IvoSJSv^ ^ , i 3uffertng from female troubles should % i1 try the '"Old. Time" Bemedy, S I if oe mmm f ^SCOUlsAIOR ' \ It has no equal. It strengthens the c i delicate female organs and builds a worn - r ( an up. All suffering and Irregularities at c : i "monthly" periods can be avoided by its c i use. It is for young girls maturing, fore i mothers, and for women at Change of Life, c i Should be used before child-birth. r i Sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid ( i on receipt of price $1.00. c > Ladies Blue nook sent FREE to any onec ? on application. Address, "WOMAN'S DE-1 i PARTMtNT", New Spencer Medicine Co., Chat- ( iaoAM* Tmi. f Sold bv Julian ?. Eaufmaun. The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, It 00. Index to Hew Advertisements. Clothing, etc.?Leaphait & Drafts Proclamations?By The Governor. Citation? Geo S. Drafts. Notice?Mrs. K C Bowers. Shoes?Lever, The Shoe Man. W&Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and all, DIVIITE SERVICES. * l9toixtxez.t fjb iiexixcitoa ukutu jjk 1900. let Sunday, Bed Bvnk 3} pmShiloh 11 am. fid Sunday, Horebll am. Lexington 3?pm 3d 8auday, Shiloh 3Apm Red Banklla-n. 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 31pm J. N. Wright, Pastor.' xsbbox akd bbockland m. e church south. Brookland - 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m Brook land?find and 4th S mdays at 4 p. m Brookland-Every Sanday Evening at b p m Babron?2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a.~"in. Hebron?1st and 9rd Sundays at 4 p. m. Buist's Garden Seeds. A fall assortment of new and true to name garden seeds, just received. Sure to grow. Julian E Kaufmann. Masonic. JL A regular communication of Po/V^maria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M will convene in Masonic Hall, Peak, 8. C., Saturday evening, January 13, 1900, at o'clock sharp. Take notice aDd govern yourselves accordingly Brethren. The sublime degree will be conferred. John C. Swygert, Master. Eastern Star. . There will be a meeting of the Eastern Star on Wednesday, 27cb December, 1899, held in Masonic ball, Peak, S C . at 12 o'clock m. Jno. C. Swygert, Instructor. Camp Kaigler. The members of Camp Kaigler, U. C. V., are requested to meet at .. Swansea, on the second Saturday in January. A fall attendance is desired. By order of J. C. I Wannamaker, Commandant. U. W. Jefcoat, Adjutant. A Woman's Letter. Coolidge, Ky, Aug 1st, 1898. I have been suffering from Female troubles and was unable to get relief, J was persuaded to try Benedicts, rrmnthn trpulmpnh I eao eay I am fully restored. I recommend your remedy to suffering women. Mrs. H. R. Gilreath. Sold by Julian E Kauffman. MASONIC. A A REGULAR COMMUNICATION m^^of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, /\^\A. F. M., will be. held on Satnrday, January 13, 1900, at 7 oclock p. m. Members will please be prompt in attendance, as this is a meeting for the payment of dues. By order of the W. M. G. M. Habyo, Secretary. For Sals. A good four room dwelling and twelve acres of land in subuibs of Lexington. Good water. Terms ;easy. Apply to Miss Hattie E Seay, Lexington, S. C. 3wl0 i Farm Hands Wanted. 50, good, steady and industrious colored men, single or married with families, steady work the whole year, with cash payment and settlements monthly. Apply, Hollow Creek Farm, Aiken County, Toale9 P. 0 , i S. C. 3J3os1(> Mules! Moles ! Moles! We sold over two car loads last ! week and have 80 head on hand, in- | eluding a fresh car load just received, j which must be sold tbis week to i make room. Don't wait, they may j ?o bieher. W Gregory Rhea Mole Cx, Columbia, S. C. ? The Grippa. This can be avoided by takiDg j teaspoonful doses of Pain-Killer in j hot water sweetened, as well as by j external applications, full directions ; are on each bottle. A bottle of the i Pain-Killer kept in the house will \ prove valuable not only for the Grippe, but for ordinary coughs and I colds. Avoid substitutes, there