The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 14, 1900, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt Julj 19.1894. G. M. HARMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON. S. C.. WETNESDAY. FFBEUAl Y 14 ISOO Fertilizars Either. All The Crude Materials Have Materially Advanced. President Morgan, of The VirginiaCarolina Chemical Company Says The Selling Price is Lower Than Cost cf Materials Warrant. ltaieigli News and Observer. Richmond, Va , Feb. 1, 1910. To th6 Editor: My attention has been called to a communication in the News and Observer, published under date of "Wednesday, January 31st, 1900, in reference to the advance in the price of fertil zere, wherein it is stated that the farmers of Pitt county, North Carolina, propoee to organize and fight the advance in the prices of fertilizers, and by insinuation our CjmpaDy is censured as the cause of this advance. I desire to make a plain statement of facts and conditions as now ob' tained in the fertilizer trade, and to show to the dealers and consumers of fertilizers that the advance in the - price of manufactured fertilizers is not only j ast and warranted but is absolutely necessary, and that the manufacturers of fertilizers could not affjrd to sell them at the price ruling last year unless they did so at a very heavy loss. Now to get down to facts and figure?; we will see what has really , caused the price of fertilizsrs to he , advanced this year over last: ( Acid Phosphate being one of the , piincipal ingredients in all complete fertilizers, I desire to show here how { much this article costs to make in j excess of the cost price for the same thing last year. The advance in | pyrites, from which sulphuric acid is , made, is more than $2 00 per ton j over last year. The advance in | Nitrate of Soda, which is a necessary ( ingredient in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, is folly $S.OO per ton \ more than last year. Phosphate Rjck has advanced a minimum of $1.75 psr j ton at the mines, and in some grades of rock the advauce is more than i $3 00 per ton. These three articles < constitute what i3 necessary to made | Acid Phosphate. Put them together in the proper proportion and a ton ( of Acid Pnosphate will cost $2 07 . per ton more than it did last year. Bags are costing us 20c. per ton more than they did last year, so that < the crude material going into a ton of Acid Phosphate is costing approx:- i mately $2 27 more than it did a year ago. E?ery piece of factory supplies i and machinery, coal, and everythir g necessary to operate a factory, js from 25 to 100 per cent, higher than it was a year ago. This will add ? certainly an additional 10c. to the co3t of a ton of feitilizer, making in the most conservative and reasonable estimate possible a ton of 13 per cent Acid Phosphate, bagged and ready for shipment, cost the manufacturer $2.37 more than it did 1 twelve months ago. 1 No* let us look at complete am- < moniated fertilizers: We will take ' what is commonly known as standard grade of complete fertilizer, running, ' say, 21 per cent of ammonia, 8 per < cent of available phosphoric acid, i and 1 per cent of potash. As I have < above demonstrated, acid phosphite costs $2 07 more than last year, i This is equivalent to a little more ] than 10c. per 100 pounds. In mak ] ing the 21, 8 and 1 fertilizers, 1,200 ] pounds of acid phosphate would be i necessary, so at 10c. additional cost ( per 100 pounds, the additional cost for acid phosphate would be $1 20. f If cotton seed meal was used for ' the ammonia, it would take approx'- 1 f ~ The i Cruel Knife! ; It is absolutely useless to expect a 1 surgical operation to cure cancer, or ( any other blood disease. The cruelty ef such treatment is illustrated in the I alarming number of deaths which re- c Suit from it. The disease is in the blood, and hence can not be cut out. * Kino times out of ten the surgeon's f Imile only hastens death. L My son had a most malignant Cancer, foi which the doctors said an operation was the C only hope. The oper- , ation was a severe t one. as it was necessary to cut down to C the jawbone a s d gf e scrape it. Before a m yjfii great while the Can- fjfcv m3 cer returned, and be- flt?f v W\ ' can to erow rapidly. KSf \ &fj We cave him many remedies without re- wL ? JJ li?f. and finally, ^ ? opon the anvioe or a J 1 friend, decided to X * try S. S. S. (Swift's 408^1% f. JS?w , Specific), and * the second bottle he kweivw ? began to improve. After twenty bottles had ^ been taken, the Cancer disappeared entirely, and he was cured. The cure was a permanent c one. for he is now seventeen years old. and has never had a sign of the dreadful disease to return. J. N. Mt'BDOCH. V 279 Snodgrass St., Dallas, Texas. Absolutely the only hope for Cancel ig Swift's Specific, S.S.$.rfL Blood' as it is the only remedy which goes 1 to the vory bottom of the blood and t fr>rrw? out every trnce of the disease. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, r< and contains no potash, mercury, or r< other mineral. k Books on Cancer will be mailed free tc any address by the Swift Specific a Co., Atlanta, Ga. 11 ?????? | EXPOSURE tc I MY DAUGHTER SUF From female irregularities. and had trii could get no relief, and we had dcspairc try G. F. P. ami I believe it saved licr For Sale at Drug Stor L. GERSTLE & CO., Proprs. and FOR SALE BY J. rnately 700 pounds, and cotton seed j meal is now worth 86 00 per toD more than last year, which is equivalent to 30c. per 100 pounds, and 700 pounds would cost $2.10 more than it did list year. Niw add 20c.! for extra cost for the bags and you . have $3.50 per ton more for the ma- f terials thin we paid for these same J materials last year. * If tankage or blood was used for J the source of ammonia instead of J cotton seed meal, the advanced cost' ^ over last year would be $3 20 per ;' ton, as ammonia from tankige or |1 blood is now 60c. p9r* unit higher ' t than last year, so for 2i per cent of j' immonia the extra cost over last; year would be $1 80. : t Salphate of ammonia is the only t )ther source of ammonia commonly ! t ased in the manufacture of fertilizers.'t rwelve months ago this article was ! e jelling at about $13.00 per ton. We j t paid for it this week $62.00 per ton. ! i Now I assert that the price of fer-1 iilizers has not advanced nearly so i t much a9 the price of raw materials j t joing into them. Let us see who is ! 1 r.n hlnma if anv one., for the advance ! 1 w - ' of these crude materials. Take! c Pyrites: We buy from Spain more ? than three-fourths of all we use 1 Nitrate of Soda: We buy entirely j 1 From South America. Potash Salts: 11 We buy entirely from Germany. So j it cannot be said that our company ' t controls or is in any wise responsible I For the advance of these materials, as 11 we have no interest whatever in any I of these properties, either direcily or i indirectly. j t Take phosphate rock. We do | \ mine a small proportion of our wants ! ( of phosphate rock, but we mine none for sale and we buy from other mines j more than two-thirds of what we con- ( sume. So no one will suppose that t we were anxious to put up the price ( of phosphate rock. j { A3 tor cotton seed meai we nave : no interest either directlv or indirect-!, I { ly in any cotton seed oil mill, so we \ are not responsible for the advance j ( in this article. "Blood and tankage j j * are made by the large packers in the! j ? West, and we have no interest and j ( no control over these products in any way. Why, then, should the Virginia-1 ^ Carolina Chemical Company be blamed for the advance in the cost of srude mateiials, and would it ke \ business like for us to want an cd- j. vance in crude material?, of which ' we have to buy almost entirely all of, j our needs and of which we produce j absolutely nothing, except a small quantity of phosphate rock? It is our aim and purpose to manafacture fertilizers a3 cheaply as I ^ possible and to sell them at as low a , ^ price as we can afford, thereby stimu | lating a large consumption of fertil-! zers and their general use for all j ;rops. Let us see how the farmer i3 situ- j t ' C ited: He is getting this year from to 3c. a pound for his cotton j lU . _ ,1 3 t u jitj luiu irtst jctti, auu we uuuci- j stand that for a great deal of the ; cotton seed the cotton seed oil mills; ire how paying 25c. per bushel, j ti ire these advances wrong, and are i >; ;he manufacturers who are having j ? .0 use this product condemning the j Darties who produce them simply be-! aose the demand is such that the Drice has increased so enormously j jver last year. At present prices j he farmer can sell the cotton seed j rom one acre of land and buy as r nuch fertilizers as he usuaily puts >ver two to three acres, even though |a here is a small advance in the price j >f fertilizers, caused by the manu-! r acturers having to pay high prices j^ or the materials entering iut) them.1 ? We propose to be peifectly f.tir 0 md candid in our statements and be g ieve tbat when an unpnjidiced armer looks into the situation he will realize that be is not charged as ouch for fertilizers as the cost of oaterials under present conditions 1 warrant. Yours very respectfully, k S. T. Morgan, nv 'res. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.' j, -* ^ ' ,4 4T had dyspepsia for years, medicine was so ctLctive as Kodol j y )yspepsia Cure. It gave immediate ( elief. Two bottles gave marvelous esults," writes L H Waireu, Al-j any, Wis. Ic digests what you eat n nd caunot fail to cure. J. E. Kauf-! w jann. i vv I I IIII III! I Ill IMIII?Minnr??> WET^COLDg oven disastrous to many women. feet and damp clothing" chill the 5^ 3 system and the delicate female ^P is arc at once effected. Painful, A oppressed or Obstructed Menses, Jk tiling of the Womb, or some other 9 troying disease is almost certain ucli exposure unless proper pre- 2 re taken. When any of these dis- V ar women should begin the use of Fn ( Gerstle's 3* WJ ^ Female a 1 ( Panacea. V r R A DC MASK. A alate the menses, cure all forms of 2 :ase, and give health and strength. i the privacy of the home. No con- Q No humiliating examinations. ^ lrnar.i' and address to the man- w and rcce:ve f-ee "HealthyMothers A y Homes," a valuable book of in- 2 on dise ases peculiar to females. v FERED INTENSELY !