mtamuammmKxGtlaiiiimidiiSSBttmmmmmBxmm! Tlie Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25tb; rebuilt July 19. 1894. G. M. HARM AN. Ediior aud Publisher. LEXINGTON. S. C., WE ONES O AY. OCTOBER 17. 1900. The "Brother in Black" controls the j Republican party in this aiaie, except when it comes to a division if the spoils, when their white brother is very much in evidence. Then it is the old, old story over 8gaii: Naught's a naught and nine's a nine. All the corn and cotton is mine. The United States Supreme Court h s again upheld the constitutionality of the South Carolina registration law, in the case of Daniel Gray Wiley,plainti?f in error, vs. Sinkler and others. The Court held that Wiley's right to vote for members of Congress was undoubted, but that the plaintiff, having failed to register, that defect was fatal. Arrangements Completed. The preparation for the fortbcom irg Fourth Annual Fair of the Lexington County Fair Association ate about completed and they have been ample in every detail. A B ass Band of about twenty pieces has been secured, composed or some good musicians. Old Confederate?, who were members of cavalry companies who desire to do so can ride horseback in the veteran's parade and will be in command of Cjpt P. II. CaugbmaD. A full programme will be arranged for each day which will interest and entertain the visitors. O.fcer attractions have been provided and the management will spare no labor to mtke this fair the be6t ever held. It is expected that a large crowd will be in attendance each of the three days and the exhibits will be more Dumeious and the quality " ? 4 ~ ^ * c K r\ n* r? A a O superior iu auj jci ouu?u. ^J ? matter of course the veterans will be out in full force and about fifty beautiful and fair daughters of Lf xington county will act as an escort to the men who made the history of the fc'outh glorious with ULparalltled patriotism and bravery. Blood. We live by our blood, and oii it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being refreshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con l* i n _ r 1.1 i unuai now 01 ricn uiouu. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved : our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole bodv sroins: ae:ain?man o t o o woman and child. If yon have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will .-urprise you. SCOTT & BOWXE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street. New York. 50c. and $1.oc; all druggistsComing Fair Week. Ogaritaand Hatfield, ttu Dramatic and Comedy Company, will play io the court house on Tuesday and Wednesday nights of Fair week. They are high class artists ill new dramatic and comedy successes givinor a rnntinunns performance. Iu - IT troducing the latest songs, musical specialties, etc. Messrs. J. TV. Shea and S. J. Loaphait have engaged these people for the entertainment of the visitors and home people during the Fair and promise the public a most refioed entertainment. CURES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores, Bone Pains-Trial Treatment Free. First, second or third stages posi tively cured by taking B B B (Bjtanic Blood Balm ) Blood Bdin kills or destroys the S\philitic Pui son in the Blood and expels it from the sjstern, making a perfect cure. Have jou sore throat, pimples, copper colored spots, old festering eatiDg sores, ulcers, swellings, scrofula, itching skin, aches and paios in boDes or j >ints, soie mouth, or falling bait? Then Botanic Blood Balm will heal every sore, str p the aches and make the blood pure and rich and give the rich glow of health