suffered torture from i *:? u.,t xr .j .1 uruuiu luui^esnuu, uut uuuji a/jo epsia Cure made a well man of me." t digests what you eat and is a ctrain cure for dyspepsia and every orm of stomach trouble. It gives elief at once even in the worst cases, nd can't help but do you good. J 2. Kaufmann. A prominent Charlestonian, who esires his name to be withheld from he public at present, has contribu ed ?1,000 to the Mount Pleasant juthrran seminary and an equal sum o the Newberry Lutheran college. Buckbhoal, N C , May 16,1898. Gentlemen:?Fuur yeais ago I was elpless wiih a misery in my back, could not return myself in bed. I ras treated by my physician, but he id me no good. I took one bottle f Dr. Baker's Female Regulator and onrorl mo T think thoro is nn ledicine on earth like it. Mrs. Emma E Myers. For sale at the Bazaar. An example of the chances in the foiled States for the bright and enrgfctic young men who stay in one lace is furnished by the success of harles M. Hayes. At the age of 19 e was a clerk in a railroad office at t. Louis, his salary being $10 a lonth. That was 23 y*ars ago [r Hayes has become president of ie Southern Pacific Riilroad, which 1 the largest s^tem but 01 e in the orld. He will have a salary of >5 000 a year and will be the high- 1 it salaried railroad man in the world 1 A fine lot of Guiiva P^s f>r sale 1 ieap by the pair. I q die at the 1 it>patch office. ^ v JACK TAR'S GROWL. A Story IllnitratiiR the Sailor's Habit oi Gramblinc. The author of "From Edinburgh to the Antarctic," writing of the sailor's hnblt of srrumbling. says: "The dinners arc all the saruc?that Is to say, Monday's dinners are all alike, and what we have today we shall have this day six months hence. Jack's forefather this day 100 years ago had the same menu and made the same uncomplimentary remarks about the dishes, and 100 years hence on this day Jack's children will growl over their salt horse and plumless duff." The author also tells this "yam" to Illustrate that Jack's habit of grumbling can't be cured and must be eudured: Once upon a time there lived a skipper whose wife said to him that If she went to sea the poor men would never find fault with their food. Her husband took her with him on a voyage, and the good woman attended to the cooking in the galley herself. The scouse was thick with fresh vegetables. the bread was white and without weevils, the meat was good, and the duff was almost half plums, but still the men growled. Then the skipper's wife thought of the hens she had brought on board to lay eggs for bor husband's breakfast Bhe took tnern out or me co^p. wrung their necks with her own fair hands, plucked them, roasted them and sent them to the forecastle on the cabin china. "Now the men," she said to herself, "will know how much we think of their comfort" At eight bells she stole forward to the forecastle to listen to the praise of her skill as a cook. She looked down the hatch and saw a big black flst plunge a fork Into the hen and beard a hoarse voice growl, "I say, Bill, what d'ye think this 'ere bloody fowl died of?" A DOMESTIC JAR. The Little Dialogue With Which the Proceedings Were Enlivened. Here's a little dolly dialogue that was overheard In a $24 a month Capitol hHl mansion one evening last week: She?Why, oh, why, did I ever marry rnn 1 He?Because I was n good thing. She?You arc -becoming positively coarse. He?Association. She?You pay no attention whatever to my little wishes. He?What's the use of chasing a car after you've caught It? She?I believe you hare been drinking again. He?No such