The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 09, 1898, Image 2

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The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt Julv 19, 1894. G. M. BARMAN, Editor and Publisher LEXINGTON, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, XOVTMB1 R 9, 1898. THE ELECIIC1T As far as we have beeu able to ascertain the election yesterday passed < ff quietly, with but few <xcepticns. The indications are that the lie publicans will contiol tie n< xt Congress, but by a greatly reduced maj >rity. "While supremacy has been tirmlv established in Noith Carolina, and t'he negro }oke has been fouver removed from the necks of the whites. The work of Senators Tillman and McLaurin in that State had a telling effect for good, and their names are household words around the firesides in the Old North State. Teddy Roosevelt, Republican, has been elected Governor of New York His connection with the Rough Ri ders and the lorg purses of millionaires did the work. According to all reports received up to this hour the election in this Ktate mssed cff duietl.v, with the) I JL (xcfption of a fatal shooting affair in Greenwood county, near Greenwood, in which youDg Etberedge, white, lost his life at the hands 4 of a buck negro. As soon as the news of the murder became known^bands of aimed white men congregated at the scene of murder and the search for the murderer began. Tolbert and Henderson, two young white men who are said to have incited the negroes to ccmrnit deeds of violence, were captured and executed without judge or jury. Our information is that large bands of whites from Edgefield, Laurens and contiguous counties are hurrying to the scene of the disturbance and the gravest apprehension is felt for the safety of the negroes implicated in the murder. There was a very light vote in this State. To account for this we have only to say that in this State a nomination in the Democratic primary is virtually an elec- | tion. Out of a Democratic vote of about 400 only 88 votes were polled yesterday at this place, and this poll may be taken as a basis for an estimate for what the vote of the county will be. The County Fair. 'Btlow we give a list of the exbibi tors and the articles exhibited at the County Fair, together with the names of those taking a premium: Poultrj' ami l?et. Jesse "WiDgard, Plymouth Rjck, white, pair, 1st premium. Mrs J. H. Counts, Plymouth Kock, 1st premium: male bantam, 1st premium: pair bronze turkeys. 2nd premium. Mrs. Dr. C. E. Leaphoit, pen chickens, G months old, 1st premium. Rice B. Harman, pen white L?g horns, 1st premium; pair chicks, Indian game, 1st premium; Indian game pullet, 1st premium? white Leghorn, females, 1st and 2od premium: white Leghorn, 1st premium on cock Guinea pigs, 1st premium. Meetze Muller, pair bantams, 1st ! premium; pair bantams, 2nd pre- | znium. May B. Meeize, pair bantams, ls-fc premium; pair white bantams, 2nd premium. F. C. Caughmann, rose comb game bantams, 2od premium. Sam J. Leaphart, pair bantams, 2nd premium. Bob Leaphart, game bantams, female, 2nd premium; pen game banw tarns, 1st premium; pair rose comb bantams, 1st premium; male bantam, 2nd premium: male bantam. G. J. AViDgard, black breasted, red game, pit, 1st premium; Indian game, 2nd premium. H. Albert Meetze, black breasted, red game, pen chickens, 1st premium; pair Indian games, 1st premium, eld; black breasted game, 1st; black warhorse game, 1st premium. J. E Seay, Indian game, 1st and 2nd premium, on pullets; 1st piemium on cockerel. J. Paul Corley, pen Brown Leghorns, 1st premium. Mrs. J. J. Leaphart, bronze turkeys, 1st premium. Mrs. D. F. Efird, black turkeys, 2nd premium. Ruth Efird, black turkey, 1st premium. G. W. Hiller, wild turkey, l.-t premium. J. A. Muller, common turkeys, 1st premium: pea fowls, 1st premium. W. K. Hook, white tuikeys, l>t j premium. O. C Leaphait, ducks, common, j 2nd premium. B. B. Swygert, ducks, 1st pre- i mium. M rs. W. W. Barre, ducks, com 1 mom Brooks Wiogard, common ducks, ! 