The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 24, 1899, Image 4

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The Lexington Dispatch | Burned April 25th; rebuilt July I 19.1894. G. M. HARMAN. Editor and Fub'isher. LEXINGTON. S. C., WEI N.SDAY, MAY 24, 1899. Ofcoi A&vics to Bachelors. Bob Taylor's Love Letter Oa Bachelors. I Sentiment is the Soul of IteligioD and Patriotism?The Bachelors Should Learn from the Widower. Llnstrated Yoath RDtl Age. My Dear Old Solitary: Who mends your socks ? D) you sew cn your own buttons? How loDg does it take you to thread the needle? ! TVhxr rlrn'f roil hrili-h the Cobweds ; " "J out cf jour soul, and straighten up, i and get a good wife to do all of j these thiogs for you? What pleas- j ura do you find in playing the game of so'iiairt? Hearts are trumps, aDd , you cannot play a happy game in this world without a partner. It is not good that man should live alone. The world owes you a rib, and you ought to have your old ribs cracked if you don't collect the debt. Why don't you iig up your matrimonial tackle, old boy, aud go angling for a "frau?'' Your old pantaloons look mighty lonesome hanging there in that dusty wardrobe without some calico to keep them company. Yonr room is a poor paradise with out a fair Eve to adorn it. I know what is the matter with you; you are afraid of grocery bills, and dry goods bills, and doctor bills, and j curtain lectures, and the overthrow | of your independence and freedom | of speech, or else you are afraid to " ?: '? lUno 1.-.OC "pop I tie ljuesiiuu, auu. buua iwov maDy a golden opportunity by simply lookiDg at her and grinniDg like f. a basketful of 'possum heads. Per I haps you have "popped the question'' and got "No" for an answer, but remember that "there are as good fish in the sea as were ever caught," and remember that she is somewhere in this wide, wide world "waiting for thee, darling." Comb the feathers out of your whiskers, and put a little bear's oil on your hair, if you have any hair, and spruce up. Don't expect her to court you, but do the courting yourself. Press your suit gradually; and when you see she is determined to "kick," "kick" first, for then is the time above all other times to show your independence. A true woman loves an independent man next to money. Are you accumulating a fortune? If so, for whom? Did you never hear "Private" John Allen's story of thgr division of an old bachelor's estate? When they were dividing it out amoDg bis kinsfolk, one disgruntled relative felt that he hadn't received his just proportion, andcomplainiDgly said. "I sometimes wish the old man hadn't died." If you are poor, you need a good woman to help you get rich; if you are rich, you need a good woman to As unto the bow the ccrd is. So unto the man is woman; Though she bends him. she ohe\s him; Though she draws him ytt she fallows: I i.aeh without the other, i | I am sure vou need a Utile bendI j iDg, as well as some mending and ! somebody to follow you, especially | when you are out late at night. I | am equally sure that you are useless ! without the other. Couple up, get your mate, claim j your bride, and begin to live. In the j delightful cotillion of mairied life, j give your partner your right hand i and swing baif.vay lound. Swing, j swing, swing! Yours in the swing, IObt. L. Tay'or. Fuiman University will have 22 I graduates this year. Attorney G?uj eral Bellinger has been chosen to deliver the anniversary address at the c >muiencemcDt in June. help you get poor. Ia either case the is a success. For a man to pass through this world without a helpmeet is a strange philosophy to mr: and yet I have seen men with of noble hearts as ever throbbed, full of splendid sentiment, and in love with the beautiful, live out their days in single wretchedness. Bachelordom is a habit; the longer indulged io, the harder to break, until its victim is so infatuated with ^^it that it seems impossible to quit. becomes "rot" io his ways; and frills, and bangs, and bustles, jH^H^^kudy shirt waists, and flowered ^^^^^ScTCSnLercd bats which the milliner's art can fashion, and all the bewitching glances aDd persauasive smiles which beauty can bestow, move him not; neither do they unmove him. . One of the attendant misfortunes of a bachelor is absent-mindedness. I once heard of an absent-minded bachelor who bought a pair of new gloves, and went home with them and astonished his nephews and nieces by throwing the gloves in the fire and spitting on the bed. Of course be intended to sipt in tbe bre and throw Lis gloves on the bed. The best way to cure absent mindedness is to get a live, wide-awake, talking wife, whose tongue will be a constant reminder to you, and soon teach you to think the right way. If all men should follow your plan of life, what would become of society and civilization? All the homes that now glow with the light of love and ring with the laughter aDd song of children would soon be transformed into the silent and sour domiciles of old maids and such old things as you. I do not mean to speak harshly or to wound jour feelings, but only to show you the error of your way. If you would enjoy life, you must have a happy bom?; and if you would have a happy home, it must glow with happy smiles and riDg with happy voice?; and happy bands must keep it neat and clean and plant flowers at the door. MManwrw' mm ! 