The Lexington Dispatch Burned April z5th; rebuilt Jul; 19. 1894. GK M. HARM AN. Editor and Publisher. TAXING TON. S. C.. W DNESr?AY. MAY 30 1900. AITIT'JAL REPORT OF J. S. DEEBICE, Treasurer OF LEXINGTON COUNTY, S. C. For the Fiscal Year Ending DECEMBER 31st, 1899. Office of County Treasurer, Lexington, S C , May 21,1900. To Hon. J. C. Klugb, Presiding Judge, Court of General Sessions for Lexington County, S C: Dear Sii: Iq conformity with the r - 4 M -0 Harman, salary 50 00 5 SJiBiwl, wood fore. b. 9 00 6 HA Spann, office fees 53 25 7 HA Spann,, freight and drayage 2 03 8 BE George, supplies for poor house 8 10 9 Jqo T Sawyer, conveying luDatic 7 50 10 Geo Sawyer, T. J. salary one month 12 50 11 Lorick & Lowrance, road supplies 19 3S 12 IC L Keisler, interest on borrowed money 158 32 13 B N Bodie, coffin.... 3 00 14 S O Kaminer, road tools 7 65 15 Dr L M Mitchell, examining lunatic 5 00 16 Waiker, Evans & Cogswell, books, stationary 56 00 17 GW Price, constable salary 16 66 18 J' ff B Amick, lumber 3 55 19 Dr D M Crosson, post mortem 5 00 20 Efird & Dreber and Meetze& Muller,attys fees, boDd case...... 100 00 21 John K iminer, hauling on road 4 00 22 W C Weed, repairing bridge J 65 23 RW Haltiwanger, T. J. palary 16 62 24 0 P Clark, conveying pauper 3 00 25 J H Roberts, salary &c 37 25 21 EL Cjrley, trees for court house square... 4 00 27 Dr J W Geiger, post mortem 5 00 28 P E Eargle, lumber... 9 94 29 J M Craps, Cor'nr fees 43 40 30 H J Rawl, house rest 5 00 31 H L Oswalt, supplies for chain gaDg 50 78 32 R B Hiller, supplies for chain gang 53 83 33 L S Mathias, supplies f?;r chain gang 52 14 34 J F L<=aphart, interest on borrowed money.. 12 50 35 J H Koon, magistrate and constable salary 62 50 36 CS Bradford, insurance 114 80 37 W C Weed, conveying pauper 2 25 33 John W Swedenberg irquest 8 50 39 R J Stoudemire, summons coroner's jury.. 2 00 40 Dr J M Sease, p mortem 5 00 41 J M Sbealy, salary magistrate and const.. 31 65 42 D XT Addv, lumber 12 22 43 PEE ?rgle, lumber... 8 97 41 A J Lorick, lumber... 16 77 45 J C Fulmer, lumber.. 4 40 46 Joel I Harsey, lumber * A AA 8Bd W01K O UU 47 Dr J J Wingard, examining lunatic 5 00 43 Geo S Draft?, J. P. lunacy proceedings 15 00 49 Gso S Drafts, J. P. postage 1 00 50 A H Eargle, six pair shackles 2 00 51 Dr F R Geiger, post mortem 5 00 52 CH Sharpe, conveying lunatic 3 50 53 T HCaugbman, sheriffs fees 101 45 54 T H CiUgbman,sheriff, dieting prisoners 121 CO 55 T H CaugbinaD, sheriff jail expenses 1G 79 56 F E Dreher, clerk salary 31 25 57 F E Dreher, postage &c for county colors 1 80 53 H 31 "Wingard, supplies for chaia gang 13 85 59 H M Wiogard, supplies for clerk's office 70 60 H1I Wiogard, supplies for poor bouse 3 25 61 S 0 Knminer, salary magistrate and const.. 21 73 62 S O Kaminer, road sup. 8 95 63 S D Fulmer, salary &c. poor bouse 41 75 64 J>ho W Swedenberg, salary mag. and const. 14 63 65 J E R K>zer, school J commissioner salary.. IcO 00 61 JERK, zer, postage 4 8 : 67 D E Shumpert, lumber 11 58 68 Isaiah Hailinan, salary magistrate and const. 23 61 60 J D Wiugard, lumber and woik 2 04 70 D TV Coihy, beef for poor house 7 00 71 C L Metz, 6alary &c. overseer chain gang.. CI 90 72 S L Riwl, wood 3 CO 73 J M C;8ps, iLquest &,s. 12 60 74 Dr J L Johnson, 2 post mortems 10 0J 75 U W Jefcoat, salary magistrate and con.. 31 25 7G J Hartier, lumber and work. 661 77 G A Derrick, Auditor salary 25 00 78 G A Derrick, postage 2 07 79 G A Derrick, Board Equalization 161 35 80 Owen Chnnon 3 00 81 O B Addy, 6alary magistrate and Constable 50 65 82 Willie Hutto, conveying lunatic 6 75 83 W A GoodwiD, salary magistrate and constable 43 75 84 J T Long, lumber, &c. 185 85 E H Shealy, lumber. 