The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 02, 1900, Image 1

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EEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ?IN ri Weste %n South Carolina. 0 RATES REASONABLE. O SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. /? ?i^???g" ^at Grow and Bear Fruit. "Write for our 60 page il^ 'istrated Catalogue and 40 lJUfe pamphlet. '"IIow to The Lexington dispatch] $. Bepresentative newspaper. Bouers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Lihc a Blanket. VOL. XXX. LEXLYGTOX, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1900. AO. 2-> GLOBE DRY GOODS COMPANY, Js*#, "W. HI. ^v?03iTCKTOIT, TE., 3*?-A.2fl--^G-EE3, *?*?0 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., (?3 * "0 In J < Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. M fV \ ^ U October 13?tf ^ ^'ant and Cultivate an urhard." Gives you that inormation you have so lone l ?*$ van ted; tells you all about uk?. Ws hose big red apples, lueious reaches, and Japan plums vith theirorien'al sweetness. iill of which you have often .vondered where the trees ame from that produced YERYTHING GOOD IN FRUITS. Cnusal fine sb ekof SILVER VlAPLES, young.thrift7ti ees >mooth andstrui ht.the kind ' hat live and grow off well. Mo old. rough trees. This is he most rapid growing maple and one of the mostbeau:ifnl shade trees. Write for prices and give ;istof wauts. f. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomoxa, N. C. When writing mention the Dispatch. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Only First Class Companies .Represented, See my List of Giants: Asst ts /ETNA FIRE, cf Hartford. Conn $13,019,411 MnuTltiruril /Pinr\ nf bum men I ML t nnci v* New York 9.809,660 PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS, Phila, Pa . 16.528,773 /ETNA LIFE, of Hartford, Conn 47,584,967 FIDELITY AND CASUALTY, of New York 3,482,862 My Companies, are Popular, Strong and Reliable No ODe can give your business better attention; no one can give jou better protection; no one can give you better rates. ^BEFORE INSURING SEE-fS^ Rice B, Harman, General Insurance Aeent, LEXINGTON S. C. When writing mention the Dispatch LOANMAIIBAI OF SOUTH CAROLINA State, City & County Depository COLUMBIA, S. C. Capital Paid in Fall... $150,000 00 Surplus 3\000.0G Liabiiittes of Stockholders 150,000.00 *vii nnn nn SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per an nam paid on deposits in this department TJtUST D This Bank under special provision of itt charter exercises the office of Executor. Administrator, Trustee or Guardian of Estates. SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. Fire and Burglar proof safety deposit for rent from $4 00 to $12 00 per year. EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, President, A. C. HASKELL, Vice President J. CALDWELL ROBERTSON, 2d Vice President G. M. BERRY,Cashier. F^rnarv 1"^?lyWhen writing mention the Dispatch. THE esmii mum mi COLUMBIA, S. C. CAPITAL $100,000 00 I SURPLUS 30,000 00 ESTABLISHED 1871. JAMES WOOD ROW, President. JULIU.S WAT KER. Vice President JEROME H. SAWYER, CasHer. DIRECTORS-James Woodrow, John A. Crawlord, Julius H. Walker. C. Fitzsimmons, W. C. Wright, W. H. Gibbes. John T. Sloan. T. T. Moore, J. L. Mimnaugh. E. S Joynes. This bank solicits a share, if not all, of jour business, and will grant every favor consistent with safe and sound banking. fanuarv 29, 1S97?lv. When writing mention the Dispatch. Saw Mills, Light and Heavy, and Supplies. CHEAPEST AND BEST. |yCa<t every day; wor< 180 hands. Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co., AUGUSTA, G&OUG1A. January 27 ? Wh9n writing mention the Dispatch. T3T>TT*XC! WT?iV?Vwr*y dbidbv wdiiM MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. S. C., JEWELER "d REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, all for sale at lowest prices. Bepairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices 60?tf. When writing mention the Dispatch. W A RECKLlM, ABTIST, COLUMBIA, H. C., IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PIC tares that can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens Cun be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Huh When writing mention the Dispatch, BEESWAX WANTED IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARket price for clean ani pure Beeswax. Price governed by color and condition. RICE B. HARMAN, At the Bazaar. Lexington, S. C. Remember that you can always