7 I HAVE SUFFE H With painful mcnws. attended with* BH and occasional whites. 1 also have scv V 1>a<I 1 cannot rest. I have used various M no relief until about two months aa >.1 ? and it is doing me more go<,d than all < X If your case is complicated ai ? regarding treatment, write to \ Care L. GERSTLE & CO., FOB SALE BY J. Home is not merely four square walls, Though with pictures buug aud gilded: Home is where atfectioa calls^ Fill'd with shrines the heart hath buildefl. Home?go watch the faithful dove hailing through the heaven above us. Hnnre is where there's one to love: Home is where ther/s one to love us. I have no doubt you will turn up your nose and charge me with sentimentality. I plead guilty to the soft impeachment. I am sentim-mlaJ, and I have but little respect for the man who is not. It is the soul of religion aDd patriotism; it is the iifeblood of all good society; it is the essence of love. Eveiy soul that ever found its way from e-aifch to heaven was wafted there on the wiDgs of sentiment; every brave i spirit who ever lacea aeam ior uis I country was led by sentiment to tbe battlefield; every beautiful picture is a sentiment reflected from the heart on the canvass; and every creation of the sculptor's chisel is the silent image of a sentiment. What power is it which leads the bride and groom to the altar to seal their vow.-? It is tbe pure sentiment of love What is it which makes home and life and the world beautiful? It is sentiment. What are the flower.but the fragrant sentiments of God? Who are the brawling brooks and ! rippling river9 but the laughter and | song of the waters? What are | laughter and song but sentiment? My wifeless friend, somewhere in thy heart there is ao aDgel sentiment sleeping. I appeal to you in the name of religion, and patriotism, and society, and love to wake it, and let it fly out in search of its kindred sentiment; and it will not be long until broadcloth and white swirs shall float down tbe aisle of the crowded church together, and a new book of thy destiny shall bo opened, revealing mysteries which thou hast never dreamed of before.. Loneliness will quit thee, there, and thou sbalt walk in sentiment and newness of life. Behold the widower, with his pick bald head, his wrinkles, and his rheumatism! | He wires ia and wir?.s out j And leaves the ladies all io doubt ; As to what is bis age aud what be is wor L i And whether or not be owns the earth j He the most popular man of | 8By age who move3 iu society. Al1 ways light-hearted aud gay, he i knows all the nigh cuts to the hearts | of the fair. He is the beautiful ant iD tbe sugar bowl, aud always gets his share of the sugar; he is the swiftest old colt on the turf of love: he leaves you at the first quarter post; he passes the swellest of the swell in the first half mile, and comes in on the home stretch with his Dozzle over the moon and his tail j over the stars, a winner in a walk. | His power lies in sentiment. You are as good as he, and are endowed with as much good sense. I Why don't you study him and learn the art of courting? I do not know whether it is true or Dot that matches are made in heaven, but I do know that they ought to be made on earth. It is the law of nature that all life shall mate; therefore you are dis obeying the law of Dature. I think nature is wiser than you, and you ought to think so too: and now that | the beautiful spring-time has come, j follow the example of "Bob White," j and begin to whistle for your mate, j It will soon be time for the billing | and cooing of the doves. 13:11 and | cob ye. Longfellow was not only a poet, | but a philosopher when be said: the First Symptoms of Failing Health in a Woman is*p RVOUSNESS.p j on ever think that the re is ahvays a tL >r this malady? In women Nervous- ra generally the forerunner of some KB f female disease, such as Whites, ^ . Profuse- or Irregular Menses, etc., ff which will produce Nervousness its (list ressing intensity. If you use ||1 I""4 I <;erstle's / j Female gjs a A 1 * ( Panacea TdAO: WAS K. m 1 very soon be cured of Nervousness fa other female troubles as well. ^ famous tonic has cured cases which ? on pronounced incurable by physi-fa 'ou can be cured by the use of (i.F.P. j :red for years / D'arstniii.