4 13 86 G M HarmaD, printing 14 69 87 Meetze&Sor,6 shovels 4 80 88 Ed L Eleazer, repairing bridge 10 50 89 C D Bickley, lumber 3 00 90 R B Hiiler, supplies for chain gang 26 26 ai -n tt xt i z ?i ?> n neece, uriugmg pauper 3 00 92 RB Eiller, 7 bhovels 4 20 93 J W Long, supplies for poor bouse C9 77 94 H N Monts, 9 pine trees 3 90 95 D E Clark, salary for magistrate and constable..... 7 64 96 0 B Addv, inqieet and constable 10 50 97 Geo H Kooo, salary 150 00 98 G A Kaminer, salary 15 day8 45 00 99 A G Sturkie, lumber 2 84 100 Dr M Q Eendrix, salary and physician 12 00 101 J M Sbealy, inquest and constable 2 00 102 Amos Berley, work and material 2 00 103 WHF Bast & Bro. coffin, &c 5 50 104 R H Baugbman, timber 12 50 105 Ncah Steel, work on bridge 2 50 106 J C Piicp, lumber and work 28 42 107 Scott Hendrix, chair for court house 75 108 W F Cor ley, beef for poor house 109 SO Kaminer, supplies for poor house 23 30 110 S O Kaminer. shovels and picks 4 40 111 R L Keisler, lumber 4 54 112 J W Eargle, nails... 36 113 S B Hilier, guard and salary 12 50 114 J E Koon, work on tools, &c 5 25 115 Meetze & Son, road tools 16 85 116 S L Rawl, wood.... 50 117 J C Swygert, lumber 6 31 118 D J Griffith, shovels 3 40 119 Dr. F R Geiger, post mortem 5 00 120 J M Craps, repairs on court house 2 88 121 Eral Long, lumber.. 3 75 122 D W Kinsler, lumber 4 40 123 G A Shealy, 10 days supervising 30 00 124 Dr C E Lsaphart, post mortem and examining lunatic.. 10 00 125 J E R Kjzer, postage 2 33 126 G M Harman, publishing Treas. report 60 00 127 G M HarmaD, Com. adv. and stationary. 12 17 128 G M HarmaD, printing and stationary. 19 60 129 Geo Sawyer, magistrate salary 12 50 130 J C Shealy, lumber. 2 80 131 D J Griffi b, clothiDg chain gang 9 00 132 G W Williamp, painting road pointers... 6 00 133 J C Swygert, painting poor bouse. ... 30 00 134 Sarah Summers, watering trees 120 13-5 B D Clark, lumber.&c 8 00 136 S O Rammer, supplies for poor house. 21 91 137 Loriek & Lowrance supplies chain gang 27 03 138 O B Addy, supplies for chain gang 47 55 130 H F HeDdrix gs will office supplies.. GO 25 215 J B Sheuly,shovel-,&c 5 GO 21G J B Sh^aly, sup eg. 7 90 217 George & Mat Lias, beef poor house,.... 1 50 218 A W L- ver, lumber . 6 12 219 J C Fulmer, lumber 27 81 8 220 Loiick & L>wrance, supplies chain gang. 85 52 OOI Jf. a..., ? U id nr udi jicntr u -juu, euj; jj u IV VO 222 G R Eieaznr, lumber 38 70 ^ 223 G D White, sup eg. 1 95 < 221 J J E irgle, c g work 4 Go ? 223 E T Riucb, sup eg.. 18 50 j 226'r.p )8tage,&3 1 00 * 227 Willie Strober, freight anddrayage 1 03 228 G M Haruiar, printing 8^d rta'ionery.. 10 21 220 Dr J W Wessinger, t exaruiog lunatic 5 00 I 230 Tbad W Drehe?*, ser- a v.ces b aud mileage. 5 20 231 0 D Seay, services n on board and mileage 9 00 232 L B Havnes, set vices on bo coffin 7 00 241 J S Derrick, wilt ess and constable pay bills 5 95 242 P B Moots, vvuik en road tools 55 243 S 0 K imiuer, shovel and pick 3 45 244 Meetze & Sjd, supplies for poor house 19 G7 245 D E Sbumpert, digging ditch 3 50 24G 11 B Hiller, supplies for chain gang 5 05 247 SM Smith, repairing tools 1 30 248 Scott Heodrix, coffin 3 00 249 Scott Hendiix, 12 chairs 12 00 250 G O Lucas, supplies for chain gang 3 30 Continued next week. scom nisig ABAm [MULMVni OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in the house for the following reasons: FIRST- Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND ? Because, if the children are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and weil. THIRD ?Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becoming thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH- Because it is the standard remedy in ail throat and lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summe- as well as in winter. 