c?b? ??ca?mn The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1898. Indez to ITe'v Advertisements Stoves?J. C. Stanley & Bro. t * Final Discharge?I. A. Caughman. Wanted?The Werner Company. Osborne's Business College. Not ices will be inserted in the Local department at the uniform price of 5 cents yer line, to one and aU.js?\ Dr.BnlTs gu. COUCH SYRUP Will cure a Cough or Cold at once. It positively relieves all throat troubles. Small doses. Price 25 cents at druggists. Wantei. 40,000 No. 1 pine shiDgles, at once, by Killian Harman, Lexington, S. C [ Members Take Notice. I desire to see all tbe members of Hebron church present next Sunday at the church, at 11 o'clock, a. m. W. M. HardeD, P. C. Cental Notice. Dr. J. E. Boozer will be here Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nov. 11th, 12tb, and 13th prepared to do Dental work. Those wishing prompt attention will please call at Dr. J. E. Kaufmann's Drug Store and procure a postal card for appointment, sev- i eral dayk in advance. An Uncertain Dlse&ae. | There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dj-spepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two?ases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct ( diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under what disguise dyspepsia attacks you. Browns' ! flron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold br all dealers- , Large Pecans. Clerk of the Cjurt Spann has our thanks for some samples of fine pe- ^ cans which were grown on his farm near Leesville. They are very large and the meat i3 finely flavored, crisp J and sweet. He has a grove of fifteen < trees and if he should conclude to * < - xi l--x 1 \A put toe nuts on me mamvi ue wyuiu j undoubtedly realize more from them ] than he would from the same amount of land these trees cover were it planted in cotton. No Cure?No Pay. That is the way all druggists sell ? - Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for 3 Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. ] Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating Ionics. Price, 50c Be Prompt. "We were misinformed as to the 1 time for the openiog of the Cbarter 1 Oak school. It will open on the 1st 3 Monday in November, instead of the first day of that month as previously i announced. Patrons and pupils will i take note of this correction and the 1 pupils should be prompt in attendance at the school house next Mon- ? day, as Prof. Dreher, the principal, i will be there to arrange the classes and assign the lessons. A Clevgr Trick. , It certainly looks like it, but there ? is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and ^ " Weak Kidneys^CP^laria or nervous x t-r/Mikloo TVo mooV hp pan fiUT6 ilUUV/iCC** IT W ? ? ^ himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stirru- 8 lant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood ? purifier and nerve tonic. It cures ? Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy, c It is purely vegetable, a mild laxa- i tive, and restores the system to its ] natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a j miracle worker. Every bottle guar- ( anteed. Only 50c a bottle at J. E. | Kaufmann's Drug Store. ? ( State Flower. State Superintendent of Education ? Mayfield says, in a circular, that this < State has no State Flower and he ] wants the teachers of the schools to permit their pupils to vote for tte llewer of their choice on Aibor Day, which i9 the third Friday in this | month. Those schools in this county which have an election for this purnose, the teachers are requested to j 1 M. ' report the result to the Cjuoty Su- 1 perinteudent of Education, who will 1 tabulate the vote of the county and 1 report to the State Superintendent of Education, who will announce the ( result. i Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver ' Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, Kil i nnc n PCC mnLflP *uy uiuvuaiu .. constipation,- jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. I -o Hilton's Iodoform Liniment will kill the poison from poison Ivy, i counteract poison from bites of j snakes, stings of insects. In a sure i cure for sore throat. Will cure any case of sore mouth. 