to the skin Over 3000 testimonials of cures. B. B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 }cars I). ug stores $1-. Trial treatment of B. B B fiee by w. it eg B'cod Balm C), Atlanta, Ga. De scribe your trouble and free medical advice given. Djn't despair of a T-t K f-nrpci all fails. The manage is for the F?.d? ra! and State el c ions are publiehtd in this issue. They will be paid for their sen ices one dollar per day and wheage fyiivrMMii n. If You Have Sore Tfi?oat P&iii K.ller will cure it. If you have a cough or cold, PaiDKiller will end it. If you have cramps or diarrhoea, Pain Killer will t r __,L i relievo it. jli you cm uum ui bruise yourself, Pain-Iuller will stop i the pain. In short, a bottle of PainKiller on your shelf will save you money. Avoid substitutes, there is but odo Pain Kdler, Perry Davis'. Price 2oc. and 50c. Clerk's Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SALUDA COUNTY. In the Court c! Common Picas. J. William Mitchell, as Administrator with 1 the Will Annexed, of the Estate of Airs. ELztberh E Fort, dc-ceascd, plaintiff, vs. Oscar Lee. Mrs Florence L Hiwkins, Mxv. , Mary L. Conch. Edgar L-e Mrs. Isabella liutherford. Mrs. Annie L Barker, claiming to be children of J. A L. Ice, deceased; John McMillian and Wii'iru Brooks, claiming t ) be childran of M s. Mary Ann McMillian, deceased; Mrs Caroline Baxter, claiming to ba a chi,d of Kichard Lee. deceased: Citlcr Lee and Miss Annie lee, claiming to be children of Bijiuio Franklin Lee. deceased; Beijainiu B Lee. claiming to he a child of Talmas C. Lee. deceased: Andrew Lee Miss Scotie Ler and Edward Lee. claiming to he children of William Lee. deceased, and any and a'l children of the a oresaidd ceased parties, or chil dren of any other brothers or sisters of Mrs. Elizabeth E Fort, deceased; and M. A L. Mitchell and H S. W. Mitchell, defendants. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT ot the Court in this case, sigoed by the Hon. J. C. K'ugh, Judge Presiding. August 21st. 1910. and certified to me. I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the passenger depot door in the town of Lefsviile. during the leg d hours of sale, on the first Tuesday ttho Oth day,) of November, 19T1: (a). O :e tract containing five hundred and thirty acres, more or less, situate iu Lexington county, knowu as her homestead, and adjoining lands of Tboma> Fulmer, William C- Mitchell, deceased, Uriah Crout aDd H^nry A. Smith. (b). One other tract, lituate in Lexir.g ton county, containing two hundred and three seres more or less, J^iug near the tiwu of Leesvide, and adj >iuing 'auds of Jobu W Cully. de< eased. D. D. Mitchell and the town of Leesvilie. (c). Crne other tract, likewise situated in the county ot Lexington, containing one hucdred aud eighty acres more or leas, adjoining lands ot J. A. Mitchell. Johu W. Cully, deceased, and the John W. Lee tract ot laud The tract d -sigoafed ;a) was the Home Place, and upon which is the residence of the said Mrs. E. E Fort, and has been divided into three parcels, as follows: Tract A, of 15<1 acres, adjoining Dr. L. M Mitchell. J. P. Aole and Tiact C. Tract jB. ol 32i acres. aoj >iniug D. L. M. Mitchell, Win BoUnd and Tract 0. and tbtHolly Ferry road. Tract C, ol 367J acres, adjoining Tiuc's A and B, Wui Boiand. Mrs N. It Bartlcy. J. P. Able. Dr. L. M. Mitchell, and perhaps othots. Ou this tract is the ?aid residence, and ibese Lmds are p.bout lour mil-S noilb of Leesviila. ou said Holiy Ferry road. 