2ud premium. Sidney L. Dreher, Hong Kong | gee6e, 1st premium. ft T'riril 1 -,f r>rp. ! V/C411W J- -J L11 v.?, --V , _ L . iuium: pair geese. Eugene Little, getse, 2^J premium. A- robust, manly son and a cooing btflr^SBamw 1 baby-girl nestling in Ry I ?5%li 1 her bosom ? what VI J ffe \vlj more can any wont/tiff A anly woman ask ? 4^7 ^ It is a boon that C.y Heave n inteuaea should be granted to every woman. Thousands fail of this because they have neglected to look after their health in a womanly way. The health of a woman's babies is dependent upon her own health j during the period of prospective maternity. | The prospective mother cannot be too par-_ I ticular about her physical condition. If she suiters from local weakness, nervous, ness or loss of vigot and virility, her chi] dren will be weak, puny and sickly. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the oulv unfailing cure for all weakness and disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the brunt of maternity. It makes these organs strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It makes the prospective mother strong and cheerful. It rohs maternity of its perils. It insures a baby constitutionally strong. It is the invention of an eminent and skillful specialist, who has had thifty-years' training in this particular branch, during which tjme he and his staff of physicians have prescribed for many thousands of women. Medicines dealers sell it and an honest dealer will not urge upon you an inferior substitute merely iur the little added profit he may make thereon. " I am the mother of a nice baby four and a half months old." writes Mrs. J. B. Cloug'i. (Box 30J.) of hUbon, Grafton Cp.. N JI. "1 caniiot give too much praise to I->r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One " Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Druggists sell them, and nothing is "just as trood." Annie Lou Harrnan, white rabbits, 1st premium. W. Pickens Roof, Jr., fan tailed pigeons, 1st premium. Household Dopartnu'iu. Jtflf H. Riwl, flour. Captain S. M. Roof, flour. wines. J. W. Liodler, Hartford Prolific grape wine, 1st premium: Thomas grape wine; Catawba grape wine; IMeware grape wine, 1st premium: muscadine wine, 1st premium; wild cherry wine. Mrs. J. J. Leaphart, Deleware J grape wine, blackberry wine, 1st premium. Henry Smith, grape wine, 1st pre mium. M. J. and H. R. Hegman, muscadine wine, 2nd premium. Demps George, scuppernong wine, 1st premium. Mrs. G. F. Keisler, blackberry wine. Mrs. C. H. Livingston, blackberry wine; wild cherry wine, noticed by committee. Mrs J. A. Dreher, blackberry wine. Mrs. Reid Iveisler, blackberry wine, 2nd premium. Mrs. Sallie "Wingard, blackberry wine. Mrs. S. P. George, five pounds butter, 1st premium. Mrs. James W. Corley, two pounds butter. Mrs. P. C. Keisler, jar leaf lard, five pounds, 2nd premium: domestic vinegar. JELLIES, JAMS, &.C. Mrs. P. J. WessiDger, jar leaf lard, 1st premium: 10 pounds of hard domestic soap, 1st premium; two siles South Caroliua raised bacon, 1st premium; domestic vinegar? dried blackberries, 1st premium; cucumber pickle, 1st premium? quart syrup, 1st premium; quart sorghum, 1st premium; 20 pounds sorghum sugar 1st premium; caDe sugar, 1st premium. Mrs. W. W. Barre, 20 pounds domestic soap, 2ud premium: apple jelly; blackberry jelly, 1st premium; grape jelly, Concord, 1st premium; green grape jelly; wild grape jelly: haw jelly, 2ud premium: pear jelly, 1st premium; peach jelly, 2nd pre mium; gooseberry jelly, 1st premium: gooseberry j* l!y; huckleberry jelly; 1st Dremium: crab aDnle iellv. 