*d physicians ami other remedies, hut 8fi d. of her recovery. We were induced to jcT A. J. MACE. Jamestown. Tenn. es, $1.00 Per Bottle. ^P [ Mfrs., Chattanooga, Tenn. A E. KAUFMANX, At the Marriage Altar. fo lhe E litnr of the Disoatch: Merrily rang the marriage bells on :he morning of the 31st of January, LOGO, in the ancestral home of Mr. md Mrs. B;iley. At high noon the gallant bridegroom and lovely bride?Benjamin fvt Ivvzer and Elizabeth Caroline Berley met the officiating clergyman, [t:V. J. G Graichen, at the altar of joly wedlock and were united in narriage according to the forms of ;he beautiful seivice of the Lutheran Uhurch. As the bridegroom and bride en,ered the rcom and stood beneath ne glistening white silk canopy for he marriage service, the attendants ,ook their places amid the sweet and mrapturing strains of the wedding narch rendered by Miss Eloise Kam ner in her own inimitable way. The following ladies and gentlemen igured in the select list of hide's naids and groom's men: Mr. H. J. [IawI and Miss Florence Meetze, Mr. Chomas H. Caughman and Miss Lusia Oswald, Mr. Frank Kaminer ind Miss Gussie Barre, Mr. Hamp [vaminerand Miss Fiorrie Ciughraan, [)r. Sam Harman and Miss Lula Klaminer, Mr. Clay lijberts and Miss Blanche Kyzer, Mr. Milton Kvzer md Miss Ninnie Ciughman, Mr. Facob Huberts and Miss Lula Hainan. At the close of the marriage cerenony congratulations were poured in jpon the happy couple, and a brief nterval was spent in merry making, conversation, repartee and music. The music wa3 one of the chief features in the entertainment of the jccasion, and was discoursed upon he mandolin and guitar by the talented artists, Mr. Samuel J Leaphart ind Miss Eloisc Kaminer. The dinner was superb and beggars description. The happy com oany surrounding the table showed :heir appreciation by the ecstatic nood manifested in laughter and jest is they partook of the rare delicacies before them. EochantiDgly shy violets in leaves of tender green, sweeter than the ids of Juno's eyes, scattered about he plate of each guest attracted general attention as they exhaled their Intoxicating perfume and whispered n their sweet silent lan^uaere of love 0 ?0 - ? ? . tnd happiness to the bright eyes that ooked admiringly upon them. The decorations of the parlor were asteful and beautiful. The walls vere adorned with courtly ivory and ich festoons of cedar falling graceuliy from the ceiling formed a graceul canopy. The bride was gowned in a handiome silk of a delicate castor shade ,nd the bodice was of a pretty com>ination of white applique silk and louche lace. The gifts were numerous and both >eautiful and useful. Amid a shower of good wishes and (enedictions the gue3ts departed eaving lTho two yonug lives together wrought, 'ew year's begun, a new home give 1, 'rais'ormed in iuiud. in heart, in thought, lis a sweet type ol heaven." P. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions ob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica lalve, cures them; also Old Running nd lever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, \-lons, Corn?, Warts, Cats, Bruises,! Jams, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Jhilblains. Bist Pile cure on earth. )rives out Pains and Aches. Only ") cents a box. Care guaranteed, old by J. E Kaufmann, Druggist. Baxter Items. o the Editor of tLe Dispatch: Ouly a few hours ride through the lowing wind of the recent past 'ould cause most any one to exclaim ) the language of the old darky, Never mind de wedder so de wiud on'c blow," but today the weather i dflightfu1, the wind is calm and Id mjtl-e- (ar'h herself seems to be a earihiv paradise of perfect lovli ess. If we could only live in such a orld forever, what a blessing life ould be, but we niUht remember | our liv<s a?e exactly what we make { them If we choose all oui lives will b; sunshine and happiness. It ie datkmss when we make it so. Fanners are making rapid progress in preparing their lands for a new crop, and it is hoped that a bouutifjl harvest will be given them as a reward for their labors. Only a small quantity cf fertilizers will be used in this section this year. Our farmers have learned the Ksson of making their own fertilizers and everv sensible man knows what the outcome will be. A large crowd ei j jyed a pleasaLteveoiDg at IIuIod Sunday school on a recent Sunday. The children are always attentive and seldom are absent. It is very interesting to ete such a large ciowd in the little house every Sunday afternoon where songs ofprai. es are sung and ea n stp;a;era are offered up to tbe Eternal Throne in behalf of the many pupils pres ent. If every community ODly realized tbe need and value of a Sunday r/?liAnl in I Vtt-ir mi/luf Itnvt vorv rvuwt iu i u^a utiucv^ uu *? i vi t uiuwi eDt would be the impressions made upon the mind of every child? Of course no one is going to say that every child who attends a Sunday school is going to grow up a Christian maD or woman, but there is one thing that cannot be denied, every child that attends a Sunday school regular receives some divine truths that will mak-^ his or heart j i}ful in after years. Though they may never become a Christian, yet they will carry within them the pleasant memory of the days when they were young and went to Sunday school. Mr. John Lc-verof Arthurs (better known as Sleepy Oid Bjb) was up to see his best girl a shoit while ago. Mr. Lever is very happy, or seems to be, while in our section. You know why. Well, Johu is a good fellow, and we hope he will give us some cake. With best wish to all cmcerned in living at all, I am your humble Scribe. S" t.vte of Ohio, City of Toledo. 