is : but one Pain Killer, Perry D^vis'. j Price 25c. and 50c. Fine Northern apples?the finest i eating apple on the market, and j North Carolina apples for pies, just in at the B^zarr. PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered TRrc and There by a Dispatch Man. Ruins are milestones on the road i of time. The farmers are preparing to raise four cent cotton. Fine cocoanuts can be found at the Bazaar, cheap. Ti ue education enlarges in thought, feeling and purposes. The Editor and deputy assessor are in the Folk this week. Don't be fooled. The backbone of winter has not yet been broken. All left over goods will be sold cheap at the Bazaar, to close out. A judicioi s i'ence is always belter than truth spoken without charity. A number of town people attended divine services at Peters last Sunday. Remember that you can always find nice candies, cakes and fruits, at the Bazaar. Farmers are determined to double their energies wherever possible this year. It is now time to prepare your gardens to have early spring vegetables. The pleasant weather has been superceded by a cold, damp and disagreeable rain. Next week the Editor, or a representative, and the assessor, will be in the sand hills. Pblttfort C U BA N OIL cures E I4I1||>I vCuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheumatism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. Sohl by Julian E. Kaufmann. E T. Rauch applies for letters of administration on the estate of Wesley Younginer. Gjv. ItcSweeney in his annual message stands flatfooted on the dispensary plank. The cold last week was very trying on the oat crop and in many places it was greatly damaged. F.fty bushels of home raised Texas seed oats for sale. Apply to J. L Sease, Piiceville, S. C. Painter W. S. Perry is primiDg the spires of the new Lutheran church preparatory to painting them. GRIPPE Grippe and influenza invariably leave the system with a bad cough. For such Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup is highly recommended. This wonderful remedy gives relief at once, conquers the worst cough overnight and soon effects a thorough cure. Dr.Bull's COUCH SYRUP Cures Grippe and Influenza. Doses are small aud pleasant to take. Doctors recommead it. Trice 25 cts. At all druggists. A number of linemeu are in to\ n putting up the poles and wire for the new telephone line from this place to Columbia. We are pained to learn of the W it /-V TT critical illness 01 ALr. d u. ixammer. but bope be will soon be restored to health. Tfl CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. _ Q M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ^ ^3 In time. Sold by druggists. ct__ Mr. Jobn Calvin Yon died at bis home in the Foik, on Sunday, December 31st, 1809", at the age of 7G years. Miss Lucy Stuart has gone to Columbia, to resuine her place in the dressmaking department of J. L. Mimnaugh. - There is offered for sale in this issue some valuable personal property belonging to the estate of the late "W. P. Bowers. Trade at Piiceville, Summit and Lc-wiedale is fail ly good. Many cross ties are being exchanged for goods at the two latter places. See the proclamations by the Gov ernor. Catch the thieves and apprehend the firebugs and pocket the two hundred dollars reward. Tt.mpmW (hat rnii n.in find fine apples, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, raisins, figs, nuts, the very best stick and fancy candies, etc , at the Bazaar. Mr. Samuel Long and his sister, Miss Ida, of this place, have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in the Fork and Fairfield county. TEA cures Dyspepg Swile^S Bia, Constipation and Indigestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Sold bv Julian E. Kaufmann Persons who have not yet paid their taxes should remember that they can do so without the penalty. This matter should be attended to at cnce. A mad dog, w hich had been roaming around ia this vicinity, wa* killed by Mr. P. Henry Cot ley, Monday