2oc. PENCIL AXD SCISSORS. Wayside Note* Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Kan. Salesday Monday. Now for the State Fair. Have you seen the comet ? Yesterday was All Saiuts Day. Cotton has a downward tendency. "We are having beautiful weather now*. The days are growing beautifullyless. Overcoats do not now* look out of season. Read the legal sales advertised in tbis paper. Many farmers have prepared their lands for wheat. Fine French, plain and stick candy, at the Bazaar. The forests now present a varigated appearance. Hogs are being fattened for the knife of the butcher. The glorious harvest moon shines in all its brilliancy. Happy is the man whose barns and smoke house are full. Our market is now well supplied with farm and garden truck. Chickens and eggs are beginning to find their way to our market. Rbbon cane is being cut and molasses making i9 in full blast. Those who are so fortunate to own a natch are dif?f*iner notatoes. I w JT OO OA The war has ended, but there is no end for the use of war revenue stamps. The editor of this paper has two Df as fine hogs as we have seen this season. Bicycle ridiDg seems to be a fad with the colored people, as well as Lhe whites. Mr. Willie Kawl, left Monday on bis way to join his regiment, the 2nd Seorgia. The prudent housewife is overhauling and mending up last winter's 2lothes. Sweet mountain butter, cabbage, potatoes, onions, chestnuts, at the Bazaar. When you have anything to sell jse the columns of the Dispatch to make it known. Through the medium of the State Fair all branches of industry including stock have been greatly improved. If you lose your soul it will not be because there are hypocrits in the jhurch, but because there is sin in four own heart. Norway is the only country in the ivoild which is not increasing its annual yield of cereals. The reason is bund in climatic condiiions. We learn that Mr. Jake Kjzer, vbo has been residing in town for a 3umber of years, will move back to lis farm in the near future. We have just received a large shipment of Northern cabbage which ve will sell at a reduced pi ice. Meetze & Son. We hope the next cbaDge in the schedule of the Southern Railway vill give us a morniDg train to and m evening train from Columbia. The single standard seems to have >rought prosperity to the rich, vhile the poor are still hustling and ligging for bread and meat. The extensive sale of live stock at motion during Fair week will give ill an opportunity to improve their itcck. Sales are positive. Mrs. Slocum (to her husband's ;hum)?Tom, I wish you'd break rim of playing poker. The Chum? [ did break him only last night. One of the best lines of the most i 'ashionable shoes for ladies, men and ihildren in the latest shapes aDd :oes. Cull and see t! em at Meetze k Son's. Wise men are instructed by reason; men of less understanding by experience; the most ignorant by oecessit}; and the beast by nature. Sm J e?S*A*SF^eF Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use gS in time. Sold by druggists. r*l Voters are required to show both their registration certificate and poll tax receipt to the managers before they can vote next Tuesday. Keep this in mind. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acis at once. J E. Kaufmann. Col. Thomas W. Holloway, Secretary of the State Fair, was an interested spectator of our County Fair. He expressed himself a3 ddightid with what he saw. While the school children are bein* taught the principles of the ' Three lis," the furmers are studying the value of the "Three HV? hog, hominy and Lome. rr" * "? ? -1 ^ lue Durnoer ana vaiue ui iuu pcmiurns offered by the Slate Fair, surpass those of previous years, is the success of the *98 fair promises to surpass all previous records. GRIPPE Grippe and influenza invariably leave the system with a bad cough. For such Dr. John \V. Bull's Cough Syrup is highly recommended. This wonderful remedy gives relief at once, conquers the worst cough overnight and soon effects a thorough cure. DtiBnHb COUCIi SYKUt* Cures Grippe and Influenza. Doses are small ana pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. 1'rice .25 cts. At all druggists. ?\Irs. H. G Barre has opened at Lscsville a beautiful line of sew inilinery goods and asks the ladies to call and examine her goods before going elsewhere. "Will sell to suit the 5 cents cotton. A black silk parasol, one bkck g >ve and a black net veil were left in the ladies waiting room in tte Fair building, the owner caD get them by calling on Mrs. M. D. Harman. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWiti's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. E. Kaufmann. Ellen Hampton, a prominent colored woman of this place, died at her home, near the Fair grounds yesterday morning, and her remains were interred in the Fort burjiDg , grounds today. Father?But you have no means i ai d no prospects. If I give my ' daughter to you, what is to become 1 of hei? Suitor? Well, sir, you are a ] wealthy man, and you are surely not : going to see your daughter starve. i "Ob, oh!" exclaimed Mrs. B, ' crazed with toothache, "why can't people be born without teeth?'' If 1 I you will recollect a moment, my dear," replied Mr.JB., "you will be ' coivinced that such is the fact." For broken surfaces, sores, insect , I # 1 j bites, burns, skin diseases and espe- , | cially piles there is one reliable rem- 1 edy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. E Kaufmann. It is the duty of every Christian to wait upon the Lord in his own tabernacle, therefore tjie pastor of the Methodist, church at this place expects to see every Christian in i ?i : IUWU WUU ale IJUu piu VlUCUliaujr hindered at prayer meeting tomorrow night. Our collector is on the war path and is armed with numerous bills which he is anxious to exchange with as many delinquent subscribers for the Almighty dollar, meet him at the various appointments of the County Treasurer and have your receipt receipted. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Stone, died last Friday night and was buried in the Gross graveyard Saturday. The beautiful young flower was too delicate and frail to stand the storms and winters of this life, so God took the tender bud into his own keeping and transplanted it in the heavenly garden. Capt. S. M. Roof has our thanks for a sack of flour. The flour was made at his mill on Twelve Mile creek, and it is white, nutricious and sweet and makes delicious biscuits, bread and pastry. It is surprising that when such superior quality of flour can be made from home grown wheat that people will persist in buying an inferior article of Northern manufacture. The State Fair is coming on apace ' and one at least ont of nearly every family in the connty will attend. ^ For the information of those who go to Columbia, we mention that one of i the most attractive places in that c city is Piatt, Hook & Shull, who keep the best line of family and ] plantation groceries which they sell at the lowest possible prices. Those i who go to the city to lay in their supplies should certainly call at this t store otherwise they will lose money. ' A word to the wise is sufficient. 2 Mr. U X. Gunter, Jr., formerly cf Bttesburg, this county, but now of Spartanburg, has been appointed Assistant Attorney General by At- I torney General Barber, vice Judge 1 Townsend resigned. Mr. Gunter has '< also received the offer of the same position under Attorney General Belliu- < ger. Judge JLownsend goes to Washington to serve as private Secretary 1 to Senator McLauiin. < Millions Given Away. It is ceitaiuly gratifying to the public to kuow of one concern in the j land who are not afraid to be genc-r < ous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New ! Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have edven avvav over ten ' "* n ? - v million trial buttles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless case?. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all ! diseases of the Throat, Chest and ! L lugs are surely cured by it. Call on J. E. Kaufmann, Druggist, and get a trial bottle free. Kegular size 50o. and$l. Every bottle Guaranteed or price refunded. i Ths Pageant cf the Era. The Adam Fmepaugb aod Sel's Brotheis>,/StU|>"udous Consolidated Stru t Parades. If thing of beauty is a joy forever," one of the grandest and most sensational beauties most certainly I should attract unanimous attendance, andas the united street pai ales of the Great Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' eDormous combined shows more than till the bill in the latter inspect, it j may be assumed that their first appearance in Columbia, on the morn- I ing of Friday, November 18, will see assembled many thousands of spectators from everywhere within a radius of fifty miles or more, and more j especially as the low excursion rates J will prove an additional inducement j to come. Erchof the big shows i named has heretofore given a parade' well worth seeing, and something outsplendoring