LEXINGTON COIXTI OF SOUTH 1. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Association; shall recommend to the shall be expended or how the same sh partments. in payment of premiums ine the Secretary and Treasurer's boc to the Association at me regular iucprove all bonds that are given the Ase 2. FAIR GROUNDS AND BUILI the grounds and all the buildings thei safe keeping and protection of the s raents and changes to the Executive ( interests of the Association. 3. PREMIUM LIST COMMUTE raiuin list, make suggestions for each tee. as to alterations, amendments, or shall supervise the printing of the pi 4. ENTERTAINMENT COMMIT such entertainments and amusement of all matters looking to the omfort Article 7. The Secretary shall op the fourth Monday in October preced Article 8. The regular meetings < first day of Fair Week and such call Article 9. No person under any c influence of JiK8 Rntl UCCOUULS. ?uu yimtui ting. The Finance Committee shall association. )IXG COMMITTEE shall have charge of r-on, and take care and provide for the a me; shall recommend such improveiommittee as they may think to the Ivs-t E shall have charge of the annual prei Anneal Fair to the Executive Connnitilarcments aud revising the same, and romium list. TEE shall prepare and furnish to visitors s as nmy be practicable, and take control and amusement of all our visitors, ea his office in the Town of Lexington on ingthe Fair. jI the Executive Committee shall be on the meetings as it may be determined upon, urcuinstances whatever, while under the ) handle or drive stock inside of the enc iND REGULATIONS. *RANGEMENTS. opened to the public on Tuesday. Ooto1. to o'clock a. m , of each day, and at that I be at his or her post. The doors of the 15 o'clock p. m. THE ASSOCIATION, gnation. Lssociation will wear a Red Rosette. The 10 Executive Committee will wear Blue I'ink Rosette. The Treasurer will wear a ntendent will wear a Red, White aud Blue ignuted bv his badge, e aid of the Vice Presidents and members ? i: .r V.,;r 0 supervision uuu uiwuua ^ ?*.. . :ivo entries at his office from the loth to 3 p. m.. Monday, October 22nd. judent (as aid of the President) will have ovc all persons violating any of the regu:ood order .and decorum. He will have orago masters. It will also be his duty ?-d and carried out. and .to provide for the > execution of all orders issued by the ur the control of the General Superintcnin order from the President, Secretary, ive Committee. if Departments, uuder the direction and nt. will see that exhibitors have complied ["hey will receive and arrange the articles feronce to the best display of the same, e order of the Premium List or as di end with the Judges when going round ments.giving the Judges all needful in7 obtained from the Exhibitors. They itteeof Judges, but wili have no vote or la case of a tie among the Judges, the e. or the proper exhibition of articles in ovided by the General Superintendent, ident of the Department. : finished the examinations, the Superinand full report of their awards, with lairing each of the Judges to sign 6aid re Superintendents will then convey the tors, to the Secretary, not later than 9. a. i attach the proper badges to articles reor first premium, and red ribbon for seeany articles to be removed before the close missioD. endorsed by the Secretary. And themselves from thoir position without )ffice of Superintendent of Department is asiblein the whole machinery of the Fair, ill contribute much to the smooth moving if not all, the complaints of Exhibitors, ^d. nil articles not called for by Exhibitors perintendeut of Department, or turned ident of Department shall leave his post moral Superintendent, DGES. ;nt and impartial award is the end to be Fair. To accomplish this the Judges will tcluded during the deliberations of the or Assistant