The Lexington Dispatcli V Fl > ESPAI. NOVEMBER 30, )808. IncUs to ITew Advertisements Land For S?lr?S P. YouDgiLer. Citatioo?C E L?apbart. Corsets -Sbealy'sNew Yoik Backe Store. ? B&-Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price oj J cents per line, to one and all.jsj B liiiAA sutm yfilliO Sore lungs, pain in the chest and painful breathing, the fore-runners of pneumonia, are quickly relieved and cured by the old reliable Dr. John W. Ball's Cough Syrup. It breaks up a cold in one night." Try it at once. C^MIyrup Will quickly heal Sore Lungs. DoSes are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. l'rice 25 cts. At aH druggists. "WantedT 40,000 No. 1 pine shingles, at once, by Killian Harman, Lexington, S. C SACRIFICE SME. Millinery and all Wool Dress Goods, to be sold, regardless of cost. Dig sa ci 7 fice, come and see, to be sold between now and Christmas. A visit to our. store will convince yon that great values are going for almost nothing. Misses Jones, Batesburg, S. C. Ta&s Notice. TVe have concluded to run cur business on a stiictly CASH system, dividing nrofits with, onr customers 0 r and giviDg them better bargain?, a? we can buy cheaper for cash. "We honestly propose to give our patrons the benefit of quick sales and short profits. Those sending orders will please send the cash. BOOZER & BOOZER. Additional Premiums. To the Editor of the Dispatch: New BrooklaDd, Nov. 28, 1898. I see in the Dispatch a list of a few premiums of the State Fair, below yon will see a few more: Holstein bull, 1st premium, $20; white wheat, 1st, $2; red wheat, 2nd, 81; barley, 2nd, $1; white oats. 1st and 2nd, 83; black oats, lit, 82; rye, 1st, $2; Irish potatoes, 1st, 82; sugf r cane and syrup, 1st, 82; pumpkin?, 1st, $2. Yours trulv, R. W. C.tyce. A Lett cf-Gratitude. To the kind friends who so affectionately aided us with their attention and services during the illness and death of our dear mother, Mrs. Pamelia Raucb, we tender our most heartfelt thanks. Be assured, dear friends, that your sympathy is appreciated mere than words can cx press. May heavenls choicest blessings rest upon you. May the gratitude we now fe?l ever live in our memories until death, too, shall call us away from these earthly scenes of mingled joy and sorrow. Gratef ullv. Mr. and Mrs C S- Riuch. Lexington, S. C, Nov. 30, 1S98. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Gorton, S D. '"Was taken fcith a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in andnoally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could - live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet ruy absent ones abovfe. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery, fcr Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottle?. It has cured me, and Um k God I am now ?. well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at J. E Kaufmann's drug store. lingular 6ize 50c and $i 00. Guaranteed or price refunded. A Painful Accident. We learn that Mr. R H. Brughman, who resides in Piatt Springs township, met with a painful aid; what came near proving a fatal ac- j cident on Tuesday, the 22ad instant, j While walking in his saw mill his ; foot became entangled in the car- j riage and be was thrown upon it in j front of the saw. Before he could re- j cover his equilibrium tbe saw ripped j opened his right elbow and the fore ?t -f bv?<-. U A 4 K An f /-\ ; pari* ui uio a; UJ. lie meu iuiucu w roll oiu of the way of the saw wh^n it raked him on the shoulder, wounding him slightly. It was, indeed, a narrow escape and only a divine interposition aDd a remarkable presence . of mind, saved him from instant death. A doctor was immediately summoned who dressed his wounds and be is now doiDg as well as could be expected UDdei the circumstances. If ths Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gunr, allays all pain, cures wind colic ana is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty live cents a bottle. It is the best of all. PE.MIL MD SCISSORS. Wayrde Sot-^ Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch 5ian. X-xt Mood \y is salesday. Cord wood is in "real demand. if Fresh B iter's bread, at the Bazaar. We had ice ssy* rul mornings last week. Overcoats did not lock out of place list week. 4 y The weather is as fickle as a maid in her teens. This maiket is supplied with first class beef and pork. Lemons! Lemons! Lemons! The finest kind at, the Bazaar. Many fine porkers fell victims to the butchers knife last week. The sowing of small grain is being continued with commendable energy. Euly risers or late-go-to-beds, say :hat it sleeted right along Fridiy uight. The people are finding out that (his is the best cotton marKet m me State. The weather seems to be getting ready for the annual visit of Santa Glaus. SB HH Hi CURES MERE Alt ELSEFAILS. " 0 m Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use fjj ; in time. Sold by druggists. Hf All the weather prophets agree 'hat we will have an unusually sevt ro winter. \ Cotton has an upward tendency and the spirits of our farmers have risen correspon dingly. ' In this county at least King cotton has been dethroned by the ''Republic" of small grain. Mr. Lontie Hammer of Little Mountain, visited relatives and friends in town this week. The afternoon passenger train from Columbia arrived late at this place the greater part of last week. When you come to towh don't forg it to call at the Dispatch office and settle for your subscription. Hiller & Guise Lave moved tbeir siw mill oil Mr. S. L. Mathias' land in the Fork and started to saw yesterday. We experienced a SDorting blizzard from the prairie3 of the wild and wooly West last Saturday afternoon and night. Mr. Eirnest Riwl is out again after haviDg been confioed to his bed for twenty-one dayj with an attack of fever. For the finest and sweetest white head Northern cabbage, go toMeetze & Son. A big lot goiDg at $1 35 per hundred. Wanted?A Christmas gobbler. Which one of our subscribers will remember the poor editor in the time of good cheei? Rev. E. L. Wessinger, pastoi* of St. John's church Shiremantown, Pi., is now visiting his narent. Mr. . o t Daniel Wessinger of Wessinger "s. The appealed case of the State vs. C. C. Summer, will be heard in the Supreme Court this week, it being the first case on the docket of the Fifth Circuit. The weather brought a cold snap last week, just to remind the people that hoary headed winter is on the way and his arrival can be momentarily expected Out of the abundance with which Almighty God has blessed you did you remember the poor and the orphans in a substantial manner, Thanksgiving? People should take care cf themselves this changeable weather and avoid the tisk of a case of pneumonia. An ounce of prevention is always woith a pound of cure. The candidates for the various offices to be filled by the next Legis la lure, are sitting upon the mourner's bench anxiously waiting for tbe plums to fall their way. Chili cures i? jure the stomtch becanseot the peravian bark ex'.r.icts found iu them, unless accompanied by a digestive prir.c;i>'.9. ltumpn's Pepsin Chid Tonic c>e*coines this objection, because each dose contains Pure Pepsin sufficient to digest it Tasteless ar.d guaranteed. For sale by G. M flat man and J. E. K lufmann. When you come to town drop in to see us. We arc always glad to see our friends and gladder still when they leave a "eart wheel" as a j pleasant memento of their visit. Madam Rumor says that there are five marriages in and around this place, booked to come oft' before the j Carisimis festivities begiD, as a remit of setting up late o1 nights. Rev. Wen. M Harden, Pastor of Lexington Circuit, will leave for the Annnol flro f?vpf>f?p fif the Methodist Episcopal Cbureb, South, next Tues! day, which will meet at Greenwood. ! If our merchants would use the ! columns of the Dispatch liberally to i let the people know what they lave . for sale they will find that their trade will be increased to an aston ishing extent. We regret to learn that Mr. W. , Abb Corley, who has for the past ; month, been sufFeriug from an attack | of fever and who has for only the list few days been able to be up aid about, is prostrated again with a I relapse and is now in a precarious | condition. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK*HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indigestion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS The RiV. John G. Graichen, Fast.r r St. Stptihens' Evangelical Luth ; r ,eran church, preached aii eloquent and intensely interesting sermon in the Methodist church last Sunday afternoon, to an appreciative congregation. The State vs. Sheppard was heard in the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr. G T. Graham, of the Lexington bar represented the appellant and Mr. Assistant Attorney General U. X Gunter, the State. County Superintendent of'Education, John D. Farr, has tendered his resignation to the Governor, and upon his recommendation, Mr. J. E. R iwl Kyzer, Superintendent of Eduoat?rm plppt. Vibr hppn armninted to w*.v?w~ tt succeed him. Old Probabilities, tried mighty hard to make it sleet all day Monday, but only succeeded