The Lexington Dispatch jd Burned April 25th; rebuilt July o 19.189A t] ? o G. M. HABMAX. Editor aud Publisher. fi LEXINGTON, S. C.. c WEDNESDAY. FEBuUABY Jo. 1899. " ??____________ 13 THE PEOPLE DO PULE. The General Assembly is now A wrestling over the liquor question. I The debate was precipitated by Mr. } Mauldin's local option bill, whicb, in c substance, provides that an election t shall be held in the several counties t of the State whenever desired to de- e cide between high license for the sale a of liquorp, the dispensary system or c prohibition: or, in other words, each li county shall have the right to man a age the whisky question as it may o deem best for its own interest; to t say whether or not intoxicatiug li- r quors shall be sold as a beverage, and t if so, whether through the dispensary fc or by high license, or whether the sale of liquors for such puipose shall be prohibited and their sale restricted 8 t > certain uses. a The members who have aired their c eloquence before an admiring audi r ence on this issue so far are about ^ evenly divided as between dispen- ^ sary and high license and the settle- ^ inent of the question will evidently ^ be made by those members who are 8 lying low and saying nothing. 0 The opponents of the dispensary ^ law, after being driven from pillar to post, have made a last desperate effort to carry their point. They now tell us that the dispensary system of P controlling the sale of whisky is a ^ disturbing element among the peo- w pie; a thorn in their side which pro- t' duces constant irritation and aggra- S vates their passions, and it should, | therefore, be repealed and high li- 8 cense substituted in order to biing c about that perfect reconciliation and 0 perfect harmony and peace which is w sVmuch desirable. In some respects this is doubtless true. But who are the ODes that are continually agitating this question but an insignificant X minoiity who have failed to under- n stand the handwriting on the wall t] and have rushed madly to their ruin. c No isEue could have been more clearly f( drawn, more stubbornly fought and f( more ably defended than were those 0 of dispensary, prohibition and high ]\ license in the last State campaign. ^ "We are told that from one end of the t, State to the other, the merits of the gl *"* ? >?^tbree systems were clearly and un- c mistakably presented to the people; s the question of Reform and Cbnser- g vatives was not discussed; that no appeals to the passions of tbe peoj 1 * g were made, therefore, it is reason- w able to presume that the people ex- c ercised^tbeir calm judgment in the d disposition of this question. And h yet the result conclusively proves, notwithstanding the unholy alliance f< between all the elements opposed to li the dispensary system, that an over- c whelming majority was registered a against the combination and in favor p of the dispensary as represented by g the vote received by Mr. Ellerbe for a Governor, who stood for the dispen- a sary in the first and last primary. b We can very readily understand c ? i n i i n _ t way unariestoD, ixuumuia, urrteu- * ville aDd other cities and towns are * so anxious that the "dear people" should be given an opportunity to de- fi cide for themselves, because it is a g conceded fact that the strongest, the v most bitter and the most violent op- jj position to the dispensary, and prohibition for that matter, comes from t paople residing in those places, and b in view of this fact, they are aware that, by the adoption of a bill pro- u vidiDg for local optioD, it is possible o for a minority to make the policy F of the majority nugatory and of no n effect. If they are honest in their J. demand that the people should rule, b in the name of common sense, why don't they allow the people to rule in peace and quiet? They have unmistakably declared for the dispensary system of controlling the sale of