The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 20, 1900, Image 4

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Dots and Dashes. The more worthless a man is the loDger he seems to live. A true geDius imagines that people misunderstand him. Finest candies, cakes and crackers always in stock, at the Bazaar. The man who loved and lost didn't get his presets back. A hungry man usually disregards all rules of table enqueue. Grated and sliced pineapple, in pvrup? the finest quality?at the Bazaar. Flannel cake are probably so called because they clothe the inner man. Every woman that i3 old enough tj get married is old enough not to. CUBAN RELIEF carta 3 idniCrS Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in five minutes. Sour Stomach sod Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. Poll by Julian E. Kaufmann. The meaner a man tries to be the less he erjoys it Merited praise is both agreeable und wholesome. When you want family medhine, toilet articles, fine soaps, and the best perfumery, go to the Bazaar. Gold certainly seems to be the rock of ages. Getting rich quickly may be all right, but trying to do it is dangerous. Ir you waDt to erj >y a good smoke, don't forget that you caD find a full line of fiae cigars at the Bazaar. A Michigan farmer was attacked and painfully it j ired by a thousand crows. Woen you shake the hand of a candidate see t iat there is something in it ^ Small in n*z? and great in results are De Witt's L't?le Eirly Risers, the famous little pills that cleanse the liver and bow* Is. They do not gnppe. J. E Kaufmann. Life's sincerest pleasure is found in doing your duty, and doing it W r 11. Pride makes some people ridiculous and prevents oihers from becoming so. Ifl CURES WHERE All ELSE FAILS. rT M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use C| Ft.' In time. Sold by druggists. HI ^gasssmsBEHiEEB^i Tbe joys of yesterd >y are dead, and iho&e of tomorrow are not yet born. People who nfver look forward to the future seldom manage to get ahead. prs- All whv f?c .;?? a glad to ! ' !*?.' tfc *t 1/ sit w W tcS ?1VC 1;" g'Y ' ?t II . T'l. .K . end pt-rmacerrelief, a' **"H eo*" eczema and a!1 f-k:u diir-: B.* were of counterfeits. J E K^.ui fe The chronic <_-r\?mbk-r a!w.v.: t grumbles when then: :i nolLi ? t, g: * ruble abouh m... t. with God. The Chinese ash ''bow ;= youi lircr? -nslead ilbow do you dot* for v?bes the Lver is active lh< htaltfc is good BeVCii's Einy Jvie;..0. ale fii?? us i;llie yii: for the r>er and bowel*. J. E gf Kaufmana. fy Eveiy mas is either a hero os . r coward, but th? majority s.:s neve: un veiled. A child sometimes gets on the wrong track because of a misplaced switch. Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental injures may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's witcn nazei oaive. it is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. J. E. Kaufmann. It sometimes happens that the man who knows himself, does Dot know much. New Orleans has an ice war, and ice's sold at 8 cents a hundred pounds at the factory. Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you Deed of what you like. It never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. J. E Kaufmann. Seven hundred and twenty tons of cardboard are untmzed every year in the shape of postal cards. You cannot dream yourself into character; you must hammer and forge yourself one. Every man that weighs more than 200 ought to be made to wear corsets as a horrible example. Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. It cures all throat and lung trouble. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. J. E. Kaufmann. It is just as easy to look pleasant as it is to wear a long face and look as though you had dined on crabapples. Time was wncn Cancer was consider* Physicians and friends could give little r one afflicted with this terrible disease. K a blood disease, they still insist that there but at the same time cannot assure you t its place, for the disease is iu the blood caustic, flesh-destroying plasters. The b matter before the Cancer sere will heal. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can builds up and invigorates the old, and su can be found iu it; the roots and herb; the blood system and make a safe and Cancer is not always inherited ; your 1 impure Blood h or nose, a small lump on the jaw or br little or no attention. If you have an < at once; it will cleanse your blood an Mrs. R. Shirer, I?a Tlata. Mo , writes : " A i ear on the left side of my face. At first it gave i until the jaw began to swell and became much i eat into the flesh, and gave mt intense pain. I good. I then began the use of S S. S.. and aft< u? now no sign of the disease. This was two ye; " " * ? ? ' ) Send for our special oook on v_< you ; it is free. Write our physicians about your case have made a life study of Cancer and ever for this. It is Dot odIj arrogant, but it is profligate, for a manfto disregard tie world's opinion of himself. A. B Stroud, Grantville, Ga, wrot<: A priceless boon has been given the baby world in Dr. Mofifett's Teettina (Teething Powders). The most important thiDg to a woman is her husband; the most important thing to a man is his dinner. Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia. PerPODS witn maigesuuu mc already balf starved. Tbey need pleDty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out organs ate biDg reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Tiy it if you are suffer iog fi oui indigestion. It will certaii 1} do ycu good. J. E. Kiuf maun. He that doeth a deed and looketh about biui on the right and the left for applau-e, will fiud vanity to b* the f .ther of the deed aud criticism its sponsor. Phttfrre CUBAN OIL cures a v Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheumatism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. Sol?i by Julian E. Kaufmann. If two augels weie te. t down tc earth, one to rule an empire, and tin other to sweep a street, tbey would have no choice iu the matter, s > long a9 God ordered them. S , God it bis providence, has calli d you tc work hard for your duly bread; d? it to bis glory. A widow who doesn't waut to ge married again is most as uuDatura OiaU . Tantc to gei miilri I 3t fill. Lis' fi!i i .-r -v.-; i tnv ' ft ; ' iiv_4 i^ ' i (. . . >: SI!J ' i i" < '* ' ! was a vligut st:*:n *v' vouid , bo veil. but i; ^rew worst- a" ! doci ; !;-v2 saut j bad iheuro ' i it eouli&oeii to r*i' 1 >1 ' ; . ; rhe-ima?i?m. i continued to | worse and I eon: bh?<::y : : hn an< ' I to votk. I vert to ^ Jrui.; ! aud tiie 'truggisi rcCv'tiiiHrudoij aj to try Chambdrtaio'* X\-..;n Palis. r j tri?-d '.1 aa.3 ooe-baJ" >{ boitls cur< j pn *!, . J n ' 4 ? i CC-0.-.L':en.i it to a' TXiJf . * ; A. Lbrko k, Erf \ J- ?' ??*; ! j by J. E 5 aU^r.n : On? oe^ real /cs the super: I of woman so taach ss when e . a bscheior sewing >n ? /lion ;v:;>; C'.'J a ^^uiiiiig tuo xioeuit against the wall to get it hal way through, and then pulling il through the other half by hanging on to it with his teeth. Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleas ant remedy for all diseases arising from a disordered or torpid liver They are the modern cure for consti pation, biliousness, sick headaches specks before the eyes, etc. They do not sicken or gripe, mild in action, thorough in effect. Only one a dose, sugar coated and pleasant to take Price, 25 cents a box, at the Bazaar. The final arrangements for the meeting of the Democratic National convention at Kansas City, in July, are now being made by the sub committee. Peacemaker?I wouldn't fight my good men. First Combatant?He called me a liar, sure. Second Com batant?An' he called me a lazy loafer. ''Well, I woundn't fight ovei a difference of opinion. You botb may be right." Reports show that over fifteer hundred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Care. Most of those were cases of grippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption. J. E Kaufmann. In China, twelve and one-half miles from the village of Liou Chek, there is a mouutain of alum, which, in ad dition to being a natural curiosity, is a source of wealth for the inhabi tants of the country, who dig fron. it yearly tons of alum. Bucksboal, N. C, May 16,1898. Gentlemen:?Four years ago I was helpless with a misery in my back I could not return myself in bed. J was treated by my physician, but he did me no good. I took one bottle of Dr. Bakers Female Regulator anc it cured me. I think there is nc medicine on earth like it. Mrs. Emma E. Myers. For sale at the Bazaar. wE?^ iui as incurable as leprosy. kj at ?? Va elief or encouragement to vcu now doctors know of no remedy for th: is no hop-e outside of a surgical operation, ; hat it wiil not return. You may cut or d: [ ? is deep-seated and destructive, and be] lood must be purified and strengthened, t i overcome this powerful and contaminating pplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. ; from which it is made contain powerful permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured family may be free from any taint, yet your 1 n\rites Dis. I east, a harmless looking wart or mole, ant obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or c d prevent the formation of cancerous eel <mall pimple came on my jaw al>out one inch beloi ne no trouble, and I did not think it was anything s< nflamed. At the same time the sore began to sprea tried everything I could hear of. but nothing did m ?r taking several Ivittles the Cancer healed, and ars ago, and I am still enjoying perfect health." ; it contains much information that will int , and for ar>t advice or information wanted ; all blood diseases. We make no