late in the afternoon to make a cold dismal and disagreeable drizzle drozzle. If he can do no better than that, he should retire from business. We are pained to learn that Mr. Eugene Little, who resides a few miles below this place, with his ^ mother has been quite ill for the pa9t three or four weeks with an attack of fever. We trust that he will soon be restored to health. i ? -t a. jjvaia wessmger ox me x uia, uicu list Sunday of pueumonia. He was about 60 years of age and was one of the best natured men we ever knew. He was buried at St. Thomas'church Monday afternoon, the Rev. Jacob Wike conducting the funeral services. The fiual stewards meeting for Lexington Circuit will convene on next Monday the 5th inst., at Hebron church, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Let each Steward be present and let us have the best report possible. W. M. Harden, P. C Santa Claus arrived in town Monday and as usual made the Bazaar the depository for the distribution of his gifts and the first shipment will arrive in a few days. His patrons should call early before the rush begins so that they can get the choicest pick. Col. C. P. Quattlebairm, a prominent member of the Conway bar and the first Intendant of the Town of Conway, visited his mother, Mrs. Gen. Paul Quattlebaum, near Leesville, last week. Col. Quattlebaum, read law under Msj. H. A. Meetze. He will doubtless be pleasantly re membered by many of our people. The County Treasurer has completed bis rounds of the county and he will be in his office from now until the 31st of December for the purpose of receiving taxes. There will probably be no extension of time' this year as the Administration is against such a proposition, so the safest way is to pay your taxes immediately. Miss Wagener of North Carolina, is now visiting the family of Dr. J. W. Eargle at Spring Hill. She cime to bring the little motherless b ibe of the Rev. W. L. Dai r. Mr. aad Mrs. Eirgle will raise the sweet little baby for Mr. Darr. Miss Wagener is a cousin of Mr#Darr and will return to her home in Noith Carolina in about twQ weeks. Up to this time last year the County, Treasurer issued 1254 lax receipts. This year covering the same period he has issued 1300 being 115 more receipts in favor of this j ear. While this is so in reference to the issuing of tax receipts, there has not been as much money collected owing to the fact that taxes are lower this year than last. The final disposition of the Phil ippine islands has not created onehalf the interest among our people as the low prices at which Plait, Hook A Sbull, of Columbia, are selling fine plantation and family gioceries. If you have never traded at that store, low is tne lime 10 00 so ami you will lb us practically realize what money savers this firm is to the consumers. Their stock is fresh, large and cheap. Dr. Bull's | Cures a Cough or Cold in f _ _,i oneday! Why cough and vQUSIl risk Consumption? This a famous remedy will cure you. Doctors recommend + it. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Prof. L 13. Havie?, Pns'dent of ! Leesville College, in lieu of the regu lar service by the pastor, gave <|uite an interesting and instructive lecture in the Methodist church, last Sunday i morning. His theme was in sul| stance, what the world considers ! small sins, such as daucing, card | playing, gossiping and the like, if ! persisted in, would damn the ecu' ! and the only safety from the wrath to come was iD the ark of the covenant, faith in the clScacy of the death and resurrection of the saviour and child like trust in the promises to save to the uttermost. I Eeahl's Dcings. H ->v fort ib!y n>e we reminded that "ia (he midst, of I fe are we in death," .and each flje?ing moment impresses us with the solemnity and certainty of dea'h. Almost daily are we called upou to gather around the bier of some relative or friend and pay the list sad rites in respect to the mem ory of those who have preceded us ?' 1.1? i-.j to the spirit land Devona ioe suuuuws of the grave. The length cf man's I life at the best is but span. It has ! been appropriately likened unto a | beautiful flower in the garden of mortality, today it springs up and blooms. aDd tomorrow it withers and dies to shed the fragrance of its perfume iu the rich fields of immortality. A sacred writer once wrote that death is no respecter of persons, and this writing has come sounding down the musty corridors of centuries like the sad notes of a funeral dirge or the solemn knell of the bell of death, and each succeeding generation has witnessed the truthfulness of the writing. 