The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 20, 1899, Image 4

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mmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmm The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt July 19. 1894. G. M. HARMAN. Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1899. Hauled Up Short--'Uncle San Insists on Having His Tases Paid. Inspector Brednax. Representing the Government, Drops in on Many of the "Tiger" Keepers and Lets them Know that the United States Must be Given its License Money or Something will Drop Right Away? Several Hundred Places are Said V.? Prnnfirle Ovcni rmofl with f hfi lu wo i iu^/ckj " " ? ??License Card, but Many Others were Found "Without the Necessary Document?Brokers and Pool Room Keepers Receive a Visit. Charleston Nevrs and Courier. The visit of Inspector Brodnax to Charleston was a wild surprise to hundreds of people who have more or less connection with the Federal Government. Some time ago it was printed in the News and Courier that the revenue people were hot after violators of the law, and it was hinted that wholesale raids could be expected shortly. There was a considerable amount of inspection work in the city, and the conditions existing were not found to be of the most satisfactory kind. A report to this tffoct is said to have gone into headquarters and Mr. Brotjnax was detailed to come here and make an cx amination. He got to work early Monday, as announced in The News and Courier yesterday, and the business people who have been disregarding the law were jerked up with liitle mercy. The conditions were such, however, that the dealers were told to get licenses instantly, and by payiDg the penalties they escaped 1 prosecution. Inspector Brodnax will probably have many cases made out against ^ dealers who have not supplied themselves with the proper licenses to sell ' liquor. There has been an open vio- 1 lation of this law and as soon as the work is finished the department will decide on a plan of campaign. It was recently stated that at least three hundred shops and tigers in Charles- < ton were selling ilquor without the j proper authority from the Govern- 4 ment. This applies mostly to the ] corner shop keepers, who sell beer on e the sly, but an examination yester- i day showed many tigers of the first- class style were licenses were not to ? be seen. Indictments will probably i be made out in a number of cases, \ though no steps in this direction i were taken yesterday. The matter 1 will stand over until the inspector ] has completed his duties in the city, a and on the nature of his report will t depend the future handling of the g situation. s The drug people got a glimpse of p Inspector Brodnax. He called at all I the drug stores and made a general inspection. In several places he found that malt was being sold without license. The dealers admitted that they had been. advertising and s selling this freely, and they assigned j. different reasons why no tax or license ^ had been paid in by them. It is j understood that this violation will not be Dunished further than to re- t quire the dealers to take out licenses jj at once and to pay the penalties which will have to attach. s The brokers were also caught by surprise and required to take out f, licenses. v Owners of pool tables were re- p : quired to show if they had paid the s amounts required by the Government. a la one place seven pool tables were marked and the owners required to pay five dollars on each. ^ The cigar manufacturing business came in for a share of the inspector's ^ time and this business was looked into thoroughly. Iu fact Mr. Brod- j tax will examine clooely into every ^ branch of the business which comes under bis supervision. Ho will remain here for several days, or at least until he has made the rounds of the the entire city. When this is dune a full report wili bi prepared and cases s will rnvihjihl v lie made out arrainst a c r ' ? t f number of people who Lave bceu Q violating the law. 8 A Thousand Tongues c a Could net express the rapture of f( ALnie E Springer, of 1125 Howard bt., Philadelphia, Pa, when she fouDd that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had compkttly cured her of a hacking cough that i , I h for many years had made life a ! % ! ^1 burden. All other remedies aod j doctors could give her no help, but j she says of this Royal Cure?'fit j ^ soon removed the pain in my chest j and I can now sleep soundly, some- i thing I can scarcely remember doing | before. I feel like scunding its J praises throughout the Universe." ^ So will every one who tries Dr. 11 KiDg's New Discovery for any trou- ' ble of the Throat Chest or Lungs. j t] Pi ice 50c. and $1 00. Trial bottles i ti free at J. E. Kaufmann's Drug Store? a every bottle guaranteed. | d Full cream cheese and fine Goshen j p butter at the Bazaar. 