whisky, then why not let it standi "Why have they fought the will of people so persistenly since 1800 as expressed through the ballot box? E We are very much afraid that it is ' not so much a desire that the people shall rule as it is a desire to cripple ? the dispensary and to deal a death V blow to the growing prohibition sentiment which now obtains in this State b If this can be accomplished, then a a, return to the open saloon, with all its enticiDg allurements to debauch and " C rum our sodp, is only a question of n time. ^ We must confess that we cannot J understand how tho honest, earnest si prohibitionist can join forces with g the whisky element to accomplish an end which has already been provided Jj for in the dispensary law. The ^ oerreement nf the nnholv alliance, if V "6"" "" " j - ? - j v. we understand it aiight, is lucal op- ? tion by the provisions of which each j ^ municipality shall say how whisky I ^ shall be sold, if sold at all. By ! h this method a large per cent, of the j cities and tow ns will declare for high to license through which the vendor j gc will make his profits by the amount ! *t P< of liquors he sells, and the prohibi- t0 tionists will be relegated to the rural ^ iftricts where the gale of wbiskv is lready prohibited by law. The disenspry law provides for the interest f the prohibitionists by prohibiting be sale of whisky in aDy town witbut two thirds of the freeholders rst petition for an election and a laj )rity vote of the twonship tie lares for its sale. Let us hold on to hat we have and press onward and ot go backward. We are glad to know that the Hon dtamont Moses has been elected a Representative from Sumter county. Jr. Moses has represented that ounty in the Senate, and duriDg Lis * V 1 - t erm, tie became aieaamg memutrui hat body and his judgment was genrally sought on important measures nd his opinions given the utmost onsideration. His career was biiliant as well as useful to his immedite constituents, as well as the people f the State at large. We predict hat his course in the House will be tone the less wise and judicious and he whole State will be given the lenefit of his valuable services. Governor Eilerbe has been a very ick man for the past several weeks nd at one time during bis illness his ondition was such as to render his ecovery almost hopeless and his eath was momentarily expected by is family and friends. We are glad :> learn, however, that he rallied and as so far recovered as to be abl6 to it up, and it is now only a question f a short time when he will be at is office reciiving the congratula ions of his numerous friends. Cuba is at last freed from the resence of the Spanish soldier, the ist detachment of Spanish troops ho have so long misruled that beauiful island having left its shores for 'pain on February Gth, General Casellanos, their last Captain-General, , oiDg in the last ship The Amerian troops are now in full possession f the islands while the Cubians are rondering where they are at. A Favorite Resort. ? Cold weather has not all gone yet. ' odeed prognosticate tell us that i lany cold days sre yet before us ere be warm zephers of spring shall 1 onie, requiring lighter clothing to 1 sel comfortable. Io view of this ; ict the Globe Dry Goods Company 1 f Columbia, of which, Mr. W. H 1 lonckton is the efficient manager, ' as determined to dispose of all winer goods at greatly reduced figures, o as to give the shivering public a hance to be warmly clad in goods 1 uitable for winter wear. These oods are not shelf worn or an old 1 tock, but fresh and seasonable oods, embracing some of the finest reaves from the best looms in the ountry. Ju3t such goods as will , elight a woman's heart and tickle er vanity. Beside this line there can also be ound in this establishment a full ne of dry goods, notions, shoes, lothing, hats and in fact every rticle usually found in a well