2nd x x x ^ v premium: muscadine jelly, 2nd premium; tame cherry jelly, 2nd premium: wild cherry jelly, 2nd premium, red plum jelly; yellow plum jelly; sugar plum jelly; goose plum jelly; pickle pear, 1st premium; artichoke pickle, 1st premium. Mrs. E B. Caughman, ten pounds hard domestic soap; chow chow pickle, Et premium. Mrs. D. F. Efird, dried peaches; j canned pears; canned blackberries, 2od premium: fig preserves, l?t premium; peach preserves, first premium: quince preserves, quart, 1st premium: chow chow; tomato ca<sup Mrs. T. L. Harman, loaf bread; fig preserves, second premium. Mrs. J. E. Hendrix, rolls, first p~emium: scupperuong jelly; tomato cat sup, second premium. Mrs. S. 0 Kuminer,fruitcake, first premium; chocolate eakp, first premium. Mrs. M. J. Dreher, domestic vine gar: canued peaches; canned plum?:) apple jelly; plum jelly; apple j tm: peach jam; plum j \m; sweet pickle, peach; sweet pickle, pear. *[} I*1 V. K Vil 1? ^ 1 ii'/vlmo jl/. jl -? v.*, u??lm u i a v a v/iiu'i cured, 1st premium. Mrs. P. C. Keiskr, domestic vinegar. Miss J Jessie Berley, domestic viii egar, 1st premium: maugoe pickle, 1st premium; chow chow, '1 nl premium. Miss Taylor, loaf of bread, giil an der 11 year old, 1st premium. Mis. J 11 Counts,canned peaches; canned peaches: pear preserves; scup- | porm>i!?* j.-lly, 2 ad premium; tomato cat mi p. O C Lfjipbaif. oatmed peaches-; pear preseives: j>lum j-U}: plum j uu. 1st. premium: sweet pickles, peacb, 2ud piemium: sweet pickles, pear. Mrs \V 1 ? Tn\ lor canned npftcbes. 1st premium; sweet pickle, peach. Mrs J A. Mailer, canned peaches, white, second petnium: canned peaches, yellow; canned pears, 1st premium: tomato catsup. Miss Sallie Siuart, canned peaches, yellow; canned pears, five year old. Mrs. W. (> M. Berley, canned peaches; canned tomatoes, 1st premium. Miss E ulna J. Dreher (11 and 12) three cans peaches; citron preserves, 1st premium. Mrs. C. M Efird, canned peaches, | canned peaches, yellow: canned peaches: canned peaches. Mrs. J. E. Kaufmann, canned peaches; tomato catsup, first premium; M. J. aod H. li Hegman, canned peaches; canned peais, 2d premium; canned tomatoes; apple j-lly, 2nd. premium; cucumber pickles, 2od premium. Mrs. C. E. Leaphart, canned peaches; muscadine jelly. Mrs. M. D. Harman, canned black" berries, first premium; quince preserves, 2nd premium; apple j<dly, 1st premium; quince jelly, first premium; muscadine jelly; plum ielly; tomato catsup. Mrs. Martha E. Hegman, apple jfcHyMrs. H Albert Meetze, canned tomato, 2nd premium; pear preserve?, five years eld; peach preserves; sweet pickles, peach, 1st premium; sweet pickle, watermelon rind, 1st premium. Mrs. G F. Keisler, fig preserves; pear preserves, 1st premium; 'peach preserves. Mrs. J. A. Dreber, pear presrrvc; peach preserves, 2d premium; watermelon rind preserves, 1st premium. Q liucy Wingard, pear preserves, 2nd premium. Mrs. D Efird, pear preserves. Mrs. C. H. Livingston, peach preserves. Mrs. Q, E CaugbmaD, apple jelly; gooseberry jelly, 2ad piemium. Miss C. A. Harmau, apple jelly: quince j-lly, 2nd premium. Mrs. S. P. George, apple jelly;plum jellyMiss Essie Efird, plum jelly, Mrs. James W. Cjrley, blackberry jelly, 2nd premium? muscadine jelly? muscadine jelly, 1st premium. Merideth Muller, scuppernong jelly; Japan plum jelly. Miss Neomi C. Stuart, gooseberry jelly, 1st premium. Mrs. J. J. Leaphart, sweet pickle, peach; plum sauce, 1st premium. Mrs. S. L. Rawl, sweet pickle, plum, 1st premium. Mis3 Lnaa Hirmiu, onion pickle, 1st premium. George W. Reeder, sorghum syrup, \ quart. Ilorso l)<q)ar<nient, U P. Taylor, stallion, three years old, 1st premium. G F. Keisler, colt, either sex, one year old, 2nd premium. C. W. Caughman, colt, either sex, one year old, 1st premium: single harness horse, county raistd, 1st premium; T. L. Harman and C. W. Ciughman, pair matched horses, either sex, optn to the world, 2nd premium; T. L Harman and C. W. Ciughman, pair matched horses, one of either sex; single harness horse or mare, 2ud premium. T. L. Harman, colt, either sex, two years old; T. L. and V. D. Harman, pair matched horses, county raised, 1st premium; siDgle harness horse, county raised; saddle horse