1??????? - The Lexington Dispatch VEDSESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1898. I&daz to 2T@w Advartiseaoats. Trespass Notice?J. C. Meetze. rr???a Vntmo?S P. Shnmnert. X I OJpiCO ^wv.vv A Trespass Notice?Mary L. Martin. Land For Sale?J. P. & W. M. Shull. Dispensers Wanted?Board of Control. ' Citation?C. E Leaphart. Probate Judge's Sale. Agents Wanted?ClinteL Oil Co. Notices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents per line, to one and all.jp\ Wanted. 40,000 No. 1 pine shingles, at once, by Killian Harman, Lexington, S. C. ^ Important Meeting. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Lexington Cjunty Fair Association, is called to meet at Lexington, C. H /on Monday the 21st, , instant at 10 o'clock a. m. A full meeting is r^uested as business of importance will come before the is committee. J. H. Counts, President. M. D. Harman, Secretary. ? Dental Notice. Dr. J. E. Boozer will be here Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nov. 11th, 12th, and 13th prepared to do Dental work. Those wishing prompt attention will please call at Dr. J. E. Kaufmann's Drug Store and procure a postal card for appointment, several days in advance. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we * publish the following: "Tois is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bel'; our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. I nov take great pleasure in recommending them, to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Sold by J. E. Kaufmann, Druggist. MA&BIED. At the residence of officiating offi cer, D. Clarence Bandrick and Miss Blanch Aull, bath of Newberry county, were married Sunday evening, October 30, 1898, by Brooks Swygerfc, Notary Public. No Cure?No Pay. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for " Chills and Malaria. It is simply . Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price, 50c Dr. J. Z. Kneece, Dead. One by one death lays its cold hands upon those whom we have learned to love and respect for their many noble traits of character and f who has endeared themselves to all j orhrvm r?amp in nnntftnfc bv I kindness of head and heart. It is our maiancholy duty to record the death of^he h;ghly esteemed and venerable Dr. J. K. Koeece, which sad event occurred at his home at . Kneece's Station, on the Carolina Midland Railroad, last Sunday night. Had his life been prolonged five days longer he would have been 80 years ! of age. He was a high toned Chris- j tian gentleman and by an upright walk and Godly conssrvation adorn ed the doctrine which he professed. He leaves a wife and eleven children, and two have proceeded him to the spirit land. His funeral services were conducted by the Rev. A. C. Wilkins, who used the 3rd, 4ih and 5th verses of 39 Paslm. The pall bearers beiDg Cipt. W. B. Plunkett, ^ Capt. J. S Derrick, Mr. W. P. Roof, Cipt. U. X Gunter, Dr. O. J. Harris and Dr. D. M Crosson. His remains were interred in the family buryiog ground in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing people. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. ? - Cbili cares irjnre the stomach because ot the pernvian bark extracts tcund in them, unless accompanied by a digestive piinciple. Ramon's Pepsin Chiil Tonic overcomes ibis objection, because each doe-e contains Pare Pepsin sufficient to d gest it. Tasteless and guaranteed. SUj. For sale by G. M. flarman and J. E. Kanfmann. . ? Special Kates to Columbia. On Account of the South Ctrolina State Fair. On November 12th to 18.h, the ^Southern Railway will sell tickets as above, at one fare plus fifty cents round trip. Also on November 15ih, lGfcb, 17th, limited to 19tb, at very low rates. Special trains will be run November lG.b and 17th. For full * information apply to agents South ern Railway. J. B. Hejward, T. P. A., Augusta, Ga. r | PENCIL AID SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Sow small grain. The State Fair and (hen comes Christmas. If cotton takfs another tumble in price it will be 4 cents. Smoked pork sausage, dried beef, j pickle tripe, etc., at the Baziar. The election boxes were sent out j to