'I he tract designed (c) has been divided into two parcels, one containing 47 acres, and the other, ou which is the timber. containing 133 acres. These separate parcels of tract (a) and tract (o) will be first offered lor sale, and any bid cr bids therel'or will he accepted upon the condition that they shall be binding upon tho bidd- rs, but the said tracts will then be offer- d as a whole, and in case the amount bid tbere/cr as a whole shall exceed the aggregate of the bids for the parcels, then tho bid for the whole wilt be accepted aud become binding upon both parties and the bids for t'uo separate parcels will be released and cancelled. The tract designated (b), will be sold in twelve lots and six pare*Is. all of which lie wholly or partly iu the town of L-esviMe. and these sales will be a! solute and conclusive. TERMS OF SALE Bid* not exceeding $200 to be c?sb, over this amount and not exceeding $5t0 hall cash, and balance in in twelve mouths, with interest from day ol sale, secured by boLd ol purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. All bids of $700 and npwards to be one-third ea>b, and the balance in one and two < qual aunaal installments, with interest lrom day ot sale, secured by bond ot the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold, the said inoitgages to contain among other things the usual attorney's f?o clauses Purchaser to pay for pap-rs aud revenue 1'iats of theee lands will be ou exhibition at my office and on day of sale at Leesville The lots have already been surveyed and sated off. II A b'PANN Special Referee Clerk of the Court. Attorney* ot record-E. F. Brother, ^h^-ppard Bros , G T Graham aud W. H Lyies. October 9th, 190). 4wol. IN OBEDIENCE TO TBE JUDGMENT of the Court of C unruou Pleas lor Lex u.gton county, South C.-rolina, in the c ;se of The Carolina National Bank, of Coluin bia. Plaintiff, against John N Long, The Globe Phosphate Company, Loan and Ex chaDge Bat k. of South Carolina, and Wilie Jones. Defendants I willse'l to the highest bidder, at public outcry, belore the door of the court house in Lexington S. C , during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in November next: No 1 All tba'- tract of laud situate in Lexington county, Sou'li Carolina, con taiuiu>* 5ty acres, more or less bounded uortb by road bed of the C C ?fc A. R R Co.. east by the State Itoid, south by lands now or fcraitrly of Robert W. and James Cayce. and west by lands now or loruieriy of Henry Arthur. No. 2. All that tract of laud, contain ing ? acres, more or less, situate in the county of Lexsngtou and State of S>nth Carolina, on waters ot Dry creek, a tributary of Congaree river and bounded on the uorth by land ot Kmslcr. on the east and w st by laud ot Andrew Davis, and on the south by land ot Adam tJeiger: ? the same being the premises ? ouv- yed to said J dm N. Long by Mar ha A. and II L Williams by deed dattd 7th Sep'ember. 1 t>l\ and recorded in the R if. C. office, in said county, Rook "J. J ," pa^e 159. \T?* A!! that tr ir?f nt dftnLin. it-g 11" J aer?s. more or kss. situate in the couuty ot Lexington hi d S'ate of South Carolina, and bo mded by lauds formerly of James Cayce, now li. W. Cayce, bv lands of Johu N. Long. by lards formerly ot Miry Claik. now ot South Bound Railroid Company, by lands of Mrs. Harriet Anhur. and by tract Nro. 5, of lands sold in case of Morgan vs Arthur et al., the same being the premises conveyed to said John N. Long by Meta H and T. S. Arthur, by deed dated 10th December. ItJfO, end recorded in said offi :e, Book 4J J.," rage 1 2. No 1 All that tract of laud containing 1"J acres, more or I si. situate in the county of Lexington aud State of South Carolina, and bound-d