1 Lucas County ( ss Frank J. Cueaey makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Caeuey & Co, doiDg business in the C.ty of Toledo, Cjunty and S ate a'oresaid and that said firm will p iy ti e sura of Oue Hud dred Dollars for eacb and every cafe of Citarib that cannot be cored by the use of H dl's C ?t?rrb C ?re. FRANK J. CHENEY. S vorn to before me and subscribed in my preseoco, this 6.h day of December, A D. 1886. f op.T ) A. W. Glea'son, | ^ j Notary Public. Hill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and ac's directly on the blood and mocons surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials, free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Programme.* The following is the programme of th9 L?xington County Teachers' Association to be held iD the Institute buildiDg at L<-xiDgton, on Saturday, February 21 b, 1003: 1. ''The Best Method of Teaching Interest."?Col. J. Brooks Wingard. 2. ''System in Schools."?Miss Mary C. Wingard. 3. "Teacher^ Salaries."?Prof. P. E. Shealy. I. "The Vertic il System in Waiting."?Prof. S#S. Lindler. A Card of Thanks. We sincerely desire to express our grateful thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kind services and loving favors rendered Henry L Price and family duriDg his late illness and death. Miy the Lord enable them to continue their kindnesses to mankind. Very respect- ( fully. The Family. ? ' If the Baby is Cutting Teeth < Be sure and use that old and well j unmA/ln AI rf \\7i n cl a TP o To i UliCU. ICUJCUJ, 1SJLL o? n iuoiu>v O uuuiu ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, < allays all pain, cures wind colic and = is the best remedy for diarrhoea Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. i Dot's Praysr for Poaso. j t Ou one evening little four-year old j Dorothy had failed to lemember her ' father in her prayer because he had J scolded her. "Y ju must pray for ) papa, too Dot,'' said her mother. \ t "ButI don't want to" replied the J little one. "But you must, Dot," [ &aid her mother. Dropping upon i [ her knees again, Dot added: "And j ! for pity's sake, bless papa, too. and < let us have peice in the family." - "I think I would go crazy with paio were it not fur Chamberlain's Pain Balm," wiites Mr. W. H Staple- i toD, Herminie, Pa. "I have b*en i ftlicttd with rheumatism for several years and have tiied remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the , best medicine I have got hold of.'' i s Onu Q-nrUipntinn ^ ^ "r I' * - - I : ;i Fur bale by by J. E Kiufinau'j. c s "Don't keep tt-lfiu* pu' fo'ks how j 6orry you is \ou can't help Vie," | said Uncle Eo-u. "Dey has too g mutu trouble uf deir own to btop an' sympathize wid you.'' "Would Nurse Him Herself. They found her hurriedly packing a valise. "Where are you going?" they 8bkeil. '*To the Transvaal," she replied. 4,But I thought you didn't belit ve in wompn going to warf "I don't; but if you think I am going to let any of those redcross women nurse my Harold back to health if he is wounded you are mistaken. I'm going to be there myself." - There is no better remedy f t the I bab:es than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Irs pleasant taste and prompt and effectual cures make it a favorite with mothers and small children. It quickly cures their cough and colds, preventing pneumonia or other serious consequences. It also cures croup and has been used iu tens of thousands cases without a single failure so far as we have been able to learn. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In cases of whooping cough it liquefies i he tough mucus, making it easier to expectorate and lessens the severity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, thus depriving that disease of all dangerous consequences. For sale by J. E Kaufmann. Teacher?"Now if your father had a large 'audience' or gathering, what would he call it?'' The Minister's Youngest?"I 'apeak he'd call it a boil, ma'am." A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute cure for sick headache, dysnoncii cruir ctr*mQpli malaria. constipation, jaundice, biliousness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly=Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt;* Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident thatbrought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutt's Liver Pills GOOD DIGESTION Besots a goort appetite. A good appetite with souod (li^ostion mnkcs eating- a pleasure and food si benefit II it ion's Lite for tlie Liver and Kidneys arouses si vigorous appetite, and enables one to eat and digest any kind of'ibod with comfort. The Murray Drug Co. I'orsale at the Ba/aar. THE 3 SPIRITTINE REMEDIES. Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical Profession. No Quack or Patent Medicine, but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. Admitted into the World Columbian Exposition in 1893. Use Spirittine Balsam for Rheumatism, Colds. Lameness, Sprains, Sore Throat Use Spirittine Inh?.lent for Consumption, Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma and La lirippe. Spirittine Ointment is indispensable in thj treatment of Skin Diseases, Cure Itch, Itching Piles. In consequence of the astonishing success in removing diseases, its demand now :ome* not alone from this vicinity but :rom everywhere in the United States and Eurcpe. Wholesale and Retail by G. M. HARMAN. ro rs with B. 3^ i/ e>|iri?s O. O. D. subject 1+ < ***' I : > cxauiinutl<>0. This violin ' * s ft bruulne blradharlus flodi'l, made of old wood. Curly !::i|>!e buck and sides, top of seasoned pine, specially elected for violins, edjra Inlaid V.lth purfilnic, brat quality bony flubbed trlnnninss. THIS ISA REGULAR $8.00 flOLIN, autifnlly finished. luyhly polished.with splen!iil tcni* quality. Complete witliaireoaiac Brail I hckkI Tourtr uodel buw, ] titrt art of slrloai, ^nrat, well made siulln asr, larirrplrre of rtisln, tod one offilir best common arise Bstrnrtlna bnuks published. YOl' CAN KXAJIIXK 11' at your vpress office, and it found exactly as representee! and J he terrains! bargain you ever saw or heard of, pay the ex- . >ress ajiont ?3.75 less the50cent deposit, or i(3.25 and x press rliaricrs, and theoutflt is sours. I SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. uli re will (;! ('one Irttered 1 np'rbeard chart, which can be id justed to any violin wituout eliatijiintr the instrur.ent and v. til prove a valuable trtndeto betriiitiers.and ve v ill also allow t be i s tru merit t" be returned af tern I :vs* inttf I' *iot f ifd entirely sari-tact, my tii? .ery espuej. Sali.tarf inn a-uiiKiit-r'l ur iie-aey refunded in ful!. Vddress. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. Onc.iChicago. j StAIlS, HOKIirCk .*. I'd. are thoroughly reliable. ..Editor.) ; Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ; Digests what you cat. 1 II arti ficiallv dipests the food and aids , s'ature in strengthening and recon- e tructing the exhausted digestive or- 1 :ans. It is the latest discovered digest- c .nt and tonic. No other preparation i an approach it in efficiency. It iutantly relieves and permanently cures ^ )yspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, lick Fleadache.Gastralgia.Cramps.and ^ ,11 other results of imperfectdigestion = Prepared by E. C DeWItt ftCo., Cfc.'cago. J. E KAUFMANN. t NO crop can /)<-/=& grow with= J out Potash. /ftER Every blade of ' Grass, every grain of Corn, all bruits B,||'JWM and Vegetables p|? must have it. If ^ enough is supplied you can count on a full crop? if too little, the growth will be " scrubby." Send for our boolc.s telling all about composition of fertilizers best adapted for all crops. They cost you nothing. GERMAN KALI WORKS,92 Nassau St.. New York. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville anl Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Poinva. Schedule in Effect January 17th. 1000. WRTnnnrvn 'Nb.34iNo.3i No.32 nORTHBOCND. |Daily Daily ex Su Lv. Jacksonvilie, (Plant Sysi 8 Uja 7 -lop 1? lOp ' Savannah.(80. Ry )..... 12 !5p 12 05aj 4 lop " Barnwell I 402p 4(X?ai 7 54p " Blackville ! 4 17p 4 15u 8 lOp " Springfield.. ! 4 4dp> 4ifcia|.. " Sally j 448pj 4 47ai... . " Perry? 4 55a| : Aj\ Colombia. ' S.yV'i 6 00a 035p Lv. Charleston,!So. Ry.).....i 7 uop; 52Up " Snminerville . | 7 4la 12JUntj 5 58p " Branchville 8 55a 1 55a: 7 25p " Orangobnrg ! 9 22a 250a 7 53p " Kingville j 10 15a 4 30a 8 45p A r. Columbia 1J OOn HpOa 930p Lv. Autrusta.iSo. Ry. ) I 3twp| w;l>pi " Granitcville I 3 31p 1015p: " Aiken. j 320pl ! " Trenton i 4 00pjll0up " Johnston ? 4 14p! 11 20pT Ar. Columbia,(Union Depot); 5 50pf 2 10a Lr. Columbia,1 Blanding St .., 610pj 6 15a 940p " Winnsboro I 703p 7 2on 10 Alp " tjnester . .1 1 oip; o ion u i?f " Bock Hill 823p' 8 47n 1138p Ar. Charlotte ! 9lOP: 9 40a 12 21a Ar. Danville '12:>la; 1 2 V'n Ar. Kichmjnd .ItTiuoa: 625p' Ar. Washington j 7 36ai 8oup;iu 15a " Baltimore,(Pa. B. R.)... 9 12a: 1125p 11 25a " Philadelphia.. 1135a] 25flhj 1 39p " NcwYo& .. ' 203pl6rtn 4 ltt? Cv. Co.umbia jil -ion; 7 oSa! I Ar. Spartanburg iJlOpiil 25a;.v? " Ashcvillc I 7OOP 2 37pi Ar. Knoxvilie ' 4 15a 7 20t>| Ar. Cincinna i j Tjjjpj 7 4oa Ar. Lobisville. i 7 :op. 7_5oaL SOUTH Boirs-n No.8b|No.3.VXo.31 southbol nd. Daily j Daily jex Su F^v. Louisville T~45aj ' 4oy| Lv. Cincinnati ~{ 880ai m)/pi Lv. Knoxvilie I 1 2oti 1 8 25a j " Ashevitle I 8tt"/rj 3G5r| " Spartanburg 1145a; 815pj Ar. Columbia 1 3 2Jp' 9 45p' Lv. Now York (Pa. k. K.) ...f 3:.WpT2l3nt 1240n " Philadelphia 6 (Jj3p 35Ca 314p " Baltimore 827pi 6 22a 5 22p FiV. Washington.! So. Ry.K. 950p II 15a 635p Lv. Richmond iloup I^ulrrj: Lv. Danville ..... | 4 3ea, 5 48p;12 53a Lv. Charlotte Tlba! 10(Xtp 4 -Va ' R<x-k Hill j 9 62a 10 4op 5 00a " Chester !93S?1123p 5 27a " Winnsboro {10 21a 12 15a 6 oCa Ar. Columbia, (Blanding St->-11 25a 1 20aj 7 00a Lv. Columbia, 1.Union Depot); 11 50a! 4 30a " Johnston 133p; 6 32a) " Trenton 145p'6 48a! Ar. Aiken 220p 7 TiOa 1 " Graniteville 215pi 7 lial ? " Auruata 250p; 8 0rtt| Lv. Columbia,(So. Ky) 4 00p< 1 o-xi 7 10a " Kingville 4 4Jpi 2 32ai 7 55a M Orangeburg 533p 3 45?' 