The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 12, 1900, Image 3

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The Lexington Dispatol) WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBEK 12. 1900 Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and all.jF) Ini^s to Nov Advertisements. < 'I k\i Sale. F t Salf?J. G. Williams. Notice?J. G. Williams. Notice?Rebecca F. Bickley. For Sile?Ciirie Harmao aBd 0 h?rs. Cii-b Sale?Gregory Rhea Mule C jmpaDy. "idx-viits szhvicest i.exinoton circuit m e. church sou'h. Rev. J. N. Wright, Pastor. 1st Snnday, Red B-mk 11 am. J>bi;ob4Apa id Sunday, Horeb ltara. Lexington 4jpm 3d Snnday, Sbiioh 11 am. 4th SuihUv, Lexington 11 am. Ilortb 4 pm " Red Bank 8 30 pni. Lexington: Sunday school service e erv Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. LEXINGTON BAPTIST CHCBCH. Rev. J. J. Myers, Pastor. 3rd Saturday Evening at 8 p m. 3rd Sunday 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Snucay school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. L. W. Redd, Superintendent. ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN CHUBCH. Rtv. J. G Graicben, Pastor. 1st. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday 11a. m , Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. EPISCOPAL SERVICES. Rev. Harrold Thomas, Rector. Second Sundays at 11 a. m. Every Tuesday at 8:30 p m. Bib.e class every Tuesday at 5 p. ra Sunday school evtry Tuesday at 6 p Agent at Brookland. Mr. P. J WessiDger is authorized to receive subscriptions to the Dis' patch and receipt for the same at Brookland. Those who find it convenient can stop and pay him either for new or old subscriptions. For Saie. A high grade second hand Bicycle in first class condition. A 4 Columbia'1 Graphophone (new) including recorder, reproducer, borr and thirty records. Will be sold chtap for ca-h or on e sy terms. Rice E. Harman, L xington, S. C. Contract to Let. B ds are solicited to build a church Dear Midway school house. Plans and specifications to be had from building committee. E L Wingard, Chairman Building Com. Sept. 10, 1000. Masonic. * A KEGULAR COMMUNICATION Lexington Lodge, No. 152, A P AI will he held on Saturday, October 6.b, 1900, at 7 oclock p. ra. Members will please be prompt in attendance. By order of the W. M. G. M. Harmon, Secretary. Masonic Notice. A A regular communication of Po ^V^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M will convene in Masonic Hall. Peak, 5. C., Saturday evening, October 6, 1900, at 6? o'clock sharp. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly Brethren. John C. Swygert, Master. Jury for the Second Week of Court. R B Killer, Cuarlie R Cannon, S E 1 Hendrix, S M Gross, T t .Aki/i W.ilfo Waifar "F! Ffttoalv. U au;uiu n uav} n i??w? 7 Hiram Hutto, AW Lever, J Albert Keisler, H Pink. Meetze, D Job Harman, WmSWise, Jacob Kelly, Geo W Keisler, Onarias Steel, F A Derrick, John A Lucas, J B Nunamaker, J M Caughman, Jas K Swygert, Archie R Sightler, Jno A Wessinger, B J J- fcoat, Ready B Shealy, W D Shull, W N Lucas, John A Shealy. J Perry Hutto, S P Drafts, A D Shull, David D Kieckly John W Mathias, Irviu F Stack, David F Jumper, Reuben D HarmaD,E R Steadman, Attention, Consumers of Ice. Positively ice will be sold at the B.zaar on Sundays during the following hours ouly: 8 to 9. a. m , 12 noon to 1 p m , and 6:30 p. m. Customers will please keep these hours in mind and call only during the time rmntioned on Sundays. This rn!#> will be sfrictlv observed. The Bazaar. The Love of Two Girls. There is a thrilling story of danger and of lost love in the October number of The Delineator. It is dated back in the romantic Acadian days by the master of Canadian fiction, Charles G D R -berts. A wounded ensign beloved by two girls is saved by both, solely because of the self renunciation of one, who goes back to die in order to delay bis pursuers It is a skillful piece of heart anguish done into word. The same number has a picturesque Cninese article illustrated by several genuine photographs of Cninese women; a rare thing in the present rush of Chinese ! literature. The Delineator is quite i up-to-date in the eighty or more sketches of present day