The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 07, 1900, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt July j 19. 1894. G. M. HAIiMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON. S. C.% WEDNESDAY, MAEtH 7, 1&00. Soma of t&o Lws Bacantly ! Passed. City Officials Cannot Take City Contracts?Tbe Police May Carry j Pistols?A Law to Fix the Weight j of a Bushel of Meal. The legislature has passed a law j forbidding municipal officers cr i officiate from taking contracts wiih j the town or city. The act reads: Section 1. Be it enacted by the j General Assembly of the Siate of j South Carolina: That from and after the passage of this act, no municipal officer shall take a contract to perforin work or furnish material for the j municipal corporation of which he is j an officer, and no such officer shall receive aoy compensation on aDy contract for said purpose; Provided that in cities of over thirty thousand inhabitants such contracts may be allowed by the unanimous vote of city council upon each specific contract, such vote to be taken by yeas and nays and entered upon council's journals. Sec. 2 That any person violating '" ~ ~ ^ tkin n oKotl k ] I lie prOVlBiUUO U1 faUtO mv ouan w. I guilty of a misdemeanor and upon ; conviotion thereof shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, in the discretion of the court before whom ! . / . such conviction is had. < BOLTED C5BN MEAL The Legislature has filed the weight of a bushel of bolted corn meal. The reason assigned was that imported sacks weigh less than meal ground and put up in this State, j The law reads: Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: That from and after the first day of March, 1900, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to sell, or offer for sale, withi^t the limits of , 1 1- -1, _ J I the State of souui uaroiiua uuu.jueu corn meal of less weight thaD at the rate of 48 pounds per bushel, and j bolted meal at the rate of 46 pounds j per bushel. Any persou violating I ~ this law shall be fined fifty dollars j ^ i or be imprisoned for the term of thirty days. |S!v > CXCEALED WEAP >*S The law as it now stands r? quires policemen, Sheriffs and aU other peace officers to carry weapons ex posed. If this law were implicitly obeyed it would work a hardship on j officers trying to do detective work j The last Legislature amended the j law in that particular. The new act j read^: Section 1. B? it enacted by th3 General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: That Section 1 of an act entitled "an act prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons, providing a penalty therefor, and incorporating a count for the violation of the same in indictments for murt der, manslaughter, assault and bat- I tery of a high and aggravated nature, j assault and assault and battery with j intent to kill, and in every case where fchejcriine is charged to have been committed with a deadly weapon," approved the 17th day of February, A. D. 1897, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto, at the of said section, the following word*; "or peace officers in tk8 actual discharge of their duties as peace officer;" so that said section, amended, shall read as follow?: Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: That any person carrying a pistol, diik, slingshot, metal knuckles, razor, or other deadly weapon usually used for the infliction of personal injury, concealed about his person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, aDd, upon conviction thereof before a court of competent jurisdiction, shall forfeit to the county i the weapon so carried concealed, and be fined in the sum of not more than one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty nor less than ten days, in the discretion cf the court. Nothing herein contained shall be construed io apply to persons carrying concealed weapons upon their own premises or peace ; officers in the actual discharge of ! their duties as peace officers. Ok, Where is Kiss Jevett! j Baker Family Suffering and Massachusetts Aoxious to Unload. Washington, March 2?Mr. Kob- ! erts cf Massacbutts today introduced j a bill appropriating ?8 per month j foi the relief of the family of the I postmaster at Like City, S C, who was fired upon aL.d killed by armed j wen on February 21, 1808. The bill j spates that the fatuiiy is new in a j suffering and destitute condition. Ail who try "Hilton's Life for the j Liver and Kidneys are surprised at the wondeiful relief given iu Habit- j ual Constipation, and its speedy, j beneficial action on the Kidneys. 2oc. | $ ? 1 flifl.'-W & m ~j:K^L e i'// ,'0^ $; S' ? /& 1-"* T"^ ( Gorstlo' wg ; h Female a A a A i ( Panace; ! TRADE MURK. their normal condition, the hours fPg^pain lessened, and recovery compl i /Jk Send for our new book, "Health} | l;?Jl which coutains much valuable inf* I iik an<^ motherhood. It is free. ?| J SOLD AT DRUG STORKS. L. GERS VA ?