charge t Address, THE SWIFT God Bless the Women. I ? A fashion book says thai belts, gloves and neckties of rattlesnake ! skin are now fashionable. We felt i | convinced that rattlesnake would come to it sooner or later. It is {about the only varmint left that the women didn't wear. Think of a woman being arrayed in a silkworm | dress, ostrich feather hat, sealskin 1 sacque, goatskin shoe?, whalebone { stayp, kidskin gloves, tortoise shell comb, fi:h scale tiimmings, stuffed canary bird ornaments, clam shell buttons, Spi'z dog muff, mink tail collarette, alligator hide purse, and a rattlesn tke belt and necktie. Solomon in all his glory was not such a managerie as oq ) of theje, aod yet ! we love thrni do matter what they ! wear. G^d bless the woraei! WOMAN ; IS LIKE A DELICATE WJSiCAL INSTRUMENT i In good condition she is sweet 2nd lovable and s:r.?s l.fe's song on a joyful harmonicu.i string. Out of order or unstrung, there it ' discordance and unhappiness. Justastherj i is one keynote to all music so there is one ke) i note to health. A woman might as well trji i to flv without v/inrs as to feel well and look I well wh:le the organs that make her a womar | are weak or diseased. She must be health) (J inside or she can't be healthy outside. Thert i are thousands of women suffering silently al j over the country. Mistaken modesty urge: I | the:r s'le.nce. While there is no hing mor< ! admirable than a modest woman, health i: ; | of the first importance. Every other con | s'deration should give way before it. Brad 1 ; field's Female Regulator is a medicine fo > j women's ills. It is i thesafcstandquick- gglfN ' est way to cure leucorrhea. fa'ling of \ the womb, nervous- /jsilfylji t ness. headache, Wj || * _ I backache ana gen- jlihjilHil " i ' ... V j j; . '? ' ' *. 1' /;" ; . i C ?* . \ { ; - j- -' v, .t;r Vr ; J : \ \S\ . ' liWrXZ; . . ... M mz&z: u . ..v : J,.A CO W V . t .. ... . a .. .... rs ? ' 9 'u' \ *>**&>- +1 f!?? : I f x ?- ^ - w Cisr v . -' T 3' !.? : f ' ~. i. f c ? J f < * i .* r v ." V > . * . . i . . ?? : .? * .". . T. ' 'Am. I > Hv J li -A-' J" li -* ' ' i ' l\-r Govt':- * v: ;; Yi >'v .-.j i J. A. Hoyt, F. B. Gary, A. H. Pat ^ ter6on. ^ For Lieut. Governor?John T > SIoaD, C. L. "Winkler, C. L. Blease, J H. Tillman, Knox Livingston. For Attorney General?G. D. Bel linger, James H. Moore. For Secretary of State?M. R Cooper. I For State mreasurer?W. H. Tim, merman, R H. JenniDgs. ? For Comptroller General?J. P Derham, X. W. Brooker. For Superintendent of Education ' J. J. McMahan, Ellison Capers, Jr. For Adjutant and Inspector Gen 1 eral?J. W. Floyd, George Douglas ' | R:use. For Railroad Commissioner?W ' D. Evans, J. G. Etheredge, J. H ' Wharton, Thomas N. Berry, W. D, M-aj field, B. B. Evans, J. C. Petti ' grew. For United States Senator?B. R 1 Tillman, A. C Jones. Considerable surprise was shown I when it was announced that A. C II .Tones of Nowberrv. late Chairman of ^ the Prohibition party, would oppose ' Tillman. > Dr. Stokes has no opposition foi ^ CoDgress in his District > Mr. M. R. Cooper has the race bj himself for re-election as Secretary oi ? State. ?????? - - A Woman's Letter. Coolidge, Ky, Aug. 1st, 1898. ' : I have been sufferiog from Female ' troubles aDd was uuable to get relief, i j I was persuaded to try Benedicts and after one months treatment J can say I am fully restored. I recommend your remedy to suffering wo ? j meD. Mrs. H. R. Gilreath. j Sold by Julian E Kauflfman. J During Ms lifetime uoorge ii }: Pullman was considered one of the 11 finest business men in the country } i He ltft an estate valued at eight mil! lions. Iu five years it has grown tc fifteen millions under the manage ment of Robert T. Lincoln. is fearful malady ; while admitting it to he ami advise you to have the Cancer rut out, raw out the sore, but another will come in rond the reach of the surgeon's knife or lie system relieved of all poisonous, effete ; poison and force it out of the blood. It is a purely vegetable remedy ; no mineral purifying properties that act directly upon thousands, why not you ? ilood may become so polluted that a severe n 1 stubborn form of the disease may evelop from a sore or ulcer on your tongue r other part of your l>ody : a slight bruise r hurt, a little pimple 011 the eyelid, lip 1 other causes so insignificant as to attract intments to cure it ? begin w ith S. S. S, vhatSPECIF1C COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA. Why He Wasn't Warned. Oue of the national Senate dcorleepers, static ned in the lobby Dext to the maible room, had just warned avi,itor not to smoke the cigar which he carried in bis hand. At that moment the < lectiic bells sounded a call for a vote, and Senator Lodge hastened in from a nearby committee-room. He was puffing violently on a long black cigar. "Why don't you warn th it man?" aektd the \ isitcr. i J "B cause I known my business," answered the custo.liau at the dcor. j "That, is the man who made the rule." Passing of an Opportunity. "What is it a sign of when one's 1 p iU'betf ' at kid the sweet giil, as ? he lowered the blinds and sat down in the corner of a sofa built for two "I presuru*,' eanl ihe dense yo'uDg mar, as be folded his arms and tried \ to look wise, 1 .hat it indicates cutaii 5 | eou9 initaiioo. . | With a look of contempt on her fae--, the maid arose and going ever to the piano st'U- k up the populat ragtime m^-l -dy entitled 'I Duii't ) Cire If Y ,u Nh-ver C;me Bick." s. s; Vacant West Point Cadetship. , I J 1 Senator Tillui in wiites from Wash iogton as follows: "I have been notified by the S-cretary of War that I must name a cadet for West Point by July 10 h. I desire to make this ' appointment Hv competitive exami indidates for the apreport at Columbia : ' 10 a. m , at the South ib.ry Angels. o . i v< ry naughty to tell ; le who do so douh 'j. I . , r \. I : i ever tell a lie, . v dear, Devei! \ ou be fearful lonely .. -.,;s a, with only George ?r : \Y.t Sc*h In It. it- . Y ho .3 that poor fellow -Yvj seven? Ob,47loved e ? ildn't have him. ' Visitor?How sad! And who is the poor fellow in 48? Keeper?Oh, 48 married the girl who wouldn't have 47. fS V- WINE OF CARDL'I 4f g 0 has brought permanent relief to a mil- jjS H lion suffering women who were on their 9 way to premature graves. Mrs. Mitchell H H was fast declining in health, when Wine n S9 of Cardui performed a "wonderful cure" Eg 9 in her case. She suffered with the ago- n 9 nies of falling of the v. omb, leucorrhiea H and profuse menstruation. The weekly M appearance of the ir.enseafor two months S sapped her vitality until she was a phys ical wreck. Her "nervous B.vstein gave way. Then came the trial "of Wine of Cardui and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell's fl experience ought to commend Wine of R Cardui to suffering women in words of I burning eloquence. S WINE?CARM is within the reach of all. Women who W try it are relieved. Ask vour druggist 9 for a SI bottle of Wine of Cardui, and do H ' not take a substitute if tendered you. ? Mrs. Willie Mitchell. Pouth Onstor., N. C.: H "Wine of Cardui rn<l The<lford's Black Draught bsve performed a miraculous cure B in my case. I had been a crest rufTerer R with falling of the womb and leucorrbiBa. H andmynienses came every week for two E months ard were very painful. My htis- R ' band induced me to try Wine of Cardui Pi and B!>ck-Draught. am! now the leucor- D rho-a has disappeared, and 1 am restored t; B perfect health." g wBBfsiLJsfMHB DEEP WELLS. Having recently purchased a a first class outfit lor boring deep wtl'i, ' | those interested in a snpplv of lresh, pure . I water should coustilt meat L*x ngton either in p' rs >n or by mail. Satisfaction guaranteed, and your patronage solicited. A...1. FOX, lexington s. c. 1 Ju ie 13, lsuy.?ly. A Bond of Sympathy. j Do you like young Mr. Clifford's lo'kti? Yef, I do, very much. Don't, Lis ears seeui ra'her long? i 0 t Ye*, they are ratber long; but you ; must remember that I'm a Missouiy t J i girl, and dad made his fortune trad ; ing mules. 1 Home and Farm. ! By special arrangements we offer the Home and Farm, the leading ' farm and home paper, published in i Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for $1.25. Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. Wonderful Woman. Mr. Hoon?Your Aunt Almira is a remarkable woman. Mi8. Hood?How 6l? Mr. Hocn?Why, haven't you noticed that when she h-ars that a widow is to be mart it d she doesn't count on her fibers and wag her head solemnly? Most remarkable old lady I have ever seen. Most men commit mariiage almost as thoughtlessly a3 they would suicide. Barbecue. TTTE WILL GIVE A FIRST CLASS VV barbecue, witb refreshments, ;it the Jacob H rruan Old Place on tbe Wjse's Ferry roud, on July It. The public generally, and the candidates especially areinvitcd to attend. On this day pa'rous will ^ f *1 a ??? /!? fvAfi <. ' /tbormi UU J CIIItU rttxuro lUC il?CJ HCV VI h W HARMAN, II 13 HAKMAN. June 6, 19JO. Gw35. Barbecue. J WILL GIVE A FIRST CLASS B VR bt-cue lit Aus'iu Meetze'.s PLce. miles north of Spring Hill, oil Sh id) Grove road, on Sitnrdiy, July 14 h, II) 0. Thtre will be music furnished by the Count's Siring Bund und dancing. Come one come all. ]3oth great and small. The candidates all, are invited to the ball. JOH.i A. MEETZE. June 4. 190'). 