luck. She?I'm In rags. He?Well, we'll do a sketch. So'tn I. She?I haven't been to the theater for two weeks. He?Yours Is a sad story. She? Brute! He?Ours Is a peaceful home. She?Are you going down town tonight? He?If I can swing you for car fare. She?I have only $3 in my purse. He?Hetty Green! She?1 saw a pair of high heeled patent leathers today, reduced to $8, that I must and shall have. He?D'je see'any men's brogans for $1.39? She?Why don't you get shaved? He?Waiting for pay day. She?Don't you know the rent and the gas will be due this pay day? He?Then I'll cut out the shave. She?I wish I had never left mamma, so I do. He?Others, others! She?I have a good notion to go right back to her this minute. He? Have you got an umbrella? She?Oh. you?you ?g-g-government c-c-clerk! (Tears. Curtain.)?Washington Post The Reflected Voice. The voice Is the most common and at the same time the most complex of human faculties. When we listen to it we realize nothing of the many influences at work in its use. Yet It represents the character, the mood, the temperament and the health of the individual when left to run In Its own way. If uncontrolled. It will develop much as a flower garden will develop; the rank and weedy nature will come to the front and' the tones of exquisite beauty will be obscured. Bad daily habits In the use of the voice will give it many disagreeable qualities. If controlled. the voice will keep its weeds in the background and permit only its beauties to be known. If cultivated, the weeds will be taken out and the flowers developed ?Pittsburg Press. An Unexpected Revolt. "You know how superstitious Bloxbam is?" "Is he?" "Yes; he picked up a pin in the street the other day with the point turned di rectly townru mm." "Go on." "An hour afterward he received a telegram announcing the death of an uncle from whom be hadn't heard for several years." "And the uncle died immensely rich and left him all his property?" "Not much! He had to pay the funeral expenses." ? Cleveland Plain Dealer. !Vo riamor In Them. Giles-1 dou't like that barber's funny anecdotes. Miles-Why, what's wrong with them? Giles-The illustrations are painfuL Miles?The illustrations? Giles-Yes; he uses original cuts.? Chicago News. Ea?y. Ben tarn?There isn't room here to swing a cat ??-? r>.... I.? Tlmn n-Q ornn't ha VO A ?li I J*. I H'll UOiU 4 UV II TT V ?? V? ?? . ~ ? cat.? Brooklyu Life. How To Cure Croup. Mr. R Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county. N Y, say?: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the b; 8t* melicine I have ever used It is a tine children's jenedv for croup and mver fails to cure " When given as sood as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupv cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these svmptoms appear. Fur sale by J E. Kaufmann. Cv Cano4nr Irhl/ 1/opu III LA'^ciiami ii uj vvi j ii?? Tolamlii State L '.urens, December 7 ?Colonel J L M. Irby, who has been q life pick for three weeks at bis Louie here, iad a very bad day toda^, and tolight very little hope is held out by its family and fri' nds foi bis recuv ^ry. crop lean be RtfS&n ^s^-grcwn without P?tash. g(opoNG^'\\^^ Supply lU^^W enough Potas^an<^ y?ur jP^e^^jj^JT profits will be large; without Potash your crop will be Our books, telling about composition of fertilizers best adapted for all crops, are free to all farmers. * GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St.. New York. John Browijfield, tbe negro barber, who killed a special depu'y iu Georgetown, S. C, which caused the Georgetown riot