appointed department store. The reat values which can be obtained t this place are genuine eye openers nd are attracting the attention of ruyers everywhere. Having ample apital and an experience buyer in he person of Mr. Monckton, opporunity is taken cf every forced sale f desirable goods and thence be ives the purchasing public the beneit of his experience and customers ? a:, ii q ;0 away iitui iuis oiuic wen pieastru irith their purchases because they ;et more than their money's worth n every purchase. Oue of the pleasiDg features about bis et t iblishment is that prompt ni polite attention is guaranteed very customer and no attempt is made to force an article on a customer who do*s not wish it. The sale f goods is the incentive and low nices and goods are the inducements for customers to purchase. If ou want real bargains, go to the Jlobe Dry Goods Company, Columbia. pritig to and sliul them off from all the right hopes they labored for. A sick man cannot be happy: be cannot ] econiplish the work he ha* to do in this orld; he loses the very money he is striv- ( ig for; his ambition defeats itself. Any lan who discovers that his strength and 1 nergv are giving way has an unfailing leans of regaining his physical health and lamina in the simple yet all potent restor- . Live power of that wonderful "Golden ( [edical Discovery "originated bv Dr. R. V. I ierce. of Buffalo. N. V.. the world-famous | iccialist in diseases of the nutritive oranisnt. Anions the thousands who have consulted him v mail the ease of Mr Newton B. Blake, of I iolersvilic. Tippah Co.. Miss., as shown in the blowing letter indicates the remarkable efficacy I r his treatm:?:t " In December i^os ntv health ?gan to fail. I tried many different kinds of I iedici ties and the more I took the worse the disise grew. Finally in April when I was bu-y i ith the farm work my health got so had that I >nl?.i not hold out to work one hour. My breath | tea me short and I was weak ami nervous, and ten times would spit bhxid. i was unable to ork. I tried one of the doctors in the vicinity j it failed to obtain relief. T seemed to grow j J orse. My father received a Hook from 1 >r J ierce in which I read of a ca?e similar to mine, i 1 id decided to write to Dr. Fierce. He rccontended me to take his (".olden Medical l>iscov y." After taking six bottl'-- of this remedy r j in recommend it as one of the best medicines . 1 build up the system. I atu now enjoying J >od health." ] Torpid liver and constipation arc surely , id speedily cured by T>r. Picrcc's Pleasant ' L-llets. They never gripe They regulate, j me up and invigorate the liver, stomach id bowel". No substitute urged by uier- t inary dealers is as good. MORE BLOODSHED, ! COMBINED CHADGE CABBIES CALOOCAX Manila, Feb. 10,-7:40 p. in.?The American forces at 3:30 this afternoon made a combined attack upon Caloocan and reduced it in short ordc* At a signal from theto.verof j the de la Lome church, the United States double turreted monitor Monadncck opened fire from the bay with the big guns of her turret on the earthwoiks, with great effect. Soon j afterward the Utah battery bombarded the place from the land side. I The rebels reserved their fire until j the bombardment ceased, when they j fired volleys of musketry as the Montana regimaDt advanced on the j j ingle. The Kansas regiment, on j .? ?.:,u iKa TI,:,,! i me extreme ieu, ?nu iuc xunv* i artillery deploying to the light, [ charged across the open and carried j the earthwoiks cheeiiog under a j heavy fire. Supported by the artillery at the church, the troops further advanced, driving the enemy, fighting every foot, right into the town line, and penetrated to the presidencia and lowered the Filipino flag at 5:30 p. m. The enemy's sharpshooters in the juDgle on the right fired at long range on the Pennsylvania regiment, but the rebels were soon silenced by shrapnel sbellp, and the the