^k. ' FOR SALE BY J. . D:ts and Daslics. i in ' . !i A man who is true to himself i3 a!. j friend to everj body. j There are 118 schools for music ( alone in Berlain, Germany. ?. A suit to recover twenty-five cents * occupied the attention of the court in Geneva, N. Y, for two days. * ! The Seaboard Air L:ne is erecting j a temporary wooden depot on the j j patk propeity in Columbia. | The Porto Rico tariff" bill has j ^ | passed the lower house of Congress, after being radically amended. j . i To secure the original witch hazel j ( salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel , Salve, well known as a certain cure ! for pile3 and skin diseases. Beware i of worthless counterfeits. They are j u * ' dangerous. J E. Kaufuiann. j ^ The entire garrison at Ladyamith ! r are being poisoned by the use of! Klip river water, so it is said. ! | Ladysmith has been relieved and | g when General Dundonald- entered j r the city with a regiment the long I and bloody seig9 ended. j r J. H Lunsford & Sod, Craft, Tex , j say that Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic r is certainly the best on the market. * They have never known it to fail to ! cure. Have just ordered more and ; 1 must have it. Tasteless and guar- j t anteed. 50c. For sale by G. M. | c Harman. i r T-. _ | ? rarmerB in neauj eveiy nuriu- ^ eastern State are planting nut trees i g along with their peacbes and pears,! f and are util'zing the hillsides, where j ^ nothing else will grow, for nut or- j r: chards. The mortality among the British j k officers has been so great during the 1 fc South African war th3t the British J ( line officers are discarding the insig- ; 1 nas tc avoid the Boer sharpshooters r Lewis Ackerman, GosbfD, Ind, ; says, "DeWitt's Little Eirly Itiserftjd always bring certain relief, cured my headache and never gripe." Theyj gently cleanse and invigorate tLe 8 bowels and liver. J. E. Kaufmann. v"Poor little Bobby is sick because ^ he ate too much pit! Bobby, can 71 ma do anything for you?" "Yes'm: s' after I take this oi' bad medicine I j u think 1'il be better 'nough to eat 6 more pie." a During the year 1S99 there were | ^ I 0i 5,340 persons in tbe United States j who committed suicide. ? Mrs. Harriet E.*an3, Hiusdaie, III,! c writes, "I never fail to relieve my j ^ children from croup at once by using ' u One Minute Cough Cure. I would ! not feel safe without it." QiicklvLj cnrea prmohe rvilrla. arinnft find all 1 ? 'j ~ j c "i r | \ throat and lung diseases. J. E. | o . ? K^ufmann. ! t j o' Daring a carnival procession on e February 28.h, an attempt was made ! 4 to assassinate Cripiano Costo, the ; ^ President of Venezuela- Two shotf i ti were fired at h;in without effect. | F II Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleas j ant remedy for all diseases arising ! from a disordered or torpid liver, j They are the modern cure for consti- j patioo, biliousness, sick headr.cbes, j specks before the eyes, etc. Th^y 1 do not sicken or grioe, mild inaction, i *. I thorough in effect. Only one a dose,; sugir coated and pleasant to take. : 1 Pi ice, 25 cents a box, at the Bazaar, j i I The dual government is still on in j Kentucky; but the Colonels are now | walking the streets of Frankfort j : with only one pistol and several j quurts of Bourbon whisky. The j situation is coming gradually to ncr-j . mal conditions. A. R Do Fluent. editor of the > 1 1 .-11,rnol TY->vlccf<"*ti?r> ftllffMrpd I VvUiUai) i/VJiVOVV"^) W j VMU<W? vv> , g; for a number of years from rheuma i tisrn in bis ri^bt shoulder and side He say*: uMy right aim at timewas entirely useless. I tried Cham berlrtitTs Pain Balm, and was ear- I prised to receive relief almost irnme > j d;a'f-iy. Tbe Pain Bilm has been a S constant companion of mine eve? | = since and it never fails." For salt j j by J E. Kaufman a. j Tbe bubonic plague is coming i nearer our f-hoeres. It bas reached : tbe coast of Vucutan. Quarantine j oncers in Mexico, in the Guif States ! and in Cub* and Porto Rico Lave been directed to observe strict qu>;r- g an tine regulations. { n m m ?an g g a aaniBwwtanaMgMBpgnM?? VV W W Vy^ iotherhood$ F HIS event in the life of a wo^ man is looked forward to with , a feeling akin to horror?not yfw because the little one is not-^A#. Iconic, hut because the mother W# ?ads the direful consequences .1, i herself. Those long hours of^a# ! onizing labor stand out before W r like a hideous nightmare. An fc j A proper delivery, followed by \lr i'd-bed fever, may end the scene a few short clays, leaving the :le one motherless. But there .mother side to the picture. Ifptt^ i unen vho are expecting to beme mothers will commence the^i^ 3 of the greatest female tonic, 's ) regularly as directed a few J&K > weeks before confinement, "v * i. J and continue its use until ijiV the organs are restored to^f* of labor will be shortened, the JQl ete. r Mothers Make Happy Homes," jrmation regarding pregnancy J UK & CO.. Proprs., Chattanooga, Tenn. ^ I E. KAUFMAN X. "I .Hfd Kodol Dyspepsia Care in ay fsmily with wondeiful results. l givts immediate relief, is pleasant o take and is truly the dyspeptic's >est fiiend," says E. Hartgerink, )verisel, Mich. Digests what you at. CauDot fail to cure. J. E vaufmann. While making a dash for liberty jonie Logan, a noted train robber, J XT .tnooo Ptlr \TA An vtlti IvlilCU at j.i.iuoao vivjj >uu , uu February 28. He was one of the ix men who on Judg 2jd last, rob>ed the XJuion PaciSc train of ?