or mare, county raised; T. L Harman and W. H. Berley, pair matched horses either sex, open to world: T. L and A. W. Harman, pair matched horses, one of either sex, county raised; saddle mare, open to the world: single harness horse or mare. Geo. W. Harman, coh, either sex. two years old, 2nd premium: colt, heavy draft, 1st premium; siDgle harness mare, county raised. D. F. Efird, colt, either sex, two years old,1st premium; pair matched horses, county raised, 2nd premium; single harness mare, county raised; saddle horse or mare, county raised, 1st premium; pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world; pair matched horses, one of either sex, county raised, 2nd preminm; saddle mare, open to the worl 1; combination horse or mare. Dr. D. B Boyd, saddle pony, under thirteen hands high, 1st premium: single harness horse or mare. "11" *11? . 1 11 f T. . . 1 11 \\. 1'iCKens u 01, or., sauuie pouj. Doctors Say; I Bilious and Intermittent Fevers ! which prevail in miasmatic dis! tricts are invariably accompan| ied by derangements of the : Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the threat "driving o o wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out oforder, . . . , they whole system becomes deranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills : Cure all Liver Troubles. An Irishn n ^ s*or-v l *ie 'iac^ ^een s0 r P AM O Nn? Cattily,v\ J*/!3iyEnPll \rr\7i\r that he had nc Li 1 1 YA morning. Hou V w ITT^ rnarvelous cure J V^C stipation and liv FOK SA G. M. ILAKMAX AM under thirteen hands high, 2nd premium. G. A. Guignard, pair matched horses. county raised, 1st premium; pair matched mares, county raised, 1st premium: single harness horse county raised, 2ud premium; single harness mare, county raised, 1st premium, saddle horse or mare, county raised, 2ud premium; pair matched horses, one of either sex, county raised; saddle mare, open to the world, 2nd premium; single harness i norse or mare. 0. 0. Drafts, pair matched horses county raised, 2nd premium; single harness horse, county raised; pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world, 1st premium. B. K Kyzer, pair matched mares, county raised, 2nd premium. V. D. Harman, siDgle harness horse, county raised; single harness mare, county raised; pair matched horses, one of either sex, county raised. Jacob F. Raw], single harness horse, county raised. S. J. Leaphart, singe harness horse county raised. Dr. C E Leaphart, single harness horse, county raised. II L. Keisler, single harness horse, county raised; single harness horse or mare. B. B. Swygert, single harness mare, county raised; pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world: pair matched horses, one of either a v Qrwl rirominm. cort/llo mttre r>ni5Tl fc) the world; single harness horse or mare. H. N. Kaminer, single harness mare, county raised. G. J. Harman, single harness mare, countv raised; saddle horse or mare, county raised; saddle mare, open zo the world; single harness horse or mare. T. H. Caughman, saddle harness mare, county raised, 2nd premium; single harness horse or mare; saddle raare, open to^he world,1st premium. J. F. Harman, single harness mare, county raised. w. S. Ktisler, saddle horse or mar% county rai;e 1. Cayce and Guignard, pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world; pair matched horses, one of either horse or mare. W. H. Berley, single harness horse or mare. J. 1\ McCartha, pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world, 1st premium. W. C. Shull, iron grey horse, saddle, open to the world; single harness horse or mare. B. B. Cayce, saddle mare, open to the world; combination horse or mare. D. J. and W. M. Caughman, pair matched horses, either sex, open to the world, 2ad premium. D. J. Caughman, pair matched horses; one of either sex, county raised, 1st premium; pair matched horses, one of either sex, 1st pre - !