mmmmmmmmmmaBtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu: The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt Jul} 19. 1894. G. M. HARMAX. Editor and Publisher. 1 LEXINGTON. S. C., WSrNlSDYY. OCTOBER 4. 1899. ^ It may not be inappropriate to remark that, while the whole country joins in doing honor to the returned hero of Manila and triumphal arches have been erected to commemorate and perpetuate bis brilliant, and at that time unparalleled, victory at Cavite in the Philippines, the hero of Santiago is being snubbed and neglected by an unappreciativc and prejudiced government. It is true that Dewey's victory was a brilliant one and he is deserving of all the honors which have been heaped upon him by a grateful and loviDg people, but it is equally true that Schley's victory was as complete and as brilliant. Dewey's victory happened at a time when the newB of the declaration of war had barely reached the far away Philippine is lands and the Spanish were totally unprepared for the attack, which was evidenced by their lack of precaution, that the vessels composing Monfcijo's fleet were inferior in every respect to those of the Americans, being for the most part wooden bull vessels of a low grade. Cervera's fleet was the flower of the Spanish p navy. His ships were first class war vessels fully t quipped with all the modern guns and pharapernalia known to modern science, and at the tima of its destruction, it was fully prepared for action, with guns primed and trained, the gunners iD - 1 --x. -T - it.. position ana on ine aieri ior me command to ;tfire" and each man at his post ready to perform his part in the awful tragedy about to take place. Dewey destroyed Monti jo'* fleet, not one escaped to tell the sad tale of destruction. Schley 6unk C^vera'a fleet, completely wipirg it frxn the bosom of the deep, and per mittiDg not a single vessel to escape to cairy the news to Spain. Comodore Dewey was rewarded with the rank of Admiral. Commodore Schley was begrudgingly raised to the rank of Rear Admiral. Dewey was received with acclamations of praise and honor. Scfcley was not ever permitted to welcome bis supei ior officer in an official capacity in the hour of Lis greatest triumph and glory. Ciptain SampeoQ was made Rear Admiral and given a prominent aod conspicious place in the Dewey celebration for being twelve miles away, from Cevera's fleet at the time of its i i _ *ii v?_ y destruction oy ocniey, wnn uis ueeiB to the enemy. Schley is a Southern man and a Democrat. Sampson is a Northern man and a Republican. "Ab, there's tbe rub!" The bondsmen of Col. Wm. A Neal, late Superintendent of the State Penitentiary, have Eettled with tbe Attorney* General and suit against them have been abandoned. The Jbondsmen were Col. Wilie Jones, and Messrs. W. Scott Pope and P. H. Haltiwanger. The shortage of Col Neal, for which his bondsmen could be held liable, was greatly reduced from what it has been variousl} claimed to be from $20,000 to $11,0U0, then down to $2,812 41, according to tbe shade of the political belief of tbe person makiDg the estimate. This amount was paid by the bonds men, the share of each being $037 47. Col. Neal all along contended that be was only short about that amount and repeatedly expressed bis readiness to settle with the State whenever it could be agreed upon as to tbe actual amount of his indebtedness. This has been done and tbe money paid, and the State of South Carolina has not lost a dollar by Col. Neal's alleged shortage. Senator Tillman has re ceived gifts from Cjl. Neal to the estimated value of $109.0G, which amount he has paid to the bondsmen. These gifts were just such ones as one friend would receive from another without any compunctions of conscience, no matter bow scrupulous b ? ? T f m a va ra a tnr\ Kat? liC Uilgllb UC. JLL TTO X ^Ui^. Ui UVA VVX' rectly every member of the investigating committee is a Conservative and this alone is sufficient to cast a grave shadow over the fairness of i s report. Columbia's City Council and the Seaboard Air Line people have put -on gloves and are waltzing before each other a la Fitzsimmons sparriDg I for an opening. "Whether the Sea- ; board people will put the City Coun- j cil to sleep or vice versa remains to j - ^ ^ ? i mi _ be determined by iuture events. ane : prize for wbicb they are contending ! is the water supply