>3i,100 in cash. Win. Orr, Newark, 0 , says, "We >ever feel safe without One Minute Dough Cure in the house. It saved ny little boy's life when he had the >neumonia. We thick it is the beet nedicine made.'' It cures coughs rnd all lung diseases. Pleasant lo uke, harmless, and gives immediate eeults. J. E Ktufinann. "You made a gallant defense," vere the first words General Roberts ;aid to General Cronje after the surender of the latter to the former. was a graceful and fitting complinent to a brave man. Experts in the census bureau estiuate the population of the United at 78,UOO,OuO. Rvv. W. E Sitzer, W. CatoD, N. f., writes, "I had dyspepsia over L ? .t.vifni'o ortrt wamy jeaif, uuu uicu oedicines without benefit. I was >ersuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Jure aDd it helped me from the tart. I believe it to be a panacea or all forms of indigestion. ' It ligests what you eat. J. E. Kaufaann. A bill appropriating $100,000 to >e expended in an effort to apprelecd and punish the murderers of xuvarnor Goebel has passed tie Kentucky Democratic House of Repesentatives. A number of people were frozen to ieath in the recent blizzard at iorfolk, Va. We have saved many doctor bills inca we began using Chamberlain'* Jough R ;medy in our home. We eep a bjttlo open all the time and ,-hecever any of my family or myelf begin to catch cold we begin to se the C;ugh R-medy, and as a rc iU u.-p rn-ver have to send away for doctor una incur a large doctor HI, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem dy never fails to cure. It i3 cerlicly a medicine of great merit and orth.?D S. Uearkle, General Merhaet and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford, !junty, Pa. For sale by J. E Kaufrann. There was a regular stampede od ae New York Cotton Exchange last Wednesday. For a while the wild st excitement prevailed and the runsac'.ion of the day reached the norraous total of 1,000,000 bales, it times so great was the excitement :okers would be offering to buyeotun at two or three points above the Hices at which others were tft'ericg o Sfcil. Lack est Yossr RfiSrror s Do you see sparkling eyes, a healthy, F tinted skin, a sweet expression sr.d p. grace- !j fui form ? These attractions are the result ! of good health. If they are absent, there ji is neatly ahvays some disorder of the dis- ij tinctiy feminine organs present. Health}- [1 menstrual organs mean health and beauty \ everywhere. jj Wism of partial I makes women lieautiful and healthy, jj Ic strikes at the root of all their ti trouble. There is 110 menstrual dis- 9 order, ache or pain which it will not J] care. It is for the budding girl, the J bus}' wife and the matron approaching [j the change of life. At every trying [j crisis i't woman's life it brings j) health, strength and happiness. It ji cosu $i.'. o of medicine dealers. y For advice in cases requiring special B directions, address, giving symptoms, g "The Ladies' Advisory department, '* 3 The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ckat-j! i tanooga, Teen. Q MRS. KOZEN.V LEWIS, of OenavilV, g Texa>, say j. was troubled r.t monthly n intervals v. ith terrible rains in tny head and jj back, tut have been entirely relieved by Wine g Two Ladiss Injured. Mrs. J G Guignard and Daughter < St; iou>ly Hurt Yesterday. Col- in'-i-i State, March 2-1. Just about d'-iik yesterday afternoon a bojse drawiDg a buggy in j | which weie seated Mrs. J. G. Guig- j nurd arid Miss 13 uce Guigtaid, ber j daughter, ran away, ard as a lesult both ladies were thrown from the buggy and were seiiousiy, but it is hoped, not fatally it j trcd. The ladies were going down Gorvnio stiert , en route io their homo acroes the river. When near the JStatc dispensary a street ear came up behind the horse. The animal became frightened aud dashed down the hill. ^ * ? i - . - ..> ? u: j 5t:ver?U maao (hjms io eiop lulu. The horse clashed on the bridge and weDt about 100 yards, the buggy I eing astride the dividing rail. Then a wagon W8S struck, its front wheels being demolished, and the two ladies thrown out. Djth were picked up and taken into the bridge keq ers' re;>idencr, and Dr. G bbes was lumtDoned. Mrs. Guignard was in an uncon?cicue conditiou and remained fo for a IcDg time. It was well into the night before the injured ladies could be moved to their homo across the river. Dr. G.bbes spent the night in attendance upon them. lie did not think that the ir juries of either would prove fat*!, though he considered them serious. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most intense suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is the only euro, because it is the only remedy which ean reach such deep-seated diseases. A few years ago I was taken with inflammatory Rheumatism, which became eo intense that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried S several prominent physicians and took their treatment faithfully, but wag unable to get the slightest relief. In fact, my condition seemed to grow worse, the disease spread over my en tire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the advice of a friend I decided to try 8. 8. S. Before allowing mo to take it, however. my guardian, who was a chemist, analyzed the remedy, and pronounced is free of potash or mercury. I fei t so ranch better after taking two bottles, that I continued the remedy,and in two months I was cured completely. The cure was permanent.for I have never since had a touch of Rheumatism though many times exposed to damp and cold weather. E:.eanor M. Tippell, 1711 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors?their potash and mercury will add to your disability and completely destroy your digestion. S.S.S.rfLBIood will r.tivo norfoo.tlv j.nd norm fin tlv. rv i * It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. * Books mailed free by Swii'l Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Collision at Usicn. One Fxeight Dashes Into Another Standing at the D.-pot. Columbia, St:ito. March 3rd Trains from Uuion were delayed in reaching the city last nigbt be cause of a wreck on the main line just at the depot in Union yesterdaj. It seem9 that about 1 p. m. two freight trains known as 72, and second 72, were coming south, the fir ?t section also curried three cars of raiiroid supplies, carpenters' tools and bridge builders'. It stopped at the Uuion depot. The fi igman went back and put down torpedoes but didn't go far enough. The second train came down and could not stop It d isbed into the mateiial cars on the rear of the first freight. These cars were burned and the engine of toe second train wrecked. One man, a negro brakeman, was probably fatally ii jured. Duller Take3 All the Credit. He Reports Y.ciuity of Ladysmiib j Deserted by the "Defeated"' Bjer AmLondon, March 3, 2:30 a m ?The war office has received the following from Gen. Bailer: Ladysmith, Friday. M?.rcb 2, G:30 p. m ?I fiod the defeat of the Boers more complete than I bad duvd to to anticipato. This whole district is completely clear 11 them and, except at the top of Y-tu Roeneus pas?, where several wagcus are visible, I can find no tracs of them. Their last train left Si-odder spruit station about 1 o'clock yesfeiday aLd they then blew up the bridge. They packed their wagons six days ago, moving them to tie north cf Lidysmitb, so that we bid do chaaco cf intercepting iLem, but they have left vast quantities of ammunition of all j sorts, herds grass, camp and individual necessaries. They have got away with all their guns except two."' Airs. Calvin Z mmerman, Altlesburg, P.t, says, "As a speedy cure foroush?, cold-, croup and sore j throat One Minute Coutrh Cme is i ! unequded. It. is pleasant for cb 1 dren to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers." ! is the only hsi rubs? rem dv th ;t produces iminednte results. I- cures bronchitis poe - i monia, gri'-uc and throat and in? g j diseases. I* will prevent con sump tioii. J E Kaufmnnn. | "I *ee rbat Moruaan Roberts spoke j for live Lours fit a stretch." "PerI h tps be never gets a chance at i home." | The Ba nberg H~rald, Rays:? | "Brother Rjwel, of tbe Denmaik j Time?, appears to have an insatiable J rniw when it comes to office Lo'ding. I He was Trial Justice at Denmark for I j some time, is now t'cket agent at the j old depot Ihcre, is a member of tbe i County Board of Registration, a i standing candidate for County Audi tor, and u'dj wants the job of census j enumerator Lr Bambeig township." I It is very hard to stand idly by ! and see our dear ones suffer while i awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y ) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on his return. He ! also bought a botile of Chambeilain's Cjugh Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doc 1 tor should arrive. Ia a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, a3 the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has since recom mended Caamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends j until he has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. I For sale by J. E Kaufmann. The Atlantic Coast Line claims to bo operating the fastest loDg distance train in the South. It baa a train which averages 39:76 miles per hour between New York and Florida. For promptness it is as regular as clock works, and