the vaiious precincts last Satu:- , day. Milton K\zer has been honorably discharged from the services of Uncle Sam. The Columbia city authorities are wrestling with the water works problem. Much of our space this week is given up to the exhibitors at the late county fair. Hunters and fishermen will see trespass notices and govern themselves accordingly. Mr. W. J. Ballentine oi Chapin, has been appointed a member of the County Board of Control. Sweet mountain butter, cabbage, potatoes, onions, chestnuts, at the Bazaar. The comet'can now be seen near the milky way with the naked eye. One can almost see it more. Corporal Heber Rawl and private Scott HarmaD, of the heavy artillery, are visiting home on a furlough. For Sale?A good milch cow with young calf. For further particulars apply to Luther L Long, Brookland, S. C. The first detachment of the biigade assigned to go into camp at Columbia, arrived in that city last Wednesday evening. When you want a nice dress or fancy goods, go to Meetza & Son, where you will find a beautiful stock from which to make your selection. Mr. Richard Lietner, of Grange Hall, died at his home last Thursday, of typhoid fever. Tbere is much sickness among the rest of the family. Do you want the position ot jlmspenaer at this place or at Chapin? if so file your application with the Board of Control and it will be considered. The finest and freshest stock of family groceries can always be found at S. N. Hendrix's, Columbia. Call on him while attending the Fair. M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use S la time. Sold by druggists. PI WffK The bird law having expired, the disciples of Nimrod have been having a jolly time and from the crack of the guns on all sides we would judge that game is plentiful. Hilton's Iodoform Liniment will kill the poison from poison Ivy, counteract poison from bites of snakes, stings of insects. In a sure cure for sore throat. Will cure any case of sore mouth. 25c. Judge J. Walter Mitchell surprised his numerous friends by an unexpected visit last Saturday. The Judge now lives in Saluda county, I _t l - i a :?u:? I wuere ue a iiuuhmjiu^ ouluui. I You ought to have a fine new buggy or wagon to go to the fair in and if you want the best vehicle for the least money, go to T. B. Aughtry ! & Co., Columbia. The death angel kissed the lips o Daisy, the daughter of Mr. G. D. Bouknight and released the pure soul and of the gentle girl. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones. A stubborn cough' or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. J E. Kaufmann. It is apparent that in these latter days of the Nineteenth Century that the boys attending college are honored more by their athletic feats than they are by their intellectual attainments. It is not generally known, but nevertheless it is a fact that the communtation road tax must be paid when the other taxes are paid. The tax this year is *2, instead of $1, as it was last year. You invite disappointment when > you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. E. Kauf- j mann. ! ' Watah is a good thing," remark- j ed Colonel Biudd, of Kentucky. { "Waal, may be so," replied conserva- j tire Major Bowie. "It is truly, sab," | continued the colonel. "Rain makes j ! eawn. sah, an' cawn makes whisky." Some subscribers in tbe Foil:, knowing that tbe Dispatch needed j money more tban the State and ' county did, paid their subscription | to tbe Dispatch and then went away without settling with tbe Treasurer. Would that we bad many more just such subscribers. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mancie, the charming daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. J A Wulf, to the Rev. Shala Walter Henrv, at the home of Mr. Wolfe, iu Sandy Run, on Wednesday, November 10. We acknowledge with pleasure the receipt of a card. For broken sui faces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counteifeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. J. E Kaufmann. Mr. George II. Bright, an old time Lexingtoniau, but who now lives in Richmond, visited his old home near Peak last week. He used to practice medicine in ISoS-'oi) with Dr. Willingham, near Spring Hill. The Doctor is pleasantly remembered by many old friends, who were glad to see him. Next week the State Fair opens in Columbia. There has been a large number of entries made and the fair promises to surpass any one previously held. The attendance also promises to be unusually large. Many attractions of au unique nature has been provided for the entertain rnent and amusement of the visitors. Pains "BiWle of Manila" and other fireworks of a startling nature which will cause wonderment and amazement among the witnesses of the display, no doubt will attract a large crowd to the city, as will also Forepaugh k Sells Brothers' circus. Arrangements have been made with the railroads to hold the trains back until after the night peif >rmances If you waut to enjoy yourself go to Columbia next week. \ ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ? wmffillen P THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR J ? ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, ^ THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE- 0 r LIEYE. ? ^ LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- \ J STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE ? r BEARS THE NAME, ? f PERRY DAVIS A SON. ? , ? - ? Editor's Trip Through the County. It is always a pleasure to us to once and awhile go out in the country and miDgle with our people at their homes aod while engaged in their everyday life. There is a charm about a visit to the country that is irresistable and impels us to lay down the stick and rule and yeild to the persuasive influences of a drive over Lexington county and we invariably avail ourself of the annual visit of the County Treasurer to do so. This year has been no exception to the rule. The first place that we made on Monday of last week, was Uncle Josh Shealv's, where we arrived in due time and found him in his usual good humor and he welcomed us with a generous hospitality. He has fine corn ciibs and fat hogs and is consequently free from four cents cotton. Tuesday we were at Chapin, where we found everybody heels over head in business. The merchants seem to b} doing a thriving and prosperous business and wore smiling faces. Lurge business is being done inlumberand wood. We were kind y treated and comfortably provided with splen uiu inuuujujuuanuijo at lucuutft by Mrs. Ed Williams. From Chapin we went to the C:oss Roads where the usual cumber of taxpayers met us. We exchanged greetings with numerous friends and pleasantly chatted awLile with the people. Wednesday morning found us at Peak, the thriving little city on the yellow rolling Broad liver. The people of this place are very progiessive. The merchants all carry large stocks and deal extensively in cotton. They want a free ferry across the Broad. Nearly two thirds of the trade of the town comes from the Fairfield side, and if a free ferry was established there a larger trade would be done thereby' increasing the value of property and making larger taxes for the county. There is no ferry on Broad river between Littleton to Hugh's ferry up in Newberry county and a ferry at Peak is an absolute necessity for the accommodation of the people. Fairfield is willing to bear her proportionate share of the expense and Peak will pay tbe ferry man. What say you, Mr. Supervisor Langford? Mrs. I Stuck's hotel at this place is kept in first class style and the table literally groans under its load of well cooked food. At Spring Hill Thursday, the taxI pajers were prompt in selling their tribute for the privilege of living in this gloriously free couutry. We took dinner Thursday with that prince of good fellows, Mr. D. A Richardson, and he fed us to such | au extent that in self defense we were forced to cry out, ' hold,enough." Thursday night, we spent under j the hospitable roof of our estceun d friend, Mr. Elias Meetze and were royally entertained. Mis. Meetze is one of Lexington's best housekeepers An Old Idea. Every day strengthens tie belief of eminent physicians that impure Mood is the ausc of the majority of ottr diseases. Twenty-five years aeo this theory