north by right-ofway of the C C. & A. K. R Co., ea=t by lauds of Mary Clark and la d ol South Bound R. K. Co., south by lauds of John j N. Long and west by land ot John R ! Shu'er; tue same being the promises con- j v yed to said John N. Long by Henry D. . Reynolds by detd dated 7th February, j is'.M, au I recorded iu said office, in lljok i "J. J., * page 021. Terms ot Sale -One-third cash and bal- j auce ill one aim two years, wiin ih'.hm : from the day of sale, and secured by bond of the purchaser and tuor Ripe of the premises sold with privilege to purchas.r 1 to p*y more than ouo third or all ca-h. it j desired The sale wil? be made iu tLe lol- i owing order: First, the premises desig- j oated as No 1, ami next the three j arcels designat-d as Nos 2 3 and 1. Pun haser J to pay for papers and revenue stau ps H SFANN, Clerk oi Co- rt. MessrClark & Ma ler. Attorneys for | PUiutjfi. Mr Halcott P. G?eeu, Attor- ! I ney tor DeJendaut Phosphate Co. 1 Uctobur J, ISM). dwol IN OBEDIENCE lu THE DECREE OF the Court o' C mmon Pleas 'or Lex ington county, Sontb Caro'ii a. in the caae of Sainu- 1 Lorick, WiliiHiu Lorick, Jacob Lorick, Nauders lorick, Miry Etuiiy Willis. Fp-ey Gardner, Louisa Duncan and An. a Addy. plaintiffs, against M ittn* G? rtrude Lorick. Cbarltcn Sumter l.orick, David (J II. Geiger and Julius E Lorick, defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before he court house door, iu I exirgton. S C . during the legal Lours ot sale, on the first Monday in November next: "AU plantation, tract an 1 parcol of land containing forty-three acres, more or less Minute. lying and being in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid and bounded by lauds (if Win. Kinsler, Dr. J. W. Geig. r, Mrs E. Reid. Andrew Davis and others and has such shape and marks as u plat for the same doth more fully represent. Also another "Tract containing thirty* i three and one half setei, more or 1 ss ! situate and being iu th * county and S'ate J aforesaid and bou (led by lands of Mrs. ! Emily Eenl and A. J. Geiger, an 1 the Old ' State road and Cougaree river and has such shape and marks as a plat lor the same do'h more fully represent." TERMS: ?Dm -halt cash, aud the balance on a credit of twelve mouths with interest troui day of sa'e. secured by bond of the porch s r and a mortgage of the prenrsos sold. Immediately a'ter the close of the bidding the purchaser shah deposit with the Clerk $2 > 0 ) and in default the lauds wiil be rr-so d at his risk. Purchaser to paj for p ip ;rs, recording mortgigo and revi nne. H. A. SPAN N. C. C. C. P. aud G S. October 9ih, I'JGO Messrs. Ffird A L>reher. Attornevs. 3 vol tjTOBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT 1 of the Court of Common Pleas for Lexington county, .Sou'h Carolina, in the case o* G T Graham and P. II. Nelson, j laint.ft'-. against P.iorebia, deieudant, I wi.l sell to th < highest bidder at public ontciy. before the court house door in Lex ington, S C., during theusuil hours of sale. ou ibt tirst Monday in riovemosr, next: All tli it. piece, parcel or tract of !anl siinte. hing and being in the county and State aforesiad: on Poud Ik inch, containing titty (50) acres, more or less and bounded 0:1 the north by lands of Tyno I* fcoat, on tie east by lands of John J Jefcoat and the soa'h an J wist hy lands of Dempsy -I) les. The above described j tract ol land being the tract upon which thcsadPh rebia ui* resides and which she pur 'his.d fro n John W. J jtcoat. TERM > Cash. F fty dollars to be paid upon tho t id b ing knocked down, or at the expir&tiou of one hour thereafter the premises will be reso d at tin risk of the former purchaser. Purobiser to nay for papers and revenue stamps. II. A SPAWN, C. C 0. P. and G S. Messrs. Graham & Nelson, at'orueys for plaintiffs October 9, 1900. 