, ) Suffering from female troubles should 1 | try the *r01d Time" Remedy, | kFNP ||P\hantbis I ]! ITSfMNAU !; f ^ ISGUfcATOR S It has no equal. It strengthens the ( m ? delicate female organs and builds a worn- ( > an up. All suffering and Irregularities at ( > "monthly" periods can be avoided by its use. It Is for young girls maturing, for.' > mothers, and for women at Change of Life. < > Should be used before child-birth. > ;? Sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price $1.00. i Ladies Blue Book sent FREE to any one Son application. Address, 'WOMAN'S DE- ' i PARTMENT". New Spencer Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. IJ Heiitu?n ftia paper. Sold bv Julian E. Kaufmann. The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13. i9CO. _____ Par Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and all.^\ lades to ZSTsw Advertisements. For Magistrate?M* j H A. Meetze For Solicitor?J. A. Mull* r For Clerk of Court?J E Buff. For Sheriff? S P. Drafts. Proclamation?By The Governor. Barbecue?Derrick & LaDgfoid. Barbecue?HaltiwaDger & Amick Barbecue?Harm&D & L'ttle. * Bxrbecue?Drafts & Corley. SERVICES. lexinoton cibcuit m e chuech south. Rev J. N. Weight. Pastor. 1st Sunday, Red Bink 11 am.' Sbilch4Jpm. 2d Sunday, Horeb liana. Lexington 4$pm v 3d Sunday, Sbiloh 11 am. 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 4 pm ? .Red Bank 8 30 pm. Lexington: Sunday school service e ery Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. lexington bapiist chuech. Rsv. J. J. Mjers, Pastor. 13rd Saturday Evening at 8 p m. 3rd Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school every Sanday morning at 10 o'clock. L. W. Redd, Superintendent. st. stephen's lutheban chuech. Rtv. J. G Graichen, Pastor. 1st. Sanday 11 a. m ., Lexington. 2'id Sunday Ham, Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a m , Lexington. 4th. Sunday 11 a. m . Lexington. Sanday sch->ol service every Sunday xncrnirg at 9:30. episcopal SEE vice 3. Rev. Harrold Thomas, Rector. Second Sundays at 11 a. m. Every Taesday at 8:30 p m. Bible class every Tuesday at 5 p ra Sunday school every Tuesday at 6 p. m. Masonic. JL A regular communication of PoLodge, No. 151, A. F. M will convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday evening, July 7.1900, at o'clock sharp. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly Brethren. John C. Swygert, Master. ? Meeting of Old Soldiers. The members of Camp Kaigler are requested to meet at Swansea, on Saturday, the 7:h day of July. A full attendance is desired as business cf importance will be before the Camp. By order of D. E. Craft, 1st Lieut. Com. U. W. Jefcoat, Adjutant. - ?Some Fine Wheat. Mr. John J. Frick of Saluda township, has placed on our table some fine samples of bearded wheat He says that it is a prolific grower and makes fine fhur.* Mr. Monroe Gunter brought us samples of another variety of wheat which also makes excellent flour. We are keeping cur samples until enough has accumulated to make a barrel of fljur when we will have it ground into the "staff of life." Cea'.h of Josie Rolaud. Last Sunday, after an illness of about two weeks, Mr. Josie Roland, son of Mr. Wm. Roland, died in the 20th year of his age and was buried in St David's cemetery on Monday. He had just reached youDg manhood when the summons came which called him hence, and is said to have possessed a happy disposition and gave promise cf a life of usefulness and honor, but death has claimed him as his prey and the grave has ended the fond hopes and expectations of bis family and friends. "Long Winded" Axle. The following is a copy of a letter received from Mr. Louis Cohen, of Sandersville, Ga., a prominent Bank er and vehicle dealer, relative to the patented axle, which has been named Rock Hill "Long-Winded" as being suggestive of its 6elf-oiliDg powers. This axle is guaranteed t j run without re-oiling from two to six months and twice as far as any other axle made: Banking House of Louis Cohen. Sandersville, Gi., May 15, 1900. Mr. J. G. Anderson, Manager, Rock Hill Buggy Co., Rock Hill, S. C. Dear Sii: I wish to congratulate you on your patent axle. You surely have got the best axle, in my opinion, ever put on a vehicle. The 1 ist car "Rock HilF Buggies received were fitted with your "Rock Hill" axle, and it is no trouble to quickly convince my customers of its supe- | riority over all other thousand mile axles; and, those to whom I have sold, report perfect satisfaction. I wi?h you continued success. Yours truly, Ljui8 Cohen. I PENCIL AND SCISSORS. ! Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. L?mons aDd ice, at tbe B ziar. J. E. Baff i3 a candidate for Clerk of Court. Fresh Baker's brea3 and cakes, l! the B.zaar. Miss Lydia Taylor graduated from Winlhrop this year. Men's hats in the latest styles and shapes at Meetze & Sod. Mr. S P. Drafts' friends nominate hiai as a candidate for Sheriff. This week Lexington is the Mecca to which the face of all candidates turned. On Saturday July 21st J J. Haiti wanger aDd D. E Amick will give a TT.l WVVUV HV There wae an eclipse of the mooD last night. It arrived promptly od almanac schedule. Best line of men's, women's and children shoes, at Meetze & Son. 0ill and make your selection. Derrick & Laogford will give a barbecue at Mrs. Sallie Drafts' place, one mile west of Priceville, on July 7th. Mr. Newell Lee is spending a abort while with his wife at the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harman. We were pleased to receive a visit from many prominent citizens of the ountyand elsewhere, during the week. Hon. W. H. F. Kist, Swansea's popular business mar, w.is in town Monday and Tuesday in attendance upon court. An examination for applicants for teacher's certificates will be held in this place on next Friday, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Eugenia Hendrix has just retu!n?d from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Lee&vi'le and Bateebnrg. Wanted?A job as engineer (sta tionarj). Well qualified. Address, Lester Carson, care of Lexington Dispatch. The friends of Mr. Harry Rjberts are glad to see him on the streets again after his daDgerous and protracted illness. For the best buggy and wagon material, either for building or repairing, go to T. B. Aughtry & Co, Columbia. Mr. C. L. Beard, Editor of the Carolina News, ChapiD, was in town Monday and Tuesday and gave us a pleasant call. Notice is given in this issue that D. M. Drafts and F. L Corley will give their annual barbecue at the usual place on July 28. The friends of Maj. H. A. Meetze present his name to the voters of the 1st Judicial District for re-election as Magistrate. Scott Harman and Eugene L'ttle will give a first class barbecue at the residence of Mrs. Adrian Little, one mile east of this place on July 7th. Miss Anna Elizibfth Miles, one of Marion's fairest daughters, has been visiting Mrs. C P. Ribinson, of Irmo, and Miss Annie Shuler. of Selwood, S. C. Wig Davie, colored, was fined $25 or 30 days on the chain gaDg by Magistrate Meetze for assault and battery on Corrie Njrris last week. He paid the fine. Mr. Thompson, wbo is charged with haviDg killed a negro in self defense near Brookland sometime ago, surrendered himself to Sheriff Oaugbman last week. J. A. Muller, E?q, a prominentmember of the LexiDgton Bar, has decided to enter the race for Solicitor of the 5:h Circuit and so announces himself io this issue. There has been a post office established at Hon. W. H. Sharped, en the Perry extension of the Southern Railway, by the name of Eimund, with Claude C. Gantt postmaster. We acknowledge an invitation to attend the dedicatory ceremonies of the New Law building of the Washington and L?e University to the memory of John Rindolph Tucker, on Tuesday, June 19:h, at LexingtoD, Ya. Our young friend Cidet T. Frank Rawl has our thanks for an invitation to attend the Joint Debate of the Literary societies of the Patrick Military Institute at AodersoD, S. C , ? An Tono 1 1 fh WJLllULl LUUn. Via vuuv jlawu. Last week some malicious person shot a valuable cow belonging to Mr. E B. Roof, while it was graziDg in his pasture. When she was discovered she was dead and beside the guDshct wounds there were several knife cuts cn her body. In order to make room for a new stock, J. W. LoDg is offering his present stock of shoes at cost. He ia rff-rincf oreat bir<7ains in the ? ? - ? o~?balance of his stock. It will pay you to call and inspect his goods before purchasing elsewhere. Judge