find nice candies, cakes and fruits, at the Bazaar. - THE BUGLE BLAST. THE PR0HI3iTI0N COMMITTEE ISSUES ITS CALL The Cold Water Army Preparing for the Fray--"Home" or the '-Dispensary" the Battle Cry--Co!onel James A. Hoyt is the Probable Standard Bearer. Oa last Wednesday the following call for a State Prohibition conven* * "no ioonfl^ thp : mud nao ioouvu ksj WMV V/^^A State Prohibition conference will be held in the city of Columbia, S. C., on Wednesday, the 23rd day of May, 1900, for the purpose of considering the propriety of suggesting candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor to represent the Prohibitionists of South Carolina in the Democratic primary, and also to announce the principles and purposes of the Prohibitionists in seeking to obtain control through the Democratic organization of the executive and legislative departments of the State government, for the enactment and enforcement of measures which are in best accord with the highest interest of the people, and which will take the State out of the liquor business. For the purpose of obtaining a full and free expression of the Prohibitionists in regard to these matiere, a call is hereby issued for them to assemble in their respective counties at the court house on Saturday, the 12th day of May, 1900, to elect three representatives, with alternates to attend the State conference on the 28d of May, with or without instructions and to choose a County Chairman for the ensuing campaign. Joel E. Brunson, Chairman. Waddy C. Thomson, J. S. Moffatt, James A. Hoyt, Jeremiah Smith, C. D. Stanley, E. D Smith, Committee. As Chairman of the Probibiticn State Executive Committee, I approve of the foregoing. A C. Jones. Newberry, April 23,1900. A VOICE FROM CHAIRMAN JONES. To the Democrats of the State: The reorganization of the Democratic clubs will mark the beginning of the active work of the candidates for office and the politicians will at an early day declare themselves on the issues of the coming campaign. There is very little doubt but what the liquor question and the dispen ?^ ? 41" "V*?f a lconno sary win uu iue tuici uu^o It will be the old fight of 189S over again, with this difference (unless I have been mistaken in the impressions that have been made upon me in visiting the d.ffcrenct sections of the State) that the lines will be closely drawn, and that the candidates will have to take their choice of the home or the dispensary; this is the fight and the interests of the two are as d.fferent as the day is different from the night. The Christian home is the hope and stay of the State; it is hallowed by every sacred tie and is the happiest and biightest spot on earth. The dispensary is the greatest enemy to the home and the most dangerous place in every community, and is woiking daily and houily tc rob the house of all of its attrac tiocs. I> snatches from its influence the most promising cf its sons and takes to a drunkard's heme (in name only) the fairest and loveliest of its daughters, and this, toe, with the authority and sanction of the State because the politicians who now con trol the Democratic party eayitmusJ go on. Where do you stand in 1900 For the home or for the dispensary Are you a defender of the home, oi are you its enemj? I believe yoi will have the manhood to shake of the shackles of the dispensary ric< and the whisky trusts and stand uj for the good name of your home an< State. The candidate is to be pitiei who is a member of the church an pretends to claim that he regard "the dispensary law the best solutiui of the whisky question," because h he thinks he can secure office throug! the dispensary machine, thus stlliuj himself, his home and playing th hypocrite in order to do it. Th Prohibitionists may or may not bav e mdidates for all the < ftiees to b voted for, but if the Christian me and women will do their duty frot j this day forward we will win a great | victory this year. Draw the line closely aod let every candidate understand that he must take one side or I the other; and that no prohibition j Democrat will vote for a man who j takes the side of the dispensary. A. C. Jones. Newberry, S. C, April 21st, 1900. * ?v? a ftl \M kAAninrt OniinK Mil CJJIUCIIIIO Ul If 11U uy 111 ij VUUyil, Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy very successfully for croup and naturally ; turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure.?John E. Clifford, i Proprietor Norwood Hcuee, Nor- ! wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by