in the late city j park, which a few months ago, some of the city doctors unequivocally , affirmed was so full of typhoid germs and other microbes and wiggletalesrs to render it unfit to use for diinking purposes, but which Council now ad- ! mits to be so pure and sparkling as to be necessary to clarify and puiify the mud Jy river water, otherwise river water would be served to tbecitizeLs j as "soup."' The Edgefield Advertiser is urg- j iDg ex-Govtmor Sheppard to eDttory of this country has an American been given such a hearty welcome by Americans as was giveu Admiral Dewey on this occasion. Every State in this great and glorious old Union was represented either by soldiers, organizations or citizens. Thousands of excited and enthusiastic people, with the fires of patiiotism burning brightly upon the altar of their heart, thronged the thoroughfares to catch a glimpse of the cocquering hero as be passed aloDg and to lay their adtration at his feet as trophies of love and appreciation for hisbriiliunt services rendered his country in time of war. A pleasing incident connected with this celebration was the warm reefption given Hear Admin 1 ScLluy, the hero of Santiago. Both Admirals divided honors evenly. Tue multitude began pelting Admiral Scbley and by the time he reached the stand he was up to his armpits in flowers. At one time duriDg the festivities it was as much as Dewey could do to keep from bugging Schley. It was a warm, manly recognition of the worth and merit of a brave and gentlemanly officer. Editor Anil, of the Newberry Herald and News, writes to his paper from the Governors office in Columbia, that he does "not believe that anything will come of this proposed meeting of Southern mill men to shut down the mills in order to put the price of cotton down." This settics the matter and the painful situation is happily relieved. The edict went forth from an eminent lorecaster of futures and the result was amazing. Scarcely had the ink dried on the paper upon which the above lines where peDned than the world was electrified, starlit d and amazed at the upward bound in the price of cotton. In the language of the great Western poet, "Great God, what a found!" From six to nine cents iD the short period of one da}! Mill operatives canjnow breathe easy. They can now live in hope cf having turkey and trimmings for Cbristmas dinner without the fear of the mills shutting down. What a wonderful prognosticator is Editor Aul!! Gen Butler now says he did not advise the "deportation'' of negroes (which he says implies "force or coercion*') to Africa; but claims what he did advise was the gradual and permanent separation of the races by voluntary consent. The brother in black will hardly give bis voluntary consent to return to the land of his fathers in darkest Africa, and as the General say?, "it would be better for both races," for this separation to take place, how in the name of common seDse, can this much desired end be accomplished "for the good of both races," unless it be by "force or coercion?" The negro has tasted ftm floch nnfH /-if "R yvr*f. tvliiph in this instance, means five dollars a mouth, three pounds of bacon and a peck of corn meal per week and a little log cabin, with abaojoor mouth organ or an accordeon thrown in as a side dish, and he never will consent to return to his father's house where the fatted calf awaits his return. He never came to this country voluntarily, neither will he leave it so. The physicians of Columbia are kicking because they are compelled to pay city license for the privilege of practicing their profession and oftentimes relieving the sufferings of the poor and needy of the city without the hope of earthly reward. They very properly contend that the large amount of charity work which they do, and which saves the city a 1 trge sum of money annually, should eceinpt them from this license. Our neighbor, the Aiken Journal and Review, is informed that tie three editors of the three daily pipers are each about as funny as the other. They are the only originil members of the only crignal mutual admiration society. One cracks an ancient chestnut, whose odor lajs Limberger cheese in the shade, and tkn (rr/s lunnbo AI* AT?A IUC UIUC1 in u XQLlgUO. Jul lu^l uuc would be a worthy successor to the immortal John Ludlow. "Grover Cleveland has entered the lecture field, and will deliver a course of lectures at Princeton College during the coming fall and winter."