'flic Lexington bispareli j Burned April 25th; rebuilt July 19, 1894. G. il. HAllMAN. E'litor and Pub ish?*r. _ I LEXINGTON. S. C... . W'DN^S >AY, APRIL 11. Utn. The following is the II publican delegation to the National Republican conveniioi: At Large?E A. Webster, Robert Sinails. E H. Deas, and R. R Tolbert, Jr. ^First District? G. I. Cunningham, and W. D Crum. Second District?E J. Dickerson and W. S. Dixon. ' Third District?E. F. Cuchrauand A C Menick. - T Ti TV nr.a Fourth District?o. r. ?^v. B F. Meacs. Fifth District?J. F. Jones and "W. E. Sixth District?J. E. Wilson and W. H. Collier. Seventh Diedrict?J. II Furdham and R. M. Wallace. The delegation is said to be solid ^ for MeKiuley. A joint stock company has been organized to publish the Columbia E/anicg Record. Au excellent boa;d of dmelois have- been elected, among whom are seme well kLown business men of that city. Mr. G R. Koester remains its editor and bu liness manager. Mr. Koester has been giving Columbia a good piper an 1 now tbere being money behind ! - ?...11 ^l/?nKtlr,ca the enterprise, lc >>m make many improvement?, which will make the paper more popular. Judge Gage has refused the motion for a new trial in the case of Mr. Watte, the penitentiary guard who W1 into a cut of the S. A. L railroad in Columbia last year, against * the Seaboard Air Line. The case was recently heard bv the Richland j j county court and Mr. Y>"atts given $7,000 damages. The railroad company asked for a new trial with the above result. 7 The decision of the State Supreme Couit of Kentucky was agsiust the Republican claimant for Governor. The case gees to the United States Court on a writ cf error. Tbe tactics of the 12 'publican leaders seem to be dtly so as to give Mr. Taylor a chance to serve out the term before the case has been decided by the . courts. _ Two shots were fired at the P:ince of Wales, the heir apparent to the Throne of England, as he was leaving the railroad statiou in Brussels on April 4 h. Anti British feeling is thought to be the motive which instigated the anarchist to attempt such a cowardly and dastardly deed. Col. W. A. Xeal, late superinteDdent of the penitentiary, has been acquitted by a Richland county jury of the charge of breace of trust with fraudulent intent and grand larceny in the Fowler draft matter. There are other cases against him. There is a great demand in Colum bia just at this time for lumber of all kinds?Columbia State. Just send your orders over, neighbor; l>x ington can supply all the lumber needed, of the finest and best quality There is no probability that the war tax will be reduced. It is a suecessful revenue raiser and the Republican party kuows a good thing when it sees it, and holds on to h with a death grip. The United States is the greatest bread and meat producing country in the world. She raises more than she consumes and exports the surplus. Rumor has it that two more cotton mills are to be built in Columbia. If this cotton mill building continues Columbia will be the Lowell of the South. General Otis has been relieved r.s Military G >verncr of tbr Philippine?. He is succeeded by General MoArthur. Id a recent battle near Kroonstao between the Boerard British, the * latter were routed with a loss oi 1,500 men and olibers. The United States is collecting eighty million dollars more revenue thin can be expended. The Pisp-nsiry Board of IXrec tors at a recent meeting decided to coatinuc the beer privileges aid bas 1 icaied the dispensaiies. It is alleged that Dewey is a Deaioc at, but Las Lever vote-.]