Superintendent, of each Deile making their awirds with the entry csite the entry on the right margin of the lay" and "b^st collection" refer first to st to merit and second to variety. I to withhold the award of a premium sritorious. If there is no competition, mium unless there is a decided merit. a premium to non enumerated articles which no premium is offered in the regu;se cases the tieing of a ribbon on an aui5 award of a premium), but mav make an abstract of the same to be furnished if especially meritorious, the Executive ploma, or Medal, is considered its highest :he Superintendents of ^Departments for es upon which they are to pass, and for all r reports, which will be handed to them, ded for. Judges will, therefore, see the i the first instance, with the greatest posed by each one of the Judges, in his or retary. leir awards by secret ballots iu every inII report of the points of merits upon indent of a Department is an exhibitor s appointed by the Genera! Superintendent FOR EXHIBITORS. e sent by mail upon application to the tit or express must be prepaid, addressed. Associarion. Lexington, S. C." heuroundson or oeiore^p. m., .uonaay. ch certificates, statements, etc , as are reSecretary, and they are required to atf age. size, weight. etc.. written in plain rtleles exhibited. for the information of lee not enumerated in the Premium List, is 0 proper departments and displayed to >ek and poultry are required to display sir stock or poultry a printed placard, of the animal or poultry exhibited, aud .'ner. which cards will be furnished on ck must report to the Superintendents in orders. They must also inform theme Department when their stock will be King promptly after being called. Any iler will be ruled out from competing. 1 the grounds. tails sufficiently large for all purposes. TRIES. s on or before 5 p. m. Monday. October 22. )t attached), corresponding to the entry. l the Exhibitor shall deliver the articles . or p rson in charge, at the proper ExhiJ. tagged and put in position, the coupon, n in charged, given to the Exhibitor. Tho return of this receipt. >SSES. on will be taken for tho safe keeping of diceraen and watchmen, the Association loss or damage that may occur, except ssociation or its agents. DF PREMIUMS. Fair, 12 noon Thursday, the Secretary with a warrant on the Treasurer, who will his endorsement of the cheek. Premiums sidcrod as presented to the Association, rain from all communication with the i. under the penalty of forfeiture of pre1 if it be ascertained that any Exhibitor ilse statement in regard to 'he animal or th the Judges in the performance of their petition; they must communicate witii lanation and reports and the Superintends. attention must be made in wiiting to the who will speedily bring them before the ds must bo in writing, accompanied by the day on which such award was made As the oiocxi contains au me ciem' taut that it Ik; kept free of all itnpuri poisoning instead of nourishing the bo Some poisons enter the blood from with* inoculation ; others from within, as w system and ferment, allowing disease g circulation. While ali blood troubles 1 peculiarity to distinguish it from the oil Cancer. Rheumatism, Eczema and other a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or inflamm: disease shows sooner or later on the < Many mistake the sore or outward sign external applications. Valuable time is BLOOD TROUBLES REQ I nently eradicated the blood reinforced potash and arsenic, the treatment usua doses ? never cure, but do much harm 1 or any similar blord trouble, write tlieni tlence. We make no charge for this ser Dots and Dashes. A reasonable woman is one wbc isn't unreasonable all the time. Grated and sliced pineapple, ic syrup?the finest quality?at the B.zaar. Tbe harm of a creed is in converting it from a stag into club. Lots of men would rather have half a loaf than a steady j jbIf you want to enjoy a good smoke, don't forget that you can find a full line of fine cigars at the Bazaar. Don't growl about the weather? that doesn't make it any better. Lots of people seem to think it necessary to tell how little they went to school. There are no better pills made than DeWitl's Little Early Risers. - t ir\ Always prompt and certain, o. KaufmanD. Your character cannot be essentially injured except by your owe acts. Many a man bas been choked by trying to swallow capacious fist stones. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. * J E Kauf mann. The woman who marries for s home pays the highest market price for it. A lawyer is the only man who evei comes out ahead in opposing a wo man's will. Louis F. Waibel, Ph. G, St T.rtnio \T,^ xrrrt ft* T nnvfi 1'Pfiom JL4V UAvy * " * vvv. ?. - mended Teethina when the doctors gave up the child and it cured a! once. The coon and the watermelor come togeiher quite frequently thee< sultry days. The man who walks with his tele scope fixed on tomorrow, stubs bis toe on today. One Minute Cough Cure is th< only harmless remedy that producei immediate results. Try it. J. E Kaufmann. Many a fool has sense enough t( get a good wife, but he hasn't sensi enough to know it. The English, it would seem, owi their military reputation largely t< their senseabilities. pta^f^UBIAN TEA cures Dyspep I BdcllIvS v eia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts Sold bv Julian E. Kaufmann. AccoidiDgto an old bachelor, fe male euffiage is caused bs a scarcity of husbands. The criminal judge may be a mai of a few words, but he is cot alway a man of short sentences. For burns, injuries, piles and skii diseases use DeWitt's Witch Haze Salve. It is the original. Counter feits may be offered. Use only De Witt's. J. E. Kaufmann. A baby was held in pawn fo several days in New York for tb< pay me lit of a debt of $35. "A Lecture to Married Men'' if the title of a new book. Just as though they hadn't enough already! CUBAN RELIEF cure; 2 Mwlsl^a Colic, Neuralgia and Toothach( ** in five minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Ceata Sold by Julian E. Kaufmann. If newspapers are to be reekonec literature, Dame Rumor would seen to be entitled to a place among th< Muses. When a preacher wanis to t'.ll s piece of gossip be excuses himseli by saying that he does it "to illus trate a point.'' "We have sold many differed cough remedies, but n^n^ has giver better satisfaction than Chamberlain's,'1 says Mr. Charles Holzbauer I Drnfrwist. Newark. N. J. "It is Der | P w ' * feetly safe and can be relied upon ii ail cases of coughs, colds or hoarse ncis Sold by J. E. Kaufmann. Many a man puts a fine m.,numrn! over the giave of his wife, whc made her get up and light the fire every morning. When people call us Lzy we real ize that there is a charm about idle ness that is only appreciated by tht larger type of intellects. | planter** CUBAN OIL cures a 2(s$ Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheumatism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. Hold by Julian V.. Kuufnjaiiii. cuts necessary to sustain life, it is iniporties, or it becomes a source of disease, dy, and loss of health is sure to follow, rnt. through the skin by absorption, or hen waste products accumulate in the [erms to develop and be taken into the lave one common origin, each lias some ler. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, hlood diseases can be distinguished by ? ition appearing on the skin. Every blood autside and on the weakest part of the ix>< i for the real disease, and attempt a cure 1 lost and no permanent benefit derived frt ui UiRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the ,, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes illy T)rcscrihed in this class of diseases, j re >y adding another poison to the already o\er S. S. S., Nature's own remedy, made the blood, antidotes and forces out all impi and healthy, and at the same time builds purely vegetable blood purifier known, ai blood troubles. A record of 50 years of unfailing specific for all blood and skin :ro Free Medical Treatment,* skilled physicians, who have made blood ai Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scroful 1, i fully for advice about your case. All co re vice. Book 011 blood and skin diseases fr< e. A college giil is a girl that etu-3I ies so hard all winter that her mother has to get up and get her brea:1 fast all summer. It has been dt monstrated by ec 1 perience that consumption can be 1 prevented by the early use of Oc e Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for coughs, cold', croup, asthma, giippe and all throi.t ! and lung troubles. Cures quickly. J. E. Iv'iufinann. Of course, hard luck overtakes some mcD, but it will usually be * ''I* 1 found that they were 6iitiDg aowa . when they were overtaken. * -4* No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form aud temper will always have ! friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she in weak, sickly and all run down, she will be neivous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney troui ble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and . a wretched complexion. Electric , Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. I; , gives strong nerves, bright eyes,. smooth, velvety skip, rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down in valid. Only 50 cents at 0. E. Kuaf mann's Drug Store. - If women thought there was - something curious in the sky they would find a ladder to get up and see what there was. "What does it mean, Tommy," the 3 Sunday-school teacher asked, "where t it says they rent their clothes?" "I suppose they couldn't afford to buy ! them," replied Tommy. 3 Bucksboal, N. C., May 1G, 1898. Gentlemen:?Four years ago I was . helpless with a misery in my back. g I couid not return myself in bed. I was treated by my physician, but he did me no good. I took one bottle 2 of Dr. Baker's Female Regulator and 3 it cured me. I think there is no medicine on earth like it. Mrs. Emma E. Myers. 5 For sale at the Bazaar. 3 The experiment stations declare that 100 pounds of ground corn and e cob meal go just as far as 100 pounds 3 of pure corn meal, the cob giving it | more bulk and rendering it easier of j digestion. Volcanic Eruptions. * i Are grand, but Skin Eruptions - rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica f Salve, cures them; also Old Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, 2 ! Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, s Bums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, j Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. 3 Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 1 j 25 cents a box. Care guaranteed. .! Sold by J. E Kaufmann, Druggist. "Emily, you said you'd make my r 1 marriage a heaven for me and now B S you won't even buy me a silk dress " j "But, my dear, did you ever hear of | people wearing silk dresses in hea| ven'."' After many intricate experiments, ! scientists have discovered methods 3 3 j for obtaining ail the natural digest1 ants. These have been combined in i 1 jthe proportion found in the human j body and united with substances 1; that build up the digestive organs, makiDg a compound ca'led Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what j you eat and allows all dyspeptics to 1 i eat plenty of nourishing food while i the stomach troubles are being rad":: iu? J i iUaiijr luitrj uy iue iuiruiciijai a^trmo I it contains, it is pleasant to take and ' j will give quick relit f. J. E. Ivauf i