The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 29, 1899, Image 2

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The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt July 19. 1894. G. M. HARM AN. Editor nnd Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1899. "Tillman, ?57.00; Evans, *181: Elleibe, $154.11 Penitentiary )ation account of Reform Govern ors, still due and uncollected. The penitentiary ration accounts of Hampton, Simpson, Jeter, Hagood. Thompson, Sbeppaid aDd Ricbard" son, their Uureformed predecessors in office, have never been seen, heard of or suspected. 'By their woiks ye shall know them.""?C lurnbia State. We know nothing about "ration"' as no investigation of the penitentiary txroo Via/J nn/lur thfl adininistra tions of these "Unreformed" Governors, had there been a sickening thud may or may not have been heard. Anyhow there has been something said about beautiful cut glass brandy decanters and dazzling crystal wineglasses paid for by the State and used by one of these "Unreformed" Governors in bis private house. We have "heard of" South Carolina payiDg the Columbia Club $2 per pack for playing cards. We have also "heard of " a regrettable affair at the penitentiary and another in one of the State offices, all happening during the administration of the last named of these "Uurefoinnd" Governors, but being "unrefoimed" i-.-i x ? inese nuie iraueacauus wuic \cwashed. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones neither should the devil quote scripture. The alleged penitentiary scandal has missed fire. It Las been developed that the value of the crops were fixed by estimates. That is the Board cf Directors would visit a farm, view a pile of corn, or oats, or cotton and estimate that there should be so many bushels, or pounds, as the case might be, and Col. Neal charged up with the estimate at current prices. To illustrate, the Board estimated the Lexington farm made 1,700 bushels of coi n. Notwithstanding that Mr. Miller, the superintendent, protested, saying that at a high estimate there were only 1,400 bushels, yet Col. Neal was charged with at least 300 bushels of corn that was never there. "We might go on but this is sufficient to give our readers an idea of bow the alleged shortage of Col. Neal occurred and in the meantime to withhold judgment until the committe makes its report. The investigation of Col. W. A. Neal, the late Superintendent of the State Penitentiary, is still on. Notbiog criminal in his management has so far been developed and if nothing further is brought out be can be censured only for placing too much confidence in his subordinates. He can now understand wnat 19 is meant by the express-ion: ' God save me from my friends." The Governor has been asked to offer a reward for the apprehension of the person or persons who mysteriously murdered young Pinckney in Charleston recently. Charleston has offered a reward of $300 and the family of the murdered man has supplemented this sum by an additional $300. It is possible that the Governor will offer the reward asked for. The situation in Samoa is growing serious. A deadlock now exists without any hopes of breaking it, and the Berlin treaty may be repudi ated at any moment. Iu this case war will be almost inevitable and the United States and England will be allied against Germany. Small pox has broken outatPaiksville, in Edgefield county, and the disease is said to have gotten beyond the control of the local physicians. One physician states that there are 4ft f./"? nft in thaf r -V ??