The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 26, 1899, Image 1

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F ' 8EST ADVERTISING MEDIUM -IN? / Western South Carolina. O RATES REASONABLE. O SUBSCRIPTION SI PER ANNUM JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. 2Tot An Easy Job. Conquest of the Philippines Will Require a Big Army. New York, April 20.?Mr. T. W. The Lexington Dispatch. Representatice Jleujspaper. Goners Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. VOL. XXIX. LEXIXGTOX, S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. 1S99. NO. 24 McFprlane, a member of the famous Astor Battery, of New York city, which recently performed such valient military service in the Philippines, relates some interesting information regarding the situation in those islands. "The American forces in the Philippines now number about 23,000," said Mr. McFarlane; "out, in my - opinion, it will take at least 100,000 or more to subdue the Filipinos and hold the island's until final peace is . - brought about and business is restored to its normal condition. "With the present American force there it will be an impossibility to defeat the Filipinos. The reason of - tis-is that the insurgents have entirely too much territory in their < rear to fall back upoD when pursued by the Americans, the latter not having a sufficient force to leave behind to garrison tbe ground gained. There are at least 700,00.) native fighting men on the inland of Luzon. With this force it can easily be seen that while the Filipinos are beiog pursued they can dispatch a large por ti >n of tfceir troops to the rear of the Americans to attack the small forces of our men left to guard the captured territory. The Americans must in crease their forces. Unless they do so they cannot advance much further, and the result will b9 that the war will soon be temporarily suspended. "After the Filipinos have been subdued there will be great opportunity for the investment of American capital in tbe islands. Money can be ventured in all the various business occupations in the island with whal, I believe, will be great profit. There will be absolutely no chance for the American laborer there, however, for the reason that Filipino workingmen can be hired for 10 and 12 cents a day." Sis Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E Lilly, a prominet citizen of HanDibai, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: ''I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My luDgs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon ^ie of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and ' - stropg, I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine (is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1 00. Trial bottles free at J. E. Kaufmann's Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. First Prayer in Congress. In Thatcher's Military Journal, under date of December 1777, is found a note containing the identical "fire t prayer in Congress" made by the Rev. Jacob Dutche, a gentleman of great eloquence. Here it is, a histcr ical curiosity: "0 Lord, our Heavenly Father, high and miehtv, King of Kings, and Lord ^ of Lords, who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellers on the earth, and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all kingdoms, empires and governments, look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor, and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee; to Thee they have appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that counte* nance and suppor which Thou alone canst give; take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under thy nurtuiDg care; give them wisdom in counsel and valor in field; defeat the mali c'ojs designs of our cruel adversaries convince them of the unrigh'eousness of their cause: and if they still persL-t in their sanguinary purposes, O, the voice of Thy unerriDg justice, soundiDg in their hearts, constrain them to dr< p the weapons of war from the r un jerved hands in the day of battle. Be Thou present, God of wisdom, aid direct the counsels of this honoris able assembl}; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation, that the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish I amongst the people. Preserve the U health of their bodies, and the vigor i of tbeir minds; shower down on ! them, and the millions they here j ror?roconf aiiph fAmnnrsl hlpRRinffS ! >V|?VWV.., r O - I as Thou seest expedient for them in this world, aod crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jecus Christ, Thy Sod, our Savior Ameu " Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable.? W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr Cuyler is one of the most prominent men in this vicinity.?W. G. Phippin, Editor Red Creek Herald. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. A Smart Young Tradsr. There was once a worthy Presby- j . - ... , L-t _ I terian minister, wno, wnue sitting m his study, was interrupted by a small boy who had by some way or other gained admission, to sell the good man some young pups. UI don't want any dogs, my boy," said the divine. "But they are Presbyterian pups," persisted the youngster. The old gentleman, however, would not have them and the disappointed boy withdrew. Som9 days afterward while visiting a friend, who was a Universalist, the minister was astonished to see the same boy come in and * offer to sell bis friend some pups. "Good Universalist pups," said the chap. This was too much for the Dominie, who said to the'boy: "Are you not the same boy that tried to sell me these pups the other day?" "Yes, sir." "And did you not tell me then that they were Presbyterian pups?" "Yes, sir." "Then how can they be Universalist pups, now?" "Because they have had their eyes opened since then," said the little chap. It is needless to add that ne sold the pups. Greater BrooklancL Our Ambitious Suburb to Extend Its Limits. Colombia Daily Record. The town of Brookland is growing rapidly and is ambitious. It wants to include within the corporate limits the surrounding country which will materially increase its population. It is said to be about 1,100 now, but whea the annexed district comes in it will be about 1,500. A meeting was held Thursday nigbt for the purpose of taking the necessary steps to extend the limits. The following committee was appointed to prescribe the lines and take the necessary legal steps to acquire the new territory: W. H. I Witt, W. D. Dent, W. T. Floyd, J. C. Kirby, Rev. E. L. Lybraud, E. E Haygood. Mr. Brooks Lybrand and W. D. Dent will begin to take a census of the town Friday. While thus extending its limits the people - ? n ) want better connections witn Columbia and they will see if the scheme of extending the electric railway to the town can soon be made a fact. A company has had a charter for the purpose for several years, but nothing has come of it so far. 2To Eight to TJgliaess. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have fiiends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If | she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause : pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and ; a wretched complexion. Electric j Bitters is the best medicine in the j world to regulate stomacb, liver and ! - - - ? ?t- - VI 3 T? I I kidnej8 ana to puruy iue lmuuu. iv gives strong nerves, bright eyes, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50 cents at J. E. Kaufmanns Drug Store. ~dj 4 16SO MA.IIV ST: ip. Solicits a S Strange Disappearance. Nobody Koows What Became of our Missing Sailors?Whether Sunk, Captured or Rescued by the Spaniards. Manila, April 19.?Admiral Dewey has been notified of tbe Btrange disappearance of Lieut. J. C. Gilmore and fourteen members of the crew of the United States gunboat Yorktown. On Saturday last the Yorktown anchored off Baler, on the east coast of tbe island of Luzon, and kbout 200 mli?fcoiD here, where there was a Spanish garrison of about 50 men which had been defending itself against several hundred Philippine insurgents for months past. Lieut. Gilmore's Ensign W. H. Handley and the boat's crew were sent up the river from Baler to communicate with the Spaniards, the town of Baler being situated some distance inland. Ensign Handley, who landed at the mouth of the river, reports that he heard three volleys, a bugal call and cheers from up the river, but that the automatic gun which was part of the equipment of the boat was not heard firing. Handley later paddled to the Yorktown in a cance. Search was made for the Yorktown's boat and her crew but no trace of them was found and the Yorktown sailed for Iloilofrom which place her commander cabled to Admiral Dewey. His theory is that the Filipinos had captured or sunk the boat or that the Spaniards had rescued the American party. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise Bhould be sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repeated experience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve year's; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manufactured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfactory to the people, and is the best. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Music Sills a Filly. Music caused the death of a beautiful three-year-old filly at Florence, Ala. the other dav. A farmer drove the valuable young mare into town, and as he was driving up the principal street a brass band suddenly struck up its blatent music. The mare had never heard any sound like that before, and so startled was she that she dropped dead in the shafts of the trap. A veterinary surgeon who examined the carcass declared that the mare had died of heart failure, due to excitement caused by the sound of the unaccnstomed music of a brass band. Boils and I Gin AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT h NATURE IS APPEALING rpi the sy cnp UCID must be gotten rid of ; t rUn nLLli ?a warning that can n< To nezlect to purify time means more than the annoyance < unsightly pimples. If these impuriti remain, the system succumbs to any ord unable to withstand the many ailme prevalent during spring and summer. Mrs. L. Gentile, 2004 Second Aven says: " I was afflicted for a long time v were very annoying, as they disfigured After using many other remedies in vai and thoroughly cleansed my blood, at S good complexion, which I never had b " Several boils anf Wraj great pain and am a ^?^?U8 C?,n^t^0ri ^ i and is the only one that is absolute ! promptly purities the blood and thoi ' the general health and strength. It ci I tism. Tetter. Boils. Sores, etc., by goinj J forcing out all impure blood, j Books free to any addreee by the Swif GLOBE DRY REET, - - Ihare of Your Valued Meeting of Joint Conference. The Joint Conference will meet D V. April 28-30, at Alt. Tabor church. Brookland, S. C. The following is the program of subjects, sermons and speakers: Friday 11a. m?Opening BermoD followed by formal opening of Conference by the President. These subjects are to be discussed: 1. How to eDjoy our religion?Del egates from Mt. Vernon church and Revs. T. W. Shealy, Jacob Wike and Jacob Graichen. 2. Baptism, what is, when administered, what "benefits derived??Delegates from Mt. Tabor, Luther Chapel Revs. E. L. Lybrand and R. E. Livingstone. 3. Essay, Historical Luther&nism ?Rev. C P. Boozer. 4. The position of the Word in the Lutheran Church?Dr. J. W. Eargle, Revs. P. H. E. Derrick, S. P. Shurapert, J. D. Shealy, W. H. Roof and A. W. Lindler. 5. Address on Christian Education ?Hon. C. M. Efird and President George B Cromer. Sunday morning, Address on missions?Hon. H. A. Meetze and Rev. J. D. Shealy. SERMONS. Friday, 11 a. m., Rev. Jacob Wike or Rev. J. A. Cromer. Fiiday, 8 p. m , Rev. 0. B. Shear0U86 or W. H. Roof. Saturday, 11 a. m., Rev. H. J. Mathias or Rev. R. E. Livingstone. Saturday, 8 p. m., Rev. P. H. E. Derrick or Rev. Jacob Austin. Sunday, 11 a. m, Rev. A. R. Beck or Rev. C. P. Boozer. The addresses on Christian Education are set for Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The sermon on Sunday will be on the subject "The Office of the Keys." S. C. Ballentine, Secretary. White Rock, S. C., March 28, 1893. ? Delinquent Land Sales. Colombia Evening Record, April 20. The Sinking Fund Commission has instructed Auditors and Sheriffs that in future all lands purchased on behalf of the Sinking Fund Commission must have the titles made out in the name of the commission. The reason for this is the practice which some officers have had of reselling land that they had bought for the commission to private parties before a record of the purchase has been made. In a case where a good piece of land has been bought in, the commission would like to have the disposal of it themselves. Liquor Coustables Discharged. Columbia Evening Record, April 20. The Governor today discharged four of the dispensary constables, leaving fifty-six yet on the pay rol!. The idea is to reduce them more and when any of them die or resign not fill their places. Resigning and dying constables are as scarce as hen . teeth. Pimples i Warning. Whon Nature is overtaxed, she has er own way of giving notice that assistDce is needed. She does not ask for ntil it is impossible to get along without >ils and pimples are an indication that stem is accumulating impurities which ;hev are an urgent appeal for assistance at safely be ignored, the blood at this >f painful boils and es are allowed to inary illness, and is ints which are so aBy iue, Seattle. Wash . 23^ A x?j >\ | cith pimples, wliich my face fearfully. i n. S S. S. promptly l\A X ICJViVO 1U ^ m '* yW efore." t<% O "' ? llap, of the A. G. S. a. Tenn., writes: carbuncles broke out upon me. causing | loyance. My blood seemed to be in | i, and nothing I took seemed to do i ttles of S. S. S. cured me completely been j>erfectly pure ever since." FOR THE BLOODj emedy, because it is purely vegetable lv free from potash and mercury. It i oughly cleanses the system, builds up ; ures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer. Rheuma- j g direct to the cause of the trouble aud j t Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. goods '02ST, JE., I^L^l.2: . Patronage. Polite and Quarterly Statement. | Dispensary Net Profits Amount to , ?32,438 91. 5 i __ ' The Legislative Committee Reports Everything in Fine Shape?Books and Account All Right. | Colombia Daily Record. ! The legislative committee on the j dispensary recently made out their , j report. They made a careful exami- < I ! nation of the books and found every- ] j thing in proper shape. The follow! ing are some of the figures for the 1 ! last quarter: j "The gross profits for the quarter j were $100,331.40 and the net balance ] | in the State treasury on March 31 ] j was $32,438 91, which has been pass- j j ed to the credit of the school fund. ] The contraband liquors captured , ! $1,904 17 in value and the profits on j beer dispensaries were $G,422 98. i The constabulary cost $12,692 77; | I breakage and leakage was only $181- j ! 