? Edgefield Advertiser. From such an efflictioD, the good Lord deliver the student?. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be please to learn tLat there is at least ooe dreaded disease ?hat sciense has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Citarrh. Hall's Ca'arrb Cure is the only positive cure kcovn to the medical fraternity. Citanh being a coistitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. I?ail's Citarrh Care is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and ma cous surfaces of the sjst m, thereby destroying the foundation of the die ease, aud giving the {aMent strength by buildiog np the coi s'ituli >o and HssistiDg nature in dt ing its work The proprietor* hnve so much faith in its curative powers, that they offVr Oue Hundred Dd'ars for any CbSe that it fai's to cure. S-od f^r lisf of testimonials. SoU by all druggists Pr c? 75 cei ts. 30 Hall's Family Pills are the best, j Ccurt Prccsedings. Toe Common Pleas court still continues, although the number of jurois preseut is ouly twenty five. Tie m:.j rity of cases heatd have been damage cases against the railroads, and the roads seem to have come out second best. When we went to press la&t wetk the trial was in progress in the case of Eadocia J. Mitchell vs. John J. Barrs, which resulted iu a verdict ft r the defendant on Thursday morning. Following tbi3 case came that of Elizabeth E Hal.iwanger, Administratrix, vs Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Itiilroad Company. This ? i:? ...? Ki.?Kt <:7 ft'lO UCilUIi was UlUUJ^Ut IV1 yi ,VVV ages fur the killing of her husband, John Henry Hultiwunger, near HiitOD, about two years ago. Messrs. Graham and Nelson represented the plaintiff aod Messrs. W. H. Lylesard George Johnstone the railroad company. The evidence and arguments were very lengthy, and continued un til late Saturday afternoon. A verdict for $1,750 was rendered at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. The attorneys for the railroad company gave notice of appeal. Monday morniog came the trial in the case of M S. Ruff vs. the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company, brought by Messrs. Gra ham & Nelson. The complaint alleges damages at $1,950. The plaintiff boarded a train at Columbia for Swansea, and at the latter place it did not stop but carried him on to Denmaik, where he was put off. Foi this and several other allegations the action was brought. The verdict was for the plaintiff for 8200. Notice of a motion for a new trial was given. Yesterday the second trial in the case of Debby Risinger, AdmiDistra I trix, vs. the Southern Railway Com pany, asking for $1,950 da-ajre came up for a hearing. This sub was instituted for the killing of her husband, Jacob D. Risinger, at Lees ville, S. C, on January 23, 1897 Messrs. Efird & Dreher and E L Asbill represented the plaintiff, and was tried last February term, whet a verdict of $1,950 was renderec but which was afterwards set asidt by Judge Watts, granting a new trial When plaintiff's testimony was closed a motion for a non suit was made bj the attorney for the railroad, whul was granted. Today Court was engaged ir hearing the case of Florence Sprad ley vs. the Southern Railway charg ing damages in the sum of $1,90( for ejectment from a train at Sum mit, S. C, on February 14, 1897 Messrs. Graham & Nelson represen the plaintiff and Messrs. Abney anc Thomas the defendent. RETURNING YOUTH. " I am seventy years fggg$V?T young," said Oliver Wendel Holmes when the} _ asked his age. 'V^True^ enough. l merry; his good, and above all ? so was his digestion. >.9 man should be old nefore his time because of a weak stomach, sluggish liver, shaky nerves and flabby muscles. There is no need of it. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures these things. It brings back youth to the feeble because it brings back keen appetite and good digestion. It tones up the liver, puts oxygen and life into the blood, and solid strength into the flesh and muscles. It contains 110 alcohol to inebriate or create a morbid appetite or craving for .stimulants. "I have never felt better in niv life than I do now." says Charles Hunwiek. of Lenox. Macomb Co.. Mich., in a remarkable letter to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y. I have take* Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery right :'ong. I can now walk quite well wiih a cane and hope to throw even that away before loug. and as I have had to use crutches for nearly two years. I think I am doing fine. I do not cough now and I can eat and sleep like a school boy. I think I will have to change my mind about ' Patent Medicines." as I never had much faith in them; but you must know that I have !