# " v wwvvv am VVUJUJUkJib> * Three deaths have occurred in Edgefield. Tbe Windsor, one of the largest hotels in New Yoik, was totally de stroyed by a fire of an unknown origin recently. Many persons lost their lives and a great number sustained injuries of a more or less serious nature. Easter Services. The following Eister services will be observed by St. Stephen's congregation: Good Friday service, on the 31st inet, at 11 o'clock a. in. Holy communion service on Easter Sunday, the 1st Sunday of April, at 11 o'clock a. m. Both of these services will be held ia the Episcopal chapel. J. G. GraicbcD. Pastor. County Alliance 2vlee;:n?. The next regular meeting of Lexington County Alliance No. 721, will be held with Martin District Alliance, on the ll*h day of April. A full delegation is desired. D. F. Efird, Pres. Jag. B Addy, Sec. Advenes Cflttinssd. Later Details ol tue Battle in the Philippines. Xtw York, March 27.?Janus Creel man cables from Manila today that the American troop3 continued to advance at daybreak, Macarthur dashing beyond Polo, which was cap tured and burned yesterday. He also captured Mayvanayan, two miles from Polo, after hard fighting. The insurgents It ft detachments in all the trenches to delay the advance. Mayvanayan is at the base of the Cugh hills and jungle country. The road forward is clear ground. The insurgents are still ilying up the rail wav. Macarthur's column is mareLing forward to Bulocan. The South Dakota boys charged the trenches at Polo, killing twenty-two and wounding sixteen. Aguinaldo has fi d to Malolos. The Filipino prisoners beg for food. Aguinaldo has issued a proclammation sayiDg he would punish with death all who refused to fight. Hp has been daily piomising to loot Manila, sayiDg the Americans were beaten. The insurgents are bushwhacking about Pasig and Parana gue. The railroad over the confluered country to the rear is being repaired and fresh troops are getting into the cars to be rushed forward. Everything indicates that befoie forty-eight hours Wheaton and Macarthur will be fighting before Malolos. Among the killed in the takiDg of Mayvanayan was Captain K-.rnahub, of the Third artillery. The monitor Monadnock fired on ParaDaque. The American loss so far is: Killed, twenty twe wounded, lflG. The Filipinos have had killed and wounded five hundred more in three daysfighting. Colonel .Egbert, who was wounded yesterday, died. Manila, March 27 ?At 3:25 this morning Macarthur, after reconnoiteriDg, pushed along the railroad to ward Malolos. The main body of the enemy retreated to Malolos. There are no more trenches to en counter, although over thirty villages, including the larger settlements of Bulacan and Guiguinanto, intervene. Circulars have been posted at every railroad station and signed "Filipino commander-in chief," ordering all spies and newsbearers of the enemy to be shot without trials, and instructing that all looters and ravishers be treated in the same manner. It is further ordered that all towns abandoned by the Filipinos first be burned. While deploring the existence of war, the circular maintains the undeniable light of the Filipinos to defend their homes, lives and lands against would be domiuaters, who will kill them, their wives and children, adding that this ought to impel ali Filipinos to saciifice everything. The evacuation of Malabou was picturesque. Thousands of mer, women and children, loaded with household goods, poured across the swamps early iu the morning. The exploded caisson at the railroad biidge delayed the Ameiican advance. Ten Oreeronians searching for Uo comrades killed early in the fight, sneaked into the < ity and found the place in a condition of chaos. The inhabitants seeing them tied panic stricken, thinking the Americans were in possession. The Americans did not occupy Malabon, but are concentrating at Malulos. "Washington, Match 27.?General Oris cables that the battle continued all day today. The 1-jss is about forty Americans. He says the troops will press forward in the morning. Aguiualdo commanded in person. Our troops met his concentrated forces on the north lines and drove them back with considerable slaughter. Aguinaldo left a hundred dead on the field. Many prisoners were captured. General Otis has twenty-nine thousand five hundred men to be augmented by sixteen btiudred regulars in a week. Six additional regiments are under orders for Manila. Manila, March 27 ?M icarthur occupied Marialo at the junction of two r ,o,lo lnlr>a Thu inonvfirnnfe J.V/uug IV/ AUkUXVtV/s'* J. uv tugui^vuvw j fell back to the main body at Malo j los. Tiie southern insurgents are taking advantage of the movement