3?ol. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE ot the Court ol Common Pieas for Lexirgton county. South Carolina, iu the case of L 11. Seay, plaint IT. against Malinda E Seay, El zabeth Uaw 1, Ellen M Kyz *r. Josephine ll irrn in and Alma O Geic. r defend mts 1 will sell to the limbed bidJ<;r. at pubi c outcry before the court house door in Lexington, S C . during the usual hours of sale, ou the first Mondiy in November nex': "One lot 01 land with improvements thereon, situate in the town of Lexington, in the county of Lexington and fjtate of South Caro'ina. bounded on the ucrth by lots of Mrs M. E Meet/, j and, AI-s. SMiie Ivaiuiner's Estate, on the east by lot of M 11 Heudrix. on the south by lauds of Mrs. P. L. Harmau, and on the west by 1); pot Street 'these prem ses will bo soM in thre? separate parcels, each fronting on Dep Cowmen Ckapm?1> J G Lever, Thomas Stuckman. Sheal . Eiird's Store ?A S Prick, J J Ri>k J West Auiick. Peak Station 0 L. Mi\or, James II Hope. James W Eargle I' W SheaJy's Store J A Griffith, J S Reeder, J S Milh r. Hilton -11 8 IJiller, E!:as Aoiiek, J G Falmer. Samaria - Paul S Hallman, 11 W Boatlight, l-\lix B r^e^s. Jr. Batesbtirg - J A1 Malpass, J M Reynolds D M Lo Ainiin Swans* a- L V, W AI -Johnson, D F. Ill ff UHU. lied Sto e II M Assmauu, Rev THE Deriick. J W Wise. Hnfl'.aarj's Burnt Mill S li Smith, J F Lvles, W A Ri^b. Brookland -J D Scan, W W Hawes, J L< m Berrv. Spring O 1' Clark, Paul E Eleazer, M J> Ehsz r. Fo'k's Sjbo<.l House J J Chapman. Ju lius Derrick S It hie z-.-r. Red Bank J >b?? II Baily, D P Burnett, Job:t A G '.hio. Brook - Samuel W Stockman. R Cal Moore, J F Long. Lower Fork, at St Andrew's School House A S Nnuainiker, I' E lliffuan, George F. Yvir?g iv-r. The ha lot. box-s i>> the precincts must be so loctted as to be itt view of persous outside the po hug placo during the time o! election. A space or enclosure s^puate anddisliuct from lLat used In the M inagers ol the State Election, nr>st be raiied off or otherwise provided, at each precinct, uuder llio di reciiou ?>1 the undersigned. }> it one voter must be id'owed to enter any voting p'aee at a tim'\ and no one except the Managers n ust be allowed to speak to the v.t r whiie in the voting place casting lis vote For further instructions see notice of Oinniistiouers of State E e:t;on. (due ot the Mmagers at ?acb precinct named above tmal call upon the B >ard of Comuji-siouf rs for the Federal Electiou at the Gr.m 1 Jura's room in the court house ;it Lexington, on Saturday. November 3rd, 19 ft to riceive ballot boxe*. poll list and instructions, and to be q lalitied. X D It. LEVER. N. Ji. WANNAMAKER. f'-m n!ssioi?e:s '?f Fe.l. Election. SAM J LFAl'HART, . r.Nvimptnii Ci?11 nil" ?r> T?.,c,lUv No\>*ml>er 70 and 571!. an election will also be held at the same time and place for amendments to the Constitution of South Carolina, jus follows: Amend Section 7, Article VIII. of the Constitution of South Carolina, as follows Add at the end thereof the following words. "Provided, That the limitation imposed by this Section and by Sction 5. A tide IV. of this Constitution shall not applv to 1> nded indebtedness inour-ed by the cities of Columbia. R >ck Hill. Charleston and Florence, where the proceeds of sa'd bonds are applied solely for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or increase of water works plant, sewage system, gas and electric light plants, where the entire revenue arising from the opera'iou of such plants or systems shall be devoted sole:y ami exclusively to the maintenance and opeiation of the same, and where the question of incurring such indebtedness is submitted to the freeholders and qualified voters r>f such municipality, as provided in the Constitution, upon the question of other bonded i d.