1 ? I 1.11 ^ ?,, ^>-v fl m ''", "\N 1 V/ Mi: 'vjji (V. / ^ Y~l r w 1,1, vjmt?w i *i;i">^l f fnry a\f W! r-*jf i ^ is /jy v.-r-r a ; &h p p iks / V VJ| ,1,1 m ( I'unac TRAOC MARK. iAW their normal condition, the hour? ^Wpain lessened, and recovery com{ iWk Send for our new book, "Ilealtl /[H which contains much valuable in JtiiL an<* m?therhood, ^ is ^ree? f SOLD AT DRUG STORES. L. GER X\ J. 4 FOE SALE BY J. That Long For-Gotten Picture. "John Billus, I found this photograph in the inside pocket of an old vest of yours hanging up in the closet. I'd like an explanation. Whose is it ?" ' Can't you see it's an old picture, Maria? What's the use of stirring j up memories that " "I want to know whose picture that is.'' "Rather a pleasant-faced girl, isn't she?" "I want to know her name.'* "No jealous fury in that countenance, is there?" "Whose is ii?" "It's the portrait of a girl I use to think a great deal of, and " "Her name, sii?" "Well, you sat for it yourself, Maria, about nineteen years ago; but, to tell the truth, I always did think the pleasing expression' was a little overdone. Put on your spectacles and j look at it again, and then compare it i with the reflection in that mirror! Dver there and see what are you j1 jetting mad about?" 11 Rebbed the Grave. I ? I A startling incident, of which Mr. j | fohn Oliver of Philadelphia, v. as the j ---i-- -i. : 1 - J i? u: I i $uujeui,i? uanaitu uy uilu t?o i 'I was in a most dreadful condition. |1 Uy skin was almost yellow, eyes j sunken, toDgue coated, pain contin- J rally in back and sides, no appetite j( ?gradually growing weaker day by j! lay. Three physicians had given * ne up. Fortunately, a friend adused trying 'Electric Bitters;' and to 1 ny great joy and surprise, the first j ] >ottle made a decided improvement. [ t continued their use for three weeks ; ! 1 tnd am now a well man. I know j hey saved my life, and robbed the ! ? jrave of another victim.'' No one j? hould fail to try them. Only 50cts., j ^ guaranteed, at J. E Kaufmann's j ( )rag Store. Interrupted the Progr&mms. * ? . f "Did that thar sharp what give a < how in the opry house last night :etch bullets in his teeth as he said le would on hi3 placards?"' asked j j forcopioe Pete. I "He ketched a few,'' said Lariat j ^ jem; "but not exactly as he allowed ! . i e was a gom to. \ i c "'Notherone of them tenderfoot; windlers, I s'pose.'' i ? "Mebby. I dunco. He didn't git j ur enough so we could tell wether it j8 ?as a swindle or not. You see, he ! I j esin his nufformance by askin' for; ome gentlemanly member of the i udiecce to lend him a bat." j ^ "Wot happened theL?" j s "Well, Dog Faced Dick handed! * is hat up, and the professor started ; a fT by breakin' a passel of eggs into j L The bullet ketchiu' part of the J r irogramme happened right thar. i t ihe coronet's waitiu' to hear from ; c is friends in the east, if he has any." e * jr Ezit Swill Barrel. j v Improvements iu methods are | I ometimes due to adversity. A do- 1 ide ago the swill bxrrel, with its c jul mixture, was considered a nc-ces- a ary adjunct on every farm, but the will barrel is passing away, as farm- t rs are being convinced that clean I nd wholesome food is necessary I or hogs as for other animal3. s * . j,, Fried Tomtcsr. ! L Cut firm ripe tomatoes into slices j / a!f an inch thick and roll them iD !. our. Season with pepper and salt?!. ry brown on a hot griddle greased ; fith drippings, or equal parts of j utter and lard and serve with but-: j ?red toast. St. Stephen's Congregation. The place of divine services for the ' nmediate future of St. Stephen's! ongregation will be in the Episco-.' al chapel. Our congregation and re public nmy expect services at; nat chapel every Sunday morning t 11 o'clock, except on fifth Suu- j s ays. . t Sunday school service every Sun-! ^ ay morning, at 9:30, at the Episco- j al chapel. j v Pastor J. G. Graichen. ' a t vrrTWiiiT?winnnwii ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /y ^ W W^X'X*1^ Motherhoods ' [*HIS event in the life of a wo-W ^ man is looked forward to wit h ^4% t t a feeling