was used as a hasis for the formula of Browns' Iron Hitters. The many roinarkaMecures effected l>v this famous old household remedy are suliieietit to prove that the theory iseorreet. Browns'iron Bitters i.s sold hy all dealers. combining the traits of Martha and Mar}', louking after the comfort of the inner man as well as entertaining the social feature of her home. Irmo is improving slowly, l? i- 1 - /~v.._ V . * . . out sureiy. v;ur cuiTOpjuit'ti ii this place is doing a fine businej-s and seems to be thriving in the iccumulation of the goods ef this world. Judge Marshall Shealy, still continues to hold the scales of justice with an even hand and is a terror to evil doers. He has an excellent gin and mill and enjoys a large patronage so much so that he has to run them night and day to meet the demand of his customers. Friday we arrived at home some what jaded with the fatigue of our trip. We noticed that the people of the Fork made a fair crop of cotton and a splendid crop of corn. They are now planting grain and especially rice. Those who have their corn crib and smoke house in their backyard are doing well and those who are the subjects of King cotton n :i _ a 1iL. gioomiiy coniempiare rue ungiii prospects for four cents cotton. Saturday morning we were at Irene and in the afternoon at Barr's Landing where we met many taxpayers. Dr. Bull's Mothers! This wonderful remedy will save your vOUgll child's life when attacked ^ by Croup or Whooping- 5% VTU Da cough. It never fails to ^ cure throat and lung troubles. Price 25 cts. Mist Stupendous of Amusemont Enterprises. The Adam Forepaugh .and Sells Brothers' Great Aggregation. From the New York Ilerahl. ' Mr. J. A. Bailey, sole owner of the 'Great Adam Forepaugh Show,' has just concluded arrangements with Messrs. Ephraim, Lewis and Peter Sells, by which the show known as 'Sells Brothers' Enormous Railroad Shows' is consolidated with T7V>T-nv?anr>li ShnTO fVins mnlrinrr UUV a Viv ^ruu^u v? ^ the new aggregation one of the most powerful in the world." The potential arenic proprietors represented in the above named enterprise?and they are men of great wealth and enviable standiDg?have but one definite purpose in view, and that is to give a great deal more for the money, than has ever before been attempted, believing that the result will be such an increase in patronage without any advance in prices, as will amply justify the really titanic experiment. Every other show in the country will be permitted to go its way unmolested and unnoticed. If great influences and effects result they will come from inevitable popular comparison, and those who tempt that must abide the consequence. Under the arrangements made the Adam Forepaugh Sells Brothers' Consolidation will be the only one of the whole world's greatest shews to visit Columbia, and it will appear on Friday, November 18. Each of the big enterprises of which it is comprised is both locally and nationally famous for including the rarest wild fincct on/1 mntf n 1*1 n rl n n t. uraow^j tUCi UUtOU UUV* ixivcw v hippodromatic and circus talent, an 1 the most wondrous, startling and novel features procurable from every quarter of the globe. The wild beast collections include the only two herds of performing elephants, and the biggest, ones; the only educated sea lions and seals, and they are wonderfully entertaining? the OQly giant male hippopotrrnus; the only two-horned Sumatra rhinoceros, monster polar bear, Niger antelope, gnu, eland, flock of ostriches, and far and away the biggest lions and tigers and most singular creatures ever ex hibited. The distinguished male and female racing, arenic aud funmaking talent is reciuited from every quarter of the glob^, and apptars in a hundred acts and rivalries, requiring three rings, two elevated stages aud a maze of aerial appliances. The performing animals are "? i i 1.1 - i numerous, varied anu aumirauie, uuu the morning street parade a massing of the spectacular splendors, open dens, hundreds of splendid horses, droves of wild beasts, and other pageant possessions of the two biggest shows. It goes without saying that everybody will be eager to see such a display and such a performance. -* - A Cure for Colic. The following colic cure has been given us with a request to publish. It is said by our informant to be an infallible cure, giving almost instant n 1 ef. It is very simple and inexpensive. Here it i-: a teaspoonful of lice ground black pepper in corn whisky. When yju have an attack of colic, tiy this lemedy and see if you don't get instant relief. Trespass Notice. I LI, PERSON'S ARE FORBIDDEN TJ hunt, or tn-.sj)iss ujmjii my lauds m iiny lit r wbatvvtr. 