night, after having bitten several other dogs. Thorc. nrp in the State one bun dred and tbirfy-tivelucaldispensaries and heavens only knows how maDy blind timers and tigers with their O O eyes open. Fresh and reliable garden seed just received at the Bazaar. TVil a woman that she looks fresh and she wiil smile all over. Tell a man the same thing and if be doesn't kick you it is either because he has corns or dares not I HI .... II M III III III II' X A QUICK CURD I f FOR COUGHS f I and COLDS I , iPynyPectoral I The Canadian Remedy for all } f Throat and Lung Affections, j i I Large Bottles, 25 cents. s I DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, T 1 Prop's Perry Dr.vis' Pain-Killer. I T Mew York. MontreaL ? = M-J ' It shouid be remembered that there will be prayer meeting in the Meth- j odist church next Thursday evening at the usual hour. The pastor will be pleased to have you attend. CUBAN RELIEF cures 1 prl/flllr rS Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache i imiiivi vin fiye minut 8> Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Centfc Sold by Julian E. Kaufmann. Dr. D. M. Crosson was sworn in as Senator from Lexington Tuesday aod was placed on the following committees: Contingent accounts, finance, immigration, medical, roads, bridges and ferries. Lever, The Shoe Man, of Columbia, advertises a handsome shoe in this issue. His stock is large and it is the shoe house of Columbia. His prices are the lowest and his goods are the best. Such a wave of prosperity has struck the Carolina National Bank that it has increased its capital stock from ?100,000 to 8200,030. We coDgratula'.e its officers on such ex cellenfc management of the financial ? affairs of the bank as to enable it to t do this. i It is a mastery to us why people i will persist in pa}ing double price j for fancy and heavy groceries, when 1 they can buy the same quality of * goods of E. C. Shul), Columbia, for ? less money. Give a trial order and 1 be convinced. t A.n unoccupied house about two * miles south of this place known as 1 the old Henry Sbull place, was con- ? sumed by fire Monday afternoon. This was situated near the railroad ' and has long been the resort of ^ tramps and hobos and it is supposed ^ that the fire originated by the carelessness of some of this class. * Leaphart & Drafts wishes their a | customers a prosperous and pleasant ^ new year and announce that they j, have made sweeping reductions in t the price of clothing, gents' furnishings, shoes, etc., and invite the public to call and inspect their stock. ^ These youDg men are deserving of v success and they should receive a ^ l.beral patronage from our people. See their stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ^ We enj >yed our Christmas water- a melon Sunday, it having been leftat the office by Mr. Beaureguard Har- e man. It was a rare and enjoyable s treat. The melon was sweet, juicy 6 and cold. It is indeed pleasant to v be remembered by friends. A little ^ act of thoughtfulaess removes a cloud v from life, which hangs there un- r, known and unsuspected by the 3 world. a Farmers are beginning to make c the necessary arrangements to prose tl cute the work of another year and of 0 course these necessities include family d and plantation supplies, hay and a grain. The best place to purchase w th? s? goods is at Piatt, Hook & fi Shull, Cjlumbia, who has the largest f< and best stock in that city. They " want to do the trade of Lexington, in their* line and will, as heretofore divide profits with their customers. a Call on them when in need of sup- n p'ies. ? Now is the time to sow seed for an c early garden. You will find the 15 freshest and purest seed at the P Bazaar, such as early cabbage, * spring turnips, lettuce, English peas, ? ? 