_ 1 - 1 1 mium; single narness uorse or mart-, 2nd premium. W. M. Caughman, single harness mire; single harness horse or mare. J. A. Wolfe, saddle mare, open to the world. Dr. E. J. Erheredge, saddle mare, open to the world; saddle horse, open to the world. J. W. Lindler, single harness horse or mare. T. H. Meighan, single harness horse or mare. Jim Wise, single harness horse or mare. 0. C. Leapbart, single harness horse or mare. C. Clay Roberts, single harness horse, 2nd premium. H. H. Cithcart, single harness j mare, 1st premium. T. J. Leapbart, siugle harness j horse or mare. W. P. Hut to, single harness horse, j 1st premium. J. C. Shealy, single harness horse,: open to the world. Crayton Shull, special premium, lap robe, offered by J. L. Mimnaugb. | | Continued. Don't Neglect Your Liver. X.iver troubles quickly result in serious :oraplicati<>ns, and the man who neglects his iver has little regard for health. A bottle >f Browns' Iron Bitters taken now ami then rill keep the liver in perfect order. If the Ibe.t o has developed, Browns'Iron Bitters will euro it permanently. Stivmnh and J vitality - will always follow its use. Brown/ Iron Bitters is sold by ull dealers. ! . . . . A matt named Duunittg, formerly elitorof (he National Watchman,! published in Washington, claims lo, have written every speech delivered I - .* by Senator McLiurin, while he wr.s a Representative, and will sue the ; Senator fur pay. The Senator denies the alleg'.tious and says that it is an attempt at black mail because he: refused to do Dunning a favor. The friends of the Senator take the same view of the matter. I lan's Joke. r is told of an Irishman, who said nuch relieved of constipation by is ^AndTonic Pellets. J >\v a complete avocation every I ever much of a joke, it is a most | for all forms of biliousness, con- I x 'cr uuuuica. -i) j LE IJY ) J.E. KAUFMAyy. Heme and Fa-n. By special arrangements we offer the Heme and Farm, the leading farm atd home paper, published iu Louisville, Ky., and the Dispatch fur ?1 25. Those of our subscribers who desire to subscribe fur the Home and Farm, can do so by sending 25c in silver or stamps to this ofliee. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. ''Disease fastened its A! H f <na Y\ onrl onron VOOrC LiUltUUO U^/WU UCi QUUiUl OV/ ? VU J v u * c she withstood its severest tests, but her vitc.l organs were undermined and seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night: and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C Hammick & Co , of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle3 free at J. E. Kaufmann's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Wioslow's Sooth CI f LM 1 i. _ . i 1. : Ti ing oyrup ior cnuuren teeming. xi soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhccr. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. ( - - ? ? Cheap Books for 20 Days. I have on hand a few nice Bibles worth 82 50, which I will sell at 8150, from now until November 1st. These are the Bagster Sunday School teachers bibles and will give satis faction. Respectfully, W. M. Harder, Lexington, S. C. Wanted. 1,000 pounds of beeswax, in large or small quantities. Highest market price paid by, R. B. Harman, at the Bazaar. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY THE MERCHANTS Bacon Hams, per ft s a 1<? Sides. " " 6/2 a Shoulders, " i a Lard, per ft ? a * Flour, per cwt 'io.i a 250 | Corn, per bu 55 a co Peas, " " co a 65 Oats. " " 35 a 45 Fodder, per cwt. "5 a*o Sweet Potatoes, per bu 50 a co Rice, per lb Butter, per ft. '. 15 a '-<> Eggs', per doz lo a 12J-S TurKey3, per lb * a to Geese, per pr 60 a so Chickens, per head io a -'5 Beeswax, per ft 15 a 20 I Beef, per ft 8 & lo | Pork. " " 8 a io ; Tallow, per ft 4 a 5 COTTON MARKET. j Lexington .?MiddFng 5%. I Columbia.?Middling, 5. i Charleston,?Middling. 4}i, i Augusta,?Middling. 