8 41a " Branchville 615p; 4 25aj 92oa " Summerville 728p 5 52a i 1.130a Ar. Charleston 815pj 7 00a 11J ILa Lv. Columbia,(So. By.) 11 30a] 1 25a 7 05a Ar. Perry " Sally 112 42pi 2 37a " Springfield .. 50p! 2 45a " Blackville 112p! 3 05a 8 32a " Barnwqll 1 27pj 3 2>.i 8 4Pa " SavannOn :>2)p 51*>a 10 35a Ar. Jacksonville.! Plant Svs) 7 4pp; 9 25ai 235p Sleeping; Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New Itork. Nos. 31 and 32?Now York and Florida Limited. Daily except Sunday, compose! exclusively of Pullman finest Drawing Room Sleeping, Compartment and Observatory Cars, between New York, Columbia and St. Augustine, Nou. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Ptillinan drawing-room sleeping cars between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah. Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Kicftmona. Liming cars Detweea unanone and Savannah. .. _ , Nos. 35 and 38?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffer sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute dailv between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, J- M. CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr.. Washington, D. 0. Washington. D. C W. A. TURK, S. H. H ARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag't.. As't Gen. Pass. Ag't. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Erect ^ Jane 11th. It0:?. STATIONS. | j No^Yl. Lv. Charleston | 7 00 a m u Summerville ? a ra ; M Branchville 855 am ( " Orangeburg 923 a m , " Kingville 10 15 a m ; Lv. Columbia.... ' ! U 'f5. a.m < M Prosperity j J2 10 nn < " Newberry i l '_ Lo p m ; 44 Ninety-Six 1 20 p m ' M Greenwood J 7 <0 a ml 1 55 p m \ Ar. Hedges . 1 8 00 a ra' 2 15 p m , At. Abbeville ; _8^40 a mi" 2 45 p m ' At. Bel ton i _8 55 a mj 3 10 p m * Ar. Anderson j 9 30 a m! _3 35 p m t Ar, Greenville 10 10 a ra! 4 15 p m J Ar. Atlanta I 3 55 ? m! 9 00 p m t stations. | fc { Lv. Greenville 5 30 p nil 10 15 a m ; " Piedmont 6 00 p m' 10 40 a m j " Willlamston 8 22 p m li).? a m ^ Lv. Anderson ; 4 45 p in; 10 45 a ru Lv. Beiton 6 45 p nil 11 15 a in Ar. Donnalds 7 15 p m 11 4U am / Lv. Abbeville 6 10 ? m| 11JM a m ? Lt. Hodges 7 35 p mi il 55 a ra * Ar. Green wood 8 (W p mj 12 20 p m g * Ninety-Six 12 55 p m M Newberry j 2 00 p m " Prosperity j i 2 14 p m C " Colnmbia 1 | 3 30 p ni K EvTKingviile i. 1 4 58 p m t " Orangeburg | I 5 2J p m t " Branchville j C 17 p m " Summerville I 7 52 p m Ar. Charleston I I 8 17 p m ^ Sff'flsotiiSi sTlriosa. 530p 7 iwa Lv?Charleston... Ar. elTplluua 6C->p 7 41a " .. Summerville .. " j 732p'!018a 750p 8 55a| " . ...Branehville " tf02pj 8 52a 8 2jp 9 22a " ....Orangeburg... " 5 29p| 8 22a 9-Up 10 loa, " Kingvitle. ... " ! 4-JSpj 7 20a _ 8 9Ja 11 4oa " .... G>Ii m'iu " 3 20p; 930p 1 9 07a 12 20p " Alston Lv 2 3op| 8 5"a 10 04a 1 23p " ..._ .rantuc " 1 23p' 7 46p 10 Ate 2U0p " Union " 1 0T>p| 7 30p 10 89a 2 22p{ ' Jpnesvillo .... " !l2 25p 6 53p . 10 54a 2 37p, " Pacolet " 12 14p r>4ip I 1125a 3 lop:Ar.. Spartanburg. Lv 11 45a1 6 15p ? 1140a S40p'Lv.. Spartanburg. Ar 11 Naj 6 OOp 2 40p TOOp'Ar. Ashcville Lv. 8 20a| 2 05p "P," p. m. "A," a. r.t Pullman palace sleeping cars on Trains 35an<l )6, 87 and 38, on A. and C. division. Dining cars >n these trans serve all meals enrouic. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C. division, lorthbound, 6:43 a. m., 3:37 p.m.. 6:13 p.m., A Vestibule Limited); southbound 12:26a. m., 1:15 p. m., II :34 a. m., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave Greenville, A. and C. division, lorthbound,5:50 a. in., 2:34 p. m. and 5:22 p. in., Vestibule<l Limited"[southbound, 1:25 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 12:30 u. in. (Vestibuled Limited). Trains 9 aua 10 carry elega:it Pullman ileeping cars between Columbia and Asheville nroute daily between Jacksonville andCincin ii* 11. Trains 13 and 14 carry suncrb Pullman parlor ?ir_- between Ohsr'es'.ozi and A?h?*vil!f?. rRANK 8. GANNON. J. il. ( CLP, Third V-P. A: Gen. iigr., Tiattic Mgr., ^aahington, D. 0. Washington. D. C. V. A. TL'RK. 8. H. HARDWIOK, < Gen. Pass. Ag't. A;.'t Gen. Pass. Ag't. $ Washington, D. C. Atlauia, Ga. Fine coco inuts cau be found at nj be Baziar, ebeap. |B send us que Collar _ CullbUad. oul aa<l vend to u* with tl.i'V, in< t uii'veud y.ia tliii NEW V fill IJIPKOTED ACSel Ol'tK.N PA l> U) It OUUAN. bylnick.C. o. II.. auLjret to J ' -' Vx--T Qfr examination. You can examine it at y ur nearest freight depot, and if you And it exactly aa rcpntentci), equal to organs that f J.-*Ja^-A'?.?kJSe&' retail at #?5.00 to #100.00, tlicgroatc.-.t value youeveraaw aitj V T K* *' * far better than organs advertised by others at r.iorem mcy, pay I I -c.T3^?