some time ago, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. Amcng the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowl edge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent retail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Cbamberlain'a Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia " For ua!e by J. E Kaufmann. A wheat growers' association has been formed in Laurens, S. C. After discussing the methods of wheat culture they decided to off.r four prizes for best crops raised by members of the association. ' Glorious News Comes from Dr. D B Curgile, of Washita, I T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of pcrofula, which bad caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the b'i.-t doctor could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved,?that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, b,ils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys end bowels, expels pois ms, belpa digestion ouuae up me sirength. Only 50 cents. Sold by J E KnufmunD, Diuggist. Guaranteed. THE 3" jSPIRITTINE REMEDIES. Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical Profession. No Quack or Patent Medicine. but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. Admitted into the World Columbian Exposition in 1?93. *.Use 8oirittine Balsam for Rheumatism, Colds, Lameness, Sprains, Sore Throat Use .-'pirittino Inlnlent for Consamption, Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma and La Grippe. Spirittine Ointment is indispensable ;n thi treatment of Skin Diseases, Cnro Itch, Itching Piles. In consequence of the astonishing success in removing diseases, its demand now comes not alone from this vicinity but from everywhere in the United States and Europe. Wholesale and Retail by G. M HARMAN. Lexington, S. C. TAX NOTICE, I WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING mentioned plae s tor the purpose of r eiving taxes for the fiscal >ear 1900. viz: Balance of the time at Lixington C. II , until December 3lst, 1900, wh;n the boo! s will clcbe. TAX LEVY. For State Purpose 5 mills. For Ordinary County 31 mills For Special County \ mi 1 For School 3 mil's - total 1 2 mills Poll Tax $1 00 Broad River Township C.N. and L. R. R , for interest on R R. bonds. in I s; for retiring bona-?. 2 mills; paying attorneys' fees. \ mill. Totiil f r Broad Riv r 16^ Foik Township?0., N arid L R. R . for interest on R. R. bonds, 2 mills; for retiring bonds, 2 mills. Total lor Fork Township 30 Saluda Township?C , N and L, R R bonds, for interest on R. R. bonds, 2J mils; for retiring R R. 2 mills, pay in r attorneys' lees, \ mill. Total levy lor Salud k... . 10J J 8. DLRRICK, Treasurer Lexington County. J" A REAL J rnnmm NO BOTHER, N^CH^UN. Afl the Wonders nod Flea sores of? High Priced Tnlkia 1' eckioe. iCben Accompanied by a Recorder tnis i frrapbophune can be used to make Records. I'rV* Recorder. $7.BO. Reproduces all | the atandard Records. Send order and money f? w mearej' office. CO! IIMBU PHONOGRAPH CO. DepL 30 NKW TUlK, 143-145 Broadway, S? Wabash Ar? ST LT?tU\ fx.713 Olive St v WASHINGTON, 9K Penniylvmnt* Avt 1 1 A, 1033 Chestnut M RAl TIMOR K, 10 i Baii.oor. 54. *11 IT AI o, ttj Mam St VAN VkANQSro iaj (ieary St. PA 111, j* Ikxilrwrd dr> ItiUiriu - IKK1 IK, 41 Kt'oornstraps* L . J < SERVICES. lexington circuit m. e. church south. Rev J. N'. Wright. Pastor. 1st Sunda\. Red B 11k 11 am. f>bi.oh4Jpm. 2d Sunday, lioreb 11am. Lexington 4jpui 3d Sunday, Siiiiob 11 am. 4th Sunday, Lexington i 1 am. Horeb4pm. Red Rank 8 30 pin. Lexington: Sunday sehool service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. lexington baptist church. Kev. J. J. iJ\ers, Pastor. 