Pcnnsylvanians remained in the trenches. As the Americans advanced they burned the native huts. The rebels were mowed down like grass, but the American loss was slight. Tbe monitor Monadnock which has played such an important part in the battles around Manila, has four ten inch guns. They are breech-loading rifles and can fire steel projectiles weighing more than 500 pounds to a distance of 12 miles, although it is probable the gunners would make more misses than hit3 at that range. Gen. Otis has notified the department at Washington, that he had been obliged to buy.a large number of horses to supply the transportation needed, owing to the lengthening of the American lines. These borsep, so called, are really the little Dative Filipino ponies, which, it is 3aid at the war department have been found to be the best animals for pack and draft purposer that can be secured. Some big American horses have been taken to the islands by the troops but they have sickened and died and altogether have proven to be wholly unfit for the climate. On the other hand, Gon. reports that he has mounted several troops of cavalry on the little native ponies with good results. Secretaty Alger says he has not sent any instructions since the beginning of hostilities and would send none. He fully expects that Gen. Otis will make no terms with Aguinaldo while the latter is armed, and that a condition precedent to dealing with him at all is the return of the insurgents and the surrender of their arms. Certainly Gen. Otis is not expected to now take any action that will amount to a recognition of the insurgents as a foe to be treated with on the basis of an independent nation. For reasons that they will not di- j /In nr>K PTnpf>t. fhfi at- ! ' "*6^ ? ?- ?t ? j tempt to be made to land the j American troops at Iloiio immediately, though that was the understanding a day or two ago, based on Gen. Otis' advices as to his intentions. It j is possible that it has been concluded ! to be good policy to allow the natives J iq Panay to learn for themselves the j disastrous fate that has overtaken j Aguinaldu's forces in the neighbor- j hood of Luzon, hoping that they may ! be induced to abate their resistance ! to Gen. Miller's attempted landing. Then, too, as there are considerable foreign interests iu this town, which is second only to Manila iu the Philippines, it may be deemed necessary to give formal notice of the American ! purpose to attack the place in order ! to enable proper precautions to be taken. Iloiio is distant from Manila i 350 miles, and the waters between j are not easy cf navigation. Aguinaldo is reported to have es ! tablisbed his headquarters at Malabon for the purpose of rallying his forces for a decisive blow. Home soldiers belonging to the Fourteenth infantry unearthed several tons cf Spanish shtlls, evidently j stolen from the arsenal at Cavite and j bidden by the rebels in the vicinity ; of Parana que. Fifteen cat loads of ! ehtlls have been brought in here, j The troops also found a modern naval I jun and parts of its mount, which j bad undoubtedly been stolen from ' -\nn /-.f (ha cnnl-an Stnonitti xvarahins I J 4-1 \J Vi IUV I? IA Uk V t-t >^J|/Mw*4wu >* va* w Manila, I\b. 10, 3:30 p. m?In j inticipation of a Dative uprising in I ibis city, unusual precautious were j lakeu here last night by the American j military authority s Fortunately,! ,be steps taken proved unnecessary. ! The Filipinos are evidently convinced bat an uprising would prove suicidal ; ;o them. j Scouting parties of the Dakota pgimeut yesterday surpiised some Piiipioo scouts at the bridge across ,be Parausque liver. The enemy : etired hurriedly, swimming the j itream in order to reach the main ! (u P Krank P. 'front, o| ('.ri?iV'?lil .> fa S) age of fourteen wc ha?i lo take our dnt jjj> health. She weighed only iy> pounds. \ \\ said she had aiwcmia. 