i of our troops northward and are renewing attacks on Lawton's line south of the city. Cherokee Notes. To the E Jitor of the Dispatch: The weather has been fine for the past week and though the soil is very wet vet, the farmers are iu a harry. ? ' V Tue iir&t thing in the morning is } ' hurry, up bo}?, let's get to plowing," and not hardly a minute's time is spent at anything else. The small grain crops arc looking j fine and the prospect of a bountiful I harvest is now shining bright. This is exactly what the farmers should do, raise your own biscuits. Xow when the harvest is paat and the J grinding is over you can come and i enj >y the bounti-.-s with us. Mrs. Julia Dunbar, from near Rish's Store, has returned home after spending a few weeks very pleas- j Crwled rv>wn ri_nTLflT ja Mream. ^s ^ ^ V.'h-n a man jpKj^riry . cro-sjnjr jonif x^S??^'JfVV ' difficult place in / h i s working y cnr'tr: sptirriajr all his ciiergies to //' n e v s u ^ ^ c n 1 y . vj^M|Ty^r 't/i fi'u's health ' ^2^g~3SiAji /a '// , giving way and ^f c v 1 s himself ' ^ . swept out of the ^ ~ /saddle by the \ I , ' s w i ft-r u li n i n g current of dis - ' * ease?then is the --?time when the marvelous rejuvenating properties of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will prove an unfailing means of rescue and restoration. It is a very simple though eminently scientific medicine. It is not a mere stimulant like so many malt extract*. It restores liealthv nower bv reviving the in . :?: ,.r ..:?,i:,.. urniiu>i ><???. ??i \ Iimivji ?. t.uvn..^ system. It enables the digestive and blood - making organistn to manufacture good blood abundantly and rapidly, so that the immense waste of tissue and nerve fiber entailed by hard labor is offset by a speedy upbuilding of fresh energy and strength. A prominent and venerable Illinois nhysician. IV \V. Vowles. M. I)., of Fowler. Adams Co.. writing to Dr. l'ierce. says: " I send herewith thirty-one (,v< cents iti stamps for ' The People's Common Sen-e Medical Adviser' in cloth binding. With this pittance for so valuable a work (truly a gift to the public). I must express my high appreciation of the vast amount of good that you have rendered the public. A correct measure of your usefulness never has been, and never will bo estimated by the public: no. not even by the multitude of afflicted humanity that has relieved and cured by your "medicines. Wherever J go or have" been in the United States. I find persons who have used, and are using Dr. Pierce's juedicincs with satisfaction. for all conditions for which thev are recommended. Never has one spoken disparagingly of their action, and from having seen ?o often their good effects. I am also enthused with confidence in their action in cases and conditions for which they are recommended. It is not common for regular physicians to endorse and recommend proprietary medicines, but in this case I have no equivocation or hesitancy in so doing." The quick constipation - cure ? Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never gripe. autly with friends and relatives in this neighborhood. Come again, auntio, I am always glad to see you and am ready at aDy time to greet you with a warm howdydo. The health of this community is very good at present, except a few families have measlee, but I am glad to state tbey are convalescing. Itov. C P. Boozer delivered a very able and interesting sermon last Sunday at Providence church to a very large and attentive congregation. When the people go to church it makes us feel that they have resolved to build up the church and that we are on the road to success. Mr. S. M. Gross is having a coat of puint put on his dwelling which adds much to the looks of it, and is also having repairs made around his place. Mr. S. L. Riwl is having his yard and lot fences built, and also a large dirt oven built that shows that Sam is aiming at somothiog good to eat. I think that we will have a small I fruit crop this season. Some of the ! trees were entirely killed by the severe cold and I don't think they will re cover tbi& season to jield. The chain gang has