50C. and $x.oo, all druegists. SCOTT <5c BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Genilemen of the Jury For the Jane Term of Court which convenes here on the second Monday of next month. Perry D Hall man, Press Shealy, Jacob Kyzer, Joo A Riddle, J Wm Mitchell, John J Frick, A J Quattlebaum, E Wessinger, Geo F YoungiDer, J E1 Uarraan, F B Rucker, Jr., M Scott Hook, Calhoun Rikard, S'tneon Hite, R HBaugbman, J W SooSeld, W P Sbealy, G W Cu [inlander, 3iml J Crcut, Ioor Hayes, Job A Swygert, Tom Amick, Eugeoe Moyer, S:meon W C aps, John P Able, E Lewson Aoiick, Andrew A Meiz, N X Derrick, Davis T Weed, W H Donly, Simon E B.ckley, Uzel Lee, David W Biokley. W D; ayton Rikard 3 L Mayer, John Hol'ey. + BLOOD POISON CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Sufferers. Have you mucuous patches in the nouth? Sore Threat? Eruptions? Eating Sore.? Bone Pain*? ItchDg Skio? Swollen Glands.? St.ff Joints? Copper Colored Spott? Dbancret? Ulceration on the bcd\? Eair and eyebrows fall out? Is the , Skin a mass of boil?, pimples aid llcers? Then this wondeiful B B. ' B. specific will completely change ;he whole b)dy into a clean, peifect ;ondif.ion, free from eruptions, and skin smooth with the glow of peifect lealth. B. B B drains the poison >ut of the system so the symptoms ;anaot return. B B. B builds up ,he broken down constitution aLd mproves the digestion. So sufferers nay test B. B B a tiial bottle will )e given away free of charge. B B. B for sale by druggists at $1 per large boitle, or G large bottles full !rehtm--n:) 83 Complete direc ,ions with each bjttle. Be sure the I x>ttle reads Botanic Blood Balm. j\jr trial bottle address Blood Bsltn U), Atlanta, G i. Describe trouble ind free medical advice given. Mascnic. i A regular communication of Po- j 1 ?V^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M. | ! vill convene in Masonic Hail, Peak, . >. C., Saturday evening, June j ). 1900, at G? o'clock sharp. Take j i otice and govern yourselves accord- i ' ngly BretbreD. j ^ John C. Swygert, Master. i ( . ?. i f A Woman's Letter. Coolidge, Kv , Aug 1st, 1S98. I I have been suffering from Female j " roubles and was unable to get relief, \ 1 was persuaded to try B^n?-dicta, ] nd after one months treatment I ! an say I am fully lesion d. I recom- ; Qend your remedy to suffering wo- aen. Mrs. H. Tt Gilreath. Sold by Julian E Kaulfamn. CATARRH CAN Johnston's i QUART C "DANGER IN T5IE EARTH AND A A AVi?e and Venerable Doctor 1 In a leading hotel, in a great city, a f ing. Listening to his wise and sentei dressed men, evidently lawyers, business My firm belief, is " that medical s-ic: cases without exception are caused by i; isms. Here is tl>e germ cf that terrible d of typhoid fever; and here is the still mo; causes that most destructive of all dise common and supposed incurable disease, " I wish, Doctor," said the travelini catarrh. I have had it for years, and 1 a The Doctor answered. "Catarrh, ] fever, and a host of other diseases, is the and attacking- specially the mucous mem disease is especially prevalent in the Ui who is not, or has not been troubled rat she obliged to remain at home from pleaof many intellectual treats, from fear of tarrhaf affections. In its worst phase, tl himself and his friends. "I believe." contfnued this great ph tarrh is to medicate the blood. This can which act as blood purifiers." JJetsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Maris Dear Sirs:?For ten years I was a sul catarrh. My face was pale as death. 