* feffir3jfcP Bt the freight agent our *i>eclol tM? dnjV offer price, S3I.75, t V^Ad??jS less the SI.HO, or ?80.T3, and lrei|:htch^nfOn. ft < '1'-it M|gaBaBMI S3I.75 IS CUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE 1 e?l by other*. Such on offer wu? never raadc before. r^'.~A fLv^/jBejUBJ THE ACME QUEEN 1* one of the mo.tlfUKAKLKAMistVEETEST HjTyfEg- ;. ??> V y /WWWlMl ? TON to in,traocnt, nrr made. From the illustration shown. which Pftiflff. ^v" I is eujrravcd direct from a photograph,you Cah fori., some idea of its *&ZSj3ife{iUsSgA ?~jM&UI^?Qr beautiful appearance. Made from solid Quarter ?une<l ... -* K?a!^bSRl oak, antique tlni^b, handsomely decorated airtd ornamented, X .cfiS3rct5KiL^^M latent 1890 style. THE ACXKQl'LKN is6fettf>inches high, T| ~"riT^JJPp 12 inches, 23 Inches wide and weighs 350 pound*. Coo- ryT^B tains5 octaves, 11 ship*, as follows: Diapason, i'rluflpil, H Dulelsua, Jleloula, Celeste. Cremona, Baa* Coupler, Tretlo Vvy^39t>y-V:: " X-:yfea.'SB' gmffr 9 Coopler, Diapason Forte and Vox Humana; 2 Octave ( ouplcm, *"si.W?2W3fl J-Saa JBiBtHK a 1 Tone Swell, 1 Grand Organ S?ell, 4 Seta Orehoatral Toned .; *?wfco- 'ffifiiln jlsff R Ketonatory Pipe Quality Reed*, 1 Set of 17 Pure Sweet Iteloiia il?!XrX;rZ-~ne;^-?- " ? --4: "2?" ffjjHejK tj j Reed*, 1 Set o,'87 Charmingly BrilliantCch-vlo Reed*, 1 Set of 1 EuroJ* ^ 1 Rleh Mellow Smooth liispavou Bred*, 1 Set of it Pleasing e vAn 7***nJ37 h?jwi5 tTHd^l toft Relodlou* Principal Roed*.^ TUE ACME Ql'EEN so- yGXj| ytfVjr used in the highest grade instrument*; tltted with Horn- tfiS&g flffM mond Coupler* and Vox Humana. al*o best Llolge felts, lySuTI|ftffi*1',& )*$Q|8 16Wj leathers, etc., bellow* of the best rubber cloth, 3-pi^ ^ i cmr onrsn .uxii ic.l the ije,ior;aaInstruction Look published. isene a written binding 25-year guarantee, by the term* and conditions of which if any part givev ou* HCfv'-^1 K^5jKwgK!?iiMM we repair it free ofebarge. Try it one month and T*^ malBH^a we v/ui reiuna your money n yon are nut |>cr?ev"-;y n. .a, ~y^_ .,p--^.... ?uttti?irir MAti^rted. Seo or these organs w ill t>e enld at Ml. Ji. rl f r.ioi-r<L ">? cr>sigg*i?w???EHWr MBfitt OUDLK AT ONCE. 1M? T I?ELAY. IS I'STWICTS^S^^<^*'^^S^h3B?SHHR OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED 9 * not dealt with us ask your neighbor About us/write ? tho publisher of thin ptperor Metropolitan Nittoml '^r*^ " Bank, or Corn Exchange Nat. Bank, Chicago; or German Exchange Bank, ?w York; or any railroad or express ' company In Chicago. We ha?e a capital of o>rr Stoo.uoo.eo, oeeupt tntirecne of the largest business blocks in Ch'cjgo, and employ nearly 2,000 people In our own building. ?K Mt'I.l.(?Kt;tXS \T?22.o<> ao.l op. PUSOS, Slli-00 and op; also everything In musical instrument* at lowi: t wholesale prices. Write for free spet:iul organ, piano and musical instrument catalogue. Addrettt. <bear*. Uoebcck 3t Co. are thoroaghij reliable.? Baiter.) SEARS1. ROEBUCK &. CO. (inc.). Fulton. Desslaines and Wnman Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL* "EW T0MATT0& ' LIVINGSTON'S MAGNUS. . ri '"jT This wry distinctahd most promisiKff n^w variety r.f lh?? ?*o|or of beaut and a< ME is latest ad ition by Livingston to the To^f f-mi?y. It is thicker. heavier and mere ^^^GSTON SEED CO,, COLUMBUS, OIIIO. * 4*14 CONFECTIONERIES, \ FRUITS, CAZ2S, CRACZERS, O-SBOCESeXES. Toys, Fancy China, Notions, 1 EETJGrS a ad XvXEEXCXXTES, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS. ALBUMS. ETC Diamond Dyes of all Colors. Barman's Bazaar, LEXINGTON, S. C. IT DEMONS y| tonic Regulator is not only the best Liver and Kidney-medicine fl / IM \t suPP''es ^le cements of Liver Food lackI 1 I II 'n y?ur ^'et* Convenient to use, V C VTlv pleasant to take, thorough in action and the J \A best tonic. Price $ BROWN MF'G. CO., Prop'rs, Grcencvillo, Tenn. MBMMWMMMBBMMMaMII I II?BBBHBHiai?l FPU SALE AT THK BAZAAR. npLUMBIA,_NEWB-RRY AND1, inn itatt cit/w ?S5S?> tut oiuv, No. 52 No. 1 ?lT|?fl?I?RlKr 11 08 a m lv..Columbia, .lv 4 45 pm ^UI: I: JJllXiilIj 11 20 a mar. 5 05 pm U27 a m 5 25 pm T 11 35 a m ar.Ballentine .ar 5 45 pm ALLY I |i T| 11 40 am ar. White Rock, ar 5 56 pm Xl-X X XJXV7 X X-iXy 11 43 a ra ar .. Hilton., -ar 6 04 pm IN ANY WAY, 11 48 a m ar. ..Ckapm. 6 20 pm 7 12 03 a m arL. Mountain ar 6 45 pm AND NEED 12 07 a m ar.. .Slighs.. ar 6 52 pm . -j- ? . , ^ 12 17 p m 7 20 pm 12 30 p m ar. Newberry. ar 7 45 pm 12 43 p m ar. ..Jalapa... |f so, you will find in the Drug 12 48 p m ar... Gary? and Medicine Department at 12 53 p m ar.. Kinard... the Bazaar, Standard Medil 00 p m ar. Goldville.. cines for all Complaints. 113 p m ar..Clinton... Diseases, Etc., which will 125 p m ar. . Parks... give relief and cure you. i35pmar..Laarene.. _ AT THE BAZAAR. . RETURNING SCHEDULE. _ = ===== 1ft.SEND 50CENTS ?