for elegance and comfort it is unrivaled. Insurgents Ambushed By the Thirty Eighth?24 Killed and 30 Wounded by Volleys From Americans Concealed by Road. Filipinos Dismayed. Manila, March 2, 9 a. m ?Col. Anderson with tho Thirty-eighth infantry, employing the insurgents' own tactics, has ambushed the enemy near Batanga9. Through spies Col. Anderson learned that a detachment of insurgents would pass a certain road. He posted his soldiers, concealed among the trees lining the road and when the enemy arrived the Americans volleyed unexpectedly, killing 24 insurgents, woundiDg 30 and captured several. Some arms and ammunition also were captured. The effect of this blow has been salutary. The enemy in that locality are dismayed. Pay your dues to the Dispatch. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. GOOD DICESTION Begets a good appetite. A good appetite >vltli sound digestion makes eating: a pleasure and l'ood a benefit Ilitlon's Lite tor tlie Liver and (5 U> U * orous appetite, and enables one to cat nnddigfest a ay Kind of* food with com- J fort. Tlie Murray Drng; Co. For sale at tlie Bazaar. SEND 50 gflTS-^feg TO CS \ send you this Violin Outfit | i. ,i7ii?V?~j- vj I to examination. This violin ! ? is ft (>f r.ulne btradi-.arlua 3o<iel. made Of old wood, CUrly mnple back and hides, top of seasoned pine, spec tally selected for violins, edge* iaUld with parfUag, beat quality ebony Balshed trlmolnira. THIS ISA BEGULAB ?8.00 VIOLIN, beautifully finished, hijrhlj polished, with apleadiJ lone quality, Complete with ft grnnln- Brull wood Tonric model how, 1 extra ?et of tiring*, a oral, writ made rtolla | fate, large piece of rotlo, and our of the boat eomrann aenaa | invtrortiria hnoLt puhlUhM. TO. CAN EX1X1XE IT at Tour express office, and if found exactly as represented and the greatest harsa'n }oo etrreaw or n^ard ?,f, pay the exI press fth'eut S3.75 lcssthcMcont deposit, or$3.Si asd evprrwicharge., anUtheouliltli yotir?. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. ZZVWXlX full we will aire one Iriirrrd llaxerhoarU eh?rt, w hich can bo adjusted to any violin without chausinft the instrument and v. ill prove a valuable jrui'le to beginner*, and we wiil also allow the io.-trument to Ixsreturned after * days'trial if not found entirely satisfactory in every respect Satisfoellon jrueiinteed or moaey refcaile>l In full. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Ir.c.)Chicago. (SEARS, EOEBll'K k to. are thoroncblj reliable. Editor.) ^ Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and reconctrnetimir tlin ovlioiictod rl irrnct ivn r\v. OC? I IlVy VAliUUOVVU VII^VOVI * V/ Vi" puds. It is the latest discovered digestant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It instantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, I'latmence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia.Cramps,and all other results of iruperfectdigestion Prepared by E. C DeWitt a Co.. CK'cago. J. E. KAUFMANN. IJ^Iiabin pemmsof anvvhanicitl or inventive mid d'.^irinxa trip to ths P?ris ExrosUion, vltb good t>ul..ry and vxp, ns< s paid, ohntiM wrl'r The PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. F:no onion set* just rtceived and for sole cheaper than the cheapest at the Huzdsr. OTASH gives color, flavor ancl firmness to all fruits. No good fruit can be raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least 8 to io?o of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nas?u St., New York. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Poinl*. Schedule in Effect January 17th. 1900. [No.34iNo.WNo.S2 northbound. [Daily [Daily ex Su Lv. Jacksonville. (Plant Sys)| 3 OUa 746pl21tjp " Savannah,(So. By.) .1215p 1205a; 4Wp ? Barnwell 402p 4 00a 7*P " Blackvillc J 4 l<p 4loa: 810p " Springfield j 4 40p 4 88a;... " Sally 448p 4 4<a:... . " Perrv | 4?wai Ar. Columbia > 5o5y> 6 OQa, 935p Lv. Charleston,(So. By.) .... 7 u>aifT5/p| o~0p " Summerville " 41a l&Wot; 5 5*p " Branchville 8 56a 156a; i 25p " Orangeburg 1 9 23a| 2 30a: ?Wp " Kiugville ,1015ftj 4 30a; 8 46p Ar. Columbia '11 QOaj 8 00a 93Qp Lv. Augusta,(So. By.) bvXip y<k?P: " Gramtcville i 381pl015p; .* a O OCwrx AlK^Jl ; " Trenton . j 40QpllOOp; " Johnston j 4 14pl 11 2Crp. Ar. Columbia,(Union Depot 1. 55yp* 2 |,!n Lv. Columbia,* Blanding St.. fllOp fl 15a 9 4C? " Wiunsboro ; " 03p 7 20a 10- /Op " Chester 7&lp 8 10? I2p ' Rook Hill I 82Sp 8 47a;!l?jp Ar. Charlotte ! OlOp 9 40a 12 21s Ar. Danville :12 olaj 133p' 3 46a Ar. Richmond i 6 >?ei ? 3op' . Ar. Washington ! 7 05aj 850"p lu 16s - Baltimore,*Pa. R. H.1....I 9 12ajll 23p 11 ?a 44 Philadelphia ilia'* 2Mh; l?p " New Yoyk 2QSpl 6 13a 4 Hp Cv. Columbia if 4<Ai; 7 aCa[ Ar. Spartanburg 23a! " AsheviilO "00p: 2o7p, Ar. Knoxvilie 4 lfial 7 ftlpl Ar. Clnciuna?i i_7j*>t>i < 4aa' Ar. Louisville : 7 3J? 7 fw N,o.S3iNo.3SiNo."l south bouxi>. ixiuy Daiij-.ex Su Lv. Louisville .17"i 7 46a < 4oV; Lv. Cincinnati I HjiOa 8*>tp: Lv. Knoxvilie : 1 2Jaj 8 i&a. Ashevilie 8 0>; 805^1 " Spartanburg ill 45a 615p Ar. Columbia ' 32Crp 945p'.?. Lv. New York (Pa. R. k./... 