'Tt is appointed unto all flesh once to die" and in obedience to ! this inexorable decree of nature we see the sleeping babe upon its mother's breast snatched by the cold and clammy hands of unfeeling death from t'^e warm and loving arms of its self-sacrificing parent; the youth, with?cheeks aglow with the ruddy flame of health, is prostrated by a frnm thie trmnfiter WP Cftll death. and bi3 loved features are hid from our view by the coffin lids; the manly form of him who has just crossed the threshold which divides youDg fcman'nood from the glorious estate of middle age, fell disease, liko the worm which lay hidden fjr long years in the bud, lays hold upon his vitals, and he sickens anddies and those who have turned their backs upon the lising sun and are hastening down the bill of time to wbfre the shadows are lengthening, fills a victim to the last enemy of man. The death angel has been busy in our community this week gathering precious souls into the great store house of eternity, lie has silently overshadowed the homes of several families and carried off one member from each circle leaving them in sorrow and mourning. Mr^. Bethany Caughman, relic of Mr. Samuel P. Caughman, sweelly fell asleep in the arms of Jesus at her home, about three miles above this place, last Monday, November 23;h, 1898, in the 88th year of her age. This dear old mother in Isreal served her day and generation well and faiihfully, and her children rise up and call her blessed. The fragrance of a well spent life lingers behind her and the influence which she exerted for gccd will live and bear fruit until time shall be no more. She was greatly b^oved by all. with whom she came in contact, and she will be greatly missed, not only in her immediate family, but by the community at large where she resided so long. Having made her peace with her Gjd, she had her "title clear to a mansion in the sky," and for her death had no sting, for the sting of death is sin, but the gift of God, her Father, is life eternal. With her it were as if falling asleep on earth and awakening iu heaven. She was the last child of Mr. Jno. J. Boozer, so well and favorably knowD in the early part of this century. Besides her immediate family of four children? two |pns and two daughters?she leaves many relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn her departure to that bourne from whence no traveller returns. The day before her last one on earth, while apparently enjoying her usual good health, she was suddenly stricken down with a stroke of paralysis, which was doubtless the immediate cause of her death. Her earthly remains were reverently laid to rest in the graveyard at Providence, to await the second comiDgof the Lord, in Lhe presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. The Ilev. J. G. Graichen I delivered a beautiful and touching sermon. Mrs. Pamelia Riucb, widow of the late Uriah Riucb, calmly passed from earth to heaven at her residence, in this place, 011 the morning of November 2S, 1898, after a long and painful illness, at the age 83 years. In her disposition she was domestic and her greatest care and delight was for the welfare and comfort of her loved c ues to whom she was passionately devoted. She was a woman of sterling qualities, faithful and true to all her relations iu life. To the poor she was a friend; to the sorrowful and distressed she was a comforter and herchaiilies were known only to her God, the recipient and herself. She came as near living up to the requirements of the Bible as any person of our acquaintauce. Havin * taken the Golden Rule?"Do unto o'hers as you would have others do unto you"?a3 the man of her couns Is and the lamp unto her feet, she so lived that. she won her way info the hearts of friends, neighbors and acqu tintances as well as strangers who were thrown upon her generous hospitality by the vissitudes of life. Her declining years were made ra diently glorious by a useful life oi good deeds, and her passing awaj was calm, gentle and peaceful. Wher the datk shadows began to gather around her and the dews of physical death settled upon her b;ow she f eared no evil, f*r his red and bis start comfoi ted her, and through the pall of daikness which gathered around in that trying hour in crossing the river of death, the light that comes from above biilliantly illuminated her pathway and the gentle hands of a tender and loving Saviour led her th-ough the valley and the shadow of death into the glories and the granduer of that beau iful city of never ending day. Beside a son, Mr. C. S. liiucb, a