1 * J~ .i. m? n ?a* D bailUf, eiu. Xiy lueoc ocsruo auu wiu not ba disappointed. All fresh. + Cancer and Bleed Poison. c Cared by B. B B?Battle Free to u Sufferers. e Deadly Cancer, eating sores, cured h by B. B. B.?Botanic Blood Balm. 1' B. B. B. cures by driving the deadly, 8 virulent poison, which causes cancer, n out of the blood and heals every sore, s In the same way B. B. B. cures r Blood PoisoD, produciug ulcere, b painful swellings, blotches, pimples, t copper-colored spots, falling of the t | hiir, sores in the throat or tongue, t ! scrofula. Large bottles at druggists g j for $1.00 or G bottle3 (full treatment) g $3.00. ' Sufferers write for trial bot o tie which will be sent free aud pre- D paid. Address Blood Balm Co., 38G 0 Mitchell St, Atlanta, G i. a Mules! Mules! Mules! t We sold over two car loads last a | week and have 80 head on hand, in- g I eluding a fre.-h car load just received, t which must be sold this week to r make room. Don't wait, they may g go higher. j G.egory-lthea Mule Ci, c Columbia, S C. c ] Home and Farm. f By special arrangements we offer * the Home and Farm, the leading farm and home paper, published in * Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for , $1 25. Those of our subscribers who * t desire to subscribe for the Home and i Farm, can do so by sending 25c in f silver or stamps to this uffiee. 1 Through the County. We left the comforts and pleasures of home and faced the freezing blizzird from the plains of the wild and woolly West last Wednesday on our periodical chase af:er the Almighty Dollar?that which makes the mare _. xi.- i ?j iu ? 1 go, lue press luru auu ia iuc icvci which moves thrones and causes empire? to rise and fall. I', was a bitter cold day and the c.ffee which we drank for breakfast froze within us before we reactu d Fourteen Mile creek, and we pulled it out frozen into fqiare cake3 and put it away for future necessities. Mr. J. Weir Addy, who was our companion in misery, becoming thirsty, we broke the frozen coffee in pieces and tried to melt it in an old oyster can that happened to be in the buggy. But it was love's labor lost for after starting a roaring fire oit of pine knots, the flimes froze as fait as they leaped into the air and we bad to give the effort up in disgust and we started again wishing that Africa's sunny clime was joaming around loose in the wood? and that we would catch up with it so that we ;ould warm up the old clay ternnents. N) such good luck overlook us, however, and we had to *rin and bear it the best human patience would allow us. We had our longing eyes fixed ipon the comfortable and hospitable lome of Mr. Pink Rood, and old Prince seemed to smell oats in the tir for at a spanking space he headed hat way. Arriving there with icicles protruding from our nostrals, vhich stuck into the earth at every olt of the buggy and our moustache * ike a porcupine's back when it is iled, we arrived at our destination j md was soon thawing out before a oaring fire, we were as kindly ^ reated as young babes away from ' heir mothers and were soon in such ( t condition as to eDjoy a bountifully 1 spread supper. Mr. Kocn is one of ^ iollow Creek's best citizens and be- ( ieves in the conceit that he who aughs grows fat. After being com- j ortably tucked away in a downy bed mder cover mountain high we 1 jently woed Morpheous and dreamed ( hat many delinquents were knocking * it the peaily gates seeking admit anca and being asked by St. Peter f they had paid their subscription to he Dispatch, and receiving "No1' for , n answer, the old gentleman frownd and awful frown and pronounced ho ?pnfpn/?p "fin hqrlr infn vnnrlpr rorld and pay Josh Harman for his taper and come again with his reeipt and I will admit you into the * and which flows with milk and 1 ioney. Delinquents take warning v nd pay your subscription. Thursday morning, being refrebhd with sweet sleep and feeling asured that we had St Peter on our ide, we started for Crout's store, rhere Mr. Addy, the deputy assessor j ras to make the taxpayers swear and re to fill our crocus sack with the oot of all evil. Mr. Addy was not ^ isappointed in hi3 expec'ations rhile