akin to horror? not because the little one is not|*4*| 1 elcomo, but because the mother\l# t reads the direful consequences ,V, ) herself. Those long hours of^l# 6 ionizing labor stand out before J er like a hideous nightmare. Ankly nproper deliver}-, "followed by "f 8 hild-bed fever, may end the scene C4^ t i a few short days, leaving the ttle one motherless. But there yik i another side to the picture. IfjJlj omen who are expecting to be- j*j! ome mothers will commence the yjft \ sc of the greatest female tonic, j* , e's ) regularly as directed a few /AV e v weeks before confinement. s ea. j and continue its use until y||V the organs are restored to %f J i of labor will be shortened, the jj^ t )lete. s ly Mothers Make Happy Homes," formation regarding pregnancy jHk 1 STLE 4 CO., Proprs., Chattanooga, Tenn. fn c E. KAUPMANX, ] She?"He says be loves me; yet he has only known me two days." Her ( Friend?"Well, perhaps that's the { reasoD, dear." \ "Best on the market for coughs s and colds and all bronchial troubles; C for croup it has no equal," writes v Henry It. Whitford, South Canaan, I Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. E J. E. Kaufmann. Senator Jones, chairman of tl e ^ n national Democratic committee will return from Europe to be in Chicago c by October 1. 8 p A?It is when a man is in trouble s that he knows the value of a wife. n B?Yes; he can put all his property in her name. ^ Two streets iu Pinar del Rio, ^ which have heretofore borne the a names of two saints, will hereafter be c called Gomez and McKioley. ,, _ i i. *i -i i. ua an eigut-mue roau now ueiug c built in Missouri to connect with the 8 M ssouri, Kmsas and Texvs, 21 j| bridges are to be constructed. Consul Johnson reports from Hon- j duras that the planters have twarted c the efforts of a banana trust to lower the price of that fruit. a M. B. Peavey, Byrumville, Ga., e write*: Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver a Medicine cured my whole family of n Chills and Fever. It also cures Dyspepsia and Headache. I believe it a; 3troDger than Zeilin's and Black b Draught. Y The experiment of enlisting natives a; :f the West Indies into the American w irmy has proved quite successful in k :he case of the Porto Kican battalion. Power will intoxicate the best le aearts as wine the strongest heads, tl STo man is wise enough nor good & mough to be trusted with unlimited a power. "Doesn't your mother-in-law take ^ tny interest in your domestic affairs?" 'Ob, yes; she backs up my wife and he cook when I find fault wifc'i the linner." *E Greenville is to have an electric ^ w cad in the near future. The Green'ille Traction Company have applied or a charter with a capital slook of ?200,000. m E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo , was sured of piles by DeWitt's Witch 19 rlazel Salve after suffering sevente<n ^ears ana trying over twenty reme- ' lies. Physicians and surgeons enlorse it. Beware of dangerous ^ SI jounteifeits. J. E. Ivaufmann. re The war department orders that ach regiment of artillery will hereiter consist of 12 batteries of heavy if 113 men each and two batteries of ^ .02 men each. ^ fr The Sumter electric light plant ms changed hands and will be con- ^ olidated with one of the ice factorbe es there, increasing the capacity by ^ . 30 ton machine. D-oWitl s Little E uly Risers per- ^ aanenlly cure chronic constipation, nliousness, uervousness and worn- ^ iut feeling; cleanse and regulate the ntire system. Small, pleasant, tever giipe or sicken?"famous little lills."' J. E Kaufmann. u ' Is Jimmy French a good little >0}'?" 'No." "Then why d> ycu C8 day with him so uft<n?" ''Well, h s jQ other boys Lim a lots of candy, aj ,nd I'm bigger than he is." ^ Papa?I hear you were a bad girl K oday and had to be spanked. Small laughter?Mamma is awful strict. f I'd ;t' known she used to be a y. ehool teacher, I'd V told you not to carry ber. (j The pain of a burn or scald is al- 0 cost instantly relieved by applying 1jhamberlain's Pain Balm. It also tt leals the injured parts more quickly y< ban any other treatment, and with- si ;ut the burn is very seveie does not ar save a scar. For sale by J. E. e? vauftnann. m si June bugs are thick in parts of ^ lerraany this year. At Brody school ec hiidren lately gathered 2."