'lhe law will |.o .itivclj be tulorced. , ^ MARY L. MARTIN. November 7, 1S9J.--3a2. !\Tcvoir/c:,r Sales day. TLis s;.lts(liiy was ,i HjiumI No\?-i;iluir one Oi l- country cou>ins, us u ruie. artthrough hurvesting nt ibis s;*a.?o:i oi tin\ear and their custom is to pit on th-tr S.imlav ?jo-to meeting dot lies ?>t <1 i*-ither it tiieCourt House to see bow Oat F.ther T;jiit bus ib alt with tbeir town cousins during tbe yiar, and they came this time in tiili lorce. Tbe lauds advertised by the bin.-rift' wt ro withdrawn. 'II... i * i.. r t' tinlde ll?l> follow it!!? salt s: Iu the case of I)ivid Hipp, iltintiif vs. S. D. Martin, Miry Ami Milium. Caroliue Lucas. Polly Ann Alford, ;Mary Jane ilert. J:in Bash. Alice Push. Nodi Bush. Martha E urna 15 ish, G? <>:gc Bisli, II nry 1! ish, Tillman Push.ami Cb'v.-l.-.nd Pu-.h, defend mis. All that piece, parcel <>r ira-t of land containing eigl?:y>eveu acn s. moie or Its.-,, and ho'tided bv and>ot Aver> Guiualand'-r, and Walter Haltiwang: r, ami Jacob Si.uinit r and Nelson G.-orge Noah George purchased this land lor Sll'N In the case of Emanuel Walker, plaintilF. against Tyre W. Walker, Allen Walk- r Isaac Walker, Rachel Plack, l'liomas W'a ring. James Waring. Ilicks-y Waring. Viola Battle, William Waring. Thomas Waiing. Jr., Walter Waring ami Luia Ellington, defendants Une tract of land containing ten acres, more or less, about two miles west ol the village ot LcMugtou. purchased irom George Corley, and on which Isaac Walker and his family resided, hing on the Orangeburg ar.d iwo Notch public roads. One tract ot laud containing seven acres, more or less, adjoining the above, purchased Irom Job Corley and lying on the Orangeburg and Two Notch public roads. $'2 i. II N. Lowrance was the purchaser at the prices named In the case of Cora Dominick. Li/./e Doniinick, Fred. II Doin n:ck. J. Claude I) iniuick, Harry W. Dominick andMazie M ibel Dominick, the four ot whom sue by their guardian ad litem. 0. M. Etird, and C. M. Elird, assignee, {l.iintifts, against J W. San del. defendant. (1"That certain lot or parcel of laud in the said State and County, containing one (1) acre, more or e-is, and known as the Stable Tract ' bounded north by the Columbia and Newberry lload. and on all other sides by lands of Levi Stuck." II H. Pnsby was the purcba er lor S7.U). (2j "Also that parcel ot land in the said County, 'known as the School Hou-.e' Tract,' containing three ( '<) acres, more or less, and bounded west oy nog nrnucu road, north by lands of Edward Suiiiiu -r and otherwise by lands of Levi Stuck.' C M Etird became tin* purchaser for *12 (3). Abo a tract of lain! in the said County, containing twenty and tbrefonrths acres, more or li ss, and bounded by Hog B.anch road, an i lands of Willie Hal tiwanger, Edward Summer and Levi Stuck, the same being known as the 'N'ev Ground Tract'" *oid to C M I.fird tor SdS.bO (1). "Also a lot in the town of Peak, in said County, containing two (2) a* r s, more or less, and bounded by lands of J. C. Swygert, 0 L. Mayer, tLe road to Dcj of and lands formerly o-vned by F. 11 Lvo::i:nick." Bought by Preston Summers for $30. In the case of Dovie Alniira Ree;e, J alia C. Snyder, Mary E. Snyu?r, Sullie Lorick, Lucy C Frazee, Jesse G. Meetze and Ellie A. Reynolds, j inn tiffs, against Mollie Meeize, M ile Meetze. Simeon Crayton Meetze. and biieou Corley, Trustee, and Drury J Htrrnau, defendants. Tract A, containing twenty-eight acres, more or less, and adjoiuiig lauds of J. K Heudrix, tracts C and B ol the said lands and the } nblic road. $103. Tract 11, containing thirty-two and threefourth acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Mrs. Martha A Ilendrix, tracts a and C of said iauds and the public road; and $301. Tract C, containing fifty one and onefonrth acres, more or less, and adjoiuiug lands of J. S. Hendiix, John J. Fox and Mrs. Martha A. Hendrix. and tracts A and B of said lands From tract B along the northern boundary lhereof, ten feet is excepttd for a road to connect "tract C with the public road $501. All three of the of the above thr. e tracts were purchase by Eliz ibetli Su_ d r at the figures n line 1. In the case of A. J. Hallman, plaintiff, against E. R. Hilhnan, Lou'tta Anderson alias Reddy Anderson, Mattie Hilhnan. John Hallmm, and Wi liam Hallman, defendants All th it piece, p ireel or tract of land situate, lying ami beiug in the County of Lexington, and Stite aforesaid, containing one hundred and seventy -five acres, more or ltss, bounded on the north by the public road leading from Columbia. S. C , to Augusta, Ga., and is known as the Angus!a road, on the South by lands ol E. R. Hall f k. I.,r,.t^ nf T_..>a/? winf, sind Luau, if J lauvi-i W| Aoai*w Estate lands of Lewie. and oa the west by lands of A J. Ht'lman. Pare based by J. G Taylor lor $ 0 5, The sale in the ease of Edward Joyner ei. al. araiast Louisa T. Duncan et. ah, was withdr twn; as was also the sale in the case of Jo'inTiylor vj. Samuel J. Huffman and others. BRONCHITIS Bronchitis generally begins with a common cold; if not cured it becomes dangerous and thousands die from bronchitis annually. Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup, the best remedy for this disease, cures it in a few days. DuBnlfs COUCH SYRUP Will promptly cure Bronchitis. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price s* eta. At all druggists. The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In the Probate Court. W. P Callum Administrator of the Estate ot Mrs N. Virginia Cnlluni, deceased, plaintiff, vs. \V. Herbert Culium, ct. a!., defendants. Complaint to Sell Lands in A d of Assets. 1 PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE s gmd by Hon. O. K. Lcaphart. Judge 1 - < > i - -L.i a.V ., i.... j wis T OI .LTOU.llC, ttUll 'i;vicu x. * wil sel to the Li;h.-st bi.lLr. at pr.1 lie outcry, before the court Lions- door in Lexington. S ou the first Monday in Decern her next, it he ng tlie 3th day of sv.d month, d' ring the usual h airs of sale, tie following described fea! esta e to wif; A.1 that ceit dn piece, parcel or trict of land, situate, Ling and being in the .cn b 11 lbs of the town of iiatesburg, being in Lexington county. State aforesaid, containing twenty acres (2')) acres, more or bss, bounded on the north by lauds of Dr. E. F. S.rother. ou the east bv lauds ol Misses M. A. L. and II S. \V. Mitchell, on the south by lands ol M. A L and II S W. Mitchell and P. R Asbiil and on the west by the Ilollev's Ferrv road. fEMRS OF SALE? One-half of tl.o purchase money to be { aid in cash, and the balance in twelve months, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold: interest from day of sale Purchaser may piy all cash if he so desires. Purchaser to p iy lor papers. Purchaser must comply within one hour e.fior sale or the property wil be resold at the former p rchaser's r sk. C. E LEtPdAKT, J P L. C. November s lSl'8 - 4\C', P.aintifl n attorney, E. F. Strotlur. Notice, Trespassers. ALL PERSONS AltE HE Pi ED V J\_ warned not to t re-pass on my lands bounded by S. S. Meetze, K. 1 Hook, Frank Swygtrt and otic is. ? ith*r b\ bunting in the day tiin<- or at night \ itL lire, fishing. cutting wood, m king paths, or in any manner whatever. Iheia.v will poiliv.lv he enforce 1 against ail persons c lUghl so tres oassiug. J O MSEIZE. November RuS. I5.\'J p.l WANTED-Reliable and Exp ri-nei d Salesmen to handle a good line ol Lubrnutiug Oils au Greases cn commission. Address, THE CLINTON OIL CO.. Cleve ! laud, Ohio. Iw-yJ. A Cnre for Sleeplessness. I cniijiii. r.ci tl ii-in? \otir liiimoii's Liver 1 r.il- ,V l'i'Siie i'. lilts the til.-1 < ! December, j ih'. tt t >r 11 < nrt :iti< 1 I.iv. r tr? ulhe. I will ! n? v. r 'orjiet the ? i tl < v have done me. I I < <> ?! i n.