11 hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had a hands and feet were always cold. My a] in the morning, my head swam so I \va3 < awful pains in the small of my back. 1 My muscular power was almost entirel steps without stopping to rest, and often a pain in my side. It seemed as though tors sakl my blood had all turned to wat< ting well. I tried the best physicians in My husband got me a bottle of Johnstoi bought another. When these had bee health. I continued its use, and felt I w freshing, and it seemed as if I could feel kept on taking it, and now consider mys all the time, and am happy. I am positi The sick headaches I have had since ch tarrh has almost entirely left me. I cam Sarsaparilia has done for r..e. I recomi aches to use your Sarsaparilia. MICHIGAN DRUG COME3 J. E. KAUFMANS, m *i?ff f ^ I I irrjl V^pffwu^jn i EE I r 8^5jjfi. I _J^_ (Teething Po Costs only 25 cents Or mall 25ccnts to C, J. "We have only space to say this ! week that the Prohibitionists met in I conference in Columbia last Wedn 8-1 day. Sixteen of the counties were rot represented by delegates This county held no convention yet it was represented by Prof. L. B HaynesandR-v J. S. Abrcrombie. The suggestion of candidates was opposed by some cf the leading men of the conference but the majority decided to suggest candidates for Governor aod Li<-ut Governor, and Col. James A. Ho}t of Greenville, was nominated for the first place and Col. James L Tiibble of Anderson, for the second piace. A platform was adopted. C J. Tiib ble has declined to accept the nomination. The South Caroiina College. During the present pession 211 students have matriculated in this college, showing a larger attendance of acidemic etuden's than the college has bad since 1SG0 These are all aa.11 . I U/-irr\ 10 n A uuucgiaic otuucutr ) iuci u 10 uu |.'I C" I paratory department connected with | the college. A variety of courses is offered leading to the degrees of A B, B. S, A. M, LL B , L I, and wide elective opp ntuniiies are given to students both in courses and studies. The faculty numbers fourteen professors, each a specialist in his department; the library contains 33,000 volumes aud is well supplied with other literature. This is one of the best colleges in the State to send your eons and daughters. See advertisement in this issue. At No Time is Man Secure From Attacks of such disorders of the > stomach as cholera morbus, cicmps ; and diarrhoen; but these complaints ' are Common during the heated term,1 wlion it- ia ri o n rrornil a tr? noolor'f f horn PaiD Killer is a remedy that has i never failed and the severest attacks ' , t have been cured by it. Avoid sub statutes, there is but one Pain-Killer,1, Perry Davio'. 25c. end 50c. Services Changed for Next Sunday. The seivices in the Lutheran' < church next Sunday morning will begin it half past ten instead of eleven o'clock, as the pastor 1 aves town at noon for Leeeviile to meet i an engagement at night. Sunday school b'gius promptly at nine ' o'clock instead of half past nine as ' usual. fD//~ '/ ffil ' / yrjf'l / U Scholarship POSITIONS^GU ARAN TEED, Undar $3,000 Cash Deposit. Kal road Faro Paid. I Open all year to Both Sex s. Vory Cheap Board. _ Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, Georgia. M-v 10?r>'2 When writing mention the Dispatch. I WHIP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP; AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, mHE EXAMINATION FOR THE JL award of \acant scholarships ia Win- I throp College and ior the admission of' new s.tnden's wi 1 be held in t: e count)- j ;cnrt house on Friday, July 20, 10 0 at 9 j i. in. A pp,-cants must not be less than fifteen ^ years of age. I When scholarships are vnc.'ed aiter July j 20ih. they Mill l;e awarded to iho-e in ikin^' j .he highest average at this examinat.on 'I he cost ot a t? u.iance, inc.tiding board, ' y, 'urnishfd ro ra. h?at. li^hi and Wishing, is i )niy S^tVt f er morli. For lurcher information and a catalogue, j ul .res, I'rtsident D 11. JOHN St >N Jtioi'k Hill, S. C. M..y 23, 19.0. fAMHS K TZ' AH. T. C. _STlTBK E. i Oiaiitfbtirjj.S. C. Lexington. S. C. -? Jzlar &; Ktiirkie, 1 V i TOHA Arr LAW 6 n Ijoxin^ton, S. < . i r>RAOr ChS IN ALL COUNTS OF I this Sr .te and ot the United States. February 21, liHiU.? tl. BG CURED BY sarsaparilla 0TTLE3. 