. II" Lagiven up the idea of entering the race fur President. Work on the 'Xtv of Honor meets iu Columbia tudo}. i. / KismigiBBi 111'agmiaiif?M?En?? The story of love is as old as the world, and as ail embracing as the universe. It furnishes the sentiment for all romancesall novels?all plays. The novelist considers it wholly from the sentimental, intellectual side, but there is another aspect even more important?the physical side. Sentimental love between men and women leads to close physical association?to marriage?to the rearing of children. And rrliea, inflammation Kpains which drain health ^ To the Teachers of Lexington County. Office of County Supt. of Education, L xiDgton County. Lr xington, S C, April 9, 1900. To the Teachers of Lexington Co: Please notify me at your earliest, what date will suit you best for holding the County Summer School this year. This information is dej sired by Mr. McMahan, State Supt. < f Education at once. No public schools will be run during the session of the Professional school, which is ordered by the State Supt. of Education. I'iease make an estimate of all the text books in use in your schools, giving number and kind of each in u-.e. We wish to hive this data, if jiossible, for information and a guide in the new adoption of text books that is to be made tuis year. Very respectfully, J. E It. K;zer, C^. Supt. Ed., Lex. Co. SEVEN RUNNING SORES CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART_bottles. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA as a Blood Food and Nerve Energfcer. is the greatest SPRING MEDICINE ever discovered. It comes as a rich blessing from heaven to the " worn out." the run down, the overworked and debilitated. That " tired feeling." those "sinkingspells." the languor and despondency which arise from badly nourished nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and an underfed body, vanish as if by a magic spell. The weariness, lassitude and nervous prostration which accompany the spring. time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and all ailments of the brain and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, it is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; it makes rich. red. honest blood. Newness of life, new hope, new strength follow its faithful use. It makes the weak strong, and the old young again. It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) method in the good old times, to treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other mineral agents. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while the blood was left to course through its channels holding in its circulation the specific germs of the disease. But in this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Nothing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks virulently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There is only one scientific method for the cure of blood taint. That is, PURIFICATION I Every particle of the blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin. " First pure, then peaceable." The great restorative, reconstructive and vitalizer of the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and exhaustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood is the life." Good health means pure blood. Tne eld and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov- I ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. BLOOD FOISOX CUBED BX JOHX8TOX'8 SARSAPARILLA. Byron, Mich.. October 31. 1894. Williams. Davis. Brooks & Co., Detroit: Gentlemen:?In April last I began using JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caused by an amputation of one cf my arms. 1 had SEVEN RUNNING SORES on my legs. I used two bottles and was entirely cured. I know it is what cured me. Yours truly, G. W. LUTHER. MICHIGrAX DK.U& COMPAITY, DETROIT, MICH. J. E. KAUFMANN, LEXINGTON, S. C. V I V t mm a u v vy ? v % ** * *M v W Just received the finest line of Clothing ever offered in Lexington in spring weights and colors. PANTS. PANTS. PANTS. Latest style. Cannot he equaled in fit and finish. We are headquarters for Clothing and Pants. Be sure to give us a call before buying. M. R. HARTLEY & 00., LEXIJiGTON DEPOT, S. C. February 7 ?tf Swansea's Doings. DeiHOCrallC OlllbS. To the Editor of the