6*-3"). Barbecue. \T7E WILLFORNIiHA FIRST CLASS H barbecue and refreshin nts at J. B S. x's place ou July It. betug th" s cond Saturday. C mdida'es and the public are inv ted to attend Music and dancing for those who wish tc parttcipn'e J K. bOX. M K K WISER. June 6, 11)09. <>*35pd. Barbecue. I WILL FURNISH A FIRST CLA'S bar been i and refreshments at my place n"Hr Wyst's F-rr'-, on Saturday July 14 19 0 The candidates and everybody are esp ci illy iuvitcd to a'ttmd. et j >y a good dinner and hnve go d Mine On the day of tt is bor .ecne ftrriage will be tree ..t Wi e's f rrv. * LEVI LOW MAN. June 5, 1900 9 35 .Barbecue. TTJE^VILLFURNISH ? FIRST CLASS V V I arbecue witb re?re-l meuts at B.tiLnCm. S. C., on luly 7tb, 19 0 Candidates an 1 ew.rjbody invited. K B SH"ALY H A B.CKLPY, ralltntiue. S. C J iue 4,19J0. 5w3-t $2.75 BOX RAIN COAT flLAR S5.00 WATEJt- *0 7K ?F MACKINTOSH for $/ I J ) NO MONEY. jurkeight and weight, atkte number or hov aronad body at breaat, taken over It undercoat, clotetp under anna, and : will rend yon this coat by express 0. L>., (object t. elimination. Exsine and try it on at your nearest express Office, and If found exactly aa represented nod the mod wonderful value you ever taw or beard of. and equal to any coat you can buy for $5.0?, par the expre?a arert K 8PKCUL OFi'KR PRICE, $2.75, id exprciw chartev. I IS M AC KIN TOMI is latent 1900 ca.?y titling, made from heavy 'proof, Ian rotor, genuine Davis Covert ; ftill length, double breasted, r velvet collar, fancy plaid lining, rproof sewed reams Suitable for Rain or Overcoat, and guaranteed .TEST V-iU'K e?er offered by na or any booae. For Free Cloth Samples of 'a Saeldotoahet up to SI.00 and e-to-measure Sulfa and Overc?at? at > #5.00 to S10.0<>. write for F1IKE IPLK BOOK No. #nK Address BEARS, ROESUCK A CO. (Inc.) CHICACO. (heart, Kocbuek k to. are thoroughly reliable?Ldltcr.) TkTsturkie.m. d.. ATTORNEY AND COUNCELLOR AT LAW, OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERvices to the citizens of Lexington county. COLUMBIA : S. C Jane G 19G0. 13 *42 A REAL GRAPHOPHONE j NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN. Ali the Wonders and P tee sores of a Hrgb-Prioed Talkin 1' achine. fHien accompanied by a Recorder this j Oraphophone can be used to make Records. Price with Recorder. $7.50. Reproduces all J ihe standard Records. Send order and money < to oar mearejt office. | COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30 , NEW YORK, t<3-t?5 Broadway. CHICAGO, 88 Wabash Are. ST LOUIS. T7U.773 Olive St. Washington, 915 Penn^-ivania avo. PHILADELPHIA, 1033 Chestnut St BALTIMORE, to E Baltimore St. . ! BUFVALO, 513 Main St. A SAN* FRANCISCO, isj Geary St. iE? PARIS, 34 Boulevard dc? Italiens. V BERLIN, 59 Kronenstrasse When writing mention the Dispatch. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digestant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It instantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ; Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Pr!ce50c. andfl. Large size contains 2V% times small size. Book all about dyspepsia muiiedfree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. Chicago J. E. KAUFMANN. 11 ml we will I j.-uV |CLJN -*: I < end y-'U this Violin Outfit / -?v | T >y e \press C. O. b. subject ^wwvr"-?*"" / r : > examination. Tills violin I ' 1' s a Ueouine Mraihariua Sodrl. made of old wood, CUrlJ " unple back and sides, top of seasoned pine, specially n lelccteil tor Violins, edfea tn'sld with |iurfilnit, bra! qnalltt ll bony finished trimming THIS ISA REGULAR S8.00 J1 flOLIH, I >fatiiifully flni*hct!. bighty poii-ne?l.withftpicalid luor quality. Complete with a icenulnc Hritll wood Tourle ^ model bo??, 1 extra bet of tirinpt, a oral, well made tlolin j C ra?r, large piece of roiln, and one of the beat font won ueo%c 1 Instruction books published, YOL' fA% fc'Xlftl.NK 1 T at vour ! H p.\prt?>:? otTL-e, and if found e\octlv a> represented and | B the greatest bnnrain ion eter aaw or heard of, pay the ex- j ? press acent $3?75 les* the50cent depooit. or$3.2?and B p\preaaeharfe?v and the outfit U jouri. tl SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. " ? fomplnird by raan la full ?? willi(i?r one lettered fiairrrboard ehart, which can l>e '< ad justed to any violin without chaiuouk the instru- b merit and ?111 prove a valuable jruide to be/inners.and / vre will also allow the instrument to be returned aftei j r days'trial If not found entirely satisfactory in every a respect Satisfaction auarantrrd or Money refunded la full. a Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.)Chicago. ( (StUKS. 110LUUK k 10. are liorougbly reliable. Ldllur.j j Wlicii writing mention the Dispatch 1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. | I j Anfl Savannah. t Wiilidl iiJUO CSV ? /</.. . ...? . . ? ? Eastern Time at Other Points. Sch?*dule in EfFeot June loth. 1900. Jiixd v 'jj.Vf, on NORTHBOUND. f)ajjy Daily Lv. Juoksonvil e (P. Si NlAia 80op " Savannah (So. Ry ) 1220*112 Ala " Barmvoll 4 06p; 4 13n " BlackviMe ... 4 21pj 4 2Xa " Spr-ijtlield 14 44p 4 3la " Sally ! 452p 4 5!'a Ar. Columbia . .. ._. - 605m 6 10a Lv. Charleston, tSo. Ry......... 7 u>a 11 ?Xrx? " Summerville j 7 41a lAXtat " Branehville 8 55aj 1 "via " Oran^eburj; 9 23a 2 50a '* Kingville . 