mann. ' | "I'll make you daDce when I catch ' i you!" exclaimed a sortly tritd moth' 1 er, as she pursued ber erring cffI spring with a slipper. "If you do," "! rejoined the incorrigille youth, | "you'll have to attend the bawl." II ^ i Thirty eight years ago Augustus' 4! Bliss., of "Warwick, Miss , quit cuti ting brush on his father's farm, hung his scythe on a pine tiee and went oil to enlist, in the Union army fur j the civil war. He never returned, find the scythe has never been taken down from tLe tree on which he i ; Lung it. It Las become imbedded ! in the growing wood, and now it is i a fixture. S? Gan SerGfaia, 9 OSd Sores? Rheumatism, Goaiatgious BBoorf Poison, Jforomo UloarSm lv, or where it finds the least resistance, jy the use of salves, liniments and other such treatment. poison must be completely and permadeepcr and saps the very life. Mercury, violent poisons, even when taken in small burdened, diseased blood. : of roots and herbs, attacks the disease in irities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong up the general health. S. S. S. is the only id the only one that can reach deep-seated successful cures proves it to be a reliable, ubles. -Our Medical Department is in charge of nd skin diseases a life study, so if you have Rheumatism, Eczema, an Old Sore or Ulcer, spondence is conducted in strictest confiSWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. A gentleman recently cured o dyspepsia gave the following appro priate rendering of Burns' famou: blessing: "Some have meat and cai not eat, and some have none tha want it; but we have meat and wi can eat,?Kodol Dyspepsia Cure bi thanked.'' This preparation wil digest what you eat. It instantl; relieves and radically cures indiges tion and all 6tomach disorders. J E Kaufmann. The iron tree, first found by Ih wellknown naturalist of Bavaria Professor Schelwisb, is a native o Africa. The leaves, although ver; thin, are bent with great difficulty and in order to secure one it is necee "sary to use a file. It is said thatth tree is a great metal eater eagerl; devouring any metal its root migh come in contact with. It change its color to the color of the metal las absorbed. The law holds both maker and cir culator of a counteifeit equall; { guilty. The dealer who sells you i j dangerous counterfeit of DeWitt' j Witch Hazel Salve risks your life ti make a little larger profit. You cai not trust him. Dev^itt's is the onl; orennine and original Witch Haze r> ' " o Salve, a well known cure for pile and all skin diseases. See that you dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve J. E. Kaufmann. The largest Masonic libary in tb world, aod the only one occupying a buildii g of its own, is in Cedai Rapids, la. It contains 12,000 vol umes and is in charge of Theodor S. Parvin, who for nearly fifty year has been grand Secretary and Libra rian of Iowa. |ijf CURES WHERE ALL ELSEFAILS. BJ M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use W jfvj in time. Sold by druggists. Mfl "Here is some money, my love, said the husband. "I don't wan any," replied the wife. "Come, now darling, take this $25 and go ou shopping." "Thank you, dearesl but I reaily dome care to. I wouh rather stay at home and see to th housework." Then the husbam awoke and found, as the reader ha already suspected, that he had bee: dreaming. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citize: of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a woe derful deliverance from a frightfu death. In telling of it he says: " ! was taken with Typhoid Fever, tha 1 ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be ' came hardened. I was so weak : couldn't even sit up in bed. Noth i ing helped me. I expected to sooi die of Consumption, when I hear< of Dr. King's New Discovery. Oo . bottle gave great relief. I con | tinued to use it, and now am wel and strong. I can't say too much ii its praise.'; This maivelons medi cine is the surest and quickest cur in the world for ail throat and Lunj Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cent; j and $1 00. Trial bottles free at J E. Kaufmann's Drug Store; ever; bottle guaranteed. County Campaign Meetings. The following is the campaigr j schedule: Swansea, August 9. Gaston, August 10. Brookland, August 11. C. 11 Itisb, August 11. Samaria Church, August 1G. Lewiedale, August 18. Iimo, August 23. Chapio, August 24. Pine Ridge, August 25. La id for Sale. I OFFER AT mi V ATE -s A Lin i.V acre* ot land, three-fourth cl a mil* from I'elion. Has a two-horse* farm opened For farther information, apply to me ul Pelion, S. C. H. C. fcCOFIELD. July 18 - tf. Notice to Road Overseers. i V^OU WILL TAKE NOTICE THAT J X the Board of County Commissioner* (.t their last luteting passed a resolution j q .iring all overseers who had received ! commutation fax money lor their sections ! (if road to tile with road reports a state \ taent in writing signed hy the roa-r dt-gre s with deceives, (r ?od libr ?ry: working laboratory. Lfiicieut preparatory deparm^nt. I He ire!, tuition and ali lees per }ear need no' exceed. SMHi in coll giate department; 5O0 in nrpnnr>L!orv dc-Diirttuent. Next SfS-iou begins October 1st. catalogue, address GrX. B. CROMER. President. Newberry, S. C. July 18 - 0w41. Barbecue. 1WILL FURNISH A CUE AT SAMAlia Church on Campaign Day, August lG:h. Everything will be (lane to accommodate and plta' e the people. Come o- t and bear the latest issues of the day discu-sed. M. C. HALLMAN. 5wl0. Money to Loan I 0\ FARMING LA n DS. LONG TIME. Easy payment. No com mission Borrower pays actual c st of perfecting Loan. E. K. PALMER, Central National Bank Building. COLUMBIA, S. C. i COL. (r. T. (iIvAHAAi. ^ I { Lexington, S. C. July 18-ly. j ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ? Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. 1 Eastern Time at Other Points. v Schedule in Effect June 10th. 19.10. ~ "*^7No.34:No.3p ' Savannah (So. Ry ) ' 1229t. 1220a " Barnwell 1 4 0*ip| 4 13a " Blaekvjlle : ! 4 21 p, 4 2*a f? " Spr-igfioal I 4 44p 4 51a ? Sally ' 4 52p| 4 59a ,, A r. C<>lumbia 1 j 6 Q5pj _6_l0a r Lv. Charleston. ?So. Ry J 7 00a;il00p 4 " Suninierville ! 7 41a 1200ot " Branchvilie .j 855a 155a 7 " Orangeburg ? [9 2:5a 2 50a " Kingville 10 15a 4 [50a ' Ar. Columbia ' 11 5 *?5n Lv7AugisVa.Lso.nRy7) *2 00a *2 55p 9 30p Lv. Granitcville . 2j4-"?t '!20p 10 l.

few York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping ears bell tween Port Tampa. Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. No*. 3") and 36?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffer sleeping cars betwoon Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping ears 'netwoeu Augusta and Char3 >tte. Dining ears serve all meals en route Pullman sleeping ears between Jacksonville 2 and Columbia, enroute dailv between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. 1- FRANK S. GANNON. J. M.GULP. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., |] Washington, D. (J. Washington, D. C. r W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, J Gen. Pass. Ag't.. As't Gen. Pass. Ag't.. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga, 1 ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ? Condensed Schedule in Effect June 11th, 1S90. "* Ex. Sun. Daily J STATIONS. jjy Iso. 11. n Lv. Charleston ? bO a 111 a " Summerville > jl * 111 " Branch ville ! 8 oo a ni " Orangeburg ^ a m " KingTilie Ly. Columbia | !o9?am v " Prosperity J2 10 nn 1 " Newberry 1- -o p m q " Ninety-Six } ?