?, hundred reight from a sixteen acre field. >ome one has figured out that this cieans 1,270,000 June bugs. , "Don't touch me," said the chry- in antheinum, as it leaned away from so he rose. "I would be foolish to at- ali empt it," replied the lose; "it's a is /c 11 known fact lb it }ou haven't got T1 scent." ?a?an??? m i 11 i n ? i "Yes,'' he said, "when I was young ' was eagerly sought after.r "What eward was " asked the iweet girl. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scienific compound having the endorse nent of eminent physicians and the nedical press. It "digests what ycu sat" aod positively cures dyspepsia, d A. Ivetron, Bloomicgdale, Tenn., iays it cured him of indigestion of en years' standing. J. E. Ivaufnann. Miss Prim?Don't let your d?g )ite me. little boy. Boy?He won't )ite, ma'am. Miss Prim?Bat he is ihowing his teeth. Boy, with pride, -Certainly he is, ma'am; and if you lad a* good teeth as he has you'd [how 'em too. Vermont has in anticipati- n the >iggest reception ever held in that State, when it welcomes Admiral Dewey. The celebration will be leld in the admiral's native town, klontpelier, aud will last several lays. There's always hope while there's )ne Minute Cough Cure." An atack of pneumonia left my lungs in >id shape and I was near the first tages of consumption. One Minute 3ough Cure completely cured me," vrites Helen McHenry, Bismark, X. ). Gives instant relief. J. E Kaufaann. General Funston's mail is probacy the largest in the Philippines. ?here are quantities of letters of ongratulations from friends and trangers, requests for autographs, olitical advice, sample cigars which eek to bear his Dame, stocks of ewspaper clippings and couDtIes3 ;ift8 of every description. Siamese women trust their chilIren to the care of elephants, which re careful never to hurt the little reatures, and if danger threatens he sagacious animal will curl the bild gently up in his trunk, and wing it up out of harm's way upon ts own broad back. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Iich , says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cnro ured mo of a severe case of indigesioD; can strongly recommend it to 11 dyspeptics. "Digests what you at without aid from the stomach, nd cures dyspepsia. J. E. Kauflann. YouDg Housekeeper?Have you ny nice ducks this morning?" "Yes, ere are some nice canvas backs." oung Housekeeper?Ob, deai! I m so inexperienced! I think I ould rather have the old fashioned ind that have feathers on. A family comprising seven persons ift Scranton, Penn., the other day, le whole party traveling on one full ire railroad ticket. There were the lother and her three pairs of twins, A /v /\ Vi U nC? 1? M A A iU A JUC Ui LUC CUUU1CU UClLlg up t'J LUC alf-fare age of five years. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, tin diseases and all irritating erupons, nothing so soothing and bealig as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Silve. [re. Emma Bolles, Matron Eogleood Nursery, Chicago, says of it: When all else fails in healing our ibies, it will cure."' J. E. Kaufann. It is curious to note that wood tar prepared just as it was in the urth century B. C. A bank is losen and a hole dug, into which te wood is placed, covered with irf. A fire is lighted underneath id the tar slowly drips into the barils placed to receive it. Peas taken from an Egyptian imb 3,000 years old have been anted by a Scotch gardener and ive produced vigorous vines and uit. There is no doubt as to the jas being Egyptian, but it will reaire strong testimony to convince itanists that they are as old as the imbs. J. H. Lunsford & Sou, Craft, Tex , ly that Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic certainly the best ou the market, hey have never known it to fiil to ire. Have just ordered mere and ust have it. Tasteless and guiriteed. 50c. For sale by G. M arman. A young lady of very extraordinary ipacity lately addressed the followwing letter to her cousin: "We is 1 well; and mother's got his Terrix; other Tom has got the Kupin augb; and sister Ann has got a iber; and I hope these few lines ill find you the same. Rite sur.e. our aphectiouate kuzzen." A cuiious case is reported by a erman druggist, Dr. Muhl KuLdci\ ae of his patients was a woman of t, who66 light arm and right side of le neck bad been paralyzed for two jars and a half as a result, it was lpposed, of a fall and broken arm, id he filled several of her teeth and ttracted the much-decayed third olar or wisdom tooth of the right de. The patient returned nest day i state her paralysis had disappear1. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well ied remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothg Syrup for children teething. It othes the child, softens the gums, lays all pain, cures wind colic and the best remedy for diarrhoea, cventy-tive cents a bottle. It is the best of all. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. It is surprising tbat the plan for a billion-dollar iron and steel trust has failed. A billion dollars is a good deal of money. Counting one a second for eight hours a day it would take a man a year to count a million, and a thousand years to count a billion; or a thousand men counting one a second for eight hours a day, could together count a billion in a year. One hundred silver dollars make a pile a foot high. A billion silver dollars would make a pile 2,000 miles h:gh. Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills, a pleasant remedy for all diseases arising from a disordered or torpid liver. They are the modern cure for constipation, biliousness, sick headaches, specks before the eyes, etc. They do not sicken or gripe, mild in action, thorough in effect. Ouly one a dose, sugar coated and pleasant to take. Price, 25 cents a box, at the Bazaar. ? A Stupid Barbs* Customer (as journeyman barber leaves the shop)?What did you discharge him toil Barber?Why, he ain't got no more sense than a stone wall! One of my customers left a pair of razors here to be sharpened, and that ignorant chump actually went and sharpened them so that the man could shave with them. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burr, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the World will kill (he pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. E. Kaufmann, Drugg'st. Home and Farm. By special arrangements we offer the Home and Farm, the leading farm and home paper, published in Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch for $1.25. Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe for the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this office. ! "STEVENS FAVORITE" { a T-B-T^Tr TTT* A ? XVAX7 JUdJTLdm ^ Down." 9 22-inch barrel, weight 4$ pounds. 4 Carefully bored and tested. For 4 \ .22, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges. \ I No. 17. f t Plain Open Sights, $6.00 f t No. 18. f f Target Sights, $8.50 x F Ask your dealer for the " FAVO- f 4 RITE. If he doesn't keep it we A \ will send, prepaid, on receipt of \ r price. r i Send stamp for complete cata- A \ logue showing our full line, with val- \ I uable information regarding rifles # \ and ammunition in general. j ? J. STE7EWSAEMSANB TOOL CO. j Y P.O.Box 1152, f CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. DAILY MW&5; y An Even in p Newspaper. Contains all the news, ami so condenstd that you have time to read it. Antlv called THE DUSV MAN'S PAPER. r i i Ai\* nu.Mt.. aBDillM&S An Ideal Newspaper. A compute n?nvl is given awiy with every cony of the Sunday News. Other attractive features. IfmBPiARItS A Monthly Magazine. K.-ioh mimbi r contains more firstol-ihs reading than any other monthly in America. SAMPLE CF EITHER FREE. AGENTS WANTED. Cash Commissions or Premiums. NEW YORK NEW 3 PUBLISHING CO., I 22 Park row. New York. ARE YOU SICK, SUFFERING, OR AFRTJr,TFX> IN ANY WAY, AND NEED IMIiEIIDICIZTIE ? If so, you will find in the Drug and Medicine Department at the Bazaar, Standard Medicines for all Complaints, Diseases, Etc., which will give relief and cure you. ! AT THE BAZAAR, SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ! ;"JPr Central Time Bcttrecn Columbia and Jacksonville. Eastern Time Uetweeu Columbia and Other I'oiuts. Effective June llili, 1809. Northbound. Daily. Daily. Lv. .T'ville. K.C.&P.Rv : 8 2i>aj 7 lop " Savannah 12 UApi 11 .V.ip A r. Columbia ... . .i 4Ii8j>j 4 2Ga Lv. Charleston, Ss>. Ky | 7 Ob aj f> Si) p tjlunni'Tville 7 11 a G (X'p Branehville 8 .Via 7 .10p Orar.uehur,,* j Hi! a 8 24 n Kitigville !0 l.itil l> 2lljt Ar. Columbia ' 1 t?0a; 10 lo ? Lv. Augusta, So. iiy.. . ~ 4() |>| 5 ;wp " (iranitevilie ,.| lib*!?- !0 15p " Aiken j 2 .M) j> " Trenton .: J :?'[>; II nop " Johnstons j Si 4'.* pi 11 2Up Ar. ColumbiaUn. dep't ."> 20p| 2 103 Lv C'ol'hia Bland'g st 5 4o p j 5 50 a " VV intisls >ro 6 28 p G 49 a " Chester I 7 2Gp| 7 87 a " Hock Mill i -Spj 8 11 a Ar. Charlotte.... . > ^l' 915m " Danville. ! 