all past productions of the kind may be counted on when their two parades are blended in one huge march, with many signal new attractions added. There is a host and plethora of impressive and allur ing sights, such as the two biggest herds of biggest elephants, a splendid menagerie of rare and savage wild beasts in great open and performing dens, Cleopatra's historically gorgeous royal barge of state, hundreds of the finest horses ever har nessed and all elegantly caparisoned, the biggest and costliest chariot of the nations, bearing upon its summit the goddess of liberty and a living lion loose at her feet, car of Juggernaut drawn by elephants and carrying an elephant high in air, chariot }f Euterpe, carrying Merrick's Military Band of twenty-eight soloists, md drawn by a team of twent}-four borsee, twelve coal black aeu twelve mow white beauties, hitched alternately, forming a massive, moving rquine checker board, more and more elegantly costumed people than were ever before seen in an arenic parade, a hundred lavishly decorated ?hariots, cages and fairyland equip iges, an Asiatic caravan of giant 2am els and dromedaries and an almost incomputable wealth and variety ef other fascinating displays. (PYNY-PECTORALj * A QUICK CURE FOR 7 | COUGHS AND COLDS. 1 f VERY VALUABLE remedy in all 7 7 affections of the 7 | THROAT OR LUNGS. | 7 Large Bottles, 25c. (|< | DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lim., | y Prop's of Perry Davis' Pain-Kiuer. 7 ? FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "The Battle of Manila " One of the great features of the State Fair, and one which will attract a large number of visitors to the fair s the grand spectacular display of ireworks and Pain's Battle of Manila. Ct is said that it will be the greatest md most magnificent production of Dhrotechny ever seen in Columbia, md everybody in the county should >ee it. Dewey has fought the wonderful battle of Manila, the success of vhich startled the civilized nations of ;he world and they acknowledged the juperioiity of American generalship, gunnery and seamanship. You could lot witness the actual battle, but, for i trifling consideration you can wit less a true and faithful reproduction )f all its details, by* visiting Cklumlia during Fair week, November 15, 16 and 17. Tots From the Cress Eoads. Io the Editor of the Dispatch: We are having some very fine veather for sowing small grain. The health of our community is rery good, there being only a few :ase3 of fever. I am very glad to see Mr. B. J. Derrick out with us again. Mr. Ben Hiller went to town last veek on business. Mr. William McCartha had one of hose old time corn shuckings last rhursday night. It was eDj >yed by ill who were present. Mrs. Joe Epting and child, of near tr:w? LJLllLUU, >CIJr >Y1L1I IOCI. Mrs Willie Sarette is still confined i to bed with chill and fever. I hope it J will not be long until she will be out igain. R B. Hiller is buying a great deal of cotton this fall. Mr. Calvin Slice lost a very fine horse the other week from an attack of colic. I sympathize with him for bis loss. C. W. Eargle was visiting L. E. j Bickley's last week. G. W. Williams, and son Henry, j have about finished painting the j church at Spring Hill. 1\Tre T.cvino Tx nnn ftn/1 rlanohtpr ; .I'-l". to-? I ire visitiug George Bicklej's this ! week. S. Valnnblc to Women. | Especially valuable to women is Browns' j Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache i disappears, strength takes the place of weakness, nr.d the plow of health readily comes to the pallid cheek when this won- i dcrful remedy is taken. For sickly children j cr overworked men it has no equal. Xohonie i should he without this famous' remedy. | Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by ail dealers, j - The Chinese divide their day into 12 purts of two hours each. To borrow is humau; to forget all about it is still more so. A Cure for Sleeplessness. I con-m need u-ing 'onr Ramon'* Liver Pills A Tonic Pellets ilie first of Ia comber. 8!tC tor rieart and Liver trouble I vill u vcr orsret the ?ood ttiev have done nie. I could not sleep, was short of bie.tlh and. in fact, couitl m?t woik anv. i nave t a few box s ami t) day I feel as well t>s I evtr did in tny l:'e ? (i M. lirit' 0:1. 