-icli. riHiiii;: ia'Mood to the head. fiH ere in rv< ussp'-lisaml heart palpitation s?> 0S female remedies P>ra longtime hut found M tvhen i e.'ninwneed.usinjryour c, F. P., M others. i shall continue its use. rfb 1?S. S.\ l:\ll .1 KN K INS. (Jleijinnre. C?a. H id you wish advice, free of charge, E. KAUFMAXX, Au old woman asked a sailor where I her cow had gune. The sailor replied; 4 G. lie to the devil, for what I know." J "Weli, as yen are going that way," | said the old woman, "I just wish you would let down the bars." Ramou's American Stock Powders, one of the bert preparations en the cnaiket for cattle, hogs and poultry lo and 23 cents packages, at the Bazaar. Use this powder once and . 3*011 will have no other. "Money," said the philosopher, "may often do more harm than good. Sometime the mighty dollar is a man's worst enemy.'' "Yes," answered Senator Sorghurr: "and I often feel that a number of people love me for the enemies I have made." Ladies, Bead This. Dr. Baker's Female Regular is a new di-covery for the prevention and eureof female diseases. It is uu doubtedly one of the finest medicines far all it claims in relieving and cur ! iug suffering women. It; is a per, miceut cure for all womb, bladder and urinary deseases and female | weakuess, etc. For pale at the I Bazaar. Large bottles $1.25. . "i J. D Jbidge. editor and propriei tor cf the Democrat, Lancaster, N. I H , says: "I would cot be without j One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, I when troubled with a cough or cold ! . ? i It is the best remedy for croup I j ever used." J. E Kaufmann. Mr. E. A Scott, an aged and highly i esteemed citizen cf Newberry, died ' a few days ago. He was a member j of the Catholic Churcb, and left an i estate valued at $25,000. AmoDg j his bequests was $5 JO to the Thoin! well Orphanage. The acts and joint resolutions cf j the General Assembly of South CarI olina. passed at the session of 1S99, | have just been issued. These form , a part of the 23 J volume of the statj utes at large, commencing with the ; acts of this session. CavicS or Guinea Piss. Guinea pigs are an interesting litj tie pet for the children; are easy to ! keep, thrive and do well. They are ! perfectly harmless and quite profitj abif: they will lid any building from 1 rats, that they might be put in. Per pam. grown $1.00. Address Pice 13. Harman. If you have piles, cure them. Xo use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in j De Witt's Witch H. zel Salve. Iih as j never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you. J. E Kauf: mmn. A little child of Mr. John Pace, a well-to do faimer of Pickens county, swallowed a safety pin opened a few i days ago, which after remaining in ! the child's stomach twelve days, | passed leaving the child uninjured and none the worse for the ordeal. Ob, doctor, I have sent fur you, ! certain!'.; still I must confess I have j not the slightest faith in modern medical science. Doctor?Oh, that j doesn't matter in the least. You see a mule has no faith in a veterinary | surgeon; and yet he cures him all the same. t r i??.7 , JLi you sutler lrum leuutiueea ui fullness on the light side, pains uuucr shoulder-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick headache and ft el i dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. DeWitt's Little Early Pisers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanent ly by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and tlow naturally. They are good pills. J. E Ivaufmann. There is such a demand for admission to Winthrop College thit these desiiing to attend begin filing their applications early. Already something like fifty have made formal application for admission to the College nest fall, auu President Johnson is constantly receiving letters of inquiry and requests for catalogues. A Citro for 2T;v.Talgia. I was {or sr-Mi-.' time ;i .-.uil-rcr from NcuI irit?l toar'y everything I could l.c*: ? of, hot li' thiug did tiie mjv un!i! 1 purehastd ;i box < ! K iuioii's Liv^r A Tonic I'vllt'fs and 1 < ^ in to i:so tin m. They j-'uv (S nT? at once That was over a year and I have Lad no ntaru cl it v. nee. Mrs. Wiilio lietd, Guiley, Ala. Tor salt by fr. M Ilurmau and J. K. Kaufi niann. 1 Tl;e Preacher?'