1< DANGER EVERYWHERE.'* 'aik? about Advanced Science. arnous and aged physician was con vers* itious discourse, were a group of well i men and commercial travelers, nee is certain yet to show that all disivisible perms which are living organiseasc diphtheria. Here is the bacillus re dreadful bacillus of tubercle which ases. consi:mption. This of that very catarrh." man. "that you would tell us about ni thoroughly discouraged." like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid resuit of a microbe invading the blood ibrane. This foul and most disgusting lited States and it is rare to meet one ire or less with it. IIow often is he or ant entertainments, deprive themselves the disagreeable odor arising from cahe patient becomes loathsome both to ysician, "that the true way to heal cabe done only by powerful alteratives tee Co., Mich., writes: ferer from general debility and chronic ivas weak and short of breath. I could ringing in my head all the time. My apetite was very poor. On getting up aften obliged to lie down again. I had had a continual feeling of tiredness, y gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen that much exercise caused me to have the blood had left my veins. The docir. I had given up all hope of ever getthe state, but failed to get any relief, n's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then I :n used, I was somewhat improved in -as growing stronger; my sleep was renew blood moving through my veins. I elf a well and rugged woman. I work ve that the Sarsaparilla saved my life, ildhood, have disappeared, and my canot be too thankful lor what Johnston's mend all women who have sick head 'AWT, DETROIT, MICH. LEXINGTON, S. C. ETT'S ft Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, SB /I Regulates the Dowels, | /a Strengthens the Child, g gf f-8 Makes Teething Easy. wders) JL R TEETH IN A Relieves the Bowsl . _ . , Troubles of Children of at Druggists, any age. WiOFFETT, M. D., ST. LOUIC. MO, Notice. Mr c. s. r\uca. who his been associated with De. l E. M Smoak. h vh retired. The store will hereaf er be managed b> the Doctor, hi* two sons and daughter. Call and get prices before baytug Yours Kespe- ttully, L. E. M. SMOAK, lexington. 3. c. April 4 1900 Ml 111 MACHINES IN RFACH nr AM. WE WILL SELL HIGH GRADE Domestic Sewing Machines at ciose fig -res. giving two jeas to pay for th*m. uue-lhird cash; balance in one and two ears. Twe reliable uieu wanted to sell one to work on south side of Salnda and one on no^th side ol Saluda river. Apply to. . J . 1^ . S II U L L . 1710 Main Street, Ccl"o.m"bia, - . S, C. October J1 tf. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens ol Lexingtot County. October 18?ly. MEjllTlKO. 1214 HfliO SM, COLUMBIA, G. General Banking Business Transacted, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inttnst allowed at'rateof lour percent, per annum, pa table April l*t and October jut. W H. '1IMMERMAN, President. JOHN TAYLOR. Cashier. \f... O !??/ (? ?uaj *Jt A 1/\? v ~ uaiv?