73; freight and expense, $19,242 22; \ j labor, $3,997 22; insurance, $5,200. The receipts were $277,606 24 and ( j disbursements, $391,238 57, which \ | includes the balance in the State 1 j treasury of $32,438 91. There was < j a balance in the treasury on Decern- ? ber 31 of $16,073 24, which, added to receipts as above, make a total of $423,677 48. Mr. Douthit, the commissioner| elect is expected to assume his duties j. | very soon. i ? : Volcanic Eruptions . b c Are grand, but Skin Eruptions l rob life of j )y. Bucklen's Arnica ^ Salve, cures them; also Old Running j| and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, ^ Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only ^ 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. E. Kaufmann, Druggist. The Authority On Fashion. ] The May Number of The DelineaI 3 ! tor is called the Commencement j j Number, and in addition to affording ? j a clear prospect of the whole field of | fashion, treats very fully with illus- j | tration and description of appropriate 0 { gowning for commencement and ! graduation wear. The literary fea- v j tures are thoroughly enjoyable, and ? | the household and social discussions ! crisp and piquant. A strong, dra- ^ i matic story of woman's self-sacrifice ^ is Beaver Lights, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood, a tale reminiscent of the e early days of Mormonism. A lively j entertainment is outlined in A Slip j Hunt, by J. Gastine Randolph. The Delineator is published by the But- ^ terick Publishing Co., (Limited), at 7 to 17 West Thirteeth St, New York, at the low rate of Si.00 a year, or 15 cents per copy. d A Bride's Confusion. r In New York recently, something ^ ! unexpected happened in East 8 j Twenty-eigth street, around the 8 corner from Madison avenue. There was a quiet parlor wedding at the u i hnnsfi of ft nhvfiioian?a well known ? v r~~J " ? j doctor, and about 20 friends were ! present to witness the ceremony. j The bride was the physician's 18year-old daughter, and the groom 0 was the son of a Brooklyn brewer. There was to be a honeymoon trip C( after the marriage, and the mother of the bride, with true maternal foresight, had put a French traveling clock in her daughter's pocket, j I I It was a little bit of a clock. Some j ej how it got wound up wrong. As the J couple stood up with the minister ge under the floral bell a.hush fell on the small assemblage, and the hush g? deepened as they knelt on a velvet cushion while the preacher prayed. t j "Oh, Lord," said the preacher, jje "let Thy blessing rest upon this"? j ^ "Br-r-r, plink, plink," burst out the j . mooi-ln little olactn nl nr>L- in ft fr?no rif ! - A1V WAV MAW4 LU V4WM 4** Mr WV44W V* |j ^ awful distinctness. The venerable ^ preacher opened one eye inquiringly, ^ but quickly closed it again as he saw i wj the groom's fat father scowling at j ^ him over his spectacles from the 1 coiner of the room. "Ob, Lord,"' ! said the preacher, beginning again, j 0f "let Thy?" j H, "B-r-r-r, plink,'" came out fiom the Li depths of the bride's pocket. "Ob, or LNY, T^<3-EI3, COMIMHIA, t> Prompt Attention. 0. Row t absolutely Makes the food more d ?QVAl BAKING PC Lord," said the preacher iu a voice of desperate caluiDess, opening both ayes and closing theiu again liko a dash, "-let Tby bless?" "Br-r-, plink, plick, plink, plink, The minister stopped. The bride, whose face was very red, and whc had been tryiog in vain with her left hand to choke off the clock or shake it into submission, snatched it from her pocket and passed it to the *room, who handed it to his best man, who handed it le the brewer's tvife, who glared at it and handed it to her husband, who went out in the rail, actually shaking his fist at it as re went. The minister began bis prayer )nce more, and as he said ''Ob, Lord," !or the fourth tiime, there was a loud rang out in the back yard which inlicated that the alarm clock had struck the fence with terrific force. Bismark's Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid lealth. Indomitable will and ttenendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels ire out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, ise Dr. King's New Life Pills. They levelop every power of brain and >ody. Only 25c at J. E. Kaufmann's Irug store. . -? Notes from Black Creek. Co the Editor of the Dispatch: Married at the home of the groom's ather, Mr. S. B Ivjzer, Mr. Paul Cyzer and Miss Lillia Rikard. The severe storm and rain last Tuesday did much damage to fences nd laid fow many old and unlucky rees. Mr. J. C. Simon's chimney pas blown down. Our