-And so you are always glad to have me call, at e you? We!). I am glad of thit. It pleases roe to k- ow that I am lik'd by the dear little boos." Johnny?"Taiu't J I 'cause I like you, but ma alw.iy has i jf 11 y on the table when you're here, ! and she dassant do any more than wink when I ask for three helpin's." I have been a sufferer from chronic diarhcea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has j been a success as a cure, and that is Caainbe; hill's Colic, Cholera and best cough medicine I ever had in i.- t T T : IUC -?'j xj A?JL-/UI^, tjwuiu Bareettstown, Pa. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Every day the people of Cherokee j county are becoming more eutbusij astie over the big celebration to be j held at Cowpensbattleground on May J 27ib. Tl:e executive committee of i the Cowpens Battle Ground Memo I ! lid Association, under the auspices j of which (be celebration is to be held, | has been hard at woik and everything | points to a great success. The fire insurance men of the State propose to have quite a gathering in Columbia during the firemen's tournament in June. They wish to form a State Fire Insurance Association, and siy that there is no purpose to organize a trust or combination, but merely to form such an organizition as will result in good not only to the agents themselves but to the firemen and people as well If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well ! tried remedy, Mrs. Win slew's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and [ 1?i J? t? I IH lilt; ot'fti rtruirujf iui umi i i Twenty live cents a bottle. It is the best of all. -?- -? Mr. John C Walker,ex postma>ter at Ninety-Six has been lodged in j til Lt Greenwood by United States Commission Fiierson iD default of ?700 for bis appearance at the October term of the United S ates district court at Greenville. The charge against him is "using and disposing of postage stamps in the payment <f debts aDd the purchase of merchandise, he being at the time postmaster and entrusted with the care and custody of stamps." Spiing is here and nature some times needs assistance and there is nothing better than Dr. Baker's great vegetable blood and liver cure. It corrects the system and keeps the machinery working satisfactorily. It is good for rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, dropsy, catarrh and all diseases of the blood, liver and kidney?, and general debility. The greatest, blood purifier known. For sale at the Bjziar. Price ?1.00 for a large bottle. Missouri has an acti tiu3t law u.-K?r?h nrr.virtps that, trusts Cflnnc t legally enforce payments for goods which they have sold iu that Slate. A St. Louis court the other ohy held that the law was good and sound. The trusts that do a credit business in Misscuii are therefore pu- at the j mercy of their debtors. If the latter do not choose to pay, the law will not force them to liquidate their debts. At a meeiiDg of the medical friternit} in Bilticnoie a few days ago it wa9 staged that the use of antitoxin in the treatment of diphtheria h id reduced the mortality from 45 to 5 per cent. By aliening the accumulations in the bowels to remain, the eulire system is poisoned. DeWitt's Little I Eaily Risers regulate the bowels, i J ? j Try them and you will always me them. J. E Ivaufmanu. Toe Seaboard Air Line, which has been surveying for its line betwe< n Cheraw and Cjiumbia, has practically j completed the wo;k from COeraw to ! Camden, and contracts will scon be let out for grading the road between ! the two points. Woman's ?i I Severest Trial. | 5 Until recent years woman's severest C r trial has beer, the bringing cf children (r | into the world. <! 5 Today nearly all the sickness, pain, t; idiscomfcrt and dread arc avoided by s(, those expectant mothers who use r Mother's Friend, that wonder- u ful liniment made famous by the great ' good it has done. It is used externally. ^ That is the only sensible and safe way ] j C to relieve morning sickness, headache, ij b tightness, swollen, hard or rising breast. <j ? The bearing of children need no longer j c be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been Ji | called a Godsend by mothers all over <J 5 this land. Sold at drug stores for $1 a ^ e bolt!:, and by lj j S Tie BrnCfieid Kefclator Co., Atlanta, Ga. ; C our fre" iliav.r-::! Iix.k, cr.tittcJ 'Ueforc Jj ; .? ! i I>< puty Sbnift' of Oconee, B R ! j Mosp, and Mr L L Jerrard rec<ctly i j raptured at Ktowco. John Sullivan ; j and Moris oe Hale, two nrgror-s, who j I arc wanted at Carteivillr, (it, fori | burglary and larceny. Scute of tbe results of leglected j 1 dyspeptic conditions of tbe stotnacb j sire cancer, consumption, br-art die- j ! ease and epilepsy. Kodol JR spepsia Cure prevents ail tbis by effeiting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepsia. ! j J E K lu'iiistiin. 