^25 CQ "Wr. 02 y?u our celebrated La BEKTA 611IAR by ?? Bf* eapre?s, ('. O. V., lubjee*. toexaalnallon. Itis* 1 3.5 n m lv Laurens .lv 5 50 am bf Genuine LaBertaAniericaaraadelnstminentof uup 111 n..uauitRB..iy o uv blu ^ jtrcat bc?utv, perfect ro-:.cwood flnteh, very 1 41 p m lv. . .Parks. . .lv 6 00 am hlshly polished. Handsomelyinl&idarpund a 3 sound boieand Inlaid (tripe Is back, celluloid 1 o3 D m lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 6 3o am 3 bonad top edite. Kinzerboord accurately fret* _ , ... , _ __ 3 ted with raised frets, IrlaW pearl potIIIon data, 2 03 D m lv . ..ClOldville. . lv O 53 am A. American madepatent head, and <ne?t nickel plated " ," " , Zr. , , _ /f ^S^tall, leer. A REtULAR??.OOUUTAB, powerful 2 10 p m lv.. .h-inard... lv 7 Oo am /j&M j3xnd sweottonr-d. furnished complete with . ? , _ _ _ fa 3 vJRa.n extra M-t of b*-,( quality airel atrinpa and a 2 15 P m lv. . ..uary .. .lv 7 13 am Wjffl Hffntuai.le h.struei ion book which teaches any-? nn , t i , ft no /? i&Xa one how to play. 2 20 P m lv. ..Jalapa. . .lv 7 20 am EXAMINE THE GUTAR nt yonr eipreta t o i i xt i i - o m Jwf Rt'*Ek ??re and if found exactly as represented 2 34 P m lV . Newberry .lv O 10 am Wftegjna . jaAand the freatot bargain you eter taw or ? J ^ ? ?F| a . A J rv nEfiSiidaXw ' iHkblirH of tifl X* t lin hvneOco artbtiE i 4y p m ? 4U am re\~s'it*, \ r(i _ .v, l_ 1 tt O OA orw the complete outlit i<* yours. Satiafao & OJ p m IV. . . ollglis. . .IV J UU aDD- tionuua.ia.uteed or money refunded in full. 5 05 p m lv.L. Mountain lv 9 10 am SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. S'.ja,*"'" 1 16 p m lv. ..Cbapin.. .lv 9 30 am 1 99 n m lv TTilfnn lv Q 4.0 nm sharps and Rats in full view, and can be easily ad) LL p m IV. . . lUllOU. . .iV V tt" am justed to any cuitar without chan~inpr the instru* r> m lv Whitp "Raolr lv 9 ifi cm m^nt. With the use of the lettered linserbo&rd any> P m IV. \\ mie XVOCit.1V J *t) bin onc oan Icirn to play without the aid of a teacher. 1 91 n m lv "Rallontine lv Q Kfi orn Write for free mu.-ical instrumentand piano and orjraa ) 01 p HI IV . JDaiieuilIie . IV J to aiu eataio;nje. EverrtljlMf at lowest wbolewle price#. Address, 1 40 p m lv...Irmo lv 10 15 am SEARS* ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO , . ? r . * v , , irv.f" (SEARS, ROEBCtK * CO. are thoroughly reliable. "Editor.) 146pm lv..Leaphart. .lv 10 2o am [ 05 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 10 45 am LEXINGTON Trains 52 aDd 53run solid between 5ti.S5ICi.? Jharleston and Greenville. TraiD pgg BOYS AND GiRLS. >2 makes close connection at Laur- prtEPA_R?S FOE TEACHING >ns for Augusta and Spaitanburg. COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. No. 53 makes close connection at ?. . e . . T . ... . ? . , . , . i xt it High bchool, Intermediate and Primary >umter for tbe North. ? Courses Nos. 1 and 2 makes cloee eonnec- E KsS German French_ Greek and Utin ion with S. A. L to and from Atlanta. Taught. For further infoimation call on ci Very Healthiest Location. Board ddre?ss ver> cheap- $4 to $7 per month Tuition _ .. l A - ^ > e*\ it Bttt t) t T A DTT K dt c*cwwuui> ?>t u> ji.rii; per luuuili. ' Ai ? iA L Expenses per year S5f) to $73. Had 125 City Ticket Agent, students Inst session. J. F. LIVINGSTON, N;xt session b'.gius Monday, September Travelling Passenger Agent. *or J,:irticalars' >ank of Columbia, Columbia, S. C r6aa 0 D PrinciDal W. G. CHILDS, President. ' ' Lexington,S.C. September 14?tf. 52.75 BOX RAIN COAT , ^ ARCCl'UK S5.0O WATER- *0 lo i PARKER'S JHL proof mackintosh t<r ID HAIR BALSAM *Wjl SEND NO MONEY. ^ j EglgigrWci?e5.15 the hair. iUtejourhelitht yd-right, Mate auaiber of ; 3| isnever Vttf1 3 'to'' Host ore^Qray /ftoeke# .round -.Wat breyt, taken o?er | Hair to l's Youthful Color. KS&y& - uudrno.t, r!o*e up uadrr ?na?. ana KSWll JHSC?( i-i.p i h*:f tailing. gEeVjn v<\ we will send you thifC<?at l?y express $>c.?nd #1 jai Druggist. C. 0. D., .object to H. Ex 4*1 '' ?? WBbumlne and try it on at your ncarent | ?? represented anil thf met wonderful ! HOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR |2frai*7^?is5j /ra'ar 70U e?er or heard of. and j the grandest and fastest-selling oook ever published, equal to any cout joii can buy W "V a 4 . w?^ w ! Pulpit Echoes ?^S3T style! easy^Htfn^nVtul" fVotn^h^ ?R M VINO TKI'TIls FOR HEAD AND HEART. nQu'waterproof, San color, ffnulnf UtiU Onfii Thr!r'I!'Mr,r Sermons, with 600 ttiom: urn jcntttn. uo'iiif nrcsi ien, , ??? u?w Sairev velvet e<>liar,fancy plalti lining, #A?. I\ f 1/A/^r/n u at^rpr-Mif ^-voUfaina Suitable for | i)f/ JL/. X/. ItjLOOCl fl 1.. til Rain or Ou t roil, anil Ruarinfrcd ! GKKATKM VALI r e?rr oCcrrd fcj any Ttimself. With a complete history of hie life by Kc V. CM AS. F. other heunr. For Free Cloth of C(F>S. Pastor of Mr Moody s C'hicaco Church for five yearn, y.rn'i 31:i(klnto?hr* op to and and aa Introduction by He v. l.VMA.N ABBOTT. I>. I>. > Jlade-to-mea-ur. Suiis an* <Vrrr?rt? ?i Brand new, 6<?U pp.. bftutifuily iJJiMrarrtl Cj*J,0<M> more from *S.OO to SlO.oo. v.riir .Ur t-' .. AttDXTS WANTED?Men and Women. CJ*S?Ie? 8A51P1.F fl?X)K X?>. ?rv. Addrf-x immense -a harveat ti"ie for .V.'caU. Send for terms ty EARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Ct.ivACO. ; A* D- " OBITUAUIUX A CO., Uc.rtlord, Con*. (Seara, llofbuel. A to. are thoroughly reliable tdlmr., I Renumber that you can always hud ! B iuj i, Violin and Guitar strings, ice candies, cukes aud fiuits, at the j Harmonicas of all grades, at the aziar. ' Bazaar. - - - - --