1 innlly we ?a Pale Peojde. When she had taken tw * / leave her bed, and in less than six i /$ To-dav she is entirely cured, an ! is a p 130 pounds, and never had a >-iik d; J The genuine Dt VTilli^mb' Pi & Sold only m p&ckages. ihe v the foil n&me. At &ll diugi ^ Or Wilh&ms Med?une Co.^kt bjdy of the rebel?, cntiencbed opj'o&itc Troop Iv of the Fourth cavalry. j Gen. King's hcadquai tt-rs are cow j at the village of Pasig, which eur j rendered yesterday without opposition. MaDy of the rebels are coming ; io, hoping to be allowed to enter i Manila, but they have been n fused j the necessary permission and are new ; afraid to return to the enemy's ranks. < Gen. is of the opinion that it is best to burn the dead bodies of fVio TPilininno u,-hr? nrp slain in lutt.lp. to prevent the spread of contagious diseases amoDg the American troop?, rather than bury them. A detachment of troops have been kept busy building fires for the funeral pyre. Mrnila. Feb. 14 ?9:41 a m ?Th) [ United States gunboat Petrel arrived ! late last evening with dispatches from Brig. Gen. Miller to Mnj. Gen j Otis, announcing that Iloilo had been taken by the combined military and navy forces on. Saturday morniDg. Gen. Miller, on receipt of his instructions from Manila, sent the native commissioners ashore from the United States transport St. Paul with a communication for the rebel governor of Iloilo calling upon him to surrender within a time stated, and warning him not to make a demonstration in the interval. The rebels immediately moved their guns and prepared to defend their position. Thereupon the Petrel fired two warning guns, and the rebels im mediately opened fire on her. The Petrel and the Baltimore then bom j barded the towD, which the rebels, j having set on fire, immediately evac j uated. Americau troops were promptly landed and extinguished i the fires in all cases of foreign prop- i erty, but not before considerable j damage had beeD done. It is believed that the enemy's loss j during roe Domoarumeui was ntrci*^, but no American ca6ulities are re ported. The Twentieth Kinsas and the First Idaho volunteers have bec-n re called from the marsh lands north of Malabon, and the former regiment is now entrenched in fiont of Ctlcocau. The American lines form a complete cordon, 22 miles in length, from the coast north almost to Passqua, south of Manila. There has been no change in to- \ day's position of the troops, except ! that the Fourth Uuited States cav- j airy has relieved the First Idaho volunteers and a battalion of the Twenty-third infantry has been stationed on the left flank to prevent j the rebels sneaking along the btach. The enemy are busy throwing up ' entrenchments on their left, sharp- : I shooters being in the jungle covering j their operations. Several America ds j were wounded in the trenches. All the enemy's dead at Cdoccau j have been buried?127 last Sunday and 300 yesterday. The United States crusier Charleston has moved I up the coast and is now off Malolos, j the seat of the sc-culled Filipino gov j ernment, at a distance estimated at I I about eight miles. Manila, via Hong Kong, Feb. 13? j Native papers asseit that at a con-j ference at MaLlos on Thursday, | February 2, Aguiualdo's generals j petitioned for an immediate and j formal declaration of war. Aguinal- j do refused to comply, on the ground j that he had promi:ed the foreign! consuls at Manila that war would i not be declared without due warning, i After the capture of Caloocau a Spaniard who had been a prkonc-r ; there came to the Americans, holding j up Lis hands, and said the Filipinos had offered to release the Spaniards, j especially the artillerymen, if they I would undertake the fight against the Americans at ?4 a day. Most of j , the Spaniards refused, and even j those who accepted the offer di 1 so in the hope of tffVctiug an escape. ' The rebels, accoiding to this in- | formation, aie discontented, unpaid, unfed and thoroughly disillusioned, ly Girl Can Tell & j v physician who makes the and is honest about it can / * /ou that, in many cases.the I >cr of red corpuscles in the ik ! is doubled afteT a course iy ?atment with Dt Williams* zj Pills for Pale People. r . rhat this means good blood i iot be entirely clear from \ octor's statement, but any s) ho has tried the pills can tell y( :hat it means red lips, bright P !, good appetite, absence of f ache, and that it nans- .