J. Walter Mitchell, reccn'ly of this county, but who has been residing in R chland for some time, La-j been elected by the board of control for that county, Clerk to Dispenser Price in Columbia. BMEBB t IMBM 11 IIWIIWBW?? rii ) ""*?! It i9 a conceded fact, which bus been demonstrated by actual test made by men of experience that T. B. Augbtry & Co, Columbia, keep the best buggies and wagons on the market. The news comes over the grapevine telephone that Mr. Jacob W. Dreher has so improved in corpulency as a result of his week's diet on bream, j mnllina anrl l ft )i>, hia mnsfc inti- 1 mate friend hardly recognized him. Mr. L. C Boland, one of the most experienced and popular Knights of the Gtip Sack on the road, was in town last week. He represents Atlanta Steam Candy Factory, which j has a well earned reputation for the purity and excellency of their goods. Mr. Duffle, who has been confined in jdl for some weeks on a charge of being implicated with another parly in disposing of personal property under mortgage, was given a preliminary bearing last week and was discharged, the evidence being insufficient to hold him. The final examination of the students of the South Carolina College, in the way of marks was made public yesterday. Mr. J. W. Haltiwanger, son of Mr. J. E. Haiti wanger, of Selm8, was prcficient in history and French. ' Mr. Fred Harman, a prominent candidate for Supervisor of Richland county, was in town during court. He is an excellent financier and looks well after the dollars and cents and the finances of Richland will be well guarded by him. Dr. J L Shuler has consented to accept the position of postmaster at Selwood, and after July 1st there will be established a daily mail between Irmo and that place, which will include the offices at Wessinger and Count&ville. This mail will be oDerated under the free delivery > system. Capt. Ciint "Ward wbo was mail contractor of the stage lice between Edgefield and Columbia before and during the war, is in town shaking hands with many old time fiiends. He is now in his 72od year (f age, and is as j ovial and lively as ever. He now resides at Wards for whom the station takes its name^and he is one cf Saluda's best citizens. Mr. J. D. Bickley, mention of whose illness was made in the last issue of the Dispatch, died Monday and was buried at B!uo church on Tuesday, June 4 h, at 11 a. m. He was a prominent and popular man of his section and in bis death his community and county have sustained a severe blow. There will be preaching in St. Stephen's Lutheran church next Sunday at the usual hour, 11 a. m. and the Sunday school exercises will begin at 9:30 a. m. The public is cordially invited. The pastor, the Rev. J. G. Graichen, and bis gifts of thought and diction are attracting the attention of bis denomination outside of Lexington. Our heartfelt thanks are extended to those who were so thoughtful as to pay for their paper to help us out during the dull summer months. There are others who were not so thoughtful and failed to settle, and we would now remind them it is time to pay up and we hope to receive a remittance at an early date of all, or a portion of what they are due. An advertisement placed in the Dispatch is bound to bring satisfactory returns. Our advertisers aie almost unanimous in this opinion. One among the many is Col. D. T. Birr, who says that when Miss /""l?L 1 ? nmf rr.io cf r?l f. r* Vjrerfci uue VJTCl^Vl a naau I. no oiuau from his home, he advertised for its recovery in the Dispatch and it was not long before the witch wasfoUDd. Again he had a milch cow which he wished to dispose of, he advertised iu the Dispatch and bad five buyers in six days and sold the cow at a good price. Merchants should profit by Col Birr's expeiitnce. Chocolate for cakes, powdered sugar for iceing cakes, candy trimmings for cakes, fine extracts and 63 -ences, all at the Bazaar. Summer Coo uncliest, cleanest, safest, coolest and gnomical summer cook stove ever sc Wickless i Ilurn -A /~\ i * absolutel i i |; j | fffjf ]S f not smol IJ Sij 111 I ^ exp,od<-; ANNOHKCEMENTS FOE CONGRESS. HON. J. Wm STOKES is hereby announced as a candidate for re election to Congress from the Seventh District, subject to the Democratic primary. FOR SOLICITOR, FIFTH CIRCUIT^ J. A. MULLER is hereby pnnouuced a candidate for Solici or of ihe F fth Judicial District of South Carolina, subject to the | Democratic primary. FOR STATE SENATOR. Appreciative of the untiring efforts. recogn.z.ng the beneficial results ol measures espon.