>een treated in two hospitals and by three doctors t>esides, and received no benefit:*so I think your medicine is the only medicine for mc." There is nothing in the world for constipation like Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They should be taken in conjunction with the "Discovery," whenever any disease is complicated with that dangerous condition. Nothing else that may be offered in their place will accomplish what they will. And their relief is permanent. Write to Dr. Pierce for free advice. ? - ' Bice Huller. On and after October 1, 1899, we will be ready to thrash, and better still, to hull and polish rice, on the best and latest improved machine. Our machinery is all brand new and we guarantee satisfaction in evtry respect. Be sure and have rice good dry. Give us a trial. Paul E. Eutto & Co, 47 Swansea, S. C. ^ Teacher Wanted. j We desire to secure a Firet Grade i teacher for Charter Oak school, Diet. No 4 Applications for said school will be received until 13;k of Oct, next. Applicants will state salary desired. Address, J. S. Hendiix, Clerk B. T, LexingtoD, S. C. A Woman's Latter. Cuolidge, Ky , Aug 1st, 1808. I have been suffering from Female i troubles and was unable to get relief, I ! I was persuaded to try Benedicts, ! and after one months treatment I 1 can say I am fully restored. I recommend your remedy to suffeiing women. Mrs. H. R. Gilreath. , Sold by Julian K Kauffinan. | THE SECRETS 4/3* of easy and &1most painless ^?y.'^rN. childbirth are all tId in ^^ a (> e 1': s abu-.i that truly great liniment known as MOTHER'S FRIEND which modifies all the distress, pain and /lowrror * U/if nrA//nJl "Pt* Ck TT A uau^v^i \JL Wi |/1 V.MW, insures rapid recovery. Druggists sell Mothers Friend for 51 a bott.'e. j THE ERADFIEL?) REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta.Ga. Here is the Place to Find Then. The Bazaar has just received one of the largest and best line cf statioueiy ever b;o aght to this place, such as weekly and monthly tiin< baoks, pocket raemirandum books an elegant line of substantially bound ledgers, j jurnals and record bioks, fine box paper, plain and gif edge note paper, fools cap, legal caj aDd other varieties of writing papers, tablets for pen and pencil in largc variety, envelopes cf all sizes aDr shapes, pens, pencils, black, blue, purple, green and red inks. School children and others are invited t( inspect this stock. Pay Your Doctor's Bill. All persons indebted to mj lor professional services, either by oJor new accounts, must make payment, ?i satisfactorily arrange the same, by the 20!t lay of October, 1800, as I need the mone and must have it. C E LEAPHART. M D. October 2ad, 1800. 3 a 43. Final Discharge. "Vf OTI E IS HIRE BY GIVEN TOALJ J3I persons interested that I wi'l npplv t< fue Hor. Geo. S. Draff, Judge of Probat< iD and for the County of Lexington. Stat of South Carolina, ol- t -e 2nd day of No member, 1890, 'or a final discharge as An ministrator of Estate of Mrs. Sallie Dent L cea ;ed. 1 H a. S" ANN. Administrator. October L 18C0.? 4w50. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given to ali persons interested that I will apply tc I the Hon. George S. Drafts. Judge of Pre bate in and for the County of Lexingt i i State of South Carolina,"on the 30.h day r . October, If 99. for a final discharge as Ad ' mioistretor ot the Estate of M.s. K.te A. Siiull, deceased. WILLIAM A SHULL Admiuistra'or. | September 28th, 1899. iwf.f). ' The State of South Care I'm a 1 CuDNLY OF LEXINGTON, By Geo. S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge ) YTTHEREAS, TYRE ETHEliEDGl V t made suit to me,to grant him Letter? of Administration ot the Estate of an; effects of William Etheredge; x These are. therefore, to cite aud admonisl til and singular the kindred and creditor of the said im Etheredge, deceased. th? ihev be and appear bi fore me m the Conr of Probate, to to held at Lexington C. H ( on the 19th day of October next, after pubication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore 1 qoou, to show cause, it any they have, wh; the said adniluistratiou should not It granted. Given under my hand, this 3d day o1 October, Aulo Domiri, 1*99 G S. DRAFTS, J. P. L. C. [L S.] i Published on the i'.h day of Oc'ohei ? Ifi'fO i*i f ho T.ovinn? nn nicnotr-h !