ours fell below zero and was f older than the air which played hrough our beautiful locks as preci- g us few roots we found. We took inner with our friend, G. F. Krisler j nd enjoyed a pleasant conversation rith his estimable family and did I: all justice to the good things set be- F are us for the refreshment of the mer man." Thursday night, by special invitaioD, we drove up to the handsome ? nd comfortable residence of that lost agreeable and popular gentle- j lan, R. L. Keisler, and such a welome that we received at his hands ; i inexpressable. He could not have aid us more thoughtful attention if ^e had been a young maiden fancy ree and he a gallant beau spaiking is first flame. Friday night found us in the new 0 ome of Mr. Henry D. Smith. He a as just completed a large and well [ onstructed residence and has furn- o hed it from top to bottom with j] legant furniture and has surrounded f imself with every comfort and axury that a cultivated taste could ^ uggest and money purchase. The ews over the grapevine telephone I ays that he has prepared the luxu ious cage for a sweet and charming ird, which he hopes to capture iu he near future, who will be to him l he fairest amoDg ten thousands and j he one altogether lovely. Mr. 11 Imith deserves much credit for his i uccess in life. He is the architect \ IJ f his own fortune. Having comcienced life without a dollar, his nly capital beiDg enterprise, energy nd an indomitable will to surmount " very obstacle which lay in his path o fortune, he has succeeded in missing a competency that will upport him as his face turns towaid he sunset of life. He is one of our nost progressive farmers and has mpplied himself with the latest imjrovemeuts to prosecute his fainting >perations. Would that Lexington :ounty had many more such men as 3eDry D. Smith. He is an example or young men to follow and is an I lonor to any community. The best is reseived for the Lis*, ] ind as we tell the story our mouth ^efc waters iu rememberance of the generous hospitality and lavish jpread of the appetizing dinuer 1 which awaited us Saturday, at the I DRS D. L. BOOZER & SONS, 1515 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. O. 'PHONE 23(). Une of the firm wfft fill appointments at Lexington, over Klireen sick for several weeks, is imjroving slowly. Mr. Sebron Sbealy, of Georgia, >aid Air. a. Lt. ijirgied iamuy a isifc this week. CjmmuDion services at Mt. Hebron iunday, January 7ch. Mis9 Dora Shirey spent Thursday light with Miss Laura and Bertha Sarglo. E S. January 5, 1900. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. !y Geo. S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge rXTHEREAS. E. T. RAUCH MADE \ ? s iit to me to grant him Letters of administration of the Estate of and tffects f Wesley Yoanginer; These are. therefore, to cite and admonish 11 and singular the kindred and creditors of he said Wesley Yonnginer, deceased, that hey be and appear btfore me in the Court t Probate, to be held at Lexington C. H., n the 23 d. day of Jaunary next, after mblication there of, at 11 o'clock iu the irecoou, to show cause, it any they have, rhy the said administration should not be ranted. Given under my band this 10th day of anuarv, Anno Domiri, 10.10. G. S. DRAFTS. J. P. L. C. [L.S.] Published on the loth day of January, 'J in, in the Lexing'ou Dispatch. 2*10. Notice. r WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST I . .i. i... ? ?( w p JL I'lU G " ill lliG iHie iv; \si *? . m. . 5 jwcrs. decease1, on the 27th day of Janlary, J'JOU, at 11 o'clock a.m.. One Enline and Eight Horse Boiler, One Set Corn iocks and (rearing. (En, Condensor and Vess. One Four Horse Wagon and a lew >th?r tilings TERMS OF SALE Cash. MRS K C. BOWiSRS, Widow ol W. 1'. Bowers. ow 11 Jul. II HltllllKLWII HIGII SCHOOL. PKOF. J. S. DERRICK. TKINI IFAT.. Language*, Mathematics, Sciences. PKOF. J. B. KOOX. B" o k - K? 11 i ng?T1; r?Grades. PROF. W. D. DENT. Bu^iiicss 1 Vnm ansa i p. riiOF. JOHN BAHLMAXX. Artistic Penmanship. PKOF. W. H. M.U'FEAT. St?,-iif' and thorough. Jf>ard. $ "" t" $!'