prominent businessman of this place, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Etblyn Hendrix, she leaves two brothers and one sister?Messrs. S. N. Hendrix of Columbia, and Jatn< s E. H- n Jii c, of this place and Mrs. Susan Smithdea), of Columbia, and numerous other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Her mortal remaius were interred beside those of htr husband and kindred at the old homestead, where the body will put on immortality at the appearing of him who shall come to judge the quick and the dead Rev. J. G. Graichen conducted the funeral services at the grave and his remarks were touching, but comforting to those who gathered around the open grave. Houston, the three-and-a-half-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. R- uben I). Harman, died yestei d iy morning at the residence of its parents in this place. Jesus looked down from the courts of heaven and seeiDg that the temepsts and storms of this life were too severe for the frail, and lovely bud, sent the reaper to garner it into the household of God. He was a 1-- -* t-1. _ UngUL UUU piUUUlBlU^ JUUUg itliyn and was the pride of his father, the joy of his mother and the life and light of home, but be is gone to that i happy land, where all is peace, joy and love. A link in the golden chain which' binds heaven and earth together in the bonds of uni-oD has been forged and is there to draw the affections and thoughts of parents heavenwards. The interment will take place this afternoon. The be reaved ones in our community have our sincerest and deepest sympathies. .? 1_ The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your. liver is out of order, have 110 appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure j relief- They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at J. E. Kaufmann's drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. Miss Rjsabelle, the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. Jacob W. Dreher, of the Fork and Dr. J. Willie Wessinger, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, on W< dacsdav, November 22nd, 1898, by the Rev. W. A. Deaton, assisted by the Rev. H. J. Mathias. The bride was charmingly arrayed in a beautiful gown and the wedding dinner was sumptiou9 and elegant. The editor was kindly remembered by the happy couple with a supply of cake. May the young couple sail o'er life's seas with fair winds and cloudless days. Don't Neglect Yonr Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health A bottle of Frowns' Iron Hitters taken now and thou will kepp the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns'Iron Bit tors .will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality * will always follow its use. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Trespass Notice. I LL PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TO xjL fi>b. hunt, cr.trespass upon my lands I id any mariner whatever. The law will I positively be enforced. A. II. LONG. November 23, 189 J.- -1*5. The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, , In the Probate Court. W. P. Galium Administrator of the Estate ol Mis N. Virginia Cullum, deceas-.d, plaiDtift. vs. W. Herbert Cullum, ct. al? defendants. Complaint to Sell Lands in A d of Assets. I'JUHSUAXT TO AN ORDER OF SALE . s-gncd by lion. ri-. E. Lcaphart, Judge of Probate, and dated November 1. 1 s!?H. I will sell to the 1ighest bidder, at pip lie outcry, before the court lions? door in Lexington, K 0., on the first Monday in December next, it lie ug the 5th day of s.nd month, during Jhe usual hours of sale, tLe following described real esta'e to wit; All that ceit iin piece, paiccl, plantation or tra< t < f laud, i ua'e. J}iug :.ud being iu the suburbs of the town of Bateshnrg, being inland, Lexington count v. State aforesaid, containing twenty fill) sere**, more or lis-, ho nded on the north by lauds of Dr. E F Sfrother, on the east hv 'amis of Misses M. A. I., and It s. W. Mitcin-l', on the souih by lauds ol M A. L aid H S W. Mitchell and P. B. Asbill and on il.e west by the Holle/s Ferry road. fEMBS OF SALE-One-half of tl.o the balance in twelve mouths, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser ami a mortgage ot the premises sold: intoreit from day of sale Purchaser may p iy all cash il lie so desires. Purchaser to pay lor papers. Purchaser must comply within one hour alter sale or the pro} erty wili i be resold at the lorun r p r chaser's risk. C. K LE^PaAltr, J. P. L. C. N ivcmbtr 8, IV.,'8 - 4w3, i Plaintiff'* attorney, E. E. Strotfur. Trespass Notice. ALL PERSON'S ARE HRREIJY Positively forbidden to tre-pass upon our ' lands by hunting, in the day or night ti ne with lire, fishing, or in any shape or mauLer whatever. The law w ill be enforced against all persons violating this notice. I ' S. P SHUMPKKT, D E. SHU.MPERT, r E. J. SHUMPERT, l 'i November ft. 1808.