} P m M Greenwood 7 40 am 1 55 p m Ar. Hodges 8 W) a m _ 2 15 p in At. Abbeville jT^i ajin 24j p m F Ar. Belton _8 55 a^mi 8 10 p xn Ar. Anderson 9 80 a mj 3 30 p ra ^.r. Green viile 10 10 a ni; 4 15 p m Ar. Atlanta 3 55 p m 9 00 p in STATIONS. r%-SS?'l | X> O. iO. I XT O. fLv. Greenville I 5 30 p m: 10 15 a m " Piedmont 6 00 p in! 10 40 a m " \Vililamston | __5 22 n m 10 55 a m T.v. Anderson 4 45 p m 10 45 ft m Lv. Belton .7 7 ~ 0 45 p in; 11 15 a m Ar. Donnalds 7 15 p m 11 40 a m Lv. Abbeville 6 10 p in, 11 L'O a m Lv. Hodges.. 7 35 p mi 11 55 a m Ar. Greenwood b 00 p m 12 20 p m " Ninety-Six 12 5o p m " Newberry 2 00 p m " Prosperity 2 14 p m " Columbia 3 p m Lv. Kingville i 4 5S p in " Orangeburg 5 20 p in " Branchvilie 6 17 P m " Summerville 7 ? p m Ar. Charleston 8 17 p m Daily iDaily STATION'S i Daily: Daily No. ON'o.13 blAiiUAa. ^o.l4j>?o.lU 630p 7 Ooa,Lv. . Charleston... Ar: blTpTlOOa 6 7 41a. " .. Summerville... " 7 32p lOlbft 7 5Gp b66a " .. ..Branehvil!?.... " I 0, on A. una (J. division. Dining oars on these trains serve all mea's enroute. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. p. m., 1 I (Vestibmed Limited'; southbound, 1:2o a. m., j 4:80 p. ni., 12:3o p. in. (Vestibuled Limited), i Trains 0 and 10 carry elegant Pullman j sleeping cars between Columbia and Asheville i I .luiiv UAtu?iu?n uillA lAnrI (Hni^in I ' 118 ti. J | Trains 13 and 14 carry superb Pullman parlor j cars between Charleston and Ashe vine. | FRANK 8. CANNON. J. M. GULP, Third V-P. ?fc Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., : Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWiCK, Gen. Pa?3. Ag't. Aa t Gen. Pass. Ag't. _ Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. PERXIMS Mm YELLOW I; MaNUI T^T T / "%. T-^r FINiSHiKSS, MOULD!; D OOR^,IS A IS I AUGl ^ESTIMATES CUE! February 1?lv. When WMtin;,' mention tli" Disp-ite'i. CONFEC3 FRUITS, CAI 3?\AJlTC"Z' < Toys, FaneZDZSTTO-S aaac PERFUMERY, STATIONERY Diamond D3 Barman' LEX 12s1 ssBBsssasm CAPACTY, 1 ! $$ \ | Bii cot.? ?!Vr?f pn?h tl.? profctt ar? la j 1 c*.o bu?it.? a e' -ROCK III LI." bu LA WAV FROM 1HF #nd. Sold I-j f J n ?our tvwn. wTitc ?l ROCK HILL Bl sesses-E For Sale by w. i*. roof GREOORY-RHEA MULE C Columbia. S. C.. Mav 11?ly. Wh??n writing mention the Dispatch. pOLUIBBia, HEWB;RRY i V^LAUSESS F.ASLhOA!). . In Effect November 19ih, 183 No. 52 No. 11 08 a m lv. Columbia..lv 4 15 11 20 a m ar.. Leaphart. ar 5 05 11 27 am ar Irmo . ..ar 5 25 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .ar 5 45 11 40 a m ar."\YbitePock.ar 5 5G 11 13 a m ar .. Hilton., .ar G 04 11 48 a m ar. ..Cbapin.. ar G 20 12 03 a m arL. Mountain ar G 45 12 07 a mar.. .Slighs.. ar G 52 12 17 p in ar .Prosperity..ar 7 2(J 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 7 45 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa... 12 48 p m ar... Gary.... 12 53 p m ar.. Kinard... 1 00 p m ar. Gcldville.. 1 Id p m ar.. Clinton... 1 25 p m ar .. Parks. .. 1 35 p m ar. .Laurens.. RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 Nc 1 35 p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 5 5C 1 -11 p m It. . .Parks.. .lv COO 1 53 p m lv. ..Clinton., .lv 0 3.? 2 03 p m lv...Goldvillc..lv 6 52 2 10 p m lv...Kirtard.. .lv 7 0'" 2 15 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 7 12 2 20 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 7 20 2 34 p in lv. Newberry .lv 8 1C 2 40 p in lv.Prosperity.lv 8 40 2 50 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 0 OC 3 05 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 9 10 3 1G p m lv...Cbapin.. .lv 9 31 3 22 p m lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 9 40 3 2G p m lv."White Hock.lv 9 40 3 31 p m Iv.Biillentine. lv 9 50 3 40 p m lv... Irmo.... lv 10 1." 