now took lodgings at the county poor house. I have been informed that they are to prepare the new ground for plowing. The gaug will go from thence to work on Cherokee ford I don't think they will get there any too soon for the crossing is in a horrible condition. Mr. G. B WiDgard has erected a very neat tenant house on the Cherokee road not far from his own dwelling. Baylis is one of thesegetabout kind of men aud may he go on to success. The closing exercises of the Mid| way school will take place on the evening of the 30th of March, at 1 o'clock. I hope to see a large crowd at these exercises which I have no doubt all wbo attend will enjoy them. It makes the children feel happy to see their partnts and friends come lo hear them recite. It not only pleases the children but the teachers, tor, are glad to see you. Mr. E L. Wingard is having made a nice large barn. He intends to have a place to store away food for the winter, and may be be enabled to till tbis barn to its utmost capacity. Mr. F. A. Heigman's family has finally it covered from a siege of measles. The saw mills in this neighborhood are certainly doing a successful business as I hear the saws whirring fmm inm-ninc until the seilinf? of the ~ ~ O o - sun. Well, as news is scarce this tima, I will make ibis letter short so as to make you wish there was more. May the Dispatch ever prosper is the wish of C. P. - ? ? The Tent Meetirg. To the K litor ct the Dispatch. . Please allow me a small space in the Dispatch to announce that the teut meeting at Lexiogton will be gin on Saturday night, April 8th, will run through the fourth Sunday making two weeks. I have secured the services of Brothers W. P. B. Kinard and Tillman and feel sure that the many friends of these brethren will be delighted to see thrm in our midst. The public is invited to this meeting, which is for the purpose of doing all the good we can. The pa3 tors of the various churches id nod near Lexington are most cordially invited to come and take part iii each service and co operate with me in bui.iling up the Church as a whole. L<t all who huve singing book Revival Xo. 2, please brirg them along and assist us iu the music. Prof. Steele will perform for the iii'-tting. W. M. Harden. P. C. If you want tine vegetable p, buy your seeds at Iho Bazaar. Guarantee I ft oh and i ( liable. i 3asten Happenings. Billy F? iix Discourses on Various Topics cf Iuterc-st. To the Editor cf the Dispatch: Everything quiet io ami aiound town. The mrth w*st blizzards erem to be eve); the Legislature adj iirmd: the Queen of Spain signed the treaty, and hence I feel free to come out ai d breath the free air again. ^ Our farmers are busy preparing their farm lands. Some have planted corn and others will do likewise next week. Contractors Fall and Shank will soon have the dwelling 01 J lx. Jtai law completed, which will be one < f the most convenient and ccnifoi table habitations in our community. What widower had the road chargr d so that the gills have to pass his houst? Fruit will be scarce around here this season. Efforts will shortly be mule t<> erect a handsome and commodious high school buildiDg in our town The trustees have an e}e on an tfficient, r competent and expfiienced teacher aDd if they succeed in securing his services, we predict biigbtcr and better things in the educational world in and around Gaston. Steps are beiDg taken to overhaul HarmoDy church, and when done it will be very neat and serviceable. What handsome and popular peda gogue, on leaving his hoarding place recently, asked the young lady of the house a certain question relative to mattimonial affairs and went off rejoicing that it is not good for man to be alone; but still ha9 to content bimself with his present state of unify. It was the writers pleasure to make a trip recenty in company with Mrs. Felix and the new boarder, to the famous waters of Black Creek, where we spent a pleasant and happy time under the hospitable roof of that veteran saw mill man, Mr. Buit Fallaw. Here we made war upon the finny tiibe which the editor loDgs to capture. Bart and bis hands were