styles which are shown in its pages. For thirty years it has been tru$t"d by Atneii can women for guidance in botne drtsemaking and home management. Pay your dues to the Dispatch. <a???mm??amb?? PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Sow small grain. See Clerk's sale. Lovely moonlight nights. Get your turnip patch ready. Remember the Cjuiity Fair. Lemons, Lemons, at the Bazaar. Drop in to see us duriDg court. The days are goving beautifully shorter. The backbone of summer has been broken. Prepare your exibits for the County Fair. The street hands have been warned out. Very often its rings that makes he belle. Lemons and ice for sale at the Bazaar. Mr. A J Fox is recuperating at he springs. T./ inorfon in nnw without either a XiLAiUg V^/U 4w fctvr * ? brass or string baDd. For the best and most stylish ha4, go to Meetze & Son. Make your arrangements to attend the County Fair. Today cotton is bringing lOj cents at this place. Help build up the Institute by entering your children. Smoke Sweet Violets. They can be had at the Bazaar. Mr. Hal Bradford has returned home from a trip to Cuba. Eggs and chickens are conspicious in our market for their absence. Finest candies, cakes and crackers always in stock, at the Bazaar. We will soon know the ice man no more until the next hot wave. Prayer meeting at the Methodist church tomorrow evening. Lemon snaps, a delicious lunch cracker, 5c a quart, at tne JBazaar. We learn that Kjv. J. N. Wright is recovering from his illness. Mr. A J Fox's well outfit is at Mr. Jame3 CiUgfcnnn's boring a well I offer 2000 bagging and ties at 60 cents per bale. W. P. Roof. None of our ladies have made their appearance in the new fall fashions. No man was ever such a poor mu sician that he couldn't sing his owd praises. The dry goods department of W P. Roof, has been transferred to his new 6tore. Don't forget to prepare some article for exhibition at the Co inty Fair. A line of nice pipes, smoking to bacco, and fine cigars, will be found at the B .zaar. Sow small grain with a liberal hand, so that you can reap a bounti ful harvest nest spring. Put a cart wheel in you pocket for the Dispatch when you leave home to attend court. I will pay the highest market prices for cotton. J. S. Boozer, Fatlentine, S. C. The little girl of Dr. L. E Smoak, who has been quite ill, is improving, so we have been informed. The celebrated Hamilton Brown Co's., fine shoes. Every pair guaranteed, at Meetze & Son. R-iv. James Steele has been conducting revival services in the Bap tist church at this place. Albert Boozer, Eq, and daughter, Miss Lena, of Columbia, are visiting his sister, Mrs. P. L. Harman. Mr. James C Fort, of Pelion, was in town Monday on businass. He returned to bis home the same day. The Palmetto Collegiate Institute resumed its sessions Monday with a satisfactory enrolment of pupils. Muscadines and persimmons are ripening and possums are growing fatter. The Lord will provide. Considering the interest taken in the result of the election yesterday, it was the quietest we have ever seen. The weather man is presenting .a few powerful arguments in favor of retaining the straw hat a few days longer. On Monday the September term ot court will convene. Djn't forget to bring us a dollar when you come to town. Cotton took a jump to 11 cents in Augusta Monday. Some predict that it will go to 12 cents and even higher. Debtors aud creditors of the estate of the late J. Daniel Bickley will see an important notice in this issue. A prominent merchant has turned weather prophet and says that there will be no frost until late in Nove nber. The heirs of the late L O George will sell his Fork place on salesday in October. This is a very desirable j piece of property. There will be Episcopal services in j the chapel in this place next Suuda\ i morning at 11 o'clock. The pubi c j is cordially iL\i;ed. Wanted?A j<?b as eu^iueer i.eia i tionaij) Wiij qual.lhu. A IJivc. L' srei C.trson, cure of LexiL^toc Dispatch. Parties indebted to Dr. J G. Wil liams should read his Dotice elsewhere in this issue and then go and settle up. The election is over and the nexGovernor of South Carolina will be the man who received the inuj >rit\ of