^u Jfi *K HAIR SWITCH FREE iiV ON EASY CONDITIONS. ' 1 Cat this ad. out and mail to os. Send a ; SSwtijf small sample of your close to th? W;.M roots. SEND NO .MONEY: we will make and > %>Jr: A send vou by mail, postpaid.a FINE HUMAN /XjJ HAIR SWITCH, an x??t railch. made 25 t lwt inches lonjr from selected human hair, ; -y\V 2,'< ounces short stem. We will inclose My. J in package with switch sufficient postal l^mr'A to return it to us If not perfectly satisfactory, > Id "TfUf/ but if found exactly as represented and Y\ ,y\ most extraordinary value and you wish Aizjw x\ to keep it. either send us$1.50h? ranil within f JW//- 10 days eir oumRtances.'' "Those white teachers who did not at end the Summer School and haw not beeexcused by the Board at its last meeting vill have no other opportunity to be ex u-ed," It will be to their advantage to at cud. The (Ximiualion will be held in tLe corn* louse and wiil open at 9 a il. and close . t I p. m., on Fridiy, October l.lfi, l?i9). By order ot the State Superintendent 01 Education, J E R KYZER. Co. Sep: Ei.Lex Co , S. C. 4w 48. The State of South Carolina, C 0 UXT r 0 F LEX IS (J TOX. Court of Common Pleas Copy Summons. For Keli.f. (CompLint served ) Carolina Midland Railway Company?Plain tiff. against V.. Ilatto, -Jane Hutto and Columbus Hut to - Defendants. To the Defendants above named: TYOU Alt "4 II ERF BY SUMMONED X and r< quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy or your r to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office, 1J-7 Washington street. Columbia. Soutn Carolina, within twenty days after the si r* ice hereof, exclusive of the day of such scr.i e; and ;1 yon fail to answer the comp a nt within th time aforesaid, the p'aint.ft m this act o . will apply to the ( onrt tcr the relief de manded in the complaint. Dated Columbia. S C . August 1-i, A. D 18 9, B. L ABN'LY. JOHN 1'. THOMAS. JR., Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the defendant. Jane Ilatto: ! You are hcicby no;iti*"d that the cm i plaint ia the above entitled a-tion, toj getber with the summon 4. of widen tue ; above i* a copy. was filed in the cfHce o> \ H. A Spmn. ?Jlerk ot theC"'ir? of Com ! tnon I'l-.-us for Lexington (.'..11 itv. S, of ! Lexington, S C . on A?u?nst ', 1*0.'. B L. ABNEY, JuIIN P. THOMAS, J It. P'aiutiU's Attorneys. Co'u nbia, S. C , August 20, 1V.U. i ^ Wanted?Two thousand butn-ciib| en to pay us their dullar, within the netfc ton days. TAX COLLECTION. 1^ ILL AT TEND 1 HE FOLLOWING mentioned plates lor tbe purpose ol receiving *;iX'S tor ihe fiscal xenr lsi'O v:z: L. xingtoii C. II , from lt>:b to the liStn of October, 1SM> inclusive. Brook land Monday, C'ctober 30 W. N. Martin's, T;:c day, October 31, morning, Archie Wolfe's, Tue day, October 31, afternoon. Satidy Bun. Wednesday, November 1. Swan set. Thursday, November 2. Gaston, Friday, Novtmbr 3. Sexc Gollia Mills, Saturday, Novembtr 4, in' ruing. Burr's Landing, Monday, November 0 morning. G. F. Kcislcr's, Monday, November C>, afternoon Crajt's Mil!, Tuesday. November 7, morning. Croul's Stcro. Tn-sday, November 7, afternoon. Cross Roads, Monday, November 13. morning. * j J. J. Mack's, Monday, Novembtr 13, afternoon. D. F. Sbuirpert, Tuesday, November 14 Carson Able, Wednesday Novtmbtr id, morning. Wm Westmoreland, Wednesday, Novemrer id afternoon. Brtesbnrg. Tnursday, November 1(?. Leesville, Friday, November 17. Summit, Saturday, November 18, morn 'QSLewiedale, Saturday, November 18, at e doou. Joshua Sh-.aly's. Monday, November 20, .ftcrnoon. Chapin, Tuesday, November 21. Cros.s Roads, Wedae.