3rd Saturday K veiling at 8 p m. 3rd Sunday 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock W A. EL rman, Superintendent. ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. II.-v. J. G Graicheu, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 2nd Sunday 11a m., L-xiugton. 3rd. Sunday 11a m , Lexington. 4th. Sunday 11 a. m , Lexington. Sunday sch >ol service every Sunday mornii.g at 9:30. EPISCOPAL SERVICES. Re v. Harrold Thomas, Rector. Second Sundays at 11 a. m. Kvery T leeday at 8:30 p m. Bib.e class every Tuesday at 5 p. m Sunday school every Tuesday a* 6 p (Join! Diiresiioji rzD E3egets a good appetite. A Good appetite with sound digestion makes eating a pleasure and food a benefit. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys arouses a vigorous appetite and enables one to eat and digest any kind of food wiui comfort. Wholesale by the MURRAY DRUG CO., Columbia. S. C For Sale at THE BAZAAR. May 15?ly. Piliiii utile wile, FUR BOYS AND GIRLS. PREPARES FOR TEACHING COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. High School. Intermediate and Primary Courses. English, German. French, Greek and Latin Taught. $?? Very Healthiest Location. Board very cheap $4 to $7 per month. Tuition exeedingly low, $1 to $2.50 per month. Expenses per year $50 to $75. Had 125 students last session. Next session begins Monday, September 18. lirOO. Nor full particulars, Address 0. D. SEAY, Principal, Lexington, 8. 0. September 14 tt TIic First National Rank of Ratcsburg, TREASURY DT P \RTMENT. OFFICEOF COUPTKOi LEK OFTHE CURRENCY, Washington, D C , October 13. 1900 TF HERE VS, BY SA HSFACTORY EVIYV d'nee presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The First National Bank of Bitesburg," in the tow of Bat >sbnrg. in the coauty of Lexington, and S ate of South Carolina, has complied with *11 the provisions of the statutes of the Di ited States, r quired to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking; Note, therefore, Thomas P.JCane, Deputy and acting Comotroller of the Currency, do here y cer ify that "The F:r.-?fc Nutional Bunk of Bitesburg," in the town of Bates burg, in the county ot Is xington and State of South Carolina, is authorized to com mence the business of Banking as provided in section Fifty-One Hundred and SixtyNiue of the Revised S.atutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness m> hand aLd [Seal] seal ol office this thirteenth day of October, 1901. T. P. KANE Deputy and Acting Comproller of the Currency. No 5595. Cct. 14 -3m November 5. ."mo. Money to Loan ON FARMING LA >DS. LONG TIME. Easy payment. Nocommision Bor rower pa}s actual c st of perfecting Loan E. K. PALMER, Central National I3ank Bnilding. COLOMBIA, S. C. COL G. T. GRAHAM Lexington. S C July 18 ly. uifii mm, mifihyfs mini uihii/ju iiiiifuiiijuu IN REACH GF ALL. TTTE WILL SELL HIGH GRADE DOVV mestic sewing Machines at ciose fig .res, giving two yeas to pay for thi m Oce third cash; balance in one and two \ears. Twe ie!iable m?n wanted to sell them, one to work on south side of Saluda arid one on north side ol Saluda river. Ap ply to. J L. SHULL, 1710 Main Street, Oolv.m."toia., - . S, O. October 11 tf. ARE YOU SICK, vimitivr; KJ V A. ml m~m ml? ml X ? vi ^ - OR AFFLICTED IN ANY WAY, AND NEED l^IEIDICIILTZE ? If so, you will find in ihe Drug and Medicine Department at the EJazaar, Standard Medicines tor all Complaints, ? :-i- ...;u Diseases, tic, wmun wn> give relief arid cure you. AT THE BAZAAR. # _^%.VFSTiBUUQ msilltB [iMITED Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New, Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT JUNE 3rd, 1900. SOUTHWARD. D.ily. | Daily No 31 !. No. 27 It New York. P. R R.. 1 00 pm j 12 15 am lv Philadelphia, P R R. 3 '29 pm 7 '20 am lv Baltimore, PER... 5 50 pm i 9 34 am It Washington, PR R.: 7 00 pu i .0 55 am It Richmond, 6 A LRvjlO 40 pnii 2 35 pm lv Petersburg. " ] L1 35 pti j 3 30 pm It HidsewavJct. " | 2 25 ami H 17 pm It JUeiidexsou, '* | 2 . 