vot< s yesterday. Ou account of the long dry spell I monT? f fho hereabouts a]e failing and the supply of water in others is very low. Our devil remarked that the editor must be preparing for his semiannual fishing trip as he wants to consult Uacle Jake. Persons attending court are re quested to call and examine the com plete line of dry goods, shoes, cloth ing and groceries at J. D. Taylor's. Mr. Joe Harman has sold his butcher business to Mr. Jim Mathias, who will hereafter conduct in the market at the same stall. A number of our young men have returned to Clemson to resume theii studies, among them being Mr. Jules Bradford of this town. The best line of dress goods in Lexington, at Meetze <fc Son. This line is fresh and of the latest pat terns. Call and see these goods. The baptismal services will take p!aoe next Sunday in Factory pond, between the dismissalof the Sunday school and the hour for preaching. The finest and best ready made j clothing in all the latest styles, at Lsaphart & Drafts. Call and tea this | stock before you purchase. Harry Oswald has purchased the , stock of goods in the New Yoik Rrcket Store from Mr. G A Shealy, I and will continue the business. I Mr. Patrick Seay, of R;>cky Well, , is sending his son to Palmetto Colle- ( giate Institute and boards bim id i the h(me of Mr. John Snelgiovc. Fine plantation and family sup- ] plies cm always be found at T. B j Aughtry & C/s., Columbia, at piic js | hat caDnot be duplicated in the city , Mr. Newell Lee, wife and children, and Mrs. Scottie Harman, have returned from a pleasant visit to Mr. 1 L3e's parents and relatives in Virgi- j nia. If you have not received a prrrn- 1 ium list of the Lexington County 1 Fair Association, address M. i) HarmaD, LexingtoD, S. C , and you will i get one. 1 From near Barrs comes Mr. Ward Shealy to Palmetto Collegiate Insti ute for the purpose of continuing his studies. He boards with Mrs. N mcy Corley. Two negroes recently killed a large rock fish with a stick in the old wasteway of Mr. Joe Shumperi's pond. The fish weighed twenty pounds. Master Rion Dreher, of Countsvine, is attending Palmetto Collegiate Institute and is boarding with his grand mother, Mrs. "West Caughman, near Lexington. The County Fair is coming on a pace and to make good impression you should go to T. B. Aughtry & Co's., Columbia, and purchase one of their fine buggies. Miss Lizzie Seay, who is very anxious for an education, has resumed studies in Palmetto Collegiate Institute and boards with her aunt, Mrs. John Monts. Wanted To Sell?One 14 horse power skid boiler and engine, iD good running older cheap and on asy terms. W. H. Donley, Lewiedale, S C Mr. J. J. Bickley, who sustained initiries last week by falling from a scaffold in W. P. Roof's new store, has so far recovered as to be able to be out on the streets 8gain. Persons interested in the establishment of a cotton seed oil mill at this place, should call a meeting and appoint a person to receive subscriptions to its capital stock. In the beautiful suburban home of the Hon. S. P. Wingard. boards Mr Alonzo Lown, who thinks education i is the best acquisition and the Palmetto Collegiate Institute is the best place to get it. The complaints of the housekeeper are loud and long. They say they can get nothing to cook. Tfiis leads us to remark that there is an excellent opening for a first class gre*n grocery store here. W. P. Roof is now receiving a large shipment of shoes and dry goods which he is offering at prices which will sell the goods. An in spection of these lines is solicited | Messrs. Belton and George Buff, two young men from near Brookland, enrolled in the Palmetto Collegiate Institute and are boarding with Prof. , E. J. Dreher in the suburbs of town. Fresh Baker's bread will be found at the Bazaar all the time after this , 1 week. Also the very best cakes and I ?Pitr frnnkftre. the ICI QCiiri a. j wvvtM ? 7 best, try 'tin, antl you will Lever buy i no other. The Gregory-Rhea Mule Company, ! of Columbia, announce in this issue L j that they have inaugurated a great cash sale in buggies and surreys, at such extremely low prices that their j Cv rapetitor" htp tbu'jcierHtruck. Wh< u ' rrci w?