Dispatch: ______ ____ __ ._ ...... The weather has been favorable Lrxingthnand corn planting is about over and Pursuant to a call of the Democratic Ex, cotton planting is starting. ?utl'e Committee (or Lexington county, r ? ? a meeting of the Lexington Democratic Several destructive forest fires Club !S hereby called to meet in the court have occurred around Swansea. ^ Isaac Brock of Texas, being one pose of re-organizing and the transaction ? j j , . a j , . , of other business A full attendance of hundred and ten years old, claims to the members is de8:red. i._ ii.. .1J..1 J aninpl "R Gnorce. Se*retar7. oe me oiuesi man m iuc uuncu 0-. States and gives a large credit to Sandy Run. the vitalizing power to Peruna, but PursuaQt to a call of the County Chairnear Swansea, in Orangeburg county, man, Sanday Itun Democratic Club will ~ _ u -n meet at Red 8'ore, Saturday, the 23th day on the plantation of Oapt. Joseph JL. 0f April, at 3 o'clock p. m. The Club Knotts is "old Maum Rachel", now Wl11 be reorganized, delegates to attend the County Democratic Convention to aascmone hundred and ten years old and ble at LeiiDgton C. H., on Monday, the gives full credit to her natural pow- 7lh day ?.f ^Iay nox < elected, etc. A fud ? r meeting is desired, ers of body for her health. Last N. B. Wannamaker, President. summer and fall she could pick 80 ^7^ pounds of cotton per day. She has Tbe pmk Dcmom,ic c,ob wi? m9et in been an active, industrious person the town hall at Peak. S C , on Saturday, 1. . ij. the 28th inst , at 2 o'clock p. m., for the 811 ner me. purpose of reorganizing and electing deleSilas Hutto, after an absence of Rates to the County Convention, etc. a . , , , full attendance is desired, two weeks, has returned to Swansea. John a. Counts. Trident. One of Swansea's young citizens McD. Bushardt, Secretary, has made quite a convenience to the Lewiedale, dental profession. 0. B. Dowling By order of the President, the Lewiehas invented a folding chair for dale Democratic Club is hereby called to b meet at Lewiedale on Saturday, April 28.a- . traveling dentists, which has been 1900, at 5 o'clock p. m , for the purpose of pronounced by parties capable of an reorganiZlD8" A yU'pa Drahl^S' cretary6** intelligent opinion to be tbe best! ntioif r\f itia bind ovor mnrlo TTfl BrOOk. l^UQll VJJ. iUV aiuvt V T V,4 4WMV?V? | and Dr. W. D. Darbain have gotten ' 110 the call of the Democratic ? Executive ( omunttee for Lexington county out patents to protect their right and a meeting of the Brook Democratic Club j - j is hereby called to meet in the school house will sell to any one deeirmg or need- atBrork on Saturday. April '28th, 19(H), at ing such a piece of professional fur- 3 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of reor., ganizing. A full attendance is desired, niture. g w. Stockman, President. W. B. Rast has gone to Charleston _ -? , e . . , Balknt'ne. in search of some machinery for hard , . ,, , , . v There will be a meeting of the Demowoods to adu to his out fat heie. crats of the precinct at Batlectine for the Miss Lillie Gintt has been selected purpose cf organizing a Democratic club ' at said pl -.ce and electing delegates to tie organist of the Baptist church and Count* Convention The said meeting to has entered with heart and hand her b9 at 2 o'clock. Saturday April 2lst. 19U0. R W. Haltiwargc-r. Voter, invitation by her brethren and gives every evidence that she will merit Mascilic. the confidence and esteem extended A regular communication of Po10 ber- 7SA maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. If. The angel reapers have been in wjj| convene in Masonic ITali. Peak, our homes. Last week the infant S. C., Saturday evening, April child of a short life of five dajs of 1900, at (5^ o clock sharp. Take David N. Strickland was gathered by police and govern yourselves accord. * i , , ,. a a ingly Brethren, them for the kmgdom where kindred john <3. Swygert, Master. spirits will greet its coming. ? ^ Oa April 1st, after several weeks of MASONIC cjnfl'.ct with typhoid fever, S. P. a a REGULAR COMMUNICATION Redmond yielded to its vindictive ^A#-of Lexington Lodge, No. 1-12, greed and surrendered his title toj/\^.A. F. M.. will be held on life, after a possession of nearly j Saturday, April 14, 1900, at i ? , , oclock p. m. Members will please thirty eight years. He was of a long , r>rnnint in attendance. line of ancestors noted for truthful- On Saturday afternoon, April 14'h, ness and industry, and be has sue- 2 o clock, the Eastern Star degree ; tained this reputation of his fore- b? ^ upon app'ioants. . -T i e t a The wives, widows,sisters,daughters fathers. He leaves a wife and several aud mothers of Masons are entitled 1 children after him. He was a thrifty, to receive this degree. inlustrious farmer and mill man and By order of the W. M. will be missed in the setthmcnt. G- M. HarmSecretary. Dr. W. T. Biooker and several : others have secured from 11 E. A Mack a parcel of ground at the old All 11U U 11 ulilflliil I V Brooker grave}ard, in ore half mile ?-rT e e t i j at HON. J, V.'m STOKES is !.< r l>v anof Swansea, for a cemetery, and toe nonM d a c,in,iilUt0 for reti,criin lo parcel of ground will be fenced and Cougrt ss troiu tb-j Seventh D.sirict, s.ub, , , i1x n , jact to the Democratic primary, beautified by shade trees, &c , and a , direct road has been secured to the - -----resting place of our loved one3. XMSClliir0 C? T>..,.f W T T> tlw. n-?rv? * ' x i'ji. u . xj. xjiuunvi ui ilic i aut:^t . , VOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVEX T ) ALL bu.g College, T\8S OH a Vl-lt labt ptj-s us inter' sled tu.it I wdi nppl) to Saturday and Sunday, to the paternal 1litJ JIou- l'ei'r*e N Draf s. Jud^e ta . of Snu.'h Carolina, on the 7th da) Spectator Las bad a seige ^ith ?' M*v- !1"0 at 11 o'clock m Mn-forn.oon j 1 ? 1 r a tinai discharge as Executoi oi tieEs- * 4 the grip", but is now once inure free state of Sarah VI Q nittlf A-un decaned. f.n,ntu #t.t, v WILLIE E. QUATiLLBUM, fiorn the grip of '-the grip. * tx-cutor. v April 7, 11)00. Spectator. Apiill, l'JOO. 4*2ipd. ~SPRING is the season when all nature rejuvenates and reclothes herself with hahliment suitable to her youthful appearance. So it is with man. He wants to lay aside his sombre and heavy garments of winter for the cool and refreshing ones of spring. In view of this fact Leaphart & Drafts have ordered and opened up an elegant line of C1_ 1 Ci DLiL! spring ami summer uouiiiig Our handsome line /71 of Men's and Boy's Suits Yvr JWw is now open for inspecf\ ^on* * or ^.v^e? finish fx/^r\ I ' V 7 mid durability these /Jp? -t\ 17 , perils eannot he excel- (n ? ? I -j , ^ led, and the prices are g <> pt' y* A so reasonable that they il 1 H/ \? will sell the goods. \ \ 7 'J//, The attention of moth- \ \ / ; I \ ers is especially called to *W I I fl our line of suits for 8? jfl I school 1 K>ys. They are Jjj if recommended for their ' ?/ Hen's Suits from $5 wearing qualities. Boy's Suits Cheaper ?10 lion tVi? PVieonca* IV lillW IUUU I.UV SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS AND TIES, f Shirts, 7oc. and | iS \ vj^Mf nice assortment of all kinds of shirts at 5Cc r? lars, Ties, etc. We i \ are headquarters for yQjnCujf \ | dent's Furnishings. /t3!q^Q|\ ' j i ' I Shoes, all styles and * , j shapes. Extra line ' I Men's Pants from LEAPHART & DRAFTS, | L'JXX, W. y-tf. i 10,000 Pairs. They Must to Sold | HATS, s ? ? i ~n Without Mumber, lioing at Jtuinous | Prices. MILLINERY. Prettist of the Season, and Sell- i | ing Lots of It. SOME OF THESE NICE GOODS FOR FOE j AT I Farmers and Mechanics' Co., COLUMBIA, S. C. \ Anenst 9 -Jy. I ??-p. S. LOTS OF OTHER GOODS ALSO. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE, MADE IN'ONE DAI by sending us an order for sucli things as could be comfortably used in your home. Just received several carloads cheap and medium furniture, such as SOILD OAK CHAIRS 50 Cents SOILD OAK ROCKERS S 1.50 SOU n OAK CFNTER TABLES....QO Cents ind various other bargains in furniture. It will pay you to see us before buying Cb^? cook w wOip 1507 Main St., Columbia, S, (J. February J4 - tf. Yheti writing mention the Dispateh. When writing mention the Di>p:it?-h. DIAL HARDWARE CO., Who'es:.!e ami lletail Importers and Dealers in A 1 Ki-ds of t? i n nn in ait n rrrinf ?* I n n liuiilH lKii, IBM, mi MILS, l'AIM' , OIL AM) OLASS. We ure Heailiju .iters for ILACKSMiTHS, AND HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS POST OFFICE BLOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. Seji'f m >er ,'iO -1 v. I'lien writius mention the Dispatch. When writing mention the Dispatch. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLS BY THE MERCHANTS. * Bacon Hams, per ft ... 8 a 10 8ides. " " " a Shoulders, " ? a Lard, per ft 9 a Flour, per cwt 2?? a 250 Com. per bu - 65 a to ^ Peas. " " 90 a 96 Oats. " " 40 a 45 Fodder, per cwt 75 a so Sweet Potatoes, per bu 60 Rice, per lb 3^ a * Butter, per ft 15 a w Eggs, per dos io a Turiceys. per lb ... 8 a 10 Geese, per pr ?o a 80 Chickens, per head 10 a 25 Beeswax, per ft 15 a 10 Beef, per ft 8 a 10 Pork. " * 8 a io Tallow, per ft 4 a 5 COTTON MARKET. Lexington.?Middling ? Columbia.?Middling o1,. Charleston?Middling O'*. Augusta.?Middling. 9;vm. 4 Albert M. Boozer, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, N. C. H Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow oitizens of Lexington county. Office: 1609 Main 8treet, over T. B. Aughtry If heart ef, aad eonal t? any Mat yea cm key HHr far 16.00, pay the exyrcae areat ocBsncLaomirucs, 92.75e THIS XtCKIX T^li b lateet 1M BRBHB style, easy fitting, made from beery HH waterpreef, Ua teloc, females Darta Cerert Cloth; foil length, double breasted, ImESSaM Satrer relret collar, fancy plaid llnlnc, iRdrCSH waterproof sewed seams Suitable for HBS039I both Balm er Orereeat, aad fmaraateed GREATEST TALCE ererefbred by eeer aay BftK^BK ether hooee. Tor free Cleth Samples ef nCWjP lea's Math la toe bee ap to It.M aad B rtSe-to-B?snre Salt* aad Orereato at ^KBVriw Si.00 to S10.00. write fer HUE SAMPLE BOOK Ee. MS. Address EARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.) CHICACOe (beare, Bocbach A Ce. are thmenfhly rallahla Filler, j When writing mention the Dispatch. DR. E. J. ETHEREDGE, . SURGEON DENTIST,LEESVILLE, S. C. Office next door below poet office. Always onhancL February 12. Notice. j A LL PERSONS IVDEDTED TO THE xjL Estate of Emma A. Hafsey, deceased, ar>- hereby notified to maae immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having j demands against said Estate must present, th-ni, duly verified to SARAH L. FIEND, Executrix. April 3. 1900. 3w23. Final Discharge. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JL^I persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 21st day of April, 19G0, at 10 o'clock a. m , for a final discharge as Guardian of the Estate of Anna L Fulmer. minor. PERRY B. FULMER, Guardian, M&rcu 21, 1900. 5w23. ^ Final Discharge. NOTi ;E IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons interested that I will apply to | toe Ho l. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate iD and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 20;h day of April. 1900, lor a final discharge as Guardian of the Estate of Mrs. Ida Ellisor MRS. NANCY L. ELLISOR, Guardian. March 21.1900. 6w23. flood Digestion Begets a good appetite. A Good appetite with sound digestion makes eating a pleasure andfood a benefit. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidnevs * arouses a vigorous appetite and enables one to eat and digest any kind ^ of food with comfort Wholesale by the MURRAY DRUG CO., Columbia, S. C. For Sale at THE BAZA1R. ,-A May 15--ly. Wl:?*u wi itinff please men'ion the Dispatch / ^ v :?D