3 &u.j 6 40 pm It Raleigh, i 4 06 an 7 50 pm lv Southern Pines," I 5 57 an i 9 42 pm i No 403 ; lv Hamlet, " | ? 50 am. 10 3* pm No. 31 j It Columbia,t " .0 35 ami 12 55 am ar Savannah " 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, " 7 40 pn 9 10 am ar Tarana. " 6 30 am 5 30 pru N o T6i ~ ar Charlotte. " 9 31 an lv (JLe&tcr. " 9 52 an lv Greenwood, " 11 42 an lv Athens, " 1 48 pn arAtlanta,? " j 4 00 pn ar Angnsta. C & W C . | 6 10 pm lv New. York, Y c' <fe N:t# 00 am 9 1-0 pui lv Philadelphia. " 10 20 am < 1 '.6 pm lv N-w kork. U D?81k<jt3 00 pm lv Baltimore. B tv f ? -<>| ft> 30 pm lv WaHt)'u>n. N & W NM 6 30 pm i No. 403 Ho. 11 lv Portsmouth, SALE} 9 20 pm 9 30 am lv Weldon, " 12 05 am 12 01 pm No 31 lv Ridgeway Jet, " ; 2 '25 am 1 20 pm lv Henderson, " 2 53 am 2 13 pm lv Raleigh, " 4 06 am 3 51 pm lv Southern Pines," 5 57 am 6 12 pm No 403 lv Hamlet, " 6 50 am 7 30 pm N?. 31 No. 27 lv Colombia^ *' 35 am 12 55 am ar Savannah, " 2 57 pm 5 00 am ar Jacksonville, " 7 40 pm 9 It) am ar Tampa. " | f> au am o 3 pm No. 403 ao. 41 lv Wilmineton. " 3 05 pm nr (Jn ?rloite. " 9 31 am iU iO pin iv CucHtcr. " 9 62 am o 6o pm lv Greenwood; " 11 42 am: 1 07 am lv Athens, " 1 48 pm 3 43 am ar Atlanta. ? " : 4 00 pn : 6 05 am ar Aus<uaU O & W C) 6 10 pn.j ar Alteon, (J of GdorKi'<| 7 20 pu ll 10 am ar Aloitgom'r-, A A W t j 9 2u pm 11 00 am ar Mobue, L & N ; 3 05 an 4 12 pm ar New Orleans. L & Nj 7 40 am! 8 30 pm ar An8tivi:U\ A C ?fc t } 6 40 am: 6 65 pm ar Man phis, " : 4 ou pml 8 10 am nobthwabdT" i>aily I Dally No. 44 ' No 66 lv Tampa. SAL Ry... 8 00 pml 8 20 am lv Jacksonville, M 8 2lau. 7 45 pm lv Savannah, " 12 35 pm i 1 59 pm lv Colnmbia ? " 5 45 pm' 5 45 am lv Alempi i-i N i; A8iL|l2 4> pm! 8 46 pm lv Nasville ' 9 30 am 9 10 am iv \*.w tir.Mii. I. Ar. A 7 4 j um 7 45 Dm lv Mobile " i 2 20 an: 2 20 am lv Monteom'rv. K & W I 6 20 pm 11 20 am iv >Ihc<?h. C ol liHir^li1 8 Otl all: I 20 pm iv auku?:k. 04 WO. 0 40 an, No. 402 No. 33 lv Atlanta.^ 8 A L B? 1 <0 pm 9 00 pm ar Athena, . " 2 50 pa 1 23 pm ar Greenwood, " 4 44 pn. 2 05 am ar Chester. " 6 28 pn 4 30 am iv jtmrlotte. * * 30 pu 6 00 am iv Wiimiuittou * i2 05 p?? No. 44 No. 66 lv Hamlet 9 05 pn 9 20 am lv boutheru Pines, lo Oi pn 10 i>5 am lv Raleigh. " 11 40 pm.ll 56 am ar Henderson. " 12 50 am 1 13 pm iv Kidif^wav 'let 1 *0 am' 1 45 pm lv l en-reourg, " 4 15 an: 4 40 pm lv Richmond, ' 5 15 am 5 40 pm ar Washington, P R R 8 45 am 9 30 pm ar Baltimore. P R R . . 10 08 ami 11 35 pm ar 1 hi!adelphia, P R 1 ; 2 30 pn. 2 56 am ar New York. PRE...! 3 0? po 6 13 am i No 40 No 31 lv JRid'way Jct.S A L B; 3 00 am I 40 pm v Weldon, " 4 31 an 3 l?5 pm nr Portsmouth " j 7 0<? am 5 .r>0 pno ar WhsL toil N ?fe W s h 1 7 ?*> am ar haitimore. 1J i> F O |f43 4 > am ar New York. O L>M?Oc*| ifl30pm ar i^biladeiptiia,NYPAn!f5 43 pu>; 5 >0 am ar New York ?t . 