friend and neighbor Mr. "ames Oswalt, has purchased a pair f fine mules. Rev. W. B. Fallaw and wife were isitiog in our neighborhood last peek. Mr. Burt Fallaw, our lumber man, las sent a large fleet down the river o blockade Charleston for the cash. Mr. Glover Able has moved in the ngine aod boiler and will soon begin o cut lumber. We hear "Uncle Jill" will stand to the saw. The measles are slowly makirg heir way through our community. The youDg folks in our distiict ;now the meaning of "Carpe diem," 8 far as it relates to matrimony. There are a mighty sight of wed[ings. Look out for sepals. Oh! yes, Mr. Editor, a new raiload runs right through by the New Jill and you can every day hear the ound of the bell and whistle by tretching your immagination. I am glad "Billy Felix," has waked p; still he needs rests. Klondike. < Another Railroad. orporators Organize in This City Last Night, slumbia Daily Record, April 20. The corporators of a new railroad i oe Known as tne wmtmire, jsew3rry and Augusta road, met in this ty last night and organized by j ecting Dr. James ?.IeIutosb, of j ewberry, chairman and X. G Evans cretary. The road proposes to run om Augusta through Edgefield, j iluda and Newberry counties to j 'hitmire's ou the Seaboard Air j ;ne. After this is built there may j i extensions to Lockhart Shoals and j ion. Books of subscription will : i opened in Augusta. Saluda, EdgeId and Newberry aud the corporars are confident the road will be j lilt. The road runs aloug a line | rich has already been survejed and j ,rtly graded. - . A Tornid Liver causes Depression 1 Spirits, Indigestion. Constipation, ! eadacho. L%e Dr. M. A. Simmons j ver Medicine to stimulate that : gan. | 5. O., ?tobor 13?tf j baking Powder Pure elicious and wholesome ~l ?| Call for More Troops. i 1 Fourteon Thousand Regulars for Manila, to Relieve the Volunteer Troops, Will be Hurried There as | Fast as Possible. Washington, April 20?Gen. Otis' call for more troops will be promptly answered. As soon as marine transportation can be secured fourteen j thousand regulars will be hurried to 1 Manila. This means a virtual cleaning out j of garrisons of batteries along the | Atlantic seaboard, now in the hands : of the Seventh Artillery. The coast i will be left in the hands of detach, | ments, but new recruits will be mus, j tered in and instructed to go to the seaboard, not now imperilled, so lh; t it will not be altogether unprotected. Secretary Alger received a reply from Otis to his inquiry yesterday ! whether reinforcements of fourteen thousand regulars which it is pro posed to send to relieve the volun teers will be sufficient for the purpose of fh? pomnfliffn Ofia rcolioa in fhc I in the affirmative. He estimates that thirty thousand should constitute the j army. The programme for the movement of troops will be carried out, therefore, according to Otis statement. Otis adds the rernaik that he expects very soon to be able to report a decided improvement in the Philippines. OBITUARY. It is with a sad heait that we chronicle the death of Charles David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Weed, which occurred at their home near Irmo, S. C, March 20, ult. Cuarlty was 20 years of age. Being in the prime of young manhood, he was a source of great comfort to his pcrents. Just two months ago we laid to rest, Mamie, the only sister of tl e deceased. He was ill four weeks with typhoid fever. In his last days he was a sufferer, but he bore his sickness as a true child of God. '*He knew whom he had believed and was pursuadedthat He was able to keep that which he had committed to Him against that day." March the 21st we laid all that was mortal of him to rest in the Union cemeterv to await the resurrection morn. His sun is set, hi3 race though short is ended, the warfare is fought, the victory achieved, the conflict gained and he has received a crown of righteousness that shall never fade away. May the God of grace and com fort sustain and bless the bereaved I ones, and may they so live as to meet with him on the other shore, where there will be no more separation. Let us be patient! These severe afflictions, Not troin the ground arise. But otten times celestial benediction; Assume this dark disguise. ' We see but dimly through the misS ; n 1 vapors, Amid these earthly damps: j What seem to us but sad, funeral tapers, May be heaven's distant lamp;. j There is no death! What stems so is transition, This lite of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the lite < 1 *i. u: \\ hose portal we call death. D W. SpriDg is here and nature some times needs assistance and there is Dothing better than Dr. Baku's great vegetible blood and liver cure. It corrects the system and keeps the machinery woikiDg satisfactorily. It is good for rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, dropsy, catarrh and all diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, and general debility. The greatest blood purifier known. For sale at the Biziar. Price ?1.00 for a large bottle. Mrs. Rice, the wife of Re v. .] ?hn A. Rice. President of the Columbia Female College, died in Columbia on Tuesday of last week after u lingeri ig and painful illness. She was tl e daughter of a prominent and able Methodist divine and a sister of the Rev. A. Coke Smith, of that dent mi- ( nation. 