) Suffering from female troubles should \ > try the "Old Tirue" Itemed}', $ J Inpicn llP^ HANTBS I 17' oiflfeFEMAlI V ^KfiUfcWOR S It has no equal. It strengthens the c S delicate female organs and builds a worn- r S an up. All suffering and Irregularities at { ) "monthly" periods can be avoided by Its c S use. It Is for young girls maturing, for I S mothers, and ror women at Change of Life, c S Should be used before child-birth. c S Sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid c ) On receipt of price $1.00. c S Ladies Blue Book sent FREE to any one c S on application. Address, "WOMAN'S DE-c S PAR7HENT". New Spencer Medicine Co., Chat- c S ta.nocga, Tenn. ( d/eigjort this paper. Sold bv Jullao E. Kaufmann. The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. 19C0 la&ex to STaw A&vsrtiscments.' Seeds?Lorick & Lo vrance. Shoee, Etc.?Farmers Mechanics' Company. Notice?G. H. Koon. Notice?Slice and Slice. Proclamation?By The Governor. B adSela's Female Regulator. Bargains?J. C. Moore. Notices wiU be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line9 to one and all.jp] , I?XT7"IiTE SERVICES. appointment fob lexinoton circuit fob 1900. 1st Sunday, Red Buik 3} pmShiloh 11 am 2d Sunday, Horeb It ani. Lexington 3jpm 3-i Sunday, Shilofc 3ipm Red Bank 11 am 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3?pm J N. Wbight. Pastor. hebbon and bbookland m. e. cbubch 8uuth. Brookluad 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m Brookland?2nd and 4th Sundays at 1 p m Krookland - Every Sunday Evemng atb p m H-bron? 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a. m. Hebron?fet and 9rd Sundays at 4 p. m. Masonic. A regular communication of Po7\r^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M will convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday evening, Ma?cb 10 1900, at o'clock sharp. Take notice and govern vourselves accordiDgly Brethren. John C.,gj^ygert, Master. MASONIC. A A REGULAR COMMUNICATION ^^w-of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, /\A.A. F. M.. will be held on Saturday, March 10, 1900, at 7 oclock p. m. Members will please be prompt in attendance. By order of the W. M. G. M. Harm.yn, Secretary. Wanted, Lands cleared and timbered. Tracts of ten or more acres. Give "full description and lowest price. Piatshek & Co, 18pl. Sivannih, Ga. A Woman's Latter. Coolidge, Ky , Aug 1st, 1898. I have been suffering from Female troubles and was unable to get relief, I was persuaded to try Benedicts, and after one months treatment L can say I am fully restored. I recommend your remedy to suffering wo ?on \Trcj TT "R. ftiiroattl ' Jold by Julian E Kauffman. Cotton Planters Who are interested in high prices for cotton next fall can hear of some-' thing to their advantage by sending a postal card at once to The Adaoi3 Cotton Company, 17 Charleston, S. C. Town Election. The municipal eltclion for town officers held yesterday, passed off quietly and resulted in the following ticket: Iotendant?T. P. Meetze. Wardens?L. W. Iiedd, J. 3J. Horner, James E Rawl, J. D. Taylor. - HI- i ti MI-- u: Mi" IA QUICK CURE I FOR COUGHS f and COLDS { Pyny-Pectoral! The Canadian Remedy for all ! f Throat and Lung Affections, f I 5 Large Bottles, 25 cents. | I DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, J . Prop's Ptrry Davis' rain-Kiiicr. j[ 2 2sew York. Montreal. SS March Salesday. Only two pieces of property were sold at public outcry last Mondaj/ me uterE 01 me uuurt soia me ; John Stone laud, consisting of one j I hundred and nine acres, to N. Ibl. | Derrick for $200. The ilrs. Jaue Hendrix lot, situated in the town of Lexington, was bid in by Sam J Leaphart for $o00. ? Fins Seeds. The prettiest display of seeds we : have seen iu a long time, or ever I saw, i3 that of Dr. Harris, at B Ues- ; burg. The big central window is full of seeds?it lo^ks like enough to ! plant Lexington couoty?and more over they are like be always keepe, as