-day, November 22, i.orniug. Peak, Wednesday, November 22, atteraoou. Peak, Tbursdav, November 23 morning. Si ring Hill. Thursday, November 23, at moon Hibon, Fridav. November 21, morning. "White Rock, Friday, November 21,attcrtoon. Irmo, Saturday, No\ ember 25. Balance of the time at Lexington C. H. .otil December 3Lt, lbbO, when the book* vil c:obc TAX LEVY. " or State purposes, five mills 5 " Constitutional School tax 3 " Ordinary County tax 3 'County Special.. i Total mills 11} Poll Tax $1.00. Load Ri vor Township for C. N. and L. R B 'utercst on R. R. bonds 2| mills 'or retiring bonds 2 will* To'al for Broad River 15ij mill* Fork TownsLip fo: C N and L. R R. oterest on R. R, bond? 2 mi1 Is "or retiring R. R. bonds 2 mil;* Total for Fork 15,\ mills Saluda Township lor C. N. and L. R R ' nterest on R. R. bouds mills or retiring bonds 2 mills To*a' levy for Saluda l">ij mills The Treasurer entertains the hope that 11 tax payers will settle promptly aud ave the unpleasant duty ot is-suing extcu:ons. J. S. DERRICK, Treasurer Lexington Co., S. C. Sept. 13. ?&9S ? td. Final Discharge. N'OTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that I will apply to ne Hon, G;0. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate n and for the Conuty of Lexington, Mate >f South Carolina, on the 12th day of Oc fc'bcr. 1S93, at 1Uo'clock a, in., for a final lischarge as Administratrix of the Estate af W. B. Seay, deceased. MRS. HARRIETT SEAY, Administratr.x Septeu.ber 13. 1S99. 4wi7 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In Common Pleas Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. f. D. Sons. H. R. Sons, Maranda E. Sons. Eliz beth Canzidy Amick, Jane Linora Amick, Harriet E. Lindler, Catherine Sons, liodclla Sons. Rebecca Sons Ellen Sous, Laura Lecpird and E. L. AsbiJl.F lain tiffs. against ' J. P. Bodie. Mary J Bodie, Henrietta Lu cinda Alewine, Lora Ale.viue, CLri-tira Sot s George Sons. J ilU Ann Sons. Liz j zie Pilot, Carolina Mills and Joun Pilo ? Defender:! s. To the Defendants, J P Bodie, Mary J. Bodie. Henrietta Lucinda Alewine, Lora Alewine, Christina Sons, George Sons, Julia Aon Sons. Lizzie Pilot, Caro'ina i Mills and John Pilot, above nrmed: TrOU ARE HEREBY SUMMOND AND X r. quired to answer the complaint in , uis action, a copy of wuich :s herewith 56iv.d ppo i jon, and toserveacc py of jour .nswer to the said complaint on the sub crib^r at his office at Letsville, S. C.. i Lexington, County, w.thin twenty days if or ser\ice htriof exc:usive of the day of uch service; and, if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this actiou wi'l apply to the .ourt lor the relief demanded in the comilaint. Dated August IS. A D. 1899. E. L. ASBILL, P.VntifL' Attorney "o the uon res:dent and unknown def n dants George Sons, L'zzie Pilot and John Pilot, alove ramed: YOU will please take notice that the com >laint in the above stated ase is now 01 i'-e in th < tfiee ol the Clerk of Court in and or Lexington County. South Carolina, i iaui-g been duly filed on the 21st day O: vugnst, 1899. E. L. ASBILL, Plaintiffs' Attorney. H. A. SPANN. [Seal.] C C. C P. and G S. 6w4G^LL BIG- BOXING- EVENTS Aro Best Illustrated and Described In POLICE GAZETTE The World'Famous . . . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS-01.CO MULED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, Franklin Square, New York Bright Boys Started in Business. The publishers of the fames big il tisfrated weekly ntW'p-ip?r, Penrsjlvunin G;it are iov repres-n'ativcs at -verj post (ffi 'e in South Carolina, and ti.ey desire to secure the services of capa ole, hustling agents in eirh of the follow- j icg towns of Lexington coijut;.: Bites- i bvrg, Cbapiu, Ltesville. l.ewiedale, L x j ngtcn. Peak and sucb other towns as are j uot already supplied. The work is plrasint and pr.titihle. A p irtion ol Saturday only is required. Over 5 00C agtnts are j now doing splendidly. No mon?y what j everispq irtcl. Ewrvthing is furnished j free. Stationery, rubtxr stamp, ink and j pad, advertising matter, sample comVs, etc''apers are shipped tob? paid for ; t the each of tacb mouth. Those not sold are not paid tor. Write to Publishing Co., | Willtamsport, Pa., and mention the Dis- j p itch, Money to Loan j AN FARMIK G LANDS. EASY PAY- j i \ / merits. No comniisiions charted. | InrrowtT pays acttnl cost ot perfecting j I loan. Liter st h ptr cex t. JOUN li. PALMEIl & SON. Columbia, S. C. j or (?. T. GRAHAM, Attorney, Lexington S. C. | S pbmber 20-linios. Drink Kola 1'tpsiD for that pure- ! tuied feeling. Relieves headache and aids digestion. At the Bazaar, j jw. a glass. Try it. I i) l l l I 7 3Iaiu Nt, Oolnml>iu, S. C. September -js-tf. j And let us tell you that we have just opened in the store next to Messrs. IVLetze & Son, one of the handsomest lines ever seen in t 1m o rv* n *n/\nc tof ir?