8 38 pn>: 7 43 am Note ?f Daily Except Sunday. Dining Car> between New York a?d Richmond. and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos 3i and 44. X Central Time. ? Eastern Time. 80UTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Effect Jane 11th. 1S99. " stations. Lr. Charleston 7 00 s m " Summerville 7 41am M Branchville 8 56 a ax " Orangeburg 9 23 a m " Trinyyilc 10 15 a m Lt. Colombia 11 ? a - Pro# parity J* B * " Newoerrr 12 25 p a " Nine-y-S{*. * 5 p m " Gree iwood. 7 10 a m 1 66 p m A?. Hodjes 8 00 > m 216pm Ij. Abb*rllle 8 18 e ig 2 15 p m ir. Tlfciton 8 56 a m 8 10 p a ir. Anderson 8 80 a m 815 p a At. Greenville 10 10 a a 4 15 p a ' JLt. At1*"!*. 3 !tS p m 8 00 p a STATIONS. Lt. GreenTille. 180 p m 10 IS ft a " Piedmont 6 0? p m 10 40* a - jwni4?m?ton 6 22 p m 10 66 a m Lvi*And#r^on 1. 1 15 p m 10 lo a ia Lt. Belton 8 15 p m 11 15 a a At. Donnalds 7 K p m 11 10 a a Lt. AbbeTille i 10 p m 11 20 a m Lt. Hodgea! 7 86 p m 11 5^ a m At. Greenwood 8 00pm 1220pm " Ninety-Six 13 65 p m ** Newberry 2 00 p a " Prosperity 3 14 p a u Colombia ...: 3 30 p m Lt. Kingrllle. 4 28 pm ** Orangeburg 6 10 p a u BrenchrtLle #17 p m * M Summervllle.. 7 82 pm At. Charleston m MnSSI BTATIOW8. 680p 1 OOa Lt.... Charleston Ar| 8l7p 11 OOk 609p T 41a ".. Bummerviile... " 732p 1018a TCOp 865a w ..-Branehvilla... " 602p 863? I24p 028a " ...Orangeburg... " 620p 8 28a 62up 10 15a M Kingville..... " 488p T80a 180a 11 40a "....Columbia " 8?p 9 80p 80?al2 20p M ......Alsiun Lv t80p 8 SOs 1004a 123p " bantoe " 1 28p T4?p 10 20a 2 OOp " Union. 14 106p 7 80p 10 88a 2 2.-P " .... Jonesville .... M 12 36p 8 88p 10 64a! 287p " Paoolet " 12 14p 42p 11 26a 8 lOp Ar.. Spartanburg.. .Lt 11 46a 6 18p 11 40a| 840p Lr.. Spartanburg.. .At 11 28a 6 00p 140p 7 OOp Ar.... Ashevllls.... .Lt 8 20a 8 06y "P,H p. ra. "A." a. m. Pullman pclace sleeping ears on Train* 36 and 86, 87 and 8s, on A. and 0- division. Dining car* en these trains serve all meals enroute. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C. division, northbound. 6:48 am., 8:8? p.m., 6:18 p. m., (Vestibule Limited); southbound 12:J6 a m., 8:15 p. m., 11 :84 a m., (Vestlbuls Limited.) Trains leave Greenville, A. and C. division, northbound, 5:50 a m., 2 :S4 p. m. and 6:22 p. a., (Vestibuled Limited): southbound. 1:25 a m., 4:80 p. m., 12:30 p. m. (Vestibuled Limited). Trains 0 ana 10 carry elegant Pullman sleeping cars between Columbia and Asheville enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cindn nati. Trains 13 and 14 carry ruperb Pullman parlor cars between Charleston and A she vi 11a PBANK 8. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. AGen. llgr., Traffic M jr.,^ WMhlngton, JJ. U wasmnrwc, u. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pmo. Ag't. AV t Gon. Pan. Ag'i WaahingUin, D. C. Atlonto, Go. BhairRbalsam CImbm and b* heiL Promote* Inxumnt powth. H?T?f y*ll? to Bertor* Oroy Hair to ito Toothful Color. PERKINS MANUI YELLOW PII MAN UF ACT FLOORING,IE i 4 PltllAIIIMAA II AIM fltftlflfl MHIShtillid, fflUULUIHUO DOORSjSASH AUGUST] ^ESTIMATES CHEER] February 1?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. CONFECT] 7?."JITS, CAZE FAitTc-sr a-; Toys, Fancy ID22TJO-S arid. : PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SC Diamond Dyes Hannan's T.EXINGT H CAPACITY, 10,000 J< ^0 HI] BUG hw tmlm pui & mi' WpMumluii. Dua'tu 3 law kurlaf k j?b U < SOCK HILL" Uvgim *n Sal?" Oip mM up. Uak i away mo* the smo"?< Ml Mtr IhMWi 4m1 I* jwt lav*. wrtM Or a ROCK KILL BUGGY ROCK HILL BUI For SSale by W. P. ROOF, GREGORY-RHEA MULE CO., Columbia, S. C., * May 11?ly. .V . Wht*n writing mention the Dispatch. ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ,0k | ^cBT | Ontral Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points^ ' . Schedule in Effect June 10th. ltQO. NoA NoM NORTHBOUND. liO^M ry,Uy Daily Ly. Jacksonville (P. 8) TSSa 8Q0p " Savannah (So. By.) 12 28*. 12 30a 44 Barnwell i 06P * 13a " Blackvllle 421p 4 28a M SprUigfleld 4 Up 4 51a 44 8ally 4 52p 4 50a Ar. Columbia 6Q5p fl 10a Ly. Charleston, (So. By 7ttJall00p 44 8ummervillc T41al200ot 44 BranchviUe 8 56a 156a 44 Orangeburg 9 23a 2 50a 44 King nil? 1016a 4 30a Ar. Columbia 11 00a 5 55a Ly. Augusta! (So. ity.) ^iCCS1,fiaop Ly. QramteviLle 246a 82?PU015p Ey. Bdge&e d lWpT. ... y. Aiken .... ? 3 lap Ly. Trenton 5uua 335pllCCp 44 Johnston 5 2Uo 419p 112Lrp Ar. Columbia, (U. D.) 545p 2 10a Lv. Columbia, (Bldg St 9 30a 610p 6 20a " W laus&oro /ucp i torn 44 Cheater 751p 818a " Rock Hill 8 23p 8 56a At. Charlotte V 10p 9 4fif At. Danville j 12 61* 1 3gp At. Richmond . 6 Qua 6 25p JrTW5iHngton-7r!T7r. tafia SfiOp " Baltimore (Pa.RR) 912all25p 44 Philadelphia 11 85a 2 56a 44 Few York 20Sp 613a t?v. Colombia .11 40a 8 4ba Ax. Spartanburg 810p 9 90a 44 Aaheville 7 lip 110p Ay. Knoxville 4 19a 72up Ax. Cincinnati .... .TT7 | 7 3ifp 7 46a ^jr. LoniaviUe I "7 3up 7 ?Cia outhbot7?d. Daily Slly t?v. LoqlavtUe t ioa 14iVg t<T. Cincinnati .....TT7. 88Ua _80uj &T. Knoxville ......777 T3uo 8 25a 44 Aaheville 8 00a 806p 44 Spartanburg 11 46a f 15p At. Columbia 820p 949p ?v. New tfork(Pa.U.B) i 880p|12S5 44 Philadelphia I | ?06p| 890a , M Baltimore 82Tp 6 22a Lt. WMhl'gt'n (So.By) 66Qp 1115* Xt. Richmond .. ltoop !9C>laa Lt. Danville l sua Ttfrp Lt. Charlotte _ H 10a iiip - Book Hill 8 56a W46p - Chester 925a ll?p - Wlansboro 1018a 1210a At. Columbia, (Bldf Si #80p 11 20a) 1 15a Lt. Colombia, {v. D.) 11 42* 480a * Johnston 10?p 13lp 632a " Trenton 11 OOp 1 48p 6 43a It. Aiken 220pffl3a At. Edgc3oid 420p il 90a Ar. (irani'jBvillo .....77. 1300nt 2l?p TTSx Ar. Aucuata *1 00a >Ci?p 8 00a Lt. Columbia (.So. Kyi 4 OOp T55 ^ Kin (rill* 448p 2 82a 14 Orangeburg 5 38p S 48a " Braachville 615p 4 88a '* Sumnaerville T28p 5 82a Ar. Charleston 816p T 00a Lt. Columbia (So. By?) 11 26a 1 20a Ar. ballr 12l7p 2 82a ? Springfield .. 1243? 2 40a " KackTillB 1 OTP 8 00a - Barnwell 121p 8 15* " Savannah 815p 5 10a Ar. Jacksonville (P. 3.)" I7 40p 9 28a Trains 48 and 44 (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. tDaily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Serrlea. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and Hew York. Hoe. 88 and 84?Hew York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and Hew York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and Hew York. Pullman sleeping cart between Charlotte and TVintn tr Mn bitvMn Charlotte and Savannah. .No*. & and 88?U. 6. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping can between Jacksonville and New York and PullStan sleeping care between Augusta and CharI jtte. Dining cars serve all meals enrouta Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute dailv between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asneville. FRANK 8. GANNON, J. M. CULP. Third V-P. * Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mzt., Washington, D. C? Washington, D. 0. W. A. TURK. 8. H. HABDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag't,, As't Gen. Pass. Ag'l, Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Gsk r SIX-TOUT'S LOUGH CUKE, ^ A SYRUP. Unique?unlike any other cough preparation. The qaickt ?t to ?top a coagb and to remove soreness from the lungs. 26c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLOMBIA, 8 C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 1* ly. FACTURING CO., 4 STE LUMBER, URER8 OF ii irih ciniim IUHU, oiuiiiu, i, SHINGLES AND LATHS, and blinds, CA.) GA? ETULLY FURNISHED..