J. E. Kaufmann. British Losses up to Date. The British war office issued Wed- : nc-sday afternoon a return of the total ! British casualties up to April 7. It was as follows: Killed in action 211 officers and 4,960 mei; died of wounds 48 officers and 165 men; missing and prisoners, 168 officers and 3,722 men; died of disease 47 officers and 1,485 men; accidental deaths, 3 officers and 34 meD; repatriated invalids, 288 officers and 4,934 men; total, 12,365, exclusive of j the sick aod wounded now in hosptals. To the war office returns of , 1 A * _ L K_ .JJ 1 I i uabUBiiieB ixjudl ue auueu me losses of the last week and fhe wounded, aggregating about 10,000, making a grand total of upward of 23,000 j officers and men put out of action. A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body. Bargains! DRYGC men's : BliY FROM IIEf i We Have the R whole: THE CUT PRI i 1700 Main i Mirch 7 - l2mot. Dots and Dashes. i ) , Twenty million acres of the land . of the United States are held by , ; Englishmen. ' For the best quality of soda crackJ ers, mixed cakes and crackers of all ' ; kinds, go to the Baziar. It is more important to be true to i the truth which one knows, than to , j know much. L i ? j No one can keep hold of God's | hand while stepping on the rights of r ! other people. The temperature of the planet ^ 1 Neptune is estimated to be 900 de> | grees below zero. Ledgers, journals, records, counter j J books, memorandum books, school j books, pads, pencils, ink of all colors, mucilage, &c., for sale at the Bazaar. : Biitish government expenditure is runLing now 87,000,000 a week bel j yond revenue. rr ! Edison invented the phonograph, l\nf 1 o fircf tn 1L- irwr mnnliinp YVflK e,... ... .... e made from Adam a l ib. e j Children are afraid of goblins and ? gl.osts, bat are their elders any u wisei? Ttiey have as great fear of a tomorrow. BLOODY WORK GOING ON IN LUZON. Though Peace Presumably Prevails ihe Soldiers are Killing Filipinos. Manila, April 25, G:20 p. m ? Officers who have arrived here from Mueva Caceras, province of South Carmarines, bring details of a fight April 16, in which 80 Filipinos were killed. The American outposts reported 300 natives assembled three miles from the town, and Gen. Bell sent three detachments of the Fortyeighth regiment with two Maxims, who nearly surrounded the Filipinos, a majority of whom were armed with bolos. The Filipinos wore Cirabao hide helmets, coats and shields. They were put to flight, leaving the field strewn with armor. Their riflemen were unable to shoot straight and the bolomen never got near enough to the Americans to do any cxecutim. Therefore none of the Americans were wounded. Lieut. Bath with 20 cavalrymen from the Thirty-seventh cornered 50 bolomen in a river and shot every one, the bodies floating away. One soldier had his head struct on with a bolo. Gm. Ball's two regiments are hard worked in clearing the country. They meet with many small squads of bolomen and last week killed a total of 225. A squadron of the Eleventh oavalry is about leaving Manila on board the transport Lennox to re-enforce them. The insurgents keep the province in a state of terror and are wreaking vengeance on natives who trade with the Americans, burning many villages, including the populous town of San Fernando. Gen. Bell issued a proclamation declaring that he will ielailiate reBargains!! IN ALL KINDS OF IODS, N( AND ftjrnts mmtm H WMBH "V ight Goods at th Prices. SALE AND : CE CASH BARGA C. IVIOO Street, Coin All who try "Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys are surprised at the wondeiful relief given in Habitual Constipation, and its speedy, beneficial action on the Kidneys. 25c. Peteize Irnchzizkowskelowski is a San Francisco cabinet maker. He is said to occasionally use his name for a saw. Kind Patty?What are you crying that way for little boy ? Little Boy ?'Cause it's the only way I know how to cry. We print 100 envelopes and 100 note heads for one dollar, or 100 of either for fifty cents. Everybody should have their stationery printed as it often saves vexatious delays. Send us your orders. Apprehension of a great war in Europe is said to be one cause of the great increase of immigration to this country. By the end of the year the United States navy will be twice as strong i -- ;l A it., t- ; -r il as it was at tue ueginmng ui me war with Spain. J. H Lunbford k Son, Craft, Tex , say that Itamon's Pepsin Chili Tonic i-i c(rtainly the best on the market. They have never known it to fail to cure. Have just ordered more and must have it. Tasteless and guaranteed. 