-t was short ol hicath anil. : in fact, could not work any. I have used a jt w \'\ s at:>! t > .lay I |. el a- \i< 11 ps 1 evt r <::.i in n.y hie. (1. M. Until n, IIoll>r? ok. \V. \ a. l\>r-a e by o\ 11. llarman I and -J. E. K lUlmann. T: Our Subscribers?Important. Tis- Q i. !;< r Y.illev Mtg. Co . ?1 Cuic-igo ! have rt<| it stt-il us to announce that tLey | ls;iv -. v.-ri'l thoiis md !s ot the tine-t coin j s'iv ;*p. d V.'.,.- A! mot j:i! Sj ootis le't oVt r I ti i:n i! i ir "i i'i>'rii i;tion. lhev wi 1 j i:: t: 1 po>*pnd. a f i; 1 ' it six < t these >1 hops t n'Vi i'v subscriber to the Dispatch, I \\h xv!ii st*iiiI name am! addre.-s - a postal i far ! w;; 1 ii >. It. on receipt ot tin* spoons, I \??ji timl ti;: in tlx* most i-xipiinitcly bcauti; ti:l specimens o! tin* silversmith's art you t wr saw, ami worth So mb remit 7* cents, as payment in full, within t5?? days; it not phased. return spoons immediately. Each spoon i- ot a d.lVi n nt 7 VV. Harrison i strict, Chicago, III i ! The State of South Carolina, IWlJlil ur M'lALMtlU.l. I J?y C. E. Leaphart, Esijuire, Probate Judge. \t 7 here as. mrs. minnie w. V Jlcjt/i', made suit to me. to graut h?-r It* Vrs of administration of the Estate ot a:i< etl.-cts of James I'. Mect/.c: 'i he> are. ther<*k>re. to cite and admonish a!i and singular the kindred and creditors of the said -Tames I'. Meot/j deceased, that tiny lie and aj pear before me, 111 the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington C. 11.. on tlie 21st day of November, next, alter publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they h ive, why tie- said administration should not be granted. (iiven under my hand, this ??th day of November. Anno Dumb i. 1 S'.?S C. E. I.KAPHART, -T. P. L C Pi.b'ishcd on tin; !>th d iy of November. IS'JS, in the L xington 1).-pitch. 2 \2 LAND SALE. A S 1XECETOKS (>F THE ESTATE /V. of M. A. S'liiM. .1 eiasid. we < 11" r for sa'e one fraet of river bottom land con! taining !'?s aerrs. more or less, and one other tr. ct of w?-ii timber- d lan-l known as a piece of tii" II mi" Tri?t For further particnl ir.s ad l ess either J. P. SHELL, ltcrki Well. S a, M. W. SHELL. Columbia, S C. November 7, 18 8?.1w2. Dispensers Wanted. OFFICE OF C0EN1Y HOARD OF CONTROL. | JL,?j\it;glon, ?>. L., JNovcuitier otn, Jons. 4 ITLI'ANTS IY Il THE POSITION of Dispenser at Lexington and at Cliapin will pleas? tile tla ir applications with the Cjunty Hoard of Control on or before tU" oth day of Decenber, 1398. Names of bondsmen must accompany applications. J. AV'IER ADDY, CI rk of the Board. November 5, 1893. ? 3w4 Trespass Notice. 4 LL PERSONS ARE HREE BY POSI | xjL tively forbidden to trespass upon our lauds by hunting, in the day or night i time with tire, fishing, or in any shape or I manner whatever. The law wiil be enforced against all persons violating this notice. S P 811 (JM PERT. . I) E SHUMPERT, E. I. tillUMPERT, November 8. 1898.? 3w2. Final Discharge, I "VOTICE IS HER FRY GIVEN TOPERXi sons interested that I will apply to the Hon C. E E< aphavt, -Iudg~> of Probate in and for the Count*, of L< xirgton, State I ot r outh Carolin t, o:i thei'hh day of NoI vend), r, 1 9S. .,t i) o'clock a tn , for a | linai discharge :-s Administrator of the Es j tite o! .1. W I> in .'h?> au. deee s. d. t II A. SPA>N C C C. 1' and (I S., Administrator. ot ivov ".v. o VtlUUUl AVi'V. - 'J *? ? Final Discharge. | \"ot;ce is hereby given to all : ^ a pt rson.s interested that I will apply to I the Hon, 0. E. Lea;>hart, .Judge of Probate ; in and tor the County of Lexington, t-tate of South Carolina. on the 2i?th day ol No| \ ember, 1SIIS, at I'to'c'ock a. in , for afina! J discharge as Ada 11 i>trator of the Estate of ' Mrs. Mattie ('mnts, deceased. | IJ. A. SPA NX C. C. C. P. atdG. S , Administrator. October 21, Is: is j .v2. Filial Discharge. vOTI7E IS HEREBY GI 'EX TO all | p rs-.jis interested that 1 will apply to the Hon E. Letphart. Judge >f Probate ! :n and tor the County of Lexington, State I of South C ir.'l int. on the 2?!'h day of No ; ven.bcr. IS'."