5. vNEWv :nnnrmv minr limit tn i jiunt. EVERYTHING FRESH and at PRICES LOWER THAN ANY RETAIL HOUSE IN THE CITY. If you wish to SAVE MONEY in buying Groceries call at H. C. BAILEY'S Acvr (iroccrv Store. / 1621 MAIN ST,. COLUMBIA, S. C. October 26, THE 3 SPIRITTINE REMEDIES. I J < Endorsed by some of the Leading M dical : Profession. No Quack or Patent Med- | icine, but j . NATURE'S PURE REMEDIED. Admitted into the Worl 1 Columt iau Expo- ! sitiou in 1893. Use Spirittine Rtlsain for Rheumatism. ! T umonncc Sinrtiirna Snrp Thr/uif , ~ , Use ^pirittino Inbilent lor Consumption, j Consumptive Coughs, Catarrh, Ah thorn j and La Grippe. Spirittine Ointment is indispensable in the treatment of Skin Diseases, Cure Itch, Itching Piles. In consequence of the astonishing sue- j cess in removing diseases, its demand now comes not alone Irotn this vicinity but from everywhete in the United States aud Enr pe. Wholesale and Retail by G. M HARMAN. { Lexington S. C. 1 * fU\f\e i vn i vii bit i mil n at avnn miiii iin lituiin mm. K V?EST GOODS. BEST MAKES. STOVES FROM $2.75 UP. /'V it r It/intH'K ft ml C/miimni C/Mils Siir.iwx in Ku If /ill (!/i<qs>h - ? ? V " V v.?f " ? V "'Aft f/l V I * ?7 t V *;*! I t tf I V M? ?-?Ol O r>/ Trade. Call and Examine oar Slock and be Conduced of onr Exceed in(fl ij J .on' Prices in Mores and fill Kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, C MOCKERY, CLASS, I .AMPS, CUTLERY, ETC. Till Oil RILIAilll UNA IIAIl J. G. STANLEY & BRO., ColVLrri.ToIa., S_ C. F.fptembf-r 21?3m. Gorgeous Exhibition OK nri k TTfrrnTTT nnnoti nnnno dlau i if ul miruuuo. \\ hat lovely goods! and similar expressions of wonder, amazement and delight can he heard all through the elegant establishments of J. L. Mimnaugii A Co.. as the fair creature with dazzling eyes and pleased expression views the granduer and magnificence of lovely display of all the latest patterns in fashionable dress goods. The next exclamation is oh, my! how cheap? when the polite and attentive salesman names the price. Purchasers of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats, Gent's Furishings. Millinery, Shoes, or any imaginable article in the wearing line, remember that a visit to Mimnaugh's Four Big Depal trnent Stores will amply repay you. mimxaugii has the largest stock. mi mx aug h has the best goods. mimxaugh ri t ct Tfjn.i 4 nwcT j. l+'ljj ahj'j ljix/ylzmv/ljl EVERY DAY IS A lllRliVIV DAY! J. L. MIMNAUGH & 00., COLUMBIA, C. September. 22. SEED WHEAT, Seed Iti, Eye, Barley, Clover, G-EiiS?ES, ETC. UlilO AH# FIELD SEEDS I THEIR SEASON. Reliable Coeds. tor SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. c MICKS MICH LO Willi Til AX USUALLY PAID. LORICK & LO WRANCE, COLTTHBIJi, S. C. Jan. 1.?lv. THE ARMITAfiE i'FO GO.,! i'iOf) to '>.'>()() Wilt id ot.sbtt >v/ A route, "t r*i t^t -N /r "kt tt a MAM ; I" A CT LRi; RS OI" ASPHALT, READY ROOFING, TARRED FELTS, READY MIXED PAINT,SA&i Ui" Wxice fur Samples ami Prices. 47?9m Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given to all p. rsons interested that I will ? pply to the Hon C E. Leaphart. Judge of l'ronate in and for theOoun vol Lexirgton, State of South Carolina on the 11th daj of Novemb< r lhOS. fi r a final discharge as Execntor of the Es'ateo! William H illinan. deceased. , ED It HALLMAN, Executor. October 11. lbUS - 5a 52. moqeg Saved Piano and Organ lingers. Factory Price*. - - - - i No Agents Commiiiioni. ' T.ttryman hi* own Agtnt. Pianos and Organd from Maker direct to Purchaser, and all Intermediate Profits saved. Important Announcement. In order to bring Maker and Consumer closer together, and reduce cost of instruments to purchasers, we have discontinued all Local Agencies in the territory supplied bv our Savannah House, and in future shall sell our well known. Standard Instruments direct (o jturchattrt, and without the aid of Agents. ^ Agents Commissions Saved. Write Us. Its easy to buv from us by c'OTresjionrie-nce and entirely saie. wciaKeau nsn anu Kmvrmn to please or no sale. Write for Special Offers, Fail 1308. Address, ^ LUDDEN & BATES, M SAVANNAH. OA. ' 7S,ooo Pianos and Organs sold by us in tho South since 1870, FANCY POULTRY ' Fait NALE, Indian Banner Ducks, 1 Cayuga Ducks, Black 31 in areas, 5 Barred Hocks, S. C, Buff Leghorns. Cornish Indian Games, c 7 Buff Pel:in Bantams, Pit Games, f /f tl/fall/f 11D , ^ """" w*i/???????, J). Game Bantams. 