fine as money will buy aud fresh. Bians are scarce this season, but he has bushels of them, aud everything else required for planting the garden. Pay your dues to the Dispatch. PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Kan. Cloudy. RiW and damp. Lenten scasoD. Full moon Friday. Court ha? adjourned. Fruit trees are blooming. The farmers are beginning opera tions. The prospects for a large fruit crop is very bright. A great deal of the small grain will have to be resown. Dixie Lodge, No. 52, will hold its regular meeting tonight. R?member us with your dollar vhen you come to town. We are looking forward to aD abundant blackberry crjp. Some of our merchants have a display of lovely spriDg goods. Mrs. Ella Daily, who has been quite sick, is gradually improving. Fresh and reliable garden seed just received at the Bazaar. Judge Benet worshipped with the Lutheran congregation last Sunday norning. If you want.furniture of any kind don't forget to call on Cook & Co., Columbia. The early gardener's heart rejoices with gladness over the warm and genial rays cf a spring's sun. Camp Steadman, U. C. V, No. 668, will meet at this place on March 28ih. See the call elsewhere. An entire new stock of dry good? and notions, just received at J. D. Taylor's. Cill and see them. March came between the roar of 8 lion and the bleat of a lamb, and oinpo *ro hnro winrl anr? r?alm. Dessicated cocoaDut, ready for pies, custards and cakes, also lot of fine cocoanuts, at the Bazaar. The game law goes into effect on March 15, after which time it will be unlawful to kill game birds. W. M. and M. L. Slice has a notice in this issue to debtors and creditors of the estate of J. W. Slice, deceased. TEA cures Dyspep- [ 1 Eltll9>l v sia, Constipation and Indi- . gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 eta. Sold bv Julian E. Kaulmann. Mrs. Paul P. Clark has our thanks 1 for a lot of fine sweet potatoes. They were large and sweet and very 1 palatable. 1 Miss Emma Wolfe, of Sandy Run, has been on a pleasant visit to her friend, Miss Lizzie Nunamaker, at Swansea. Mr. Julius Smith has accepted the position of telegisph operator at Swansea of the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad. I Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Etheredge, of Leesville, celebrated their golden ( wedding on February 28tb, they having been married 50 years. Prayer meeting at the Methodist church tomorrow evening at 8 oclock and preaching at the same place next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. , Ledgers, journals, records, counter books, memorandum books, school , books, pads, pencils, ink of all colors, mucilage, &c., for sale at the Bazaar. ( Lexington Lodge, No. 152,.A.F.M. ] will held its regular monthly meet- ] ing Saturday evening, at the usual hour. All members should attend. < Nature will soon put on her spriDg J dress and will make her appearance ' in beautiful vernal robes like a lovely bride costumed for the marriage 1 feast. 1 Persons owning lands adjacent to public road3 are warned not to ob struct them by ploughing, throwing 1 brush into them, or in any other < manner whatever. The County Board of Registration re organized last Monday by re-elect ing the old officers, as follows: "W. H. Meelze, Chairman and James B Addy, Secretary. Northern onion sets make larger and finer onions than any other. Call or send to the Bazaar and get 1 the yellow or white, and you will be pleased with the results. Lutheran services will be held in the Episcopal chapel next ?Lunday morniDg commencing at 11 o'clock. Rtv J. G Graichen officiating. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. Mr. Wm. W. Hawes has notified the board of trustees of the school at | j Swansea that he will close the school i on account of some unpleasantness ! between himself and some of the ! patrons. Our News-Letter says that the j ; new train which has been recently ! ! put on the Southern Railway for the ; i accommodation of its patrons, has J I taken the nick name of "Dr. Crosson." j Mr. Burt Fallaw, a prominent j citizen of the EJisto section, was in | ! town yesterday and called to see us. He brought a cart wheel of the nari row tire family from one of our j patrons. j UM?U1W 111, tmAJW.A The Supreme Court has reversed the decision of the lower court in ibe case of Lookout Mountain M- d Co , Y3. W. A. Hare & Co, C lief Justice Mclver rendered the opinion. To is case went up from this county. The Governor offers a reward cf $50 for the apprehension, delivery to the Sheriff of this county and the conviction of the unknown party who burglarized the dwelling of Mr. Westmoreland, a short tiu e ago. Dr. 0 J. Harris, Butesburgs prominent and progressive pharmacist, was in town the greater part of last wetk and paid us a ^ l&asant call. He was in attendance upon court as a witness in an important railroad case. C u B A N ? 1 L cures a IWW&V3 irCuts, Bums, Eruircs, Rheumatism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. S}i ->r frflnerftl Nelson A. ?' "J ? J ? Miles, commanding the Uuited States Army. General Miles reviews and anahzes the imperial British military organization in all its branches, and with particular reference to the obstinate war now engaging all its energies in South Africa. There are many other interesting and fascinating features of this number which makes it a very welcomed visitor to the homes of our people. Buckshoal, N C , May 16,181)8. Gentlemen:?Four years ago I was helpless with a misery in my back. I could not return myself in bed. I was treated by my physician, but he did me no good. I took one bottle of Dr. Bakei's Female Regulator and it cured me. I think there is no medicine on earth like it. Mrs. Emma E. Myers. For sale at the Bazaar. Now ig the time to plant your gardens ami the fiei-hest and most reliable seed is a pre re ck, S. C. To the surprise of all the sum thus raised wa3 nearly sufficient to buy all the material. Mr. C. G. Miller, a professional painter of Columbia, S C, kindly offered his services to super intend the painting, tree ot charge. Work was started about ten days ago and now we have as nice a parsonage as can be found in the country anywhere. In appreciation of this kindness of Mr. Miller, the joint council of the charge, at a regular meeting held March 3d, 1900, unanimously passed the following resolutions: 1st. That the hearty thanks of this body is hereby extended to Mr. C. G. Miller for his kindness in superintending the painting free of charge. 2ad. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Mr. C. G. Miller, and also to the county papers for publication. W. J. Billentine, Secretary Joint Council. ? ? Home and Farm. By special arrangements we offer the Home and Farm, the leading farm and hnmp nanpr. published in Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for $125. Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. Caries or Guinea Pigs. Guinea pigs are an interesting liti tie pet for the children; are easy to keep, thrive and do well. They are perfectly harmless and quite profit i able; the}' will rid any building from rats, that they might be put in. Per pair, grown $1.00; young 50c. Address Ilice B. Ilarman. MULES. MULES. We Carry the Largest Si in the State. All Kinds a BUGGIES, WAGONS, AN Two Car Loads Buggies a: Loads Wagons on th< K?. nicnil)cr We Soil mm, HOW MAIHIXKS. 1111 lilliB I Cheaper than tiny can he bought tlsewl. Gregory-Rhea M ColvLm.'bia, S. C Fd unary I I. 1 v. ni?? n r unnv^D ^ I -LfJ-lU. U. 1J. JJUUZJiJll VX; DENTISTS. 