3 4G p m lv..Leapbart. .lv 10 25 4 05 p m ar ..Columbia, .ar 10 45 Trains 52 and 53iun solid bet v Charleston and Gifcnvillo. T 52 makes close connection at L ens for Augusta and Spaitanfcur, No. 53 makes close connection Sumter for the North. Nos. 1 and 2 makes close con tion with S. A. L to and from Atla For further information call on address 13. F. P. LFAPHAET, City Ticket Agent, J. F. LIVINGSTON, Travelling Passenger Agent. Bank of Columbia, Columbia, S. W. G. CHILDS, President. 'nSStftTSS ft Ol^'S V. A SYRUP. Unique- unlike any other cough pre ration. The quick* si to .stop a cocgb to remove soreness from the lungs. 'J'k THE MUBP.AY DRUG CO COLUMBIA. S C. For S,ile at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18-lv. W hen writing mention the Dispaoh. DEEP WELLS. TTU'AY; TtP.nT-NTT.Y 1 T'lirn A.-KI li ;i tir.si class out tit tor Icr.t.g v.? those interested iu a sv.ppli ot lr--u, p water should consul- meat L1NE LUMBER, ' 'ACITRLItS OF . ? &EAEE SP5. SHINGLES f NQ LATHS. 1 A IN I) BLINDS, JSTA, OA. 2 Ii FULLY FURNISHED..?* When writing mention the ispatch riOMERIES, Z2S, C3U.GSZEIIS, & 3-3ESOCIBIESI!!BS, y Ckina, Notions, L Z^EIEIDICIZTES, , SCHOOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC ?fta ft-P 9.11 flftl ' \>X* VA (*** VVuV^j^i s Bazaar, GTON, S. C. IO.OCO JOGS PER ANNUM. ??* ACT W ^ E JLs jLfl ?j r?GY 1 i th* m.U i*f cfc*p Wimi H l?oa't fc'l t-mrvlf t? b? TaLXIO J3 ')*l> in ord?r *\r# % 4o-Ur ?r to. {j?j i:? f.r? A !4 t> Hither in Prie?, H p. i./ok well. ?r.d. *? ?* al'. KKEH jrc >l|(>:'? making them Jkapcr lr? tha &*$ '?m driers unlj. If &vwt on ii? j?j JGGY CO., Rock Hiil, S.C. | *IJOOY COMPANY. I^exing-ton, H. C. 10., | MATTHEWS & BOUKNIGHT, j Leesville, S. C. i When writing rrention the Dispatch. &D ! ALL 3IG 30ZING EVENTS .j* Are Best Illustrated and Described in * I POLICE GAZETTE The World-Famous . . 1 ! A ptn . . , Patron of Sports, J pm $1.00-13 WEEKS-$1.00 ^ ; P^ ' MAILED TO YOUR ADDRES8. J pm ! RICHARD K POX, Publisher, A I pm i Franklin Square, New York, i pm i Pm LEXINGTON 'r-i Giissieii iisrara, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. PREPARES FOR TEACHING COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. High School, Intermediate and Primary Courses. English, German. French, Greek and Latin Taught. -? j Very Healthiest Location. Board : ver) cheap, ii to $7 per month. Tuition I exttdinL'lv low. $1 to $2.50 ner month. ~~ I Expanses per year $50 to $75. Had 125 > \ students last session. ) am i Next session begins Monday, September Ism I 18. IMjO. For full particulars, arG 0. D. SEAY, Principal, A \ Hiri [ Lexington, S. 0. ^ > a in : September 14?tf. ! am j * !'? L.K.STURKIE,M. D.. 'am | ATTORNEY AID COliNCELLOH AT LAW, 4 ' am ! nFFEKS ms professional see> am : \j vices to the citizens of Lexington am | county. ! am COLUMBIA S. C. ! a in | Ja e 6 1 '."JO. 13 * 42. ? Dyspepsia Cure a 1 Digests what you eat. E(r>c. | It artificially digests the food and aids t j Nature iu strengthening and reconI structing the exhausted digestive or1 or i gans. It is the latest discovereddigest| ant and tonic. No other preparation I can approach it in eillcieucy. It in: stantlv relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, j Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand C ali other results of imperfect digestion. PricetOc. ai;d$l. Large size contains 2V4 times | small size. Book all ttboutdyspepsiumailedfree : Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. Chicago? J. E. KAUFMANN. \ When writing mention the Dispatch. ? ? a!r. ,&T j " iJ I F A REAL i' GRAPHOPHONE T;l and Clodiworlx wSSfclgt.' Mechanism Visible. Durable Con* struction. NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN, All the Wondrrs and Pleasures of a High Priced Idlkin ? * acfeine. I fThen accompanied by a Recorder this ?- - A 1..^ L> { rmpin ?pn?>:ic < EI.PlJ I A, 1032 Cr.tstnut St BAl TlMOkE, tc E- Baltimore St I Ei'rTAl.O, jm Main St J SAN v Ran CISCO, tsj Geary St JZ ! ? PARIS. <4 HcwjInarC de? lialieiti ^ I iiUuN Krvticn^w*.** | | I ? V