busy getting off lumber for the Charleston market. Call on. Burt, Mr. Editor, at aDy time and Billy predicts you a hearty meal on the said finny tribe. Small grain is looking fine and bids fair for a goodly yield. Mr. D. E Craft has sold his saw mill to Mr. R G. Able. The Sunday school convention meets wilh the Swansea church on Friday before the second Sunday in May. Hope all the churches will be represented by delegates. Success to the Dispatch. Billy Felix. March 27, 1S99. OBITUARY. James William, fon of R. I N. Hicks, was born August 13,1809 end departed this l.fe March 27ib, 1899. He leaves a wife, two children, a father, three sisters and one brother and large circle of friends to mourn his death. Bring a devoted husband, a kind father and a tiue friend, be will be greatly missed in Lexington. His memory will be long and fondly cherished by aU who knew him, having been a young man of fine * I i TT i moral cnaracier. ne wub treasurer of the Baptist Sunday school for two years and rendered valuable services in that office to those who had confided that trust to him. The Rev. J. G. Graichen officiated, and based his discourse cn I Cor. I xii:l2. After the service his body was borne from the Biptist church to St. Stephen's cemetery where, iu the the presence cf a vast throng with uncovered heads, his brother Masons assisted in performing the last sad rites, and with their own hands filled his grave and planted upon it the 4 immortelles" of their affections and devotiou. Let us rest in the belief that our young ftiend, with his every duty ! well peiformed, has at last found eternal repose in the presence of his Saviour and his God. J. G. G. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofhealth is the power to digest and assimilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. i Doyou know this ? | Tutt's Liver Pills are an absoi lute cure for sick headache, dys1 i ! pepsia, sourstomacn, maiaria, | constipation, torpid liver, piles, | jaundice, bilious fever, bilious! ness and kindred diseases. iTutt's Liver Pills j Tha Eqiitabla of the U. S. i ! The strongest compauv in the : world. Assets over ?255.0 ;0,000. iS'irp'us <ver ?57,000,000 j JiHur-tncu in force ?087.000,000. ! I< snrpDce .sold in 1808 $ 17.0 0,000. ! Gdl on i,r luldre&H, W. J. jfcC.trt'na, L* !ting?0D, S. C , or C L. JoD( ?, j L oville, S. C. ------ "I f 1 , ' Ul Illl 1 """"" " & |j 3 V Common sense teaches 3 : G OvV^ us that a. debilitated system j i r^y CS\^c*n?ct bc bui> j??bv/, S k % // a. V 7 // continued purdir.d vvhicn 1 Ir4 educes the strength of 3 j B// ^ v A/ d body already weak- I 9 f K\// %? eneb by disease. Mcst 1 ^ y ^^/sG-cedled blood builders I ! I ( *\\/Y purgatives. I I a /? 1 // Dr. WfniamV Pir-k Pills ] i 1 k . //fr yy for P^c People do not \ | Ay's ^ c,n tbe bowels. They j I 7 C^\^vy bu!'^ u? tbc b!o?ci 3rid P ~Jyy strengthen the nerves. j I The same good sense \ | that leads you to {jive Dr. Williams' f'mk pills i' I for Pale People a trial will prompt you to re- | I fuse any substitute an unscrupulous 'dealer offers.^ u A druggist who says he has "something host as d riood" .'or "the same except in name" is dishonest \ * - " and docs not deserve yourtr&de. .Alderman Louis V.*. Camp, of our city. sny> : I 1 ' ! was broken (town in health ami utterly miserable. I > -:?~ iincbiQ j 2 tnw(?r|? uracil of the time and mi l-susl* l!I:?-!? ?I \\ itli ;; <>i ton| trouble liiul lite vast; writable nightmare. "I tried various rented!" >. but during the six months o;' :ny sick- [ I ne.?s" S obtained uo relief. 1 hsn! always Keen a robust, hcalt h\ iriin iind ' sickness bore heavily upon me. ? ' A bout t wo \ ears a to I w as advised to try I >r. W il-iain.-' !'i:tlc Pii's If" for Put''people. 1 pureiiascd one box a ud reeei\e<| so tnneb !ern : thai f, I ttseii fix e more and was entirely cured, lifnuil tirtuh:-tu-f / /?(</. os I fo r f.-rkx. JWi'limns' Pink i'ills restored ine to iiealth I t:a ; t \ heartily recommend them." j L. \V. t.'ami) on oatti s:.< s that the forecdra-fatenient is fn:e. b ? From thr Ii-i-Sf'tmi*r, ?'-iro>n!\ 3 1 ^ ? l? /? ? 