8--VP 1215ot I24tm " Philadelphia 6Q5p: 35Co; 314p " Baltimore 837p: 6 2?a: 522p Lv. Washington.(So. Ry.).... 950pll lea flfop Lv. Richmond jlltX?p'i'ailm! Lv. Dan vil to ! 4 J&a 6 48p 13 53* Lv. Charlotte ! 8 15a 10 Ol/p 4&a " Rock Hill t 9y2n l043p 5UGa " Chester j ttlgftll2?p 527k " Winnsboro ilOlfla 12 loa. 8 0t3fc ] Ar. Columbia, (Blauding Stbll 2Saj 1 waj 7 00a Lv. Columbia,(Union Depot) II 5t* 4!A)ai " Johnston 1 S&p! 6 82n! ' Trenton 145p 6 4be! Ar. Aiken 220pi 7 BC?: " Graniteville 215p'7 12ai? < " Augusta 250pj 8 00ft Lr. Columbia,(So. Rvj 400p! 1 8S*| ? 10a " Kingville 443p| 282aj 7 55a " Orangeburg. 533pi 3 45^: ?4Ja " Branchville UUpi 4 UCa; 9 20a " Snmmerville 72Sp; 5 52a 19 foe Ar. Charleston 813pi 7 <X?Q;11 jja Lv. Columbia,*.So. Ry.) lT35kj 1 25a 7 06a Ar. Perry I " Sally .. 12 42pi 2 37a " Springfield i.SOpi 2 43a ...... ] " Blackville 112p;fl05a 8.12& I " Barnwell 127p'3 2)a 8 41* " Savannah 8 2jpj 513a lJS5a j Ar. Jacksonvilio.tPlant Sy*) i 7 43p; 9 25a 2.15p Slaenine Cur Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nor. 31 and 32?New York and Florida Limited. Daily except Sunday, composed exclusively of Pullman finest Drawing Room Sleeping, Compartment and Observatory Cars, between New York, Columbia and St. Augustine. Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida fixpress. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah. Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffer sleeping caw between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Ashoville. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. <fcUen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. C. Washington. D. C W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag't.. As't Gen. Pass. Ag'k, Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. h. |3e Condensed Schedule In EGTeot Juno Jlib, 1S8;). STATIONS. Lv. Charleston I a m ! " Suminerville I i*i a 111 " Branch vi lie ! j 8 jo a m " Orangeburg j y 4 m " Kin grille 1 10 13 ? m Lt. Columbia j 05 a.UJ " Prosperity I J*1? nB M Newberry i ^ ^ P ? u Ninety-Six j J ?/ P m M Greenwood. i 7 40 a raj I w p m Ar. Kodgc9. | _8 <*) a in; - 15 p ni Ar. Abbeville 1 0 40 a mi 2 45 p in Ar. Be;ton _S 55 a i?; a To p in Ar. Anderson U ni| 3 33 p in Ar. Greenville 10 10 _a ni. 4 13 p m Ar. Atlanta ; 8 55 p in' 8J1) p re cm a'tmavl; I Ex. Sun. I Daily SiATIONS. j No j8 i No. 1Z Lv. Greenrille j 5 30 p m, 10 18 a re " Piedmont ! 600 j? in' 10 4C a in " ^iliiamaron j _f> jgji in 10 85 a a Lt. Anderson 1 4 45 P m, iO 45 a in Lv. Bel ton ~ 77. J 6 45 p m; 11 15 a in Ar. Dcnr.alds I 7 15 p ni' 11 40 a m Lt. Abbeville j _ Ji_10 j>_ m, 11 A) a m Lt. Hodges 7 S5 p mj 11 55 a in Ar. Green wood i 8 W p m 12 2s> p xn * Ninety-Six i ; 12 55 p ra M Nevvlierry ! ; 2 CU p n " Prosperity ' 2 14 p m " Columbia I I 3 14) p m Lt. Kingvilio i 4 53 p ru " Orangeburg 1 5 V> p m " BranchviUo j 6 17 p re " Summerville 7 32 p m Ar. Charleston ...? 8 1 i p re bailviDailyi jbaiTyiPuilj No. 6 No. 13) 1 ___ |No.l4[ 8 90p 7 COa Lv Charleston?Ar 317p 11 'AM C0>>p 7 41a " .. Snin.-ne.-ville .. " i 752p. 10 lsa i 50p oooa ' . ...Branch vine " ! 3 OSp; 8 52a 82-jy, 9'H'a " ....Otangebur?... " 5 20p; 8 22a 62i)p 10 15a " Kingvide " : 4HSj?: 7 80a 8 3-te 11 40? " .... Colt m'>in 3 030p P07al2 2,.ir? " Alston Lv 2 3"!p, f 10 04a 1 ?ij> " ...?.Shdiuc " ; J 28p* 7 40p lOAJa "'00pj " Union " i 1 tflpj 7 30p 10 3Vn 222pi " .... J'.uesviile .... " 12 25p! 8 5Jp 10 5-Ja 2o7pj " Par.der " !!2l4p| Mlp 11 25a 3 km Ar.. Spartanburg.. .Lvl! 45a; 8 :op 11 4ba 840p-Lv.. fcpartanburg.. .Ar'll 28ai 6 00p _2 40j> 7 0*>i? Ar Asaevilie Lv: s. A)aj SOop "P." p. ni. "A," a. 13 Pullman paiare sleeping ^ai-s ou Train* TElacd 8f>. 87 and 3s, op A.aniO. division. Diniugcar* on these tr?t js serve a'd meals enron.e. Trains leave dparranburg, A. & C. division, northbound. 6:43 a. rm. S: >- p.m.. 8:13 p.m., (Vestibule Limited!; southbound 12:26a. in.. 8:1a p. T3., 11:34 a. ic.. Vestibule Limited. ! Trains leave G.-ernviJJe. A. and C. division northbound..5*:-1*! a. in., 2:31 n. nt. and ' :22 p. m., t Vestibule! Liniite<li s?u! nlctuul. 1:25 a. ta., 4:3U p. m.. 12:3u p. m. tVestibtiled Limited). Trains 0 and lu carry elegant Pullman sleephu? cars i-efwe^it Columbia and Asheville er,route daily i^etwet-n JacksoariL'e AndCiuein nnti. Trains 13 and 14 carry supcrbPullman parlor car# between Charles;on and Ashevide FKANK b. l*AN NoN, J. If.?T7L?. Third V-P. A-Gen. jl^r., Trerii'- Wr., Washington. D- C. WasningtoD. D. C. W. A. TUPS. S. H. HAKDVnCK. Gen. Pass. Ag't. As't Gcu. Pass. Ag't. Washington, I>. C. Atlanta, ("4a. Fine coeoanutu can be found at the Bazaar, ?beap. SEND US" OWE tjOLLm. CutlMiad. eel niai tend to n? with Jll.OO, e ) u ti-K *fc"* ^ lit PROVED ACMR PAKLOH OKoa.N. : v > " 0. " . n ' >* ? 'o /a ^ 1'T'A".