11 ?I brook, W. Va. For :sa e by G V. Ila-m u and J. E. I\aurnian:i. Tw Our Subscribers?Important. The Quaker Valley Mfg. Co . of Chicago have it quested us to auncuiiCe that they have severs'1 thnumnd sets of the finest coin silverp.sited War Memorial ."pooiis leftover from their neeiit distribution. They will mail, postpaid, a full set < f six of these spoons to every subscriber to the Dispatch wh > will send name and address -a postal card will do. It, on receipt of the spoons, you find them the most exquisitely beautiful specimens ol the silversmith's art jon ever saw, and worth $:5bti remit 7S cents, as pajment in full, within lib days; it not - -- o: 4. i_ pleased, return spoons ujnieui.oie^. .t-inu spoon is of a different ibsign -after dinner coffee size?showing soldiers in can p in Cuba. Mo^ro C istle and foor U. S. Battleships They are imperishable tuememtoes of the late w.-.r, and every subscriber should accept this most remarkable ?tier, aud obtain a set before it is too late. All that's necessary is to sav you're a subscriber to the Dispatch (this is important) and that you accept Memorial Spoon offer. Address Quaker Valley Mfg. Co., 357 W. Harrison btrtct, Chicago, III Filial Discharge, Notice is hereby given topersons interested that I will apply to the Hon. C. E Leaphart, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 2 nth day of November, 189$. at 10 o'clock a ni , for a final discharge us Administrator of the Es tite of J. W. Btugbmau. deceased. H A. SPANN, C. C C. P.audG. S., Administrator. October 25. D9$. 5-. 2 Final Discharge. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL il persons interested that I will apply to the Hon, C, E. Leaphart, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexingtou, 8tale of South Carolina, on the 20th day of November, 189$, at lOo'c'ock a. m , for a final discbarge as Adu inistrator of the Estate of Mrs. Mattie Counts, deceased. II. A. SPANN. C. C. C. P. and G S., Administrator. October 25. 1898?5w2. Final Discharge. ~VrOTI3E 1$ HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JLx persons interested that I will apply co the Hon C. E. Leaphart, Judge of Probate in and tor the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 2Gth day of No vember, 1898, at 10 o'clock a in., forafiual discharge as Administrator of the Estate of Dr Henry Bell, deceased. H. A. SPANN, C. C. C. P. and G. S., Administrator. October 25. 189$.- 5w2. BY YIKTUE OF A DECRETAL OR der of the Conrt of Common Pitas lor Lexington County, South Carolina, ir.. the case of Cora Dooiinick, Lizz e Demi nick, Fred. II Lorn n;ck, J. Claude D.-minick. Harrv W. Dou inick and Mazie Mabel Dominick, the four of whom sue by their guardian ad litem, G. M. Efird, and C. M. Efird. assignee, plaintiffs, agaiDst J W, Sandel. defendant, I wi 1 sell to the highest bidder at. public outcry, before the court house door iu Lexirgton. S. 0 , during the usual hours of sale, on the First Monday in November ncx : (1) "That certain lot or parcel of land in the said State and County, containing one (1) acre, more or ess, and known as the Stable Tract ' bounded north by the Columbia and Newberry Bead. and on all other sides by lauds of Levi Stuck." (2.) "Also that parcel of laud in the said County, 'known as the School House' Tract,' containing three (3) acres, more or less, and bounded west by Hog Branch road, north by lands of Edward Summer, and otherwise by lands of Levi Stuck." (3). Also a tract of land in the said County, containing twenty and threefourths acres, more or less, and bounded by Hog B.anch road, and lands of Willie Haiti wacger. Edward Summer and Levi Stuck, the same being known as the 'New Ground Tract (1). "Also a lot in the town of Peak, in said County, containing two (2) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of J. C. Swjgjrt, O. L. Majer, the road to De^ot * ? 5- / 1- ? i T-i tt r\ : ana janas ;ormeriy ownea uy x. n. jlvuiuinick." TERMS: ?One third cash; the balance in two eqnal successive annual instalments, with interest lrorn day o' eale secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to purchaser to pay ail cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. H A. SPANN, C. C C P. and G S. Clerk's Office. October 15, 1898. 