1 Picking it up Gradually. ' I learn zt Eugali-h laugwich in za l ooks," iriufitkcd the foreigner, ' but I kfar zj people tall:, and I find out zat a man w ho iss proud and conceited is?if I haf not forgotten? vair mooch adhere to himself. BaLjo, Violin and Guilar stiin-s, Harmonicas (f all grades, at the j Bazaar. A few bushels of seed peas and sweet potatoes will be taken on subset iption at this cfliee. COTTON is anl will continue to be the money crop c-I l:ie .">cu:ui. 111^ I planter who tat; the most cot- j ton from a given area at the | least co' I, is the one who makes | the most money. Good culti- j cation, mailable rotation, and j liberal use of fertilizers con- j taining at least 3'V actual ! will insure the largest yield. We will semi Crcc, up;::i application, pamphials that \vj!! intcri-it we-iy ev'tor r in tile Soiilii. CilR. i.VN !\AL! WCHaI'. - - ? C? A Mi!e ot Reading! The Choicest Fiction Literature. A Remarkable Library for a Little ..oiiry : : : : : HEW YORK HEWS LIBRARY 10c. A MONTH; 51 A YEAR. Till-; .M'NB Nl' OCT .MAY I'O. WILL CONTAIN. BACH CO.Ml'LKTE: J1V liAUl SliEiIit t..?, I:v Ilel-.-n II. Mathers. THE 'l\VO SIDriS OF THE SHIELD Itv Charlotte M. Yonje. ERIC BHIUIU'EYES. Bv If. Killer Haggard. A CAR DIN &L> sltt. By Hugh C<?nway. Kach number contains more first-class read* lnr matter than any other Monthly in America. the best productions of world-famous authors are published in tltis convenient form, and will be delivered to you monthly, by your newsdealer, on the "Easy Payment" plan. NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, NEW Y ORK SUNDAY NEWS, NEW YORK NEWS LIBRARY. Sample Copy Free. Pubis shod by the NEW YORK NEWS PUBLISHING CO., 31 & 32 Park How, X. Y. C. ACENTStVaxtkh to secure annual subscriptions. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digesf ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It instantly relieves and permanently cures j Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, i Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, { SickHeadache.Gastralgia.Cramps,and i allotherresultsof imperfectdigestion j Prepared by E. C DeWltt & Co., Ch'cago. | J. e K.vr F.MANN. Syi tVr i i ii mmiYr 1?Y ;rVnr cYcYitY iViYe ir'rZ $ (TTVL15H, RELIABLES; ARTISTIC^ g Recommended by Leadinj Oiessmakers _<S> & S,;? They Always Please.-^ 5: rtfiCTA I E 1 ^ BAZAR P fATTERNSW I '^I^ONE^B^TE^T AN^PRIC^r^ T" ?f* f'i?'? r.?:.r-r.s ?' - l"! <:i re ir!> j;! > every z:.'\ .".".<! .v.r. in :ho I'.:.'.eJ e: .'r> 3 i? > _ :; n.-vit : r< rot l.rrp i'- ::; *. :'<! ?; s K>r.e stamps rr.elv.-d 2; g TKH McCALL COMPANY, |j ;? 138 to 146 W. 14th Street. New York : s BRANTR OT-'irz* : i: ;3 189 Fifth Ave., Chicago, and io^i Market St., San Francisco. 5: "MSCALI'SM] MAGAZINEW f Vs?v yg .^11 1. .1 ?.t... *2 Brightest Magazine Published 3: * ;2 Contains DcauttU:! G.-Iored Plates 5; 5 Illustrates latest Patterns, Fash- 5; t ?3 ions. Fancy Work. S* t 'C Ajjfas v. ar.tri! f.-r this rvjezirr it-every 3^ Sj iov.iliiy. I'rn ?::? I premium- f?.r z. gl >* ^9 w^iic. Wnt- f.?r trrtiu ii'ido'.hct 35 5c^?*"ript:uii oi:lv #>Or. ; cr ; r~r, 2* ^ iiicit.Jing a FltKE Pai:e:.i. JSgAairw THE McCALL CO., 13S to 146 \V. St , New Y?r!c yijii'itstitij i:t j:z: s a g; t i i} ->i J . THE CHARLESTON LINE j SOUTH CA? OLINA AND GA, R. R. Co. In Effect January J, 1899. (Ea-tern Time.) "lv Charlesto *7 <?0 a in *5 30 p m 'T'Oain ar Columbia. 11 00 a tu 10 10 p m 11 CO a in lv Cjlnmbia ] II 3J a m s I 35 a m ar Spar'anb'g: 3 10 p in ar Ashville 0 30 pm lv Columbia.; 1 11 35 am lv Charlotte . 8 22 p m 9 25 a m lv Danville.. 11 50p m, 1 30 pm ar Washins'u 6 42 a in 9 05 pin ar B iltimore. 8 05 a n; 11 25 p in ar PLiiadel'a '0 '25 a m 2 56 a in ar Ne* York 12 >3 p m 6 23 a m ar Boston ... t8 30 p in f3 3 ) a m lv 13 >ston ... f9 00 a m *4 0 > p m lv New York. *3 20 pa *120 >am iv Philadel'a 5 55 p in 7 20 a m lv B iltin ore. 8 37 p m 9 42 a m lv Washing'n 10 45 p m : 1 15 a m lv Danville .. 4 4)sta G 07 a m ar Charlotte . j 9 2 i a m 10 00 a in ar Columbia, i ; | 100pm lv Asheville. | ;*7 20 a ru lv Spartanb'i. 1 11 45 p m \r Columbia, i 3 45 pm j 100pm lv Columbia. 3 55 p m 0 50 am 3 15 p m ar Ch; rlestO' *3 17 pm *1100am *3 17pm *Diilv f Except. Sundav. *TJ?-U*TA DIVISION. ^ \V est-Dai; v.? leave Charleston j 7 00a nil 5 30 p m arrive Augusta 1 51a m 10 45 p m arrive Atianta 8 20 p m 5 00 a m arrive New Orleans.. .3 20 p m arrive Chattanooga ... 1 00 an. 1 00 p in arrive Nashville 6 40 a m 6 55 p m a*rive Kvansvlil - 40 p m 1 25 a m ! arrive St Louis 7 32 p a 7 20 a m I THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE. j Augusta Division.?Through Sleepers be- j tween t h.'