*, a* IP o'clock a in., lor a final : discharge as Administrator of the Estate of Dr Heurv Pell. d2, F. M.. will be held on Saturday, X'.viGjber 'i'itb, 1898. at 3 o'clock i>. rn. Members vriil please b" prompt in at tendance. Uv order of the W. Id. G.M. Haumvx, Secretary. ; 0(0 luPPPOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOD i 0 0 0 highest o ! 0 0 0 Prices Paid lor 0 1 o o 0 HOME RAISED OATS, 0 o GOOD SEED WHEAT, {J JJ POTATOES, EG3S, BEESWAX. " 0 LORIOK & 10WRANCE, 0 0 0 OOOODGOOOOOOCOOOCOCOGOOOOOOOCCO-) I The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. I>y C h Lcipliiiit lv- AAA. a;. ly. i;. l\ T T muli* suit t-> me, to arrant him wj t< rs of Administration "t the Kstatc of and ! effects ol Mis. Eh/thtilt Kl-ckl.-y, deceased ; 'I 1k-o Hi'tr.for-- to c ite and admonish ;d! and singular t!:o kindled and creditors of the said Mrs. I.I /alet'i A. Kierkhy. deceased. th :t t'ieV be all 1 J>]" iV before 1110, ill the (four*. ot I'roh tt--to in.-held at Lexington C. ii , S. . on NoveUihi r 'J I. litXt, after j)ti!>iie;i;ic?n tii-r> of. i;t 11 o'clock m the forenoon. to Mi<< v eius.- it any thev have, why the said Administration should not he L'f lilted (riven and r ?ny hand this l'ith day of Cc'oh r, Anno i? lv'.?s C. ) : ! MAl'ii Mir. J. 1\ L.C. [L.S.] Published on the l'itlidiy of Uctolnr, in the la xina.ou I>isj?:itch. liwl. i Have yuti paid for your paper ' CLOSING OUT SALE. $20,000 Worth IIHY ClllilK IIITIIIYV IIIIVIPIIY ifli i uuwini, .tu l iu.ni, nullum, HIM III AND UilJINERV to be closed out by January 1, 1898. Going out of busiuesa and to make this sale we now cut 25 per cent, below cost. Give us a look and save 75 cents on your purchases. One Upright Piano, good condition, 8lu0 cash. N. W. TRUMP, 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. October 13 lv. DRS. D. 1,. J300ZER & SONS, l|y||DENTiSfS.|f|Si 1515 MAIN STREET, COTfUMHIA, S. C. 'PHONE t>:50. One of the w ill fill appointments at Loxing-ton, 10lii*v Olllco, Thursday, Friday and Saturday bi fore the Second Sunday of each month. Except Jaly and August when there will be no appointment. For months of Febraary, June and September Court Week will tike fi e pi ;ce ot the regular appointment. Southern Fruit Co., W. H. MIXSON, Manager, 217 EAST li.VY, OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE, CI3:^.ieiL.!H:ST02Sr, s. c., MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. I I TT -l?l -r?5 -T?- m f"T" -r? -Tv"1 \y J=j J-Tw JL _1_ J_ _LN w I IN THE FBUIT AND PRODUCE LINE 4 March 16, 1898 ?tf PERKINS MANUFACTURING CO. YELLOW PINE LUMBER, f MANUFACTURERS OF ' TZTG-TZ. GrJ=ZJ?T3E FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, p FINISHINGS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, DOORSjSASII AND BLINDS, AUGUSTA, GA. (?"ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. February 1?ly. YOU WANT ^ To know where to buy Flows. To know where to buy Humes, IIA3IE STRINGS, CLEVISES, LAP PINGS, HOES, AXES, 1 I 1 *? ? mi Kinuo oi FARM IMPLEMENTS, COL LA IiS, J> L IXI)S9 Jilt IDLES., IIAUDWAUE for Your Houses, SHOE SAILS, HOUSE A XI) JIULE SHOES, TlXWAItE AXI) ll'OOI)EX 1VARE, 1 GO TO STEWART & PRENTISS, 1526 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. October 28. lyr. Rev. D. Arthur Phillips. Rock Ilill Buggy Co.. Whitmire S. C'., September 24, 1838. liock Hill, S. C. Dear Sire I have been using one ot your pony plwtons tor four years, to do ail my pastoral and ministerial work. It Las given entire satisfaction. For comfort and durability it is erpial to the best. With a coat of print and slight repairs, just made, it looks and rides like a new buggy. It will lost a long time. No one cau buy a bitter buggy j for the same money, than the "ROCK IIILL." With best wishes for your future. Sincertly yours. A. It. PHILLIPS. "A. Littlo in Price? NOTE?"ROCK IIILL" Baggies are made with the greatest care and from the Lest material obtainable, aud are warranted as represented They cannot, therefore, be sold at the price ot "cheap john" stuff' made hurriedly, painted quick and throwi together. Rut the advance in price is so very iittie above the Western /rush that no sensible man j will object to pay it in order to pet something /