10 15aj 4 3Ua Ar Columbia __ 11 (Xlft' 5 .Via f3v. Auttus'.a. ( So. Ry. ) *2 0Uu 255p| 93wp Lv. (Traniteville .. * 2 45a 3 20p 10 lop Lv. Edgefield 1 l'tp Lv. Aiken 3 15pj Lv. Trenton 5 U/a' 3 35p 11 00p " .lohnston . . . 5 20a 4 lOpjll 20p Ar. Columbia. (U. L).) 5 45p| 2 10a Lv. Commbia. ( Bid# St 9 30n 6 lop. 6 20a " Winusboro 7 03p| 7 25a " Ches'er . 751pi 8 18a " Rock Hill -A . j 823pj 8 55a Ar. Clnrlitte . . ' ! lopi 9 45a Ar. Dtmvil.e . 12nla j 38p Ar. Ktehmond ...... (joua H 25p Ar. Washington 7 35a: 850p " Baltimore (Pa.RR) . 9 12all25p " Philadelphia. 11 3'?al 2.>!h " New York. 201pi 613a t- il in i'.xiia L/Y. V/Utuiin;i<t ivtF v Ar. Sp.irtanbury 3 10p P ."SOr-i " Ashe vi lie T l ?p HOP Ar. Knoxvil'.e 4 15a' 7 2-rp A?\ Cinoinna i . 7 3>n>> 7 Ar. Louisville . . i 3 ip 7 4ua SOL'TI! BOl'Nl). MLtd DaUy Dai'J Lv. Louisville . _ _7 4oai 7 4-So Lv. Cincinnati k.*?i 8<wp Lv. Knoxville 1 2ua| H 23a - Aithcviiii* | H00h| ;?l*5p " Spartanburg.. i 11 4.7a | 6 lap Ar. Co ii'iibia 3?tp 9 45p Lv. Now 53iipl2l.jnt Philadelphia | 605p. 3 50a " Baltimore . . ; 827p fi 'Ala Lv. Washi'gt'n ISo.Ry t .... ; ' 930p 11 15a Lv. Kicamoa! ' ill t>jp lAjlm Lv. Danville ....!? 4 3ha 54Hp Lv. Charlotie . i 1 H ion y 55p 44 Rode Hill 8 ooh 10 45p " Chester I 9 25a 1120p " Wiimsboro ; 10 13a 12 10a Ar. Columbia, (RklzSt ..... fi30p.ll 20a 115a Lv. C ilumbin, (I*. D.) 11 4 a; 4 3Ua " Johnston '10 30]i lSlpi fi32a " Trenton 11 U0p 1 43:> 4tfn Ar. Aiken . 3 Alp r, ifJa Ar. Eigelidd 4 20p It 3.a Ar. Gninileviile !120bot| 213p- 7 18a Ar. Auzns n .. 1*^ P!n 25up 800a Lv. Columbia (fto. Ky) . j | 4UUpj 1 35a " Kingville I 4 43pj 2 32a " Orangeburg. j 533p 3 45a " Branohville j 6 J5pj 4 25a " Summervillo i I 7i8p 5 52a Ar. Charleston . ' 816pj 7 UOa Lv. Columbia (So. Ky.i. . J . 11 25aj 1 30a Ar. trail}* e. " Springfield 12 45p;2 40a " Blaekville ! 1 OTfv 8 Ova " Barnwell i 121 pj 3 13a " Savannah | 3 lap, 5 10a Ar. Jacksonville (P.S.I 1 1 7 4<Jp' 0 23a Trains 43 and 44 (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. fDaily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Sorvlce. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room s.eeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffer sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and CharJ <tte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute dailv between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. OULP. Third Y-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. C. Washington,!). C. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag't.. Aa't Gen. Pass. Ag't.. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Effieet June 11th, 188'.'. STATIONS. *?0^ ND0ailfi. Lv. Charleston 7 00 a m M Summerville 7 41 a m " Branchville 8 55 a m " crangeourg ???? " Tringyjjie 10 15 a m Lt. Columbia 11 05 a m " Prosperity 12 10 n'n ** NewSerry 12 25 p m 44 Ninery-Six 120pm 44 Greenwood. 7 40 am 1 56 p fc Ar. Hodges 8 00 a m 2 15 p m j Ar. Abbeville 8 40 a m 2 45 p m ! Ar. Belton 8 55 a m 8 10 p m Ar. Anderson 0 80 a m 8 85 p m Ar. Greenville. 10 10 a m 4 15 p m j Ar. Atlanta. 3 55 p ml 9 00 p m STATIONS. E^oSiT Vo\_ Lv. Greenville 5 30 p m 10 16 a m 14 Piedmont 6 00 p m 10 40 a b " Wllllameton 6 22 p mi 10 55 a m Lv. Anderson 4 45 p mi 10 45 a m Lv. Belton 0 45 p ml 11 15 a m Ar. Donnalds 7 15 p m' 11 40 a m Lv. Abbeville 6 10 p m! 11 20 a m Lv. Hodges 7 35 p m 11 55 a m Ar. Greenwood 8 00pm 12 20pm 44 Ninety-Six 12 55 p m 44 Newberry 2 00 p m 44 Prosperity 2 14 p m " Columbia 3 SO p m Lv. Kingville 4 5? p m 44 Orangeburg 623 pm 44 Brauchville 6 17 p m " Summerville 7 32 pm Ar. Charleston 8 17 p m bally, Daily I kt Atunvq Daily; Daily No. 9 No,13l oTATIQ> S. yo.fjjyo.10 680p 7 Oua.Lv Charleston Ar; 817p;UO0a 600p 7 41a< 44 .. Summerville... 44 732p:1018a 7 60p 8 55a 44 . .-Branch ville.... 44 6 02p 8 52a 824p 9 2Sa 44 ....Orangeburg... 44 5 20p 8 22a 82up 10 15a! 44 Kingvide 44 4 38p 7 30a 8 30a 11 40a| 44 .... Colt m'.ia 44 3 20pj 9 30p 9 07a 12 20pl 44 Alston Lv! 2 30p| 8 5<'a 10 04a 1 23p! 44 ..._.?an:uc 44 j 1 23pj 7 46p 10 20a 2 00p? 44 Union 44 I 1 05p 7 30p 10 69a 2 22p| 44 Jonesville 44 >12 25p| 6 5-tp 10 54a 2 37p| 44 Paoolet 44 ;1214p! 6 4.'p 1126a' 3l0p'Ar.. Spartanburg.. Lvill 45a| 0 lop 1140a 34tfp Lv.. Spartanburg.. Anil 2hat 6OOp 2 40p iQOpAr?AsheviJle.... Lvi 6 20a| 3Pop "P," p. m. 44A."a. m. Pullman palace sleeping care on Trains 35 and 86, 87 and 88, on A. and C. division. Dining cars on these trains serve all meals enrome. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C. division, northbound, 6:43 a.m., 3:8? p.m., 6:13 p.m., iVestibule Limited); southbound 12:36 a. m., :15 p. m., 11:34 a. m., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave Greenville, A. and C. division, northbound, 5:50 a. m., 2:34 p. m. and 5:22 p. m., (Vestlbuled Limited) southbound, 1:25 a. m., 4:80 p. m., 12:3J p. m. (Vestibuled Limited). Trains 0 ana 10 carry elegant Pullman sleeping cars between Columbia and Ashevilie enroute daily between Jacksonville and C'incin nati. Trains 13 and 14 carry superb Pullman parlor cars between Charleston and Asheville. FRANK 3. GANNON', J. M. CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. C. Washington.!). C. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag't. As t Gen. Pass. Ag't. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, G*. Fibbing tackle cf all kind?, cane?, bobs, artificial biit, lines, book0, etc. Cill and see them at the Bazaar. What we call phonal religion, the religion of a man's life, is the effort to draw nearer to God, to know Him, to listen to what He has to say, to leil.Him what is in our heart. imp us oass" K-QLLAR" (utllii* ! !. ou< aiiJ it'iiJ Id u<- n'tl< ?1.0C, ::r. : . \??*i . ? ] j??m li?L NKW ll"tOVtD AC :t ?,'( htIN l'AI.LOii OXIUN. 5. . Ml. O. 1).. .?.! J.* I U> -P-**g*a*rP?% ^ ?mlr*:loo. Vol! cut. examine it at ' 1 freiu.t <: !?-C, * *v, 3d If Villi And it exactly n* rcp.1-1..-, .. I t.' : t tail at *7^.00 to *ltMMi<?. I:ir;-ri-.v. t ..! .-< and 1| ie freight a+ront <>nr ?p-cl?l t'l> dii\?" ' price, So l.75, jf !^33'?^lHP?#3i2c3^a' 3l'.75 IS CU3 ?P[S!AL 9G DAYV PiilCE I bj otlirm. siicli ui! oflVr \\::? iu*w*r bflVri*. ' &?&SS8i he acme quesil isuii?rt:.. O1o.tiu imki.s: im>m;kktfst rtvvt?sm?5? UXtll Igtlrumritu t<rr ic:ilo. l-r?.m tlio ?!!i::l;?ti"Zi rhow r:. v. hicli w' ; Cp'^wViV pf J * lensrraveil direct from h p!iot..;.'ri[>i..y >!< , f .ivn soznt ld-a-fits od gfwrgy eautiful ap|<c!iraii''c. M'idc i'roin so'l.t ,nn>ru r ?nwc<l . >.? ? *!?"Lr.3 aL, antique Hindi, L: ind.-- ?: < :>' d.-i rat, I and .>r,-auj.. :,.< tins 5 octaves. 11 el. p>. a> follows: ui?j-*'uh. ivlsrlpsl, }>Sc''^mLj- liaSl ulclatia, M-lodla. t'eleale. Cremona, Have Ccie.ler. 1'reUp Tu?? Nwfll, 1 brand Organ hwell. 4 he!* Crcbaltral 1< nrd tl , rsonalurj Flp?(fua!h> Kftils. 1 Sr| of 3< Fur* S* el Ji-lodU ? * J* ftdi, 1 Set of 8 J Charmingly Brilliant ielem? Xt rda, 1 >< ( of ' / V"* & 'a.*4f jjtil?X t Ilirh Hfllotr Smooth I>l.ip.i-on llmS, ] S t of '11 i'leasim; <.--"jS?- '!*. V*'" ??"? : ' oft UHodSooa Frinr'pal Itrrdr. THKAf'MKQl KKN ar? H^gWy^^f j vd in the highest Krmle iii.tnimeht-. littr 1 \Wth llu:a^ Vfci-' jS&n toad Couplers and Vox llunanj. also !?-t I><dire felt-., . ^el'r- ec.'frt j}(MjEj Mather*. etc., bellows of tlie ?ie?t rubber ei??tb. ff-j'Sy 1?&:- t;'as.v v>5^ ellows stork and finest leather in vuln s. i I: K date French mirror. nickel plated [ >!..I, P^^3 nil every imslern improvement. '.>r furnish free a hsnd- v.ot SrS^jBS owe organ alool and the br,torsar in-lrurtloo Im.mW publUbvd. v L#|*J K^t ' j35P?2i^V3f"^^ieWiSs?,5 iUARANTEEO 25 YEARS. BBSl i>sue a written hir.dint: 26} ear jftminnlee. hy the ty* ' vt '*' ?: .*i-ObyQi? erms and condition* i.f ? hicb if any part jd-i* s t.-u* ve repair it free of churgc. Try it one month and 1*S-!sS1>^r raWsSS?* re will refund your money if ye;j nre not t?-r,e;-tly ?3s,r^&s PZ^;sj?T^,k^/*2:y j&Ss/ A^SarSffllt atlsrted. 6(0 of these ortr - wili l>c sol 1 at 531. <6. ?JI Ct">iT?rbt are^Ec?rffijSSl??3istt^PtliW')UI?KU AT OX'i:. !??,: -T lUILAV. 3UR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED {*a?? *" - * \ ?w lot dealt with us atlt yonr ntlithlior about us. write lank, or Corn Exchange Nat. Ii&.tk. ('hii-ag..; or (teman Exchange Bans. sew ioric; or any rxavnui ? caP?j :ompany In Chicago. Itp Letr iraplial of u?rr $;otMKP).o(>, tH-cupv entire one ot tlio largest business oh.'ks In :h?cago, and employ noarly 2.000 in ,>isr '?h buil.Jinff. ?? : MiLL OU?a.\> a r *22.00 and up: M.iNOS, $115.00 tad op: also everything in musical in-M uie-nts at lowest wholesale pi ice... Write for free special organ, piano imi musical instrument Catalogue A.iiiress. isnrt. Hot bark X Co. are lboruoghh reliable.?ha!tor.) SEARS ROEBUCK Sc CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Desolainej and '.Yayman St?.. CHICAGO, ILL. IVhen writing month n the D'spatch Wlvn writing montion the I'ispatch PERKINS MANUFACTURING COi YELLOW PINE LUMBER, MANUFACn'REltS OF FLOORING. OEILIIO, SIDING, FINISHINGS, MOULOiNGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, D001tS,SASH ANI> HL1NDR, AUGUSTA, GA. ?-ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED..?, February 1?ly When w itinK mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, Ci.220, CRAGZERS, O-KOCEIEBIES, Toys, Fancy Ckina, Notions, iD2e"cra-s an.A ^B3DICI3jtdbs, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC Diamond Dyes of all Colors. Barman's Bazaar, LEXINGTON, S. C. raaaaig^sflBaEsycs rtj 1 CAPACITY, 10,000 JOLC t>l9 ASNO'M. i l I I I HILL I B For\p A'tl+n p*tih ?V of cVap kucar!*# V'VJM i Q But?' ?'ir,) be I-?k well *r. 1 ** ?/?