* When writing mention the Dispatch [ONERIES, S, CRACZSRS, EOCZEIES, China, Iv^BIDICZZTBs! JHOOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC i of all Colors. Bazaar. WW WW ? J ON, 8. C. ??? wummmmm 3M MR ANNUM* % LL ___ ?? Jk " llTlklMt#lk?HN ll-a jmr?U W W tUW <rd?r u Hit a <mU?> ar a*. raO.wt.aWM all. USF aUa(tWcWf?laRi ?M aaly. IT aaaa aa aaia CO., Reck HStt, 8.C. ^ JGY COMPANY. J Lexington, H. C. MATTHEWS & B0UKNI8HT, | Lees vi lie, S. C. When writing xention the DiepateL: cmiwraa?' " In Effect November 25th, 1900. 7 45 am IvAtlanta (SAL) ir 8 00 pm 10 11 am iv A hangar 5 28 pm 11 16 am Iv Elberton ar.4 18 pm * ? 12 23 pm lv Abbeville ar... 3 15 pm 12 48 pm lv Greenwood ar. 2 48 pm 1 35 pm ar fOlinton lv... 2 00 pm 10 00 am lv ?Glenn Springs 4 00 pm 11 45 am lv Spartaiiboig ar 3 10 pm 12 01 pm v Cr enville ar.. 3 00 pm 12 52 pm lv |Waterloo ar.. 2 06 pm i tk ?? +ra lv 1 Ail nm A J \J ?SUU Ckl j AJOW&VWO v # vv ^# fDinner. J(c. & w. c } t Harris Springs No. 52 No. 21 11 08 am It..Colombia, .lv 9 20 am 11 20 a m ar. 9 40 am 11 27 amar... .Irmo . ..arlO 15 am 11 35 a m ?r. Ballentine .arlO 40 am 11 40 a m 10 58 am 11 43 a ra ar . .Hilton.. .aril 15 am 11 49 a m ar. ..Cbap1hs<..arll 49 am 12 03 a m arL.krountun arl2 25 pm 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. ibr.12 35 pm 12 17 p m*^i 10 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 2 ttZjzm 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 3 08pA zetyP 12 48 p m ar...Gary ar 3 15 pm 12 55 p m ar.. Kinard. 3 30 pm 1 02 p m 3 55 pm 116 p m ar.. Clinton.. .ar 5 00 \ m 1 27 p m ar .. Parka. . .ar 5 20 pm 1 35 p m ar. .Laorena. .ar 5 30 pm Daily freight except Sunday. EETUBNING SCHEDULE. No. 63 *No. 22 I 35 p m It. .Laorena. .It 7 30 am 1 41 p m It. . .Parka.. .It 7 40 am 1 55 p m It...Clinton.,.It 9 CO am 2 05 p m lv...Goldville. .lT 9 25 am 2 12 p m lv. ..Kinard...It 9 40 am 2 17 p m It. . ..Garj.. .It 9 50 am 2 22 p m It...Jalapa.. .lv 10 00 am 2 37 p m lv. Newberry .It 10 50 am 2 52 p m 11 20 am 3 02 p m lv.. .Sligba.. .lv 11 36 am 3 06 p m lv L. Mountain lv 12 25 pm 3 20 pm lv...Chapin...It 100 pm 3 25 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .It 115 pm 3 29 p m lv.White 1 30 pm 3 3?pm lv. Ballentine. lv 2 00 pm 3 43 p m lv...Irmo.. 2 43 pm 3 49 p m lv..Leaphart. .It 3 00 pm 4 05 p m 3 25 pm - Daily freight except SuDday. 4 15 pm lv Columbia (a c 1)11 00 am 5 25 pm It Sumter ar 9 40 am 8 30 pm ar Charleston It. . 7 00 am For rates, time tables, or farther information call on any agent, or write to W. G. CHILDS. T. M. FMERSOV. President TrafHe Manager. J. F. LIVINGSTON, H. M. EMERSON. Sol. Agont. Gen, Fr. A Pass Agt? Columbia, S C. Wilmington, N. C. 60 YEARS' . ^ INEXPERIENCE %9S nNH^BHH^H3HMR9iffiB| I I L J _J I L J ^ fill 5 . I 1 I | k I 1 Jam TRAOC MAMT B ' K* DESIGNS "F7f 1" COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Insertion la probably patentable. Communiontlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aaeocy for secnrta? patents. Patents taken tfcroucn Mnnn A Co. reed re tjxciol notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Tersest circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a rear: four months, $L Sold by ail newart?lara. ffiUNN & CO 301BfOitfMT, HgH Tont Branch Offlc*, 635 F 8fc, Washington. IX C. Ledgers, journals, records, counter book?, memorandum books, school hooks, pads, pencils, ink of all colors, mucilage, Ac., for sale at the Bazaar.