| i> the pale and sallow girl S . maiden who glows with jJ e&uty which perfect health jf can give. Mothers whose daughters v* debilitated as they pass f i girlhood into womanhood T d not neglect the pill besty ted foT this particular ill. r h .v?\. I? -!i'?:I, Msays : "At the iRiitcr from school <>n ar.-otiiit of ill " vas 5>an- .and sallow and the doctors j \c In r I)r. Williams' rink J'ills for vjy j 0 !?o\cs v'nc was stronaf enough to nonths was sDHifthiiiy liko hrrsrlf. KO l?iji. strong, hc.althv eirl. wviahiui? ^.? -in,,.'rvH Pills lot Pals People ore ? /rapper Always bearing jistb, ot direct from the icnectddy.hY 50fper box. ij) 1 he t?li?- manic wafers beiugof no avu 1 tgaiust wounds, hunger aud futigue. On Friday Aguinaldu visited Polo, r few miles northwest of Caloocan, and addressed the Filipino troops there, claiming that he had won a victory, and asserting that 2,300 Americans had been killed. oougning Constant coughing is very annoying, and the continuous hacking and irritation will soon attack and injure the delicate lining of the throat and air passages. Take advice and use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in time. This wonderful remedy will cure you. Dr.Buil's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Ccld at once. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cts. At all druggists. St Stephen's Congregation. The place of divine services for the immediate future of St. Stephen's congregation will be in the Episcopal chapel. Our congregation and the public may expect services at that chapel on the following days with certaintj: 1st Sunday, 11 a. m. 2ud Sunday, 11 a. m. 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m. 4th Sunday, 3:30 p. m. Sunday school service every Sunday morning, at 9:30, at the Episcopal chapel. Pastor J. G. Graichen. Notice, Pension Boards. Township Boards of Pensions are hereby notified to meet on the 20th "* t . a t r\r\r\ _ i /L cny oi JfeD. at rz m., ioou, at meir regular meeting places to receive new applicants. "Where new boards are not elected the old boards will serve. Old applicants must appear before the board and give name, age, See. County Board will meet at LexingtoD, C. II., on the 27th instant, at 10 o'clock a. m., and township boards must have their returns in by that date. S. M. Roof, Chairman. D. T Burr, Secretary. Feb Ck 1899. Methodist Appointments. The following plan for Lexington Circuit, duiiDg the year 1899, will be observed: 1st Sunday, Hebron, 11 a. m.; Horeb, 3:30 p. in. 2nd Sunday, Sbilob, 11 a. in , and the Saturday before at 11 a. m. 3rd Sunday, Horeb, 11 a. m., and Hebrou, 3:30 p. m. 4*h Sunday, Lexington, 11 a. m., and 7:30 p m. Tried Friends Best. For thirty years Tutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipation and all kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. SPDITTiNE 1 REMEDIES.! | Endorsed by some of the Leading M-.-dical i Profession. No Quack or Patent Medicine. but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES, j t Admitted into the World Colnmlian Expo- I \ ssitiou in 1*93. Use Spirittiae Ralsaui for Rheumatism, j Colds. Lameness, Sprains. Sore Throat | Use Spirittino Inh'len? tor Consumption, | ] Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma j j and La 'jripp-1. ! Spirittiao Omt merit is indispensable in the- j treatment of Skin Diseases, Cure Itch, i It'.