^ xaulaatloa. You cat: examine it at yot?i .. ? ? -t tr:*:i:Jii <.c;> r, ( ~ and if you find * exactly a?'-' * ' ; that retail at #?.">. 0t> to *100.00. theprea:< : >. :c y ,.% r saw j.p.d ^ fcir^Sst^S 2 far lietter than organs advertised by ot; .-. , r.l . ;..:c iftuu-y. pay I t ?. >;r* vaV.jjeyy,"pA i the freight aftcut our special t?0 <5avV . t.-r pr..c, 531.73, ? iri-fiTv't-fi I less the ?1.C0, or $50. *5, and treiplit ch:?r/? ?. ?s *- * ??, ??V*- I 131.75 IS GUR SPECIAL 93 DAYS' PSISE SUPS 11 :iWst - - " 1 rice char;. 0r-<7&& nl bj cihrm. Snch Pit offer vim never wow before. c .!? E- -?v ' si THE ACME QUEEN isonoef tli.-ra??t M tU;;i ?a\i?St*mEST f*TW. V-V; s-_5 *4?3Cf*^P5 TtlNKO iiutri'CHou e?rr abile. From the tll'.s: trf.tivt nhown, which W/ifiS 5 ^ >"s ' ispnsrrved direct from a photograph,you ein foimtonn ide&ofitg \^?5^c ,V.?'?- vA-. t%G&/!fg?%?gr * bcautlfoi appearoncc. Made from M.liii' tiur.rlcr sivcl ey-'JSF- f^>4 oak, antique finl.-h,liandsoinelydeeoraverir:i.ior::air.Mna.t, ^ . .qwKgSjjffc.fyfSv-1 lot cat I 800 style. TilK ACHE QCEKN 1:- 6 fact j ir.cheo high, <?+. ."^v? IS inches, x; Inches wide nnd weighs 2V; pounds, octaves, 11 stops, osfolloat: i>, Principal, /y-^-^~v!g^gt^??8gSECP?a Dnlrlaaa, Nelodla, (eleeie. freisoai. Hash Cappler. Treble WSBrM (V-ip'ee, Diapason Kort* and Tox Huaiia#-, 2 Oc-c* (oc^ler*, Vxir'-i'Jf ./jv v~ j 1 Tone Swell, 1 Grand Ontao 8?ell, 4 heti Orth??trel T>.r.ed fcfPy I'yVjSrEsJyjK ; ReasaatorT Pipe Qcalllr Keed>. 1 Set of "7 Tarcbreet Reledia ?v^>T^.^rr-^~^_. "--- J b-mU. l Set of St (i-inaicdr Brlllltnlleln'.# llttJi, 1 Sol of / i'-Tv; i v* iiY vjj?? v<" [ 4 filrh Hello* S?XK>lb l>!np*?ou Hrfit, I S?f of 21 Plenstae tC3gfegy?^yfZJi'PW.y". i*?lS-L~ -, t?g?T?a -? I tofltiel?di<-n* Principal Keeds. TTSE ACME QITEN uc- t *. * j &FZ9 I 'ion consist of the CCleb: a ted X.wsJI Herd*, which erf only ' X'fi'T*! Vr*" t~-*' f-f~- --ly^'A I use. 2 In the highest prude in*truireuts: rttu?d wif.h Hfjc- ^S5t?56a??fi&1 ao>d CooplrrH ftoO foi Human*. alto be>t Dolpefdtv, Iv?SJ leathers, cC<\, he I !ow? of the? best rubber doth, 3 t^K I b^Ilovrs stock fuid flito-st leather m valves. Ilift P^TJMv:?cS^J-.^i>; ACME Qtt.ES is furnished with a H sl? r-wl-ii plate trench mirror, nickel plated pedal trames, V.l>/ J--W*1liyayfo* Iw ESii^'^y. and every modern imptovement. Wr furnMt five ? iia-.d- ? icmr organ ston) nod Uie lied orjrsu iodrurtlna iiaoi. puh|!a!?id? yk fytyrfl&iSrS3??> GUARANTEED 25 YEAF.S. Hfel issue a written binding 25-yenr guarantee, by the 5- fe * terms a nil conditions of which if 3t.y ;n it gives out hj^j #25? we repair 11 free of charge. Try it one month unit 7f rS^\v v.v will refund roar money if yon an- not jt*r>ertly ' satisfied. 500 of these orrans -a ill ho sola at *31. J?. M | f-?3I~i^Vs^Sc^a^i * ORDER AT ONCE. 1M?"T 1?KLAY. H HwcKafi OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED ?_?;<* ^;-r*;...J not dealt with us aafc your neighbor about :?s.v.t!'s '"' " - ' - ; tK^r^:' the publisher of this pftpcrorHetri>i)oln.\i,N*sij(>n.ii ?Jp' Dank, or Corn Excnatyro Nat. Baok. Chicago; or Orreon Ewfc.tsj# P.itiV, New Yor1-; or any mlrr^ui or express . company iu Chicago. We hate arariial of o.rr $<iJ3.0e>:.P0, o vupv ?;:>t-tx- cr.v* of the ! busineiS blocks in Ch'cago. and employ nearly 2.000 people in o crown bu'letup .iK StXi OStflxXS AT*s\oo a.?l up: TiiSOS. *ns.eO ?j ? .i.? .v.mthino' in nmsii.?i .t i.n. .?.t wnol.-Hiilf &rlet?s. '.Vine for free special ore*?n, piano and Instran)?nscatalogue. Atlii-oc.v >?< .-* X Co. *ro t'-cfv-Vjij r*i!i'.!e fcittor.) 8EARS ROEBUCK &. CC. (inc.). F:<!lon. and ??s.. CfrS JCAiiO. CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, CAZSS, GRACZERS, . ZF-A-ETCIT G-IEBOCIEjECZIES, Toys, # . Fancy China, y *^v j N otions, XDZESTJG-S and. ZL^ZEZETCZIlsriES, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SCHOOL ROOKS, ALBUMS, ETC Diamond Dyes of all Colors. Harma n's Razaar. JUL aa a aaa W> 1a k7 jm v w?< ?-* ^ LEXINGTON, S. C. ^ I CAPACITY, 10.CC0 JOOfl ,?, AAAU*. ^ H ? ZLs JLa ( . l BTOSY -| 5omo d#*t*rs pooh tbo ?rJ? of rftt* VeAOi# g H tho profl'Aar? )&'/*. I>on't j.;ur?.*.f C?> *>< o C M Into butirc ?thtO.i/jo*> in ofier ?o **?? t d??.l%r *r so. u 8 ROCfC HILI." * nro "A M-tU }ii?!t*-r In Kr}e*. j? # 3 Put?'*'il.*j?und ii|*. luoSr roll. And.*>-cr# !-. HF.tV f ^4* ? ? AHAY Pi:OMTH??llo:'?4..ikicjf rtk?r sfc?to.rl?tho E ''' H t.'l. S*ld 1'J fr*Kl%*i d*-Ur? out/. If ud>* ?a u:? a | ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hi l, S.C. jj aawwaat^^ Bftftii ins i nimny nuhh hill mhtei for bate by W. P. ROOP, f,exin<rton, S. O. OREGORV-RHEA MULE CO., MATTHEWS & BOUXNISBT, Columbia- S. C.. Le<;d ville, S. C. -J&kx May 11?ly. ^ ||H 5.Vq ramon's i i \ tonic Regulator M *s no* on'y ^est Liver and Kidney medicine f I / 1m T suPP^es a" the e ements of Liver Food lack[' i 1 LA 'n ^our ^'et* Convenient to use, i ui Kv Pleasan*. *? *a'Ke> thorough in action and the FOR SALE >\T THE BAZAAR. f* OPIHShSk'sPnsSia^ m S2-75 BOK COAT ^LAUntilS RA.LHLA J. AHMCUB SS.OOwatck- *n 7c ? . ^-r . - ? , j Jc?U l?K?H?r MA< JCCCTOMH for o/i l3 In Effect November 19tb, 1899. SEKD NO MOMEY. y.6 vr_ rn vr ? J3H tttlf jcwi-beUfci sn:i wri?l?t, ?Utc tBmtertf XiU- Ou XhO X ImI>kmuil tt ImMt, tit? tw 11 08 a m lv..Columbia, .lv 4 45 pm il *20 a m ar. 5 05 Km ^?nd(Sit 11 27 a m ar... .Irmo . 