12 55a| 1 22p Ar. Richmond j 6(K)a| 6 25y Ar. Washington I 7 55a! 9 05p " BaltimoiePa. R. R.. 9 12a 11 25p " Philadelphia ' 11 35 a 2 55 a " New York j 2 05 pj G 22 a c , , , 1 No. 53 No. 35 Southbound. i .. _v ., i I>nly. Daily. Lv. New York, Pa. R.R 3 00p| 1215r.S " Philadelphia 5 24 pj 3 50 a " Baltimore 7 55pi G22 a Lv. Wash'ton, So. Ry 9 20pj 11 15 a Lv. Richmond I 11 tOpj 12 01m Lv. Danville ? j 4 15 aj 6 02 p " Charlotte... 8 15a! 10 20p " Reck Hill 9 02 a1 11 10 p " Chester 9 35a 11 43p " Winn?boro ' 10 21a; 12 32 a Ar Col'bia Bland'g st ' 1125a 137 a Lv. Columbia Un.dep't i 11 45 a 4 30 a " Johnstons 1 23 p 6 32 a " Trenton 1 1.8 p 6 4Sa Ar. Aiken 2 lop " (-Jraniteville 2 07 p 7 IS a " Augusta 2 45}? 8 00 a Lv. Columbia, So. Ry 3 55 p! 6 45 a Kingville 4 35pi 7 30 a Orangeburg 5 29pj 8 22s Branchville G 02 pj 8 52 a Summerville 7 32 p 10 18 a Ar. Charleston 8 171>! 11 00 a ___ i Lv. Col'bia, F.C.&P.Ry 10 35 a; 12 47 a " Savannah 3 07p 5 08 a Ar. Jacksonville j 7 40p- 9 00 a SLEEPING* CAIt SERVICE. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing room sleeping ears between Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Nos. 35 and 35 -U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New Y'ork and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, ei;routo daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON. J. M. GULP. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr. T. M., Washington. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A.. Washington. A. G. P. A., Atlanta. :r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. .. I Y Condensed Schedule in EEcct ^ June 11th, 1-9.). _ vTiTinvs ' Ex. fcStm. j Daily STATIONS. | No 17 I So. 11. Lv. Charleston ; i 7 OU a m " Summerville | j 7 41 a in " Brauchville ! 8 55 a in " Orangeburg 1 1 9 23 a m " Kin grille i ! JO 1-3 a m Lv. Columbia i I 11 05 a.m " Prosperity j . t? n n " Kewoerry : 12 Lo p in " Ninety-Six \ 1 30 p in " Greenwood i 7 10 a in 1 55 p ra Ar. Hodges . ! 8 00 a in 2 15 p in Ar. Abbeville j 8 40 a iu: 2 45 p m ArTBelton ...j 8 55 a m 3 10 p m Ar. Anderson j f 30 a mi 3 35 p jn Ar. Greenville t 10 13 a in' 4 15 p m Ar. Atlanta ! 3 55 p m 9 CO p m STATIONS. j ENo.S18^| Ko.%. Lv. Greenville 5 30 p in; 13 15 a m " Piedmont j fi 00 p in 10 40 a m " Williamston i 6 22 p ml 10 55 a m Lv. Anderson j 4 45 p m 10 45 a ni Lv. Belt on j 6 45 p in 11 15 a m Ar. Donnalds i 7 15 p m 11 40 a m Lv. Abbeville 1 ti 10 p m lij-'O a m Lv. Hodges i 7 35 p m! 11 55 a m Ar. Greenwood 8 0J p m 12 20 p m " Ninot3--Six 1 12 55 p m " Newberry 2 IX) p m " Prosperity 2 14 p m " Columbia ! 3 1.0 p m Lv. kingviile 4 58 p m " Oraugeburg 1 5 24 p in " Branchville 6 17 p m " SummerviUe 7 82 p m Ar. Charleston I 8 17 p m Daily Daily| CTiTinvs Daily Daily No. OiNo.ial STATION a. ^ j j 53Jp 7 OUalLv Charleston?Ar 8l7p llu0a 8 09p 7 41a " ..SummerviUe .. ' i 732p 1018a ' os:? ?t -D 1?** ! u , LL, A- ro? wr?i oiiva . . oraxii'uvmc... . J u v~i/i o 8 24p 928a " ....Orangeburg... " 529j> 8 22a 9 2up.l0 15a " Kingviile " 438p 720a 8 30a 11 40a, " .... Coli m>ia " 3 20p 9 OOp 9 07al2 20p " Alsion Lv 230p| Sofa 10 04a l?jp " Siuituo " 1 23pl 7 4'5p 10 20a 2 OOp " U nion ' i 1 05p! 7 30p 10 39a 222p " .... Jonesvillc .... " 12 Sip! 6 5 >p 10 04a 2 37p " Paeolet " 12 l4p 6 4.'p 11 25a 3 lOp Ar.. Spartanburg.. .Lvjll 45a| 6 15p 1140a 340pLv.. Spartanburg.. Ar il 28ai 6 00p _2 40p_ 7 OOp Ar Ashoviile Lv 8 20a| 3 05p I "P," p. in. "A," a. m. Pullman palace sleeping cars on Trains 3o and ?45. 37 and 38, on A. end C. division. Dining cars on theie trains serve all meals enroute. Trains leave Spartanburg. A. & C. division, northbound. 6:43 a. m.. 3:37 p.m.. 6:13 p.m., (Vestibule Limited); southbound 12:26 a. in., 8:15 p. m., 11:34 a. in., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave Greenville. A. and C. division, northbound,." :50 a. ni., 2:34 n. m. and 5:22 p. m., (Vestibuled Limited): soutnljouml. 1:2o a. ui., 4:30 p. m., 12:30 p. m. (Vestibuled Limited). Trains 9 and 10 carry elegant Pullman sleeping cars In-tween Columbia and AsheviJlo enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincia nati. Trains 13 and 14 carry superb Pullman parlor cars between Charleston and Asheville. FRANK S. CANNON, J. M. CULP. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr.. Washington. D. C. Washington. L>. C. W. A. TCRK, S. TI. HARDW1CK, Gen. Pass. Ag't. As't Gen. Pass. Ag't. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, (4a. THE CHARLESTON LINE SOUTH CAROLINA AND OA. R. II. Co. Iu Effect January 1, 1S00. (Eastern Time.) lv Cbarlesto; *7 00 a in "5 30 p in "7 (Oam ar Columbia. 11 00 a m 10 10 p il. '1 CO a ro lv Columbia 11 30a m i 1 35 a m ar Spar'anb'g 3 10pm , ar Asiiville .. 