'i t V TruckftardeuerH* .M?L? HE AND RELIABLE. .V LARGE VARIETY. AT THE BAZAAR. Hems and Farm. ' | By special arrangements we offer \ {"STEVENS FAYORlTE"J i the Home and Farm, the leading j $ ? j farm and home paper, published in j Louisville. Ky., and the Dispatch for j ? It "Takes Down." $1.25. Those of our subscribers who j &>^>g?rc -desire to subscribe for the Home and j Farm, can do so by sending 25c in | <J silver or stamps to this office. - . , , , . .7? , ? r 9 22-:nch barrel, uvigat 4'. pounds. ? ! $ C iief;:!!'.' boi-.-l a?:<I tc^JecI. For & A EM f r* P1" n ^ kmi 1 \ ^ -? - . ?d n-? .-A / .?? \ M -A TftHAtt IS! VI IT I ?* ?3 ",iu 'A'' 4iii'-i..v wmiUgW. A -A? i BICYCLES/: < No. 17. J f"jSSy7\\ rS'tViL.jh\\ P-ain Open Sights, $6.00 \rf? iipSSX!L?-\ / (if No. is. \ ai,djje:i. I Ld\J ? TC8 rr># S -cond-haiiil Wheels, nil makes, $5.00 up. i \ ? ATP'Ct JO?0u \ >hiin?-<! ? . <). lj. on approval. A , , . , tiT..,T/-v J V. i:ie tor catalogue ami lull Particulars \ your ucaltT for the > ' A \ >- f ?-? .k ^,xifEK CYt%T0- . \? RITE." If lie doesn't keep it v.e ik ...vo?.hMnt">t. rbitodrijpSnaJ*. | f vilj scnd> l>sx.,a:t|> on ytccipt of | Rochelle Poultry Yards, J p dmP f i\ loguc showing our iul! l:nc, with \;n- \ G W. WAYLAND, Prop., j f information regarding rides f \ and ammunition in general. A Rochelle, Va., ? ? \ Breeder of High Class i ^ SEVENS APJio AND 100L CO. ? P.O.Box !!; ? AKO BUFF HOIKS, 0 CHICOPEO FALLS. MASS. AftU Durr 5 1 BROWN AKDuff S( ft [Eiiniiii^ | _ - _ ltlack Lnti^Nlisns. uflRfiuiOD di>> I jHfRTi I "AS. C. BLOWN LEGHORN COCK ; s toJV?K? 0 j OU t-rels and pullet*. sired by tir=t t prizi cockerel, Hamilton. Va. and Hag er 3- j Pnpraof j town. Md., 1M-7 Also 1CU Baircd and luwl f^|JIJOUw? Buff P. Bocks, I>uli Leghorns, and Black j Pfinfrtnf riinpctino Langfcbans, shed b; males direct 1'ioci j ? CI ICLl n. Thompson. Bardick. Arnold and Kobm.sou j Hilton'* Lift f.T the Liter and price. $1 to S3 each. E^gs, ?! per 13; | K'dnets is a p rket r. s ilatrr. J per 30. | Mefc and LarmUss, bur . Ohofive | . Can be taken at an* time, v. if) ? X !,.1. ? .wv rx ! anv kind cl Ico-.l, and i> sure t;> J- lllill yjt'? i ;t'-i disorder.- of the system VOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL j Pleasant to te.he naicra! ia its <-t JlI persona interested that 1 wilt apply to | teets. Cbi:d.-e:i and |..'M il s win the Kon, (l.o. S. Drafts, JiinKe of i'robate j :ir: 11 an.I annni become in and tor the Co.iiity oi Lexington, t iate j healthy an<? roL>;t v, ;;h ihs use of Sou lit Carotin i, on the 21st day o! i K-dney tronM* *r.; reh<-r*d Irani April, IS'.'at l'/oVock a. w , for a final i _ , l:K; (<r's>discharge as Exeou'ors ol thi Estate of -yC , : and Uii botto-s. Drnry K\z?r. in-censed j Soid by drn^ist r vt rvwhore. I FRANK K, ; Wholesale bv MUftliAY DRUG CO., J J KY/^tt ' j Columbia. S. C. Executors. i For Sale at THE .Milch. J8M? 4*22. ' j Mar l.i-lv. j Notice to Trespassers, j 4 LL PERSON'S ARE CAUTIONED M I 2 V frmu tropassing rn the land ? r.cently mtinnt; j parcl'rttji.d by h i-ireiii the Estate oi the h_'lJlIlL>> ! late Klizabciu Mtiz-t iu Lex ng! n county. j Hauling oi s!:aw, taking ot v.ocd. or a ay- Cjll \ C 1 \? tli v j thing crt the land is positively lorb:ddeu. ?> j I Ai:y out-s > of ending will be prosecuted to lll'l Jl'lSll 1 1V I the cx'rn: oi the w. . , V ' MAIIT mix. Without Le>i::gt"n Coaotv. S. C , .vl i?vh 17 lst>0 # I "''si Scratching. ' For Sale ? A liner of four pointer c Ah. ?_ F> SENT IF V -U SAY $0, j * its tlLiJiiP lt'1 O.ll'JjN ! pupa. These pups are 0 wet ks old E >x. peat pu;d lf> cis., in .-tamps. , ,' , , , , . lis sold every win re. ;iL)u are tune breed. Apply afc this 4 Ibt 1'. ct*'r?? Siliooji (.0., -in t.I?ix Street, j N.-.v, . I I a DAMON'S I 11tonic Regulator 4 1 (/i^y)?V *r\N 's not on'^ l'le ^est kiver and Kidney medicine I r t rVW lnit suPP''es a" llie Cements of LiverFood lack| i | j I 1A ing in your daily diet. Convenient to use, I U / iTTv* Peasant to take, thorough in action and the I j \A hest tonic. Price J I BROWN' 31F'Q. CO.. Prop'rs, Greonovillf, Tenn. FOK .NALF BY G. M. IIAB>1 AX AXD J. E. KAUFMANS". THE ARMITAGE I'F'G CO., 3200 to 3300 William.shun/ Avenue, M ^eics^a^oisriD, TT.A.. 3IAKUFACTUUKKS OF ASPHALT, READY ROOFING, TARRED FELTS, READY MIXED PAINT,gSftSfHSk 1 55T Write for Samples and Prices. 