.rleston and Atlanta, leaving j Charleston at 5 30 p. m., arriving in At- i laut'i at 5 a in. Columbia Division?Through Coaches between Charleston anu Asheville, both directions. Shortest route to Asheville and Hot ; ' V ft -(till ,ilt rpsorlx (>{ TTnticr ! North and South Carolita. Through tickets chu be purchased,sleep- j irg car reservations secured. bagyaue checked to destination and all other ml'or- | maticn obtained by applinc to Wni. H. | Evans, C. T. A.. Charleston Hotel, or G. W. j I'ervees, Ticket Agent, Line Street Station. ; L. A EMERSON. Tradio Manager. j SOUTHERN RAILWAY. rvJv1*.'4^% Onfral Timo tU J w n <'o1t!i?l>!:i anil -l-.c'xMir.v.itc. I.'a>'?Tii iii'if I'-cl ivc.m Coan.; hvf I oinS*. \ ! A '>(). i) ; :>i Iv. I>a:Jy. Lv. J'vi !< . I'.* *.? iJ v ,v s u,\. ; " S?v?! in::;'-; t 7. Ar. ('o!i.iii!?:a .. . . ^ - > ' j I.v. I'v. .. . ?!' :: * -??: .Ar. t. . Kf'a 1" j . v. .Ai'uu>:a.s-T":.v. . . - >; i? t-i'ar.iifvil!-: - " :!l i;>'' 14 Ai!;?-:i. -..# '{> .... " Ti . . . ! I " ji " .Ti.'< 'I '! '-"'V Ar. (l a. t'.cv't. . '} ?'' i }': :l Lv Col'lija Biaml";: i-*r . . i.">v f> .'? > a " r:s.- fi.V-n " line:' Hill !' ! --Sv 11 n Ar. Charlotte.. . . * '-> ? > " l>:tnvill?? . . . i .I ktp Ar. Ki"liT?o:id . . * (*):: > Ar. Washington . . ' '- >p " P;?J!iiijurvP:i. i:. K.. . M -*]> " lMii::i?N'57.hia . . a " .New VnrK. it Vina .. , , mi. No. l,v. ICtw York. :\t. P.I7 :i * > ;? I-.' l.'nt " Phi.pi,in .*> : 1p tt Nla " P;>?:!*!? :?\ .. . 7 .V?j, Kti.'a l.v. \\S>. II;-.. . lik'*;1 !l I.)a I.v. l.'i' hiiioinl i! in,- l:;olio l.v. l?:u;vi*!?- . . J 1>? " l> " Charlotte ; ?f> : in j? " Kiel: H'll .. ! ?): 1! I :j> " ?'h<-.~tir .. a >i " Win;-, i i>!<>. 'ti -.1 a I1.' "ja Ar Col'lnn Hian.l'y ? ! . . il 1 ti7:i l.v. Columbia Cn.dep*;. . !i 47; r; ?i?:i " Johnston* . ; " Tn iit-.v . .. u Ar. A ik?*n . I',; ..I (-iianitcv iiiu .. ... :}e7 a I " Augusta . . ? s m i a ' Lv. Columbia. So. Ky. . . a j A r. Charleston . . x 17 :> ii v->n j r.v. Con.Iji. F.C.-kP.Uv. ... K'111 47 a ! .Savannah ... 0." ;? *. tfca Ar. .lri'-ki-?nri!l<". . . 7 !' i* tiua ) M-Ki:riN(i ( vn >I:KVK I;. Kxivlk-nt dai'y i>ass?-:i^*?-r \vc:i I'li-rida and New York. No*. :j{ and :>}?N"*v York and id.-i Expros-. s ?s\.i;s;; ('ars 1k-i wiva Augusta and Now Yojk. Puilman (".rawing ; <? msh-onirvcar.-1 1ween Tampa. .T:u.-ks!>?vide, >avaue.a.i, Y."a-Ju.:^co 1 ami Now York. Pullman S.ecpias ('a'.-: Ik Charlotte and Eiehni'-Rd. v.._ (-. 1 t- c v....i- NT nil T'.--i.<n?ti Fu!lr.::'ii i!:awi:itr r<;n*n l>r.ffct s cars !><: i\v<" ii JackAsnvi:!? mat New V??ric ami Pudit:::! slcepim; cars lieuvecn Augusta mui Char lot I o. Ditiimr cars m-. w a 1 n:?-::is cnrou-p Pullman sleeping cars lelwecu Jacksonville : n?i < 'olwjTjl'ia, i-nr<>u'y 1 etwen .Jack* ?u villi' and Cin<*irrati, via Asia v;IV. FRANKS.<-! ANN>>N. J. M. (TT.P. Third Y-P. .? <-ic:i. Mgr. T. 55.. \\ ashi?:' {< n. \Y. A. Tl'RK. S II. HA:-!>\YI< K. Or. P. A.. NVa-'ii (-i. P. A.. Atlanta. 60UTHERN RAILWAY. (3> <IV ' Coadcnaed schedule la Effect JCiYi IS07. STATION^ | s^/l. t.v. Cluti lcatoS: ? [ 7 10 a m Lv Columbia 11 ' * :a " Proniiwiry 1- 11 P m " Newtjorry 'f- P * " Niuety-SiS 1 -o p ra At. Greenwood 1 P ,a " Hodgca 2 25 p m ^.r. Abhovilia 2 .*>5 o ra At. Dai ton ) 3 l?i p t? ir. AnJernvti I. ? jt5_p_m JLr.~Gracn villa 4 A) p m Jin Atlanta " '.7 P30 pia STATION'S. | Lv. Grwnnlle W *) * ** * Piedmont | ? 'R 5Vllliftnuiron 11 13 a ra Lv. Anderson I 1] Qo a re Lv. Ballon II 35 * tn Ar. I>n:,r.a'd? ! ' >' P ra Lv. aLI* villa 1 11. * m Lv. I i* m p u (irtf>nwoo>l I 1 ,!0 p m " Isin?fj-Slz ! ib p rsi M Newberry 2 i*> p ra " Prosperity 2 3? p rn Ar. Columbia 3 tti p ra Ar. Charle?Toa ..I ? 00 p ra BffijiKTl? stations ft5aii.r|'k?iy yo. >'Xo-I3 olAl.WtS. IXo.HlNoJi 6S0pi 7 l'Ja Lv... Chsries'on. Ar; snOp.liOOe | "iKialrrSi! " .... CohiKiTii* .... " I 3S5p ~5~.?p l 07a 12lfrpi " ......Alston " | 2 45p t> 5* | JC04a' 126pj " Eantuo " i I 25pj 7 40p 10 2Ua| 2 02;.| " Union " ! J Ulp| 7 80p lOSOse 22Bpi "... Jone^-vi"* ... " 12 JOp 6 5#p 10 64a i 2 37p| " P*c.)l??t " 12 I4pj 8 47p I 11 25*! 8 lisp:Ar.. Spartanburg. I.v'll 4na{ 8 20p j 11 46*i 823p Lt . Sparinnbtirg.. A rill 8(Ap I 2 iSpi 7'Jey Ar.... A?h?vi'.!e? Lr: 8 A.*' t06p "P," p. m. "A," a. ci. I Trains 9 and 10 carry elegant Pullman j sleeping rara bat wren Columbia ami Ashevilia. | cnrouta datiy beiw can Jocfcaonvlibe and Claoin ; nttl. Trains learo Spartanburg, A. <fc C. division. | northbound, 5\f7 a. m.. 8-4; p. m., 0:18 p. ia., IVtatibulo Limited); sou'hbound 12:.'<i a. ia., :16 p. m., 11 :S7 a. m., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave Greenville, A. and C. division, I northbound, 5:45 a. m., 2.81 n. ra. end 5:80 p. in.. i (Yeatibaled Limited) - aoutblKiund, 1:25 a. ra.. ! 