6 30 p m 1 lo rntnmhii i ! 11 35 U Hi lv Charlotte . 8 22 p m 9 25 a m lv Danville.. 11 59 p m 1 3U p ra ar Washing*!) 0 42 a m 9 05 p m ar Biitimcre 8 05 am ll "25 pm ar Philadel'a !0 25 a m 2 56 a m ar New York. 12 53 p m 6 23 a m ar Boston ... f8 30 p in |3 30 a m lv Boston ... f9 00 a m *4 00 p m lv New York. *3 20 pm *1205am ' lv Philadel'a 5 55 p m 7 20 a n lv Baltimore. 8 37 p m 9 42 a m lv Washing'n 10 45 p m 11 15 a m lv Danville .. 4 45 a m 6 07 a in ar Charlotte . 9 23 am 10 00 a in J ar Colombia.i , 1 I'Opm i 1 lv Asheville. | *7 i0 a tn lv Spartanb'gi t 11 43 p m Ar Columbia.! 3 45 p J 3 00 p ru lv Columbia. 3 54 p in 6 50 a in 3 15 p m ar Charleston.'*8 17 p m *11 (.'Oam '8 17pm ] Dailv t Except. Sundav. aCOLVIA DIVISION. (West-Daily.) leave Charleston 7 00 a ml 5 3<? p m ' arrive Augusta 11 51 a u. 10 45 p m arrive Atlanta 8 20 p m 5 00 a in arrive New Orleans.. 8 20 p m arrive Chattanooga ... 1 00 am 1 <'0 p m arrive Nashville 6 40 a m 6 55 p in arrive Evausvlil I 40 p m 1 25 a m arrive St Louis 7 32 p m 7 20 a rr> IHROUCU TKAIN" sEnviUbTAugusta Division.?Throngh Sleepers between Charleston and Atlanta, leaving Charleston at 5 30 p. m., arriving in Atlanta at 5 a in. ^UiUUiUItt JLy ? ? lol' 'Li ? ur.o between Charleston and Ashcville, both directions. Shortest route to Asheviile and Hot Springs, N. C., and all resorts of Upper North and South Carolina. Through tickets can be purchased, sleep- i ing car reseivaticns secured, baggaee checked to destination and all other information obtained by appling to Win. H. Evans, C. T. A.. Charleston Hotel, or G. W. Dewees, Ticket Agent, Line Street Station, L. A. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, CASES, CRACZERS, ZF-^ETC-ST a-EsocisiEexEis, * "mr CIGARS, CHEWING and SMOKIN TOBACCO Toys, Fancy China, ^ Notions, ZDZSZTG-S and. MEIDICIETES, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SCHOOL LOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC Diamond Dyes of all Colors. Herman's Bazaar, LEXIXGTOX, S. C. v ??. ?.. ? ^ MASON'S MOVED PORCELAIN LINED. Now is the time to ^ E^EeTTIT and put up VEGETABLES. ' W A A /\? I U A?V? A aIt A/1 VS S*/*. 1 ?* 1 T A rw Ar? i A A A m * i A nc unci luclli uivcijr, x x/uxuu iu vadc} n liu iuuucio i and top8 complete, as follows: Pints 50 Cents per Dozen Q iarts CO Cents per Dozen Half Gallons 75 Cenfc3 per Dozen Send us your orders, or write us for prices on large lots. LORICK & LOWRANCE, % COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan.,?1 lv. mrfTI A COLUMBIA, NEWBERRY AND ? Till -f ^LAURERS RAIUOAO. J In Effect January 8th, 1899. No. 52 No. 2 CDTDTTTFIVTI? 1105 am lv. Columbia.. * > Ml Kl 11 L\ L <* -L?,,bart11 25 a m ar Iimo ... DUMUTITUCJ 11 32 a ? ar.Eallentine . A JlijiHJjUlljia. 11 37 a m ar.White Rock. A vi a u e a t j- ? ... 11 40 a ra ar .. Hilton... Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical ,, p. Profession. No Quack or Patent Med- - -> * !!! Q-t" \r?, .11 5o a m arL. Mountain icme, but 11 58 a m ar.. .Slighs.. NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES* 12 07 p m 8 30 pm Admitted into the World Columbian Expo- 12 20 p m ar. Newberry, ar 8 00 pm _ c .j 6it*?? in 1J93- 12 33 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 7 20 pm AM Use Spirlttine Jialsam for Rheumatism, i.too r* rm Colds. Lameness. Sprains, Sore Throat ]\ 3S P m ar... Gary . .ar I 10 pm H ur , . c _: . i: T_ u . i . _ . r /-< IV i"? n m ov Kinorii or 7 111 nm use c-piniMiiu xuudioui lur ^u/imiuu puuu, ^ ^ ^ Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma 12 50 p m ar ..Goldville. .ar 6 50 pm and La urippe. 1 03 p m ar.. Clinton.. .ar 6 30 pm * Spirittine Ointment is indispensable in the i in r> i a m F treatment of Skin Diseases, Cure Itcb, J J? P 01 -TPa,ks' "fr f J? Pm Itching Piles. 1 25 p m ar. .Laurens, .lv 4 00 pm In consequence of the astonishing sue- -~pVT^NTVr cess in removing diseases, its demand now 1*1. o^njjnuLJi. comes not alone from this vicinity but No 53 NoTl from everywhere in the United States and 0"- i i mm *1 Europe. J 3d p m lv. .Laurens, .lv 1010 am ' Wholesale and Retail by G. M. HARIIAN. 1 41 p m lv.. .Parks.. .lv 10 00 am ; 1 53 p m lv. ..Clinton.. .lv 9 40 am LLXIIVGTON 2 02 pm lv...Go! 917 am CLISSICIL INSTITUTE 2 09 P m 9 05 am ' J 2 14 p m lv 8 50 am FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 2 19 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 8 40 am PREPARES I OR TEACHING 2 32 p m lv. Newberry .lv 8 10 am COLLEGE OR BUSINESS. 