1515 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, 8, C. '1UEIOINJE *230. One of the firm will fill appointments at Lexington, over KHrd & Dreher's Law Ofllce, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the Second Sunday of each month. Except July and August when there will be no appointment For months of February, Jane and September Court Week will take the place of the regular appointment Seeds by Mail. 3 Papers for 5 cents, or one j dozen Papers for 15 cents, and we pay the postage. All one variety or assorted as desired, j consisting of Beets, Cabbage, Collards, \ Celery, Carrot, Cucumber, Egg Plant, Hfttc//7itI. Tnnh T.cfhtrn Okva (hiimta. Par sir ij, Pepper, lla-dish, Syuash, Sals- J ify, Tomato, Turnip, and other garden j seed usually carried in a first class seed store. Herbs, same price. Caraway, Sage, Thyme, Street Mar- \ ram and Kohl llahi. Write Us for Prices on Field Seeds, j Seed Irish a ltd Street Potaleos. Send Us Your Orders Which trill hare our prompt and Cat'eful attention. I III i Iffll,: / COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan. 1.? ly. I i:.. : T# (lie I'eople ofbiflfli: "We have the Finest Line of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC., | in the City. MILLINERY. All the Latest Novelties at Low Prices. We Guarantee all Goods as Represented WE SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE. TETJMP dc 3>v?00?3:E, j (Successors X, V>\ Trump.) j l.*?17 3Xaiu St, Columbia, >*?. C. September 28?tf. SEND-NO MONEY lgl w '* " we will nend vou OUR HIGH sfesSHE??!! vD I 50 GRADE DROP CABINET BURDICK SEWING MACHINE byfrefchtC. ? D- aubjtet to TM? I natiun. You can examine itat your nearest lreiftht depot ana ifT^t" Ef?T I LJ found perfectly satisfactory. exactly as represented,,. fffffiML * " 1 -A %mt' equal to machines others sell as l.ieh as#CO.OO, and THHl^,??|p>? , , n?y27'T| i#' j 1 j GREATEST BARGAIN' YOU EVER HEARD OF, pay Tour^^g^j^Auiai^^^jfeygMEcyJBqg^p^T^'i frriaht aprrn Our Special Offer Price $15 50 and freitrht eharces. The mamine weighs flw|^iyK\ . -jcM.jjlfipf| 120 pounds and the freiirht will average 75 cents for each 500'..ile.i. as?lBSaJtil3BHWM5Bwi^PK!^*vtal' CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own home, ami ity!*KS5mr&S?&&?S0s:'-"v^iyrS^ftrr?! 1 we will return your #15..'iO any day you are not .-fat is tied. We tell diffrrent makes and grades of Sewing diamines at ff.iO, #10.00. Cll.OO. *WW(0l sJa m 0 JP3uYlz?3 $ 12.00 and np, all folly described In Oor Free Srwlrw JIaehiac t'xtaingoe, NclCT M AKER !N AMFRICA. >3*5 - * iujibiir.uu.'ii"isib.fr-^ m<>* theuknt.material moxfy SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK DT.SK 1 BUtt#o-'' ' PIANO P(H t Hf.D, one illustration shows machine closed. 1 henorirop0 jSi pirc from ichr) to he used as a e?Mter tslile. Stand ?r de.h. the other s- CjBg i7aBwWiyNl^^a|?mS , open with f ill length talile and head in jilnce for e?--.vi?isr. 4 fancy J SRhc 1 drawers, Int.n 1*03 skeleton fram-. curved. |.aneleearln[?adjustable treadle, jretinine Srovth ir--n stand. 6 \ H 1 50j!fl?^3 '"** llfeli i"?' t"wl. positive f..iir iiwnw ieen s-ou inrmmn;; ? .-? ? . ' 1^^' a SSk a BJ l in:f shuttle, suroajoi i<- bobbin winder. ?Hi?istj?b!o be-n mp". patent. tension ? Si-! 11 j B Sji SghJfjSl liberator, improved lrwve wheel, adjustable pressor fner, improve,! eimti.e fe\? n I _ B carrier, patent ne?.(jie hnr. p>afeo.t lre.t han Hcbtrst mnnirtr. moat dorabl* *r>?i i?**r*?.# Tn>.-Mn? i i made. Frcr? knn*n al'vcmn.l itfurnUh'd and ocr Froe Instruction Book f*?ia ? c Ml -u>f how anyone ran rcn it an i 'Neither plain ??r any kind of tarry v.ors*. ^ m SvA A 20-YEARS* BINDING GUARANTEE i< sent with *v*r> rca^hi?.*. ft IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to *?* and examine this n.Aohtne, r.jmpar* It B 't. It ' with those vwirstorekeeper r< l!s*t $.tC.OO . to $60.00. and t: ipii if nvin?*e(l yon areMtin^ S~S.uo *?# rbi.oo, pay yoar fr^Urht a?*nt thp il5.50. ^'r- TO ?1K1(R.N YOl R #13.SO !T At any tin* HiMn thrnr north* you n^y ycc are aoiaitliflfd. OKDFR TO !>aY. I.ont Off AY. l>ear>. Rnrbuck & f'rK <*r* thoroughly re'iaaJr.