*hint? Pi!cs. In eonsisjnemre of the astonishing sue- ; ss in removing diseases, its demand now 'onie- not alone from this vicinity but : from everywhere iu the United States and Wholesale and Retail bv G. M II ARM AN. j Lexington 8. (J. i s i fAn Irishman's Joke. j 1 fl ^ ?00^ st0r>' 's an Ir's^man> w^? sa'^ I J B he had heen so much relieved of constipation by H I |M?D pA^fos gANDTONIC Pellets. I I \yI 1 that ho haJ now a complete avocation every | ? I I J \ \a morning. However much of a joke, it is a most I S \i (^\tTv marvelous cure for all forms of biliousness, con- I I <*J stipation and liver troubles. 25 cents. 8 FOIi sat.v: I?V G. M. IIA12.M AN AM) J. E. KAUFMANS'. J. E. YOUNG & CO., \MIOLESALE Fruit and Produce, 1 J M.VKKiyr STKEKT, '.Near Market Hou^ ) c s. c. SEED ~ POTATOES, (; E N 17 11V E MAINE STOCK'. all the leading varieties liLISS' TROPIN, EM ROSE, PEERLESS, ETP? ETC. everything in the FRUIT AID PRODUCE LINE. GET OUR PRICES. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. December 7 ?tt. SEED WHEAT, 5fl9f! Data Rwfi Haitau Plfwar wuwu uauty &w? wkkwjj w*wvutp GbEAASSZES, ETC. CARDEiV AND FIELD SEEDS IN THEIR SEA* Reliable Goods. 8?- SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. PI!ICES MUCH LOWEIl USUALLY PAID. LORICK & LO WRANCE, COLUMBIA, S. C. T? _ 1 i? POU. If?AY. THE ARMITAGE PS'F'G CO., ,1200 to OOOO William slurry Avenue, EICHMOITD, T7"^. MATSUFACTURE1W OTP ASPHALT, READY ROOFING, TARRED FELTS, READY MIXED PAINT, CS-Write for Samples and Pi ices. 47?9m LEXINGTON MARKET ANDREW CRAWFORD CORRECTED WEEKLY L\ THE MERCIJANTS. ATTQRWEY AT LAW Bacon Hams, d-t to s a io j COLUMBIA, - - - - 8. C. " ^'ies- " " ?*a' I ORACTICES IN THE STATE AND bliouiuers ^ ^ , j- j;ecjerai Courts, and offers his profesLard.perio ' a s gional services to the citizens ot Lexington Flour, per ewt ) a 2." J 0ountv# Corn, per bu 4" a 55 October 18?ly. Peas, " " 10 a " ."> iEDWARD L. ASBILL, Sweet Potatcos. per bu 40 a 5-> 7 rcr'! ??I Attorney at Law. Butter, per ft. lj a " i *J 1 Eggs,per doz w?-j j LEESTILLE, S. C. Turgeys, per lb a >? : Practices in all the Courts. Geese, per pr 60 a >" : Business solicited. Chickens, per head a 25 } gept. 30?6m r> H. Is !1 )/! I UCCBUUA, l"."I *** -v i. -- . . Beef-D'r s a ,!0 C. II. EFIIID. F. E. Dreheb. Pork. ' ' s a i" "^Sssssr I EFIRD & DREHER, fu "r? Ji?"? > i f.V.Vi111 A"? ^ I Attorneys at Law, Charleston ? Middling. 5 i. : 7 Auaiinii.->iij.iii.;a. . j LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. Fni? j TTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE JL UI kTitlv* | VV Courts. Business solicited. One 1 Pinner, in good fix. $ 25 00 , member ot the firm will always be at office, I 6-Horse Engine and Boiler, in j Lexington, S. C. good fix, !or jl'.O (>;i j June 17?6in. 1 G'i Saw gin. in g-iod fix iur S 50 0"' 1'JO-S.iw gin S 20d?i 1 Traction engine, in good fix. <>i?j LEXINGr^TO]^ Mv reason lor selling th*s machinery is ; 17,7" |SAVINGS BANK. Burt 's Lauding, S. C. ; February 10. - 2-rlj j 0Ep0SITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO Final Discharge. | ?? XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL | w ^ ROOF Ca*lil?r. Ax persons interested that I will apply to j :he Hon. G.'o. S Drnf.s, Judge of Probate j DIRECTORS: a and lor the County of Lexington. State I ^ >f South Carolina, on the 11th day 0! TT^U i ??\t : March. 1 b'J.\ at 11 o'clock it. the forenoon j h~ IIllton James E. Hendrix. or a final discbarge as Executor of the Es j EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. , ate of John L. (Vxps. deceased. \ Deposits of 51 and upwards received and JAMLS W CbAJS. Executor, merest at 5 per cent, per annnm allowed, February 11, lb'.J:?. - 3-.v t? .Uayabio April and October. i September 21?tf ] Albert M. Boozer, j ; i 41-A?r.?A^' i-1^- ? O TLTST /pr*r OSBORNE S ?^ ^ ' * *" . " Augu?*a, Ga. Actual Business. NoTertBooka. Esp^ciiii attention given to business CH- Short time. Cheap board. Send for Catalogue, rusted to hint by Lia teilcw citizens cf j ~~ - ??