1 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will bp inserted at the i?ftr ot 7> cents p-r Kpiare of one iuch st?rtce f?sr tirst insertion and 50 c?-nts per I inch l??r ea< h snhs? mirut insertion. Lib. rai contractu in*de with those wishing to advertise for three, six and twelve months. Notices in the local column 5 cents per line insertion. Obituaries charged for at the rate of one cent a word, wl en they exceed 100 words. Marriage notices inserted tree. Address r: \r i; a t?\t a xr i v?. | XJUilVt Ilini JL Ul'UOUClt Now:-, by way of Loudon, says thi re is no present likelihood of the l construction uf the Spanish Davy. See rotary Alger Ln.s announced that the Cuban mortgages have been extended two years from May 1st. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Clears the Complexion, gives Buoyancy to the MiDd, cures Headache, Regulates stomach. Bowels and Liver. The Citadel Cadets will have their aunual encampment at Orangeburg. Til Sponnd Smith tlimlina rpori. ~ " - - ? ~ ? m< lit was mustered out at Augusta Wednesday, and bus been disbanded. (Langeburg will this year experiment largely with tobacco. They vvaLt something better thau four c uts cotton. When you ask for Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, see that you got it and not some worthless imitation. - s ' - & The former Spanish warship, Mercides, will be taken to New Yoik, . throughly repaired and hereafter be a part of our navy. Capt. G. G Wells, a prominent lawyer and a Confederate veteran, died recently at his home in Greenville, from a stroke of paralysis. Engineers have beguh work on the Congaree at Columbia preparatory to deepening the channel of the river and making it navigable. * ~ Mdaria cannot find a lodgment in the system while the Liver is in per 1 T"\.. ^ r A O! met oruci. in. iu. a. oimmons Liver Medicine is the best Regulator. A good railway engine will travel about 1,000,000 miles before it wears out. - C.mdy has been added to the army ration by order of the Secretary of the navy. Recruits for the'Chinese armyaie not accepted unless they can jump a ditch six feet wide. W. F. Riwl, New Brookland, S C, writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine many years, and consider it the best liver medicine made. I regard it a miracle compared witL Zeilin's Regulator. In Paris it is rnjuired that every vehicle traversing the streets at night, if only a wheelbarrow, shall carry a lantern. Political economy has been defined as running for office and letting your friends bear the expenses of the ^ campaign. Playing cards were . first printed about 133 J. It is estimated that the present annual output exceeds 7,000,003 packs*a year. Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills give purity of blood and vigor of thought bv nerfectlv reeulatini? / 1 * o o the b^wcis and cure biliousnesp, inactive liver and constipation. J. E. Kaufmanu. Governor Eilerbe improves very slowly. While he is able to attend to official business he is by no means a well man. He has been taken to his old home ia Marion in the hope that a change of scenes would improve him. Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine never has, and we do not see how it can, fail to cure kidney disorders. It gives nature the aid needed, and nature thus aided never fails. J. E. Kaufmann. In anticipation of an increased acreage in tobacco this year, a number of gentlemen have begun the buildiDg of another warehouse at Manning. rp TO OUR SOIL. I American disease. - forme that 1 am able ' i to do my own work."' ftp.? -JioY Mr..IacobCrifhn. Elmer, z H JWr fey, ijkjoo Mich., writes: "I was very Hil nervous and unable to WmKSsIk work. I have taken several pi^l'% bottles of IV-ru-na and ' jUln^L ' 11111 entirely well."' Ksther Luther, FrankC J?/ ' linsville. N. ('.. says: " I took your IV-rn-na for oiiafeesL^ (hnfncss can hear now as well as I ever could."' Au-r. TrylofT. Mt. Clemfer ?r ?ns. M ie'n. .writes : ''Iliad ? * t < i , , .. , ;\ hi grippe and it left me " u'''' il terrible cough. I ^e"ru*fla au'1 lvaa 'J&&\ Mrs. P.. r.ucst. Kearney, l'.utValo Co.. Neb., w riUs: 4.^ ,? " 1 took your IV-rt: na for '/ ik~T~'F catarrh, and can sav that 1 rni now entirely cured If. Walter Urady. Cas<.j ^ ?rj ; ende. Ark., says: " 1 lia<l ZL / rnrninjr oars. It was so ?''V? tis've I excluded inyse'T fr< ?n al! sooifty. After *rdW; i I had 1>orne it fourteen years I read IV. Ilartman's l.ook called "The Ills of Life.' 1 took seventeen dollars' worth of his remedies and am entirely cured." V