* *?1. KLti* AVVAV PK(Vt TllF. r>?*i??r thrtn h^4p?r in th* g | ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hii!, S.C. I ROCK HILL BUGGY COMPANY. For Sale by W. I*. ROOF, I,exin<?ton, H. O. GREGORY-RHEA MULE CO., | MATTHEWS & BOUKNIGHT, Columbia: S. C.. j Leesville, S. C. Mav 11?ly. When writing mention the Dispatch. When writing rrention the Dispatch. COLUMBIA, NEWB'RRY AND ' ALL BIG BOEING EVENTS v LAURENS RAILKOAJ. Are Best Illustrated and Described in Id Effect November 19th, 1899. I "OQLICE A 7CTTC No. 52 No. 1 , .3 11 08 am lv..Columbia. .lv 4 45 pm Tll Jf*orldmPttHlou8 11 20 a m ar. 5 05 pm . . . Pair OH Of Sports. 11 27 a m ar Irmo . 5 25 pm 11 35 a m ar.Ballcntine .ar 5 45 pm ; $l.vw"l3 WEEKS~~$1*00 11 40 am ar."V\ 5 5G pm MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. 11 43 a ra ar .. HiltoD.. .ar 6 04 pm j richaKD K. FOX, Publisher, 11 48 a m ar. ..Cbapin.. ar G 20 pm , Franklin Square, New York. 12 03 a m arL. Mountain ar G 45 pm { 12 07 a m ar Slighs . ar C 52 pm | LEXINGTON 12 17 p m i 20 pm __ _ ----- 12 30 p m ar. Newberry. ar 7 45 pm ; GL.iJSISSi }ol?pmar"'ralai!a"' FOR BCYS AND GIRLS. ro P m ar- ^rary V *' I PREPARES FOR TEACHING 12 53 p m ar.. Kmard... , COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. 1 00 p m ar..Gcldville.. 1 13 p m ar.. Clinton... ! Bigb School. Intermediate and Primary 1 25 p m ar*."..Parks. !. ! Courses1 35 p m ar.. Laurens.. j English, German French, Greek and Latin r | Taught. ^ ?? ? Wry Healthiest Location. Board RETURNING SCHEDULE. ! verj ehu?p. $4 to 57 pt-r month. Tuition j exvcdingly low, {1 to $2.50 per month. vr m xt oo ! Expenses pet vear $50 to $75. Had 125 No. 53 No. il 4dente ?t /et.sion i or- i y i? rr n ! .. . ,, . ? , 1 ?50 p m lv. .-Liuurens. .iv o <jvj am i ivxt session txgms Monday, ?epiemoer 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv G CO t in 1 is. 1S99. For full particulars, 153pm lv. ..Clinton.. .lv G 35 am I Aadiebs , 2 03 pm lv...Goldville. lv ? 53 uu ' Leiington.'s.'c. 2 10 p m lv. ..Kinard.. .lv I Uo am ! September l? tf. 2 15 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 7 13 am j 2 20 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 7 20 am | J . 2 34 p m lv. Newberry .lv <S ]0 am ! ff?;CEMTS ,d.Va7?..,.iii F , Ti 1 ,. . . SjS! J"'j ?ur f Irlrotrd La It V. HIA <11I IA it by 2 49 pm o 40 am i Kr'?*! ? ?<..t.o.i?..,ui>ci?oMs?inaii?i.. nis* 1 , tvi- i " i it i\,\ b' Centtlsi* I.a 5#?*rta.'.nw irao madein>t ument of 2 59 pm lv. . .oJlgllS. . .lv 9 00 am P Lr.atl.camy,jv)r...t ro.ewood JitiiNh.very n A- r , T i*i f, m C h:;rJily j>.-!i>Iied. Handsomely inlaidar<<ur.d 3 Uo p m lv..L. Mountain lv 9 L!> am I p iivicnt.u i?!sm stri^ i? wiiuwd 3-t n i .>,1 i v, I 1- b,.unJ t.ip e.'ae. Hrtv'rrlKiOid accurately fret* 16 P m lv. ..Cliapm.. .Iv 9.)0am | g ted with raised j;ct>. inlaid perltodcioedou, 3^.-v i iT'l. 1 a <a A I f ^ n.rricsn ni'lf | ?leni lirad, acl Hi.^t nicLf! pUfed i /2 p m lv... Hilton... Jv J 40 am akigm^kjf^.ooc.mtak,powerful 3 2G p m 9 40 am ?|. ^ 3 31 p m lv.BalleDtine. lv 9 50 am j W which *"hes ?>' 3 40 p m lv.. .Irmo... .lv 10 15 am j jt? 3 46 p m lv..Leaphart. .lv 10 25 am | jg&r ex,T4'? a"c.TsaVs 4 05 p m 10 45 am j ! don *:uu.AutccI ?.r tnonev refunded in full. : j SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. ? it h every order Trains 52 and 53 run solid between j <; ?.? en?a in ruiMv.. w-,u eive(a L^ucrrd n?erLard Charleston and Greenville. TraiD j sharps and flats in f<:!l v;pw, and can bo easily adi t . , t ! jurttd to arty f?.:itar without chan-rinu the inrtru02 I?)EkeS Close connection at JLaUr- ' tr.cnt. Wirh the u-e of the lettered it-ifrfrboard any. / t ~i a i _t .. one can lo.nn to play without the aid or a teacher. enS for Augusta anil opaitannuig. I W rite for free musical instrument and piano and oryan No. 53 makes close connection at SEARS, ROEBUCK^CO^ CHiCACO Sumter for the North. 1 <S-AKS' KOEBl'lK ic <0 are thoroughly r?iia! >. Fdlt.r.) Nos. 1 and '2 makes close coDnrc- When wiiii*; n.< i t:<n il.t ielatch, tion with S. A. L to aLd from Atlanta. J _ ^ ~ For further information call on or HILTON'S QflHfPQQ S l B. F. P. LEAPHART, I A11A S 9 A11A F uiSf' 1OUGH CURE. Travelling Passenger Agfnt. B T^nnlr r\f A\lnmKtu rinlnniKni^ C' m. J It CVCIsH * jl/ou n, kji vui t_? jlxi uia, v i ITl i i t W. G. CHILDS, President. rnS|inf r ?ro?a l n??j'if ? tinuke any other cocgh prepa | ration. The tpiickt st to stop a cough and ^J to remove soieness ftom the lungs. 25c. HAIR BALSAM THE MURRAY DRUG CO., > Cleanaef and beautifies the hair. : p,\ i f*\ipi* C n ?. Promote! a lnzunar.t proarth. ? .. , ' , ? Never Fails to Bcstore Gray For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Hair to its Youthful Color. I . iti_ir Curea aealp d:?ea?e? tc ha:r lading. Aug. lo ly. 50c.and|i.'.?jat Druggi.ti M hen wiitiug mention the Dispach. ??