-ed by I irn as a member of the SeLate. knowing h;s sterling worth as a financier; his Siting qualification for a representative of the people of Lexington County and his close identity with the farming in terests thereof, tre many friends of DR D. M. CROSSON present bis name for e-elect cn to the State Senate, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Sta:e Senate from Lexington county, and will abide by the result ol the primary election. W. H SHARPE. FOK REPRESENTATIVE. The friend* of Rev. E. L. LYBRAND. recognizing his ability and his knowledge ol the needs of the people and the fairness with which he would serve his constituents as a member of the House of Representatives, hereb> nominate him a candidate for that oflfice and pledge him to abide the result ol the primary election. Yielding to the solicitation of friend*, I announce myself a candida'e for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules ol the Democratic party. N. S. YOUNGINEB. I h< reby announce myself as a candidate for the Legislature of South Carolina, subject to tho rules of the Democratic party. A. F. LEVER. D. F. EFIRD is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election to the House ol Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J. BROOKS WINGARD is hereby ancounced as a candidate lrom Lexington County lor membership in the House ol Representatives of the General Assembyof South Carolina. He will accept the results of the primary elections. FOE CLERK~0? COURT " For Clerk of the Court, J. E. BUFF, and is pledged to abide the result ot the primary. We are authoriz.d to announce SAMUEL B GEORGE us a candidate for .Clerk of the Court at the ensuing primary elec ion and pledge him to abide the result thereof Tielding to the request of my many friends. 1 hereby announce myself for the office of Cltrs of Court for Lexington Co-nty and pledge inj self to abide the result of the primary election. E. J. E'J HEBEDGE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. MR. J. S. DERRICK is hereby an nounced as a candidate for reelection 10 the office of County Treasurer in the en suing primary election, su1ject to the rules and regulations of the Demociatic party. The many friends of J. WALTER DRl HER announce him as a candidate for County Treasurer, and pledge him to abide the Democratic primary. FOR COUNTY AULITOR^ PAUL E HUTTOis hereby announced as a candidate for County Auditor, and will abide by the rtsult of the primary election. G. A DERRICK, havingiffioiently fi led the office of County Auditor fcr the past two years, we, his many friends, hereby announce him as a candidate for re-election to said position and pledge Lim to abide the result ol the primary. FOR SHERIFF. With soveia! years experience in the office, which he filled efficiently and iu a most satisfactory manner to the public generally, MR. S. P. DRAFTS' friends nominate him for Sheriff and pledge him to abide the primary result. We are authorized to announce THOMAS H, CAUGHMAN as a candidate fcr reelection as Sheriff of Lexington County and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. At the solicitation of many friends I hereby annouuee mjself as a cand date lor Sheriff of Lexington county, and pledge :n)self to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. T, FRANK GRIFFITH. The many friends of HAMPTON A. LORICK hereby announce him as a candidate lor Sheriff of Lexington t onnty and pledge Lirn to abide the result of the Democratic primaries. Upon due consideration, I hereby an nonnce 1113self a candidate for fcheriff ol Lexington County, and pledge mtsefto abide the result of the primary. W. L. K. JOHNSON, The many friends of D. ELMORE CRAFT announce him as a candidate for Sheriff, and pledge hioi to abide the result of the primary. Bull Swamp. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office of Slit riff' of Lexington county and pledge myself to abide by the rules oi the Democratic primaries. W. Q JACKSON. At the solicitation ol my many friends, I hereby annoum e myself a candidate foi the office of Sher ft' 01 Lexington county and plt-dge mjseff to abide the result 01 the primary. JOS. F. MITCHELL The many friends of DR. C. E. LE\PHAlt l hereby announce him a candidate for Sheriff' of Lexington county, and pledge him to abide the r> suit of the Detu ocratic primaries. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. GSOKGE A. SHEaLY is her. by announced as a candidate for County Supervisor. His ability, experience and location well q la'ifies him for the po-itiou He | is pledged to abide the result of the pri! mary. . . Subscribe for the Dispatch. if New iking I most ) ilue Flame v,j I Stove/ s ordinary kerosene. >s the efficiency of the coal ,iul the convenience and of the gas-range at a i'rache expense of either. An y safe and clean stove; will ;e, smell or get greasy; can't Can be moved anywhere. old wherever stoves are ,>1d. If your dealer dors '?/ hoi-n tlioni ivriti* i*\ iDARD OIL COMPANY. 00. SUPT. OP EDUCATION. We are authorize to announce that PROF. JOHN S. DERhICK is a candidale tor i the office ot Superintendent of Education ] for Lexington county, and will abide the J result of the primary election. We are anthorized to announce J. E. I R\WL KY'ZER for re-election as County ! Superintend nt of Education for Lexing| ton couuty, aLd pledge him to abide the j result of the primary election. Yitldii g to requests of friends, I an ' nounce myself a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the rules of the primary e'ection. P. H. E. DERRC*. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myseif as a candidate for County Commissioner and wi;l abide the result of the primary. GEORGE H. KOON. The friends of P. H. CRAPS announce him a caudidate for County Commissioner, and pledge him to abide the lesu.t of the primary election, I hereby announce myself as candidate for Coun'y Commissioner, and pledge myself to abide the r< 6u!t of the primary election. GEORGE C. HAL'IIWaNGER. The friends of A. LUTHER HOOK announce him a candidate for County Commissioner, and pledge him to abide the result of tha primary election. I hereby announce myself as a candidate e? n a_ n : j j ior v/oumy commissioner, ruu pieuge myself to abide the result ot the primary. REUBEN H. tfAUGHMAN. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the cffice ot County Commissioner Icr Leiiogton county, snt j-jct to the county primary election. W. BLEW1T HITE. The lriends of WILLIAM A SPJRES, JR.. announce him a candidate for County Commissioner, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commissioner and pledge my-, self to abide the results of the Primary election. GEORGE A. KAMINER. The friends of S. L. SMI CH announce him as a candidate lor County Commissioner and pledge Lim to abide tho result of the primary election. I hereby announce myself as a candidata for County Commissioner and pledge myself to abide the result of the primary election JOE F. HARM AN. FOR MAGISTRATE." Having discharge his duty to the satisfaction ot the people at large, the friends of MAJ. H. A. MESTZE announce hun for re election as Magistrate tor the first Judicial Di. trick, sul joot to the rules of the Democratic primary. At the solicitation of a few friends, and beiDg naturally inclined that way, I announce myself a candidate for Magistrate for the Judicial District of Bull Swamp, Sandy Run and Piatt Springs townships. Will abide the prinury rules. Office at Swansea and Gaston. U. W. JEFCOAT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate for the Third District, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democra'ic primary. If elected will ar raDge courts to suit the convenience of the people. h\ P. SHE VLY. MR. WADE M. CORLEY having given satisfaction as Magistrate, his many friends nominate him for re-eltction to that office in Congaree lowubhip, sul ject to the ru e-? -i n,...AA.ni;/, n,.t ui iuc x/cui jv/ia.iv . I hereby announce myself a candidate f r Magistrate ot the Third District of LtxiDgton coantv, and the public is assur d that should I be nominated that my courts will be held at desirable places all over the enlarged Third District. 