47?9m t WHY DON'T YOU TAKE 5 ....Dr. Baker's.... Great Vegetable Blood and Liver Cure ItliiPll F0R BAD BLOOD? It positively Cures Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Con^/ Mr st'Pat'on> Indigestion, and Blood and Liver Troubles of MlWt&r\\ every description. It is purely and absolutely Vegetable, and can be used w,t'10U^ l"i?ry by the most delicate. Illils ^ut ,n ^u" l^-oance bottles, at $1.00. onT'b'ytheEooKoutmoMittalti tiled.Co.OR1ISLE' * FOR SALE BY ? a. m. i r arm ay, lexiyuxoy, s. c. T TTVTVflTAV XrAPTTTTT . ftinftPIM AH ? UlP^nVk juj u i. va! i'liij-iiiux, ?* a| u wan i# n m l u CORRECTED 1VEEKLE EE TOE MERCHANTS. ANUHfcW UKANFUKU _ ATTORNEY AT LAW) *5.100n Hams, p<-r ? ? a 10 COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. Sides. " " eu a : ' " Shoulders," 7 a pBACTICES IN THE STATE AND Lnrd perft 7 a s t Federal Courts, and offers his profesr'lou r. per cwr so) a ?so sional services to the citizens ot Lexington 0?rn.,?r b? ? a <* ??Octob?r ?8 -ly. Peas, * 8') a ?o Outs. " " "0 a 35 Fodder, per ewt T3aS0 CHW ARH I A^RIB I Sweet Potatoes, per bu so a a'> tlrlwMIiU La HvDILL^ Attorney at Law, c^cs,per dos ; LEESYILLE, S. C. rurtceys. per lb * a 10 # jecs^ per pr CO a so Practices in all the Courts. Chickens, per head. .... ..]! 10 a Si Bunmess solicited. Beeswax, per ft is a so Sept. 30-6m Beef, per ft 8 & W n .. r -n t -rk ^ Pork> .. 8 a 10 C. M. Efird. F. E. Dishes. Tallow, per ft ? a 5 CdDI! 9j HDCIICD COTTON MARKET. C T III U Oti 1/II L II L 11. Lexington ? Middling. C . ? ' Attorneys at Law, Augusta.?Middling;. C -, 7 L?XINGT0N, C. Hm S. C. Albert M. Boozer, wxhL pllASTICE INt ALE v ? Courts. Business solicited. One 4 *? !- V ?nr member ot the firm v.i)l always be at office, manic? fti liiiu, IjCXtUgtOU, S. C. * June 17?6m. COLUMBIA, ?. C. Especial attention given to business en- I^JEX I ^ CirTOIV rusted to him by his fellow citizens oi 'fta Street, over T. B. SAVINGS BANK. tughtrj tt Co. February 28 -tf. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO DR. CHAS. C. STAMEf, w ^c-hl?r. Surgeon Dentist, DIRECTORS: . T Viler: Jones. W. P. Rocf, C. M. Eflrd, 1 -l??>fam r Hilton James E. Hcndrix. ' vei Messrs. Star.tley Bros'. China Store EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. ,y M. C. A. Building.) Deposits of 51 and upwards received and ? ' ^ nlerest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, O J ^ ?J 31. AS l. .A., ? " ^ayable April and October. January 16-ly. September 21?tf Clerk's Sale. Carolina ttY VIVrOE OF THE DKCBEB O. . NATIONAL BANE. A 7 'iir or muivTi x xfus iur iati* i m \t n^fPTA c r* i ton count--. South CWtiii*. in t'e c:is< Ai lULUiimA? b- u -i G:;.r,cS Dci?s plaiiitiff Wrs ;JAXE T6WN A;\D COL'.V'TV DEPOSITORY. 7. ii (* (r .i) .? IJ rly I-in'? Giblf, Mary ' Uienu G d?l-.-ao.l John A Q Me?z. dcfcn- >aid rp Capital - - . $100,000 iauts. 1 wi ! .-eli to the highest bidder a nrpius Profits . - . 100,000 public oo'.cry. b dors the eoart honse dow I ^ _ swntii Caroi n., i?r.e? the Savings Department. isual Ii.v.;rs of s.dc, on the first Monday ia ; Deposits of $5.00 and upwards received, xpnl inxt: i Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. J The House Place.' ontaiRpg otic j per attnnni. W. A. CLAPiK, President. hui.dr'd and twenty acres, more or; Wemk Joves, Cashier. Its'., -iir- ?tfr in thu coonty ot Lexington 'et'.euiber 4?ly. and St- U* of Soth Caro.ina, bouuded en j "wi; v?w* <isnmm-. !i b- t and wtst by d d. j mjtiwit a Tine Piano or Organ. K <;<].! > '2 Al-o. A 1 iha' piece, parcel or tract of One of our Superb Mathushek Pianos o? t:ii:d sit :.t'e in th:j c iritv of LexingHii old Reliable Mason & Hamlin Organs will iu-1 Stnld cf South Cirohna. coutainu a *ive your Family a Merry Christmas, all the , . , ? ? j i year around, tmr'j c ?ii aer< mo e or k?s, boiud'd; Two (Irand Instruments, sold by us for \>!i tin? D?>rth by S ;1u?1h riv**r. ? a I l> .