3w51. BY VIR1UE OF THE DECREE OF the Court of Common Pleas for Lexington County South Carolina, in the case of A. J. Hallman, plaintiff, against E. R Hallman. Loutta Anderson alias Roddy AndersoD, Mattie Hallman. John Halhuan, and William Hallman, defendan's, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington. South Carolina, diring the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November, next; All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in tie County of Lexington, au I Stite aforesaid, containing one hundred and sev< nty-five acres, more or less, bounded on the north by the public road leading from Columbia. S. C . to Augusta, Ga., and is known as the Augusta road, on the South by lauds ol E. R. II ill man, east b) lands of Isaac Alewine and Estate lauds of Lewie, and on the west bylands of A. J. Hallman. TERMS OF SALE:-One-half cash; the balance in twelve montl.s, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises cnlA tvitli Imvc rvi v nil Twpnte V.V4V4, ?.4V~ .S.W-W five dollars to be paid down cash, or at the expiration of un honr. the premises to be refold without further notice. Purchaser to pav for papers and revtnne stamps. H. A. SPANN. C. C. C. P. and G. S. C.erk's Office, October 11, ISOS. Attorney for p'aintift*. G. T. Graham; for defendants, P. L. As bill. c woO. OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOGOOOOCOO 0 0 0 HIGHEST 0 0 0 0 Prices Paid lor 0 0 0 0 HOME RAISED OATS, 0 0 GOOD SEED WHEAT, ? jj POTATOES, EGGS, BEESWAX. " 0 LORICK & LOWRANCE, 0 0 0 ooooouooocoooooooooooooooooooooo I I The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By C E. Leapbart. Esquire, Probate Judge. TTTHERE.W, H A. S"ANN, C C. C. P. \\ m tde s lit to ine, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kleckley, deceased ; 'i hese are therefore to cite and admotii.-h all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. thzabeth A. Kleckley. ?loceased, that they be and appear before me. in the Court of Probate to b? held at Lexington C. II, S. C , on November *21. next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in flic forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted Given under my hand, this Pith day of Y V.K1TK Otf' THE D: CREE OF ) ilit Louise T. Duncan, defendant I w?ll at public auction to the liipli. -i bi.Ph r i>< hue the court botn-e door of said county, within the lepil hours of saV onthctirst Monday of November. 1*98, tu x*. it wh 1 : A'i that c rtaiu puce, parcel, or tract ol land, situate, 1;. inland bcin ? iu the comity ot Lexington and State ot South Cirolina, containing twenty-iight and one-half acres, uicre ( r le-s. and bound-, d uu the west by lot ot A I). Shtiil: north by lands, now or torn e n of Ma; r-n': lv.st by the C?-ii;;aref ri1' r iiii ! omh by I.iiul t now ot lonm-ry oi M tyrants. being the land that ?as coiivtyiil b\ John Dunn to William M -Joynor by dewl dated the 3rd day ot November, 1SS1, and by the above named plaintiffs, as heirs at law of the said William M. Joyner, now deeeast tl. conveyed to this defendant by d< ed bearing date the l'.'th day of Juno, iS'JT. and recorded in the nflL'e ol the Cierk of the Court of said county in Deed IJook N N, page 3*vf Also all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land in tin- county of Lexington and in the Stab- of S >uth Carolina, on the nortLtru side ot the road lending trom the Columbia bridge to tlie S dudi Factory and bounded as follows: On the north by the twei tv-eight and one half acre tract above described: east by lot of Sewell and mtastiring tliereon fifty-nine leet, inr rj or less, ami south and east by the said road, and measuring thereon one hundred and seventy feet, more or less, being the lot conveyed to Jemima Joyner by John W. Peavy by his deed, dated the 11th day ol September. 18N9, and recorded in the office of R. M C of said county in Book "T i", page 41). The saiil tract of land herein described, being the same tract of laud as that conveyed by the said plaintiffs to the said defendant by d>e l, bearing date the 15th day of June, 1896 Terms of sale: - One-half cash, and balance payable in one year Iroiu date with interest, secured by bond ot the p ;rchaser and a mortgage of premisee sold, with privilege to piy cash. The purchaser will be required to piy one fittli ol the cash portion ol his bid upon the completion of the said sale, or in default of such compliance the premises will be immediately resold at the ri-k of the former purchaser. Purchaser to pav fcr papers. 11. A. SP\NN. 0. C. C. P. & G. S. October !. 