*nt r ti^K* class vehicle for a i lit'le mcwy, inspect tbib stock.. gsreTggrawa?SM8ii3igmgj f NERVOUSNESS, ] a " I in American Disease. | 33 m M Dr. S. Weir Mitchei.l is au- ?' HJ thority for the statement that nerv- "j Bousncss is the characteristic mal- ^ ady of the American nation, and "l statistics show that nerve deaths |J| mi number one-fourth of all deaths i? 111 recorded, the mortality being main [J ly among young people. CT | Johnston's s 5 Sarsanarilla 1 ? QUART BOTTLE. (j * is the grand specific for this great L"{ tu American disease, because it goes Kii straight, to the source of the weak- Jjj "[ ness, building up health and i#l fti strength by supplying rich.abund- u -ant food and pure blood to the PjJ n worn-out tissues, rousing- the liver K. i to activity and regulating all the un organs of the body. H "The Mlrhlfaa Druj Co.,M Detroit, Mlrh. tjj til Livorettes the famous little liver pllio. 35c.JEe ES EECS EZ1> J. E. KAUF.MANN, I.exingtoD, S. C. If you have demands against cr are indebted to the estate of the late J. Daniel Bickley should correspond with Mrs. Rebecca F. Bickley, administratrix, concerning the same. Mr. Jimes E Hendrix, one of our merchants and fellowtownsman, is hoarding Misses Hattie Egberts and Ella Gregory, who are prosecuting studies in Palmetto Collegiate Institute. Miss May Bradford, of Lexington, visiting ber sister, Mrs. P. T B;odie. Miss Bradford has visited here before and has a host of fiiends who are always glad to see her ? Clemson correspondent of the State. Sweet violet, the best known 5 tents cigar on the market and other brands of fine cigars, together with the famous Klondike, v/hich honestly eclipses all 2 for nickle cigars on the market, at the Bazaar. Mr. Jesse M. Rjof, one of our bet t farmers, sold a load of watermelons in Columbia, one day this week, for the nice sum of $17. Some of them selling for 50j a piece out of the wagon. A beautiful selection of Bhirts, bats, shoes, neckwear aDd other gents' furnishings is now shown by Leaphart Drafts. To appreciate this stock it should be sei.:n and having been seen you will purchase. Prof. E S. Dreher. Superintendent of the Columbia City school?, has returued from his European trip and his friends in this county, of which he is a native, will be pleased to learn that he is much improved in he *lthThe agony is over and the victory is won. While the candidates who are nominated are j ibilaot over their success, the unsuccessful ones are bearing their defeat with commendable resignation and Christian fortitude. Dr. J. G. Williams offers seme valuable real estate for sale in and around Gaston, in this county. This is an excellent opportunity for a reputable physician to buy him out as there is a large and growing practice already built up. A small negro house on the premises of Mr. Simon P. Wingard, on the east side of Twelve Mile creek, was destroyed by fire list Fiidf.y morning about 11 o'clock. It wa9 occupied by Berry IPsh and fimily, colored, and the origin of the fire is unknown. A white bobo shot aiod slightly wounded a negro Darned Wm. Brown, at Brooklard last Fridiy. The hobo was acting indecently before Brown's house and upon being remonstrated with, pulled bis peper box and pumped three bullets into him. D ?A V? a n z-! An f hp U L'J W LI 10 a BCb'jlUU uaua u>< Southern Railway. About 9 or 10 o'clock one night last week a half grown peafowl struck the Simmons old residence in rear of the court house and fell to the ground and then made for the bushes. A small dog took t."ter it and captured and killed it. Had the little birdie stayed home with its mother it would have probably been alive today. The re-union of the Confederate Veterans of Georgia will be held in Augusta November 14, 15 and 16 There may be some readers of the Dispatch who desire to attend this re union and for their information we state that reduced railroad fare has been secured for this occision. For further information apply to your nearest railroad agent. Persons who inteud hauling saw dust to the fair grounds are informed that there was a mieunderstanding as to the date fixed for them to meet Mr. Berley. The date should have been Thursday the 20th instead of the loth as