/* ??? ^ tiiio ijjui art, v/uuoiotiug iu j;ai t ui Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Shirts, COLLARS, CUFFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Oar Goods are all new, and are now ready for your inspection. Boys will soon be starting to school, and to their mothers we wish to state we hnve an attractive assortment of new styles, in the latest frabrics, at exc 'ptionaliy low prices. Oar stock of Neckwear Is unrivialled in beauty, durability and prices. We can show all qualities at all prices in this department and would take great pleasure in showing these goods. We are prepared for a big clothing business, and beg you to give us a call see our goods and prices, and you will be our customer. ^?ee Our Dine Deiore Going to Columbia as We (jrunrantee to >ave You Ilotli Time and Money by .Doing- Ho. Leaphart & Drafts, NEXT DOOR TO 51EETZE & SON, LE^TI^TG-TOIjT. - - s. c, Septeiuljer 13. I ll(j! III] I \i Your Stock, Poul- I I try, Farm Products, I j| Household Goods, | I and Fancy Work 1 II F0R? I LEMIiTOl tOllY FAIR, J] 1. OCTOBER 25. 26, 27. 1 m \\\\ \ w i M\ If yon have not seen a Premium List, of want an Entry WW ivA Blank, write to M D Harman, Secretary, Batesburg, S. C., /)j\ MM or C. SI. Elird, LexingtoD, S. C. ^|1( | EAiLT |l I CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS. I in the Fair Grounds on Fiiday, October 27th. Speaking by tij\ Mm noted Confederate Soldiers. |1% Tweoty-*ix young ladies in uniforms will ride in arena on Thursday and Friday, and escort tbp Confederate soldiers aDd ^|1 |l| their Sponsors and their Maids of Honor on Friday. Hr>* Toe following premiums, in addition to those cftV-red in Wjj Mb? the Premium List, are offered by the Association: wis M l,t Pr 2nd Pr glj \l\/ For best riding by boy under 15 years on calf %lj under 2 years old 82 (>0 Si 00 WrJ Irfj For best pair of goats driven by a boy or gnl U{\ MM under 14 years old 82 03 81 00 MK rife For best single froat diiven in arena bv bov ylsr J& or R"1 UDder years eld Si 00 50 wjj ji Apiary Products. %\ Tm Besi pack comb hooey iu best marketable shape 75 40 ?jfc B-st pack extracted honey " 75 4') h/ Best colony black bees S'2 00 Si 00 %ijl (yk Be^t culony Italian bees S2 00 SI 00 m Best bee hive Si 00 50 ftjj 1 C. M. EFIRD, 1 ih GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. ? I ,iL RAMON? | j tonic Regulator I Iry\ *s no* on'y *^e ^est Liver and Kidney medicine 1 r\ I Ym ^Ut suLP''es a'l Ihe cvements of Liver Food lackS VI i I Lr\ Lig in your daily diet. Convenient to use, $ y / \\\v pleasant to take, thorough in action and the CO., Prop'rs, Grocnevillc. Tcnn. FoU f?ALc; a 'I* TIIK ii Z v %l(. SEND-NO MONEY aaaaaftgas* +*? wo will 6emlyouOIR HIGH iO 9 | SO GRADE DROP CABINET BURDICK SEWING MACHINE i.jr?!rt?r. 0. D. .object u tzxmi P ' I ^ nation, You can es&ruine it at your nearest freight depot ana V Jwr- 1 2 found perfectly satisfactory. exactly as represented... io machine* others ?eli at hiph ai fGO.tH), and THK_ GREATEST BARGAIN VOL' KVKU IlKAlJD OF, pa; frfigM aeeni Our Special Offer Price $15.50 ir^ 120 pounds and the freight will average 75 cents for each 500'.iics. fiftlBEffi CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own home, and BNJCfv. we wilt return your $15.50 ar.y day you are not satisfied. We **11 dif- BAg Pfe il ii?rjHJ5J ferent makes ADd grades of Srwin; flarhiaci at f* .'.(). $10.00. $11.00. UBM'' #12.09 and np, all fulle described in Our Free Sewior Jlaehine ('atalozae, ^Sagl M. I I rwHlgM j but $15.50 for this DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK Jll vD I Li ffUUl S?2 is the greatest value ever offered by any house. #J|T ^ EMI CB" BEWARE OF IMITATIONS |ftJ$?|| s|f rertlsinciirs. offering unknown machine, under various names, vith g?s$| 0 = T various inducements. Write some frieud iu tbicagb and leara who aro Iftafl (Bt -.'.fiTl e 1 RELIABLE ASl) W1I0 ARK SOT. Ml = = TUff PSIDniri/ has erery SODEBS WPROYRHEST. ^ =? I HC U'UflUl VlY FY 111 V (.1)011 I'OIM OF EVERY HIGtf Caff . . GRADE JUCIIINE 51ADK, WITH T1IS a . 2x DEFECTS OF XCXE. MAIH1 RY' Till". ItKST \l tk'lit IN AMERICA- -iTzJB 'l FROM THE BEST MATERIAL """ 'J^j, SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK drop DESK j Byiyr^*^Fr-g-^'-r~?^r~~.