?.?" i"*r month. ScliiI-d will open on the tlrst Mondav in S* -vi'inloT. For rates of tuition, or any information iVanted. address. J. If KOON. Secretary of the Board of Trustees, \" p pr?1ti ?r# Ivc*. I?on r a'l-w 'wrarlf to ! # t?liio Into t.minj >nh in order t d?llir or i?. ROCK III I.I " I'.c.ir* irt - A 1.1 r'? II if her la Frlf#. Hut?" I* " U| . I-a wr!l ani. |l?f* all. KCF.P AW W FROM Til F. MIO matin* ?h?m . **aprf In tho ind. >**M I'J 1r" dralrrt owl*. If aouc ui? In rour t?wn. ?ti;?'lifcrt. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. ROCK HILL RIIGCV COMPANY. BBBWW WWWW W W V * B W For Sale by W. IROOF1* J^exingfton, S. C. GREGORY-RHEA MULE CO., MATTHEWS & BOUKNIGHT, Columbia S. C.. Leosville, S. C. May 11?ly. WAR! WAR! WAR! Yes, there in a war goiug on in Columbia, The Farmers and Mechanics' Company has declared war on High Prices and have him now besiged in his citadel and will ponr hot shot into him until he surrenders unconditionally. If you want the best DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS at the lowest prices, buy it from us. It you need | Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps we have 'em and at old prices. NO ADVANCE WITH US. i LADIES' GOODS. It 10 need ot dailies txoods ot any Kina, jaimnery, ?vc . we have them both stylish and cheap, We can fit out the Gentlemen as well. Shirts, Collars, Ties. Ac. If j on want a Prescription tilled quick and accurate take it | to our Druti Department. Do 3011 need u Stove of any kind. Cooking, Heating or Oil? if so, we can save you money?from $1 no to *5 00. 'J'ry us and see. If yon need Harres of any kind, Bugjzy. Carriage or Wagon, or Mule Millinery ot any kiud, will make 'em to order on t short notice. Do yon intend to furnish your house, or any part of i'? if so, we have the Furniture you n- ed. Suits, Sideboards, Ilail, Backs, Bookers, Lounges, &c.--Cheap. Oi course you need Groceries and Christmas Goodies, and our fetoek is full and complete. We have everything in that : ? line Farmers and Mechanics' Co., COLUMBIA, S. C I P. II. IIALTIWANGER, r?re*if Probate I in and for the County of Lexington, btate of South Carolina, on the lO.h day ol January, l'JGO, at 10 o'clock a. in., for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of Isaac) Ale wine, deceased. D. J. GRIFFITH. .Executor, Dtceitber IS, IH'J'J. 4wy. Final Discharge. \[OriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN tfo ALL persons interested ihat I will apply to ttie'Hon. George S. Drafts. Judge ol Pro| bate iu aud for the Coauty ot Lexington, Statejof South Carolina, on the '22nd davof January, 11MM). for a final discharge as Ex> YOPIlti>r nl tliu Pcf-uft* of \foor?i?tn Htiplr. a1 ua, deceased. MARGARET HUCKABAA. Executor, December 20, lb09. 5*9. Trespassing Forbidden. 4 LL PERSONS ARE POSITIVELY il forbidden to trespass in any manner upon tlie lands ot the uudersigned I in this county, and especially by hunting, with or without dogs, or fishing. The law will be enforced against all per->ous so trespassing. GODFREY HARMAN, FRED HARMAN, LEVI NICHOLS M K. NICHOLS January 2, 1909. 4wll pd. Final Discharge. VTOTKE IS HE1U BY GIVEN TO ALL il persons interested that I will apply to tQt Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of south Carolina, on the 3rd day of Febluirv, 1900, for a final discharge as Administrator ol the Estate ot Mrs. Sarah B Kamincr, deceased. GEORGE A. KAMINER. Administrator. January 3. 1900. 4wll. TAX RETURNS. " 1900. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW IN reference to the assessment aad taxation ot property, the Auditor, or his assistant wilt be and attend the following named places fbr the purpose of receiving tax returns for the h.