0. B. ADDY. J. E. HALTIWANGER, of Selma, P O., js hereby announced as a candidate for Magistrate for Fork District. sulj -ct to the Democratic primary election, if elected he will arrange his courts to suit 'he convenience of the people. Voters. The friends of R W. HALTIWANGER announce him as a candidate'or Magistrate for thi three townships in the Fork, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. The many friends of JOI.ItN M. MARCHANT. hereby announce bim a candidate tor Magistrate at Brooklaud, aud pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. Many Friends. The friends of ERNEST U. SHEALY announce him a candidate for Magistrate for the three Fork Townships, pledging him to abide the result of the primary election. He. beiDg well po ted in law and backed by sound judgment, qualifies him to satisfactorily discharge the duties of the office. Voters. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate in the 3d Judicial District, subject to the rules of the primary election. S. R. CROUCH. ED. L. EI E\ZER is announced a candidate for Magistrate for the Dutch Fork and is pledged to abide the result of the Democratic primaries. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate for the Third District ot Lexington county, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary. J. W. POND. FOE CORONER. IOOli HAYES is hereby announced as a candidate lor the c fli -e of Cc roncr for L< xington coaLty, and is pledge to abide by the result of the primary election. A new Modern Bicycle (1900 model) for sale cheap. Apply to Rice B. HaruiaD, Lexicgton, S. C. Barbecue. TTTE WILL FURNISH A FiRSTCLASS V? barbecue and refreshments at Red Btuk Factory, on the 4th day ot July. Candidates aud everybody are t specially invittd to come and enjoy themselves GFORGE M C. KYZER. JOHN BOOZiR. May '28, )9;0 -6w3i Frebb Bakers biead for sale at tbe Bazaar. BOSSIES! We have received i weeks the largest line of Buggies, an< ped into the State. FIVE SOLID CAR LOADS / AEEIVI1>T In Buggies we can suit the tas the "H. M. 17' for the youth to s for the "old folk." OUR WAGON is filled to the roof with all the width tire you want. Call and lock through, see the Goods and get line you will GREGORYRHE Colu.rn.Tc February 11.?lv. I am Age Celebrated F This Paint is Fn CALL AND SEE Julian E. Kaufmann April 25. Mason's Fruit. Jelly Glasses WAX TOP FRUIT < WAX STRINGS, for Cans?RUBBERS, ^ Now is the time to buy Above. P jjR^ almost at hand. There will be ? jH ^ fruit. We are the LARGEST DE. section in above goods. SID OS rOOft ORDERS OR WHITE F _ LoncK&Lowrc Colia.MQ.Toia, S. C Jan. 1.? lv. SEND-NO MONEY MM&sss* we will send you OUR H18H H GRADE DROP CABINET BUROICK SEWING MACHINE by freljbtC. O. D. subject u esaal zzi-.zz. You can examine it at your nearest ireigbt depot and V found perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented.^ rPHP. I jL eqnsl to machines others tell at hl;fc ai $00.00, tad THE GREATEST IUKGaIN TO'' EVER HEARD OF. pay yoor "^?gj|jj?SRS2gv35CTB fr*ieuta?eot Our Special Offer Price ?15 50 and freight cliarcree. The machine weighs aWBall'ttU 130 pound* and the freight will average 75 crats for each 500r,lies. iBy ttSjUKaaM GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own home, and we will return your tl5.o0 any day you are not satisfied. We tell dif- IHiaog^SiM frrent makes ?ad grades of Sewing Machines at S8.S0. ClO.OO, $11.00, WmwCW >> 112.00 and op, all folly described In Oor Free Sewles Machine Catalogue, wKfcH \ bat SI5.50 forthit DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK fn4) is the greatest value ever offered by any house. Ill < BEWARE OF IMITATIONS fiM ertisments, o!terjnjf ockcuwa machines under various names, with R&g Tarlous inducements. Writ* some friend In Chieact sod learn who are K*bS reliable asd who ark not. JulI TLf C ! 5Drtir*lf has every MODERN IMPROVEMENT. Pftfljv. I n&p DUnUlW^ EVERY GOOD POINT OF EVKKT HIGH ' ' GRADE MACHINE MADE, WITH THE ?. \ DEFECTS OF NONE. MADE BY T1IE BEST MAKER IX AMERICA, - FIIOM T1IE BEST MATERIAL U I I ?