5ftc. For sale by G. M. Harman. lentlessly unless this guerrilla war ceases and that he will burn all the towns which harbor guerrillas. Iq a tight at SorgogoD, Aioay province, on April 16, three companies of the 47t,h infantry, Capt. Gordon commanding, routed a large force of insurgents, mostly bolomeD, killing fifty-three. ! It is understood Gen. Otis intends to sail on the Mead or the Grant j early in May. He will be accompanied by his staff and will probably j visit Hong Kong and otherports. The ancients believed that rheui matism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been claimed that Cbamberlaiu's Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this | statement. One application relieves 1 the pain, and this quick relief which : it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by J. E. Kiufmann. J. H. Ostendorff has been bounced from his warm berth in the custom house in Charleston. He is the man I whose luxurious taste and asthetic proclivities loads him to bathe his ; precious body in rum to free in from ! the contamination of the unclean ; dispensary law according to his ! imagination, but who really used the I government warehouse and the posisition which he held to violate a law of I his State by usiDg it for storing con| traband liquor and dealing it out to I blind tigers as required. But the State constables caught on to his racket and Ostendoiff had to go. j The-way of the transgressor is hard. Bargains!!! I JTIONSj hdtc& SAVE MY! ie Very Lowest i i RETAIL. i in merchant i RE, i tmbia, S. C. The Mistaken Man. The man who thinks that women are angels. The man who thinks he can keep house better than his wife does. The man who can not remember his wife's birthday. The man who forgets his manners as soon as he crosses his own threshold. The man who labors under the de lusion that his wife'd money belongs to him. The man who thinks that nobody but an angel is good enough to be his wife. The man who thinks that his wife exists for the comfort and convernence of bis mother and sisters. The man who thinks there is "no place like home for grumbling and growliDg. ^ I | "I may be a tramp,' said Waggles, "but under my rugged coat there is a heart that beats." "Stranger," said the farmer, "under the fence , | yonder is a dog that bites." Mr. Bryan says he will not attend the National Democratic convention when it meets in Kansas City. I j Absolutely Makes the food more deli* RQYAt. QAKINO PQWTCF CANDLER'S TALK. GEORGIA'S GOVERNOR OPENS ON j REPUBLICAN FANATICS. I I i The War in the Philippines Being Waged. From a Safe Distance, by the Same Breed That Denied SelfGovernment in 1860. Atlanta, April 20.? The observance of Memorial day in Athuta was | made notable by a speech delivered : by the Governor of Georgia in which he 6cored Republican "fanatics" and criticised the war in the Philippines. The speech was made at the presentation of crosses of honor to the veterans and was loudly cheered. "You fought not to promote the ambition of a crowned head, not for conquest, not to force your govern- ( ment upon an unwilling people, but l for the God-given right of local selfgovernment. ''You rebelled against the domica- , tion of a sectional political party, led by fanatics who did not and do not believe in this cardinal doctrine and 1 who were the sworn enemies of you and your interests and your institu- 1 tions. Blinded by fanaticism the ^ leaders of this party either c^uld or would not do you and your section 1 justice. You were maligned and ! abused and reviled and slandered. ' "It is a singular fact, as has been ' justly said by a distinguished Re- ' publican senator a few years ago, that the nothern conscience was never quickened to a full realization ] of the enormity of slavery until their ' own slaves had been converted into gold and the gold had found a safe lodgment deep down in their pockets. ] "The southern people were goaded i into secession in spite of their love for the constitution and the union. "Perhaps both sides sinned as the conflict grew fiercer. Let the question rest where the legend on the } beautiful badge you are to wear ( places it. Deo vindice, let God ^ judge between us. < "I do not mean to diparage nor impugn the motives of the gallant men who confronted us on a hundred battlefields, nor of the great mass of the people of the non-seceding States. "I am denouncing the fanatics who j of fVioKirtVi n f < ll a T?. inn V>11 . FlC01UCU ?.?????