-.cai }ear 1909. aud in order to meet the next .appointment the hour will close at 11.1 o'clock in the morning and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon; taxpayers will merciore, ue prompt m meeuug me appointments ao as not tu cause delay. Tax payers will please come prepared to give tlio name ol tneir township and number ot school district wherein tuey reside: Spring Hiii. moruiug. January 11. W hite ltock, alieruoon, Jauuary 11. Mrs. Mary Bushy, morning, January 12, Iruio, alUrnoon, January 12. lrmo, morning. January 13. K. T. llook's, afternoon, January 13, Brookland, all day, January 15. W. N. Martin, moruiug. Jauuary 10. Archie Wohe's alunioon, January 10. l(ed Store, all day, January 17. Swansea, ah day, January 18. '. J.J. Mack's, morning, January 19. Cross Roads, afternoon, January 19. Gaston, morning, January 20. D. F. Shumpert, all day, Jauuary 22. Carson Abies, morning, January 23. Westmoreland, alter noon, January 23, Batesbnrg, all day, January 21. Leesville, all day, January 25. Ofnp's Store, morning, January 20. Lexington, on all dayslrom 1st January, 1900, to 2'Jth ot Febiuary, 1900. Section 270 of the law iu rtference to the assessment of taxes, (Revised Statues,) reads as follows: All property shall he valued for taxation at its irue value iu money, which in all cases not specially provided lor by law, shall be held to be as follows, to wit: For personol property the usurl selling price on the usual terms ol similar property at administrator's or executors sales, at the place where the return is made; and for real property, the usual selling price on the usual terms of similar proj>erty at sales tor partition under the order,of court, at the place where the return is to be made. If there is no usual selliug price, then at what is lionestle believed could be obtained for the same at a fair sale under the conditions above mentioned. It shall be the duty of each owner of ? lands, and of any new structures thereon which shall not have been appraised for taxation, to list the same for taxation with the County Auditor of the County in which they may be situated, on or before the twentieth day ol February next, alter the same shall become subject to taxation. Siction 6. That from and alter.the passage ot this act* there shall be assessed upon all taxable polls in this State a tax of one dollar on eacn poll, the proceeds ot whu-n tax sliall e<; applied soieiy 10 eaucatioral purposes. Every male citizen between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years,.except those incapable of earning a support, from being maimed or from otner causes, and except those who are made exempt by law, shall be deemed taxable polls. A:1 returns for taxation must be filed with the Auditor Dot laterrthan February 20th, 10C0, as alter th-it date the law requires an addition of 50 per cent, to the last year's return. Township Hoard of Assessors will meet at some convenient place in their respective township on Tuesday, March 6, 1900. County Hoard of Equalization, will meet at the Audi to.'s office on Tuesday, March 27th, 19iM, ut lo o'clock a. ni. G. A. DERRICK. Auditor Lexington County. December C, 1S99. Choice Prize "Winning ! Poultry | For sale in nearly all varieties. Good Breeders, SV eacb; ,SV7 per trio it ' + Choicest Exhibition Birds? Males, ,S'.7; Females, ,S'J. Choicest Chester "White, Polai.d China, Berkshire Pijjs, ,S'J each | Choice Shropshire Ewe, SJO. | llrilrr Tinlay. Tomorrow may bf loo I.Hlr. ARTHUR J. McCAIN, Delaware, Warren Co., N. J. I K-'fi i'i-ii'-c' by I'orniisMoii. ih?? K-litor j of this Paper. j nmmum Kcifablfi persons of a mechanical or Inventive mind dcslrlnjratriptothe I'ariit KxpoMtion, with good saiarv aii'l cxncns< s na!<1. should write | The PATENT KECOKB, Baltimore, Md. Buekshoal, N C., May 10,1808. Gi ntlemen: ?Four years ago I was helpless with a misery in my back. 1 could not return myself in bed. I was heated by my physician, but he ! did me uo good. I took one bottle ! of Dr. Baku's Female Regulator and it cured me. I think there is no medicine on earth like it. Mrs. Emma E. Myers. Fur sale at the Bazaar. ? - - ?