5 25 pu. 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .ar 5 45 pa ; ^t*iT?ftaJ 11 40 a m ar.WbiteRock ar 5 56 pa j ll 43 ? TO fir Hillon ar 6 04 DIA; niid expreM oher*??. r aa to a IU at . . xaiiiuu.. . ur v u* pu. TI: I MfA (kINlOb 11 i-> latest 1900 11 48 a m ar. ..Chapin. 6 20 pm Bws&l ?>ie, ?**y mting, made from k?rr ?r%r /> j - fr*!*?rpro?f. I?a color, fpn?tr.e D**U CWrt 12 03 a m arL. Mountain ur 6 4o pa Hg^3?j r,;:l ier.fth. douL> Hfc,****** 1n r>,. , ? KSE*3?$I Sascrvelvpt cOilar. fan^y piald lining, 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. ar 0 52 pm w?.f?rpK>ofs?*e<ibuitvoieror .. .. T> ? r- c\rx B8ltVv?2l hoth 'If-''1 cr pnartclMd 12 17 p m i 20 pin \?t\ ?.3?SS cnEAimvAMEt-.?roff.wib7?>?rti>r .A flA * XT , _ . r 1 HS3fo-??S3 cthw Ko-Frw Cloth Strai I** c* 12 30 p m ar. Newberry, ar 7 45 pin fix^ar *?? ?*? =? ^ ? ?> ?<< tn ,o t l ?9 Ba^-^feSitdMo-roeatMC Suite ?a<t ft?rtf.ia?? tt 12 43 p m ar. ..Jaiapa... to *i?.w>. wri^r ran e r? ,o r< WBSSV**? stswi HCOJi i'n. 9IIX A-M.e-9 12 43 p m ar... Urary.... sears, roebuck &. co. ur.o.> chicaco. 12 53 p m ar.. Kinard... ' i:oci,"rl- *to*in; * 1 UO p m ar. Goldviile.. , LEXITvGTON 1 13 p m ar.. Clinton... , mmmtramtt9m 1 25 p mar ...Parks... i CalSSlKL ISIIIiHiSj ^35p m ar. .Laurens. = j m ^ m GiRL S. RETURNING SCHEDULE. I PEEPAIiES loii IEaCaIING _l l COLLEGE OR BU-INESS. | No. 53 No. 22 j Hi^h School. Intermediate and Primary i or ? ? T? It, C -a . CoursrS. | J OO jJ ill IV.. XJaui cjuo ..iv t/ t/v a*jj ; 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 6 CO tm i English, German.preach, Greet and Latin 153pm lv. ..Clinton., .lv 6 35 am j ~ ... ^ . i.-1 a AO 1 u -11 1 c ro , ? Healtbieat Location Board 2 03 p in lv...vjoluVlllG. .lV b oo MB j Vtrs ebuip $4 to ?7 p*r month Tuition 2 10pm 7 05 am j ext-'diti^lv low. $1 to $i.50 per month. 2 15 p m lv Gary .. .lv 7 13 md j Expense* per year ?50 to *7o. Hud 125 2 20 p ra lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 7 20 am I :ast . * * r , ._ ,1 . o ia JS.xt session b'f/:ns ilonnav. September 2 34 p m lv. Newberry .lv 8 10 am I 18 l39;) tcT f .i: iJiirt;c.a.;tra'. 2 49 8 40 am a. iidrees r 2 59 p m lv.. .Slighs.. .lv 9 00 am 0. D. *EAY. Principal, 3 05 p m lv L. Mountain lv 9 10 am ^ U_H Lexington. a. C. 3 16 p m lv. ..Cbapin.. .lv 9 30 am > *y., 3 22 pm lv.. .Hilton.. .lv 9 40 am ^ * 3 26 p m lv.White 9 46 am ft 3 31 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 9 56 an. Pi 3 40 p m lv... Irmo.... lv 10 15 an. g 3 46 pm 1025 am j g 4 05 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 10 45 am g A,. ^talli-iecr. A KKKt F-iE *!,.?? poweifnl ' - !-' Hand s-wect U l'ui-tilshcd con | !ctc with CThljl <"?lra cf <?. >t '.cillijr *><-! t>irlnen and a irais* 02 ana 06 run sona Dtrweet """" " s Charleston and Greenville. Trail 52 makes close connection at Lau?- 1 VlTVJVf , p?gg*?r jO!" " r t!-cex;>r?* a;;e?t ?3-6b ens for Augusta and Spartanburg. Itw ?!,< O r to V^Lssi^ the complete outt.t >s yo,v3. Saturac- ? No. 53 makes close connection al tionKuu.auteedorinor.cyroicndciiinn::!. Sumter for the North. SPEdSL PREKtUfT OFFER, ? - 3 rt , , 43.65 cash in full vr- V.ia ir.-.c a l^tUrrd Hijevi-borriJ No8. 1 UDd 2 maaes Close connec Chi-L It is an eccu'-ft'o tr'tiu?. h&vir.;; all notes, vith o * t a it * V! 4 sharps and flats 1:1 n'.ii \>v. can U> ca/.:i?-ndfcion With S. A. Ju toaLdfrom AfJanta ju-Ud to any c-.c -fr.rr the I, - ,, m^r.t. With the ?. c <>ft:-.clcttarc-?i'tuv. por further mlormation call 011 or one ran learn to v.-.ti;t the ni'l >< a t<-acl:Cr. 1 , Write fcrfreci.;:;Icc.i f;:strur.:ri:tar.ri }i!a'.i.oai<lr.n?an > a.aureSB cstalojct'i. ? .< :;tl.hc*!lis.>(niwiffrifts Ail.Itets, B F P LE4PHAKT S5ARS,ROSB:JCK&CO.,CFrCACO X>. X. X . .UXiflX x2.ti.XW, (StlR-S HOKUM'S a; CO art- tV>r<!n<Mv rrflU^f.-l^tUr.) City Ticker Agent, J F. LIVINGSTON, ! Travelling Passenger Agent. ' rsTcit' R V tv A VTr^ Bank of Columbia, Columbia, S. < BlESVvAX V*ANiED W. G. CHILD.S, President. i i Ef LARGE OR SM-LL QUANTITIES D^r PARKER'S I J Bgra2?g| HAIR BALSAM j f TILL F.-?Y ill; i-.IGHF.ST MARI ' k-ipr:o6ioTc:-a'i?.ipnre i-wns. . jH?^r Palls to Eest.:re Greyl i nee tf-werfeil bv color H\d COudi ion. Htfi-SSe T --^fia Hair to it# Yonthiul Coior. I P^V*^4TSjHBi5 Care* *c*ip d: ## ?#* ,heir <sliu.g. J PTov "5 n a i) ^ X. . StoAnllt * * R ZAar. T.eAihCtnn. S. C. v Call at the B*z tar and get a fit Kciut-iuber tbat you can always find -% fcfial package of Ramon a ceUberatrc ,\C(t candies, Crtkes and fruits, at lhQ pilla tke beat ou tb? matkat. Easjar. MttJ