-btedness." Amend the Constitution of South Carolina by a Id n,' thereto the following to be known as 'A-'i* e I of Amendments to the Constitution" "l'he General Assembly shall provide by law for the < ondemnation, through proper official channels, of ail lands necessary for the proper drainage of *he swamp and low lands of this State; an 1 shall also provide for the equPanle assessment of all lands so drained, for the purpose of paying I the expenses of such comdemnation anu | drainage " The said Amendments shall bo submitted in such manner that the electors qtia'itt d to vote lor Members of the House of ltepre somatives snuii vote ior or against each 01 fu 'h amendments separately. Atueudments sh-tild be on separate tickets. Ballo'a in favor of the adoption of an amendment should contain the amendment voted upon iu full, followed by the word "Yoo": ballots opposed to the adoption of an amendment should eo* tain iheamcndment voted upon, followed by the word "No." Polls at each voting place will be opened at 7 o'clock u. m . and closed ?.t 4 o'clock p. m. The following named persons have been appointed managers of election for State and Count v offices and amendments to Siate Constitution, towit: Lexington?P. D. George. Thos- L. Hnrnisn, James P. Dooley. Leesvilie?F. A Warren. W. A. Jolly. D. L. Gunter. T. J- Drafts' Store?It J. Price. Jesse Drafts, f- D. L*n?f<>ril. Lewiedale-D. T. Hare, A. B Taylor. S. W. Price. Gaston?Lee Fallaw. W. A. Sightler. J. H. I Spires. Boyutou Academy?W. (J Jackson, Davnl Yonee, C-. J. King. Iruio?it. L. Shuler. H. R. Dreher. John Lietner. Balleniine?Johnnie Wessinger. S. FShealy, J F. Lnvtnan. Chapin?D. J. Haltiwanger. A. W. Cuma lander, A. Noah Sease. Eflrd's Store-J. M. Epting. G. Willie Koon, W D. HufMetz'er. Peak Station?T. W. Atnick. W. M. Wilson, Rudolph Stoudcmire. ? , p. W. Shealy's Store?J. A. Shcaly, B. D. Cark, J. Thomas Smith. Hilton?Bei jauiiu J. Derrick. John J. Haltiwai gor, Silas McCattha. _ Samari t? W. E Quattlebaum. Thomas B. Btrre, H G. Able. Batesburg A. C. Joues, H. W. Haltiwanger, E. C. hldgell. Swansea -J. E. Ganlt. L. P. Smith, C. J. Iineker. Bed Store?E. J. Boo*. J. C. Mullet, J. E. Sailor. Huffman's Burnt Mill?John E Gnntt, E H. Lewis, David McCartlia. Brooklaud?Zimmerman Kirby, W. D. Dent. Calvin Hook. Spring Hill?Dr. J. W. Earglo. John E. Fuliiier. George Sites. F11 lltts and instructions, and to be Qualified. J H. COUNTS. G F. KEISLEK, W. N. KLECKLEY. Commissioners of State Election. SAM J. LEAPHABT. Clerk. October 17,1900?8\v51. Sheriff's Sale, IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE OF the Court of CommoD PI as in the ca*e ot Nor i T. Huffman against J. A. Richardson, I will sell at public ancticn, to the highest bidder, before the cci.rt house door at Lexiugton, S. C.. during the usual houis of sale on the first Monday in November next: "A'l that piece, parcel or tract of 'and, situate, lying and being in Lexington county, State of South Carokna near Spring Hill, containing one hundred and forty acres, more or less, and bouuded bv lands now or formerly owned by Elizibeth Whites, Elizabeth Jacobs, Dr JatneR Willingham and estate of Jesse Ju'ie.n." TERMS OF HALE: - One thircl