4 2?J p. m., 12 p. in (Ve?tlbuled Ldud'.od) Pullman Service. PuHrasn BAlace e'e^plng cars on TrciaaCjand G>". 87 and '&, on A and C. division. yr. H. GR2KN, J M GULP Gen. Superintendent, 1 rarflo Wtfr, Washington, L>. 0. Washington, D. C j W. A. TUHK, S H. HAKDW1CXC. Ger>. Pa?*. Ag't. As't Gen. Pasa Ay t. j "Washington, D. G. Ay' a, Ga ALL BIG- BOZISTG EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE GAZETTE j The World-Famous . j ... Pair on of t ports, $1.00 -13 W??K8-$1.00 MULED TO YORK ADDRESS. RICHARD K. FOX. Publisher, Franklin Squire, New York Land for Sale. TT^E OFFER AT PRIVAIE SALE W the following11 :od: Home tract, *2) acres, about two horsefarm opened Oa "he place ic fine water t owtr with dam <?1 ready built. It has two settlement!, good farming 1 mds Tract No 2 ?107 acres abc ut 1 ?0 acres woods laud with new (Drilling and necessary ont buiidiegs; open land enough lor two horses. Tract No 3?170 acres, all timber and well watered. The abov.j land is located about two miles from Swansea Terms reasonable. Applv to either SAME. IiUSfY. J. zed liurro S jrans^a, S C April 21, LSJ-J ? tf I Saw Mills,! Light. Hfi'l H?avy, and Xipptioi. ! CHEAPEST aM> P.EST. OF~f a f everv day; 'v->r . IsJ hands. Lombard Iron ^o?fc5 e> ... /-l _ CtifSl! <3Upp{y ^u,g AVGUai'A, <itUuGlA. January 27? i lUmcn's TolIc Liver Pills, a pleas- j ant remedy for all diseases aiising i from a disordered or torpid liver, i They are the modern cue for eonsti- ; pation, biliousness, sick headaches, ! specks before the eyes, etc. Tb^y ' do net sicken or gripe, mild inaction, i thorough in effect. O.dy cue a dose, ! sugar coated and pleasant to take. ! Price, 2.1 cents a hov, at I he Hazaar. ' CONFECTI* PP.-JIIS, S4Z2S cs-2 ruiaifj*. < tii'.uti\(fi uiki Toys, Fancy ( ID!!Ec"Cr 0~3 3*2Ti.cL ILs PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, SCH< Diamond Dyes liar in airs LEXIXGTO; : A Mile of Reading!]; The Cho'cest Faction I'tcratuicT^ < i ? A Remarkable Library tor 1 > a L ttiy Money : : : : : ^ > Y01R ^ WILL; tiil vour ordtr for the * I REfl Mi mi LiSyPiY i ? end delivei ii y??u m<<n.hiy on tne . ? "Easy Fftytnrttt" ; l.m. . * Lam nuimx-r contains more first. b r'.ass rea..i..K mattet iLai. any otuer . I ? Monthly in America. . i : The oest jirouuctions ot world-ram- . j ? /Mid unth/ita iifA ritih!i?hoA In fh.K <\.n. I vcniont form. 1 ] f FOUR j y tEsccption: A special quartrr'v 4 y which contains tlt'E) in nuni- 4 y her.and delivered ly your netcsdcaler 4 ^ lor fc#? cents a month. 4 J Fifty-tiro complete masterpiece* 4 ! In a year's numbers. 3,X','H -ixuea 4 | inch columns. If it were printed 4 | in a single column strip it would he 4 I 53.248 inches in length?almost a 4 ! 9 tntic of reading. 4 ; COSTS, MONTHLY, ONLY < f ....TEN CENTS. 1 9 Trudo supplied by 4 AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY \ f and Its branches. 4 y NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, <4 9 NEW YORK SUNDAY NEWS, 4 NEW YORK NEWS LIBRARY. 4 r Published by the j I NEW YORK NEWS PUBLISHING CO., 2 ? 31 & 32 Park Row, N. Y. C. 4 SPIRITTINE ' REMEDIES, p En lorsed b> some of the Lemtiuy Men 1 Profession. No Quaek or Patent Hc-diciue hnt NATJSi'S PURE REMEDIES. Admitted into the World Co.tmn iau Exposition in !b93 Use Spirittme Ralsam for Rheumatism, Ooiils. Lameness. Sprains, SoreThroat | Use -pirittiuu Iubilenr lor Consumption, Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma and La ar'pp* i Spirittine Ointment is indispensable '*n the treatment of Skin Listases, Core Itch, Itching Piles. In consequence of the astonishing sue- I cess in removing diseases. i?s demand now ! coine-; not alone irom this vicinity but i from everywhere in the United States and j Eur po. Wholesale au-.l Retail bv G. M HARMAX. ! ! LEX IA GTOIV &mm rasnms, i F5R D0Y3 AND SiP.LS. PREPAliL.S FOR TEACHING COLLEGE OR HU I NESS. High School. Intermediate, and Pri m in Coursts. English, German. French, Greek and Latin Taught. $ar-\ rry riealthiest Location. R >ard i very cheap i4 to S7 per month Tniriot. exetilingl} low. ?1 to Si 50 p*,r monM: Expanses per year S50 to S7j. Had 125 students last session N< xt session bigins Monday, September 19. 1898. Lor full particulars, Address ' 0. D. fc-EAY. Principal, Lexington, S. C. PARKER7^ = I HAIR BALSAM \ C!tarsc? and beautifies the hair. ; * luxuriant protrth. *3?* Never Fails to Eostore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Carta ecu!? <i:>ea?ts Ac hsir failing. g<c,a:icl<j;..