189S -- Jwol. Attorneys for P.uintiff, Douglass & Douglas*; for ! efendaut It. W. Shaud By virtue of a decretal order of tLe Cm rt ol Common Pleas lor Lexington County. State (f South Carolina, in the case of Dovie Aloiira Reeio, Julia C. Snyder. Mary E. Snyder. Sallie Lorick, Lucy C Fra/.ee, Jese G Meetze and Eilie A. Reynolds, jiiintiffs, agaiust Mollie Meetze, M ile Meetza. Simeon Crayton Meetze. and Simeon Corlev. Trustee, and Drury J Harman. defendants, i will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, belore the court house door in Lexington, South Carolina, during the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in November, ; next; All those three pieces, pircels and tract3 of land, situate, lyiug and being in the County of Lexington, and State .ffortsaid, as follows: Tract A, containing twenty-eight acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of J. S. Heudrix, tracts C ai-d 11 o; the said lauds and the } ublic ro.nl. Tract 11, containing thirty two and threefourth acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Mrs. Martha A Hendrix. tracts A and C of said lands and the public road; and, Tract C, containing fifty one and onetonrth acres, more or less, u :d adjoining lauds of J. S. ILndiix. John J. Fox and Mrs Martha A. Hendrix and tracts A and 11 of said lands From tract 13 along the nor.hern boundary (hereof, ten feet is except* d for a road to connect tract C with the public road. TEbMS: - Onc-thi d cash: the bdance u two equal, succc-viveauDoal instalments, with interest l'roai day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold with leave to pay any or all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. H. A. fePANN. C C. C. P. and G. S. Clerk's < dice, October 11. lbU8. Etird A D.-eher for plu ntifts, and Meefze &, lluller attorneys for fiiineon Corley, Trustee, and Graham & Nel-oa, attorneys for Drnry J. Harman, defendant. 3w10. VIRTUE OF THE JUDGMENT OF JLJ the Court ot .i nmmoa Jtueas lor JUexingtou County, Sonrh Caro:ini, in the case of John Taylor, plaintiff. against Samuel J. Huffman Georg V?" Wright and Columbia P.uoqdiate Com; a-.y, d feudaiits, I will sell to the highest 1 huler a' public outcry, before the court bor e dor in Lexington County, S >ulh C troiin t, during the legal hours of s ;! , i n the first Monday in Noven ber, uexf; One undivided fifth interest of Samuel J. Huffman in the- plantation of the late Noah Huffman, (father of Samuel J. Huffman,) situate in Lexington County, in the fo^k of the Broad and Saluda r.vers. containing about six hundred acres, and bounded ou the north by lands ol C. P. Huffman and Srrah J. Huffman, 0:1 the west bj' lands ol John Lorick and the Saluda Manufacturing Company and on all other sides by the Broad and Saluda rivers. TERMS OF SALE:?One third cash: the balance on a credit of one and two years in equal successive annual instalments, with animal interest from day ol sale, secured by bond of tlm purchaser and a mortgage ol the premises soul: with have to pay ail c sh. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. II. A. SPAN*, C. C. C. P andG. S. Clerk's OlBec, October 11, 1SU8. R. W. Shorn! attorney lor plaintiff; Andrew Crawford attorney for Samuel J. Huffman and Clark it Mtiller attorneys foi Coin fidiia FhoMihate Comnar.v. defendants. 3w5'J. I)Y VIRTUE OF THE JUDGMENT OF j the Court of Com non Pleas for Lexington County, South Car dioa. in the ca e of Emanuel Walker, plaintiff, against Tyre W. Walker, Allen Wa!k?r, Isaac Walker, Rachel Black, Tnomis Waring, Ji-mj.s Waring. Hicksey Waring. Viola Battle, William Waricg. Thomas Waiing, Jr., Walter Waring and Luia Ellington, defendants, I will sell to the highest ! idder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S C? during the 1-ga! hours ol sale, on the first Mi u 'ay in November, Lext; One tru-t of land containing ten acres, more or less, about two miles west of the village of Lexington, purchased from George C >rley, and on which Isaac Walker and his fanrly resided, Ling on the Orangeburg and I'vo Notch public roads. One tract ot land containing seven acres, more or less, a 'j lining the above, purchased from Job Corley and lying on the Orangeburg and Two Notch public roads. All located in said county and State. TERMS OF SALE:-Cash. If. A. SPANN, C. C. C. P. and G S. Clerk's OJIiee, October 11, 1S9J. Albtrt M Boozc-r, attorney. 3w50. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT of the Court of Common Pleas for Lexing County South Carolina, in the case of David Hipp, pltiutiff aglinst S. D. Mirtin, Miry Ann Martin, Caroline Lucas. Polly Ann Alford, Mary-Jane Scibert, Jim Bush, Alice Busli, No ih Bush, Martha Emma B ish, Gi orge Bu.-h, JI nry Bush, Tillman Bush and Cleveland Bu h defendants, 1 will sell to the high* st bid le* at public outcry. before the court house d >or in Lexington. South Carolina, d iring the legal hours of sale on the rir-t Mondiv in November. next: All that piece, parcel or tract if land containing eighty seven acres, more or le*s, and bo 'nd d by'amisof Avery Cuma'ander, and Walter lhdiiw uigL-r and -Jacob Summer and Nelson " kil.i m .1 l.v Si/iinl nf file rmr. . " V ' "X"* "J - I I chaser ana a rcoit^f^e ol th< jircuisessolil: | with leave to pay all ci^lt. Purchaser to ! f.av for p.ipt-r.-: avl revenue st in ]>;. II. A. >1' vNX, <\ C. ('. I', ami G S. Cloik's Ollice, Cclober 11, lyI)S. I Urd A Jtiirlor plaintill 's attorneys; G r. Grab.i.'n, ai il Johnstone it \\ eli'h, at- I terneys :o tie ten i hints 3w50 Smoked pork sausage, dried beef, pickle tripe, etc., at the Bazaar. CLOSING OUT C! AfW 1 $20,000 Worth DRY GOODS, MM, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR 111 1.I.IM to be closed out by January J, Ib'Jb. Uoing out 01 business and to make this sale we now cut 25 per cent, below cost. Give us a look and save 75 cents on your purchases. One Upright Piano, good condition, $luO cash. IT. W. TRUMP, 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. October 13 - ly. DRS. D. L. BOOZER & SONS, ifflfDEIiflCTSjyife 1515 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, N. C. 'PIIOINE H:uk One of the tirm will fill appointments at Lexiiigjtoil, over Klinl Urelier*? Law Oflioo, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the Second Sunday of each month. Except Jaly and August when there will be no appointment. For months of February, June and September Court Week will take the place ol the regular appointment. Southern Fruit Co., W. H. MIXSON, Manager, 217 EAST BAY, OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE. CHZ-A-IBLIESTOIfcT, S. C.? MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FELLED. EVEETTSIITG IN THE FRUIT AND PRODUCE LIKE March 16. 1898 -tf PERKINS MANUFACTURING CO. YELLOW PINE LUMBER, MANUFACTURERS OF HIG-H DE FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISHINGS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES AND LATHS, I) < > <> It's ,SASII V rv I > BLINDS, ACGU8TA, GA. (?-ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED..?* February 1?ly. YOU WANT To know where to buy Plows. > 4 To know Avhere to buy Hames, IIAMESTRINGS, CLEVISES, LAP RINGS, HOES, AXES, all kinus of FARM IMPLEMENTS, COLLARS, BLINDS9 BRIDLES, HARDWARE for Your Houses, SHOE NAILS, HORSE AND JlCLE SHOES, TINWARE AND WOODENWARE, GO TO STEWART & PRENTISS, 1526 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. October 28. lyr. Rev. D. Arthur Phillips. Rock Hill Buggy Co.. Whitmire s. c.t September 24, isjs. Rock Hill, S. C. D.-ar Sirs: I have been using one of your pony phaetons for four years, to do a'l my pastoral and ministerial work. It his given entire sttisfaction. For comfort and durability it is equal to the best. With a coat of piint and -light repairs, just made, itlooks and rides like a new buggy. It will last a lorn; time. No one can buy a better buggy for the same money, than the "ROCK IIILL." With best wishes for yonr future. Sincerely yours. A It. PHILLIPS. "A Little Higher in Price? NOTE-"ROCK IIILL" Buggies are made with the greatest care and from the best material obtainable, and are warranted as represented. They cannot, tberetore, be sold at the price of "cheap john" stuff made hurriedly, painted quick and throve i together. But the advance in price is so very little above the Wes'na trash that no sensible man will object to pay it in order to get something he k-mtrs is the best. Sold by all first class dealers in every town and city in the Souih. When yon need a buggy insist upon your dealer supplying you with a "ROCK IIILL. " If he will not do it because the profit to him is nothing :ike what it would be on the clapo-trap stuff, write us. We'll see you get a genuine ROCK HILL" Buggy at the right price. ROCK HILL BUGGY COMPANY. For Sale by W. I*. KOOF, Lexington, S. C. H. J. GREGORY & CO., I)only & Sease, ?.i,:? Q p Ti^wirdnlo. S. 0.. VAJlUiiiUia, yj- | 7 ? - 7 MATTHEWS & BOUK&IGKT, 3Iay 11?ly. Leesville, S. C., .i