cash, the balance in two equal, successive, annu. 1 instalments, with interest fiorn day ot sale, secured by bond of the pu chaser and mortgage of the pr fore the conr- house door in Lexington, S. C , during the legal hours of sale, to the hightst bidd? r. on the first Monday in November, next; All that piece, parcel or tract o( land situate in the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina, contaii iug fifty eight acren, more or less, and bonndtd by lands of Edward J. Mathias, David J. Mathias. B. C LybrmL J. Weir Ad ly, Jacob Ro f and John A. Oomtr, the seme biing the Estate lands of Emanuel I. L\brand, dec fcflsiid TEEMd OF SALE?Cash, Pnrohaser to piy for papers and revenue stamps T. H. CACGHMAN. S L C. October 1G 1!H)0 3w5l. Mill Higgle nine, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. PREPARES FOR TEACHING COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. High School, Intermediate and Primary Courses. English, German. French, Greek and Latin Taught. Very Healthiest Location. Board very cheap. $4 to $7 per month Tuition exeediuglv low. $1 to $2.50 per month. Expenses per year $50 to $75. Had 125 students last session Next session begins Monday, September 18. 1WK) For full particulars, Address O. D. SEAY, Principal, Lexington, 8. G. September 14 tf. TO T1 WHO NEEJ I will say that we have outdone 01 the greate? Men's, Boy's and OVEltCOATS, HATS, UNDEFWE. :NECK\ AM) Our Fall and Winter Suits are far style and tit, which makes them it a pleasure to treat people s<] factory way of < MEN'S SUITS, $7 50, $8 5 BOY'S SUITS, 2 90, 3 6 CHILDREN'S 6UITS, Everybody in Lexington knows 1 pleasing t! M. L. 1 1523 MAIN ST. C October 17? 1 ru >. ESTABLIS | Fine C: | _AT REASONS % A # _ * _ i . _ ;; we xaKe to our i custom* our Retail Grocer] ' 5 j 1 i i ! Please visit our Establislimen stoc Seasonal) ! whether you wish to purchas* vour visit and trust to LORIGK & 1 WHOLESALE AND COLUMBIA, JttA. i.? lv. THE G WILL I1E LEXING1 COMMEN Tuesday, and continnin ' Every factor that goes toward mal and presupposes the most ati Kv thp Association. The fi ~ ~ ~ c | and well supplied with c fort and pleasure of bo visitors. Don't mis: ger than ever. M More exhibits t< comfort for vi objects of More xioveltii More pleasure f before. Low exci C., C. and A. R. R. : Augusta and intermedi purb brass band of the S will furnish the music whi pleasure and comfort of the v attractions each day. Japanese beautiful young ladies will ride ea Blue Kibt A magnificent Display of Fine IIo Well bred prize cattle, Finest brc Household Articles, Farm Pi Among the many new special fe the following additional premiums $2.00, 2d premium $1.00. Boy d $2.00, 2d premium, $1.00. The Old Soldiers Ri At which time (lens. M. O. Butler, will make stiring addres J. II. COUNTS, President, Irmo, S M. I). HAH? \V. P. ROOF, Treasurer, Lexingtoi C. M. EFIRU IGSE ) CLOTINi --- -- - .n#._i . ir previous euun> m shuh *t stock of ATi, YEAR, OTHER FURSTISIIINC above the average as to qua) thoroughly reliable. We fin |uarely?it is the only satisloing business. >0, $ I 0, $ I 2 arid $ I 5 50, 4 00 5 00 and 6 I 50, 2 50 and 3 the reputation of our goods lie people. COLUMBIA. S. C. II EI) 18G5. roceries lBLE prices.