8aT Prices reasonable. Write for wants. M. V. DECKER, ^ COLUMBIANA, OHIO. ^ SOUTHERN SHORTHAND The leading business school of the South, located In the most progressive city. Over 7,000 graduates in positions. Places its pupils in positions daily. Low rates. Superb equipment, bank references. Enter now. Catalogue free. Mention this paper. Address, A. C. BRISCOE, President, j or L. W. ARNOLD. Vice-President. Atlanta. Oa. | SENT FREE to housekeepers? Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK, telling how to prepare many delicate and delicious d shes. Address. Liebig Co , P. 0. Bjx 2718, New J York. I TAX COLLECTION. I WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING mentioned places lor the purpose of receiving taxes for the fiscal year 1898, viz: Lexington C. H., from 15th to 30th Octo- _ ^ ber, 1893, inclusive. Jos W. Reeder's, morning, Nov. 9th. J.J. Mack's, afternoon, Nov. 9th. Swansea. Nov. 10th. Sandy Run. morning, Nov. 11th. w. N. Martin's, afternoon. Nov. 11th. Brook land, Nov. 12th. ^ G F. Keisler's, morning, Nov. 14th. Craps' Mill, afternoon. Nov. 14th. Lewiedale. morning, Nov. 24 h. Summit, afternoon. Nov. 24th. I eesville, Nov. 25th Batesburg, Nov. 26th. Samaria, morning, Nov. 27th. Lexington C. H.. from 28:h Novemberto 31st of December, 1898, at which time the Tax Book will close and the 15 per cent, penalty will be added. ^ J For State purposes, five mills, j 5 ^ ' Constitutional School tax 3 " Ordinary County tax 3 " Past Indebtedness, \ Total mills 11J ." For interest on Railroad Bonds in Fork Township, two mills (2). For interest on Railroad Bonds in Broad River and Saluda Townships, two and one* ^ fourth mi Is (Vj) For retiring Railroad Bonds in each of the above townships, one mill (1). For Attorney's lees in each of the above townships, one and one-fourth mills <]}). E. L WINGARD, Treasurer Lexington Co., o. C. Sept. 20. 1898 ?td. / Final Discharge. J Vj-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JLl persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. C E Leaphart. Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 2nd day of De- ^ cember. Ife'JS, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of Mrs Maria A. Johns, deceased. I A. CACGHMAN, Execotor, November 1, 1993.?3wl. M WANTED?Agents for the "History of the Spiuifh-American War," by Hon, Henry Watterson. A complete, authentic. t history; illustrated with over 76 fu.l page halt-tones and many richly coloied pictures. Lirge royal octavo, superb outfit, postpaid for only oOcents(stamps taken.) Mostliberal teims given. The greatest opportunity of the year. Address: The Webxee Company. Akron, Ohio. 6w4. OSBORNE'S A uguata, <Ja. Actual Business. No Text Boot* [ Short time. Cheap board. Send for Catalogue. ? Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Estate of the late Isaac Alewine must m;tkc immediate payment to the undersignal, and all ptr oas he k ing claims against said Estate must present the same, duly attested, to me oi or be ore the 1st day of December, 18'J8 D J. GRtlFITl, E: e :utor. October 24t j, 1898. ? 3w.52. Notice. \ LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 1X against the firm of Shtimpert & Miller will please pres nt them to the undersigned on or before November 2 >th. 1891 S. P. SHl'MPERT, October 24, 1898, Hairs, S. C. 4v>2. nil. (II IS.!. ST Will. Surgeon Dentist, 14ti3 31 ft in Over Messrs. Stantlej Bros'. China Store. (Y. M. C. A. Building.) COLU3IBIA, S. C. January 16 ? ly. STEADY INCOMES+ V Week. Either Sex. 1*1' start you in the% Mail Order Business dav or evening ^ M. YOUNG, rJ 3? Henry St.. Brooklyn. S. Y.