- Editor > Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.).Chicago, lil. MULES. ;oek of Mules lid Sizes. D HARNESS. ml Two Car ) Road. II DISC HARROWS KTC. lule Co., NoticeThe township and town board3 of Assessors will meet in their respective townships on Tuesday, the 6th day of March, 1900. or as soon therealter as possible, to c-xamiae and pass npon the tax returns in lheir respective townships, or tax districts. Tbe Chairmen of the Boards will call at tbe Auditor's office from the 1st to the 6th of March for returns, instructions, etc. The County Board of Equalization will meet in the Auditor's office on Tuesday, March 27, 1900, *at 10 o'clock am. G A. DERRICK, Auditor. February 31, 1900.~3wl7. JAMES F. IZGAR. T. C. STUBK'E. Orangburg, 8. C, Lexington, 8. C. I /lar Sturkie, ATTORNEYS AX LAW Lexington, S. C. PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS OF this State and of the United States. February 21, 1900.?tf. Final Discharge. NOTICE IS HEREBY given TO ALL persons interested that we will apply,to tne Hon. George S. Drafts, Judge ol Probate in and for tbe County of Lexingt>n, State of South Ctroiina, on the 30th day of March, 1900. for a final discharge as Executors ot the Estate of Mrs, Amelia Lucas, deceased. JOHN W. I UCAS, W V. V TIAT/HWATJORR Executors. FeVruary 29th, 1909-4vl?. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, " , COLUMBIA, - . - 8. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his professional service* to the citireus of Lexington Oonnly. October 18 - ly. mmm ^oniy SS.OO |8 SEND USSS.OOutKutrSjW' f 3 *aiin *nue ?t K"?a faith and we 'Bal will send you any ire proofaofo ?S PKjjj&j, S;?y| examination. Yoocao oxaarfae 9WB i J- liat your frelfht depot and If you ^SffffippAm ,lnd 1? the equal oi any flro ;8B $ g |U j and Ptrel safe made and nboat ?Sffl5 '3 o?e-third the price charged by kjmi T olhern for Ike face fixe and grade, l"ay your frcigrht atrent our ~-\v/ vpecfsl foctory price and vaw>' f'fljrht charffcu. less the 15.00 pent with order; otherwise return it ot our expense and we will return your $.>.00. loo-ib. combination lack aafea for *h? home, J<5.95: SOO-lh. offer and atore aafea, 611.951 500 llw., fJT.'JJt 704 *21.95: 1000 lb*., 62s. SO; 1250 It>s.,#S.t. SOircry Icrgr double oot.id* and donblo lu.ide door ?af?i for Ijrse bovine... faelorr. Jewelry or hank, SO Inrbca hieh, 2140 l>m., ?>13. 7S; f.H Inrhea Mrk, SOflOlha., is9.75. Freight iotkci 25 rent, per 100 Ib?. forSOOwllea; for 1400 Kilo. lOeent.. WRITE TOR FREE SAFE CATALOfil'K and nnrrlal liberal C. O. I?. offer. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Chicago. ; Hardware, j !P3-\W. have moved nur"^ *S~stoek ?f Hardware"** ' *#-to tbe'tk? Where we will keep a first | <'i:iss line r.f Hardware of all kind-, including i PAINTS, OIL.~ GLASS, j . NAILS AND IRON. ! Wc have a full lino of j GUNS, PISTOLS CUTLERY which we are selling chcp j we invite u'l our Lexington friends t>> call and see us before j buying. Dial Hardware Co., rrii r-MPT 1 ? r> [ i wiJV v, vi | I September so.?ly. j Final Discharge. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JA pcr-ons interested that I will apply to toe IIoo. Geo. S. Drafts, -Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 10th day of March, 1000. lor a final discharge as Guardian of the Estate 01 FrancesLowman. WALTER S. AM1CK, Guardian. February 11, 1900. 4wl?. ! Warning. IHERL'EY NOTIFY THE PUBL'C generally that Joe Cor ey contracted to work on my farm for the year 1900, and has h-fl without cau-e. I he eby warn all persons against employing or harboring i 1. ... ... T .t-ill l!i?. law tr> thp { extent ablins; any one so employing or harboring bin P. G. TAYLOU. I February 10 11M>.--3wl7. iTiiMllii IN REACH OF ALL. ! \\JK WILL SELL HIGH GRADE DCi VV nnstic Sewing Machines at cio:? i figures, giving two yt as to pay for them. One-third cash: balance in one and tvo ; >ears. Twe reliable men wanted to s?ll i them, one to work on south side ol Saluda } and one on north side of Saluda river. Apply to. .1 1 j SI11J LL, 1710 Main Street, i Ccl-o.iaT:ia, - . S, O. 1 October 11 ? tf.