printed. Parties interested will take due notice and meet Mr. Berley promptly at the fair grounds on the 20th with their teems. The County Commissioners have decided to comply with the recommendation of the grand jury in reference to putting up a wind mill in the j iil yard to operate a pump. The mill has beeu purchased and the lumber is now bHng delivered fur the erection of a water tank. When these arrangements are completed it will be protection against 6re for the jail and enurt house and will add to the cleanliness of these buildings. The Result in the County. Tae election in this county yesterdiy pissed off without a difficulty or undue excitement, so far as we can learn. The returns are coming in slowly and up to the hour of going to press only 10 boxes out of 28 have been heard from. These boxes indicate that the candidates for county offices are running close and that it is impossible to tell who will be the successful ones. The result of the 10 boxes is as follow*: For Govereor. 113;> J1C?J*TCCLICJ - Hoyt GGG For Lieutenant Governor. Tillman 1021 Sloan 713 For .Railroad Commissioner. Evens f 40 Wharton 1113 For Sheriff. Caughman 849 Leaphart ?88 For Treasurer. Shealy 851 Derrick 898 For County Commissioner. Koon 710 Hook 10G8 K aininer G24 Mailman 972 Superintendent of E lueatiou. Kyzer 910 Derrick 810 We will give the full returns nex' week. A Card of Thanks. I t hiuk it proper to express my gratitude to the good people of Lexington county for their kindness that I received at their hands during my stay among them and I am truly glad to say that they have given me a very complimentary vote, and assuring them that I appreciate the kindness they bestowed upon nr.e as much as any citizen of our grand old cjuDty, and assuring them that, if I oever have the pleasure of j com'ng btfore the people agaiD, I ?U, A/-izjda on/1 /.Vioo^fnl u/nrds tUCll A1UU UCtUO UU i vuvvi I v.4 ? V.W shall never be forgotten and I believe that every ballot that was cast in my bebalf was cast with a free good will. I did not run on anybody's demerits but singlebandtd on my own merits, and made a clean race, and am the possessor of a clear conscience, and if I ever come before the people again, I will come the same way, only I will not come for Coroner. Tbankiug you all agaio, I remain as ever, Ioor Hayes. Lewiedule, S. C , Sept 8 1(J00. Dots from Rocky Well. To the EJitor of the Dispatch: Hot and dry. The fruits are all about gone. <-? " - e J -...11 Some 01 our iarmera arts uuuc pui.iog fodder. T'ce people have p'enty of cotton to pick Mr. D M. Hook lost a fine mule last week. Mr. J A. Kt-isler is doing a good mercantile business. Mr. H. L. Oswalt will move to Lexingtod soon. Mr. C E. Sbull is building a store house at his home. The pea crop is 3cmewhat shorter than it was last year. Miss G-.rtrude Geiger closes her school August 31st. She is a fine teacher. Most of the people are carrying their fruit to town. Guess it is a good price. B^st wishes for the Dispatch. C. E. L. Home and Farm. By special arrangements we offer the Home and Farm, the leading farm and home paper, published in Louisville, Ky., and the Despatch for $1.2/). Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. Chocolate for cakes, powdered sugar for iceiug cakes, candy trimmings for cakcp, fine extracts and essences, all at the Bazaar. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow* els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills Dn^ITIf>M<; Guaranteed Under Rea! rUOl I sonablc Conditions. I Our facilities for securing' positions and the j proficiency of our graduates are tea times more strongly endorsed by bankers and merchants than those of other colleges. Send for catalogue. draughon's *j?/7 practical business Nashville, Tenn., St. Louis, Mo., Savannah, On., /N Galveston, Tex., Hontgomery, Ala., Ft. Worth, Tex., Little Rock, Ark., Shreveport, La., Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Best patronized in the South. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Etc., taught by mail. Write for price list Home Study. Scholarship Free by doing a little writing at your home. sin UUIt DUUI Oj)( n Buddies, Genuine L?u\ To]) Bu ddies, Genuine Leu t) Canopy To]) Surreys, Genuii Ca n o])]] To}) Su rreys, Gen u i, Extension Top Surreys, Gen We have struck some rare bargain eager throi: OUR COMPETI at tlie low prices we are ottering. GREGORY < February 14.?lv. DKS. D. L. B( lIUpNT 1515 MAT COT/T71VXBIA., 'PHON JE 230. One of the firm wil Lexington, over Efir<l Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Jnly and Aagust when there will be no app and September Court Week will take the pi * ** ,.* ... * DEEDING IB! WITH ROLLER AM LEES" 50'Bbl.R tunning on time. With the earl MILL, 1 hope to be able to I once you will always be ci GENERAL M Complete in all lines. Wi C. D. I TJE'ESrVTXJXJE Ju'y 23?244 LEESVILL1 Opens Septen Moral and religious tone unexcelled. Per?onal inter st taken in each pnpil. Elocntion. Ccmmercial Courses and Milita per month by our industrial plan. Expen LeesviHe. S. C. August 28, 1900 2mo. State of South Carolina, COUN1Y OF LEXINGTON. W G Child', Plaintiff, vs. C. S Roof. Tennent-Stribbling Shoe Company, Augustus Wright, Louis Jacob Lippmau and Lawrence Lippman, c ) partners in trade under the tiroi name of Lippman Hiothers, The Puruell Dale Mills. Hugh T. Ionian. John A Smith. Henry C Leonard and Hugh Richardson, co-partners in trade under the firm uarLC ot Inman, Smith and Company. Wellington Lowrance. Wui. Isaacs, Lee Beojitmu and R. C Kitehings, as Deacons ol Hart's Hill Baptist Church, Defendants. Suninions for Relief. To the Defendants: TrOU ARE HEREBY SUMMOND AND X rnjuirtd to auswer the complaint in this action, of wh cb a copy is herewith served on you, and to serve a copy of jour answer to the said couiplaiut ou the subscriber at bis office. 3215 Washington S reet, Columbia. S. C., within tweuty days alter the service hereof, exclusive oi the day ot such service, and it you tail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the p'aintiff iu this acdou will apply to the Court for the relief d? minded in the complaint. W. II. LYLES. PlaiutiB 'b Attorney. Dated July 2 \ l'J' U. To the Defendants: Temieut Stribbliui; Shoe Company, Angmtus Wright, Louit Jacob Lippmau and Lawrence Lippman, co partners in trade UDder the ti-m name ol Lippmau Brothers, The Puruell Dale Mills, Hugh T. luman. John A Smith. Henry C. Leonard and Hugl Kichardsou co-partners in trade undei the tiim name ot Innmn, Smith and Com par} ; Yon will take notice that the summon: and complaint in this action was tiled ii the office ot the Clerk of this Court foi Lexington county on th- 25th dav of -July 1000 " w. H. LYLES. Plaintiff's Attorney. 6 v 13. Land For Sale. I I WILL SELL MY PLACE CONSIST in-* of 31 acres, with dwelling aud kitch en. situated hall in the towu iucorpord',on 20 ac-'es opt-n laud. Well wate red Suit able tor Sinn 1 farm ami truck purposes haviug good bottoms aud fl ita. Apply to W A. HARM AN, i.4 -tf Le xingt"U. S, C Vote for M< S.veeoey next Tuesday (her Trimmings. Pi a no Bod//, ier Trim m ings, Lea th er (Hia rte ue Leaf her Trimmings, ue Leather Trimmings, nine Leather Trimmings, is in the past few days and are throwii i? of buyers. They are selling like * TORS ARE THU1 Will sell goods at ahove prices as loi then sav vou wish vou had bought.. r-RHEA Ml Ciol"a.nn."toisi, S. C. )OZER & SONS T N STREET, H. C. k I fill appointments at Dreher's Low Ofllce, ' the Second Sunday of pach month. Excej t ointment. For months of February, June ace of the regular appointment. IRSP'.j ;AL BINDERS. ) BALL BEARIM j *7TT .T .T1 v start with my NEW FLOUR ceep up with the crop. A trial istomer. Mv large stock of ERCHANDISE, ; 11 appreciate your patronage. 's, c.,!' B COLLEGE, | iber 11>, i i Co-education the natural and best method, f Music, (piano, voice, organj Guitar, Ar, ry Training. Board may be reduced to $7 ses $72 to $1*20 for the year L. B. HAYNES, President. Good Digest ion Begets a good appetite. A Ds\r\rJ zunnatita \A/ilh f n viwu I sound digestion makes eating a pleasure andfood 1 abenefit. Hilton's Lifefor the Liver and Kidneys $ arouses a vigorous appe-f I tite and enables on-* to F. eat and digest any kind 5 of food with comfort. Wholesale by the MlJKhAV LJitlG CO., Columbia. S. C J ,i For Sale at THE B.AZVAK. J , May 15? ly. I SO I --1 !)0<). SOUTH CIII III, COLUMBIA, S. C. > \ B, B. S, A. M , LL. 15 , L. I. ; 1 A% . Snriri" Courses free for Teachers. Fourteen I'rofcssois; 'VI 00J vol urnes iu library; excellent laboratories, j classrooms gvinuasiuui, infirm try, athletic | grounds. Tuitiou $10, other f-es ilS ?i session; tuition remitted to u?edy students. Expenses $135 to Sl~5 a session Orlifhd J I upils from forty live A-credited Schools! ' enter its Freshuiau Class without examira- tiou. N< xt sesMon opens September 26, lf-'UO For catalogue a Idress. F. C. WOODWARD, 1 President. May 30. 