- 3w3. A Cure fcr Sleeplessness. | I commenced n>ing ^our Rutron's Liver IMU ?t Tonic i'elltts the first ot December, i> '.)(?, tor Heart and Liver tri ubie. I will n? wr forget the good they have done me. could not sleep, was fhort of hiea'h and. in fact, could not work any. I have used a lew l?ox?-s and to day I t. el n< w? 11 es I ev( r did in iny life. ? G. M. Rrittou, Ho'.brcok. W". Va. For sa'e by (J. II. Harman and J. E. K infmann. To Our Subscribers?Important. j The Q taker Valley Mfg. Co . of Chicago have requested us to announce tint they I lmv several tbnijsunlsi t-; of the tinr-*f coin t si!v. ipi it?-d War M. niotml Spoons 'e'towr i !r uti lt.cir r? cent rusfrinuuon. itieywiii iuu:l. postpaid, a In 1 set of six <>t these spoons to every subscriber to the Dispatch, wh w?ll send name and address ?a postal card will do. If, on receipt of the spoous, you tind them the most exquisitely beautiful specimens ol the silversmith's art you ever saw. and worth $3.00. remit 78 cents, as payment in full, within 3D days; it not pleased, return spoons immediately. Each spoon is of a different desigu? alter dinner coffee size?showing soldiers in camp in Cuba, Moto 0 >stle and four U. S. Battleships They are imperishable memeratoes ot the late w.-.r, aud every subscriber should accept th:s most remarkable offer, and obtain a set I e'ore it is too late. All that's necessary is to say you're a subscriber to the Dispatch (this is important) and that >ou accept Memorial Spoon nttVr. Address Quaker Valley M?s. Co., 337 W. Harrison street, Chicago, 111 Dispensers Wanted. ofi ice or COUNTY BOARD OF CONTROL. Lexington, S. C., November 5th, 1898. V PPL I'd ANTS FOR THE POSITION of Dispenser at Lexington and at Onapin will please file their applications with the County Board of Control on or before the 5th day of Deconher, 1898. Names of bondsmen must accompany applications. J. WTER ADDY, Clerk of the Board. November 5, 1898.?3a4 HIGHEST Prices Paid for HC ME RAISED OATS, GOOD SEED WHEAT, POTATOES, EGGS, BEESWAX. LQR!CK & LQWRANCE, Columbia, S. C. LAND SALE. ~ The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In re The Estate of Isaac Alewine, deceased, I)UKSUANT TO AN ORDER RASED upon a petition tiled in this court by Georgianna Alewine. sole legatee and devisee under the l ist will and testament of Isaac Alewine. deceased, now on file in my office, and with the consent of D. J. Griftirh Executor thereof, I will sell before the court house door in Lex ugton. South-Carolina, duriug the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in December, 180S, the following lands belonging to the Estate of the said Isaac Alewine, deceased: 1. The Shcaly Tract, containing one hundred and eighteen and one-half acres, more or less, bounded by Estate lands of Wiilium Ilallman, deceased, Estate lands of J. H Lewie and the Colombia and Angusta road and P. II. Craps. 2 Joel A. Taj lor Tract, containing one hundred acres, more or le-*s, on Rig Horse creek. bounded by lands of Isaac Alewine, deceased, Mary Sheal}-, J. M. Crim and others. 3. The Sim Alewine Tract, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Mary Shcaly, Estate lands of John Craps, deceased, and lands of Isaac Alewine, deceased. 4. J. J and Isaac Alewine, Jr , land, containing fifty acres, more or less, on Sand Hill, branch of Horse creek, waters of Saluda river, and adjoining lands of Isaac Alewine, deceased, Jaines Frick, Mrs. Sallie Craps and Alien Hallnun. Tracts 2 and 4 above described wiil each be sold in t wo separate tracts. Rjundaries aud dimensions of each, with plats made by surveyor will be at sale. Terras of sale to be one-half cash; balance on a credit of twelve months/secured b;, bond of the purchaser and a mortgage ol the premises sol.) Purchaser top.iyfor t psp-rs. C. E. LElPHAltr, J. P. L. C. November 12 18-8 ?r w3. Notice of Sale. The heirs at law of dayid Lorick, deceastd, all being over 21 years oi age, the undersigned will offer for sale at public cntcry, to the highest bidder, before the court house door at Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Monday in December next: "All that piece, p trcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lexington Gounty and State aforesaid, containing j twenty-five acres, more or less, on the j waters of Kennerly's creek, waters of b'a| lnda river, in the Fork of Prjad and Saluda i riveis and known as a p-irt of the Sam j Green One Hundred and Twenty-five Acre , Tract, sold to K. E. Geiger and deeded to | (jr. J Geiger. and being surveyed by 4. H. i Taylor, Surveyor, on the 8lh day of .DeI amber, lor said Kainer." Terms of sale:?C.ish. Purchaser to pay I for papers and revenue stamp, j Tue heirs oi the said David Lorick deI ceased, will execute to purchaser good warrautv titles to said l.