<" V/l f can party, and nursed the bantling j into vigorous manhood and taught it the doctrine of a higher law and to | disregard the limitations of the con! stitution, reverse the precedents of a 1 hundred years, and who, disregard| ing the golden rule, preached from i the pulpit the doctrine of hate in' steidof 'peace on earth and go, d ; will to men.' j "This breed of fanatics Las not : run out. None of them were ever j killed in battle, for they didn't go. They are still in congress and in the j pulpit, and are preaching the same j unholy gospel. They still dominate | the party of Lincoln and Seward and j | Chase, which denied to you in 1SG0 j j the blood bought right of local self- j ; government, and who are today wag- j I ing a war of conquest against an , j unoffending people 10,000 miles ! ! away and denying to them the rights ! for which Washington and Marion ! and Sumter and the Lees fought on | i the fields of Camden and Yoiktown : : and Cowpens and King's Mountain ! | and for which you fought as no men j : have fought in two thousand years at Manassas and Sbiloh, Gettysburg i and Chickamauga. The saaie party, ! drunk with its excesses of usurpa tion, are in viulation of the spirit of j ! the constitution, holding a 111 llion j people on the island of Pueito Rico j in a state of vassalage and taxing them without representation, as they : held you aod taxed yon in the days j | of reconstruction. It is a healthy j i sign, however, that some of the : ablest and most patriotic men of this ! party are protesting against this ! ! usurpation of power aud this uban- j I donment of the teachings of the j j fxthers and the traditions of the le- j public." ' L Baking Powder ;re cious and wholesome The Methodists of New York city have adopted a resolution to raise $1,1000,000 before December 31, 1000, to clear the churches from debt and aid homes and hospitals. I coDsider it Dot only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cjlic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease ?J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by J. E. Kaufmann. How the baby is named in Persia. Five names are written on as many slips of paper. One of the Blips is drawn at random. The name on the , slip is the one the child has to bear through life. The removal of a tumor from the brain of Mrs. F. G. Parker, of Chicago, III., has restored her sight, after seven years of total blindness. ' Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleasant remedv for all diseases arising: ?> W From a disordered or torpid liver. 1 They are the modern cure for consti- 1 pation, biliousness, sick headaches, 1 specks before the eyes, etc. They ' do not sicken or gripe, mild inaction, 1 thorough in effect. Only one a dose, 1 sugar coated and pleasant to take. f Price, 25 cents a box, at the Bazaar. * The marriage of John and Henry ^ Paine, twin brothers, of Clairborne, Tenn , to Misses Mary and Hannah ( iToucum, twin sisters, of Lee county, j Va., took place at Middlesboro, Ky., ecently, in the presence of 2,000 . spectators. Facts About the Paris Exposition. The Paris exposition originated in j i notion of M. Jules Roche, minister of finance, who, in July, 1802, proposed the plan to President Carnof. C)u July 13 of the same year the , president issued a decree announcing i "universal exposition of works of ait and of industrial and-agricultural products" in 1900. Eight years have been consumed in the preliminary preparations and in the actual construction of the buildiugs. The total cost of the exposition proper has been $27,000,000 (135,000,000 francs). Of this sum the government gave 2'\000,000 francs, the city of Paris a like sum and the remainder was raised by an issue of popu ar bonds. About 810,000,000 has been invested in side shows and amusement enterprises outside the grounds. All the buildings, including the Paris "Midway," occupy an area of 300 acres. Space allotted to the United States, 200,000 square feet. Appropriation of the United States government 81,210,000. Duration of the exposition, from April 15 to November 5?204 days. Number of classified exhibit groups, IS. Number of buildings, including pavalious of foreign states, G5. Foreign powers cooperating, 42. Number cf regular exhibit buildings, 25. General admission to the grounds will be 1 franc (20 cents) between 10 a. m. and G p. m. At ether hours - mi i n f _ the admission win ue irancs in order to prevent too great crowding. Bat tickets may be purchased outside the grounds at much cheaper prices. ??