^ pleasure in announcing many friends and former 2rs that we have reopened i Department. n ' nd it is now elegantly stocked with New and Tempting Goods. This Department is one of the l>e3t organized branches of our business, and goods are offered therein at prices that will meet with public favor, t and inspect our well assorted k of le Goods, 3 or not. We will appreciate merit vour patronage. jOWRANCE, RETAIL GROCFRS, - s. c. HELD AT 'OK, S. C cirsc* oiv ? tlivee diij'.s. ;ing a successful fair is in evifle tractive exhibition ever held grounds are' finely located onveniences for the conith the exhibitors and s it for it will be big [ore .sights to see. o admire. More si tors. More interest. ?s to amaze, or all, than ever irsioii rates on the from Columbia and late points. The su. C. C. I. of Edgefield eh will contribute to the isitors to the Fair. Special Day fireworks. A troop < ch of the Fair days in the an !_ )0n STOGJ3 rses. ;eds of Sheep and Swine, oduots, Ducks, (rcese and Turk atures the Association will aw : Hoy riding calf 1st premii riving pair goats, 1st preini il a* eunioii on me m C. I. Walker and M. L. Bonli ses to the old veterans. L C. dAX, Secretary, Lexington, S n, S. ('. \ General Supt.. Lexington, S. ills Hi 1? 1235?M ?ia Frcct, First Block 1 COLUMBIA Please mention the Dispatch, ilij 2, li?U!J ly. Your Patronaj ! . ' | P. 0. FRIG I 900 AND 902 UEKVAIS S j FE XLEHS i| I j CLOTIilMi, SHOES \MI POLITE SERVICE AMD YOU i H. L 01 The public will ple;ss take Dotice that I have o Lexington, where I am ready to serve all w nrtirnaB esp bcncnAL is complete an J prices a.-; low as the lowest I but the values th. II Shoes, Mats s are exceptional ones. The piices on these g WILL PAY TOP PR1C Stptemler 26. . Mmm *J disoafic cured by TAGK-A-POO-oHm 345942 cases in 17 years ???t??? ssaaa^assm J the Siiil 11.v!pi / Cotton capacity 20,000 P;d< s. St >r p<* and ii fraction tLe'eof. Special ratt-s on large lots. I on cotton stored with us. Write to ] or H. L. EM.10TT. Manager 3mcs December 18. nee, r-? m. HOFFEr ^ 0S^ ? C?n*s ?* Or moll 23cents to Qa J. DltS. D. L. BOO! mm?. 1525 MAIN S f COI jUMBIA, Mia. 'PHONE 230. , LEESVILLE III Opens Septembc Moral and rtligious tone unexctlled. Co-c Personal int< r st taken in tach pupil. M imc Elocution. Commercial C-urses and Military Tr per month by our industrial plan. Expenses f evs. Leesville. S. C. an I August 28, 1900 2tno. uni, 11 Wholesale and R- tail Importers aa HARDWARE, IR01 PAINTS, Oil, A We are H<-ad.ju c ! BLACKSMITHS, ANU HUUst POST OFFICE BLOCK, /1 r 30 -Iv | When writing mention th?* Dispatch. ^ 0P 3 in 11 in 1 ORGANS PIANOS '* V" 0* For terimand prices w rite or call on North of State Iloaso. s. c. i mcuuon me iiispaicn. ge Solicited. iii I 00., T., COLUMBIA, S. C. i IN \\m mmm. IS M3HEY'S W33TH. pened no at G A. Sbwily's old stand in ho l'avur we with a call. My stock of ivn offering f,">od valtros in every line, tt I off.-r iu md Hosiery ;cods are very low, quality coasidtreiL ES FOR COTTON. The disease i3 the national curse of Japan P| ar.d (iiiii.i. A remedy was imperative and Sa the mcdi'-a! profession there e< repted this g as the only permanent, painless, pr vatc, B qnitk cure "known to scf. n< e. A weeks'? treatment FSiKK OF t'JIAKCK. Phy-8 picians and ui: coaSd-.uJaliy treated by mad. g C'eregnaraBTceo. n UO>IK TREATMENT CO., jj \~S We&t 4vM St., New York City, j iE / V, s. c. asti ranee 15 cents per bale per mouth or .ib? ral advances at low rate of interest EDWIN W. ROBERTSON. Secretary, f'S fi fflljs irritation, Aids Digestion, ! Rfl |A peculates the Bowels, j r>] j la Strengthens the Chiid, | ? w \ Makes Teething Easy. ?\ ? \\ TFPTtJ|KA&e!?,w?fh*fWj*l ~ ' . trod>!cs of children oi drngsisis, any age. cffe77, m. d., st. louis, mo# ZER & SONS i'reet, 8. O. UUl^JL?&r?, m* n>, 1000. ducaMon the natural and Vest m.-thod. (pijho. voice, organ.) Guitar, Art, re>ident. d Dealers in A 1 Ki I> <11 ru.r> f'r BUILDING NtfTRIALS COLUMBIA, S. C. th