~T' ~7-c- "TlC">l-~fj 1'i.lNO POLISHED, one illustration shows machine closed, - heaudrof>v BiV-.* fr^',?P^:aPCH^^^jfe'fM&PT - H l-it'Kfroin sitrht) to be used as a rwit.r table. Mand or desk, the oiler fc PBSc-^^^SBe^^ypy^v"! H~5?r ?'"'n 'vn^ ^!)" lencrtli. table and head in place tor sewing, 1 fnnry r 8|*8^a3^*"?^53E?s??y2' Btipsjl. drawer,, latest 1M)9 sliidrioo framr. carved. naneied. embossed and = " "aSi' SfJfbalH dec- rated cabinet tlnish. flne.-t r,|rkel drawer pulls, rests on 4 casj >al ^ (? 8 ters. ball bearlnp adjustable treadle, (reiiuine Smyth iron stand. 5 viti \ I I 5C?wf I'inest law Hish Arm bead. Positive f??r motion feed, self threading vibrat6? " I Pas }lj{? inp shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, mdjin-table bearinps, patent tension fjl 8 ? liberator, improved loore wheel, adjustable presser loot, improved shuttle !- ; = jg\l - 9 B ?L&sV carrier, patent needle bar. patent dtessjmard,headi : handsomely decorated : J - HIS and ornam^nfM and bfvjlifollj NICKEL TE.IIVT IVIED. ; - >-Z jj-'&l K GUARANTEED the IteMcl runnine. most dumhle and reared nol?fIrs? marhln. ? - ^ - ftM m>d*. E?rry known attachment Ufarn'rshed and ocr Free Instruction Book telid f a i - SUn ~yrS&JL .iu--t howanvone can run it and dociufaer piais or any kind ot fancy work. - 1 A 20-YEARS' BINDING GUARANTEE is sent with every machine. .} |T HOSTS YOU NOTH'NG to see and examine this machine, compare it -g^y. -J. rJB ' t/uaia >ut' nuin.rcu wjth your storekeeper seilsat $40.00 - to $60.00. and then if convinced yoo arrsadoi; <25.00. to <40.00, pay your frrleht a?eist tbr $15.50. T TO KETl'KN YOl'R <15.50 If at any time within three month. ?ou aay you ara not aaiitfird. ORDER TO DtY. DON'T DELAY. (Sear?. Il<>eback A- Co. are thoroughly reliable ?Editor.) Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. tln^) Chicago, III. i r N LEXINGTON MARKET, CORItKCTLD WKEKLV BY THE MLKCHANT8. ^ Bacon Hams. p>r tt> # a 10 Hides, " " (>){ a 7 Shoulders, '* 7 a Lard, per n> 7 a 8 ^ Flour, perewt 200 a 250 * Corn, per bu r?5 a 70 Feas, " " 63 a SO Oats. *' " 33 a -10 Fodder, per evrt 75 a >o Svvf>i-f Pnfafrip? nftr hi, .. f.l o TH Bice. per lb a 5 5 Butter, per ft. 15 a 20 Egg? , per do: 10 a 12% Turiceys. per lb 8 a 10 'ri. Augusta.?Middling. ". Albert M. Boozer, ^ ittorney at Law, i COLU3IB1A, C. ] Especial attention given to business en- 1 rusted to him by bia fellow citizens of exington county. Office: 1GU9 Alain Street, over T. B. j Ynghtry ?fc Co. February 28 -tf. DR. lllh. r, STAM.ll, ,.< SartrM Dentist, 2 14.^3 Main St., 1 )ver Messrs. ftmuiiry JBros'. China Store. " (Y AI C. A. Building.) J COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 January 16 ly. M |l HILTON'S J OUGH CURE, 1 ! V A SVAUP. Unique?unlike any other cough prepa- . ration. The quickest to stop a cough and ' 1 to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. / THE MOB RAY DRUG CO., COLUMPIA ft c. For Palo at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18 ly. \ ANDREW CRAWFORD H ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? I COLUMBIA, - - - - 8. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND M Federal Courts, and offers his profee- / sionai services to the citizens ot Lexington J , County. / October 18?ly. j EDWARD L. ASD1LL, j Attorney at Law, LEESVILLE, S. 0. w Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. At Sept. 30?6m _ C. M. EFIHD. F. E. Dreheb. EFiRD & DREHER, 1 Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts. Business solicited. One member ol the firm will always be at office, Lexington, S C. t?~ in U UliC JL I Vlil LEXJ IN GTOIN SAVINGS BANK. OEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. HOOF, Ca^liier. DIRECTORS: Glen Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird. m R. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits ot SI and towards received and uierest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, * ayable April and October. September 21?tl CAROLINA A NATIONAL BANE, COLUMBIA, S. * . eed something to clear up the system a. d restor it to a healthier conditio i. II It.tit's Liver and Kidney R gulator meets these requirement!. Excels as a remedy in habitual constipation. indigestion and all their attend- . ing ills, and as a regulator to the kidrevs. 23c., fiOc. and SI 00 bottles. Wholesale by MURRAY DRUG CO., Cohin>K . S C For Sale at TIIE BAZAAR, Mar II- ly. jm