- ??? Buckshoal, X. C , ilay 16,1SDS. Gentlemen:?Four years ago I was helpless with a misery in my back. T r?/inld nrd rptnrn mvself in bed. J was treated by my physician, but he did me no good. I took one bottle of Dr. Baker's Female Regulator and it cured me. I think there is no med c ne on earth like it. Mrs. Km ma E. Myers. For sale at the Bazaar. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements -ill be inserted at tLe rate ot 7.j cents per sqnare of one inch space for first insertion, and 50 cents per inch for each subsequent insertion. Liberal contracts made wilh those wishing to advertise for three, six and thelve months. Notices in the local column 5 cents per line each insertion. -1 J -4 41 4- -J ? - vuuuOUOT luai^cu 1UI Ml IXJC rate oi uie cent a word, wl en they exceed 100 words. Marriage notices inserted free. Address G. M. HABMAN, Editor and Pnblisher, About McLaurin's Porto Rico Vote. i'orkviile Enquirer. After calliDg especial attention to the circumstance that the anti-McLaurin newspapers failed to acknowledge the Senator's vote on the Porto Rican tariff bill, the manning Times goes on to say: "What we started to show, however, was the systematic efforts on the part of McLaurin's enemies to conceal what he does do that will meet with the people's approval, and to magnify, and contort into misrepresentation such acts as they think will be approved of. The Record shows McLaurin to have voted on every party measure with his party and it also snows that be has bad the manliness to be independent of all cliques or political clans. This fight on McLaurin now would have been made on Senator Tillman; but those opposed to Tillman know they stand no chance to defeat him than a cat in an oil tank without claws; so they begin far ahead blaz'mg the way to McLaurin's defeat. But two years is a loDg way off, and the conspirators may be striking at the base of a tree which will come down on themselves with destructive force." We do not think The Times has any occasion to worry. That saying of Lincoln's to the effect that "you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time," was great. It was true then and it is true now. The people have plenty of time in which to adjudicate the case of Newspapers vs. McLaurin, and it is quite probable that their verdict, when it is rendered, will be pretty nearly right. ARSENAL DESTROYED. Explosion Wrecks a Government Building tn Pretoria. Pretoria, April 26 ?There was a serious explosion at the Regbic works, ased by the government as an arsenal, last night. The walls of the juilding were destroyed and the jtructure burned. The shrieks of vomen and children in the adjoining itreets added to the ghastliness of ;he scene. Ten workmen were killed ?nd thirty-three injured, including Eler Grunberg, the manager of the works. The most important machinery was saved. The cause is unsnown. Two hundred men were smployed, mostly French and Italians. ? . ? Reflections of a Bachelor. Man proposes; woman disposes of bim. When Cupid wants a vacation he goes to a woman's rights convention. The average Easter hat looks most like a last years bird nest with a big bouquet stuck in it. When woman is getting married or converted it is said of her by the other women that she looks "unspeakably'' happy. Married men are thinner than old bachelors because every Spring they sweat their fat all off waiting till their wives will let them take off their heavy underclothes. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. ~? Home and Farm. By special arrangements we offer the Home and Farm, the leading farm and home paper, published in Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for $1.25. Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. There is no native of the Stale of Nebraska among its representatives Jr> fliilicr Vvi-onr>V> r\f f!nnrrr<aaa -Tint.. Ill UVUtl l/iuuvu ~~withstanding the fact that Nebraska became a State thirty-three years ago and was the twenty fourth admitted into the Union. The Labor Commissioner of the State of New York says ia his annual report that the number of persons killed and injured in factories in the Commonwealth last year was greater than the number who were hJilfU HL1U IL'jULCU 1U tug American War. Three hundred Iusurgent3 were killed last week by the Americans in North Ilocos. 4 Subscribe for the Dispatch.