< Delinquent Land Sale By yirtds of a tax execution lodged iD my office. i bave levied upon iud will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, before the court house dcor at L ixingto-j, S C , during the usual hours of >a!e, ou the tirat Monday iu June ntxt, the lollowiag tract of land: All thit piece, pireel or tract of land situated in Lexington couutv, state of South Carolina, containing one hundred aud 5.xty-eight acres ^ 10S? p.crcs more or less, und bounded by lands of Kussel Poole, James Burrs, W. E. Crawford and James Barrs' Estate. Said land was assessed for taxes in the uame of John J and f. C. Howell, Jr. TSRMl OF SV.LE Cash. Purchaser ;o pa) for papers and revenue stamps. T. H CAUCHHaN. Sber.ff L. C. May 8. 1 ?00-3 #29 $2.75 BOX RAIN COAT l'LiR $5,00 WATER. *0 7K >F MACKLN'TOHH for yC I J > WO MONEY. ?? surhflwhi and weight, state Dumber of :hn around bedy at breast, taken orer ,t under cost, doae cp underarms, and swill send you this coat by express 0. I'., suLjeel to examination. txilne and try it on at your nearest ex pre*.* office, and If found exactly at represented and the moit wonderful ealae job ever n? or beard of, and equal to any coat you can buy for $r>.OU, pay tl.o expreaa acent . It SPECIAL OFt'ER FC1CE, $2.75, id cxrrciui charge*. I1p?\?A earns Suitable for Haln or Orereoat, and (ruarantecii TEST VjtLl'R e?er offered by ni or any honse. Fur Free Cloth Sample, of 'a 3>rklnto?he? np to 95.00 and 19 5I*dr-to-inea?ure Sn!ts and Overcoat* at mn wmw from f5.0O to $10.00. write for FBKK SAXPLK BOOK So. IHIS. Addrc^H BEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.) CHICACO. (Sean, Buebucit A Co. are Ihorccgbl; reliable?Kdilor.; (i?od Digestion Begets a good appetite. A Good appetite with sound digestion makes eating a pleasure and food a benefit. Hilton's Life for ine Liver and Kidnevs arouses a vigorous appetite and enables one to eat and digest any kind of food with comfort. Vholesale by the MURRAY DitlG CO., Cv/luaibi:l, S. C. For Sa'e at THE BA2 A AR. May 1 i> - -1 y. v'hcn wi it'.ntr please mca'ion the Dispatch Teachers' Examination. ( ffico of CO STTT OF EDUCATION. L' xn.^tot), S C . May IS 1900. pY ORDER of the state board L) the next ret nlar ex tiuiuation foi T-uch i> will be he'd in the oonr lio *t Lex- f jgton. .June 15th 1900, beginning at 9 a ' i, and closing at i p. in J. E R. KV'ZER Co. Sun*. Ed. L. C, v tJ. PDIRECT FROM THE 0 FMT3RY. I^PP^h THIS IS WHY I CAN SUPPLY jgjgjl THE BEST si FO It TH E JBjP LEAST MONEY. tvt attfi. not iiow cheap 'i illu i i u! but how good. j The Instruments I represent are fully warranted by reputable builders and endorsed by me, making you Doubly Secured. Good Reliable Organs, $35 Up. Good Reliable Pianos, $175 Up. Write for Cata!nice of the regular appointment SHOES. I 10,000 Faiif. They Must Tjs Sold HATS, I | Without Number. Going at Ruinous Prices. MILLINERY. Prettist of the Season, and Sell- ! ing Lots of It. SOME OP THESE NICE GOODS F OB YOU | AT Farmers and Mechanics' Co., j COLUMBIA. S. C. Anenst 9 ?ly. ??"P. S. LOTS OF OTHER GOODS ALSO. MONEY SAVED zs HONEY MADE. MADE IN ONE DAI by sending us an order for such thinps as fonld hp eorr.fnrtablv O" J used in your home. Just received several carloads cheap and medium furniture, such as SOILD OAK CHAIRS 50 Cents SOILO OAK ROCKERS $1.50 SOILD OAK CENTER TABLES - -90 Cents and various other bargains in furniture. It will pay you to see us before buying K C. Cook & I507 IVIaiii St., Columbia, < \ FebrnArv J 4 ti When writing mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch. nil i HiiniwiiiFur . JaJSLiJ2LJL?/Ay VV ISLJLWJLi Wholesale and Retail Importers and Dealers in A 1 Ki-.ds of HARDWARE, iROi STEEL, MILS, XV-VIiVTS, OII^ ^VIVIX GLA^S. We are Headqmrters for 1LACKSM THS, AND HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS POST OFFIt E 15LOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? ^ep'enV'er :M> Iv i'hen writing mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch. ?