\v7,,-v? oULSU yUAnItn DAW ? PIANO fOLISHPD, one illustration shows d 3 BS2?fj~fr SZSjWfil! pin? from Sltfht) to b? used as a center tal X Ki*jsRK3 ByBWr~ , drawers, latest 1899 .kelelon frame, carvec 2 BSKtJisti TfB r i decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel dr X ^^WjaEfW ek HMD pitjiri tcrs. ball bearing adjustable treadle, gem * wfc jr-g \ 9 lj ^ n MurlH Finest large High Arm head, positive four motion fi b* . Jfl" \jl I ? ShI jng shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable fSC-i It t B WW" a 1 liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable presst * ? xi fc.1 fl B AHM carrier, patent needle bar. patent dressffunrd.hetti - i - s fiya B fi P vflrfaSt and orn?m?nle?i and beaotifally NICKEL TRIW ' = -~ ?&: E &S YS^I CUARANTEED the ll*bteat running, mo?t durable --= Iri' Cit.le. Erery know* attachment Ikfarnlihed and ocr Fre ? - Ajfc jus: how anyone can run it and doeitber plain or ^ * |r?l A 20-YEARS' BINDING GUARANTEE is ^IT COSTS YOU NOTHING *lt^h& r?o to $6/1.00. and then if convinced too are ia> roor frelrht aernt the $15.50. W TO itKIlHN YOI R #1S.S0 If at any time wliMa l? not aatlaCed. ORDFR To (UY. i.tN'T M.LAT. (Sears. Itoebuck & Co. are thoroughly reli Address. SEAR?. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc. When writing: mention the Disj atch. When writing n .Just received the linost line of Clothing ever offeree in spring weights an 1 colors. PANTS. PANTS. I Latest style. Cannot he equaled in fit and finish, quarters for Clothing and Pants. Be sure to gi before huving. M. R. HARTLEY & LEXINGTON DEPOT, S. C February 7.?tl W&iONS! ' within the last three and most complete i Wagons ever shipm LOCAL SHIPMENTS '<3- 3D -A. I 31. "ST. >te of the most fastidious from omething nice and comfortable DEPARTMENT different size wagons with any : our prices, and if you need anything in our buy f. oni us. :a mule go., int for the J 'itkin Paints. Lily Guaranteed. J COLOR CARD. i, Lexington, S. 0. j LEXINGTON MAEKET, H CORRECTED WEiKLY BY THE MEBCHANT8. B H Bacdu Hams, per & 8 a 10 M ES U| Sides. " " 7 a Shoulders," 7a Lard, per ft lo Flour, per cwt 200 a 250 Corn, per bu .. 65 a 70 Peas. " " 90 a 95 Oats. " " 40 a 45 % j Fodder, per cwt 75 a so I Sweet Potatoes, per bu 60 Rice, per lb 3K a 4 ' Butter, per ft 16 a 20 Eggs, per dos 10 a 12% m m Turseys. per lb 8 a 10 j /% rW Geese, per pr 60 a 80 Chickens, per head 10 a 25 Beeswax, per ft 16 a 20- " Beef, per ft _ 8 a 10 Pork, " " 8 a 10 for Jars. mow.per? ?> COTTON MARKET. Lexington.?Middling 8%. Columbia.?Middling s?*. Charleston.?Middling S>4. Ausrusta?Middling. Z?-. reserving Season ? in abundance of A.lb6rt M. B00Z6r5 ALEKS in this AttOfDCJ at Law, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Especial attention given to business'encrusted to him by his fellow citizens ol Lexington county. < Office: 16C9 Main Street, over T. B. Aughtry r lirtu im.in'o, factory. Jewelry or baak, 50 I arte. hiph, 2100 l*a., SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. Chicago. Wo arc liC'ltl ^ when writing mention tlie Dispatch. vc us a call j dr7 E7 J. ETHEREDGE, r SUltGEON DENTIST, f UUai LF.ESVILLE. S. C. Office next door below post office, y * Always onhani. February 12. * DEP0SITRECEIVED SUBJECT ^ TO a fp CHECK. I H08c! I ^ fan W. P. ROOF, Casliier. I U DIRECTORS: ]| Allen Jones, W. P. Roof, 0. M. Efird, 3" B Hilton James E. Hendrix. jfgg&SSCfcas \\ EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. |-J Deposits of $1 and upwards received and ni?T,rnI)mjir nterest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, ED 0>l( c5 kk? savable April and October. September 21-t> place for sew Inc. 4 fancy 1. paneled, embossed and mm i? m i I: handsomely decorated SKfe.., ,?COLU31BIA, S.C. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. sent with every machine. ' this machine, compare it pgid up Capital ... $200,000 rekeeper sella at $40.00 0 , r t> t>n rum in* $25.00 to ?tu.o?i. pay ^orpins Profits . 60,000 irep soothe jou eay you tr# 0 v.iitr.rt lavmctt Dpnavtinanr. t **# - C*. W KJUULVMWV ) Chicago, > Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received, aention the I i-patch interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum. W. A. CLARK, President. Wiljk Jones, Cashier. ?? December 4?ly. I a a $5.00 1 9 1 SCND USSS.OOMaicuar. u ante* of good faith and we Q B'fe /I* a '.sSjBj'3i.-'[,1 m ,ilsendtouanyflirproof??f? 8 fil 8 83 I V by freight,C.O.D..robJoctto B HI 11* V I ;aE i J