-.ft Drutf,* Allii YUU SICK, SIFFEBIMi, OR a T?t?I mrri?i^ i\.r i 1 i IN ANY WAY, A.V:i NEKU i^ZEiDZCXisrzE? j j (f so, you will find in the Drug | and Medicine Department at j the Bazaar, Standard Medicines for all Complaints, | Diseases, Etc., which will: give relief and cure you. AT THIS BAZAAR. I CtEOX&E BBTOfl|: UAJN ST.. COL U AT HI A, S. C-. JEWELER REPAIRER j Has, h splendid stock ot Je.vein, \\ Hteliea, \ Clocks and silv?rvare A fine fine cl i Spectjicies and F.yi-glnssrs to fit every oue. ; ail for sale at iowtsi prices JJTSf Repairs on Watches first class : qoicklv done and iruaranteed. at incdrrate j oric.hB 6o?tf. mm mm nbus !: _ i COLUMBIA, S. C. capital stop. ox) oc. i SURPLUS 3U.0WJ t?J i 1"STV1?LISHE!? 1-71. JAMES WOO'MjO'.V, I'resilient. JUL1U> WAT K KII Vice I'res dent. KKOME H SAWYER. C?-.: icr. ' * DIRECTORS .James V. o.-drow. John A. Cr.i\v:or<l, Ju'ins H \\alk?r. C. l^/sim- J iq'jps. AV C Wright. W. H. Giturs Johu T. Sloan. T T. Moore. J. L. .Mimnangh. h S Jovaes. rnHIS BANK fcOLICiTS A SHARE. IF 1 cot all, ot jonr bsv inesH, anil will ; I Ktant every favor consistent with safe auJ 1 i eon?irl ^cr.king. ' January 2W, 18P7 - ly. T OHERIES, , C3U.OZ2&S, SCCIZISISS, 4 *moiu.\g tobacco Dliina, Notions, . ^EEIDICI3>TES, OOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC J cf all Colors. * Bazaar, \ K, s. o. 1 COLUMBIA, KEVHB FRY AND ] V- LAUfi?f<S ?AIL- OA '. ' Tt> "Ffict J(.iuin SiL, 1899. A No. 52 " No. 2 1 11 u n Iv. Columbia.. M 1 17 a in :il. .Lmpbart. i i 25 a in ur.... li mo ... 11 82 a m ar. Ballcntine . 1 tl 87 a in ai."Whiteltock. 11 40 a ra ar .. Hiltou... 11 45 a m ar.. Chapin... 11 55 h in ar L Mountain < 11 -^8 a m ar.. .Mij-ha.. 12 07 p m ar.Prospi 8 30 pm 12 20 p in ai. Newberry. ar 8 00 pm 12 33 p m ar. ..Jalapa.. .ar 7 20 pm 12 38 p mi ar... Gaiv... .ar 7 10 pm 12 43 p m ar.. Kiuard. 7 01 pm 12 50 p m ar. 6 50 pm 1 03 p in ar.. Clinton . .ar 6 30 pm 1 12 p m ar .. Pai ki?. . .ar 41^ pm 1 25 p m ar. .Laurens. .Iv 4 0u pm RETURNING SCHEDULE. No. 53 T "NoTl 1 85 pm 1 v. ."Laurens, .lv 1010 am 1 41 p ra Iv.. .Paiks.. .Iv 1<? 00 am 1 58 p m Iv. ..Clinton.. .Iv 9 4<> am 2 02 p m 1 v...Goldville..Iv 9 17 am 2 O'J p ui iv.. Kiuard...Iv 9 05 am 2 14 p m lv... Gary .. .Iv 8 50 am 2 19 p m lv.. Jalapa.. .Iv 8 40 am 2 82 p m lv. Newberry .lv 8 10 am 2 47 p ru 0 45 am i 2 57 p m lv.. .Sli^bs.. .lv 3 Ui p m 1>. L. Mountain lv 3 1-> 1-. ni i 'j m jy ui X > . UUCICU. ..IV 3 18 p in lv... 4?i on .. lv a 3 21 d ui lv White- Rock lv 3 2(> p m lv. Bailee tine. lv 3 35 p ai lv... Irnio 1 v 3 42 p rii lv..Tjt' 3 55 p iij >ir ..Columbia. .ar Trams 52 and 53 ?uu solid between Charleston sod Gi< LVille. Train 52 uiakss e'o- e cr.uueetloD at L?urt us- for Augusta and SpaitaLburg., < N > 53 ui?k? s> elot-e conntction at > Sumter for the North. Nus 1 and 2 makes clof-e connection with S. A L to HL,d from Atlanta. For further infounation call on or ad dies8 B. F. P. LEAPHART, Citv Ticket Agent, J. F. LIVINGSTON, Travelling Passenger Agent. Bank of Columbia, Columbia, S. C. W. G. t.IiILD-8, President. iliiiiiH OF SoCTIi CA1-.OI IN'A j State, City & County Depository j C'JhUMillA, b. C. F C Paid iu Full $150 000 00 ^ Surplus 3 ,000.00 k Liabilities of Stockholders.... 150,000.00 $335. f 00.00 SAVINGS DBPAETMEITT. Interest at the rate o! 4 p?.*r centum per anucm pani on deposits in this department ^ Til US T UEPAIUMENT. This I;-'La ainier specui provision of its charter exercises the office Of Exe?*Utorw uimiMstrdtor. Trustee or Guardian of Esates. Sf FITY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. Fire and iiuigiar pro i satet> deposit lor rent from $4 CO to $12 10 per jear. EDWIN W. IiOBERlON President, a. c Haskell, Vice President J. CALL WILL I<< BMt'l SUN, 2d Vice President G. M. % February l& Ij ' Nurseries,. < largest and oldest IN TEE south. healthy stock tbue TO NAME. Leading O'd Standard Fruits as well as New Varieties ol Merit Foreign and Orh-nM.1 Fruits and Nnts, Japanose Fear-, Piums. Apricots. Wal- J nuts ami C..? stunts a big success. ' Large Sto-.-k o? Does and Gr en Hons J Plants, Cut Fio*er.?, Floral and Fun?rai Designs Please give urd? r to u r salesmen whcanvass jour court* and the ??me shall nave our pr. iuut attention ft'e would be phased :o l:;tvr- \on write at o:.ce lor catalogue and pamphlet on -Dew to Fiart and (Cultivate aD Orcb rd " Address J. VAN LINDLET, Proprietot Pomona N 1 Aon. 23 l.v W. A. RECKLING, ABTIST, COLUMBIA, S. CM ts now* making the best pic1 tores tLut can be bad in tb:s country, Lti'l ail who have never had a real tine pic:ue, should nc.v try some ot bis latest ivies Specimens e.m be set n at his Galtrv. up sta;rs. next to the Hub. -i J ? t ? jj<-u^ers, journras rt corns, oouuier jocks, memorandum book?, school J )ook?, pads, pencils, ink of all colors, mi tiucilagp, Sir, for sal? at the Bazaar. m , \