* I) M. I 23 years past, and immensely popular. Drift . -n?rh and west bv balal:Cj of sa:d "Quality, better than ever." Prices, greatly r. .< , ? .. * lower under our new plan of selling?with. . . ',111 'ut Agents. 1 u (Jae-iiiirfi e-isli; alia llift bal-- Agents Commissions 5aved and given to i':sv o:. ii credit of <?i;y "jni i*A'o c O'J.II i - rurcnasers. i nws me .\e\v ocneauie ana sUhjie.o's. with ir.'e.esl from tla.v ut t?a' , i i . i , ?u, . ... u. . . Write Us, and we will supply vou direct iC'C.ired Oj bond o. ti e p ;rcb:?. er ?UU from our 5avar?nali W'arerooms, and save uortgaue ol the p*emis*:s sol?l. with nave: you a lot of money. t > :>av u 1 cash. Purchaser to pay fjr pa* i Conic to Savannah and so'ect for yourself, uers an 1 r-veaue stamps. | and we wi" Fa>* >'"ar K- R- J'arc- Writc li A. 8PANN. C. ti. C. P. an 1G. S. , LUDDEN & BATE5, March Stb, 1J>09. ?3\?.20. ; SAVANNAH, GA. ! Kstablisised i ? >. ?">?>. r rt.oco Pianos and 1)11, E,J. ETIIEREDGE, !_v .SUKGKON DENTIST, BEESWAX WANTED LbEbvILLE, S. 0. 1 ^ Office next door below post office. j ^ LARGS 0R SMALL QUANTITIES. Always on hanu. I February 12. i WJJjL pAY THE HIGHEST MAE *r j A ket price lor clean an l pure Beeswax. i Price governed by color atd condition.. 11 Ullt/L*. RICE B HARM AN, i LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NO fl*! . ' lied that the Board ol County Com- j At the Eaziar, LeXlEgtOB, S. C. sonti,cSt i iraioKfrmsv MU MOTHS? j A11 M\ I lUiV, oUliUMM md vid not be approved unless itemtz d Annflion Pail IceilQfJ .'.'id sworn to. Claims ol salried officers; MilUillvl veil lOollcU vd! only be approved quarterly?April, j a v ATlMY OF ROT.mfiES wren lu.y, thriober and January . No farther j ftre fi btj lor & MvJ tL notice as to claim;wil 1*5 published daring u , ^Juh (;.iroIiuH> w * of (he finn ;&V, :ir., ,R ,nf uber tbdl *'1 cId,ms musl | of Barris* & East, do hereby cordially in . einize an sworn o p.,j vite any and all eligible men and women A ? a r r . i wbo (k'bire t0 s:ave t'ieir earned money V-re'-i is'il -WO* r ! ' I to call npon ns when contemplating pur*" o "V- j ctiasi^o ouggus, carriages, etc., also bar* _ j ncss. which we manufacture. and guarantee HfcLP WANTED. |w"fdf?lstk'ru!wortheteryptaaj \ I'ALE OJi FEMALE. I WANT GOOD! We also take this opportunity of stating i ^.yI agents that are satisfied with $15 0) J to our numerous customers that we are very irr week for about two hours' work each t sorry indeed that we Lave been unable for .lay. Tins is no fake. Enclose 12 cents in ! pa&t seven moths to supply the demands stamps f-'r agent's outfit aud terms and be-! made upon us owing to the fact that we gin m ones. Time is money The E. E. i bave been quite unable to employ the skillTu'.-gsrt Novel'I'.'i'g Co., 1010-1011 West '"1 Labor necessary to keep up'a supply of -- " '-r s* T,., t : erni\A<i t'\ tlio xrbich tva^/l ' Mention this paper.?oct 2G Gra. | when starting ont in tLw business. But 1 : now. bttag able to employ to labor the ~ _? ? ? ? T t need v.e hope to be able to supply the k Y b-rLlLd ?' I 'Cj 1X1 j steady increasing demands upon us with S l i the same, if not a bolter grade of work, g i i Hoping to see our old customers, with new G t0< 11 O ?J? ^ S ? O recruits coining to us in the future, we beg f' | * 111=3 iHj S P S Is a to re:n,-ln y?ar obedient servants, ' ???? BVRRISS & EAST, A cYnUP. ; Columbia, s. c. Uuipio -nnbko any otbfr o. ugh prera- j October 13 ~tf. rati 'U. The quickest to .stop ft cough and to rcUiOve suyj-'ss from the lungs. '21c. j TlrANTED?SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY ?? persons in th:s State to manage our THE HUB RAY BPVQ CO., bu'-joocg in thojr own and nearby count'os. COLOMBIA S C. Tt i.-mainly office work conducted at honio, , , ' ' Sikrvstraic' t sT*? a year and expenses? A'??. jo IV. (-Minim, b >n no more no less salary. M'Oithlv Sr?*. References. Enclose self ?<!The lies' line of cigars, \vi! 1 l?c drrr.^sl s:anio>?d -:iv(>1ot.a. Herbert E. Hew, , i .. ,, a * l'f>st.l?-iit. lmjjr. M .Chicago. found at the JjaZaur. j February 1?iinot. ... ? inri^ Tii'ljll