-- * 1 hire,!. ,v r T. I>. j CAROLIIVA j l_ NATIONAL BASK, I1 iSR (!HW f ST-H'f-l'V I I l;ili LJlilLi ti UlilisliUf) state) TOWX and col'ntt depository. 1 Surgeon DfiltfStj I raid up capital - - - $100.000; ~ ~ y surplus Profits . - 100,000 -1 l Main St., j {Saving* I>ei>artmeiit. j I )ver Messrs. Staut'cj Bros'. China Store. ; Deposits of $5.00 and upwards received. B (Y. M. C. A. Building.) ! fnterest allowed at the rate ot 4 per cent, fj . xT-\TT?f ? ? i-i i per annum. W. A. CLAHK, President. COLUMBIA, r=?. A,. ; Wxl;e J0NFB| Cashier. 1 January 10 ly. j December 4 ly. J t ??i__ FANCY POULTRY FOR J* ALE, Indian Runner Ducks, ^ Cayuga Ducks, Bl a ck 31 i no reus, Bar re I Rocks, S, C. Buff LcffJiorns, Cornish Indian Gaines, ? Buff Pel:in Bantams, Pit Games, Black Lanffshans, S. I). Game Bantams. 86T Prices reasonable. Write for wants. v >1. V. DECKER, COLUMBIANA. OHIO. GREATEST HUB EVER OFFERCD THE PriUJC. * Big Cut Price CLOTHING SALE AT KINARDS ! j* Commencing Monday morn- ] ing, January 9;h, 1898, consisting fine Sack and Cutaway Suits in regulars, slims, stouts and extra sizes. s You will find on this counter $12 50, $13 50, $15 00, $16 50, $18 50 and $25 00 suits. Your choice for 810.00cim Your choice of $8 50, $9 00, $10 00, $12 50 and $15 00 suits on counter No. 2 for i? - - W I 3u Ca,Sl2"" ' ^ We will also give f Trading Stamps with these bargain suits. v * MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. M. L. KINARD, > 1523 Main Street, COLUMBIA. S. C. 41 April 25?ly. DR. E, J. ETIIEREDCE, 1 8UHGEON DENTIST, I LEESVILLE, S. C. \ Office next door below post office. Always on hand. f February 12. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! Another Call Issued Fob an army of soldiers who * are fighting lor a living these hard times In South Carolina. We, of the firm of Barriss & R&st, do hereby cordially invite any and all eligible men and women who desire to save their hard earned money to call upon us when contemplating purchasing buggies, carriages, etc., also harness, which we manufacture, and guarantee all that we sell to be well worth every penny which we ark for them. ' We also take this opportunity of stating to our numerous customers that we are very sorry indeed that we have been unable for the past seven motbs to supply the demand# made r.pon us owing to the 1 act that we have been quite unable to employ the skillful labor necessary to keep up a supply of goods to the standard which we piomised when starting out in this business. But now, being sble to employ to labor the ' need we hope to be able to supply the steady increasing demands upon us with the same, if not a better grade of work. Hoping to see our old customers, with new recruits coming to us in the future, we beg to remain your obedient servants, BURRISS & BAST, ' COLUMBIA, S. C. A October 13 -tf. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS ' All persons ixderti d to the Estate ot R. I}. Heaz-r. deceased ere hereby notified to make immediate payment to tbe undersigned, and those having Maims agairs tbe s?id Estate must present ihe fame, duly attested to C II. ELFAZEIl, Administrator. January 25, 1399 ? 4vr'4 \ir ANT ED?fl L VERA L TRUSTWORTHY I * t persons in this State to manage our I vaainess in their own ?ii?l nearby counties, [t i.-mainly office work conducted at homo. J more. no loss salary. Monthly $ ">. References. self adlressed stamped "tiv lope. Herbert E. Hess. 'resident. Dept. .Chicago. February i?tmos. HELP WANTED. ~ \ 1 ALE OK FEMALE. I WANT GOOD ltJL agents that are satisfied with S15 0J >er week ior about two hours' vork each lay. This ib no iake. Enclose 12 centa in tamps fcr agent's outfit and terms at d be:in at once. Time is money The E. E. ^ raggart Novel* y MVg Co., 1010-1011 West ive , Buffalo, N. Y. Dept. 4. Mention this paper.?oct 26 6ra. i