2 47 p m 6 45 am High School. Intermediate and Primary 2 57 pm lv.. .Slighs.. .lv, Courses. 3 02 p m Iv.L. Mountain lv English, German. French, Greek and Latin 3 12 p m lv. ..Chapin.. .lv tt ,T.anghtV ? -oa 3 18 p m lv.. .Hilton., .lv ry Healthiest Location. Board , 01 t>^u ver> chcop. $4 to $7 per month. Tuition ^ 2lpm lvA\ kite exeedingly low. $1 to $2.50 per month. 3 2b p m Expenses per year $50 to $75. Had 125 3 35 pm lv.. .Irmo... .!v W students last session 3 42 p m Iv./Leapharl. .lv Next session begins Monday, September Q cr * _ _ 18. 1893. For fuH particulars, o uu -?* Address . . Trams 52 aiid 53 ruD solid between ' ' " LeiiDgtou(PS.'c. i Charleston and Greenville. Train September 14?tf. 52 makes close connection at Laur ens for Augusta and Spaitanburg. I I l\V HT? MAU Wanted to trawl No. 53 makes close connection at I. j 111/ v/Xv IVliilN anil a (.point a- Sunder for the North lifllll c?nts. seo ner ary a?id tracer ior ine Atorin. uuist ?ii f.Xpwns<s. ZIEGLAIt CO.. 2tu Nos. 1 and 2 makes close rhtoioipiiiu. Pa. u0? with S. A L toabd from Atlanta. ' For further infoi mation call on or BRp^B PARKER'S . address HAIR BALSAM B F P LF4PI7ART Clcmscs *nd beauttfiei the hair. ' '"'ArilAilij 31 Promote* luxuriant growth. Fitv Tielrot Arypnt . HBZfever Falls to Bestore Gray VAl.y XlCKei Agent, r>g. -jaCT Hair to Its Youthful Color. T -p T i VINC1STON -J?*H Cure* acaip diseases 4c ha:r tailing. O. X. ?Ji > 1AUO 1U.1| joc.and$i??at Drujr^^u Travelling Passenger Agent. ,m- Bank of Columbia, Columbia, S. C. SEM FEEL W. Q. CHILDS, President. to housekeepers? ?a ? w~ Liebig COMPANY'S |f gjfggjl Extract of Beef ^ GGGK BOOK. DySp6pSI3 ClIFG telling bow to prepare many deli- Digests what you eat. cate and delicious dishes. Itartifioiallydigeststhefoodandaids Address. Liebig Co.. P. 0. Box 2718, New Nature in strengthening and reconr . | structing tlie exhausted digestive ororK' ; gans. It is the latest discovered digest ; ant and tonic. No other preparation DCCCU/AY U/ANTTFb ican approach it in efficiency. It inDLLO VvHA rsMilli-L/ stantly relieves and permanently cures ! Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, ? [N LARGl UR SMiLL QUANTITIES Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, . ; Sick Headacho.Gastralgia.Cramps,and ["WILL PAY THE HIGHEST JIAR- all other results of imperfectdigestion ket price lor clean ani pare Beeswax. Prepared by E. C DeWitt 6,Co., Ct.'cago. ?rice governed by color and coudi>ion. J. jtl KAUJb'MANN. RICE B HARM AN, ori-:, I!? 'V r fjOj } ID nrvl a:>a ve?.ii . ? T en Ota!.* UO ofssl Uuls-AI b.-:r Sii-lh. ^ At tlieBazaar, Lexington, S. L. ...? u>>c.:;v?n:t a.\d wood ^ ??x,k mou., ??y v.*.?*t t?? examination. Vour f>m is not ?urnislKa??% 'S ffij. Ulltbottt a y\n* Piano or Organ. ISmI One or our Superb Matbushck Pianos of "Vt'r J| Keliabjc Mason & hamlin yr>c;i:u: \vill jS vears past. an<I ttnnien^civ popular. ' 'Is i* ^ Vt X RSI Quality, better than ever. Prices, fj'v j jjj ^3 I lower under our new plan of scl-intf-with- J rJ3 th' C! . e- V.'TJITK FOP.OtT. FREE " Out Agents. I ,.?{ v.ithoi-^w [/ sveyc CATiLOCUEi Agents Commissions 5aved and g;ven to - r or ?.2.t3 " ~ * Purchasers. Thats the New Schedule a no -rufie.iri.t charges. 7! : < sime is size N>.8. oven is M it works :<v 'T?8xll. topi.-)4c.v.u>; made front be t pi;,'iron, extra V Wrifo lie n 1 ? ? ?.m t.v, .. "?e flues, ! ->vy e->vf ! -. heavy lining* and grates, " r'"e bS, and \\0 vv..i st.pp \o.i u.rt.t .^jre oven she.i, heavy tMiuueti ovea door, handsome rent our 5avar.nan \>areroen:s, and save .icLel pint".! orr.;?e?.fit:u..>ii? and trimmings, extra COU a lot of moncv. .tr<re <;? ! ,genai |n>r?tSala !:ne<l rr?m?ir. handCome to Savannah and select for vourself, oiiular ee.:!ua:vntedba;e. Ke?t ensl burrermade. and and we will nav vorr K K i are Write Us efursSh n:tK ar.curs wood grate, making it a perlUiv. vve v. ,>?t\ > r i\. i\. I ,.rc. ?* VS. .ectwewi banter. W V iSM'E A lil.MilMi Gl'ARA.NTEfc with I t irvrtrtv x- r> ? tctc ?erv uud guarai.tee fafe delivery to your railLL;L/?7L..> Cv L?/-t I L,^, '.tilVt^tioa. Your local healer woaid charge you SS^-Ob- JM ctVAWiH r, s. rrueh a stove, the freight is only tuout *1.00 tor 3A?A.WAn, * B-!, .MMnnles. .. we.nirjoi.-H.SJA $iO.OO, Ad-ire**. IvSiat.liOK-d over T'-ai,.-; and jjEAPS, ROEBUCK &. CO.(IHC.) CHICAGO, ILL )r^a:is i?I.iev<l in South' 11: !:eu ?a. Ji.w., ho.ljoi'x a Co. ar? lUuruoiLl; rcllabla. ? Kdltar.) , ?<***3 ??- ? - - ?*-?