*nls. J. E. LORICK, For (he Heirs at Law of David Lorick. November 15 lS'.ii. ?3w3.pd. J Jt For Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWiug trace of land: The H >ok:nau Tract i containing one hnu Iredand liity. nine acres, situate on !>.*>ad vi'.vr ami in Fork town ship. W. H. LYLES, lwl Columbia. S. C. I 1 CUAATTHE BESTf?AMC $nuu 3 AND GET THE QHIVIC PETERS LOADED SHELLS | STRONGEST, CLEANEST, QUICKEST. ! PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES WON WORLD'S RECORD. Aslc for Sportsman's Dandy Book, FREE. THE PETERS CARTRiOSE CO., 246. 248, 250 MAIN ST., CI NCI N NATI, O. Notice of Sale. 1)Y YIUTUE Of THE I'OWEK INT ME j vt-.-tciI :is Administrator of the Estate i ot J. D. Loriok. under a power ol sale { written on the hack of a certain mortgage ! given !?;. ?S. K Eonkuiglit to J. D. Lorick, i and recorded in K M C lor Lexington County, S C . in Vol. "M", page 1(57 I will I .. ?i i... .i i u: 1> .? Seil ill puouo ornery, 10 me inguesi uiuuci, before thi: court door in Lexington, | South Carolina, during the legal hours of J Side, on the first Moo-Jay in December. ' n> xt. the 'arid conveyed by the said mortgage and described therein as follows: ' All that lot of hind containing oueaere, mere or less, situate, lying and being in : the Town ol Irmo, County of Lex iugton and St it? aforesaid, a id bounded as fo.lows: On the c-;i->t- by Woodrow street, on the west by Gibbes street, on the north by Lexington Avenue, on the south by land ! oi' Thomas 1) Poukuight, and being !i part i of the lot designated by the letter "i" on j the Town map ol Irino." Terms of sa e: -Cash. Purchaser to pay i for papers and revenue stamp. J. E. LORICK, Admr. of Estate of J. D. Lorick. i November 15, 1808.?3w3pd. CLOSING OUT A 3HG9 HHBBE3 SALE. I .. $20,000 Worth | DRY GOODS, 11* DOORY, ] UNDERWEAR WD MII.LINERV 1 to be closed out by January 1, 1898. Going out of business and to make tbis sale we now cut 25 per cent, below cost. Give us a look and save 75 cents on your purchases. One Upright Piano, good condition, $100 cash. IT. W. TRUMP, 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. October 13 ly. 4vS DBS. D. I.. BOOZER & SONS, . ifflj DENTISTS, | 1515 MAIN STREET, COI,UMniA, s. c. 'PHONE 33(>. . "| One of the firm wilt fill appointments at Lexi ngton, over Kfird & Dreher's Law Office, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the Second Snnday of each month. Except Jaly and August -hen there will be no appointment For months of February, Jane and September Court Week will take the place of the regular appointment Southern Fruit Co., 4 ff. H. MIXSON, Manager, J 217 EAST BAY, OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE, . tJ S. O., 1 MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. ? BVEETTH.IITG-. . 'M riiTTinn a urn fin atittfif i iim 51 rnun AjiiirituuuuLUJiL m March 16, 1898?tf PERKINS MANUFACTURING CO. YELLOW PINE LUMBER, , f MANUFACTURERS OF j HICxH Gr IE3 .ii. ID ?2 * FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISHINGS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, r> O O RS , SASH AND BLINDS, J| AUGl'STA, GA. jstestimates cheerfully furnished.^ February 1?ly. YOU WANT 1 To'know where to buy Plows. To know where to buy Hames, | BANE STRINGS, CLEVISES, LAP RINGS, HOES, AXES, all kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS, COLLARS, BLINDS, BRIDLES, HARDWARE for Your Houses, SHOE NAILS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, TINWARE AND WOODENWARE, GO TO STEWART & PRENTISS, 1526 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. October 28. lvr. 0 * I I 1 j 3TO6Y 1 I few* pmh tli* m'? *f becmto t'.O profit ar? #*re*. I?vn*t all ?j >ur?rlf i? b* TaLVTO ! Into l?uyln* afV-My job ju ur<*'r "i *\\r & .loiiar ?*K HI I.I." * *** **A I itt? 11 lc*v* r in I'ric*. 1 i??f?* t^.e* tr.j i*p. 1-/4 well. ?t4. *bo?? aJi%???t* - WaY FItOM TIIF- Mlyt'-mikic; ?h*n? rh+iptr in ib? 1' H tr.d. ??ld ?.y fr?e- W. X*. ROOF, Lexington, 8. C. H. J. GREGORY & CO., Donly & Sease, Columbia, S. C., Lewiedale, S. C., MATTHEWS & BOUKNIGHT, * May 11?ly. Leosville, S. C.,