1900?id. : Kllll! (RAM MUIIIM.S; j IN REACH OF All. |J I TI7E WILL SELL HIGH GRADE DO VV inestic fewiug Machines at ciose \ A-. nlvinn lll'o v.-uv t? IM4.V fllT thtlU / "o"110' """ J-*?' I?J ? . I One tlaird cash; balance iu one and two \ j \ears. Twe teliable men wai ted to sell I i thein, one to work on south side of Saluda _: and one on north side ot Saluda river. Ap . ply to. j .1 . I,. S11U1.I.. ( ; 1710 Main Street. ' - . S, O. October il tt. j . ! Wanted ? A few th'-usai d j,?oo 1 I ? a___I?i . ! hUIUgieS. * > 1'iwp wu vuitD I "t Isam II Hrlh. $ -io. on $ ,15.00. r Tup, an oo 100.00 85.00. 110.00 00.00. 180.00 115.00 ug the goods 011 the market to the hut cakes." uncDCTDimv ivUkiiQ i ny ui\ as they hist. Don't wait and ULE CO., i HE IMVERESITV OF XORTH CAROLINA. 'he Head, cf the State's Educational System. Three academic courses leading to Der es Professional courses in Law. Medicine d Pharmacy. Summer School for Ttachera f Scholarships and i Loans to Needy. nifinn Mil J Free Tuition to CanUillOfl } didates for Ministry, I Minister's Sons and [ Teachers. 31* students besides 161 in Summer obooL :>8 cachers in the faenlty. For cata'opnes and information address, F. P. VhNABLE, Pre-ident, . Chapel Hill, N. C. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, OLUMiii/i, - - - - 8. C. LJUAtfllCKS IN THE STATE AND L Federal Courts. and offers his profesonal servicer, to Lho citizens ol Lexington i mnty. October 18- -1y. * 9 Albert M. Boozer, Mtorney at Law, COLU31U1A, 8. c. Especial attention given to business en usled to him by his fellow citizens ol exingfoD county. Office: 1609 Main Street, over T. B. nghtry & Co. Februarv 28 ?tf. !. M. EFIKD. F. E. Dreheb. EFIRD &OREHER, Utornevs at Law, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. rX^ILL PRACTICE IN ALU THE VV Courts. Business solicited. One lember ot the fir m will always be at office, lexington, S. C. June 17?6m. EDWARD L. ASBILL, Attorney at Law, .EESVILLE, S. O. Practices m all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 30?6m Ml SH I )EPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. I?. ROOF, Cashier. rvrnrnTADO i/iuuv x vuu > Ulon Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Eflrd, R. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and oterest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, ayable April and October. September 21? tf 1011 III IK, COLUMBIA, S.C. TATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY aid np Capital ... $200,000 urplus Profits . - . 60,000 Saving's Department. Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received, uterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, er annum. W. A. CLARE, President. Wilje Jones, Cashier. December 4--ly. " ivk. tj,etiiekedge, HUKGIOON DENTIST, l,\ ILiijkj, ?. \j. Office next floor below post office. A iways onhand. February 12. AMKS K IZl.AR. T C. STURKTE. Oiangburir. !S. C. Lexington, S. C. Ixlar Stnrkie, VI TORl^KYS AT LAW Lexington, S. C. pttACrCES IN ALL COURTS OF L this State atwl of the United States. February 21, 10*K> ?tt. Trespassing Forbidden. ITTE HEREBY FORBID ANY AM) VV ad |>er-oiis to trespass uj on oar iuds, wbi' h adjoin *ach other, by huntng, fishing ?>r m any manner whatever. ?iie law wsli be entored against all perons violating t Li - notice. IKS L H FORT JAMES. C. FORT, u f <n ppri i. IX* VA UWX Mm AMMt 45 ME, BAi jlH TRUST CO. 1214 Main street. Columbia, i c. kne a! Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS rEPARTMEST. r st allow, d .it'ru eof four percent. per annum. pa\able April 1st and October lot. W H.' TIMMERMAN. President. JOHN TAYLOR. Ctaliicr. Ma) 9 19C0 tlujo'2.